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Article history: A simple and rapid method based on microwave-assisted extraction (MAE) followed by capillary
Received 10 April 2012 electrophoresis (CE) was developed for the quantification of eight isoquinoline alkaloids in Chelidonium
Received in revised form majus L. (Ch. majus). The key parameters affecting CE separation and MAE extraction were investigated
17 July 2012
and optimized. Complete separation of eight alkaloids was achieved within only 9 min using a 500 mM
Accepted 25 July 2012
Available online 1 August 2012
Tris–H3PO4 buffer (pH 2.5) containing 50% (v/v) methanol and 2 mM HP-b-cyclodextrin. The optimal
MAE extraction was performed at 60 1C for 5 min with methanol–water–HCl (90:10:0.5, v/v/v) as the
Keywords: extracting solvent, which gave much higher extraction efficiency in significantly shorter time than
Microwave-assisted extraction conventional heat reflux extraction (HRE) and ultrasonic extraction (USE) methods. Good linearities
Capillary electrophoresis
were obtained for all the alkaloids investigated with correlation coefficients above 0.9994. The
Chelidonium majus L.
repeatability and intermediate precision were less than 4.11% and the recoveries ranged from 98.0%
Isoquinoline alkaloids
to 103.9%. The developed method was successfully applied to 14 Ch. majus samples obtained from
different regions of China. Compared with previously reported methods, the present method offers a
dramatic savings in overall analysis time and considerable reduction in solvent consumption.
& 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
0039-9140/$ - see front matter & 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Q. Zhou et al. / Talanta 99 (2012) 932–938 933
extraction of isoquinoline alkaloids from Ch. majus was investigated 2.2. Standard solutions
and demonstrated. For the first time, a simple and rapid method
based on MAE followed by CE with photodiode-array detection was A mixed stock solution of SAN, BER, COP, CHE, CHD, PRO, ALL
developed for the simultaneous determination of eight isoquinoline and STY was prepared in methanol. A series of working standard
alkaloids in Ch. majus. The analytical advantages of the present solutions were prepared by successive dilution of the stock
method over previously published methods in terms of extraction solution with methanol. All the solutions were stored at 4 1C
time, analysis time and solvent consumption were illustrated. until use.
2.3. Extraction
2. Experimental
2.3.1. Microwave-assisted extraction
2.1. Reagents and materials MAE was performed with an Ethos A Microwave-assisted
Extraction System (Milestone, Italy). 1.0 g of dried Ch. majus
Sanguinarine (SAN), berberine (BER) and coptisine (COP) were powder (20 mesh) was weighed accurately into a 100-mL Teflon
purchased from Chengdu Mansite Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. (Sichuan, extraction vessel and then extracted with 20 mL of methanol–
China). Chelerythrine (CHE), chelidonine (CHD), protopine (PRO) and water–HCl (90:10:0.5, v/v/v) for 5 min at 60 1C. After cooling, the
allocryptopine (ALL) were obtained from Shenzhen Medherb extract was centrifuged at 12,000 rpm for 3 min and the super-
Biotechnology Co., Ltd. (Shenzhen, China). Stylopine (STY) was natant was directly injected into the CE system.
isolated and purified from Ch. majus in the Laboratory of Drug
Metabolism and Pharmacokinetics, Shenyang Pharmaceutical Uni-
2.3.2. Ultrasonic extraction
versity (Shenyang, China) and its chemical structure was confirmed
1.0 g of dried Ch. majus powder (20 mesh) was weighed
based on UV, MS [m/z 324.1158([MþH] þ )], 1H-NMR [600 MHz,
accurately into a flask and then extracted with 20 mL of
CDCl3: d6.71(1H, s, H-1), 6.63(1H, s, H-4), 2.60–3.11(4H, m, H-5, 6),
methanol–water–HCl (90:10:0.5, v/v/v) in an ultrasonic bath for
3.51(1H, d, J¼15.3 Hz, H8-a), 4.14(1H, d, J¼15.3 Hz, H8-b), 6.65(1H,
30 min. After cooling, the extract was centrifuged at 12,000 rpm
d, J¼8.0 Hz, H-11), 6.63(1H, d, J¼8.0 Hz, H-12), 2.83(1H, dd, J¼15.6,
for 3 min and the supernatant was directly injected into the CE
11.5 Hz, H13-a), 3.21(1H, dd, J¼ 15.6, 11.5 Hz, H13-b), 3.59(1H, br.d,
J¼11.5 Hz, H-14), 5.94, 5.92(each 1H, d, J¼1.4 Hz, 2,3-OCH2O-),
5.91(2H, s, 9, 10 OCH2O-)] and 13C-NMR [150 MHz, CDCl3: 104.1
(C-1), 145.2, 145.0(C-2, 3), 107.4(C-4), 126.4(C-4a), 29.3(C-5), 50.2 2.3.3. Heat reflux extraction
(C-6), 51.8(C-8), 116.2(C-8a), 141.3(C-9), 144.0(C-10), 106.5(C-11), 1.0 g of dried Ch. majus power (20 mesh) was weighed
121.3(C-12), 130.2(C-12a), 36.3(C-13), 59.9(C-14), 127.1(C-14a), accurately into a 50-mL round bottom flask and then extracted
100.9(2, 3-OCH2O-), 101.6(9, 10-OCH2O-)] data. The purities of all with 20 mL of methanol–water–HCl (90:10:0.5, v/v/v) under
the compounds were over 98% determined by HPLC-UV. Sodium reflux for 1 h in a water bath at 60 1C. After cooling, the extract
hydroxide, sodium borate, hydrochloric acid and phosphoric acid of was centrifuged at 12,000 rpm for 3 min and the supernatant was
analytical grade were obtained from Dongxing Corporation (She- directly injected into the CE system.
nyang, China), Bodi Corporation (Tianjin, China), Xinyang Corpora-
tion (Henan, China) and Damao Corporation (Tianjin, China), 2.4. CE analysis
respectively. Methanol, acetonitrile and isopropanol of HPLC grade
were supplied by Concord Corporation (Tianjin, China). Tris CE analyses were carried out using an Agilent HP3D Capillary
(499.8%) was from Shanghai Sangon Biological Engineering Tech- Electrophoresis System (Agilent Technologies, Waldbrom, Germany)
nology & Services Co., Ltd. (Shanghai, China). Samples of Ch. majus equipped with a built-in photodiode-array detector and controlled
were collected from different regions in China and were identified by the ChemStation CE software. Separation was performed on an
by Professor Qishi Sun, School of Traditional Chinese Materia uncoated fused-silica capillary (Yongnian Optic Fiber Plant, Hebei,
Medica, Shenyang Pharmaceutical University (Shenyang, China). China) of 50 mm i.d. and 375 mm o.d. with a total length of 35 cm
The voucher specimens of these samples were deposited in the (26.7 cm length to detection window). The temperature of the
Laboratory of Drug Metabolism and Pharmacokinetics, Shenyang capillary cassette was maintained at 20 1C. The running buffer was
Pharmaceutical University (Shenyang, China). 500 mM Tris–H3PO4 buffer (pH 2.5) containing 50% (v/v) methanol
934 Q. Zhou et al. / Talanta 99 (2012) 932–938
Fig. 3. Electropherograms of a standard mixture of eight alkaloids (A) and an Fig. 4. Effect of temperature on the extraction of eight alkaloids from Ch. majus
extract from a Ch. majus sample (B). Peaks: (1) sanguinarine; (2) coptisine; (n¼3).
(3) chelerythrine; (4) berberine; (5) chelidonine; (6) protopine; (7) allocryptopine;
(8) stylopine; U1, U2 and U3 are unknown components in Ch. majus. Buffer:
500 mM Tris–H3PO4 buffer (pH 2.5) containing 50% (v/v) methanol and 2 mM HP-
b-cyclodextrin. Separation capillary: 50 mm i.d. uncoated fused-silica capillary,
35 cm in length (26.7 cm effective length). Applied voltage: 20 kV. Detection
wavelength: 205 nm.
Table 1
Linearity, LOD and LOQ for quantification of eight alkaloids in Ch. majus.
Compound Linear range (mg/mL) Regression equation r FLOF LOQ (mg/mL) LOD (mg/mL)
Table 2
Precision and accuracy for quantification of eight alkaloids in Ch. majus.
Compound Injection precision RSD (%) Repeatability RSD (%) Intermediate precision RSD (%) Recovery (%)
Peak area Migration time Peak area Migration time Peak area Migration time
Table 3
Contents of eight alkaloids (mg/kg) in 14 batches of Ch. majus samples (n¼ 3).
Liaoning1 10807 80 5768 7 305 338 7 13 1161 7 50 864 7 4 833 7 38 1577 7 23477 102
Hebei2 1122 7 19 2933 7 312 384 7 2 517 7 5 977 7 12 511 7 3 1107 4 11277 17
Heilongjiang1 11017 10 3524 7 25 437 7 13 505 7 9 798 7 19 522 7 3 1507 9 20267 104
Sichuan1 17607 23 8799 7 375 783 7 21 902 7 25 10087 27 876 7 10 2087 6 11507 37
Liaoning2 9097 2 4138 7 9 294 7 1 908 7 2 687 7 4 678 7 4 1207 5 17967 23
Zhejiang 1127 7 39 67007 218 476 7 20 500 7 21 719 7 14 599 7 6 1757 4 11597 61
Jilin1 1391 7 31 74087 1103 459 7 4 682 7 14 885 7 19 7007 23 2097 10 1118 7 18
Sichuan2 1456 7 42 80457 50 635 7 15 634 7 24 851 7 35 748 7 20 1947 10 1617 7 68
Heilongjiang2 1183 7 14 28047 61 445 7 12 531 7 10 886 7 11 448 7 4 1277 2 20697 80
Shanxi 1224 7 40 6227 7 122 420 7 2 541 7 4 722 7 37 566 7 20 1507 3 18737 3
Jiangsu 8527 6 4974 7 186 298 7 3 410 7 7 514 7 12 475 7 9 1347 3 12757 18
Hernan 1144 7 16 5988 7 229 403 7 9 501 7 14 6707 30 560 7 24 1657 3 17047 24
Jilin2 1319 7 12 60297 145 426 7 16 550 7 2 793 7 29 634 7 24 1577 2 16277 13
Hebei1 12097 41 32097 120 432 7 16 499 7 4 1012 7 36 542 7 11 1277 6 16747 27
Table 4
Comparison of different methods for quantification of alkaloids in Ch. majus.
Solvent Solvent
Extraction Subsequent sample Number of
Time consumption Method Time consumption
methoda treatment analytes
(mL/g sample) (mL per run)
MAE, microwave-assisted extraction; IE, immerse extraction; USE, ultrasonic extraction; SPE, solid-phase extraction; HRE, heat reflux extraction.
from several hours to 8 min and the analysis time of the present CE in sample analysis time and solvent consumption. The combina-
method was 2–6 times shorter than those reported in the literature. tion of MAE with CE was an effective method for rapid analysis of
Moreover, considerable reduction of solvent consumption was isoquinoline alkaloids in Ch. majus.
achieved using the present method. These results indicate that
MAE combined with CE analysis is a good choice for rapid extraction
and analysis of isoquinoline alkaloids in Ch. majus. Acknowledgments
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