Edith Jacobsen Nursing Care Plan

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Edith Jacobsen Nursing Care Plan





Care Plan Form

Indicate the Mode

Student Name: Patient Initials/ Code Status E.J / Full Code __Physiologic Mode
__Self Concept Mode
Instructor: Date __Role Function Mode
Priority Nursing Diagnosis
(I) Behaviors (II) Stimuli (III)Nursing Diagnoses (V) Nursing Interventions (VI) Evaluation of
Non-Observable Observable NANDA (Problem- and Rationales (Impact) Patient
(Subjective) (Objective) Focal, Contextual, Residual Based Nursing (3-Best Evidence-Based Goals/Outcomes
Diagnosis) Rationales with references)
The patient described Skin assessment: intact, color Focal Stimuli: Impaired physical mobility Rationale for short-term goals:  Patient demonstrates
the pain level of 2 and and sensation around hip are  Immobility related to a recent surgical  Encourage early improved balance and
under controlled normal  Fear of further falls intervention as evidenced by ambulation (Fairhall et al., mobility as evidenced
and injury 2022) by successfully
The patient’s daughter Morse fall scale assessment: decreased muscle strength completing physical
reported that she has 45 Lack of movement,
 Loss of independence
 Motivate the patient to therapy exercises and
been having dizzy cannot perform ADLs (IV) Patient Care actively participate in walking short
Contextual Stimuli:
spells physiotherapy sessions distances without
Knowledge deficit about  Advanced age (84 Goals/Outcomes (Fairhall et al., 2022) assistance.
The patient has a 10- safety, fall risk, osteoporosis years old) Short and Long Term  Patient reports
year history of Decrease strength in muscle,  Pre-existing (Including timeframes) Rationale for long-term goal: increased knowledge
osteoporosis pain, weakness and fractures conditions Short-term goals:  Through a and confidence in fall
(osteoporosis)  Increase the range of multidisciplinary prevention strategies,
motion of the affected approach, occupational as demonstrated by
Residual Stimuli: limb in one week therapists can assist in the implementation of
 Rehabilitation and through physical therapy helping patients restore safety measures at
physical therapy  Improve patient's functional capacity home and in the
 Emotional distress balance and mobility (Fairhall et al., 2022) community.
and anxiety through physical therapy  Patient's risk of falls
 Need for ongoing within one week. and fractures is
support and assistance Long-term goal: reduced by 50%, as
 Restore normal function evidenced by the
to 50% prior to injury absence of any falls
within six months or fractures within the
through lifestyle six-month timeframe.
modifications and
environmental safety

Subject to change as needed. Revised 2/1/2024.
Care Plan Form

Indicate the Mode

Student Name: Patient Initials/ Code Status E.J / Full Code __Physiologic Mode
__Self Concept Mode
Instructor: Date __Role Function Mode
#2 Nursing Diagnosis
(I) Behaviors (II) Stimuli (III)Nursing Diagnoses (V) Nursing Interventions (VI) Evaluation of
Non-Observable Observable Focal, Contextual, Residual NANDA (Problem- and Rationales (Impact) Patient
(Subjective) (Objective) Based Nursing (3 Best Evidence-Based Goals/Outcomes
Diagnosis) Rationales with
The patient described Skin assessment: intact, color Focal Stimuli: Acute Pain related to Rationale for short-term goals:  The patient reported a
the pain level of 2 and and sensation around hip are  Immobility  Hourly assessment of vital pain level of 2
physical injury due to
a signs and verbal pain scores
under controlled normal  Fear of further falls and indicating a
bone fracture as evidenced (Farzaneh Didvar et al.,
significant reduction
injury 2024)
The patient’s daughter Morse fall scale assessment: by verbal reports from the in pain intensity
 Loss of independence
reported that she has 45 Lack of movement, patient  Administration of compared to
been having dizzy cannot perform ADLs admission.
Contextual Stimuli: (IV) Patient Care analgesics while monitoring
effectiveness and side  The patient
Knowledge deficit about  Advanced age (84 years Goals/Outcomes effects (Farzaneh Didvar et demonstrated the
The patient has a 10- safety, fall risk, osteoporosis Short and Long Term al., 2024) ability to use guided
year history of Decrease strength in muscle,  Pre-existing conditions .
(Including timeframes) Rationale for long-term goal: imagery and
osteoporosis pain, weakness and fractures (osteoporosis) Short-term goals: relaxation techniques
 Collaborate with a
1. The patient will report a multidisciplinary healthcare
effectively to manage
Residual Stimuli: pain level of no more than pain, as evidenced by
team to develop a pain
 Rehabilitation and 4 out of 10 one hour management plan tailored to verbal reports and
physical therapy postoperatively. the patient's needs and observations of
2. 24 hours postoperatively,
 Emotional distress and the patient will demonstrate
preferences (Farzaneh decreased distress.
anxiety Didvar et al., 2024)  The patient was able
the ability to use pain
 Need for ongoing management strategies to participate in
support and assistance effectively, activities of daily
Long-term goal: living with less pain
1. By discharge, the patient and increased
will demonstrate improved mobility, suggesting
pain management, and a improved pain
pain intensity of less than 3
management and
out of 10.
functional status.

Care Plan Form

Indicate the Mode

Student Name: Patient Initials/ Code Status E.J / Full Code __Physiologic Mode
__Self Concept Mode
Instructor: Date __Role Function Mode
#3 Nursing Diagnosis
(I) Behaviors (II) Stimuli (III)Nursing Diagnoses (V) Nursing Interventions (VI) Evaluation of
Non-Observable Observable NANDA (Problem- and Rationales (Impact) Patient
(Subjective) (Objective) Focal, Contextual, Residual Based Nursing (3 Best Evidence-Based Goals/Outcomes
Diagnosis) Rationales with references)
The patient described Skin assessment: intact, color Focal Stimuli: Loss of balance related to Rationale for short-term goals:  Patient will report feeling
the pain level of 2 and and sensation around hip are  Immobility  The patient must be more balanced and stable
history of dizzy spells. during ambulation.
under controlled normal  Fear of further falls Manifested by vertigo encouraged to ambulate
gradually until they  Patient will demonstrate
and injury improved ability to perform
The patient’s daughter Morse fall scale assessment: achieve equilibrium
reported that she has 45 Lack of movement,
 Loss of independence activities of daily living
 The patient must be without loss of balance.
been having dizzy cannot perform ADLs encouraged to use walkers  Patient will verbalize
Contextual Stimuli:
spells or wheelchair to support
Knowledge deficit about  Advanced age (84 (IV) Patient Care understanding of strategies
their balance to prevent falls and manage
The patient has a 10- safety, fall risk, osteoporosis years old) Goals/Outcomes . vertigo episodes.
year history of Decrease strength in muscle,  Pre-existing Short and Long Term Rationale for long-term goal:
osteoporosis pain, weakness and fractures conditions (Including timeframes)  Through a
(osteoporosis) Short-term goals: multidisciplinary
1. Within I hour after approach, the patient can
Residual Stimuli: admission, the patient’s be educated on strategies
 Rehabilitation and extensive history of of preventing injury during
physical therapy dizziness and vertigo.
dizzy spells and vertigo
2. 1 week postoperatively,
 Emotional distress assess the patients ability to attacks
and anxiety ambulate safely
 Need for ongoing Long-term goal:
support and assistance 1. By discharge, the patient
must undergo diagnostic
audiometric tests to assess
middle ear pathologies


Fairhall, N. J., Dyer, S. M., Mak, J. C., Diong, J., Kwok, W. S., & Sherrington, C. (2022). Interventions

for improving mobility after hip fracture surgery in adults. Cochrane Database of Systematic

Reviews, 2022(9). https://doi.org/10.1002/14651858.cd001704.pub5

Farzaneh Didvar, Ghaffari, F., & Abbas Shamsalinia. (2024). Evaluating and Ranking the Factors

Affecting the Acute Pain Management in Older Adults with Dementia after Hip Fracture Surgery:

Second-Order Confirmatory Factor Analysis. PubMed, 28(6), 751–757.


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