GPF April Activities 2023
GPF April Activities 2023
GPF April Activities 2023
(AKS CO E & P)
SET 2018 ACTIVITIES FOR THE MONTH OF today. This is the day we begin our life anew; shine
APRIL 2023 through us so that every person we meet may feel
INTRODUCTION Your presence in us. Take our hands precious Lord
We want to say thank you to the ADMIN and for we cannot make it by ourself. Amen.
members of the God's Peculiar Family for the
opportunity given to us (2018 set) to Moderate for WELCOME ONCE AGAIN TO
the month of March, we are indeed grateful thanks APRIL.
for accepting us the way we are, we are still growing We encourage everyone to participate
up. God bless you all. Enjoy your breakthrough and in every activity. We pray your April
happy new month in Advance We will be memorable month for you In Jesus
Gracias 2018 set Name. Amen.
God Bless You
Let go of the past and 01 April 2023
embrace the new Inspiration:
month with open arms. When we serve others for God’s
May every day be sake, we meet more than just a
filled with beauty and physical need. Yes, food for the
happiness. Make every moment count this month, hungry and clothes for the homeless provide a
embrace enthusiasm and excitement, and have a measure of comfort, but they also spurn gratitude
blissful and fulfilling APRIL that grows exponentially. As we witness the
gratitude of others, we can’t help but return that
EVENING PRAYER thanks to God, because we are reminded of His great
Dear Lord, You have work on our behalf and His continued care for us.
brought us to the Do have a lovely day
beginning of a new
day, a new month. 30 Days GLOW UP Challenge.
As the world is Good morning Everyone.
renewed fresh and Before the first challenge comes kindly note:
clean, so I ask You to renew our heart with Your The daily Challenges are simply daily tasks we will
strength and purpose. Forgive us the errors of be assigned to do.
yesterday and bless us to walk closer in Your way
(AKS CO E & P)
An accountability instruction will be given to
follow as well. This is to enable us know those that
did theirs. FACT OF THE DAY
At the end of the day we are expected to do our task
and follow the instruction as well. wiki/
There will be a Reward for the top 3 highest Wikipedia:Database_download
participation at the end of the month.
Motivational Quote
" Believe in yourself and all that you are. Know that QUESTION OF THE DAY❔❔
there is something inside you that is greater than How true is this popular statement, “A fool at 40 is
any obstacle." - Christian D. Larson. a fool forever.”? What are your opinions about it?
God Bless You Let's begin to get our answers in
God Bless You
Accountability Check: EVENING PRAYER
Send a screenshot of your DM Let us pray
Prayer message and tag the person Heavenly Father we want to appreciate you for
you sent it to. counting us Worthy to be among the living. We
REMEMBER appreciate you for how you have kept us throughout
There is a reward for the highest participation. So the day and brought us back safe and sound from
Don't give up.God Bless You our various places of work, take all the Glory and
Adoration in Jesus name. Lord as we want to rest
Daily Health Tips now grant us sound sleep, keep us from all evils and
Exercise send your Angels to guide us through, thank You
Moderate Exercise has numerous benefits, including Father for answering us
improving heart health to reduce the risk of heart For in Jesus name we have prayed (Amen)
disease, and mental health by reducing anxiety and God Bless You
depression by improving self-esteem and cognitive
We can easily meet these goals by exercising for 15-
30 minutes per day, five days per week.
God Bless You
(AKS CO E & P)
Sometimes we get so stuck in our own existence,
DAY 2 ACTIVITIES and our own limited moments, that we fail to see
God's greatness. God is infinite, and he is eternal.
Dearest Abba, our Gracious And so we should daily seek his beauty with the
King, and Mighty Lord, We eyes of eternity, so that our days in this life will be
thank you for a new day, a full of moments of hope and provide a beacon to
day in your presence we others.HAPPY SUNDAY
pray lord that we worship
you in spirit and in truth that we hold nothing back 30 DAYS
in our praise, our worship, our learning and, our CHALLENGE
praying, I pray for us to be open and willing to hear Accountability Check:
you and to change more into Christ likeness, lord Send a screenshot of
grant us the tenacious winsome courage as we go your call history page
through this day. we pray that by Your will, we’ll with the person and tag
make testimonies at the end of this day, happiness the person. Your history
and miracles are what we’ll experience by Your shows the last time you
hand We appreciate Your everlasting love Father called which should be a
and in Your name, we pray.Amen while ago and then the duration of today's call as
Good Morning and Happy Sunday well. REMEMBER There is a reward for the highest
participation. So Don't give up.HAPPY SUNDAY.
God Bless You
WORD FOR TODAY Motivational Quote
02 April 2023 "It's not about being perfect. It's about effort. And
Inspiration: when you bring that effort every single day, that's
Constrained by time, we where transformation happens. That's how change
see and experience what is now. We no longer feel occurs." - Jillian Michaels
what once was, and we do not yet see what will be.
We were made for eternity, but sometimes time Daily Health Tips
blinds us to the fullness of God’s beauty. Yet God Rest your ears When
promises beauty in its time, even if it’s not in the attending events or
moment that we observe now. working in a noisy
environment, step out
(AKS CO E & P)
frequently and separate yourself from the noise for speak words of affirmation, assurance and wisdom
about 5 minutes. After the event/work spend time in over my heart as I prepare to go into my day, thank
a quiet environment for about a day to allow your you for your goodness and for your blessings over
ears rest and recover. God Bless You us, thank you for your great love and care, thank you
for your sacrifice so that we might have freedom and
FACT OF THE DAY life. Forgive us for when we don't thank you
God Bless You enough, for who you are, for all that you do, for all
that you've given. Help us to set our eyes and our
QUESTION OF THE DAY❔❔ hearts on you afresh. Renew our spirits, fill us with
Did you attend church today? Tell us what you your peace and joy. We love you and we need you,
gained. Let's begin to get our answers in this day and every day. We give you praise and
God Bless You thanks, for You alone are worthy In Jesus' Name,
Amen.Good morning. Today will be great
Dear Lord, we really want to appreciate you tonight 03 April 2023
for the gift of life, we appreciate you for how you Inspiration:
have preserved us throughout the day, receive all We are made clean by Jesus, forgiven through His
glory and adoration in Jesus name. Father as we go death. And though we are no longer bound by the
to rest tonight protect us, preserve us, build a wall of trappings of ritual and regulation, God calls us to
fire around us to effect our safety, grant us sweet use our freedom wisely. Let us be mindful of our
sleep like that of baby in Jesus name. Deliver from impact on others, and not let our choices and actions
evil, by the time we wake up tomorrow let us have become a distraction or an impediment to those who
full cause to glory your name, for in Jesus victorious are still lost.
name we have prayed.(Amen) GOD BLESS YOU & DO HAVE A LOVELY
God Bless You DAY
God Bless You
MORNING PRAYER Motivational Quote
Dear Lord, help me remember what a difference it "Success is not the key to happiness. Happiness is
makes when I make time with You a priority in my the key to success. If you love what you are doing,
morning. Awaken me in body and spirit each day you will be successful." - Albert Schweitzer
with a desire to meet with You and to hear You
(AKS CO E & P)
30 DAYS CHALLENGE Tribe of Judah, Lily of the Valley, The Bright and
Accountability Check: Morning Star we appreciate You, Thank You Lord
Simply Answer the for seeing us throughout the activities of the day,
questions in the challenge. I thank you Lord for journey mercies from our places
just might be helping one or of work to our various homes, thank You Lord for
two persons here today If bringing us to the climax of Today receive all glory
you know you know and Adoration in Jesus name. Lord You said in
REMEMBER your word that He that keeps Israel neither sleep nor
There is a reward for the highest participation. So slumber Lord keep us throughout the night, grant to
Don't give up. each and every of us sweet dreams, meet us at the
God Bless You very point of our needs Lord and count us worthy to
be among the living tomorrow. Thank You Father
Daily Health Tips because You always hear us, for in Jesus wonderful
Laugh More name we have prayed (Amen)
“Laughter is the best medicine.” Research has Good Night & God Bless You
shown that laughter has an immediate effect as a
vasodilator, causing your blood vessels to dilate, DAY 4 ACTIVITIES
decreasing blood pressure. MORNING PRAYER
Laughter also releases endorphins, natural chemicals Good morning Lord!
in the body. Endorphins promote a sense of well- This is the day that you have made, we will rejoice
being and relieve stress. and be glad in it.
God Bless You With gratitude, we say thank you for preserving our
life for one more day.
QUESTION OF THE DAY? ? With gratitude, we thank you for your ultimate gift
Children/ teens should not have access to smart of love for us, in the form of your son and the
phones and gadgets. sacrifice of his life on our behalf. Because of this
What do you think Let's begin to get our answers in. overwhelming gift that we often cannot
God Bless You comprehend, we humbly submit to you.
Dear Lord, we don't know who or what will cross
EVENING PRAYER our path today, but we do know that You are our
Let us pray Rock and our Fortress, our Shield and Strong
(AKS CO E & P)
Daily Health tips Help us rest well, give us peaceful dreams, and send
Minimize Stress your angels around our home to protect us
Stress can wreak havoc on our bodies by increasing throughout the night. Thank You Lord for always
blood pressure, and putting a strain on our body both hearing us. In Jesus name we have prayed(Amen)
mentally and emotionally. It also weakens our Good Night & God Bless You
immune system and makes us more likely to engage
in unhealthy behaviors, such as overeating and DAY 7 ACTIVITIES
cigarette smoking. MORNING PRAYER
Some stress-fighting activities include exercising, Oh Lord our God,
meditating, sleeping, laughing, unplugging from Ever faithful, Never Changing.
technology to relax, and enjoying good conversation Promise maker, promise keeper.
with friends. We thank Thee.
God Bless You From the deepest part of our hearts we bring our
worship to thee, casting down our pride, and
EVENING PRAYER pleading for your grace and mercy for the
Let us pray forgiveness of transgressions and that we may be
Dear God, beacons of light to this dark world, radiating so
We thank you tonight for the good day and for the bright that your intentions be made known upon the
special way you take care of us all the time. earth.
Thank you for the fun times outside and the quiet Father, supply us whatsoever we need in our
times inside, and for helping us learn new things pilgramage, bring in labourers and set men on fire
every day.Thank you for creating us special, exactly this day.
the way you wanted.Thank you for protecting us We pray and ask in the name of Jesus..
throughout the day.Forgive us for the wrong things Amen
we do.Thank you for loving us even when we Good morning
disobey or try to do things our way.Help us to
always choose your way, God, because it's always DAILY VERSE & WORD FOR TODAY
best.We pray for all the people who don't know you, 07 April 2023
and that they will come to understand your love for Inspiration:
them, too.Bless our and our friends and those we We can’t cancel our sins out with our works. Only
love, including our grandparents, our aunts and the mercy of Jesus can do that. And in faithfulness
uncles and cousins.Thank you for our home and a to His own sacrifice and His own promise, Jesus
place to sleep and good food to eat. cleanses us from our sin. Our right response is
(AKS CO E & P)
reverence, as we consider the power of Jesus’ work. not ignore or throw away the vegetables. Remember
For it is this reverence that encourages us to turn "Suya without vegetables = increased risk of
from evil and remain faithful to God. cancer".
Let us pray
Motivational Quote Father we appreciate You tonight, thank You Lord
"Integrity is the most valuable and respected quality for loading us with daily benefits thank you for your
of leadership. Always keep your word." - Brian Love and compassion ,thank You Lord for dying on
Tracy the cross of Calvary for us to be redeemed receive
all glory and adoration in Jesus name. As we sleep
30 DAYS CHALLENGE tonight ,grant us sound sleep and protect us
Accountability Check: throughout the night, count us worthy to be among
Before the end of today the living, by the time we wake up tomorrow let us
Share with us your have full cause to magnify Your name. Thank You
experience while in Lord for always hearing us. In Jesus name we have
solemnity or a prayed(Amen)
lesson/revelation related to Good Night & God Bless You
the purpose of Good Friday.
There is a reward for the highest participation. So MORNING PRAYER
Don't give up. God Bless You Hallelujah!
What a Saviour!
Daily Health Tips Low in the grave you lay
EAT THAT ONIONS Jesus my Saviour
Onions and other vegetables eg. cabbage are served Waiting the coming day
with beef or chicken barbecue commonly called Jesus my Lord
'suya'. The role of the onions and other vegetables Vainly they watch his bed
cannot be overemphasized as they contain Jesus my Saviour
antioxidants. Antioxidants help to prevent cancer by Vainly they sealed the dead
neutralizing the toxic substance produced by the Jesus my saviour
smoke. The next time you buy suya ensure you do
(AKS CO E & P)
What an open drubbing of the defenses of the 30 DAYS CHALLENGE
enemy! Accountability Check:
Just as their watch was in vain Ensure to do it.
And prophecy must be fulfilled, so Lord every REMEMBER There is a reward
watch set over our lives which is not for good, may for the highest participation. So
it not succeed! Don't give up.God Bless You
May your victory be replicated in our lives, the lives
of our families, friends and fellow believers in JESUS Bore It All
Jesus's name He Suffer Pain and Agony for what He did not do
Amen. Through these pains He broke the chains of sin and
Good morning set the captives free from devil's captive
They place a crown 👑 of thorns upon his head
DAILY VERSE & WORD FOR TODAY He was pierced with spear by the side, blood and
08 April 2023 water gush out from the King of Kings
Inspiration: The Creator of the universe was killed by the
It pleases God when we are good stewards. Whether people he created
He has entrusted us with great wealth and He bore the shame of humiliation
responsibility, or meager means and influence, He He was cruxifed between two thieves
calls us to be faithful with what we’ve been given. All these was done for you because He wanted you
When we respond in obedience, and serve where to ESCAPE everlasting death.
and how we are able, He invites us to participate in WHAT IS DIFFICULT TO BEAR FOR HIM??
greater service for His kingdom’s sake. WHAT WILL BE YOUR EXCUSE FOR NOT
God Bless You
Daily Health Tips
"The purpose of life is not to be happy. It is to be Holding urine for a long time can weaken the
useful, to be honorable, to be compassionate, to bladder and pose danger of urinary incontinence and
have it make some difference that you have lived and inability to fully void the bladder. Holding urine for
lived well." - Ralph Waldo Emerson extremely long period of time can cause urinary
tract infections due to bacteria build up. It can risk
(AKS CO E & P)
of kidney disease. In order to protect your kidneys and the fellowship of your sufferings, being made
and bladder don't hold urine for too long. conformable unto your death;
God Bless You So that the world around us will be drawn unto you,
this we pray and ask in Jesus's name..
_Let us pray Good morning
Ancient of day, King of Kings, Lord of Lords, The I
am that I am, The Lion of the Tribe of Judah we DAILY VERSE & WORD FOR TODAY
worship, Adonai, Elohim we adore You, thank You 09 April 2023
for your faithfulness over our lives, thank you for Inspiration:
your provision, protection and preservation, we say As Christians, we have no unique identifying marks,
take all the Glory and adoration in Jesus name. jewelry, or manner of dress that set us apart as
Daddy we commit our sleep into your hands grant God’s people. Jesus instructs us to let love be our
us sweet dreams ,protect us from all evil, build a identification badge. When people look at a
wall of fire around us to effect our safety in Jesus, community of Christians, they ought to see people
thank You Lord for answering our prayers .In Jesus that are fully committed to loving, serving, and
name we have prayed(Amen) caring for each other with a love greater than
Good Night & God Bless You anything found on earth. Let us remember our
Father’s love, and let it motivate our thoughts,
DAY 9 ACTIVITIES words, and actions.
Up from the grave He arose GOD BLESS YOU & DO HAVE A LOVELY
With a mighty triumph o'er His foes DAY
He arose a Victor from the dark domain Motivational Quote
And He lives forever with His saints to reign "The resurrection gives my life meaning and
He arose! direction and the opportunity to start over no matter
He arose! what my circumstances." - Robert Flatt
Hallelujah! Christ arose! Happy Easter!
Thank you Lord for your finished work. God Bless You
Your emergence from the grave, the perfect
silencing of all your detractors! 30 DAYS CHALLENGE
Lord that we may emerge also, as beacons of light Accountability Check:
knowing you and the power of your resurrection,
(AKS CO E & P)
Ensure to Post and share a screenshot with us. Good Night & God Bless You
There is a reward for the highest participation. So DAY 10 ACTIVITIES
Don't give up. MORNING PRAYER
God Bless You All Glory, All Honour to You
Father of Lights,
Of whom there's no shadow of turning.
We stand in awe of your majestic deeds unto the
children of men.
Lord, that by the reason of your sacrifice, we may be
Daily Health Tips counted worthy to bear your name
LET YOUR SNEEZES OUT Honestly Lord, we desire this day, that your
Halting sneezing via blocking the nostrils and mouth sacrifice for the souls of men will find expression in
is dangerous and should be avoided. many men turning unto you.
Some severe risks of holding in sneeze include As we engage in our activities today, every
damage to the blood vessels, ruptured eardrum, experience we have, may it elicit from us your glory.
hearing loss or vertigo. We make demands for a fruitful day, not a wasted
Instead of holding in a sneeze, simply cover your day
mouth and nose while sneezing. We make demands for a death/accident free day
God Bless You We make demands for a Favour Full day, so shall it
be, in Jesus's name...
Let us pray Good morning
Heavenly Father, Wonderful God, Excellent God,
we worship you for you're Mighty, thank you Jesus DAILY VERSE & WORD FOR TODAY
because the death couldn't hold You Captive, thank 10 April 2023
You Lord because You are God from beginning to Inspiration:
the end, thank You for Your Resurrection power Just as hunters use snares to catch animals and
that had done wonders in our lives, what shall we armies set traps to misdirect or eliminate their
say unto Thee Lord, all we have come to say is enemies, our spiritual adversaries deploy the same
Thank You Lord. As we sleep tonight give us more tactics against us. As Christians, we must be
reasons to thank You, thank You Lord for answering prepared for the schemes of the enemy. And so we
our prayers .In Jesus name we have prayed(Amen) seek God’s wisdom, which gives us discernment to
(AKS CO E & P)
spot temptation, deceit, and other traps that catch us the end, there is no place for argument, You are God
in the snare of sin. all by yourself, thank You Lord because from East
HAPPY EASTER MONDAY to West no other God and from North to South we
GOD BLESS YOU & DO HAVE A LOVELY say there's no other God, take all Glory Lord, thank
DAY You for your protection throughout the day, Lord as
God Bless You we sleep tonight protect and keep us from every
snares of the wicked ones, deliver our souls from
30 DAYS CHALLENGE destruction and shield us from all evils. Thank You
Accountability Check: Lord for always hearing us. In Jesus name we have
Ensure to share with us. prayed(Amen)
REMEMBER Good Night & God Bless You
There is a reward for the highest
participation. So Don't give up. DAY 11 ACTIVITIES
Creator of the Universe!
Motivational Quote Who is as wonderful as you
"Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a battle Who is as gracious as you
you know nothing about." - Wendy Mass Who is as pitiful as you
Daily Health Tips Who is as mighty as you
PRACTICE FACE WASHING We are here once again, ensconced in your embrace.
Face washing is beneficial as it helps to keep you Knowing that, you desire that we come boldly unto
face healthy. Face washing removes build up of dirt your throne of grace, to obtain mercy, and find grace
and oil, it keeps the skin hydrated, washes away dry to help in time of need.
and dead skin, stimulated blood flow to the face and We are in need Lord... we are in need...Of Fresh
keeps the face soft and clear. Face washing will mercy, Of Fresh grace, Of Fresh power, Of Fresh
keep you youthful-looking. Try washing your face anointing, Of Fresh insight.
with soap and water at least three times in a day. So that we may become burning and shining lights
God Bless You in our homes, in our communities, in our nations, in
the world.
EVENING PRAYER May our prayers be answered,
Let us pray May your right hand stand firm for us today
Heavenly Father we appreciate You, we honor and May we receive divine help today,
adore You because You're God from beginning to
(AKS CO E & P)
May the desires of the hordes of hell for our lives Share with us how you achieved today's task.
fail once again, REMEMBER
May we overcome our peculiar temptations today, There is a reward for the highest participation. So
May our families be wrapped in your embrace Don't give up.
today, God Bless You
May we remain at the center of your will today.
These we pray and ask in Jesus's name... Amen. HOW CAN YOU PRAY TO GOD?
Good morning Humble yourself before God
Be straight to the point :
~tell Him exactly what ails you
~be simple, sincere and expectant
Talk to Him the same way you communicate with
your parents.
DAILY VERSE & WORD FOR TODAY Tell Him about your
11 April 2023 ~ needs
Inspiration: ~ desires
God’s wisdom reflects God’s character and furthers ~ intentions
God’s purposes. If our lives are marked by ~ fears,
selfishness and envy, then we are relying on the ~ and challenges
wisdom of the world, and will ultimately invite ruin He is most loving, merciful, kind, sympathetic,
on ourselves and others. But true wisdom is revealed empathetic, powerful father .
in mercy and kindness because it is these things that He is eager to hear from you. Don't be afraid to talk
bring forth the peace that can only come from God’s to him because your situation is not difficult for him
kingdom. to solve.
GOD BLESS YOU & DO God Bless You
Motivational Quote Let us pray
"Keep your face always toward Ancient of days, King of kings, Lord of Lords we
the sunshine – appreciate you for tonight, thank you Lord for your
and shadows will fall behind you." - Walt Whitman daily blessings you have been bestowing on us,
30 DAYS CHALLENGE thank You for keeping us through out the day and
Accountability Check: for the journey mercies you granted us from our
(AKS CO E & P)
various places of work and businesses, receive all
the glory and adoration in Jesus name. It is written
in your word that "He that keepeth Israel neither
sleep nor slumber" keep us , throughout the night
and count us worthy to see another dawn of the day. DAILY VERSE & WORD FOR TODAY
Thank You Lord for always hearing us. In Jesus 12 April 2023
name we have prayed(Amen) Inspiration:
Good Night & God Bless You A new poll conducted by Jesus shows that only one
out of ten healed lepers are thankful. Are we among
DAY 12 ACTIVITIES the ten percent? Do we take the time to express
MORNING PRAYER gratitude for all of the good things that Jesus has
We come before you, oh Lord. done and continues to do for us? Gratitude deepens
As the sun rises, may your hope rise up in us, our love for Jesus and guards our hearts against the
As the birds sing, may your love flow out of us. trappings of pride and selfishness.
As the light floods into this new day, may your joy WISHING YOU A LOVELY & FRUITFUL DAY
shine through us. AHEAD.
We come before you Lord, and drink in this moment God Bless You
of peace, that we may carry something of your hope, Motivational Quote
love, and joy today in our heart. "Fruitfulness is never an accident. It is always the
Lord, may nothing separate us from You today. result of a
Teach us how to choose only Your way today so commitment to excellence, intelligent planning, and
each step will lead us closer to You. Help us walk focused effort."
by the Word and not my feelings. - Paul J. Meyer
Help us to keep our heart pure and undivided. GLOW UP SEMINAR
Protect us from our own careless thoughts, words, A Mind shifting Moment with
And keep us from being distracted by Our wants, (Founder of quint impact initiative.)
Our desires, Our thoughts on how things should be. Speaking on
Help us to embrace what comes my way as an GROWING YOUR MIND TO GLOW YOUR
opportunity... rather than a personal inconvenience. MIGHT.
And finally, help us to rest in the truth of Psalm DATE:19TH APRIL
86:13, Great is your love toward us. TIME:8PM.
Amen. VENUE: GPF WhatsApp group.
(AKS CO E & P)
Please adjust your calendars and schedules to be *Choose foods that are low in saturated fats, trans
part of this one. fats, cholesterol, salt (sodium), and added sugars;
IT'S TIME TO GLOW UP!!!!!! look at the labels because the first listed items on the
God Bless You labels comprise the highest concentrations of
QUESTION OF THE DAY❔❔ *Healthy snacks are OK in moderation and should
Tithe payment for salary earners.. should it be at consist of items like fruit, whole grains, or nuts to
gross or net? satisfy hunger and not cause excessive weight gain.
What do you think *Avoid sodas and sugar-enhanced drinks because of
Let's begin to get our answers in the excessive calories in the sodas and sugar drinks;
God Bless You diet drinks may not be a good choice as they make
some people hungrier and increase food
30 DAYS CHALLENGE consumption.
Accountability Check: *Avoid eating a large meal before sleeping to
Share with us how you achieved decrease gastroesophageal reflux and weight gain.
today's task. God Bless You
Note: if it's something personal
just indicate that you did today's EVENING PRAYER
task. Let us pray
REMEMBER Almighty God ,Our redeemer, our defender, the
There is a reward for the highest participation. So Holy one, Yaweh, King of Zion we adore You,
Don't give up. thank You Lord for always been faithful to us
God Bless You despite our unfaithfulness sometimes, thank You
Father for your loving kindness and tender mercy,
Daily Health Tips thank You for bringing us to the climax of the day,
Tips for everyday healthy eating. thank You for your protection to and fro from places
*Eat three healthy meals a day (breakfast, lunch, and of work and businesses, be thou exalted Lord. As we
dinner); it is important to remember that dinner does retire to our various beds grant us sound sleep and
not have to be the largest meal. preserve our souls from destruction, count us worthy
*Incorporate lean meats, poultry, fish, beans, eggs, to be among the living as we wake up tomorrow
and nuts (with emphasis on beans and nuts) into a thank You Lord for answering our prayers .In Jesus
(AKS CO E & P)
We want to encourage others to please don't remain REMEMBER
silent mbok. Even if it's to react to a comment we go There is a reward for the highest participation. So
manage. Don't give up.
Meanwhile We want to inform the house that the God Bless You
best is yet to come in our April schedule. As we
continue in our daily activities, We have lined up for
you Daily Health Tips
1. A Mind shifting seminar Limit Your Sodium
Growing your mind to GLOW your might Intake .
19th April. Excess sodium contributes
2. An engaging Question and Answer session to high blood pressure, a
OPERATION: ASK THE HOUSE risk factor for
22nd April cardiovascular disease. The AHA recommends a
3. An impactful business workshop goal of 1,500 mg of sodium per day or less.
The Basics of Youtube content creation Packaged and processed food may have surprisingly
28th April high sodium content, so make sure most of your
4. A Breakthrough 1 day Fasting & Prayer meeting food is fresh and unprocessed.
29th April FACT OF THE DAY
And Finally.......the big one. God Bless You
5. Inter-Service Year Quiz Competition/Award night
30th April
Details of each of these activities will roll in as the
days come close.
Fasten your seat belts and get to enjoy the ride with
us in the remaining days of the month.
Let us pray
30 DAYS CHALLENGE In Jesus' name, we pray. Our dear father, we thank
Accountability Check: you for a day like this, we appreciate you for seeing
Share if you achieved today's us through a working week and bringing us to the
task and the beneficial results weekend. We thank you for battles fought and for
that followed. victories won, we say be thou exalted in Jesus'
(AKS CO E & P)
name. We commit this weekend into your hands, we Even in the midst of trial and difficulty, we are not
ask and pray that it will be one of the testimonies in without an advocate. Friends may turn their backs
Jesus' name. We hand over this night into your holy on us, and strangers may condemn us. But we have
hand. We are praying that you will guide us through One who speaks on our behalf, even when nobody
the night and bring us into a glorious day in Jesus' else will. Jesus defends those that He saves. And all
name. As we go to bed, protect, shield, and preserve who are saved by Jesus are free from condemnation.
us that when we wake up in the, we will have a WISHING YOU A LOVELY & FRUITFUL DAY
cause to thank you. Receive all thanks for prayers AHEAD.
answered. Be thou exalted heavenly father, in Jesus God Bless You
name we have prayed. (Amen).
Good night & God bless you
DAY 15 ACTIVITIES Accountability Check:
MORNING PRAYER Share with us your list of things
Dear God, Thank you for your amazing power and you are grateful for or tell us
work in our lives, thank you for your goodness and you've done it.
for your blessings over us. Thank you for your great REMEMBER
love and care. There is a reward for the highest participation. So
Thank you for your sacrifice so that we might have Don't give up.
freedom and life. Forgive us for when we don't God Bless You
thank you enough, for who you are, for all that you
do, for all that you've given. Daily Health Tips
Help us to set our eyes and our hearts on you afresh. Prevent mosquito bites
Renew our spirits, fill us with your peace and joy. Mosquitoes are one of the
We love you and we need you, this day and every deadliest animals in the
day. We give you praise and thanks, for You alone world. Diseases like dengue,
are worthy! In Jesus' Name, Amen. chikungunya, malaria and
God Bless You lymphatic filariasis are
transmitted by mosquitoes and continue to affect
DAILY VERSE & WORD FOR TODAY Filipinos. You can take simple measures to protect
15th April 2023 yourself and your loved ones against mosquito-
Inspiration: borne diseases. If you’re traveling to an area with
known mosquito-borne diseases, consult a physician
(AKS CO E & P)
for a vaccine to prevent diseases such as Japanese grace, and favour. As we go to bed tonight, we are
encephalitis and yellow fever or if you need to take asking for your protection. Guide us through the
antimalarial medicines. Wear light-coloured, long- night to the morning. As we sleep, cause us to sleep
sleeved shirts and pants and use insect repellent. At like newborn babies, give us sweet dreams, and
home, use window and door screens, use bed nets great rest in Jesus' name. We thank you for having
and clean your surroundings weekly to destroy answered our prayers. In Jesus' name, we have
mosquito breeding prayed. (Amen).
Good night & God bless you
The Israelites asked Aaron to show them their god DAY 16 ACTIVITIES
and he moulded an idol..if he didn't, they possibly
could have killed or attacked him. MORNING
Do you think Aaron was right by doing so to save PRAYER
his life? What should a believer do when his faith in DAILY VERSE &
God comes with great cost? Cite personal examples WORD FOR
if you can TODAY
What do you think 16th April 2023
Let's begin to get our answers in Inspiration:
God Bless You Through Jesus, God
has opened the door for us to come to Him. And
FACT OF THE DAY when we respond to His invitation by drawing
God Bless You nearer, He closes the gap, too. When we cling to sin
and pursue selfish desires, we pull away from God.
But when we draw near to Him, He makes us clean
and renews our minds so that we may seek Him
Our gracious father. We have come to return all AHEAD.
praise and thanks to your holy name for a day like HAPPY SUNDAY!!
this. We thank you for seeing us through the day, we Motivational Quote
thank you for our lives and those of our loved ones, "The truth is incontrovertible. Malice may attack it,
receive all praise in Jesus' name. We are before you ignorance may deride it, but in the end, there it is." -
once again to seek your face and ask for your mercy, Winston Churchill
(AKS CO E & P)
30 DAYS CHALLENGE Dear Gracious Lord, grant us tenacious winsome
Accountability Check: courage as we go through this day.
Tell us what you did or simply When we are tempted to give up, help us to keep
indicate if you've done today's going.
task. Grant us a cheerful spirit when things don't go our
REMEMBER way. And give us the courage to do whatever needs
There is a reward for the highest participation 🤗. So to be done,
Don't give up. God Bless You Even in our weaknesses let us love thee
FACT OF THE DAY Bring us all back
God Bless You home safely as we
move out in Jesus
precious name we
Let us pray
Father we are grateful to you for a day like this. We
appreciate you for seeing us through the first day of
the week. For the blessings from your presence
today, we say thank you. We commit our lives once
again to your hands. We are asking that you will DAILY VERSE & WORD FOR TODAY
bless us this week in Jesus' name. The night is in 17th April 2023
your hands, we are asking that you will protect us in Inspiration:
the hollow of your hand. See us through the night, When we are driving, running, or even walking, it is
and give us a cause to appreciate you when we wake important that we watch where we are going. When
up in Jesus' name. We thank you because you are we let distractions claim our attention, we run into
faithful. We know you have answered our prayers. obstacles and stray from the path. God has set His
In Jesus' name. (Amen). path before us and has shown us the way. As we
Good night & God bless you navigate life, we are less prone to wander and
stumble when we keep our eyes on God, who
DAY 17 ACTIVITIES remains straight ahead of us.
(AKS CO E & P)
AHEAD. Our gracious Father we thank you for a day like this.
God Bless You We thank you for seeing us through the first
Motivational Quote working day of the week. Receive all praise and
"The heights by great men reached and kept were adoration in Jesus' name. We are before you once
not attained in sudden flight but, they while their again. We commit our lives to your holy hands, we
companions slept, they were toiling upward in the are asking for your mercy, favour and grace. We
night." - Henry Wadsworth Longfellow also ask for your good health, provision and
God Bless You preservation of our lives. As we go to bed, we ask
30 DAYS CHALLENGE that you will protect us, fight our unseen battles and
Accountability Check: see us through the night. Cause us to sleep like
Share with us what you did babies and wake up as giants strong and healthy for
new today. the day's activities. Thank you for your answers to
REMEMBER our prayers. In Jesus' name. (Amen).
There is a reward for the Good night & God bless you
highest participation. So Don't
give up. DAY 18 ACTIVITIES
Monarch of Zion
From the Prayer Team Adakole!
Daily prayer quotes Ogbenjuwa!
The quote can be found I am that I am!
in the attached picture. We hail o
God bless us all! Where it not for your mercies, we would have been
wasted by the enemy.
Where it not for your grace, we could have been lost
FACT OF THE causes..
DAY We thank you.
God Bless You As we appear before thee this day, we come to draw
strength for the journey, knowing that the race is
enabled by your grace.
Teach us to number our days Lord, so that we may
EVENING PRAYER walk circumspectly.
(AKS CO E & P)
Visit our mother's, fathers, grand parents, children, Non-oily fish include:haddock,cod, etc.
relatives, extended families, in-laws, neighbours, You can choose from fresh, frozen and canned, but
acquaintances, colleagues, pastors, leaders, boss's, remember that canned and smoked fish can be high
today. in salt.
At the end, may your name be glorified in Jesus' Most people should be eating more fish, but there
name are recommended limits for some types of fish.
Good morning QUESTION OF THE DAY❔❔
An average young man/woman has a lot calling for
Motivational Quote his/her attention: family, work, ministry, relatives,
"The love of family and the admiration of friends is friends,etc
much more important than wealth and privilege." - How can we ensure a healthy balance?
Charles Kuralt Let's begin to get our answers in
God Bless You
Accountability Check: FACT OF
Send a picture of you taking THE DAY
your fruits today. God Bless
There is a reward for the
highest participation. So Don't give up.
God Bless You
(AKS CO E & P)
beverages, but they can also protect from acute and
30 DAYS CHALLENGE chronic diseases.
Accountability Check: Herbs and spices can be used to add delicious
Share your videos for flavours without the need for salt or oil,
today's task. Dried herbs are more strongly flavoured than fresh.
REMEMBER Add herbs and spices to soups, breads, mustards,
There is a reward for the salad dressings, vinegars, desserts and drinks.
highest participation 🤗. So Spices and herbs such as clove, rosemary, sage,
Don't give up. oregano, and cinnamon are excellent sources of
God Bless You antioxidants with their high content of phenolic
compounds. It is evident that frequent consumption
of spicy foods was also linked to a lower risk of
Instructions. death from cancer and ischemic heart and
All Questions respiratory system diseases.
should be sent Let live healthy.
to the Anchors God Bless You
via DM before
6pm on 22nd. FACT OF THE DAY
1. @Bro God Bless You
2. @Sis
Victoria CBN
3. @Oluwafumilayo Patience
Please only Questions sent to them will be headed to
in the house come 22nd.
Let us pray
Daily Healthy Tips King of glory, the all-sufficient God, Omniscient
The Importance of Herb and Spice one, we are here to return all glory for the success of
Spices and herbs have been in use for centuries both today. We thank you because you are faithful. We
for culinary and medicinal purposes Spices not only commit our lives to your hands tonight as we go to
enhance the flavor, aroma, and color of food and bed, and we pray that you grant us good rest. Cover
us with your blood, give us good dreams and sweet
(AKS CO E & P)
rest. Thank you for having answered our prayers. In with death, followed by eternity. The values of
Jesus' name. (Amen). God’s kingdom are not the same as the values of the
Good night & God bless you. world. So we cannot love the life that this world
offers and expect to find eternal life waiting at the
DAY 21 ACTIVITIES end. Only when we reject the life that this world
MORNING PRAYER offers and live as citizens of the eternal kingdom do
This is Amazing Grace! we find true, lasting life.
Oh Father, you commended your love towards us WISHING YOU A LOVELY & FRUITFUL DAY
that while we were yet sinners, you died for us! AHEAD. God Bless You
I am forever grateful to you Lord!
Our lives are living proof of your deep intentions for 30 DAYS CHALLENGE
those who diligently seek after you. Accountability Check:
Today is another day Share your complimentary
We lift up our eyes towards your holy temple. conversations and Tag the
Father, that we might be living proofs of your person or if it was a phone call
redemptive capabilities simply indicate and tag the
Father, let your eyes favour us, let your words open person.
up roads for you, let your hand defend us, let your REMEMBER
eye be upon us for good, let your heart direct us There is a reward for the highest participation. So
towards your love. Don't give up.
We pray also, that the intentions of the devil God Bless You
concerning our families, friend's, colleagues, church Motivational Quote
shall fail to materialize. All this we pray and ask in "We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is
Jesus's name. not an act, but a habit" .-Aristotle.
Amen. Good morning God Bless You
Daily Health Tips
DAILY VERSE & Check your blood pressure regularly
WORD FOR Hypertension, or high blood pressure, is called a
TODAY “silent killer”. This is because many people who
21st April 2023 have hypertension may not be aware of the problem
Inspiration: as it may not have any symptoms. If left
Life on earth is uncontrolled, hypertension can lead to heart, brain,
finite. It is temporary. And it always ends the same: kidney and other diseases. Have your blood pressure
(AKS CO E & P)
checked regularly by a health worker so you know That we might cause joy in your heart by our
your numbers. If your blood pressure is high, get the worship.
advice of a health worker. This is vital in the That our inclination towards the kingdom will
prevention and control of hypertension. instigate others to arise with such passion too.
Lord, the world and it's system is becoming more
FACT OF THE DAY bolder, corrupting the souls of men.
God Bless You That you may cause your grace to abound,
convicting us and infusing us with Holy fire to
confront lies that seeks to corrupt the truth.
That your will prevail upon the face of the earth.
All Questions should be That your will find full expression in the body of
sent to the Anchors Christ.
via DM before 6pm on This we pray and ask in Jesus's name..
22nd. Amen.
1. @myself Good morning
2. @~Oluwafumilayo
3. @Sis Victoria NYSC CBN
Please only Questions sent to them will be attended
to in the house come 22nd.
Start sending your questions. God Bless You DAILY VERSE &
MORNING PRAYER 22nd April 2023
We remember all your wonderful works, the one's Inspiration:
done for us, the one's done to our family, the church, If you could ask
our community, the nations. God for anything,
It's too wonderful for us. what would it be? Good health? A conflict-free life?
No wonder you deserve to be praised and more. Riches and comfort? Would wisdom be at the top of
Look what you've done Lord! your list, as it was for Solomon? Perhaps it takes a
It humbles us Lord! degree of wisdom to even ask for wisdom. But when
(AKS CO E & P)
closer to His heart and mind, so that our days may . Grant us victory in our dreams. Take all adoration
be more fulfilled by a closer walk with Him. for you have answered our prayers. In Jesus' name
WISHING YOU A LOVELY & FRUITFUL DAY we have prayed. (Amen).
AHEAD. Good night & God bless you
30 DAYS CHALLENGE Thank you for waking us up this morning, did the
Accountability Check: same for our family, friends, colleagues and
Share with us what you learnt brethren.
today. We are forever grateful Lord.
REMEMBER As we witness this new day, may we be renewed in
There is a reward for the highest our mind, our spirit and our body
participation. So Don't give up May today herald a new dawn for us
God Bless You May the dew of heaven water all that concerns us.
May our time in your presence introduce us to true
FACT OF THE DAY moments of worship
God Bless You Father this is the first day of the new week, anc we
also know that the strong start today.
We receive grace, strength, insight, authority and
favour for the new week.
Thank you for answering, in Jesus's name i pray...
EVENING PRAYER Amen. Good morning
Let us pray DAILY VERSE &
Gracious God, king of kings, Lord of Lords, the I WORD FOR TODAY
am that I am,Alpha and Omega, Ancient of 23rd April 2023
Days,The Lion of the tribe of Judah,The Lily of the Inspiration:
Valley we return all the glory to you for all you did When we receive God’s
for us throughout today. We thank you for our lives grace, how fully do we
and the lives of our loved ones. We are here to grasp what we have been given? When we run into
commune with you once again. We pray that you trouble and God gives us a way out, do we just head
will hear us in Jesus' name. As we go to bed, we ask back to our old lives? Or do we understand that
that you will cover us with your blood, Shield and salvation is now? It’s not a far-off hope, it is now, in
protect us till the morning and keep us from all evils our midst, in our hands, ready for us to take hold of
(AKS CO E & P)
and use, as we proceed through life as people The recent edition of women mirror have more
changed by grace. information on this.
Motivational Quote Accountability Check:
"In a world where transparency is becoming the Share your Sunday pictures..
norm, we should embrace it and use it to our REMEMBER
advantage." - Simon Mainwaring There is a reward for the
God Bless You highest participation. So Don't
give up.
Health Tips God Bless You
Know your
No two humans are FACT OF THE DAY
alike. God Bless You
There could be
some similarities among family members,nobody
shares the same overall physiological makeup.
The blood genotype contains five unique genetic EVENING PRAYER
compositions . Let us pray
Namely: AA, AS, AC, SS and SC. The AA Immortal God, Invisible God,Ocean divider,way
genotype has the highest blood compatibility,and it maker, Miracle worker, Promise keeper we worship
is only this group that is compatible with the AS You,all we have come to say this evening is "Thank
blood genotype. You Lord","Ese Oluwa","Nagode Allah","Chineke
The risk of having sickle - cell offspring increases Daalu ooo","Abasi Sonsongo",we can't thank You
when AS and AS, or AS and AC are paired. It is enough, receive all the Glory and adoration in Jesus
more dangerous with the following combinations name,thank You Lord because we know our night is
AS and SS or SS and AC. blessed with sweet dreams, take all adoration for
To avoid future sorrows and pains intending couples you have answered our prayers. In Jesus' name we
should know each others blood genotype and group. have prayed. (Amen).
Also know when God is leading you ,let's not be Good night & God bless you
emotional with this when praying for the will of
God in marriage.
(AKS CO E & P)
greed, lust, envy, and more. But all sin leads to
bondage. All sin imprisons us. And even as
Christians, our enemy continues to set traps of
temptation for us, hoping to bind us once again. And
DAY 24 ACTIVITIES every time, it is God who breaks us free, on our day
MORNING PRAYER of salvation, and each time we stumble. And when
The king that reigns forever He rescues us, His glory is revealed when others see
The Holy God us living liberated lives.
The immortal God AHEAD.
The Unquestionable God Bless You
The Righteous Lord
King of kings
Lord of Lords
We thank you for this morning Motivational Quote
For the gift of life we say thank you, "The greatest leader is not necessarily the one who
That we can move ourselves we say thank you Lord, does the greatest things. He is the one that gets the
from all evil, guide us through today's activity and at Accountability Check:
the end we will praise your name in Jesus mighty Share with us your
name we pray Elevator pitch either in
Amen. writing or a video.
DAILY VERSE that you get to choose exactly how you present
TODAY Rather than just saying your job title, try to phrase
24th April 2023 what you do in a unique way that the other person
Sin takes many skills, background, and how you would like to add
El Lohim, Adonai WORD FOR
El Shaddai, Almighty One TODAY
Eternal Father 26th April 2023
I pay obeisance to you Inspiration:
If, it weren't for you that was by my side, where It is only when we
would i be today? are emptied that we
If it weren't for you, i would have been devoured by understand our need to be filled. It is only when we
my enemies! are broken that we seek to be made whole. And
But your mercy said NO! when we realize that we are poor in spirit,
Alleluia! completely lacking, and helpless, we realize our
need for a savior. And Jesus responds to our
This morning, i humbly appear before you, that you impoverished spirits by filling us with His Spirit and
might sanctify and cleanse me with the washing of making us whole, as He calls us from the
water by the word. brokenness of this world to the fullness of eternal
To be honest Lord, life.
I need you more than my necessary food WISHING YOU A LOVELY & FRUITFUL DAY
I need you more than life itself AHEAD.
I can't do without you God Bless You
I need you to survive!
I open the door to my heart, my home, my family, 30 DAYS CHALLENGE
my church, my community, my world. Accountability Check:
Come in and sup with us! Show us the proof you did
To the glory of your name and shame to the devil. today's task. Either a picture with
I receive the daily benefits of today- the power and the person or a screenshot of the
anointing, the protection, the insight, the guidance, person's appreciation or any
the deliverance, the breakthrough, the earthly other form of proof.
goodies! REMEMBER
(AKS CO E & P)
There is a reward for the highest participation 🤗. So when we ask You. Thank you for all you have done,
Don't give up. in Jesus' name we have prayed. (Amen).
God Bless You Good night & God bless you
Motivational Quote
"Hope is the companion of power, and mother of DAY 27 ACTIVITIES
success; for who so hopes strongly has within him MORNING PRAYER
the gift of miracles." - Samuel Smiles Blessed be the Lord Most High,
Health Tips King of Kings and Lord of Lords.
Eat the crab All power on earth and elsewhere belongs to you.
Crab is packed with protein, which is important for Thank you for all you've done for me, my family,
building and maintaining muscle. Crab also contains the church, my nation.
high levels of omega-3 fatty acids, vitamin B12, and I am forever grateful.
selenium. These nutrients play vital roles in I surrender myself to you, purge me, cleanse and
improving general health while helping prevent a prepare me for every good work.
variety of chronic conditions. When the enemy comes like a flood, please Lord,
Crabs prevent anaemia because of nutrients like raise a standard against him.
vitamin B12 and folate,keeps the brain When the troubles of this life, like sea billows roll,
strong,improves heart health because of the presence calm the storm Lord.
of Omega-3- fatty acids. Place your zeal in my heart for your work.
Crabs can used to prepare different dishes. Supply our daily needs also.
Eat the crabs and stay healthy To you be all the glory and honour in Jesus's name i
Good morning
Let us pray 30 DAYS CHALLENGE
King of glory, the great I am that I am. We Accountability Check:
appreciate you for seeing us through today, and for Share with us what problem or
the many benefits the day has brought us, we say challenge you solved and for
thank you, Father. As we go to bed tonight, we ask whom.
that you give us good dreams and sweet rest. We REMEMBER
worship You because we know You always hear us There is a reward for the highest participation 🤗. So
Don't give up.💪🏻
(AKS CO E & P)
God Bless You Seeing the dawn of a new day is a testament of your
love towards me, it humbles me.
My cry this morning is to love you from the inside-
Motivational Quote My cry this morning is to live a life of obedience
"Let your light shine. Be a source of strength and My cry this morning is to see men delivered from
courage. Share your wisdom. Radiate love." - the works of the devil
Wilferd Peterson My cry this morning is to see my nation liberated.
God Bless You My cry this morning is for the church to take her
place in this world.
EVENING PRAYER My cry this morning is for your supreme will to be
Let us pray enforced upon the earth.
Our Father in heaven, King of Kings, the Prince of Today is going to be good!
peace we are here to appreciate you for today. For I believe it, i receive it!
all you have done for us, we say thank you. We And that settles it!
commit this night into your able hands as we go to Thank you because i know you've answered in
bed, we are asking that you'll cover us with your Jesus's name i pray...
blood, fight our unseen battles, and wake us up Amen.
strong and healthy tomorrow morning. Thank you Good morning
for your answers to prayers. In Jesus' name, we have DAILY VERSE & WORD FOR TODAY
prayed. (Amen). 28th April 2023
Good night & God bless you Inspiration:
How can we measure the greatness of God? Billions
DAY 28 ACTIVITIES of people fill the earth, and God placed every one of
MORNING PRAYER them here. Stars fill the night sky, seeming to go on
Agbanilabatan, Olugbala... forever. Yet it is the hand of God that holds them
Troubles, struggles, heartaches weren't able to and stretches their heavenly tapestry out before us.
drown me yesterday because you showed up for me. We cannot begin to fathom such a vast and infinite
When i was struggling, you saved me God!
When i was worrying, you calmed me. WISHING YOU A LOVELY & FRUITFUL DAY
You've proven times without number that you are a AHEAD.
God at hand, not far away. God Bless You
I say thank you Lord...
(AKS CO E & P)
30 DAYS CHALLENGE He creates amazing Christian contents like short
Accountability Check: Christian dramas, short Christian nuggets, etc.
Share with us what you learnt He has trained over 60 students on mobile video
from the article in chapter 1 editing and YouTube business in his Faculty of
to 4. YouTube training classes. He still has the vision of
REMEMBER equipping more students.
There is a reward for the
highest participation 🤗. So Don't give up. Good evening Glorious People
God Bless You I'm happy to be in your midst tonight
It's my privilege and honour
Motivational Quote I'm really grateful for this opportunity to give value
"I will tell you how to become rich. Close the doors. here
Be fearful when others are greedy. Be greedy when Okay...
others are fearful." - Warren Buffett I'm Chukwuemeka Okorie...
A YouTuber and Content Creator
Chukwuemeka We will be diving into the BASICS of YouTube...
Okorie is a young, So, we are discussing
leader, a content THE BASICS
creator, YouTuber, I will take you through the following:
video editor and an 1. Introduction to YouTube
entrepreneur. 2. How to Create a YouTube channel
He is a graduate of 3. Equipment/Tools for YouTube Content Creation
Federal University of Technology, Owerri, a YALI 4. Apps for YouTube Content Creation
Fellow, a Brainly Expert and the convener of Make - Video Editor Apps
Jesus Trend Social Media Campaign! - YouTube Apps
Chukwuemeka is a content creator on YouTube and 5. How to Get Monetized on YouTube.
TikTok platforms with over four years experience 6. Content Creation Ideas & Strategies
on YouTube. He is the founder and owner of: 7. Creator Soft Skills
- Ministers' Arena YouTube Channel
- Smartphone Faculty YouTube Channel INTRODUCTION & USES OF YOUTUBE
- The Unconquerables TV on TikTok. YouTube is actually known to be an American
online video-sharing platform headquartered in San
(AKS CO E & P)
Bruno, California, founded by three former PayPal You will see something like
employees—Chad Hurley, Steve Chen, and Jawed this. Click on my channel
Karim– in February 2005.
In November 2006, Google bought the site for
US$1.65 billion, since which it operates as one of
Google's subsidiaries. If you haven't created, you will be told to create a
YOUTUBE has become a very powerful tool to
users today as it is used for various purposes.
Some of them:
3. INFORMATION DISSEMINATION You have a YouTube channel
4. GAMING Simple and Short
5. RELIGIOUS ACTIVITIES I believe you are all following me
In order to create a YouTube, you need the CREATION!
following: If you are going to create or shoot your videos, you
1. GMAIL need some equipment.
2. YOUTUBE So, for a small video content creator, you need:
3. SMARTPHONE 1. SMARTPHONE: For video capturing and mobile
NOTE: editing.
ANYBODY CAN CREATE A YOUTUBE I believe everyone of us in this class have this one
In order to create a YouTube channel: already.
Visit or just go to your YouTube When I started out on YouTube during lockdown
App I was using my phone
On your YouTube App, I didn't have a laptop or even sophisticated
just click on that ICON equipment
where your picture is My first earning on YouTube was with my
No laptop or camera sef
(AKS CO E & P)
I started earning with Ministers Arena just with my - colour filters and adjustment, etc.
smartphone Download it here
(CONT'D)! id=com.camerasideas.instashot
2. TRIPOD: This helps to hold your phone or 2. KINEMASTER
camera for effective capturing. Kinemaster is another wonderful video editing app.
3. RING LIGHT/LIGHTING: This helps to give you It has great features for mobile video editors.
illumination when you are not shooting with natural You can use it to do the same as that of INSHOT.
lighting or when you shooting in an enclosed area. You can download it here
Many creators like making use of lighting to give
them good illumination.
When u said organic followers, what do you mean? keep us safe in your arms, fight our battles for us,
Because I know there are apps used to increase give us sweet rest, victory in our dreams, and give
followers on social media. Could that be what u us a cause to say thank you, abba father, abba father
God has helped our facilitator to greatly teach and MORNING PRAYER
enlighten us on the basics of YouTube content There's this joy i feel this morning,
creation. It's a massive Kickstart!! I don't know how you do it, but i like it!
Jesus, lover of my soul!
(AKS CO E & P)
I am sincerely grateful..
Odum nke ebo Juda 2. An engaging Question and Answer session
Shugaban duniya 📅 22nd April
We hail you...
There's nothing too hard for you to do, there's no 3. An impactful business workshop
stain of sin too tough for you to wash, there's The Basics of Youtube content creation
nothing that can separate us from your love. 📅 28th April
As i awake this morning, cleanse me, and prepare
me for every good work. AND NOW TOMORROW!!!
Show your hand today in all that concerns me and 4. A Breakthrough 1 day Fasting & Prayer meeting
Rebuke the devourer for all our sakes. 📅 29th April
Nothing shall by any means harm us.
I and everyone in here come against every bad news And Finally.......the big one.
today, we will not weep! 5. Inter-Service Year Quiz Competition/Award night
We decree and declare that our light will shine 📅 30th April
brighter today.. Fasten your seat belts and get to enjoy the ride with
May your name be glorified. us in the remaining 2 days of the month.
Thank you because i know you've answered, in DON'T MISS OUT IN ACTION!!!
Jesus's name i pray... God Bless You
Good morning DAILY
From the office of the Moderators WORD FOR
It's been a Good ride from Day 1 of April till now TODAY 🎤
and we must say that we sincerely appreciate 29th April
everyone who has participated in one activity or the 2023
other. God bless you. Inspiration:
SO FAR SO GOOD WE HAVE GONE THROUGH It is inspiring to see the power of God displayed
1. A Mind shifting seminar throughout creation. The mountains, the stars, the
Growing your mind to GLOW your might storms, all declare His glory. And it is comforting to
📅 19th April. see God’s righteousness in His actions. He wields
(AKS CO E & P)
His power justly and rightly, according to His
character. As He imparts His righteousness on us, JN2Hj5uyX2pImS6RT8mca9tw6qpungZ4zNvDaM
His power sustains us. hnSZjQ/viewform?usp=sf_link
Let us pray
30 DAYS CHALLENGE Our most righteous God, we are grateful for this
Accountability Check: great and wonderful weekend ending today. We
Share with us what you thank you for seeing us through the month and
learnt from the article in successfully bringing us to the last weekend of
chapter 5 to 9. Those that April. As we go to bed tonight, we are praying that
didn't study yesterday, tell us you cover us with your blood and see us through to
what you learnt from 1-9 tomorrow morning. Thank you because we know
REMEMBER you have answered. In Jesus' name, we have prayed.
There is a reward for the highest participation 🤗. So (Amen).
Don't give up. Good night & God bless you
God Bless You
Motivational Quote MORNING PRAYER
"True happiness is... to enjoy the present, without Ancient of Days!
anxious dependence upon the future." - Lucius I am that I am...
Annaeus Seneca Lion and the Lamb
God Bless You The one that dwelleth in the Light wherewhich no
PRAYER REQUESTS FORM man can approach...
A Breakthrough 1 day Fasting & Prayer meeting Good God!
THE INTERCESSOR Thank you for the last day in April..
Kindly use the Google form link below to send in Alleluia to the Lamb
your prayer requests for tonight's prayers. Glory to the King of kings amd Lord of lords..
We will TOUCH HEAVEN THIS EVENING and Here's my sacrifice of praise,
your PRAYERS Shall be Answered. Receive all the glory, honour, power and might..
Father, as your child, i humbly request that:
(AKS CO E & P)
You sit over my life like a purifier of silver and "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens
purify me... me." - Philippians 4:13
You point your church to the right direction... God Bless You
I also decree that the host of darkness is discomfitted
for our sakes and that your will be done as it is in 30 DAYS CHALLENGE.
By faith, i declare that the worship service of today THE MONTH
is a time of refreshing and renewal in Jesus's name i Accountability Check:
pray... Today's Challenge is a very
Amen. Prophetic one and I will
Good morning advise you key into it.
If you are sure you are going to carry out today's
DAILY VERSE & task, Simply indicate with the Phrase
TODAY If you've done it you can indicate
30th April 2023 TASK DONE.
Inspiration: For the first task kindly send a DM to me.
We all have plans REMEMBER
and agendas. We There is a reward for the highest participation. So
have aspirations and dreams, and strategize making Don't give up.
those objectives come to fruition. And because our God Bless You
hearts and minds are known to the Lord, so too are
our plans. He knows the good and the bad, and if we
are attentive to His leading, He will steer us and
shape our plans according to His. Health Tips
AHEAD. To eat the rainbow, be sure to eat a variety of
HAPPY SUNDAY different-colored fruits and vegetables throughout
Motivational Quote your day. Most colorful fruits and veggies have anti-
"God never said that the journey would be easy, but inflammatory and antioxidant effects that may
He did say that the arrival would be worthwhile." - benefit different aspects of your health.
Max Lucado These fruits and vegetables contain carotenoids,
Always remember the word of the Lord: chlorophyll, lycopene,anthoxanthins,
(AKS CO E & P)
betalains,and anthocyanins. Until the time keeper calls of your time, no other set
Their health benefits are,they are: is permitted to give the answer.
-anti-inflammatory Once the time keeper calls off the time, the fastest
-antioxidant set to drop the right question gets the bonus mark.
-may benefit heart health 👍 Bonus is 1mark
-may lower your risk of neurological disorders 👍 Question answer correctly attract 4marks
-may improve brain function ✍️Please kindly familiarize yourselves with these
-may lower your risk of type 2 diabetes rules
-may lower your risk of certain cancers.
The chat above have a display of various rainbow MODALITIES OF THE QUIZ
fruits and veggies. For proper PREPARATION ahead of the INTER
☆☆☆INTER SERVICE This is to notify everyone the modalities of the
YEAR QUIZ event.
COMPETITION ☆☆☆ Questions will be drawn from the following:
INFORMATION FOR 2. Current Affair
PARTICIPANTS 3. Service Year
💡Each set is represented by 3 4. GPF activities
persons and it's expected that the 3 of you work Questions are in following format:
together as a team during the quiz Competition. ✓ Objective (you pick from options)
💡In a situation where two different answers are ✓ Filling the gap with appropriate answer (Garman
presented, such will be nullify and that is automatic question)
zero ✓ Lastly, Just supply the answer (without option)
😇You are expected to discuss amongst yourselves Total number of questions = 100
privately on the following Time allotted to each question= 1min
1. The choice of question Any question failed will be Bonus to the next sect
2. The answer to the question after been asked. and that's 1mark
✓ Only 1 person is permitted to present the answer Thanks
or choose the question. Let there be no repetition.
⏰ As stated in the rules you have 1min to discuss INTER SERVICE YEAR QUIZ
within yourselves the answer to the question and COMPETITION.
post it to the group. QUIZ PARTICIPANTS
(AKS CO E & P)
2022 set 2.
1. Obarombi Theophilus Temidire 3.
@Obaromi Theophilus Temidire DLCF AKS 2022B 2015
ZC Etinan 1.
2. Micheal @Comr Michael Osas Itoya DLCF AKS 2.
3. @Anthony Rachael Ogochukwu DLCF AKS 22 3.
2021 set 1.
1. Nwuede Princess @Nwude Princess Ijeoma 2.
2. Jonathan Ewaoche @~Jay Jay 2013
3. @Peace Chisom Aniakor DLCF AKS swc 1.
2020 set 3.
1. Steve Usang @Stephen Williams Usang DLCF 2012
AKS 1. @Kayode Grace GPF
2. Faith Oso @Oshogwe Faith 20 ASWC 2. @~Kayode Abiodun
3. Daniel @Onuigbo Daniel Ifeanyichukwu DLCF 3. @~etengtheophilus
AKS 2020 2011
*2019 * 2.
1.Bro.Samuel @Samuel Adebamigboye DLCF 3.
AKS 2010
Eket papa 2019c 1. @~Gideon Haruna Isah
2. Miracle udechi @Miracle Udechi DLCF AKS 2. @Biodun DLCF AKS 10
2020 3. @~Oluwadara
3. Bro.Elijah @Samuel Elijah DLCF AKS 19
2017 2000-2009
1. 1. @Emma CM DLCF AKS
2. 2.
3. 3.
2016 2011, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016 & 2017 we are still
1. expecting your nominees.
(AKS CO E & P)
God Bless You 7. What dowry did Saul demand from David to
marry Michal his daughter?
Opening Prayer... 8. At the time of Jesus’ birth, which Roman
Oh Lord our God... was in charge of cultivation at Syria?
Strength of our heart.. 9. In what Language was the Old Testament
Tower of refuge written?
Giver of life 10. Who did Paul describe as the firstfruits of
Protector of the universe.. Achaia to Christ?
Be glorified... 11. Which woman did Paul commend to the
As we begin our penultimate event ( from 2018 set). Roman believers?
Lord, we pray that your name be glorified and your 12. What did Paul request for the woman he
will prevail... commended?
We hand over everything into your hands... 13. Who is the father of musical instruments
Lord, take perfect control, i. JESUS'S NAME WE such as harp and organ?
PRAY... 14. Which of the cities mentioned in Revelation
AMEN. is also an American city?
15. What were Abraham’s brothers’ names?
16. The first tool maker in the bible is what?
17. Where did God give Moses the Ten
1. Who took Judas Iscariot’s place as a 18. Which literary genre did Jesus used to preach
disciple? a good number of times in the Gospels?
2. Ahab had how many sons in Samaria? 19.
3. What was God's sign to Noah that he would Quiz RESULT
never destroy the Earth again? 🔮2022= 8 points .........62%. 3rd
4. David wrote the entire book of Psalms. True 🔮2021= 1 point ...........8%
or False 🔮2020= 13 points......100%. 1ST
5. What is the name of the first Harlot Prophet 🔮2019= 10 points ......77%. 2nd
Hosea was led to marry. 🔮2010= 8 points ........62%. 3rd
6. Which Mary wiped Jesus’ feet with her hair 🔮2017= 4 points .........31%
soaked in oil.
Welcome to SECTION B
(AKS CO E & P)
God Bless You
I welcome Everyone once again Now if you know the song pls let's sing the chorus
Our Daddy's, mummy's, also Uncle's , auntie's, and along.
brothers and sisters Who the Son sets free
I am so honored to be here tonight, and grateful to Oh is free indeed
be the recipient of this award and thanksgiving I'm a child of God
First all I would like to thank our brilliant and truly Yes I am
outstanding Leaders, and Administrator of God's In my Father's house
peculiar family whose leadership steered this team There's a place for me
2018 together and also to our amazing Family, the I'm a child of God
GPF, it's always a pleasure to open and read each Yes I am
chat and get motivated every single day I am chosen not forsaken
Before we get started, I am who You say I am
We the 2018 team would like to express our sincere You are for me not against me
appreciation to all who generously helped and got I am who You say I am
involved in one challenge or the other that make this I am chosen not forsaken
become a big success, We couldn’t have done it I am who You say I am
without you, You are for me not against me
We also want to sincerely apologize for any I am who You say I am
inconvenience or disturbance we've caused. We are I am who You say I am
Your faith in us propel us to continue
Thank you so much Activity: TELL US YOUR FAVORITE
I welcome everyone here to AWARD MODERATION
To lighten up our mood in the house as we begin the
Event, let's listen to this wonderful rendition by
Hillsong Worship.
The lyrics of this song are POWERFUL, Listen and
be Blessed!!
(AKS CO E & P)
In GLOWING UP! you have to be
intentional about your growth 💯. You
can't remain in your comfort Zone.
After you've done watching, Replying
this video with the best line you caught
from all that is said.
God Bless You
Closing remark
Good evening everyone.
I want to use this opportunity to appreciate God
almighty for his goodness and mercy upon us all.
The journey was not easy but God saw us through.
Award- I want to specially appreciate my admin for this
The two 1st position will receive 3k Cash price and great privilege given to us to moderate this great
2g data attached... family for the month of April. It is indeed a noble
Then other award of 2g worth of data is to be given task and we do not take it for granted at all. thank
to winner number 3-6 you so much.
Courtsey of ®GPF 2018 My special thanks goes to my team who worked
tirelessly to make this a success. I cannot thank you
GLOW UP!!! GLOW UP!!! enough. God richly bless you.
The theme for our April moderation has been To the general house, thank you for your wonderful
centered on Glowing up!!, becoming the best corporation and participation. You have all been
version of yourself, been that person God wants you wonderful and exceptional. we couldn't have done
to be, Impacting your niche and the world at large. this without. Thank you so much and God bless you.
So my dear friends and family, Watch this short In summary, The following set
LIMITS!!! 2019
(AKS CO E & P)
2010 Thank You Son
That were nominated for the quiz should kindly Thank You Holy Spirit
private chairman @~Samuel the quiz chairman for For in Jesus name we have prayed (Amen)
their reward A louder Amennnnnnnnnn
I need:
You full name, year of service and phone number NOW FINALLY BEFORE WE HANG THE
Also the first 8 persons for the 30 days challenge CURTAIN
should also send their message as well to EVENING PRAYER BY 2018 MODERATING
@Tolumide Omoregie DLCF AKS and @~Samuel TEAM
On this note I want to specially hand over to the EVENING PRAYER
next moderating set as we draw the curtain for the Let us pray
month of April. King of glory, the great I am that I am. We
Billo Liberty Chifum appreciate you for seeing us through today, and for
On behalf of the many benefits the day has brought us, we say
2018 moderating set thank you, Father. As we go to bed tonight, we ask
that you give us good dreams and sweet rest. We
Sing along as we bring the activities of today to and worship You because we know You always hear us
end with closing prayer when we ask You. Thank you for all you have done,
We give You all the Glory in Jesus' name we have prayed. (Amen).
We worship You our God Good night & God bless you
You're worthy to be praise Signed ✍
Father we want to appreciate you for tonight, thank The Moderators
You Lord for seeing us throughout the activities of God's Peculiar Family
the month,we appreciate you for bringing us to the (Aks Co E & P)
climax of April activities receive all Glory and © 2018 Set
Adoration in Jesus name
All we have come to say is Thank You Lord,we
return all Glory and Adoration unto You
Lord as we sleep tonight protect us,build a wall of
fire around us to effect our safety,count us worthy to
witness another beginning of a new day and month
in Jesus name
Thank You Father From The Admins' Table
(AKS CO E & P)
A sincere appreciation to team 2018 for an excellent
and pleasant ride in have done nobly,
God bless and enrich you more and more to be a
blessing to nations.
This is to officially hand over the GPF House
activities to the 2015 set for 31 days in MAY.
Kindly give them maximum support and
encouragement as they spare their time, energy, etc
to be a blessing to us all in the house.
God Bless You
The Administrators
God's Peculiar Family
(AKS Co E & P)