Essay Rubric P3 (16) IBDP Geo
Essay Rubric P3 (16) IBDP Geo
Essay Rubric P3 (16) IBDP Geo
Knowledge & understanding Application and analysis Terminology Synthesis and evaluation Skills and techniques
0 The work does not reach a standard described by the descriptors below.
1-4 The response is general, not focused on the question, and lacks detail and structure.
The response is very brief or Evidence is not used to formulate Everyday language is used; there No evidence of evaluation or Information is listed but is not
general, listing a series of an argument or an analysis. is little use of geographical conclusion is expected at this grouped together in paragraphs,
unconnected comments or terminology or it is used with level. or paragraphing is erratic.
largely irrelevant information. errors in understanding.
No links are presented between If present, the conclusion is brief,
Evidence is general or relevant the response and (sub)topics in does not summarize the
to the topic, but not the the guide. argument and/or does not
question. address the question.
No valid opinion or perspective on
Evidence (that is, facts, the issue is formulated.
statistics, examples or
theories) is listed, lacks detail,
and the relevance to the
question is unclear.
5-8 The response only partially addresses the question; evidence is both relevant and irrelevant and is largely unstructured.
The response partially The evidence presented supports Key geographical terms are No evidence of evaluation or Paragraphs do not reflect
addresses the question and/or only one element or interpretation defined briefly. The terminology conclusion is expected at this grouping of information that
does not meet the of the question. used is both relevant and level. addresses a specific element of
requirements of the command irrelevant to the question. the question.
term. Key evidence is not The link(s) between the response
included. and the guide focus on one topic; If present, the conclusion is
other potential links are listed. one-sided, addressing only part
A mix of relevant and A valid but limited opinion or of the question.
irrelevant evidence is outlined perspective on the issue is
(that is, facts, statistics, formulated.
examples or theories) and any
links to the question are only
The response addresses most parts of the question with developed links to the guide and outlines an analysis supported by relevant evidence but may lack clear links
between paragraphs.
The question is broken down The analysis outlines a two-sided Correct definitions are given, and Synthesis or evaluation is A series of standalone
into parts and most parts of argument briefly (if appropriate) relevant and irrelevant specialist required at this level. paragraphs each addressing a
the question are addressed in and is mostly descriptive, using geographical terms are used with specific element of the question
the response, with supporting examples as explanation. occasional errors; or everyday Links between the response and but lacking clear links connecting
evidence for each aspect of language is used. the guide refer to multiple topics them all into a coherent whole.
the question. The response and are described.
meets the requirements of the The conclusion repeats and
command term. Opinion or perspective presented summarizes the analysis or
is aligned with the response but argument, but may contain new
Relevant evidence (that is, the links are not made explicit or information as well.
facts, statistics, examples or the link is a general statement.
theories) is described, focused
on the question and mostly Other perspectives or
correct. Links with the question interpretations are listed without
are described. details.
13-16 The response addresses all aspects of the question; the analysis is explained and evaluated using evidence integrated in the paragraphs, and it is well structured.
All aspects of the question are The response explains how the Clear, correct definitions and use Synthesis and evaluation is Paragraphs focus on a relevant
addressed and the response two sides of the argument (if of geographical language is required at this level. point of the argument and
meets the requirements of the appropriate) are supported by integrated in the sentences and integrate the supporting evidence.
command term. detailed evidence that is throughout the response. Links between the response and Paragraphs are linked and
integrated in sentences. (sub)topics from the guide are support the logical flow of the
Detailed evidence (that is, explained and supported by the argument and response.
facts, statistics, examples or evidence in the response.
theories) are integrated in The conclusion summarizes the
sentences and paragraphs, The opinion or perspective evidence and argument, and links
and links made between presented is explicitly linked to all back to the question.
evidence and the question are the range of evidence included in
explained and relevant. the response, including critical
analysis of the relative certainty
of evidence used, describing other
perspectives or interpretations of