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Digital Logic Circuit

computer organization and architecture chapter 1 5/30/2020 1

Computer architecture
is concerned with the way how the hard ware
components are connected together to form a computer
example, instruction set, number of bits, I/O
The digital computer
is a digital system that performs various computational
A digital implies that the information in the computer
represented by the variables that take a limited number
of discrete values.

computer organization and architecture

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 Digital computer use the binary number system
which has two digits 0 and 1.
 A binary digit is called a bit.
 Computer design is concerned with the development
of hardware for the computer.
 Its although concerned with structure and function of
computer system.
 Also it is called computer implementation.

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 The computer designer is concerned with structure
and function characteristics of computer system:
 Structure: The way in which the components are
 Function: The operation of each individual
component as part of the structure

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 Computers can perform four basic function
 Data processing
 Data storage
 Data movement
 Control
 There are four main structural components
 Central processing unit (CPU)
 Main memory:
 I/O
 System interconnection

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System Hardware
 consists all of the electronic component and electro
mechanical devices that comprises the physical
entities of the devices.
 Hardware of the computer is divided in to three
major parts.
1. cpu that contains
a. Arithmetic and logic unit for manipulating data.
b. number of Registers for storing data.
c. control circuit for fetching and executing instr.

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2.RAM it contains storage for instruction and data.
3.Input output processor (Iop)
 contains electronic circuit for communicating and controlling
transfer of information between the computer and outside
 The IP and OP devices connected to computer includes

 key board
 printer
 terminals
 magnetic disk drive

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System software
 consists all instructions and data that the computer
manipulate to perform various data processing task.
 it consists all collection of the program whose
purpose is to make effective use of the computer.
 It compensate for the difference between user need
and capability of computer hardware.

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computer organization and architecture
chapter 1 5/30/2020 9
 Binary information in digital computers represented
by physical quantities called signal.
 The manipulation of binary information is done by
logic circuit called gate.
 gate is The fundamental building block of Hardware
that produce signal of binary 1 or 0.
 The basic gates used in digital logic are AND, OR,

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1.AND gate
 produce the AND logic function.
 It concatenate variables.
 the output is 1 if and only if both i
 nput A and B are 1.otherwise, the output is 0.
2.OR gate
 Produce the inclusive or function.
 The output is 1 if input A or B or both inputs are 1.
 Algebraic symbol is ‘+’ similar to Arithmetic

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 the inverter circiut inverts the logic sense of a binary
 It produce the NOT or complement function.
4.NAND gate
 Is the complement of AND function,is NOT-AND.
5.NOR gate
 Is the complement of OR gate.

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 Is called odd function.
 The output of XOR is 1 if any input is 1,but exclude
the combination when both inputs are 1.
7.Exclusive-NOR gate
 Is called equivalence
 it is complement of Exclusive –OR
 The output is 1only if both input are 1 or both input
are 0.

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X=(A EX-OR B)’or
 Inverter and Buffer are unary gates which are take a
single input.

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computer organization and architecture
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Boolean algebra
 is an algebra that deals with binary variables and
logic operations.
 The possible values for a logical variable are either
 The logical operators of Boolean algebra are AND,
OR, and NOT, which are symbolically represented by
dot (∙), plus sign (+), and over bar (¯).
 Boolean algebra is used to facilitate the analyse and
design of digital circuits.

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Boolean Expressions
 are made up of Boolean constants 0,1 and the three
Boolean Variables
 are Boolean quantities whose values are not yet
known. They can take the values 0 or 1 only.

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A Boolean function can be represented by a truth table
and a logic diagram.
Example, F= x +y’z

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x+x = x
x.x = x
2.Identity Properties:
3.Dominance Laws:

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4.Involution Property

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8.Distributive property

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11.De Morgan’s laws

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Rules for K-map simplification
we use sop form
1. Group may not contain zero.
2. We can group by 1, 2, 4and8 grouping:2^n cells.
3. Each group should be large as possible.
4. Cell contain 1 must be grouped.
5. Groups may be overlap.
6. Opposite grouping and corner grouping are allowed.
7. There should be as few groups as possible.

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 A combinational circuit is an interconnected set of
gates whose output at any time is a function only of
the input at that time
 They serve as a basic building blocks for the
construction of more complicated arithmetic circuits.
 a combinational circuit consists of n binary inputs
and m binary outputs.
 Combinational circuits have no feedback

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 Common combinational circuit are, Adders (Half
Adder & Full Adder)
Half Adder
 A digital arithmetic circuit that carries out the
addition of two bits is called a half adder.
 It has two input variables and two outputs variables
(sum & carry).

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Full Adder
 add two n-bit numbers along with a carry from a
previous bitwise addition (performs addition of three
 A combination of two half adders creates a full adder.

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Multiple-Bit Adder
 By combining a number of full adders, we can have
the necessary logic to implement a multiple-bit adder.
 The output from each adder depends on the carry
from the previous adder.

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 In case of combinational circuits, the value of each
output depends on the values of signals applied to the
 However, in case of Sequential Circuits, the values of
the outputs depend not only on the present values of
the inputs but also on the past behaviour of the
 Such circuits include storage elements that store the
values of logic signals.E.g flip-flops

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 The simplest form of sequential circuit is the flip-
 The flip-flop is a bistable device, i.e. has two stable
 It exists in one of two states and, in the absence of
input- function as a 1-bit memory.
 E.g S-R, J-K & D flip-flops

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