Dictionary (Dress and Design - 中英)

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An English-Chinese Glossary of Terms Commonly Used in the Teaching of

Home Economics in Secondary Schools (2003 Updated Version)

Dress and Design

abrasive resistance 耐磨度
absorbability 吸濕性能
absorbent 吸濕劑
absorbent finishing 吸濕處理法
accessory 配襯飾物
acetate fibre 醋酸纖維
across back (back width) 橫背;背寬
across chest (chest width) 橫胸;胸寬
acrylic 聚丙烯纖維;亞古力
adaptation of pattern 紙樣變更法
adjustment 修改法
alpaca (1)羊駝,(2)羊駝毛,(3)羊駝呢
alteration of garment 縫改衣服
amber 琥珀色

angora 安哥拉山羊毛

Angora rabbit hair 安哥拉兔毛

anorak 連帽風衣
anti-allergy 防敏感

anti-microbial 防菌;抗菌

anti-pilling 免起毛粒
anti-static 防靜電
apparel design 衣飾設計
appliqué 補花法;貼布繡法
Aquatex 透濕膠皮;透濕衣料
armhole 袖圈
armlet 臂環
attachment 附件
back view 背面
back waist length (nape to waist) 腰長

An English-Chinese Glossary of Terms Commonly Used in the Teaching of
Home Economics in Secondary Schools (2003 Updated Version)

Dress and Design

balance mark (notches) 合印;相接合符號

balanced diet 均衡膳食
baste, to 疏縫
bathrobe 浴袍
batik 蠟染
beading 珠飾品
bed linen 床單、枕頭套及被套等
bedspread 床單
beetling 捶布
beige 米色
belt carrier (loop) 腰帶圈
bespoke 訂製的;訂造的
bias 斜紋
bind, to 滾邊;緄邊
binding, bias 斜紋滾條;斜紋緄條
biodegradable 能被生物分解成無害物的
blazer 運動上衣;附有襟章的男裝上衣
bleaching 漂白
blending (1)混紡,(2)混合
blind hem (hem, blind) 暗摺邊法
block pattern 基本紙樣
bloomers 女裝燈籠褲
blotting paper 吸墨紙
blouse 女裝恤衫
blouse length 襯衫長度
bobbin 綫心
bobbin case 綫梭
bobbin winder 繞底綫器
bodice 上身
bodice 上身;女裝緊身上衣
bodkin 大孔粗引針
body linen 內衣亞麻布

An English-Chinese Glossary of Terms Commonly Used in the Teaching of
Home Economics in Secondary Schools (2003 Updated Version)

Dress and Design

bolero 短上衣
bonding 黏合法
border design 邊緣圖案;圍邊設計
braid 花辮;辮帶
brassiere 胸罩;乳罩;胸圍
breasted, double 雙排鈕;孖襟
breasted, single 單排鈕;單襟
brick red 磚紅色

briefs 緊身褲;三角褲
brocade 織錦
brooch 襟針;胸針
buckle 帶扣
buckram 綿硬樸
burgundy 紫紅色

buskin 中筒靴
bust measurement 胸圍;上圍
bust point to bust point 胸距
button 鈕
buttonhole 鈕門;鈕孔
buttonhole foot 鈕門靴
buttonhole, bound 滾邊鈕門;滾邊鈕孔
buttonhole, worked 鎖邊鈕門;鎖邊鈕孔
buttonloop 鈕圈
cable cord 闊條燈芯絨
calendering 砑光
calico 棉布;俗稱「扣布」
calico drill 棉斜
canvas 帆布
canvas work 經緯紗綉法
cape 斗篷;披肩
carbonizing 碳化

An English-Chinese Glossary of Terms Commonly Used in the Teaching of
Home Economics in Secondary Schools (2003 Updated Version)

Dress and Design

cardigan 扣鈕上衣;開襟絨綫衫
carding (1)梳理,(2)梳棉

care label 衣物保養標籤

casing 管套
cast on 起針(編織)
casual wear 便裝
cellulosic fibre 纖維素纖維
centre back (C.B.) 後幅正中綫
centre front (C.F.) 前幅正中
chain (1)鍊,(2)一串
cheese cloth 紗布;芝士布
chiffon 雪紡綢
chlorination 用氯處理或消毒

choker 貼緊勃子的項鍊
cocoon 蠶繭
collage 拼布畫
collar 衣領
collar, mandarin (collar, Chinese) 旗袍領
collar, Peter Pan 圓反領;小圓領
collar, stand 企領
collar, straight 直反領;夏威夷領
collar, tailored 西裝領
colour coordination 顏色的配襯
colour scheme 顏色系列;色系
colour wheel 色輪
colour, complementary 互補色
colour, contrast 對比色
colour, fundamental (colour, primary) 原色;紅、黃及藍三原色
colour, secondary 次色
colourfast 不褪色
combing 精梳

An English-Chinese Glossary of Terms Commonly Used in the Teaching of
Home Economics in Secondary Schools (2003 Updated Version)

Dress and Design

commercial pattern 現買紙樣

complexion 膚色
controlling fullness (disposal of fullness) 打摺法
cord 繩
cord, knotted 結繩法
cord, plaited 辮繩法
cord, twisted 扭繩法
corduroy 燈芯絨
corner, mitred 對角摺角法
corner, square 正方摺角法
costume 戲劇服裝;民族服裝
cotton, brushed 毛布
cotton, brushed (flannelette) 毛布;棉絨布
cotton, terry (terry towelling) 毛巾布
crease (1)摺痕,(2)摺縫縐
crease resistant 抗皺
crêpe (1)縐布,(2)縐綢,(3)縐絲
crepon 厚縐紗
crew neck 貼脖子的圓領
crochet 鈎織法
crochet hook 鈎針
crossway strip 斜紋布條
crosswise fold 橫紋摺疊
crotch depth 直浪;直襠
crumple resistance 防皺功能
cuff 袖口
cuff band (cuff strap) 袖口圈套
cuff, shirt 襯衫袖口
cuff, turned up 反袖口
cuff-link 袖口鈕
culottes 裙衭
cushion cover 墊子套;腰枕套
cutting line 裁剪綫

An English-Chinese Glossary of Terms Commonly Used in the Teaching of
Home Economics in Secondary Schools (2003 Updated Version)

Dress and Design

damask 織花細麻布
darning 織補
darts 暗褶;箭褶
denim 騾布;俗稱「牛仔布」
design brief 設計綱要
design element 設計元素
design feature (style feature) 設計式樣
design folio 設計作業
design proposal 設計方案

design specification 設計細節

diagonal tacking (basting) 斜綫暫縫針步
direct sale 直銷
double knit 雙面針織物
down 鴨絨;水鳥類絨毛
dralon 德拉綸;聚丙烯 纖維
dress 全身裙
dress length 衫長
dress placket 裙側貼邊開口法
dress sense 服裝審美能力
dress stand (dress form, mannequin, dummy) 人體模型
drill 斜布
drip-dry 滴乾
dungarees 工人褲
dye (dyestuff) 染料
dyeing, net 網染法
dyeing, pigment 色素染法
ease stitching 鬆緊調節車縫法
ease, to 鬆緊
easing 寬緊位;容位
edge finishes 處理邊緣法

An English-Chinese Glossary of Terms Commonly Used in the Teaching of
Home Economics in Secondary Schools (2003 Updated Version)

Dress and Design

edge stitching 貼邊車縫法

elastic recovery 彈性回復
elasticity 伸縮性;彈性
electrostatic 靜電的
embossed cloth 凹凸花紋布
embroidery 剌繡
embroidery stitches 剌繡針法
embroidery transfer 剌繡轉印圖案
empire line 高腰
even tacking 均勻暫縫針步
evenness 均勻度
eyelet 孔眼
fabric 布料
fabric coating 布料塗膠處理
fabric collage 布拼掛畫
fabric finishes 布料加工潤飾
fabric swatch 小塊布料樣本
fabric, bonded (fabric, bonded-fibre) 粘合布料
fabric, plain 純色布料
fabric, printed 印花布料
fabric, simulated 模擬織物
fabric, stretch 彈性布料
fabric, striped 條紋布料
fabric, woven 梭織布
facing 貼;貼邊
facing, crossway 斜紋布條貼邊;斜紋貼邊
facing, shaped 依形貼邊
facing, straight 直貼邊
fading 褪色

fag end 布匹頭尾的散邊口

faggotting (fagotting) 抽紗法
false hem 假摺邊

An English-Chinese Glossary of Terms Commonly Used in the Teaching of
Home Economics in Secondary Schools (2003 Updated Version)

Dress and Design

fashion design 時裝設計

fashion sketch 時裝草圖
fashion still 時裝照片;時裝硬照
fastening 繫結法
feed cover plate 凸起針板
feed dog 推布牙
feed plate (needle plate; throat plate) 針板
felt 戟絨
felting 氈合織法
feminine 女性化;女性的
fiber, synthetic 人造纖維;合成纖維
fibre 纖維
fibre content 布料的纖維成分
fibre content label 纖維成分標籤
fibre, man-made 人造纖維
fibre, natural 天然纖維
fibre, regenerated 再生纖維
fibre, staple 人造短纖維

fibreglass 玻璃纖維
figure drawing 人體繪圖
fire resistance 防火功能
fitting 試身
fitting line 合身綫;裝置綫
flame proof 防燃
flame repellent (flame retardent) 阻燃
flammable (inflammable) 易燃的
flannel 法蘭絨
flannelette 毛布;絨布
flax 亞麻
fleece 抓毛;抓毛絨
flounce 波浪邊
frayed edge 散口邊緣
fraying 鬚邊法

An English-Chinese Glossary of Terms Commonly Used in the Teaching of
Home Economics in Secondary Schools (2003 Updated Version)

Dress and Design

French curve 雲尺
French knot 法國結
frill 縐邊
fringe 繸流蘇;鬚邊
front view 正面
full size pattern 原尺寸紙樣
gabardine (gabardine) 鴨巴甸絨
garment, foundation 內衣的總稱
gathers 密褶;碎褶
gauze 紗
general purpose foot (multi-purpose foot) 萬能靴
georgette 佐治紡;喬其紗;佐啫
gingham 條紋或花格棉布
goat hair 山羊毛

Gore-tex 哥的斯 (商標名稱)

grading seam 分層次的縫邊處理
grain 布紋
gusset 楔布
haberdashery 服飾用品;縫紉用品
halter 女裝三角背心
hand wheel 手輪
heat conduction 熱傳導
heat insulation 熱絕緣
hem marker 衣腳標記器
hem, curved 彎形摺邊
hem, plain 簡單摺邊;普通摺邊
hem, single fold 單摺邊
hem, skirt 裙腳摺邊
hem, straight 直摺邊
hem, to 挑縫
hem, turnings 摺邊

An English-Chinese Glossary of Terms Commonly Used in the Teaching of
Home Economics in Secondary Schools (2003 Updated Version)

Dress and Design

hemline 裙腳
hemp 粗麻
hessian 粗麻布
hip 臀圍;下圍
hip depth (hipline; waist to hips) 臀圍綫
hood 風帽;兜帽
hood and eye 蠄蟝扣
hook and bar 裙頭扣
hosiery 巾襪
hydrophilic fibre 親水性纖維

hydrophobic fibre 拒水性纖維;疏水性纖維

interfacing 裡樸
interlining 襯布;樸
jeans 牛仔衣褲
jersey 針纖布料
jumper 套頭毛外衣
jute 黃麻
kapok 木棉
kimono 和服
knickers 燈籠褲;短褲
knit (1)針織,(2)低針
knitting 編織法
knotting 打結法
label 標籤
lace 厘士
lace trimming 厘士花邊
laminated fabric 層壓布料;層積布料
lap 棉卷;毛卷
lapel 西裝上衣的翻領

An English-Chinese Glossary of Terms Commonly Used in the Teaching of
Home Economics in Secondary Schools (2003 Updated Version)

Dress and Design

latex 乳膠
lawn 軟洋紗;特級細棉布
layout (pattern layout) 紙樣排置圖
lengthen, to 放長
lengthwise fold 直紋摺疊
light resistance 遮光功能
linen 麻布
lingerie 女裝內衣
lining 夾裡
loop 綫圈
lunex 金屬纖維布料
luster finish 上光處理
lustre (luster) 光澤
Lycra 萊克拉;萊卡 (商標名稱)

machine attachments 縫衣機配件
machine embroidery 縫衣機剌繡
macram 繩結;繩藝
mail-order 郵購
maroon 深褐;栗色;茶色
masculine 男性化;男性的
matinee coat 嬰兒外衣
measuring gauge 闊度量度器
mercerized cotton (1)絲光棉布,(2)絲光棉綫
mercerized yarn 絲光紗綫
mercerizing 絲光
merino wool 美利奴精細羊毛

metallic fabric 金屬線織物

metallic yarn 金屬線

metre ruler 米尺
metrestick 一米尺

An English-Chinese Glossary of Terms Commonly Used in the Teaching of
Home Economics in Secondary Schools (2003 Updated Version)

Dress and Design

microfiber 微纖維 (直徑 1-6 微米的化學纖維)

microscope 顯微鏡
microscopic examination 顯微鏡檢驗
mildew proofing 防霉
mitten, oven 隔熱手套
mobile 動態飾物
mordant (1)媒染劑,(2)黏著劑,(3)金屬腐蝕劑
moth proofing 防蛀
motif 圖案花樣;基本花紋
nap 順逆紋
natural continuous filament 天然連續長纖維
neck point to bust point 頸至胸尖
neckline 頸綫;領綫
neckline, boat-shaped 一字形領綫
neckline, round 圓形領綫
neckline, square 方形領綫
neckline, U-shaped U 形領綫;馬蹄形領綫
neckline, V-shaped V 形領綫;杏領綫
needle, betweens 細孔短幼縫針
needle, Crewel 大孔幼縫針
needle, darning 纖補縫針
needle, sharps 細孔長幼縫針
needle, straw 長鼻針
needle, tapestry 圓頭編綉針;十字綉針
needle, upholstery 縫傢俬套墊針
novelty 新穎飾物
off colour 色差;染色走樣
oil coating 防油功能
one-sided 單面的
opening 開口法
opening, bound 滾邊開口法

An English-Chinese Glossary of Terms Commonly Used in the Teaching of
Home Economics in Secondary Schools (2003 Updated Version)

Dress and Design

opening, box pleat 工字褶開口法

opening, centre front 前中綫開口法
opening, continuous strip 連續貼邊開口法
opening, faced slit 貼布開口法
opening, false hem 假摺邊開口法
opening, fly front 貼邊拉鍊開口法
opening, overlapping hem 摺邊開口法
opening, panel 鑲直筒開口法
opening, placket 貼邊開口法
opening, side seam 側縫開口法
opening, zipped 拉鍊開口法
organdie (organdy) 麻紗
organza 輕紗布
outfit 套裝
overall 工衣
overcoat 大衣;外套
overlap 上層疊覆
padding 墊子
painted design 印花圖案

pashmina (pushmina) 山羊絨

pastel shade 粉彩色;淡色
patchwork 拼布圖案
patent leather 漆皮
pattern construction 紙樣製作
pattern selector 花樣選擇器
pattern specification 紙樣標記
permanent press 永久性熨壓
permanent set 永久定型
petersham 裙頭襯帶;俗稱「裙頭樸」
pile fabric 毛芒織物
pin cushion 針插
pinking shears 齒牙剪

An English-Chinese Glossary of Terms Commonly Used in the Teaching of
Home Economics in Secondary Schools (2003 Updated Version)

Dress and Design

piping 鑲綫邊
pique 凹凸紋布;雙面凹凸紋布
place on fold 雙摺記號
plaid 蘇格蘭方格花紋
plastic coated fibre 塗上塑料的纖維
pleat 齊褶
pleat skirt 齊褶裙
pleat, box 工字褶
pleat, inverted 反工字褶
pleat, knife 刀形褶
ply (1)層,(2)股,(3)縷
pocket 衣袋
pocket in a seam 合縫中鑲袋
pocket, bound 滾邊袋;緄邊袋
pocket, concealed 暗袋
pocket, double jet 雙唇口袋
pocket, flap 掩袋
pocket, patch 明袋
pocket, single jet 單唇口袋
pocket, welt 雙玉緣口袋;箱形口袋
polyamide 聚酰胺纖維
polyester 聚脂纖維
polyester, spun 短纖聚脂纖維

polyethylene (polythene) 聚乙烯

polymer 聚合物;聚合體

polypropylene 聚丙烯

polystyrene 聚本乙烯
polyvinyl chloride 聚氯亞乙烯
polyvinyl chloride (PVC) 聚氯乙烯;聚乙烯基氯
poplin 棉綢
preshrinking 預先縮水;預先浸縮

An English-Chinese Glossary of Terms Commonly Used in the Teaching of
Home Economics in Secondary Schools (2003 Updated Version)

Dress and Design

press fastener (press stud) 壓鈕

presser foot 壓布靴
presser foot lever 壓布靴掣
pressing 壓熨
pressing cloth 熨布
pressing line 公主綫
pucker 皺;褶
pullover 套頭上裝
purl 高針( 編織 )
pyjamas 睡衣褲
quilt 被褥;床墊
quilting 凸棉繡法
raincoat 雨衣
ramie 苧麻
raw silk 生絲
rayon 人造絲;嫘縈
ready-made garment 成衣
resin 合成樹脂
ric-rac 齒牙棉紗帶;齒牙花邊
rompers 背心連褲
rouleau loop 布圈耳
rouleau strip 斜紋圓布條
ruffle 皺邊
1/5 scale pattern 1/5 比例紙樣
safety pin 安全別針
sanforized 防縮整理
sateen 橫紋緞
satin 緞
scale ruler 比例尺
scalloping 水波影邊;扇形飾邊

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Home Economics in Secondary Schools (2003 Updated Version)

Dress and Design

scarf 頸巾
scorching 焦化;燙焦
seam 縫合骨
seam allowance 黹口
seam finishes (seam neatening) 處理黹口法
seam guide 黹口指引器
seam ripper 拆線刀
seam, French 法國骨;包骨
seam, machine fell 恤衫骨;雙綫骨
seam, open (seam, plain) 中分骨
seam, overlaid 疊骨
seam, run and fell 手縫包口骨
seersucker 泡泡紗;皺布
selvedge 布邊;織邊
sequin 衣飾上的小金屬(或塑膠)亮片
sewing kit 縫紉工具
shade 明暗
shadow work 影繡;玻璃紗綉
Shantung Pongee 山東綢;山東府綢
shawl 圍巾;披巾
sheepskin 羊皮革;綿羊毛皮
sheeting 被單布
shell hemming 蜆殼形邊
shirring 束褶法
shirting 襯衫料子
shorten, to 改短
shoulder to shoulder 肩寬
shoulder, dropped 跌膊
shower proof fabric 防雨布料
shrink resistant 防縮水
shuttle 梭
side length of trousers (trouser length) 褲長
side seam 側旁縫合骨

An English-Chinese Glossary of Terms Commonly Used in the Teaching of
Home Economics in Secondary Schools (2003 Updated Version)

Dress and Design

side slit 側旁裂口

silhouette 服裝外型
simulated fur (imitation fur) 人造皮草
simulated leather(imitation leather) 人造皮
simulated suede (imitation suede) 人造猄皮
skirt 半截裙
skirt length 半截裙長
skirt, A-line A 形裙
skirt, circular 圓檯裙
skirt, flared 闊腳半截裙
skirt, gored 多幅裙
skirt, marker 裙腳標記器
skirt, mini 迷你半截裙
skirt, pleated 百褶裙
skirt, wrap 覆疊半截裙
sleeve board 熨袖板
sleeve length 袖長
sleeve, bell 鐘形袖
sleeve, cap 鈎帽袖
sleeve, drop 低肩袖
sleeve, fitted 貼身袖
sleeve, kimono 和服袖
sleeve, puff 燈籠袖;泡泡袖
sleeve, raglan 套袖;牛角袖;入膊袖
sleeve, set in 裝置袖
sleeve, shirt 襯衫袖
slide plate 檔板
slip resistant 防滑;防滑處理

slipper socks 連襪便鞋

slit (1)裂口,(2)長衫叉
sliver 紗條;梳條
smock 女裝上衣
smocking 打纜法
soft furnishing 室內裝飾品

An English-Chinese Glossary of Terms Commonly Used in the Teaching of
Home Economics in Secondary Schools (2003 Updated Version)

Dress and Design

soil release 防污功能

soil resistance 防污性;防污處理
speed controller 腳掣
spinneret 嘖絲器
spinning 紡紗
spool pin 綫柱
sportswear 運動裝
spun 短纖維紡成紗
stain repellent 防污
stain resistant finish 防污漬處理
stay stitching 固定黹口車縫法
stiffening 硬質襯料;硬挺整理
stiletto 布錐
stitch 針法;針步
stitch length regulator 針步疏密調整器
stitch width regulator 針步寬窄調整器
stitch, back 回針法;回針步
stitch, blanket (stitch, loop) 毛氈針法;毛氈針步
stitch, buttonhole 鈕孔針法;鈕孔針步
stitch, chain 鎖鍊針法;鎖鍊針步
stitch, feather 羽毛針法;羽毛針步
stitch, garter 全低針法( 編織 )
stitch, hemming 挑針法;挑針步
stitch, herringbone 魚骨針法;魚骨針步
stitch, overlock (overlocking) 鈒骨
stitch, oversewing 反挑針法;反挑針步
stitch, running 走針法;走針步
stitch, slip-hemming 筒針法;筒針步
stitch, stem 花莖針法;花莖針步
stitch, stocking 平針法( 編織 )
stitch, tacking 行針法;行針步
stocking 長襪
straight grain 直綫紗紋

An English-Chinese Glossary of Terms Commonly Used in the Teaching of
Home Economics in Secondary Schools (2003 Updated Version)

Dress and Design

straight stitch presser foot 直綫靴

style line 款式綫條
suede 麖皮;猄皮

suede cloth 仿麖皮布料

suiting 西裝料
sun exposure test 日曬測試
Superwash 耐洗濯
sweater 羊毛衫;毛綫衫;絨綫衫
synthetic leather 合成皮革

taffeta 答夫綢;塔夫綢
tailor tacking 標記行針法
take-up lever 挑綫桿
tape 邊帶
tape measure 軟尺
tapestry 織布畫
tartan 蘇格蘭格子呢絨
tatting 梭織法
tea cozy 茶壼套
Tebilized 織物防皺整理
Teflon 特氟隆
template 圖案樣板
tension 綫的鬆緊程度
tension (1)線的鬆緊程度,(2)張力
tension regulator 綫鬆緊調節器
Terylene 特麗綾 (商標名稱);滌綸
texture 質感
thermoplastic 熱塑的
thermoplastic fibre 熱塑性纖維
thimble 頂針
thread guide 引綫器;導綫器
thread mark 用綫標記法

An English-Chinese Glossary of Terms Commonly Used in the Teaching of
Home Economics in Secondary Schools (2003 Updated Version)

Dress and Design

tie dye 扎染
top stitching 明綫車縫法
total image 整體形象
tracing paper 摹圖紙;過綫紙
tracing wheel 裁衣轆
triacetate 三醋酸纖維
tricot knit 稜紋針織布
trimming 緣飾
Trubenized 硬挺整理
tuck 小褶
tweed 花呢絨
umber 茶紅色
underarm 腋下
underlap 下層疊覆
underlay 底層
underslip 底裙
understitching 貼底車縫法
underwear (undergarment, underclothes) 內衣
unpicker (ripper) 拆綫刀
upholstery 傢俬裝璜物料
upholstery fabric 傢俬布
upper arm girth 臂寬
velcro 魔術貼
velour 絲絨;棉絨;天鵝絨
velvet 絲絨;天鵝絨
velvet board (needle board) 熨絲絨板
velveteen 天鵝絨;平絨
vest (waistcoat) 背心
vilene 紙樸
viscose rayon 粘膠人造絲;粘膠嫘縈
voile 巴里紗

An English-Chinese Glossary of Terms Commonly Used in the Teaching of
Home Economics in Secondary Schools (2003 Updated Version)

Dress and Design

wadding 填料;填絮;襯墊
waist 腰圍
waist, elasticated 橡根腰圍
waistband 裙頭;褲頭
waistline 腰綫;中腰
waistline, gathered 密褶腰綫
waistline, pleated 齊褶腰綫
wardrobe planning 服裝計畫
warp 經紗
wash and wear 免燙
washability 洗濯性能
water repellent (waterproof) 防水
water resistant 不透水
weave 梭織;織紋
weave, plain 平紋織;平紋
weave, satin 緞紋織;緞紋
weave, twill 斜紋織;斜紋
weaving loom 織布機
weft 緯紗
width of shoulder 肩闊
wind resistance 防風功能
worked loop 鎖邊圈耳
worsted 精紡毛織物
wrinkle (1)皺起,(2)皺紋

wrinkle resistant finish 防皺處理

wrist band 袖口
wrist girth 腕寬
wrist, band 袖口
yarn 紗綫
yarn, blended 混合紗綫;混紡紗
yarn, carded spun 普梭紗;粗梭紗

An English-Chinese Glossary of Terms Commonly Used in the Teaching of
Home Economics in Secondary Schools (2003 Updated Version)

Dress and Design

yarn, combed spun 精梭紗

yarn, filament 長絲紗
yarn, spun 精紡紗
yarn, staple 短紗
yarn, textured 有質感紗
yarn, worsted 精紡羊毛紗
yoke 橫擔;抵肩
yoke, hip 上臀橫擔
yoke, shoulder 上肩橫擔
zigzag stitch 人字針步
zip, concealed 隱藏式拉鍊
zip, semi-concealed 半隱藏式拉鍊
zipper (zip fastener; zip) 拉鍊
zipper foot 拉鍊靴


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