Zhang G
Zhang G
Zhang G
Keywords Physical activity, General self-efficacy, Stress self-management, Mental health, Physical education
According to the WHO, 14% 10–19 year-olds experience mental health conditions, accounting for 13% of the
global burden of disease in this age group. Depression, anxiety and behavioural disorders are among the leading
causes of illness and disability among adolescents. By 2030, depression alone is projected to become the primary
cause of disability and reduced life e xpectancy1. Adolescents are immature in physiological and psychological
development and facing greater pressures in various aspects such as higher education, self and peer, are observed
to be more susceptible to experiencing mental health i ssues2,3. Moreover, psychological challenges during ado-
lescence can significantly influence mental health in adulthood, leading to adverse o utcomes4. Understanding
the pathways that contribute to adolescents’ stress self-management levels and mental health is crucial for imple-
menting effective measures to prevent and alleviate serious issues like anxiety and depression.
Physical activity is recognized as a significant means to foster the holistic development of adolescents, encom-
passing both physical and mental health. Prior studies have indicated that engaging in moderate-to-vigorous
physical activity is linked to reduced depression and anxiety5,6. Consistently participating in physical activity has
been correlated with improved mental h ealth7–9. Regular engagement in physical activity implies that adolescents
develop better self-management skills and time allocation, often characterized by increased autonomy. This
behavior reduces the likelihood of engaging in activities detrimental to their mental well-being, such as excessive
screen time10. In addition, they can cope with the emergency stressors better which makes them keep more stable
mental health11. However, a recent study discovered that adolescents engaging exclusively in individual physi-
cal activities reported higher psychological issues like anxiety and depression compared to non-participants12.
Furthermore, a study demonstrated that individuals with high rumination stress exhibited heightened negative
emotional responses after a solitary riding intervention subsequent to stress-inducing s timuli13. Variations in
the type of physical activity appear to yield distinct effects on mental health, with individuals’ characteristics also
influencing how physical activity impacts their mental well-being14. The precise psychological processes altered
by physical activity remain to be clearly delineated.
Self-efficacy, a key component of Bandura’s social cognitive theory, is considered integral to social competence.
It encompasses individuals’ belief in their ability to effectively navigate the demands of dynamic societal condi-
tions and to tackle challenges in evolving societies15. Connolly discovered a connection between one’s behavior,
School of Physical Education, Shandong University, Jinan 250061, China. *email: [email protected]
social environment, and self-efficacy16. Furthermore, the exercise and self-esteem models suggest that physical
activity is linked to the process of self-perception and self-evaluation. Individuals who engage in regular physical
activity consistently demonstrate elevated levels of self-efficacy17. Furthermore, a previous study indicated that
individuals with initially high levels of physical activity, even if declining, exhibited greater self-efficacy than
those with low physical activity levels that were also declining18. This phenomenon could be attributed to the
consistent accomplishment of self-set physical activity goals, contributing to heightened self-confidence and
self-perception. Consequently, individuals may develop an enhanced sense of self-efficacy. Elevated levels of self-
efficacy correlate with reduced depression and anxiety, as well as an increased sense of subjective well-being19.
Earlier investigations demonstrated that typically developing adolescents exhibited higher self-efficacy in contrast
to emotionally disturbed counterparts16. Individuals with greater self-efficacy exhibit increased confidence in
addressing unforeseen life challenges, approach problems with a positive attitude, thereby fostering a heightened
stability in their mental health. Physical activity potentially enhances mental well-being via the intermediary of
self-efficacy, achieved by heightening the pleasure and emotional states during acute exercise s essions20.
Stress management involves techniques aimed at helping individuals recognize and cope with stressors
through a range of s trategies21. In contrast to general stress management, stress self-management pertains spe-
cifically to stress management behaviors undertaken voluntarily by individuals22. Earlier research categorized
stress management strategies into dimensions of problem-focused, emotion-focused, and avoidance s trategies23.
Optimal selection of stress management strategies appears contingent upon the nature of the stressor. Broadly,
problem-focused and emotion-focused strategies are adaptive coping mechanisms, while avoidance strategies
tend to be m aladaptive23–25. Individuals capable of selecting adaptive stress management strategies for particular
stressors demonstrate enhanced stress self-management skills. Currently, adolescents primarily contend with
substantial stressors arising from academic demands, which have exhibited a gradual upward trend over the
past two d ecades26. Physical activity is recognized as a crucial stress management strategy. Research indicates
that individuals engaging in regular physical activity exhibit improved cognitive and executive functions27,28.
They are also more inclined to employ adaptive coping strategies for daily stressors and demonstrate enhanced
resilience in facing unexpected challenges. Regular participation in physical activity is typically linked to elevated
levels of stress self-management. Hampel’s research revealed that adolescents often employ maladaptive stress
self-management strategies to address life stressors, interestingly, adaptive problem-solving and emotion-focused
stress management strategies exhibited a decline with advancing a ge29. Research suggests that adolescents who
predominantly resort to maladaptive stress self-management strategies are at a heightened risk of developing
depression and a nxiety30. Prioritizing stress management that centers on addressing the stressor directly for prob-
lem resolution, rather than avoiding or redirecting attention has been linked to improved mental health31. Con-
sistent engagement in physical activity is believed to enhance cognitive and executive capacities in a dolescents27.
Consequently, adolescents acquire improved stress management skills, enabling them to address stressors directly
and subsequently fostering positive impacts on mental health.
Self-efficacy and stress self-management may mediate the association between physical activity and mental
health, but there is also an association between them. Drawing from self-efficacy theory, individuals tend to
steer clear of tasks and situations they perceive as exceeding their capabilities, while engaging in activities they
believe they are competent a t32. Individuals with higher self-efficacy possess greater confidence in their abilities,
leading them to embrace adaptive stress self-management strategies instead of avoidance tactics. As a result,
they generally exhibit enhanced stress self-management skills. Prior studies have demonstrated that individuals
with elevated self-efficacy are more inclined to employ constructive stress coping s trategies29,33. Collectively,
the mentioned studies reveal that self-efficacy and stress self-management, integral aspects of self-perception
and self-competence, are regarded as significant protective factors for mental health19,31. It appears that the link
between physical activity and mental health might be influenced initially by self-efficacy and subsequently by
stress self-management.
Despite frequent exploration of the association between physical activity and mental health, the underlying
mechanisms of this relationship largely remain elusive. Specifically, uncertainties persist regarding the impact of
regular participation in physical activity on stress self-management ability, and whether self-efficacy and stress
self-management act as mediators in the connection between physical activity and mental health. Consequently,
there is a compelling need to investigate these interrelationships among adolescents. Furthermore, adolescents
encounter stressors from various dimensions, and these stressors stand as significant contributors to psychologi-
cal issues. Exploring protective factors influencing adolescents’ stress self-management levels and mental health
statuses is pivotal for effective interventions aimed at enhancing adolescent mental well-being. Hence, the present
study aimed to explore the correlation between physical activity, self-efficacy, stress self-management, and mental
health among adolescents. Furthermore, it seeks to delve into the potential mediating roles of self-efficacy and
stress self-management. Drawing from previous research, we have formulated a theoretical model (Fig. 1) and put
forth the following hypotheses: (1) physical activity is positive related to mental health. (2) self-efficacy mediate
the relationship between physical activity and mental health. (3) stress self-management mediate the relationship
between physical activity and mental health. (4) self-efficacy and stress self-management play a chain mediation
role between physical activity and mental health.
training to ensure the study’s integrity. Students interested in participating were provided with an explanation
of the study’s concept and purpose by the investigators. Upon agreeing to participate, students were given access
to an electronic questionnaire, which they completed diligently. The questionnaire covered various aspects,
including basic sociodemographic information, levels of physical activity, self-efficacy, stress self-management,
and mental health indicators. I have followed the STROBE checklist of cross-sectional studies. The study pro-
tocol received ethical approval from the Ethics Committee of the School of Basic Medical Sciences, Shandong
University (Approval No. ECSBMSSDU2023-1-74).
400 participants completed the questionnaire, and 43 of them were excluded due to miss values with an effec-
tive rate of 89.25%. Among them, 198 (55.5%) were male and 159 (44.5%) were female, 140 (39.2%) were grade
1, 98 (27.5%) were grade 2, 119 (33.3%) were grade 3, 17 (4.8%) came from single-parent family, all came from
city. The average age of participants was 13.74 (SD = 1.037) from age 12–16 years.
Physical activity
The Health Promotion Lifestyle Profile includes Six dimensions that describe self-initiated actions and percep-
tions of health promotion behaviours34. In this study, we used physical activity dimension that include eight items
to evaluate how often they adopt promotion physical activity. A 4-point Likert scale was used for quantification,
with a score of 1 (never) to 4 (routinely) for each item. The scoring interval is 8 to 32 points. Higher scores indi-
cated better exercise habits. In current study, Cronbach’s alpha coefficient is 0.9.
The Chinese version of the General Self-Efficacy Scale revised by Wang et al. was used to measure global self-
efficacy of adolescents. The GSES consists of 10 items with 4-point score ranging from 1 (not at all true) to 4
(completely true)35. The range of the total scale was 10–40 points. Higher scores indicated higher levels of general
self-efficacy. In this study, the Cronbach’s alpha coefficient is 0.92.
Stress self‑management
The Health Promotion Lifestyle Profile (HPLP) stress management subscale was used to measure the adolescent
stress self-management level34. The questionnaire on stress self-management includes 8 items and asked respond-
ents to indicate how often they adopted health-promoting stress management behaviours. A 4-point Likert scale
ranging from 1 (never) to 4 (routinely) was used to quantification. The range of total scale was 8–32 points.
Higher the scores indicated higher levels of stress self-management. The Cronbach’s alpha coefficient is 0.87.
Mental health
The Kessler 10 Psychological Distress Scale (K10) is a short self-management rating scale that can detect the risk
opulation36. The 10-item scale measured the frequency of non-specific mental
of psychological conditions in a p
health-related symptoms such as anxiety and depression levels experienced in the previous 4 weeks. Likert’s
5-point scoring method was used for each question, and 1 (all the time) to 5 (hardly) points were scored. Higher
the scores indicated better mental health. The Cronbach’s alpha coefficient is 0.95.
Statistical analysis
The data initially collected through the questionnaire platform, specifically the Questionnaire Star platform
(https://www.wjx.cn/), was exported for analysis. Descriptive statistics, Cronbach’s alpha test, reliability assess-
ments, and spearman correlation analyses were conducted using SPSS version 27. For the mediation analysis,
Hayes’ PROCESS macro in SPSS (version 4.1) was employed. The bootstrap method, involving 5000 resampling
iterations to establish robustness and accuracy, was utilized to establish 95% confidence intervals (CIs) for
determining the significance of mediating effects. Significance was attributed to direct or indirect effects when
the CI did not encompass zero. Gender, age, grade and family structure were included as control variables in the
model.ALL variables were standardized before their inclusion in the mediation model.
Common method bias analysis
The data for this study were gathered through an online self-assessment approach, which has the potential to
introduce common method bias. To address this concern, Harman’s one-way analysis of variance test was con-
ducted to scrutinise the factors associated with all the items encompassed in the study. Through exploratory
factor analysis, 7 factors emerged with eigenvalues surpassing 1. However, the variance explained by the first
factor was 30.06%, which is below the critical threshold of 40%. This analysis suggests that there is no significant
common method b ias37.
Multicollinearity test
Since there was a significant correlation among all variables, multicollinearity problem may existed leading to
unstable results. Therefore, this study conducted multicollinearity diagnostics and standardized the predictor
variables in each subsequent equation (to Z-scores). The results found that the tolerance (1–17.7) of all predictor
variables is greater than 0.1, and the Variance Inflation Factor (1.240–2.128) is less than 5. Therefore, there is no
serious multicollinearity problem in the data, which meets the conditions for further chain mediation analyses.
Mediation analyses
After controlled variables such as gender, age, grade, and family structure among adolescents, a mediation effect
test procedure was employed to assess the indirect impact of physical activity on mental health. This indirect
effect was found to be mediated by self-efficacy and stress self-management39. The model’s fit and the significance
of each path coefficient were evaluated using the PROCESS macro program in SPSS, as outlined by Hayes (2017).
Table 2 shows the regression coefficients for the self-efficacy and stress self-management mediators. The
results showed that physical activity was positively and significantly associated with self-efficacy (β = 0.2797,
p < 0.001) and stress self-management (β = 0.5535, p < 0.001). Self-efficacy and stress self-management (β = 0.1545,
p < 0.001) and mental health (β = 0.2858, p < 0.001) was positively and significantly related. In addition, stress
self-management and mental health was positively and significantly related (β = 0.6188, p < 0.001). No significant
association was observed between physical activity and mental health.
Table 3 and Fig. 2 illustrates the results of the mediation analysis. The direct effect of physical activity on
mental health was not significant, but the indirect effect was significant (95% CI: 0.3061-0.6065). The indirect
effects of physical activity on mental health via self-efficacy and stress self-management were 0.0799 (95% CI:
0.0041-0.1801) and 0.3425 (95% CI: 0.2044-0.4948) significantly. In addition, the chained mediating effect of
M SD 1 2 3 4
Physical activity 20.54 20.182 1 0.409400** 0.716677** 0.223283**
Self-efficacy 29.46 4.859 1 0.406379** 0.256300**
Stress self-management 21.4 4.616 1 0.373386**
Mental health 40.59 8.763 1
Table 1. Descriptive analysis and bivariate correlations among key variables. **p < 0.01.
Table 2. The results of the regression estimate of the chained mediation model. ***p < 0.001.
95% C.I
Effect Pathways Estimated Boot S.E Lower Upper
Direct effect PA → MH − 0.1785 0.0962 − 0.3607 0.0037
Effect PA → SE → MH 0.0799 0.0459 0.0041 0.1801
PA → SSM → MH 0.3425 0.0732 0.2044 0.4948
PA → SE → SSM → MH 0.0267 0.0126 0.0070 0.0560
Total effect 0.2707 0.0696 0.1338 0.4076
Total indirect effect 0.4492 0.0752 0.3061 0.6065
Table 3. Results of mediation analysis. ***P < 0.001. S.E standard error, CI confidence interval. PA physical
activity, MH mental health, SE self-efficacy, SSM stress self-management.
Figure 2. Effect of the chain-mediating model of self-efficacy and stress self-management on physical activity
and mental health. ***p<0.001.
self-efficacy and stress self-management was 0.0267 (95% CI: 0.0070-0.0560). Therefore, self-efficacy and stress
self-management play a complete mediating role between physical activity and mental health.
This study explored the underlying mechanisms that link physical activity, self-efficacy, stress self-management,
and mental health. The findings affirmed a noteworthy positive correlation between physical activity and mental
health, thereby substantiating hypothesis H1. These results align with the findings of Doré et al. and consequently
provide additional confirmation that physical activity stands as a crucial protective factor for mental h ealth7.
Simultaneously, this study revealed that the link between physical activity and mental health lost its signifi-
cance once the two mediating variables of self-efficacy and stress self-management were introduced. Moreover,
the comprehensive indirect effect of these two mediating variables was deemed significant, and the indirect
effect significantly outweighed the direct effect. This pattern indicated that self-efficacy and stress self-manage-
ment jointly mediated the connection between physical activity and mental health. The outcomes indicated that
physical activity initially predicted mental health without accounting for mediating variables. However, when
self-efficacy and stress self-management were considered as mediating variables, their presence mediated the
relationship between physical activity and mental health. This suggests that physical activity serves as a more
distal factor influencing mental health, potentially due to its intrinsic nature. Physical activity is a consciously
planned behavior rooted in personal intentions and m otivations40. It also constitutes a behaviour shaped by
external environmental influences, serving personal development or external incentives41. Positive outcomes
or experiences gained from physical activity, particularly when proportional gains and positive experiences
are achieved, are more likely to yield enhanced effects on mental h ealth42–44. When adolescents were unable to
obtain a good experience from physical activity or fail to meet their motivations, it may not have an impact on
their mental h ealth45. Physical activity experiences varied among individuals, and the effects of physical activ-
ity are not immediately p erceptible46,47. Mental health improvements required prolonged intervention and was
influenced by a multitude of factors48, with physical activity being just one of them. The time lag in observing
the effects of physical activity on mental health can lead to its influence being overshadowed or affected by other
factors, such as stressors and unexpected events in l ife49. Therefore, making adolescents more promptly aware of
the benefits of physical activity is a core element in promoting their mental health.
The findings further substantiate the assertion that physical activity can influence mental health via the auton-
omous mediation of self-efficacy and stress self-management, as well as through the interconnected mediation
of both. Hypotheses H2, H3, and H4 were confirmed. This underscores the significance of bolstered self-efficacy
and proficient stress self-management as fundamental routes through which physical activity exerts its impact
on mental health. In contemporary times, the Resilience Portfolio Model has emerged as a vital framework for
comprehending the holistic landscape of protective factors and mental health processes among individuals navi-
gating adversity50–52. This model delineates protective factors into three domains: regulation, meaning-making,
and interpersonal factors, highlighting the pivotal role of enhancing self-worth, refining self-regulation, and
fostering positive interpersonal relationships as crucial protective mechanisms for mental health44. Previous
studies have illuminated the mediating role of resilience in connecting physical activity with mental health53.
Likewise, research has identified self-efficacy and stress self-management, integral components of personal
value and self-regulation, respectively as correlates of regular physical a ctivity32,33. Self-efficacy theory posits
that self-efficacy levels correlate with the perception of one’s capabilities and the mobilization of intrinsic cogni-
tive resources, significantly influencing coping efficacy. Individuals endowed with high self-efficacy are inclined
to harness their internal resources to confront life’s changes, thus showcasing enhanced stress management
prowess. Conversely, individuals with lower self-efficacy often perceive themselves as incapable of effectively
managing various life stressors, which may lead to passive coping strategies and reduced stress management
efficacy. Further investigations have highlighted the association between self-efficacy and the behavioral stages
of stress management, as outlined by the transtheoretical model54. The decrement in self-efficacy coincides with
diminished engagement in stress self-management behaviors. Consequently, the impact of physical activity on
mental health is channeled through the pathways of personal value and self-regulation, as well as through the
intricate chain mediation involving personal value and self-regulation.
Indeed, the mediating role of self-efficacy can be illuminated from two key perspectives, both centered on the
reinforcement of the personal value of physical activity. From this vantage point, self-efficacy operates through the
lenses of individual perceptions regarding the effects and experiences derived from engaging in physical activity.
Physical activity yields direct associations with a host of favorable outcomes encompassing physical fitness, body
image, subjective physical well-being, positive emotional experiences, self-esteem, and overall life s atisfaction42.
This amalgamation of factors collectively constitutes a cognitive resource reservoir that bolsters mental health and
fosters positive well-being. Those individuals who experience positive outcomes and emotions stemming from
physical activity are more inclined to consistently take part in it. This sustained engagement fosters heightened
self-perceptions, thereby contributing to elevated self-efficacy. As adolescents’ self-efficacy gains traction, the
net result is a mitigation of negative emotions and a more optimistic approach to confronting life’s challenges.
Previous research has underscored that mental health has direct links to positive and negative memory biases and
positive interpretation biases, while the relationship with negative interpretation biases remains non-significant55.
Consequently, individuals who reap positive exercise experiences and outcomes through physical activity tend
to manifest heightened self-efficacy. This self-efficacy equips them with the tools to confront life’s stressors with
a more optimistic disposition, thereby cultivating a more favorable and resilient psychological well-being.
From an alternative standpoint, the mediation effect of stress self-management can be illuminated through
the lens of augmented self-regulation. A multitude of studies have underscored that physical activity engenders
positive emotional experiences and exhibits a positive correlation with favorable responses to external s timuli12,27.
When confronted with stress-inducing stimuli, individuals who engage in regular physical activity are more
inclined to opt for adaptive coping mechanisms. Rooted in prior research, heightened levels of habitual physi-
cal activity are linked to an elevated capacity for stress self-management, for two plausible rationales. Firstly,
individuals who consistently partake in physical activity tend to perceive lower levels of s tress24. This, in turn,
translates into a milder stress response. Such individuals are apt at emotional regulation, consequently mani-
festing a greater self-perceived efficacy in managing stress. Secondly, physical activity constitutes a deliberate
behavior driven by intentions and goals, necessitating the coordinated functioning of an individual’s cognitive
and executive systems. The self-regulatory system, meanwhile, is built on an individual’s cognitive response to
intricate external contexts. Individuals who routinely engage in physical activity generally engage in positive
cognitive reappraisal, enabling them to navigate changes in their external environment through adaptive m eans27.
This skill set is indicative of heightened stress self-management capability.
In conclusion, this study holds noteworthy significance on multiple fronts. Theoretically, it constructs a
comprehensive chain mediation model, unraveling potential mechanisms through which physical activity influ-
ences mental health. This contribution bears substantial theoretical implications for understanding the intricate
underpinnings of mental health outcomes. Moreover, this research represents the pioneering exploration of the
interplay between physical activity, self-efficacy, stress self-management, and mental health within the context
of Chinese adolescents, thereby extending the application of The Resilience Portfolio Model. From a practical
standpoint, this study offers valuable guidance for fostering the mental health of adolescents.
The outcomes of this study provide actionable insights into enhancing adolescent mental health. First, educa-
tional bodies, schools, and parents should prioritize the cultivation of adolescents’ awareness and habits related
to physical activity. This strategic emphasis can effectively mitigate negative emotions through exercise, thereby
nurturing robust mental health among adolescents. Furthermore, educational settings, especially physical edu-
cation, should concentrate on instructing students to set goals for their physical activity endeavors. Conducting
assessments of exercise objectives and outcomes, accompanied by timely encouragement, can notably bolster
adolescents’ self-efficacy. Finally, schools were advised to disseminate information on the positive influence of
consistent participation in physical activities on the enhancement of stress self-management aptitude and mental
well-being. Schools can proactively broaden the scope of physical activity offerings that align with adolescents’
physiological attributes and preferences, thereby providing multifaceted stress-relief avenues and facilitating the
ongoing improvement of mental health.
measurements of the variables under investigation. Furthermore, the study’s focus on the mediating role of self-
efficacy and stress self-management leaves room for the inclusion of additional relevant moderating variables in
future research. By incorporating these variables, a more comprehensive understanding of how physical activity
influences mental health can be achieved, allowing for a more nuanced exploration of the underlying dynamics.
In summary, this study elucidated the intricate relationship between physical activity and mental health,
revealing the mediating roles of self-efficacy and stress self-management. This study underscores that the impact
of physical activity on adolescents’ mental health operates through independent mediation of self-efficacy, inde-
pendent mediation of stress self-management, and chain mediation involving both self-efficacy and stress self-
management. These findings enrich our understanding of the predictive influence of physical activity on mental
health. The implications of these findings extend to interventions aimed at fostering physical activity engage-
ment, enhancing self-efficacy, and promoting effective stress self-management, all of which have the potential to
positively contribute to enhancing adolescents’ mental health. As the field advances, future research endeavours
could delve deeper into discerning which specific types of physical activity are particularly effective in bolstering
self-efficacy and stress self-management abilities. This could provide valuable insights into crafting targeted and
efficacious interventions to improve adolescent mental health.
Data availability
The data supporting this study’s findings are available from the corresponding author upon reasonable request.
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We thank all the participants for their efforts in our study.
Author contributions
Study design and data collection: T.L., X.Z.; Analysis and interpretation of the data: G.Z., W.F.; Writing original
draft: G.Z. Writing-review and editing: L.Z., T.L., G.Z. All authors have read and agreed to the published version
of the manuscript.
The work was supported by Social Science Planning Project of Shandong province, grant number 21DTYJ01.
Competing interests
The authors declare no competing interests.
Additional information
Correspondence and requests for materials should be addressed to T.L.
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