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Pinnacle Infotech Solutions

Pay Slip for the month of January-2024

Employee Code : PIS02979 Esi No. :
Name : Mr. Subha nka r Da s PF No. : WB/DGP/0041903/00012816
Father Name : Ka ma l Da s Aadhar : 252342690557
Location : Wes t Benga l
UAN No. : 101734081675
Designation : Senior Engineer
Department : BIM
Bank Name : ICICI Ba nk Ltd
Sub Department : DGP-MECH-06
IFSC Code : ICIC0000188
Level : N/A
Bank Ac No. : 018801529191 (ICICI Ba nk Ltd)
LWP : 0.00
Arrear Days : 0.00
Payable Days : 31.00
Tax Regime : OLD
Leave Name Opening Balance Availed Leave Closing Balance
Ca s ua l Lea ve 0.00 0.00 3.00
Privilege Lea ve 5.75 1.00 6.00

Earnings Deductions
Description Rate Monthly Arrear Total Description Amount
Ba s ic + DA 14992.00 14992.00 0.00 14992.00 INCOME TAX 2797.00
HRA 5496.00 5496.00 0.00 5496.00 PF 1800.00
TA 1600.00 1600.00 0.00 1600.00 PROF. TAX 200.00
Medica l Reimburs ements 1250.00 1250.00 0.00 1250.00
Other Reimburs ements 24635.00 24635.00 0.00 24635.00
CCL 1599.00 0.00 1599.00
GROSS EARNINGS 47973.00 49572.00 0.00 49572.00 GROSS DEDUCTIONS 4797.00

Net Pay : 44,775.00

Net Pay in words : INR forty Four Thous a nd Seven Hundred Seventy Five Only

Income Ta x Works heet for the Period April 2023 - Ma rch 2024(Propos ed Inves tments )
Description Gross Exempt Taxable Deduction Under Chapter VI-A Taxable HRA Calculation(NON-METRO)
Ta xa ble Incentive 32453.00 0.00 32453.00 Investments u/s 80C Exempted Qua lifying Rent Pa id 0.00
Ba s ic + DA 179904.00 0.00 179904.00 ELSS 24000.00 150000.00 From 01/04/2023
HRA 70952.00 0.00 70952.00 LIC DIRECT 12000.00 150000.00 To 31/03/2024
TA 19200.00 0.00 19200.00 MUTUAL FUND 24000.00 150000.00 1. Actua l HRA 70952.00
Medica l Reimburs ements 15000.00 0.00 15000.00 PROVIDENT FUND 21600.00 150000.00 2. 40% or 50% of Ba s ic 71962.00
Other Reimburs ements 295620.00 0.00 295620.00 3. Rent - 10% Ba s ic 0.00
CCL 24153.00 0.00 24153.00 Lea s t of a bove is exempt 0.00
Taxable HRA 70952.00

Gross 637282.00 0.00 637282.00 Total of Investments u/s 80C 81600.00 150000.00 TDS Deducted Monthly
Deductions U/S 80C 81600.00 150000.00 Month Amount
Previous Employer Ta xa ble Income 0.00 Total of Ded Under Chapter VI-A 81600.00 150000.00 April-2023 0.00
Profes s iona l Ta x 2400.00 Ma y-2023 0.00
Under Cha pter VI-A 81600.00 June-2023 0.00
Sta nda rd Deduction 50000.00 July-2023 0.00
Any Other Income 0.00 Augus t-2023 0.00
Ta xa ble Income 503280.00 September-2023 0.00
Tota l Ta x 13156.00 October-2023 0.00
Ma rgina l Relief 0.00 November-2023 2603.00
Ta x Reba te 0.00 December-2023 2687.00
Surcha rge 0.00 Ja nua ry-2024 2797.00
Ta x Due 0.00 Ta x Deducted on Perq. 0.00
Educa tiona l Ces s 526.00 Total 8087.00
Net Ta x 13682.00
Ta x Deducted (Previous Employer) 0.00
Ta x Deducted on Perq. 0.00
Ta x Deducted on Any Other Income. 0.00
Ta x Deducted Till Da te 8087.00
Ta x to be Deducted 5595.00
Ta x/Month 2797.00 Total of Any Other Income 0.00
Ta x on Non-Recurring Ea rnings 0.00
Ta x Credit Amount (87A) 0.00
Tax Deduction for this month 2797.00

Personal Note: This is a system generated payslip, does not require any signature.

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