Sivajothi Project
Sivajothi Project
Sivajothi Project
In December 1879 Thomas Alva Edison and his associates invited the public to their
work site in Menlo Park, New Jersey. People from New York and elsewhere gathered to see
what they had never seen before—buildings and grounds illuminated with about 100 electric
incandescent lamps.
By the time of Edison's Menlo Park demonstration, much had already been discovered
about electricity. The Italian scientist Alessandro Volta had invented the electric battery, and
the English scientist Michael Faraday had created a generator using magnetism to produce
electricity. Even the idea of electric lighting was not new.
Electricity, a form of energy, occurs from the flow of electrons, or negatively charged
particles. The number of electrons in an atom usually equals the number of protons, or
positively charged particles. When this balance is upset, such as when two distinct surfaces
The phenomenon of electricity had been observed, though not understood, by ancient
Greeks around 600 b.c. They found that by rubbing amber, a fossilized resin, against a fur
cloth, they could create a tiny spark. In 1752 Benjamin Franklin proved that electricity is a
basic part of nature and that lightning and the spark from amber were one and the same. He
did this, in his now famous experiment, by fastening a wire to a silk kite and flying it during a
thunderstorm. Franklin held the end of the kite string by an iron key. When a bolt of lightning
struck the wire, it traveled down the kite string to the key and caused a spark.
Not only did Franklin prove that lightning was electricity, he theorized that electricity
was a type of fluid that attracted or repulsed materials—an idea that continues to help
scientists describe and understand the basics of electricity.
In 1881 Edison and his associates moved to New York City to promote the
construction of electric power plants in cities. They invested in companies that manufactured
products—generators, power cables, electric lamps, and lighting fixtures—that were needed
for a commercially Successful electric lighting system. They also built the Pearl Street
Station, a steam electric power plant near Wall Street. On 4 September 1882, this power plant
began providing light and power to customers in a one-square-mile area.
Model of efficiency for its time, Pearl Street used one-third the fuel of its
predecessors, burning about ten pounds of coal per kilowatt-hour, a unit of electric power
equal to the work done by one kilowatt acting for one hour. Initially the Pearl Street utility
served fifty-nine customers for about twenty-four cents per kilowatt-hour.
The first commercial electric power plant to use AC began operating in the United States in
1893. Built by the Redlands Electric Light and Power Company, the Mill Creek plant in
California transmitted power 7.5 miles away to the city of Redlands. The electricity was used
for lighting and for running a local ice house.
Two years later, on 26 August 1895, water flowing over Niagara Falls was diverted
through two high-speed turbines connected to two 5,000-horsepower AC generators. Initially,
local manufacturing plants used most of the electricity. But before long, electricity was being
transmitted twenty miles to Buffalo, where it was used for lighting and for streetcars.
This new source of energy had so many practical applications that it greatly changed the way
people lived. Inventors and scientists developed electric devices that enabled people to
communicate across great distances and to process information quickly. The demand for
electric energy grew steadily during the 1900s.
The world's reliance on electronics is so great that commentators claim people live in
an "electronic age." People are surrounded by electronics—televisions, radios, computers,
and DVD players, along with products with major electric components, such as microwave
ovens, refrigerators, and other kitchen appliances, as well as hearing aids and medical
A branch of physics, electronics deals with how electrons move to create electricity
and how that electric signal is carried in electric products. An electric signal is simply an
electric current or voltage modified in some way to represent information, such as sound,
pictures, numbers, letters, or computer instructions. Signals can also be used to count objects,
to measure time or temperature, or to detect chemicals or radioactive materials.
The development, manufacture, and sales of electronic products make up one of the
largest and most important industries in the world. The electronics industry is also one of the
fastest growing of all industries. The United States and Japan are the world's largest
producers of electronic components and products. In the mid-1990s, electronics companies in
the United States had sales that totaled more than $250 billion. During the same period,
Japanese firms had sales that totaled more than $200 billion in U.S. dollars.
Computers and other electronic instruments provide scientists and other researchers
with powerful tools to better understand their area of study. Computers, for example, help
scientists design new drug molecules, track weather systems, and test theories about how
galaxies and stars develop. Electron microscopes use electrons rather than visible light to
magnify specimens 1 million times or more.
Materials that permit flow of electrons are called conductors (e.g., gold, silver,
copper, etc.). Materials that block flow of electrons are called insulators (e.g., rubber, glass,
Teflon, mica, etc.). Materials whose conductivity falls between those of conductors and
insulators are called semiconductors. Semiconductors are “part-time” conductors whose
conductivity can be controlled.
Silicon is the most common material used to build semiconductor devices. Si is the
main ingredient of sand and it is estimated that a cubic mile of seawater contains 15,000 tons
of Si. Si is spun and grown into a crystalline structure and cut into wafers to make electronic
devices. Atoms in a pure silicon wafer contain four electrons in outer orbit (called valence
electrons). – Germanium is another semiconductor material with four valence electrons. In
the crystalline lattice structure of Si, the valence electrons of every Si atom are locked up in
covalent bonds with the valence electrons of four neighboring Si atoms. – In pure form, Si
wafer does not contain any free charge carriers. – An applied voltage across pure Si wafer
does not yield electron flow through the wafer. – A pure Si wafer is said to act as an
insulator. In order to make useful semiconductor devices, materials such as phosphorus (P)
and boron (B) are added to Si to change Si’s conductivity.
Pentavalent impurities such as phosphorus, arsenic, antimony, and bismuth have 5
valence electrons.
When phosphorus impurity is added to Si, every phosphorus atom’s four valence
electrons are locked up in covalent bond with valence electrons of four neighboring Si
atoms. However, the 5th valence electron of phosphorus atom does not find a binding
electron and thus remains free to float. When a voltage is applied across the silicon-
phosphorus mixture, free electrons migrate toward the positive voltage end.
When phosphorus is added to Si to yield the above effect, we say that Si is doped with
phosphorus. The resulting mixture is called N-type silicon (N: negative charge carrier
The pentavalent impurities are referred to as donor impurities.
Trivalent impurities e.g., boron, aluminum, indium, and gallium have 3 valence
When boron is added to Si, every boron atom’s three valence electrons are locked up
in covalent bond with valence electrons of three neighboring Si atoms. However, a
vacant spot “hole” is created within the covalent bond between one boron atom and a
neighboring Si atom. The holes are considered to be positive charge carriers. When a
voltage is applied across the silicon-boron mixture, a hole moves toward the negative
voltage end while a neighboring electron fills in its place.
When boron is added to Si to yield the above effect, we say that Si is doped with
boron. The resulting mixture is called P-type silicon (P: positive charge carrier
silicon). • The trivalent impurities are referred to as acceptor impurities.
• A diode is a 2 lead semiconductor that acts as a one way gate to electron flow. –
Diode allows current to pass in only one direction.
• A pn-junction diode is formed by joining together n-type and p-type silicon.
• In practice, as the n-type Si crystal is being grown, the process is abruptly altered to
grow p-type Si crystal. Finally, a glass or plastic coating is placed around the joined crystal.
• The p-side is called anode and the n-side is called cathode.
• When the anode and cathode of a pn-junction diode are connected to external voltage
such that the potential at anode is higher than the potential at cathode, the diode is said to be
forward biased. –In a forward-biased diode current is allowed to flow through the device.
• When potential at anode is smaller than the potential at cathode, the diode is said to
be reverse biased. In a reverse-biased diode current is blocked.
When water pressure on left overcomes the restoring force of spring, the gate is
.opened and water is allowed to flow
• When water pressure is from right to left, the gate is pressed against the solid stop
and no water is allowed to flow.
• Spring restoring force is analogous to 0.6V needed to forward bias a Si diode.
Electronics is a much more subtle kind of electricity in which tiny electric currents
(and, in theory, single electrons) are carefully directed around much more complex circuits to
process signals (such as those that carry radio and television programs) or store and process
information. Think of something like a microwave oven and it's easy to see the difference
between ordinary electricity and electronics. In a microwave, electricity provides the power
that generates high-energy waves that cook your food; electronics controls the electrical
Electricity is all about making electromagnetic energy flow around a circuit so that it
will drive something like an electric motor or a heating element, powering appliances such
as electric cars, kettles, toasters, and lamps. Generally, electrical appliances need a great deal
of energy to make them work so they use quite large (and often quite dangerous) electric
It sounds like quite an abstract idea, but it's really very simple. Suppose you take an old-
fashioned photograph of someone with a film camera. The camera captures light streaming in
through the shutter at the front as a pattern of light and dark areas on chemically
treated plastic. The scene you're photographing is converted into a kind of instant, chemical
painting an "analogy" of what you're looking at. That's why we say this is an analog way of
storing information. But if you take a photograph of exactly the same scene with a digital
camera, the camera stores a very different record. Instead of saving a recognizable pattern of
light and dark, it converts the light and dark areas into numbers and stores those instead.
format. In an old-fashioned transistor radio, broadcast signals enter the radio's circuitry via
the antenna sticking out of the case. These are analog signals: they are radio waves, traveling
through the air from a distant radio transmitter that vibrates up and down in a pattern that
corresponds exactly to the words and music they carry. So loud rock music means bigger
signals than quiet classical music. The radio keeps the signals in analog form as it receives
them, boosts them, and turns them back into sounds you can hear. But in a modern digital
radio, things happen in a different way. First, the signals travel in digital format as coded
numbers. When they arrive at your radio, the numbers are converted back into sound signals.
It's a very different way of processing information and it has both advantages and
(including computers, cell phones, digital cameras, digital radios, hearing aids,
If you've ever looked down on a city from a skyscraper window, you'll have marveled
at all the tiny little buildings beneath you and the streets linking them together in all sorts of
intricate ways. Every building has a function and the streets, which allow people to travel
from one part of a city to another or visit different buildings in turn, make all the buildings
work together. The collection of buildings, the way they're arranged, and the many
connections between them is what makes a vibrant city so much more than the sum of its
individual parts.
The circuits inside pieces of electronic equipment are a bit like cities too: they're
packed with components (similar to buildings) that do different jobs and the components are
linked together by cables or printed metal connections (similar to streets). Unlike in a city,
where virtually every building is unique and even two supposedly identical homes or office
blocks may be subtly different, electronic circuits are built up from a small number of
standard components. But, just like LEGO®, you can put these components together in an
These are the simplest components in any circuit. Their job is to restrict the flow of electrons
and reduce the current or voltage flowing by converting electrical energy into heat. Resistors
come in many different shapes and sizes. Variable resistors (also known as potentiometers)
have a dial control on them so they change the amount of resistance when you turn them.
The electronic equivalents of one-way streets, diodes allow an electric current to flow
through them in only one direction. They are also known as rectifiers. Diodes can be used to
change alternating currents (ones flowing back and forth round a circuit, constantly swapping
direction) into direct currents (ones that always flow in the same direction).
are often used as timing devices, but they can transform electrical currents in other ways too.
In a radio, one of the most important jobs, tuning into the station you want to listen to, is done
by a capacitor.
Easily the most important components in computers, transistors can switch tiny
electric currents on and off or amplify them (transform small electric currents into much
larger ones). Transistors that work as switches act as the memories in computers, while
transistors working as amplifiers boost the volume of sounds in hearing aids. When
transistors are connected together, they make devices called logic gates that can carry out
very basic forms of decision making. (Thyristors are a little bit like transistors, but work in a
different way.)
There are various components that can turn light into electricity or vice-
versa. Photocells (also known as photoelectric cells) generate tiny electric currents when light
falls on them and they're used as "magic eye" beams in various types of sensing equipment,
including some kinds of smoke detector. Light-emitting diodes (LEDs) work in the opposite
way, converting small electric currents into light. LEDs are typically used on the instrument
panels of stereo equipment.Liquid crystal displays (LCDs), such as those used in flat screen
LCD televisions and laptop computers, are more sophisticated examples of opto-electronics.
An LED mounted in an electronic circuit. This is one of the LEDs that makes red light inside
The key to an electronic device is not just the components it contains, but the way
they are arranged in circuits. The simplest possible circuit is a continuous loop connecting
two components, like two beads fastened on the same necklace. Analog electronic appliances
tend to have far simpler circuits than digital ones. A basic transistor radio might have a few
dozen different components and a circuit board probably no bigger than the cover of a
paperback book. But in something like a computer, which uses digital technology, circuits are
much more dense and complex and include hundreds, thousands, or even millions of separate
pathways. Generally speaking, the more complex the circuit, the more intricate the operations
it can perform.
If you've experimented with simple electronics, you'll know that the easiest way to
build a circuit is simply to connect components together with short lengths of copper cable.
But the more components you have to connect, the harder this becomes. That's why
electronics designers usually opt for a more systematic way of arranging components on
what's called a circuit board. A basic circuit board is simply a rectangle of plastic with copper
connecting tracks on one side and lots of holes drilled through it. You can easily connect
components together by poking them through the holes and using the copper to link them
together, removing bits of copper as necessary, and adding extra wires to make additional
Electronic equipment that you buy in stores takes this idea a step further using circuit
boards that are made automatically in factories. The exact layout of the circuit is printed
chemically onto a plastic board, with all the copper tracks created automatically during the
manufacturing process. Components are then simply pushed through pre-drilled holes and
Soldering components into an electronic circuit. The smoke you can see comes from the
solder melting and turning to a vapor. The blue plastic rectangle I'm soldering onto here is a
typical printed circuit board—and you see various components sticking up from it, including
a bunch of resistors at the front and a large integrated circuit at the top.
Although PCBs are a great advance on hand-wired circuit boards, they're still quite
difficult to use when you need to connect hundreds, thousands, or even millions of
components together. The reason early computers were so big, power hungry, slow,
expensive, and unreliable is because their components were wired together manually in this
old-fashioned way. In the late 1950s, however, engineers Jack Kilby and Robert Noyce
surface of pieces of silicon. Using these integrated circuits, it rapidly became possible to
became smaller, cheaper, and much more reliable from the 1960s onward.
Electronics is now so pervasive that it's almost easier to think of things that don't use
Entertainment was one of the first areas to benefit, with radio (and later television)
both critically dependent on the arrival of electronic components. Although the telephone was
systems, cellphone networks, and the computers networks at the heart of the Internet all
Try to think of something you do that doesn't involve electronics and you may
struggle. Your car engine probably has electronic circuits in it and what about the GPS
satellite navigation device that tells you where to go? Even the airbag in your steering wheel
is triggered by an electronic circuit that detects when you need some extra protection.
kinds of electronic gadgets, from heart-rate monitors and ultrasound scanners to complex
brain scanners and X-ray machines. Hearing aids were among the first gadgets to benefit
from the development of tiny transistors in the mid-20th century, and ever-smaller integrated
circuits have allowed hearing aids to become smaller and more powerful in the decades ever
Who'd have thought have electrons just about the smallest things you could ever
current flows through a wire, it generates a magnetic field (an invisible pattern of magnetism)
or "magnetic flux" all around it. The strength of the magnetism (which has the rather
technical name of magnetic flux density) is directly related to the size of the electric current.
The larger amount of current, the stronger the magnetic field. When a magnetic field
second coil of wire next to the first one, and send a fluctuating electric current into the first
If the first coil has more turns that the second coil, the secondary voltage is smaller
This is called a step-down transformer. If the second coil has half as many turns as the first
coil, the secondary voltage will be half the size of the primary voltage; if the second coil has
So a step-down transformer with 100 coils in the primary and 10 coils in the
secondary will reduce the voltage by a factor of 10 but multiply the current by a factor of 10
at the same time. The power is equal to the current times the voltage (watts = volts x amps is
same as the power in the primary coil. (In reality, there is some loss of power between the
primary and the secondary because some of the "magnetic flux" leaks out of the core, some
Reversing the situation, we can make a step-up transformer that boosts a low voltage
There are huge transformers in towns and cities where the high-voltage electricity
from incoming power lines is converted into lower-voltages. There are transformers in your
home as well. Electric appliances such as washing machines and dishwashers use voltages of
110-240 volts, but electronic devices (laptop computers and chargers for MP3 players and
mobile cell phones) use lower voltages: a laptop needs about 15 volts, an iPod charger needs
12 volts, and a cell phone typically needs less than 6 volts when you charge up its battery.
Thus, electronic appliances like these have small transformers built into them (often mounted
at the end of the power lead) to convert the 110-240 volt domestic supply into a smaller
Some of the electrical appliances in your home use the 220-240 volts. These are
things like a water heater, stove and oven, or air conditioner. They have very special
connections and plugs. Other devices, like your TV or computer only use one-half of the
In a toy train set, the voltage is reduced even more from 110-120 and is changed from
The project title itself indicates that whenever someone wants to theft the jewel which is present
in the shopping mall then the theft will be automatically arrested with the help of some human
detecting sensors and vibration sensor and makes the doors to close automatically. That means the thief
is arrested. This project consists of two sections. The transmitter section consists of a PIR sensor, a
motor a micro controller, a GSM module. One such thing is using PIR sensor which is used to detecting
the human motion.
Whenever someone tries to steal the jeweler at the jewellery corner in the shopping mall,
there will be one PIR sensor is placed in ‘ON’ condition at that time it will start detecting the motion of
human being. If the sensor detects then automatically the doors of that jeweler area will close within
few seconds and gives the intimation to the owner of that shopping mall through the SMS using GSM
communication. The buzzer will be ‘on’ for indicating that someone is arrested and at the same time the
display will also be shown at the receiver section.
In the thesis another main thing is Vibration sensor, when the theft try to break wall or door the
vibration sensor will detect the vibration automatically. In that state the controller send message to
owner of shopping mall through the SMS using GSM communication. The buzzer will be ‘on’ for
indicating that someone is arrested and at the same time the display will also be shown at the receiver
These day's museums theft cases are higher than ever, give your museums an excellent protection
with the only reliable anti-theft device. Museums Electronic control unit ensures the best guarantee to
protect your museums from different kinds of theft cases. It is a museums security device that offers
excellent protection to your museums. A museum with Electronic control unit security system helps
the user to lock and unlock doors at the press of a button. Mainly two types of Electronic control unit
are used in Auto industry -Automatic Electronic control unit and Manual Electronic control unit that
ensures smoother and secured operation. Again this system could not prove to provide complete
security and accessibility of the vehicle in case of theft. So a more developed system makes use of an
embedded system based on GSM technology. The designed & developed system is installed in the
vehicle. The main concept in this design is introducing the mobile communications into the embedded
system. Automotive industry uses Controller Area Network (CAN) as the in- vehicle network for the
Engine Management, the body electronics like door and roof control, air conditioning and lighting as
well as for the entertainment control.
A “Microcontroller Unit” or “MCU” is an Integrated Circuit (IC) that effectively controls electronic devices
within a large embedded system.
In simple terminology, a microcontroller takes input from a user, processes the input signals, and then
displays the output as per the user demand.
A microcontroller is a combination of two words: “micro” means small, and “controller” means an
enhanced ability to perform control functions.
Some of you may be thinking,” Why microcontrollers were created when Personal Computers could have
performed such tasks with much better speed and accuracy?”
Your perspective is correct as far as the speed/accuracy aspect is concerned. But look, here’s the thing…
You cannot deploy personal computers everywhere for miniature tasks, simply because that would be too
costly and demand much greater space than a microcontroller would, otherwise.
Your personal computer can run Word Editor, a Graphics Design application, and a bunch of other resource-
intensive software, all at the same time.
.Microcontrollers are highly application-oriented. You can easily program a microcontroller to perform a
dedicated task for a specific application, that too at a reduced cost and power requirements.
For a typical application, a personal computer would require 50 Watts. But a microcontroller can implement
the same task using merely 50 mill watts. Does that ring any bells?
Moreover, a microcontroller can operate in extreme conditions i.e., inside a hot car engine, in space
satellites, and chilly weather of Antarctica. Personal computers, however, need to be ruggedized for such
harsh environments.
The thesis title itself indicates that whenever someone wants to theft the jewel which is present in
the shopping mall then the theft will be automatically arrested with the help of some human detecting
sensors and vibration sensor and make the doors to close automatically. That means the thief is
arrested. This project consists of two sections. The transmitter section consists of a PIR sensor, a
motor a micro controller, a GSM module. One such thing is using PIR sensor which is used to
detecting the human motion.
Whenever someone tries to steal the jeweler at the jewellery corner in the shopping mall, there
will be one PIR sensor is placed in ‘ON’ condition at that time it will start detecting the motion of
human being. If the sensor detects then automatically the doors of that jeweler area will close within
few seconds and gives the intimation to the owner of that shopping mall through the SMS using GSM
communication. The buzzer will be ‘on’ for indicating that someone is arrested and at the same time
the display will also be shown at the receiver section. In the thesis another main thing is Vibration
sensor, when the theft try to break wall or door the vibration sensor will detect the vibration
automatically. In that state the controller send message to owner of shopping mall through the SMS
using GSM communication. The buzzer will be ‘on’ for indicating that someone is arrested and at the
same time the display will also be shown at the receiver section.
LDR (Light Dependent Resistor) as the name states is a special type of resistor that works on the
photoconductivity principle means that resistance changes according to the intensity of light. Its resistance
decreases with an increase in the intensity of light.
It is often used as a light sensor, light meter, Automatic Street light, and in areas where we need to have light
sensitivity. LDR is also known as a Light Sensor. LDR are usually available in 5mm, 8mm, 12mm, and
25mm dimensions.
A resistor is a passive two-terminal electrical component that implements electrical resistance as a circuit
element. In electronic circuits, resistors are used to reduce current flow, adjust signal levels, to divide
voltages, bias active elements, and terminate transmission lines, among other uses. High-power resistors that
can dissipate many watts of electrical power as heat may be used as part of motor controls, in power
distribution systems, or as test loads for generators. Fixed resistors have resistances that only change slightly
with temperature, time or operating voltage. Variable resistors can be used to adjust circuit elements (such as
a volume control or a lamp dimmer), or as sensing devices for heat, light, humidity, force, or chemical
Resistors are common elements of electrical networks and electronic circuits and are ubiquitous in electronic
equipment. Practical resistors as discrete components can be composed of various compounds and forms.
Resistors are also implemented within integrated circuits.
The electrical function of a resistor is specified by its resistance: common commercial resistors are
manufactured over a range of more than nine orders of magnitude. The nominal value of the resistance falls
within the manufacturing tolerance, indicated on the component.
These laser modules consist of a laser diode, lens and driver circuit housed in a metal case. The module body
is electrically isolated. Electrical connections are made via flying leads. The lens is a single element of high
refractive index glass which produces a high quality collimated beam over a long distance. Its position can be
adjusted to bring the beam to a focused spot using the special key provided. The Beta CW and TX series
standard collimating lens may be replaced by a line generating lens which produces a fan shaped beam that
can be focused to a fine, straight line, (RS stock no. 194-032) is supplied with a line generator lens producing
a beam angle of 16° fitted, (RS stock no. 213-3613) is supplied with a line generator lens producing a beam
angle of 106° fitted. The lens on the Beta Cameo series cannot be replaced with a line generating lens.
A breadboard (sometimes called a plug block) is used for building temporary circuits. It is useful to
designers because it allows components to be removed and replaced easily. It is useful to the person who
wants to build a circuit to demonstrate its action, then to reuse the components in another circuit.
A breadboard consists of plastic block holding a matrix of electrical sockets of a size suitable for gripping
thin connecting wire, component wires or the pins of transistors and integrated circuits (ICs). The sockets are
connected inside the board, usually in rows of five sockets. A row of five connected sockets is filled in at the
top right of the figure. The rows are 2.54 mm apart and the sockets spaced 2.54 mm apart in the rows, which
is the correct spacing for the pins of ICs and many other components.
This is a circuit in which once the alarm is activated, the output device stays on even
if signal which activated it goes off.
For example, in this circuit, we will sound a buzzer when enough input voltage is fed into the
base of the first transistor.
We will use 2 transistors in this circuit. The transistors form a latch circuit, meaning once
enough voltage goes into the base of the first transistor, it powers on the second transistor.
Even if the power to the first transistor then goes out, the second transistor still powers it on,
so the output, which is the buzzer, still sounds.
So once we have enough power to the base of the first transistor, our buzzer will turn on and
stay on, even if the power is removed from the base of the first transistor. The only way to
shut off the circuit is to shut off the power to the collector of the second transistor.
Latches function well and are used frequently in alarm circuits. If triggered once, the sirens
will flash indefinitely or the buzzer will sound indefinitely until someone manually removed
the power.
In this circuit, we will use 2 transistors, the BC547 and the BC557, to form a latch.
For this circuit, the first transistor is the BC547 while the second is the BC557.
So the first 2.2KΩ resistor that goes into the base of the BC547 is used to limit current
that goes to the BC547. You always need resistors for the bases of BJT transistors. If you do
not use resistors and resistors that have enough resistance, you can fry transistors. And it's
pretty easy to do. When feeding current into the base of a transistor, you have to limit the
current entering the base. If you don't, it will fry the transistor. It'll smoke and it will be
nonfunctional afterwards. So, again, this 2.2KΩ resistor limits current going into the BC547
The 2.2KΩ resistor at the top of the circuit limits current going into the base of the
BC557 transistor. This resistor serves the same purpose as the other 2.2KΩ resistor but with
the BC557.
The 1KΩ resistor is used to limit current going into the base of the BC547 from the
output of the BC557.
There are 2 possible currents being fed into the base of the BC547 transistor. There is
the current produced from the input voltage source, VIN. And then there's current fed into the
BC547 from the output of the BC557. The first current from the input voltage source is
needed to trigger on the latch circuit. And the current from the output of the BC557 being fed
into the BC547 is needed to keep the circuit latched on. The BC547 provides the continouous
current to the base of the BC547 so that it continually stays on, once it's initially fed on by the
input voltage source. The 2.2KΩ resistor limits current to the base of the BC547 from the
When 9V is fed into the base of the BC547 transistor, it turns on. Once it turns on,
current flows from VCC down to the base of the BC557 transistor. This, in turn, turns on the
BC557 transistor. Current now flows from the collector of the BC557 in 2 directions. Some
of the current flows to turn on the load, which in this case is the buzzer. And some of the
current flows into the base of the BC547 transistor. This is really how the latch is formed.
Once we turn on the BC547, it, in turn, turns on the BC557. And then the BC557 provides
continuous current to the base of the BC547, so that it remains on, even if we turn off the
input voltage supply, VIN. The only way to turn off the circuit and reset it, then, is to turn off
the supply voltage VCC. Turning off the input voltage, VIN will have no effect. Once we
turn it on the input voltage once to the threshold voltage of 0.65V, which is the voltage
needed to turn on the BC547, it's latched on.
So this is how a latch circuit can be built with
And it can be used well for alarm circuits. It has many practical uses.
Transistor based electric Leakage detector have one advantage over RCBs (Residual
Cirucit Breakers ): they are less sensitive to fault conditions, and therefore have fewer
nuisance trips.
While voltage and current on the earth line is usually fault current from a live wire, this is
not always the case, thus there are situations in which an PLCA (power Leakage circuit
alarm) can nuisance trip.
When an installation has two connections to earth, a nearby high current lightning strike
will cause a voltage gradient in the soil, presenting the PLCA (power Leakage circuit
alarm) sense coil with enough voltage to cause it to trip.
If the installation’s earth rod is placed close to the earth rod of a neighboring building, a
high earth leakage current in the other building can raise the local ground potential and
cause a voltage difference across the two earths, again tripping the PLCA (power Leakage
circuit alarm) .
If there is an accumulated or burden of currents caused by items with lowered insulation
resistance due to older equipment, or with heating elements, or rain conditions can cause
the insulation resistance to lower due to moisture tracking. If there is a some mA which is
equal to PLCA (power Leakage circuit alarm) rating than PLCA (power Leakage circuit
alarm) may give nuisance Tripping.
If either of the earth wires become disconnected from the PLCAs (power Leakage circuit
alarm) , it will no longer trip or the installation will often no longer be properly earthed.
Some PLCA (power Leakage circuit alarm) do not respond to rectified fault current. This
issue is common for PLCAs (power Leakage circuit alarm) and RCDs, but PLCAs
(power Leakage circuit alarm) are on average much older than RCB so an old PLCA
(power Leakage circuit alarm) is more likely to have some uncommon fault current
waveform that it will not respond to.
Voltage-operated PLCA (power Leakage circuit alarm) are the requirement for a second
connection, and the possibility that any additional connection to earth on the protected
system can disable the detector.
Nuisance tripping especially during thunderstorms.
They do not detect faults that don’t pass current through the CPC (Circuit protective
Conductor) to the earth rod.
They do not allow a single building system to be easily split into multiple sections with
independent fault protection, because earthing systems are usually use common earth
They may be tripped by external voltages from something connected to the earthing
system such as metal pipes, a TN-S earth or a TN-C-S combined neutral and earth.
As electrically leaky appliances such as some water heaters, washing machines and
cookers may cause the PLCA (power Leakage circuit alarm) to trip.
PLCAs (power Leakage circuit alarm) introduce additional resistance and an additional
point of failure into the earthing system.
To limit crimes and robbery, there are many types of equipment that have been designed till date. The
design that we’ve created is very efficient, and will be the best in the future. In the use of equipments
will be increased the security to avoid robberies in every commercial areas.PIR sensor and vibration
sensor is very sensitive sensor to detect single human motion and it is using to shopping mall owner
will detect maximum of robbery in their shop. The developed system in this paper for avoiding
vehicle theft makes use of an mobile phone that is embedded in the vehicle with an interfacing to
Engine Control Module(ECM) through Control Area Network(CAN) Bus, which is in turn,
communicated to the ECM. The vehicle being stolen can be stopped by using GPS feature of mobile
phone and this information is used by the owner of the vehicle for future processing. The owner
sends the message to the mobile which is embedded in the vehicle which has stolen which in turn
controls the vehicles engine by locking the working of the engine immediately. The developed
system accept the message and broadcasted to the Vehicle Network through CAN
Bus. The engine can be unlocked only by the owner of the vehicle by sending the message again. The
goal behind the design is to develop security for vehicles and embedded system to communicate with
engine of the vehicle.