HIGHWAY Lecture Note

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Aksum university, Faculty of Technology, Department of Civil Engineering

1.1 The Environment of Highway Engineering

The highway-engineering problem, like any other problem, exists in a complex

environment that must be taken into account in decision-making. The engineer must
analyze a particular problem and, on the basis of this analysis, make recommendations
which are not only scientifically sound but are also adaptable to the physical
environment, technologically achievable, economically viable, and in the final analysis,
socially acceptable.

1.1.1 The Physical Environment

This has traditionally been the environment of most concern to engineers, and includes
the following factors:
 Topography
 Geology
 Soils
 Natural drainage
 Vegetation
 Land use
 Rainfall
 Climate
 Materials
Highway engineers quickly come to know the effect of topography on alignment and
gradient, or of geology on location and depth of cuts, or of materials on pavement design,
or of vegetation on clearing and grubbing.

1.1.2 The Technological Environment

The technological environment in which a solution may be prescribed seriously affects

the success of its implementation, whether success is measured in terms of quality,
completion or time.

Technological factors that affect highway-engineering decisions include:

 Skilled manpower
 Management manpower
 Tools and equipment
 Construction technology
 Technological literacy and awareness

Highway Engineering I, Lecture Notes 1

Instructor: Daniel Belay
Aksum university, Faculty of Technology, Department of Civil Engineering

1.1.3 The Economic Environment

Some of the factors that define the economic environment in so far as it affects highway-
engineering decision are as follows:

 Gross national product (GNP) or gross domestic product (GDP).

 Cash versus food crop cultivation.
 Agricultural versus industrial production.
 Distribution of economic activity.
 Export-import ratio.

With very few exceptions, the development of roads is the responsibility of governments,
and the extent to which this responsibility can be met is a function of the ability to set
aside funds from government revenue. The overall performance of the economy,
therefore, whether measured in GNP, GDP or percapita income, compelled with
competing demands from other development sectors establishes the limits of expenditure
on road engineering, whether it is construction or maintenance.

1.1.4 The Social Environment

Social acceptance is a vital factor in highway planning and engineering. A road program
which makes maximum utilization of the surplus manpower that is likely to exist in the
rural community through which it passes or into which it extends, and the construction of
which is timed to coincide with off-harvest peaks, is more likely to have the support of
the community than a program which is based on equipment technology requiring the
importation of skilled manpower that is not likely to be found waiting around.

1.2 The Highway Engineering Problem

 The route location problem

 The design problem
 The construction problem
 The maintenance problem

The Route Location Problem:

Between any two points that are to be connected by a road, there exists an infinite number
of combination of horizontal and vertical alignment. The route location problem is to
establish, initially, a general location, or a narrow band, within which a more precise
alignment would be finally designed.

The Design problem:

 Geometric Design
 Drainage design
 Pavement design

Highway Engineering I, Lecture Notes 2

Instructor: Daniel Belay
Aksum university, Faculty of Technology, Department of Civil Engineering

1.3 Economic Evaluation of Highways

Economic evaluation is a rational approach at quantifying the future benefits and costs of
proposed highway improvements with a view to determine to what extent the schemes
will contribute to the goal of raising the living standard of the people and their general

The economic evaluation of highway schemes is generally done by computing the total
transport cost which consists of the following components:

 Cost of construction of the facility

 Cost of maintenance of the facility
 Road user cost
 Cost to the society

Road user cost is composed of :

 Vehicle operation cost

 Travel time costs
 Accident cost

Cost of society includes:

 Impact on the environment (noise pollution, air pollution, vibration)

 Changes in land values
 Land severance
 Loss of aesthetics

1.4 Effect of Highways on the Environment

Highway and traffic have earned the dubious distinction of being the worst defilers of the
environment. They have a direct impact on social and community values, the
environment and the ecology. In view of the growing awareness of the community and
the government to preserve and enhance the environmental values, highway engineers
have to plan, construct and maintain highways with this special requirement in mind.
Before the highway engineer prepares any scheme, he should prepare an environmental
impact statement. The environmental impact statement containing an assessment of the
anticipated significantly effects that the proposed action may have on the quality of the
environment. The purpose of the environmental impact statement is to ensure that careful
attention is given to environmental matters and that such matters are appropriately
considered in the highway agency’s decision.

Highway Engineering I, Lecture Notes 3

Instructor: Daniel Belay
Aksum university, Faculty of Technology, Department of Civil Engineering

Contents of an environmental impact statement:

 Description of the proposed action and alternatives considered

 Location, type, and length of facility, termini, number of lanes, right-

of-way width.
 Other design features such as general horizontal and vertical
alignment, structures, etc.
 Deficiencies of existing facilities, anticipated benefits

 Land use planning: description of planning processes for the area

 Probable impact of proposed action on the environment

 Natural, ecological, scenic resource impacts

 Relocation of individuals and families
 Social impacts
 Air quality impacts
 Noise impacts
 Water quality impacts
 Construction impacts

 Alternatives to the proposed action

 Probable adverse environmental effects that cannot be avoided.
 The relationship between local short-term uses of man’s environment and the
maintenance and enhancement of long-term productivity.
 Irreversible and irretrievable commitments of resources.
 The impact on properties and sites of historic and cultural significance

The effect of highways and traffic on the environment will be of the following type:

 Noise pollution
 Air pollution
 Visual intrusion and degrading the aesthetics
 Community impact: relocation of individuals and families.

Highway Engineering I, Lecture Notes 4

Instructor: Daniel Belay
Aksum university, Faculty of Technology, Department of Civil Engineering


In general, the aim of alignment selection process is to find a location for the new road
that will result in the lowest total construction, land, traffic and environmental costs.

Before an attempt can be made at selecting a physical location for a highway

improvement, data must be available regarding traffic desires and needs the planning
intentions within the area to be traversed, and estimates or the future physical
characteristics of the highway itself: Location surveys involving geologic and
photogrammetric skills provide the basic information for structural design, as well as the
economic analysis that have a considerable influence on the final location of the highway.

Steps in route location:

 Know the termini points of the scheme.

 From the study of a map of the area, identify and locate:

 National parks
 Any ancient relics, castles and the likes
 Existence of monasteries
 Mining sites
 Existing transport facilities
 Other public facilities (electricity, water)
 Location of construction materials

 Conduct preliminary and reconnaissance surveys and collect information on pertinent

details of topography, climate, soil, vegetation, and any other factors.
 Based on the information collected in the previous two steps select a corridor.
 Identify a number of possible centerlines within the corridor.
 Make a preliminary design for the possible alternative alignments and plot on a base
 Examine each of the alternative alignment with respect to grades, volume of
earthwork, drainage, crossing structures, etc to select the best alternative route.
 Make final design and location of the selected best alternative route.

Highway Engineering I, Lecture Notes 5

Instructor: Daniel Belay
Aksum university, Faculty of Technology, Department of Civil Engineering

Guidelines For Alignment And Route Location

There are certain guidelines that must be borne in mind in selecting the alignment and
locating the route. They are:

 The route of the highway should be so selected that it can handle the traffic most
efficiently and serve the inhabited localities.
 A direct alignment usually results in overall economy.
 The gradients and curvature should be kept to the minimum necessary for the
terrain. Excess of both may result in economy of initial cost, but will involve high
operation costs, time costs and accident costs.
 The location should minimize the use of agricultural land. If a road already exists,
it may be advisable to make use of the land already available to the maximum
 The location should involve the least impact on the environment.
 Obstructions such as cemeteries, places of worship, archaeological and historical
monuments should be steered through.
 Proximity to schools, playgrounds and hospitals should be avoided.
 Interference with utility services like electric overhead transmission lines, water
supply mains, sewers, pipelines, etc should be avoided as far as possible.
 Frequent crossing and recrossing of railway lines should be avoided.
 Locate the highway close to sources of embankment materials and pavement
 Avoid marshy and low-lying land areas having poor drainage.
 Avoid areas liable to flooding.
 Steep terrain should be avoided as much as possible.
 Deep cutting and costly tunnels should be avoided as far as possible.
 When the alignment has to cross major rivers, the crossing point should be fixed
To aid in the decision making process, a classical conceptual approach has tended to be
developed with regard to gathering information about the areas being evaluated.
Generally, these can be divided into:
 Reconnaissance survey
 Preliminary location survey
 Final location survey

Highway Engineering I, Lecture Notes 6

Instructor: Daniel Belay
Aksum university, Faculty of Technology, Department of Civil Engineering

Reconnaissance Survey
The purpose of the reconnaissance survey is to evaluate the feasibility of one or more
corridor routes for a highway between specific points that may be many kilometers away.
Mostly a desk study, good reconnaissance survey can be the greatest single money-saving
phase in the construction of a new road. Hence the engineer should make ample provision
in both time and finance for this stage of highway location study. The following is a
useful checklist of the general information required in the first phase of the
reconnaissance study for a major highway, irrespective of whether it is in a rural or in a
urban area.

1. General Land Survey

a) Location of site on published maps and charts
b) Aerial survey, where appropriate
c) Site boundaries, outlines of structures, and building lines
d) Ground contours and natural drainage features
e) Above ground obstructions to view and flying, e.g. transmission lines
f) Meteorological information
2. Permitted use and restrictions
a) Planning and statutory restrictions applying to the particular areas
b) Tunnels, mine-works (abandoned, active and proposed)
c) Ancient monuments, burial grounds, etc
3. Approaches and access (including temporary access for construction purpose)
a) Road
b) Railway
c) By water
d) By air
4. Ground conditions
a) Geological maps
b) Flooding, erosion, landslide and subsidence history
c) Construction and investigation records of adjacent sites
d) Seismicity
5. Sources of material for the construction
a) Naturals
b) Tips and waste materials
c) Imported materials
6. Drainage and sewerage
a) Names of the sewerage and land drainage
b) Location and levels of the existing systems
c) Existing flow quantities
d) Flood risk to the proposed works
7. Water supply
8. Electric and gas supply
9. Telephone and others

The first step in the reconnaissance survey is the location and acquisition of all maps and
data relating to the area, as well as the most suitable air photographs. These are then

Highway Engineering I, Lecture Notes 7

Instructor: Daniel Belay
Aksum university, Faculty of Technology, Department of Civil Engineering

thoroughly studied. A visit to the area may also be considered desirable at this stage.
Where appropriate, additional information may be obtained from the relevant offices.

Next, armed with questions generated by the desk study, the engineer will evaluate the
engineering economic aspect of the area and delimits areas that are obviously unsuitable
for highway construction.

Upon completion of the reconnaissance survey, the engineer should be at least in a

position to design the more detailed geotechnical investigations which are likely to
follow, and should also have sufficient information available which, when taken in
combination with the social, ecology, traffic, economic, and political inputs, will
enable the selection of one or more apparently feasible corridor routes. If the
reconnaissance survey has been very thorough, and the necessary data are readily
available, it may be possible immediately to carry out the necessary economic and
environmental comparisons to aid in the determination of the best route.

The results of these studies are presented in a reconnaissance report. In its barest
essentials, this report should state the service and geometric criteria to be satisfied by the
project, describe the preferred route(s), and present tentative estimates of the cost.

Preliminary Location Survey

The preliminary survey is a large-scale study of one or more feasible corridor routes. It
results in a paper location and alignment that defines the line for the subsequent final
location survey. This paper location and alignment should show enough ties to existing
topography to permit a location party to peg the centerline. In many cases field details for
final design may also be obtained economically during the preliminary survey phase.

The preliminary survey is made for the purpose of collecting the additional physical
information that may affect the location of the highway within a given corridor area, the
shape of the ground, any potential ground subsidence problems, the limits of the
catchment areas, the positions and invert levels of streams and ditches, and the positions
of trees, banks and hedges, bridges, culverts, existing roads, power lines and pipe lines,
houses and monuments are determined and noted. These are then translated into maps,
profiles and (frequently) cross sections that can assist the engineer in the determination of
preliminary grades and alignments and the preparation of cost estimates for alternative

Two approaches are available for preliminary survey mapping: aerial surveys and ground
surveys, either separately or in various combinations.

The ground method is best used in the situation where then corridor is closely defined,
narrow right-of-way are contemplated, and the problems of man-made culture are clear.
Ground surveys, beginning with a traverse baseline, will probably furnish necessary data
quite economically. Additional operations that can be quite easily included are the profile
levels and cross-sections, and the ties to land lines and cultural objects.

Highway Engineering I, Lecture Notes 8

Instructor: Daniel Belay
Aksum university, Faculty of Technology, Department of Civil Engineering

The aerial survey is likely to be more suitable and economical in the following instances:

 Where the reconnaissance was unable to approximate closely the final alignment
 Where a wide right-of-way is necessitated
 Where it is desired to prevent the premature or erroneous disclosure of the details
of probable location (preventing any land speculation or the premature awakening
of local public concerns).

The choice of method should be an educated one, based on an advanced cost analysis that
takes into account the overall project schedule and the time and need requirements of
various techniques. The following discussion is primarily with the carrying out of the
traditional type of ground survey.

o The first step is the carrying out of a baseline traverse – a series of connecting
straight lines and tangents stationed continuously from the beginning to the end of
the survey.
o The degree of accuracy commensurate with the importance of the project and the
nature of the topography being traversed.
o Angles between connecting lines should be measured in accordance with accepted
highway surveying procedures and every single point should be carefully
referenced to at least two points established well outside the area that might be
occupied by the highway construction.
o To furnish date for a profile of the baseline, levels should be taken at all marked
stations, as well as at all important breaks in the ground. Elevations should also be
noted at all cross roads, streams, and other critical points on the line.
o After the baseline has been pegged and levels run over it, the topography
elevations may be taken by one of the several methods, i.e. cross sectional
leveling. These are done at the same time as the profile levels. Observations are
made at right angles from each station as far as is considered necessary to cover
the expected construction area for a given centerline.
o At the same time locations of all trees, fences, building and important elements
are noted so that they can be shown on the preliminary amp.

Final Location Survey

This survey, much of which is very often carried out as part of the preliminary survey,
serves the dual purpose of fixing the centerline of the road, while at the same time
collecting physical data which are necessary for the preparation of plans for
construction purposes.

Highway Engineering I, Lecture Notes 9

Instructor: Daniel Belay
Aksum university, Faculty of Technology, Department of Civil Engineering


Geometric design is the process whereby the layout of the road in the terrain is designed
to meet the needs of the road users.

3.1 Appropriate Geometric Standards

The needs of road users in developing countries are often very different from those in the
industrialized countries. In developing countries, pedestrians, animal-drawn carts, etc.,
are often important components of the traffic mix, even on major roads. Lorries and buses
often represent the largest proportion of the motorized traffic, while traffic composition in
the industrialized countries is dominated by the passenger car. As a result, there may be
less need for high-speed roads in developing countries and it will often be more
appropriate to provide wide and strong shoulders. Traffic volumes on most rural roads in
developing countries are also relatively low. Thus, providing a road with high geometric
standards may not be economic., since transport cost savings may not offset construction
costs. The requirements for wide carriageways, flat gradients and full overtaking sight
distance may therefore be inappropriate. Also, in countries with weak economies, design
levels of comfort used in industrialized countries may well be a luxury that cannot be

When developing appropriate geometric design standards for a particular road in a

developing country, the first step should normally be to identify the objective of the road
project. It is convenient to define the objective in terms of three distinct stages of
development as follows:

Stage 1 – Provision of access

Stage 2 - Provision of additional capacity
Stage 3 – Increase of operational efficiency

Developing countries, by their very nature, will usually not be at stage 3 of this sequence;
indeed most will be at the first stage. However, design standards currently in use are
generally developed for countries at stage 3 and they have been developed for roads
carrying relatively large volumes of traffic. For convenience, these same standards have
traditionally been applied to low-volume roads that lead to uneconomic and technically
inappropriate designs.

A study to develop appropriate geometric design standards for use in developing

countries has been undertaken by the Overseas Unit of Transport Research Laboratory
(TRL formerly TRRL). The study revealed that most standards currently in use are
considerably higher than can be justified from an economic or safety point of view.
Geometric design recommendations have been published in Overseas Road Note 6.

In the above-mentioned Overseas Road Note 6 rural access roads are classified into three

Highway Engineering I, Lecture Notes 10

Instructor: Daniel Belay
Aksum university, Faculty of Technology, Department of Civil Engineering

Access roads are the lowest level in the network hierarchy. Vehicular flows will be very
light and will be aggregated in the collector road network. Geometric standards may be
low and need only be sufficient to provide appropriate access to the rural agricultural,
commercial, and population centers served. Substantial proportions of the total
movements are likely to be by non-motorized traffic.

Collector roads have the function of linking traffic to and from rural areas, either direct
to adjacent urban centers, or to the arterial road network. Traffic flows and trip lengths
will be of an intermediate level and the need for high geometric standards is therefore less

Arterial roads are the main routes connecting national and international centers. Trip
lengths are likely to be relatively long and levels of traffic flow and speed relatively high.
Geometric standards need to be adequate to enable efficient traffic operation under these
conditions, in which vehicle-to-vehicle interactions may be high.

3.2 Design Controls and Criteria

The elements of design are influenced by a wide variety of design controls, engineering
criteria, and project specific objectives. Such factors include the following:

 Functional classification of the roadway

 Projected traffic volume and composition
 Required design speed
 Topography of the surrounding land
 Capital costs for construction
 Human sensory capacities of roadway users
 Vehicle size and performance characteristics
 Traffic safety considerations
 Environmental considerations
 Right-of-way impacts and costs

These considerations are not, of course, completely independent of one another. The
functional class of a proposed facility is largely determined by the volume and
composition of the traffic to be served. It is also related to the type of service that a
highway will accommodate and the speed that a vehicle will travel while being driven
along a highway.

Of all the factors that are considered in the design of a highway, the principal design
criteria are traffic volume, design speed, sight distances, vehicle size, and vehicle mix.

Highway Engineering I, Lecture Notes 11

Instructor: Daniel Belay
Aksum university, Faculty of Technology, Department of Civil Engineering

3.2.1 Design Speed and Design Class

The assumed design speed for a highway may be considered as “ the maximum safe
speed that can be maintained over a specified section of a highway when conditions are
so favorable that the design features govern”. The choice of design speed will depend
primarily on the surrounding terrain and the functional class of the highway. Other
factors determining the selection of design speed include traffic volume, costs of right-of-
way and construction, and aesthetic consideration.

It is therefore recommended that the basic parameters of road function, terrain type and
traffic flow are defined initially. On the basis of these parameters, a design class is
selected, while design speed is used only as an index which links design class to the
design parameters of sight distance and curvature to ensure that a driver is presented with
a reasonably consistent speed environment.

Table 3.1 shows the design classes and design speeds recommended in Overseas Road
Note 6 in relation to road function, volume of traffic and terrain. The table also contains
recommended standards for carriageway and shoulder width and maximum gradient.

The terrain classification as ‘level’, ‘rolling’ or ‘mountainous’ may be defined as average

ground slope measured as the number of five-meter contour lines crossed per kilometer
on a straight line linking the two ends of the road section as follows:

 Level terrain: 0 – 10 ground contours per kilometer;

 Rolling terrain: 11 – 25 ground contours per kilometer;
 Mountainous terrain: > 25 ground contours per kilometer.

Table 3.1 Road design standards (TRRL Overseas Road Note 6)

Highway Engineering I, Lecture Notes 12

Instructor: Daniel Belay
Aksum university, Faculty of Technology, Department of Civil Engineering

3.2.2 Sight Distance

The driver’s ability to see ahead contributes to safe and efficient operation of the road.
Ideally, geometric design should ensure that at all times any object on the pavement
surface is visible to the driver within normal eye-sight distance. However, this is not
usually feasible because of topographical and other constraints, so it is necessary to
design roads on the basis of lower, but safe, sight distances.

There are three different sight distances that are of interest in geometric design:
 Stopping sight distance;
 Meeting sight distance;
 Passing sight distance.

Stopping Sight Distance:

The Stopping sight distance comprises two elements: d1 = the distance moved from the
instant the object is sighted to the moment the brakes are applied (the perception and
brake reaction time, referred to as the total reaction time) and d2 = the distance traversed
while braking (the braking distance).

The total reaction time depends on the physical and mental characteristics of the driver,
atmospheric visibility, types and condition of the road and distance to, size color and
shape of the hazard. When drivers are keenly as in urban conditions with high traffic
intensity, the reaction time may be in the range of 0.5 – 1.0 seconds while driver reaction
time is generally around 2 – 4 seconds for normal driving in rural conditions. Overseas
Road Note 6 assumes a total reaction time of 2 sec..

The distance traveled before the brakes are applied is:

d1 = 10/36 * V * t
d1 = total reaction distance in m;
V = initial vehicle speed in Km/h
t = reaction time in sec.
The braking distance, d2, is dependent on vehicle condition and characteristics, the
coefficient of friction between tyre and road surface, the gradient of the road and the
initial vehicle speed.
d2 = V2 / (254(f + g/100))
d2 = breaking distance in meters;
V = initial vehicle speed in km/h;
f = coefficient of longitudinal friction;
g = gradient( in %; positive if uphill and negative if downhill)
The determination of design values of longitudinal friction, f, is complicated because of
the many factors involved. The design values for longitudinal friction used in Overseas
Road Note 6 are shown in table 3.2.

Table 3.2 Coefficient of Longitudinal friction

Highway Engineering I, Lecture Notes 13

Instructor: Daniel Belay
Aksum university, Faculty of Technology, Department of Civil Engineering

Design speed
(Km/h) 30 40 50 60 70 85 100 120
0.60 0.55 0.50 0.47 0.43 0.40 0.37 0.35

Meeting Sight Distance:

Meeting sight distance is the distance required to enable the drivers of two vehicles
traveling in opposite directions to bring their vehicles to a safe stop after becoming
visible to each other. Meeting sight distance is normally calculated as twice the minimum
stopping sight distance.

Passing Sight Distance:

Factors affecting passing (overtaking) sight distance are the judgment of overtaking
drivers, the speed and size of overtaken vehicles, the acceleration capabilities of
overtaking vehicles, and the speed of oncoming vehicles.

Passing sight distances are determined empirically and are usually based on passenger car
requirements. There are differences in various standards for passing sight distance due to
different assumptions about the component distances in which a passing maneuver can be
divided, different assumed speed for the maneuver and, to some extent driver behavior.

The passing sight distances recommended for use by Overseas Road Note 6 are shown in
table 3.3.

Table 3.3 Passing sight distances

Design speed 50 60 70 85 100 120

Passing sight 140 180 240 320 430 590


3.2.3 Traffic Volume

Information on traffic volumes, traffic composition and traffic loading are important
factors in the determination of the appropriate standard of a road. The traffic has a major
impact on the selection of road class, and consequently on all geometric design elements.
The traffic information is furthermore necessary for the pavement design.

For low volume roads the design control is the Average Annual Daily Traffic (AADT) in
the ‘design year’. For routes with large seasonal variations the design control is the

Highway Engineering I, Lecture Notes 14

Instructor: Daniel Belay
Aksum university, Faculty of Technology, Department of Civil Engineering

Average Daily Traffic (ADT) during the peak months of the ‘design year’. The design
year is usually selected as year 10 after the year of opening to traffic.

3.2.4 Design Vehicle

The dimensions of the motor vehicles that will utilize the proposed facility also influence
the design of a roadway project. The width of the vehicle naturally affects the width of
the traffic lane; the vehicle length has a bearing on roadway capacity and affects the
turning radius; the vehicle height affects the clearance of the various structures. Vehicle
weight affects the structural design of the roadway.

The design engineer will select for design the largest vehicle that is expected to use the
roadway facility in significant numbers on a daily basis.

3.3 Geometric Design Elements

The basic elements of geometric design are: the horizontal alignment, the vertical
alignment and the cross-section. The following elements must be considered when
carrying out the geometric design of a road:

1. Horizontal Alignment:

 Minimum curve radius (maximum degree of curvature);

 Minimum length of tangent between compound or reverse curves;
 Transition curve parameters;
 Minimum passing sight distance and stopping sight distance on horizontal

2. Vertical Alignment:

 Maximum gradient;
 Length of maximum gradient;
 Minimum passing sight distance or stopping sight distance on summit
(crest) curves;
 Length of sag curves.

3. Cross-section:

 Width of carriageway;
 Crossfall of carriageway;
 Rate of super elevation;
 Widening of bends;
 Width of shoulder;
 Crossfall of shoulder;
 Width of structures;
 Width of right-of-way;
 Sight distance;
 Cut and fill slopes and ditch cross-section.

Highway Engineering I, Lecture Notes 15

Instructor: Daniel Belay
Aksum university, Faculty of Technology, Department of Civil Engineering

Horizontal and vertical alignment should not be designed independently. They

complement each other and proper combination of horizontal and vertical alignment,
which increases road utility and safety, encourages uniform speed, and improves
appearance, can almost always be obtained without additional costs.

3.3.1 Horizontal Alignment

The horizontal alignment should always be designed to the highest standard consistent
with the topography and be chosen carefully to provide good drainage and minimize
earthworks. The alignment design should also be aimed at achieving a uniform operating
speed. Therefore the standard of alignment selected for a particular section of road should
extend throughout the section with no sudden changes from easy to sharp curvature.
Where a sharp curvature is unavoidable, a sequence of curves of decreasing radius is

The horizontal alignment consists of a series of intersecting tangents and circular curves,
with or without transition curves. Straights (Tangents)

Long straights should be avoided, as they are monotonous for drivers and cause headlight
dazzle on straight grades. A more pleasing appearance and higher road safety can be
obtained by a winding alignment with tangents deflecting some 5 – 10 degrees alternately
to the left and right. Short straights between curves in the same direction should not be
used because of the broken back effect. In such cases where a reasonable tangent length
is not attainable, the use of long, transitions or compound curvature should be considered.
The following guidelines may be applied concerning the length of straights:

 Straights should not have lengths greater than (20 * V) meters, where V is the
design speed in km/h.
 Straights between circular curves turning in the same direction should have
lengths greater than (6*V) meters, where V is the design speed in km/h.
 Straights between the end and the beginning of untransitioned reverse circular
curves should have lengths greater than two-thirds of the total superelevation

Highway Engineering I, Lecture Notes 16

Instructor: Daniel Belay
Aksum university, Faculty of Technology, Department of Civil Engineering Circular Curves

Horizontal curvature design is one of the most important features influencing the
efficiency and safety of a highway. Improper design will result in lower speeds and
lowering of highway capacity.

Figure 3.1. Parts of a Circular Curve

 PC – point of curvature
 PI – point of intersection
 PT – point of tangency
 Δ – central angle
 R – radius of curve
 D – degree of curve that defines,

a. Central angle which subtends 20m arc (arc definition),

b. Central angle which subtends 20m chord (Chord definition)
From arc definition,
R = 1145.916 / D
From chord definition,
R = 10 / Sin(D/2)

 Tangent (T): distance from PC to PI(backward tangent) or from PT to PI(forward


Highway Engineering I, Lecture Notes 17

Instructor: Daniel Belay
Aksum university, Faculty of Technology, Department of Civil Engineering

T = R*tan(Δ/2)
 External distance (E): distance from PI to middle of curve.

E = R*(Sec(Δ/2) – 1 Or E = T*tan(Δ/4)

 Middle ordinate (M): length from the middle of chord to the middle of curve.

M = R*(1- Cos(Δ/2))
 Long chord(C): straight-line distance from A to B.

C = 2R*Sin(Δ/2)
 Length of Curve (Lc): distance from PC to PT along the curve.

Lc = 20* Δ/D Or Lc = R*π* Δ/180

 Sub-arc angles di: are angles subtended by an arc less than the degree of curve
di = Ai*D/20
di = angle subtended by sub-arc of length Ai
Ai = arc less than 20m.

 Sub chord angle (dj): are angles subtended by a chord less than the degree of
curve (D).

cj = 2R*Sin(dj/2)
cj = 20Sin(dj/2)/Sin(D/2)
dj = angle subtended by sub-chord of length cj
cj = chord less than 20m.

 Deflection angles: The angle that a chord deflects from a tangent to a circular
curve is measured by half of the intercepted arc.

o Deflection angle for Lc m = Δ/2

o Deflection angle for 20m = D/2
o Deflection angle for Ai m = di/2

 Stations of PC, PI, and PT:

PC = PI – T
P T = PC + Lc or PT = PI + T

Several variations of the circular curve deserve consideration when developing the
horizontal alignment for a highway design. When two curves in the same direction are
connected with a short tangent, this condition is referred to as a “broken back”

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Instructor: Daniel Belay
Aksum university, Faculty of Technology, Department of Civil Engineering

arrangement of curves. This type of alignment should be avoided except where very
unusual topographical or right-of-way conditions dictate otherwise. Highway engineers
generally consider the broken back alignment to be unpleasant and awkward and prefer
spiral transitions or a compound curve alignment with continuous superelvation for
such conditions.

Figure 3.2 identifies elements of a typical compound highway curve with variable
definitions and basic equations developed for a larger and smaller radius curve, based on
the assumption that the radius dimensions RL and RS and central angles ΔL and ΔS are
given or have been previously determined.

Figure 3.2 Properties of a Compound Curve

Another important variation of the circular highway curve is the use of reverse curves,
which are adjacent curves that curve in opposite directions. The alignment illustrated in
figure 3.3, which shows a point of reverse curvature, PRC, and no tangent separating the

Highway Engineering I, Lecture Notes 19

Instructor: Daniel Belay
Aksum university, Faculty of Technology, Department of Civil Engineering

curves, would be suitable only for low-speed roads such as those in mountainous terrain.
A sufficient length of tangent between the curves should usually be provided to allow
removal of the superelevation from the first curve and attainment of adverse
superelevation for the second curve.

Figure 3.3 Properties of a Reverse Curve

Highway Engineering I, Lecture Notes 20

Instructor: Daniel Belay
Aksum university, Faculty of Technology, Department of Civil Engineering Sight Distance on Horizontal Curves:

(a) (b)

Figure 3.4 Sight Distance Around Horizontal Curve: (a) S < Lc and (b) S > Lc

Situations frequently exist where an object on the inside of a curve, such as vegetation,
building or cut face, obstructs the line of sight. Where it is either not feasible or
economically justified to move the object a larger radius of curve will e required to
ensure that stopping sight distance is available. The required radius of curve is dependent
on the distance of the obstruction from the centerline and the sight distance.

Case 1. S < Lc
S = 40 * Cos-1 ((R-M)/R) / D
Case 2. S > Lc
M = Lc* (2S - Lc) / 8R

Night driving around sharp curves introduces an added problem related to horizontal
sight distance. Motor-vehicle headlights are pointed directly toward the front and do not
provide as much illumination in oblique directions. Even if adequate horizontal sight
distance is provided, it has little useful purpose at night because the headlights are
directed along a tangent to the curve, and the roadway itself is not properly illuminated.

Highway Engineering I, Lecture Notes 21

Instructor: Daniel Belay
Aksum university, Faculty of Technology, Department of Civil Engineering Superelevation
Any body moving rapidly along a curved
path is subject to an outward reactive force
called the centrifugal force. If the surface is
flat, the vehicle is held in the curved path
by side friction between tires and
pavement. The total of these friction forces
balances the centrifugal force. Expressed in
terms of the coefficient of friction f and the
normal forces between the pavement and
the tires, the relationship is

m *v2/R = (NL + NR)*f = m*g*f

Figure 3.5 Forces acting on a vehicle moving or
along a curved path. f = v2 / ( g * R)
When velocity v(m/s) is stated in V(Km/h), and the radius of curve(R) in meters, the
equation reduces to
f = V2 / (127*R)
On highway curves, this centrifugal force acts through the center of mass of the vehicle
and creates an overturning moment about the points of contact between the outer wheels
and the pavement. But a stabilizing (resisting) moment is created by the weight acting
through the center of mass. Thus for equilibrium conditions,

(m * v2 / R) * h = m * g * d/2
h = d / (2v2 / gR) = d / 2f
h = height of the center of mass above pavement
d = lateral width between the wheels

For the moment equation, if f = 0.5, then the height to the center of mass must be greater
than the lateral distance between the wheels before overturning will take place. Modern
passenger vehicles have low center of mass so that relatively high values of f have to be
developed before overturning would take place. In practice, the frictional value is usually
sufficiently low for sliding to take place before overturning. It is only with certain
commercial vehicles having high center of mass that the problem of overturning may

In order to resist the outward acting centrifugal force, and to enable vehicles to round
curves at design speed without discomfort to their occupants, the pavements are “tilted”

Highway Engineering I, Lecture Notes 22

Instructor: Daniel Belay
Aksum university, Faculty of Technology, Department of Civil Engineering

or “superelevated” so that the outer edges are higher than the inner edges. This tilting,
plus frictional resistance between the tires and the pavement provides a horizontal
resistance to the centrifugal forces generated by the circular movement of the vehicle
around a curve.

Analysis of the forces acting on a vehicle as it moves around a curve of constant radius
indicates that the theoretical superelevation can be expressed as:

e + f = V2 / (127*R) ……………………………………………(*)
e = rate of superelevation(m per m)
f = side friction factor (or coefficient of lateral friction)
V = speed (Km/hr)
R = radius of curvature (m)

Equation (*) above is the basic equation relating the speed of vehicles, the radius of
curve, the superelevation and the coefficient of lateral friction. This equation forms the
basis of design of horizontal curves.

If the entire centrifugal force is counteracted by the superelevation, frictional force will
not be called into play. Proper design does not normally take full advantage of the
obtainable lateral coefficients of friction, since the design should not be based on a
condition of incipient sliding. In design, engineers use only a portion of the friction
factor, accounting for the comfort and safety of the vast majority of drivers.

From equation (*), the minimum radius or maximum degree of curvature for a given
design speed can be determined from the rate of superelevation and side friction factor.

R = V2 / (127*(e + f))
D = 1145.916 / R

Attainment of Superelevation:

The transition from a tangent, normal crown section to a curved superelevated section
must be accompanied without any appreciable reduction in speed and in such a manner as
to ensure safety and comfort to the occupants of the traveling vehicle.

The normal cambered surface on a straight reach of road is changed into a superelevated
surface into two stages. In the first stage, the outer half of the camber is gradually raised
until it is level. In the second stage, three methods may be adopted to attain the full super-
i. The surface of the road is rotated about the centerline of the carriageway,
gradually lowering the inner edge and raising the upper edge, keeping the level of
the centerline constant.
ii. The surface of the road is rotated about the inner edge, raising the center and the
outer edge.

Highway Engineering I, Lecture Notes 23

Instructor: Daniel Belay
Aksum university, Faculty of Technology, Department of Civil Engineering

iii. The surface of the road is rotated about the outer edge depressing the center and
the outer edge.

Method (i) is the most generally used.

The distance required for accomplishing the transition from a normal to a superelevated
section, commonly referred to as the transition runoff, is a function of the design speed
and the rate of superelevation.

Superelevation is usually started on the tangent at some distance before the curve starts,
and the full superelevation is generally reached beyond the point of curvature (PC) of the
curve. In curves with transitions, the superelevation can be attained within the limits of
the spiral.

Value Of Coefficient Of Lateral Friction:

The value of coefficient of lateral friction depends upon a number of factors, chief among
them being the vehicle speed, type and condition of roadway surfaces, and type and
condition of the tyres.

Table 3.4 Coefficient of Lateral Friction as Recommended by AASHTO

Design 50 65 80 100 120 130
Maximum 0.16 0.15 0.14 0.13 0.12 0.11

Table 3.5 Coeff. Of Lateral Friction as Recommended by TRRL Overseas Road Note 6
Design 30 40 50 60 70 85 100 120
f 0.33 0.30 0.25 0.23 0.20 0.18 0.15 0.15

Maximum Superelevation Value:

If eqn (*) is to be used for design, it is desirable to know the maximum superelevation
that can be permitted. Practice in this regard varies from country to country.

According to Transport Construction Design Enterprise (TCDE):

 emax = 10%
 fmax = 0.16

Highway Engineering I, Lecture Notes 24

Instructor: Daniel Belay
Aksum university, Faculty of Technology, Department of Civil Engineering Transition Curves

Transition curves provide a gradual change from the tangent section to the circular curve
and vice versa. For most curves, drivers can follow a transition path within the limits of
a normal lane width, and a spiral transition in the alignment is not necessary. However,
along high-speed roadways with sharp curvature, transition curves may be needed to
prevent drivers from encroaching into adjoining lanes.

A curve known as the Euler spiral or clothoid is commonly used in highway design. The
radius of the spiral varies from infinity at the tangent end to the radius of the circular arc
at the end of the spiral. The radius of the spiral at any point is inversely proportional to
the distance from its beginning point.

Figure 3.6 Main Elements of A Circular Curve Provided with Transitions

Some of the important properties of the spirals are given below:

 L = 2Rθ
 θ = (L / Ls)2 * θs
 θs = Ls / 2Rc (in radians) = 28.65Ls / Rc (in degrees)
 Ts = Ls /2 + (Rc + S)*tan(Δ/2)
 S = Ls2 / 24Rc
 Es = (Rc + S)*sec(Δ/2) - Rc
θs = spiral angle
Δ = total central angle
Δc = central angle of the circular arc extending from BC to EC = Δ - 2 θs

Highway Engineering I, Lecture Notes 25

Instructor: Daniel Belay
Aksum university, Faculty of Technology, Department of Civil Engineering

Rc = radius of circular curve

L = length of spiral from starting point to any point
R = radius of curvature of the spiral at a point L distant from starting point.
Ts = tangent distance
Es = external distance
S = shift
HIP = horizontal intersection point
BS = beginning of spiral
BC = beginning of circular curve
EC = end of circular curve
ES = end of spiral curve

Length of Transition:

The length of transition should be determined from the following two conditions:

 The rate of change of centrifugal acceleration adopted in the design should not
cause discomfort to the drivers. If C is the rate of change of acceleration,

Ls = 0.0215V3 / (C*Rc)
V = speed (Km/hr)
Rc = radius of the circular curve (m)

 The rate of change of superelevation (superelevation application ratio) should be

such as not to cause higher gradients and unsightly appearances. Since
superelevation can be given by rotating about the centerline, inner edge or outer
edge, the length of the transition will be governed accordingly. Widening of Curves

Extra width of pavement may be necessary on curves. As a vehicle turns, the rear wheels
follow the front wheels on a shorter radius, and this has the effect of increasing the width
of the vehicle in relation to the lane width of the roadway. Studies of drivers traversing
curves have shown that there is a tendency to drive a curved path longer than the actual
curve, shifting the vehicle laterally to the right on right-turning curves and to the left on
left-turning curves. Thus, on right-turning curves the vehicle shifts toward the inside edge
of the pavement, creating a need for additional pavement width. The amount of widening
needed varies with the width of the pavement on tangent, the design speed, and the curve
radius or degree of curvature.

The widening required can be calculated from

We = n *B2/ 2R + V / 10 R
We = total widening
B = wheel base

Highway Engineering I, Lecture Notes 26

Instructor: Daniel Belay
Aksum university, Faculty of Technology, Department of Civil Engineering

R = radius of curve
V = design speed (Km/hr)
n = number of lanes

3.4 Vertical Alignment

The vertical alignment of the roadway and its effect on the safe, economical operation of
the motor vehicle constitute one of the most important features of a highway design. The
vertical alignment, which consists a series of straight profile lines connected by vertical
parabolic curves, is known as the profile grade line. When the profile grade line is
increasing from a level or flat alignment, this condition is referred to as a “plus grade”,
and when the grade is decreasing from a level alignment, the grade is termed a “minus
grade”. In analyzing grade and grade controls, the designer usually studies the effect of
change on the centerline profile of the roadway.

In the establishment of a grade, an ideal situation is one in which the cut is balanced
against the fill without a great deal of borrow or an excess of cut material to be wasted.
All earthwork hauls should be moved in a downhill direction if possible and within a
relatively short distance from the origin, due to the expense of moving large quantities of
soil. Ideal grades have long distances between points of intersection, with long curves
between grade tangents to provide smooth riding qualities and good visibility. The grade
should follow the general terrain and rise or fall in the direction of the existing drainage.
In rock cuts and in flat, low-lying or swampy areas, it is necessary to maintain higher
grades with respect to the existing ground line. Future possible construction and the
presence of grade separations or bridge structures can also act as control criteria for the
design of a vertical alignment.

3.4.1 Grades and Grade Control

Changes of grade from plus to minus should be placed in cuts, and changes from a minus
grade to a plus grade should be placed in fills. This will generally give a good design, and
many times it will avoid the appearance of building hills and producing depressions
contrary to the general existing contours of the land. Other considerations for determining
the grade line may be of more importance than the balancing of cuts and fills.

In the analysis of grades and grade control, one of the most important considerations is
the effect of grades on the operating costs of the motor vehicle. An increase in gasoline
consumption, a reduction in speed, and an increase in emissions and noise are apparent
when grades are increased. An economical approach would be to balance the added cost
of grade reduction against the annual costs and impacts of vehicle operation without
grade reduction. An accurate solution to the problem depends on the knowledge of traffic
volume and type, which can be obtained by means of a traffic survey.

Highway Engineering I, Lecture Notes 27

Instructor: Daniel Belay
Aksum university, Faculty of Technology, Department of Civil Engineering

Minimum grades are governed by drainage conditions. Level grades may be used in fill
sections in rural areas when crowned pavements and sloping shoulders can take care of
the pavement surface drainage. However, it is preferred that the profile grade be designed
to have a minimum grade of at least 0.3 percent under most conditions in order to secure
adequate drainage.

3.4.2 Vertical Curves

The parabolic curve is used almost exclusively in connecting profile grade tangents. The
primary reason for the use of this type of curve in vertical highway alignments is the
convenient manner in which the vertical offsets can be computed and the smooth
transitions created from tangent to curve and then back to tangent. When a vertical curve
connects a positive grade with a negative grade, it is referred to as a “crest curve”.
Likewise, when a vertical curve connects a negative grade with a positive grade, it is
termed a “sag curve”. Various configurations of crest and sag curves are illustrated in
figure 3.7. Various definitions and basic equations for a typical vertical curve are
presented in figure 3.8. The sign conventions for g1 and g2 allow the use of the same
formulas in the calculation of offsets and elevations for a sag curve also.

All distances along vertical curves are measured horizontally, and all offsets from the
tangents to the curve are measured vertically. Accordingly, the length of a vertical curve
is its horizontal projection. The error resulting from this assumption is negligible in
practice since the curve is quite flat. Unless otherwise defined, vertical curves are
symmetrical in the sense that the tangents are equal in length.

Figure 3.7 Types of crest and sag vertical curves

Highway Engineering I, Lecture Notes 28

Instructor: Daniel Belay
Aksum university, Faculty of Technology, Department of Civil Engineering

Figure 3.8 Properties of a typical vertical curve

Highway Engineering I, Lecture Notes 29

Instructor: Daniel Belay
Aksum university, Faculty of Technology, Department of Civil Engineering

3.4.3 Length of Vertical Curves

A. Crest Curves:

For crest curves, the most important consideration in determining the length of the
curve is the sight distance requirement.

Case1: S < L

GS 2
( 2h1  2h2 ) 2

Case 2: S > L

2( h1  h2 ) 2
L  2*S 

AASHTO recommendations:
 For stopping sight distance over crest: h1 = 1.07m and h2 = 0.15m
 For passing sight distance over crest: h1 = 1.07m and h2 = 1.30m

B. Sag Curves:

For sag curves, the criteria for determining the length are vehicle headlight distance,
rider comfort, drainage control and general appearance.

B.1 Headlight Sight Distance:

Case 1: S < L

Highway Engineering I, Lecture Notes 30

Instructor: Daniel Belay
Aksum university, Faculty of Technology, Department of Civil Engineering

S 2G
1.22  0.035* S

Case 2: S > L

 1.22  0.035* S 
L  2S   
 G 

B.2 Comfort

There is still a considerable difference of opinion as to what value of radial acceleration

should be used on vertical curves for comfort purposes. The most commonly quoted
values are between 0.30 and 0.46m/s2, but lesser values are preferred. If the vertical radial
acceleration is assumed to be equal to ar (in m/s2), then

V 2G
L V - speed in Km/hr
13ar Sight Distances At Underpass Structures:

Case 1: S < L
S 2G
m = C – (h1+h2)/2
C = Vertical clearance

Highway Engineering I, Lecture Notes 31

Instructor: Daniel Belay
Aksum university, Faculty of Technology, Department of Civil Engineering

Case 2: S > L

L  2S 

 AASHTO recommendations: h1 = 1.829m, h2 = 0.457m and C = 5.182m

3.5 Cross-Section

The cross-sectional elements in a highway design pertain to those features that deal with
its width. They embrace aspects such as right-of-way, roadway width, central
reservations (medians), shoulders, camber, side-slope etc.

Right- Of –Way

The right-of-way width is the width of land secured and preserved to the public for road
purposes. The right-of-way should be adequate to accommodate all the elements that
make up the cross-section of the highway and may reasonably provide for future

Road Width

Road width should be minimized so as to reduce the costs of construction and

maintenance, whilst being sufficient to carry the traffic loading efficiently and safely.

The following factors need to be taken into account when selecting the width of a road:

Highway Engineering I, Lecture Notes 32

Instructor: Daniel Belay
Aksum university, Faculty of Technology, Department of Civil Engineering

1. Classification of the road. A road is normally classified according to its function

in the road network. The higher the class of road, the higher the level of service
expected and the wider the road will need to be.
2. Traffic. Heavy traffic volumes on a road mean that passing of oncoming vehicles
and overtaking of slower vehicles are more frequent and therefore that paths of
vehicles will be further from the center-line of the road and the traffic lanes
should be wider.
3. Vehicle dimensions. Normal steering deviations and tracking errors, particularly
of heavy vehicles, reduce clearances between passing vehicles. Higher truck
percentages require wider traffic lanes.
4. Vehicle speed. As speeds increase, drivers have less control of the lateral position
of vehicles, reducing clearances, and so wider traffic lanes are needed.
Figure 3.9 shows the typical cross-sections recommended by Overseas Road Note 6, for
the various road design classes A – F.

The cross-section of the road is usually maintained across culverts, but special cross-
sections may need to be designed for bridges, taking into account traffic such as
pedestrians, cyclists, etc., as well as motor traffic. Reduction in the carriageway width
may be accepted, for instance, when an existing narrow bridge has to be retained because
it is not economically feasible to replace or widen it. It may also sometimes be economic
to construct a superstructure of reduced width initially with provision for it to be widened
later when traffic warrants it. In such cases a proper application of traffic signs, rumble
strips or speed bumps is required to warn motorists of the discontinuity in the road.

Highway Engineering I, Lecture Notes 33

Instructor: Daniel Belay
Aksum university, Faculty of Technology, Department of Civil Engineering

Figure 3.9 Typical cross-sections (TRRL Overseas Road Note 6)

For single-lane roads without shoulders passing places must be provided to allow passing
and overtaking. The total road width at passing places should be a minimum of 5.0m but

Highway Engineering I, Lecture Notes 34

Instructor: Daniel Belay
Aksum university, Faculty of Technology, Department of Civil Engineering

preferably 5.5m, which allows two trucks to pass safely at low speed. The length of
individual passing places will vary with local conditions and the sizes of vehicles in
common use but, generally, a length of 20m including tapers will cater for trucks with a
wheelbase of 6.5m and an overall length of 11.0m.

Normally, passing places should be located every 300-500m depending on the terrain and
geometric conditions. They should be located within sight distance of each other and be
constructed at the most economic locations as determined by terrain and ground
conditions, such as at transitions from cut to fill, rather than at precise intervals.


Shoulders provide for the accommodation of stopped vehicles. Properly designed

shoulders also provide an emergency outlet for motorists finding themselves on a
collision course and they also serve to provide lateral support to the carriageway. Further,
shoulders improve sight distances and induce a sense of ‘openness’ that improves
capacity and encourages uniformity of speed.

In developing countries shoulders are used extensively by non-motorized traffic

(pedestrians, bicycles and animals) and a significant proportion of the goods may be
transported by such non-motorized means.


Two-lane roads should be provided with a camber consisting of a straight-line cross-fall

from the center-line to the carriageway edges, while straight cross-fall from edge to edge
of the carriageway is used for single-lane roads and for each carriageway of divided

The cross-fall should be sufficient to provide adequate surface drainage whilst not being
so great as to be hazardous by making steering difficult. The ability of a surface to shed
water varies with its smoothness and integrity. On unpaved roads, the minimum
acceptable value of cross-fall should be related to the need to carry surface water away
from the pavement structure effectively, with a maximum value above which erosion of a
material starts to become a problem.

According to Overseas Road Note 6 the normal cross-fall should be 3% on paved roads
and 4 – 6% on unpaved roads.

Due to the action of traffic and weather the cross-fall of unpaved roads will gradually be
reduced and rutting may develop. To avoid the rutting developing into potholes a cross-
fall of 5 – 6% should be reestablished during the routine and periodic maintenance works.

Shoulders having the same surface as the carriageway should have the same cross-slope.
Unpaved shoulders on a paved road should be about 2% steeper than the cross-fall of the

Highway Engineering I, Lecture Notes 35

Instructor: Daniel Belay
Aksum university, Faculty of Technology, Department of Civil Engineering

Side Slopes

The slopes of fills (embankments) and cuts must be adapted to the soil properties,
topography and importance of the road. Earth fills of common soil types and usual height
may stand safely on slopes of 1 on 1.5 and slopes of cuts through undisturbed earth with
cementing properties remain in place with slopes of about 1 on 1. Rock cuts are usually
stable at slopes of 4 on 1 or even steeper depending on the homogeneity of the rock
formation and direction of possible dips and strikes.

Using these relatively steep slopes will result in minimization of earthworks, but steep
slopes are, on the other hand, more liable to erosion than flatter slopes as plant and grass
growth is hampered and surface water velocity will be higher. Thus the savings in
original excavation and embankment costs may be more than offset by increased
maintenance through the years.

Highway Engineering I, Lecture Notes 36

Instructor: Daniel Belay
Aksum university, Faculty of Technology, Department of Civil Engineering

The term earthwork includes all clearing, grubbing, roadway and drainage excavation,
excavation for structures, embankments, borrow, overhaul, machine grading, subgrade
scarifying, rock fill, and all the operations of preparing the subgrade foundation for
highway or runway pavement.

The quantity and cost of earthwork are calculated in terms of cubic meters of excavation
in its original position on the basis of cross-section notes from field measurements.

Modern grading operations are carried on by power equipment including power shovels,
scrapers, bulldozers, blade graders, rollers, dragline excavators, motor trucks, tractors,

Classification of Excavated Material

Excavated material is usually classified as (1) common excavation, (2) loose rock, or (3)
solid rock. Common excavation is largely earth, or earth with detached boulders less than
½ cu yd. Loose rock usually refers to rock which can be removed with pick and bar,
although the use of power shovels or blasting may be advantageous. Solid rock comprises
hard rock in place and boulders that can be removed only by the use of drilling and
blasting equipment.

Shrinkage and Swell Factors

When earth is excavated and hauled to form an embankment, the freshly excavated
material generally increases in volume. However, during the process of building the
embankment it is compacted, so that the final volume is less than when in its original
condition. This difference in volume is usually defined as “shrinkage”. In estimating
earthwork quantities, it is necessary to make allowance for this factor. The amount of
shrinkage varies with the soil type and the depth of the fill. An allowance of 10 to 15
percent is frequently made for high fills and 20 to 25 percent for shallow fills. The
shrinkage may be as high as 40 or 50 percent for some soils. This generally also allows
for shrinkage due to loss of material in the hauling process.

When rock is excavated and placed in the embankment, the material will occupy a larger
volume. This increase is called “ swell” and may amount to 30 percent or more.

Percent shrinkage = ( 1 – ( wt. bank measure / wt. compacted ) ) *100

% sh. = ( 1 – (γB / γC) ) * 100 …………………………………………..(1)

percent swell = ( (wt. bank measure / wt. loose measure) – 1 ) * 100

% sw. = ((γB / γL ) - 1 ) * 100 …………………………………………..(2)

Highway Engineering I, Lecture Notes 37

Instructor: Daniel Belay
Aksum university, Faculty of Technology, Department of Civil Engineering

Cross-Sections And Templates

In order to determine earth excavation and embankment requirements by manual means,

a section outline of the proposed highway, commonly referred to as a template section, is
placed on the original ground cross-section; the areas in cut and the areas in fill are
determined; and the volumes between the sections are computed. Figure 4.1 shows
various conditions that may be encountered when plotting these template sections. “Cut”
and “fill” are the terms that are usually used for the areas of the sections, and the terms
“excavation” and “embankment” generally refer to volumes.

Each cross-section should show the

location or station of the original
ground section and template section,
the elevation of the proposed grade at
the station, and the areas of cut and
fill for each section. The computed
volume of excavation and
embankment may also be placed on
the cross-section sheet between two
successive cross-sections.

Figure 4.1 Original ground line and template


Slope Stakes

The final grade line having been established, slope stakes are set at points where the side
slopes of the graded road will intersect the ground surface; they mark the limits of the
excavation and embankment. The slope stakes are driven at points of zero cut or fill, but
the numbers written on them give the vertical distance with reference to the finished
grade of the subgrade. On the inner side of the stakes is marked in meters the “cut” or
“fill” as the case may be. Thus, “C1.2” indicates that the centerline elevation of the
roadbed is to be cut 1.2m below the ground at the slope stake; and “F2.3” indicates that
the fill is to be 2.3m above the slope stake.

The stakes are driven with the tops slanting outward and with the sides upon which the
cuts or fills are marked facing the roadway. The station number is marked on the outside
of the stake.

The usual equipment for setting slopes consists of a level, rod, tape, notebook, stakes, and

Highway Engineering I, Lecture Notes 38

Instructor: Daniel Belay
Aksum university, Faculty of Technology, Department of Civil Engineering

If a profile map has been established from previous surveys and the final grade line
drawn thereon, the centerline cut or fill may be found from the map by subtracting the
elevation of grade from the elevation of ground.
Also, if a cross-section of the ground and finished shape of roadway have been plotted to
scale, the position of the slope stakes could be scaled from the map.

Aside from the elevation of grade, the most satisfactory procedure is to determine all
distances and elevations in the field. The method must necessarily be a “ measure and
try” process, but the work can be done rather easily.

General Method of Procedure: Let ABEPD in Figs. 4.2 and 4.3 represent the cross-
sectional area of highway in fill or cut, for which we have the following general notation
applying to both excavation and embankment:
b = AB = AC + CB = width of roadbed
s = “slope ratio” for the banks AD and BE = ratio of horizontal to vertical (plus
for cut, minus for fill)
d = PC = depth of fill or cut at the center
x1 = horizontal distance from P to slope stake at D
x2 = horizontal distance from P to slope stake at E
y = vertical distance from P to slope stake
h1 = d + y1 = FD = vertical distance from C to D
h2 = d + y2 = GE = vertical distance from C to E

Figure 4.2 Cross section on fill (slope

stakes at E and D)

Figure 4.3 Cross section in cut (slope

stakes at E and D)

The slope stake at point D on the right is correctly established if

x1 = ½ b + sh1 = ½ b + sd + sy1 ……………………………………..(3)

Likewise, point E on the left is correctly established if

x2= ½ b + sh2 = ½ b + sd + sy2 ……………………………………...(4)

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Instructor: Daniel Belay
Aksum university, Faculty of Technology, Department of Civil Engineering

In the foregoing equations, b, d, and s are known, while x and h (or y) are measured and
remeasured in the field until the equations are satisfied (trial-and-error method).

If the ground is level, y1 = y2 = 0; then x1 = x2 = ½ b + sd.

In fig. 4.3, it is assumed that rod readings to all points within the cross profile under
consideration can be taken from a single position of the level (which of course is not
always possible). By means of previous differential leveling from the nearest benchmark,
the HI (height of instrument or elevation of line HJK) is established.

If we imagine the bottom of the road to be at grade at point C, the rod reading would be
CJ, which is called “grade rod”. That is

Grade rod = HI – grade elevation

Negative values of grade rod would occur when the HI is below “grade”.

Since the actual reading at the centerline stake (fig. 4.3) is PJ (not CJ), the depth of cut is
CP = CJ – PJ; that is,
d = grade rod – ground rod

Negative values of d indicate fill.

Similarly at the slope stake D,

FD = FK – DK
That is, h1 (or h2) = grade rod – ground rod

Negative values of h indicate fill.

The values of x1 and h1 (or x2 and h2) corresponding to the intersection of two slopes are
found easily after two or three field measurements.

Area of Cross-Section

From the data supplied by slope stake or cross-section notes, the area of cross-section
may be calculated. If the ground is level or regular, simple geometry may be applied; for
irregular ground, two general methods are used; (1) the graphical method and (2) the
coordinate method.

 Area for Level Ground. For level ground, the area of cross-section in cut (or fill)
is merely that of a trapezoid. In figure 4.4:

b = width of base AB
d = center cut (or fill)
s = slope of banks = MD / AM = NE / BN

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Instructor: Daniel Belay
Aksum university, Faculty of Technology, Department of Civil Engineering

Area = d(b + sd) …………………………………..(5)

Figure 4.4

 Area for Three-Level Section. With three readings taken directly from slope
stake notes, one at the center and one at each slope stake, the area of cross section
may be obtained. For regular ground, this is an accurate and very satisfactory
method. Such a section is known as a three-level section, and the area may be
calculated readily from field notes without plotting.

Imagine the area ABED (fig. 4.5) to be divided into four triangles, two having the
common base d and altitudes x1 and x2, and two having bases = ½ b and altitudes
h1 and h2. Hence the area of section is

A = ½ [d(x1 + x2) + ½ b(h1 + h2)] ………………………….(6)

Figure 4.5

If the slope stake notes are not available and the center fill is known, the end area
A may be found conveniently from the four field measurements indicated in fig.
4.6. Assuming uniform slope of the original ground underneath the fill,

A = ½ (h1x’’ + h2x’) ………………………………….(7)

Figure 4.6

 Area by Coordinate Method. With the coordinates of all the corners of a cross-
section known, the end area may be computed by means of the coordinate

Let the corners A, B, C, and D of the area ABCD (fig. 4.7) be located by the
coordinates (x1,y1), (x2,y2), (x3,y3), and (x4,y4). Then the area is given by the
algebraic sum of four trapezoids. Thus,

Area = ABba + BCcb – ADda - DCcd

=1/2 [y1(x4 – x2) + y2(x1 - x3) + y3(x2 – x4) + y4(x3 – x1)] …………….(8)

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Instructor: Daniel Belay
Aksum university, Faculty of Technology, Department of Civil Engineering

From eqn.(8) we may state the following rule

for area:

Multiply each ordinate by the algebraic

difference between the adjacent abscissas,
find the algebraic sum of the products,
and then take half of this result.

Figure 4.7 Area by coordinate method

A simpler rule for area follows if we arrange in counterclockwise order the

coordinates (fig. 4.7) in the form of fractions, the initial fraction (beginning at any
corner) being repeated to give a closed boundary. Thus, we have

y1 y2 y3 y4 y1
x1 x2 x3 x4 x1

Multiply along the marked diagonals and add the products (all positive); multiply
along the unmarked diagonals and add the products (all negative). The difference
gives the double area.

Volume of Earthwork

The volume of earthwork may be found by means of either the average end area or the
prismoidal formula. Although the former is less exact than the latter, it is generally
accepted as the standard earthwork formula, on account of its simplicity.

 Average End Area Formula. The volume of a right prism equals the average
area multiplied by the length. Assuming the average area to be the same as the
average end area,

Volume = V = ½ (A1 + A2)L

In which: A1 and A2 = area of end sections (m2)

L = length of solid (m)

This formula is applied to areas of any shape, but the results are slightly too large.
The error is small if the sections do not change rapidly.

 Prismoidal Formula. A prismoid is a solid whose ends are parallel and whose
sides are plane or wrapped surfaces. Fig. 4.8 represents a typical prismoid.

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Instructor: Daniel Belay
Aksum university, Faculty of Technology, Department of Civil Engineering

Figure 4.8

The volume of a prismoid is:

V = L/6 (A1 + 4Am + A2)

In which L is the distance between the two parallel bases A1 and A2 and Am is a
section midway between the two end bases and parallel to them. Am is not an
average of A1 and A2, but each of its linear dimensions is an average of the
corresponding dimensions of A1 and A2.

Haul and Overhaul

In grading contracts for roads it is usually stipulated that the contractor shall be paid a
certain price per cubic meter for excavating, hauling, and dumping the material,
regardless of distance hauled, provided it does not exceed a specified limit called free
haul. The free haul distance may be as low as 150m and as high as 900m or more.

If there is an overhaul on some of the material, that is, if the distance from excavation to
embankment is beyond the free haul limit, then an extra charge may be allowed.

A mass diagram is helpful in determining the amount of overhaul and the most
economical distribution of the excavated material.

Limit of Economic Haul

When there are long hauls, it may be more economical to waste and borrow materials
rather than pay for the cost of overhauling. Equating the cost of excavation plus overhaul
to the cost of excavation from both the roadway and borrow pit, one can estimate the
limit of economic haul for making the embankment. Thus, let

c = cost of roadway excavation per cubic meter

b = cost of borrow per cubic meter
h = cost of overhaul, on the bases of 1m3 per station
x = economical length of overhaul

Cost to excavate and move 1m3 material from cut to fill

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Instructor: Daniel Belay
Aksum university, Faculty of Technology, Department of Civil Engineering

= c + hx …………………………………………….(a)

Cost to excavate from cut, waste, borrow, and place 1m3 material in fill

=b+c ……….….………………………………..(b)

Equating equations (a) and (b) and solving for x, we have

x = b/h (s + a) …………………………………..(c)

adding the free haul distance to equation (c), we get the limit of economical haul.

Mass Diagram

A mass diagram is a graphical representation of the amount of earthwork and

embankment involved in a project and the manner in which the earth is to be moved. Its
horizontal or x-axis represents distance and is usually expressed in meters or stations. It is
drawn to the same horizontal scale as the profile. The vertical or y-axis represents the
cumulative quantity of earthwork in cubic meters. The quantity of excavation on the mass
diagram is considered positive, and embankment as negative. Preliminary to drawing the
mass curve it is convenient to tabulate the cumulative volumes of cuts and fills at each

The mass diagram allows a highway engineer to determine direction of haul and the
quantity of earth taken from or hauled to any location. It shows “balance points”, the
stations between which the volume of excavation (after adjustment for “shrinkage” or
“swell”) and embankment are equal.

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Aksum university, Faculty of Technology, Department of Civil Engineering

Figure 4.9 Profile and mass diagram. AC = free-haul distance; HJ – AC = overhaul

distance; BB = free-haul volume; A’A = C’C = overhaul volume; OD = length of

A study of the mass diagram (or curve) shown in figure 4.9 will verify the following

 The ordinate at any point on the mass curve represents the cumulative volume to that
point on the profile.
 Within the limits of a single cut, the curve rises from left to right; within the limits of
a single fill, it falls from left to right.
 Sections where the volume changes from cut to fill correspond to a maximum;
sections where the volume changes from fill to cut correspond to a minimum.
Evidently the maximum and minimum points on the diagram occur at, or near, grade
points on the profile.
 Any horizontal line, as AC, cutting off a loop of the mass curve, intersects the curve
at two points between which the cut is equal to the fill (adjusted for shrinkage). Such
a line is called a balance line.
 The loops convex upward indicate that the haul from cut to fill is to be in one
direction (to the right in this case); loops concave upward indicate a reverse direction
of haul.
 The final point on a mass diagram for a given project gives the overall net amount of
earthwork for the entire project. This amount, if positive, would indicate a surplus of
excavation material and a need to waste that quantity of material. If the final point on
the mass diagram is a negative amount, it indicates a net shortage of earthwork for the
project and a need to borrow that quantity of earthwork material.

Determination of Overhaul from the Mass Diagram: One of the important uses
of the mass diagram, aside from balancing cuts and fills and indicating the most
advantageous distribution of the same, is to establish definitely the overhaul distance and
the portion of the total volume which is to be regarded as hauled beyond the specified
free-haul limit.

Referring to figure 4.9, proceed as follows:

i. Assuming the free-haul distance to be 150m, find by trial a horizontal line

intersecting the curve at points A and C, such that AC = 150m. Then the material
above line AC will be hauled at no extra cost. The amount of this material is given
by the ordinate from line AC to point B and is a measure of the volume in cut
from a to b, which makes the fill from b to c.

ii. Consider now the volume above the balance line OD. A study of the mass curve
and the corresponding profile shows that the cut from o to b will make the fill
from b to d. But since part of this solidity, the part above the balance line AC, is
included in the free-haul limit, the other part between lines OD and AC – which is
measured by the ordinate A’A – is subject to overhaul unless wastage and borrow

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Instructor: Daniel Belay
Aksum university, Faculty of Technology, Department of Civil Engineering

take place. That is, some or all of the volume from o to a may be “overhauled” to
make the fill from c to d.

The average length of haul of the solidity from o to a to make the fill from c to d is
the distance between the centers of gravity of cut o to a and fill c to d. The gravity
lines are found as follows: Bisect AA’ at M and draw a horizontal line intersecting the
mass curve at H and J. These points H and J are assumed to be vertically below the
desired centers of gravity. Therefore the average haul is given by the length of line
HJ, and the overhaul is this distance HJ less the free haul distance AC. The overhaul
distance (in stations) multiplied by the net volume gives the station-volumes of

It should be note that the foregoing graphical method of determining the center of
gravity of the masses in cut and fill is inaccurate when there is abruptness in the mass
curve. In such cases, a more accurate method is to divide the volume in parts and take
moments about a vertical line of reference just as is done in finding the center of
gravity of a system of forces.

The mass diagram may be used to indicate the most economical procedure for
disposing of excavated material, what part of it should be moved forward or
backward, and whether borrowing and wasting are advisable. Thus if the balance line
OD is continued horizontally to point X, it will be seen that the cuts and fills from o
to f are balanced, but the solidity represented by the ordinate at G is excess cut (from
f to g) which may be carried forward, backward, or wasted. If the project ends at point
g or if there are no fills immediately ahead, then this excavated material should be
carried backward to help make the fill from b to c (it being downhill and within the
free-haul limit), while an equivalent amount of volume from the cut o to a would be
wasted, thus reducing the station-volume of overhaul.

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Instructor: Daniel Belay
Aksum university, Faculty of Technology, Department of Civil Engineering

Chapter Five: Structural Design of Flexible Pavements

5.1 Road Deterioration

The purpose of structural design is to limit the stresses induced in the sub-grade by traffic to
a safe level at which sub grade deformation is insignificant whilst at the same time ensuring
that the road pavement layers themselves do not deteriorate to any serious extent within a
specified period of time. By the nature of the materials used for construction, it is impossible
to design a road pavement which does not deteriorate in some way with time and traffic,
hence the aim of structural design is to limit the level of pavement distress, measured
primarily in terms of riding quality, rut depth and cracking, to predetermined values.
Generally these values are set so that a suitable remedial treatment at the end of the design
period is a strengthening overlay of some kind but this is not necessarily so and roads can, in
principle, be designed to reach a terminal condition at which mayor rehabilitation or even
complete reconstruction is necessary. However, assessing appropriate remedial treatments
for roads which have deteriorated beyond a certain level is a difficult task. In most design
methods it is assumed that adequate routine and periodic maintenance is carved out during
the design period of the road and that at the end of the design period a relatively low level of
deterioration has occurred acceptable levels of surface condition have usually been based on
the expectations of road users. These expectations have been found to depend upon the
class of road and the volume of traffic such that the higher the geometric standard, and
therefore the higher the vehicle speeds, the lower the level of pavement distress which is
acceptable. In defining these levels, economic considerations were not considered because
there was insufficient knowledge of the cost trade-offs for an economic analysis to be carved
out with sufficient accuracy.

There are three main steps to be followed in designing a new road pavement. These are:
(i) Estimating the amount of traffic and the cumulative number of equivalent
standard axles that will use the road over the selected design life;
(ii) Assessing the strength of the sub-grade soil over which the road is to be built;
(iii) Selecting the most economical combination of pavement materials and layer
thicknesses that will provide satisfactory service over the design life of the
pavement (It is usually necessary to assume that an appropriate level of
maintenance is also carried out). This Note considers each of these steps in turn
and puts special emphasis on five aspects of design that are of major significance
in designing roads in most tropical countries:
 The influence of tropical climates on moisture conditions in road sub-grades.
 The severe conditions imposed on exposed bituminous surfacing materials
by tropical climates and the implications of this for the design of such
 The interrelationship between design and maintenance. If an appropriate
level of maintenance cannot be assumed. it is not possible to produce designs
that will carry the anticipated traffic loading without high costs to vehicle
operators through increased road deterioration.
 The high axle loads and tire pressures which are common in most countries.

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Instructor: Daniel Belay
Aksum university, Faculty of Technology, Department of Civil Engineering

 The influence of tropical climates on the nature of the soils and rocks used in
road building. The overall process of designing a road is illustrated in Figure
8.2. Some of the information necessary to carry out the tasks may be
available from elsewhere e.g. a feasibility study or Ministry records, but all
existing data will need to be checked carefully to ensure that it is both up-to-
date and accurate.

Fig.5.1 Definition of pavement layers

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Instructor: Daniel Belay
Aksum university, Faculty of Technology, Department of Civil Engineering

Figure 5.2 Pavement design process

5.2 ERA Flexible Pavement Design Method

The design of flexible pavements, as given in this manual, is based on the catalog of
pavement structures of TRL Road Note 31.

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Instructor: Daniel Belay
Aksum university, Faculty of Technology, Department of Civil Engineering

The catalog offers, in eight different charts, alternative pavement structures for combinations
of traffic and sub-grade classes. The various charts correspond to distinct combinations of
surfacing and road base materials, as shown in Table 5.1:
Table 5.1: Summary of Material Requirements for the Design Charts

1 Double surface dressing T1 -T4 use GB1,GB2 or GB3 T5 use GB1 or GB2
T6 must be GB1

2 Double surface dressing T1 -T4 use GB1,GB2 or GB3 T5 use GB1 or GB2
T6 – T8 must be GB1
3 “Flexible” asphalt T1 –T5 use GB1 or GB2
T6 use GB1
4 “Flexible” asphalt T1 –T5 use GB1 or GB2
T6 – T8 use GB1

5 Wearing course and GB1

Base course

6 Wearing course and GB1 or GB2

Base course

7 High quality single seal or double RB1, RB2 or RB3

seal for T4
“Flexible” asphalt for T5-T8

8 Double surface dressing CB1, CB2

All the charts provide alternate pavement structures for all sub-grade classes (S1 through S6).
They are not however suitable for all classes of traffic, as some structures would be neither
technically appropriate nor economically justified.
Use of the Catalog
Although the thicknesses of layers should follow the design charts whenever possible, some
limited substitution of materials between sub-base and selected fill is allowable based on the
structural number principles outlined in the AASHTO Guide for Design of Pavement
Structures. Where substitution is allowed, a note is included with the design chart.
In Charts 3, 4 and 7 where a thin surfacing of asphalt concrete is defined, it is important that
the surfacing material should be able to withstand some deformation and that the granular
road base be of the highest quality crushed stone. This latter point is particularly important
for the higher classes of traffic (classes T5 through T8). For the asphalt concrete, the mix
design should favor durability over seeking a high stability.
The above requirement for high quality road base also applies to classes of traffic T5 and
higher in Charts 1 and 2 using surface treatment as surfacing, but a gravel road base may be

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Instructor: Daniel Belay
Aksum university, Faculty of Technology, Department of Civil Engineering

considered for the lower classes (T1-T4). The same requirement always applies to the
granular road base of Chart 5 and to the granular road base component of the composite
road base of Chart 6.
For lime or cement-stabilized materials (Charts 2, 4, 6 and 8), the charts define the layers
with different symbols and thereby indicate the underlying assumptions regarding the
strength of material.
The choice of chart will depend on a variety of factors but should be based on minimizing
total transport costs. Factors that will need to be taken into account in a full evaluation
 the likely level and timing of maintenance
 the probable behavior of the structure
 the experience and skill of the contractors and the availability of suitable
 the cost of the different materials that might be used
 other risk factors
It is not possible to give detailed guidance on these issues. The charts have been developed
on the basis of reasonable assumptions concerning the first three of these and therefore the
initial choice should be based on the local costs of the feasible options. If any information is
available concerning the likely behavior of the structures under the local conditions, then a
simple risk analysis can also be carried out to select the most appropriate structure. For many
roads, especially those that are more lightly trafficked, local experience will dictate the most
appropriate structures and sophisticated analysis will not be warranted.
Table 5.2: Sub-grade Strength Classes
Class Range
(CBR %)
S1 2
S2 3–4
S3 5–7
S4 8 – 14
S5 15 – 29
S6 30+
Design Example 5.1
An example of traffic calculations was given in Chapter 3 for a particular section of a trunk
road. In the example, a traffic class T8 has been derived (with a total of ESAs on the order
of 20 x 106 over the design period).
For that class of traffic, it is readily apparent that the use of the design charts in the catalog
of structures is narrowed down to Charts 4 through 7. From the same table, without further
information regarding the sub-grade and the materials, it would also appear that any type of
surfacing is possible, as well as several types of road base.
The sub-grade strength has reasonably been ascertained to be represented by CBRs in the
range of 5 to 7, considering that some portions of the alignment which might exhibit higher
strength are so limited in number and extent that it makes it impractical to consider several
designs. The sub-grade strength class to be assigned to this project is therefore S3 from
Table 5.2.
The following preliminary information has been derived from the investigations and simple
cost comparison:

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Instructor: Daniel Belay
Aksum university, Faculty of Technology, Department of Civil Engineering

 The materials which may be considered for cement- or lime-stabilization have relatively
low percentages of fines and low plasticity, thus making cement-stabilization more
 Granular sub-base materials are available in sufficient quantities and cement stabilization
of the sub-base is uneconomical when compared to bank-run materials. Stabilization of
sub-base materials will not be further considered.
 All other materials entering the composition of the possible pavement structures are
available, albeit in various quantities and associated transport/construction costs.
Based on the above, and with the T8/S3 combination of traffic and sub-grade strength
classes, the design charts 4 through 7 indicate the possible alternate pavement structures
given in Table 8.3.
Table 5.3: Design Example: Possible Pavement Structures
Design Chart No. 4 5 6 7
Pavement Possible Alternate Alternate Alternate Alternate
Components Alternate Structure Structure Structure Structure
and Pavement No. 1 No. 2 No. 3 No. 4
Selected Fill Structures
Surfacing (asphalt concrete) (1) 5 cm AC 15cm AC 15cm AC 5 cm AC
Road base:
· Crushed Stone 15 cm 25 cm 15 cm —
· Cement stabilized (e.g. 4 15 cm — — —
Mpa) 12.5 cm — 22.5 cm —
— — — 20 cm
· Cement stabilized (e.g. 2.5
· Bituminous stabilized
Granular sub-base — 27.5 cm — 27.5 cm (2)
Selected fill 15 cm — — — (2)

Notes: (1) Asphalt concrete (AC) only alternative for T8

(2) In the alternate structure No. 4, 27.5 cm of granular sub-base can be used
(Alt. 4a). Alternatively, up to 7.5 cm of granular sub-base may be substituted with 10 cm of
selected fill (Alt. 4b).

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Instructor: Daniel Belay
Aksum university, Faculty of Technology, Department of Civil Engineering

Figure 5.3: Key to Structural Catalog

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Aksum university, Faculty of Technology, Department of Civil Engineering

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Aksum university, Faculty of Technology, Department of Civil Engineering

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Aksum university, Faculty of Technology, Department of Civil Engineering

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Instructor: Daniel Belay
Aksum university, Faculty of Technology, Department of Civil Engineering

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Instructor: Daniel Belay
Aksum university, Faculty of Technology, Department of Civil Engineering

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Instructor: Daniel Belay
Aksum university, Faculty of Technology, Department of Civil Engineering

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Instructor: Daniel Belay
Aksum university, Faculty of Technology, Department of Civil Engineering

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Instructor: Daniel Belay
Aksum university, Faculty of Technology, Department of Civil Engineering

5.3 AASHTO Flexible Pavement Design Method

The main requirement is to determine the thicknesses of various pavement layers to satisfy
the design objectives. Assuming that the pavement section consists of surface, base and sub-

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Instructor: Daniel Belay
Aksum university, Faculty of Technology, Department of Civil Engineering

base,three thicknesses: D1, D2 and D3 are required for the three layers, respectively. The
design procedure can be divided into 12 steps as presented below. These steps have been
incorporated in several computer programs to facilitate the design procedure such as
DARWin (AASHTO, 2001).
Step 1 — Reliability
A reliability level (R) is selected depending on the functional classification of the road and
whether the road is in urban or rural area. The reliability is the chance that pavement will last
for the design period without failure. A larger reliability value will ensure better performance,
but it will require larger layer thicknesses. Table 5.4 shows reliability levels suggested by the
1993 AASHTO design guide. The reliability levels shown in Table 5.4 have a wide range to
accommodate different field conditions. Different agencies typically select reliability values
from the table that match their local conditions.
Table 5.4 Suggested Levels of Reliability for Various Functional Classifications (AASHTO,

Step 2 — Overall Standard Deviation

The overall standard deviation (So) takes into consideration the variability of all input data.
The 1993 design guide recommends an approximate range of 0.4 to 0.5 for flexile
pavements. An overall standard deviation value (So) is selected by the designer within this
Step 3 — Cumulative Equivalent Single Axle Load
In this step, the designer assumes a designed life, typically in the range of 10 to 20 years. The
cumulative expected 18-kip (80-kN) ESAL (W18) during the designed life in the design lane is
then determined as discussed earlier in chapter 3.
Step 4 — Effective Roadbed Soil Resilient Modulus
Determine the resilient modulus (MR) of the roadbed soil in the laboratory according to
AASHTO T307 method (AASHTO, 2004). Since the resilient modulus of the soil depends
on the moisture content, different resilient moduli will be obtained in different seasons
depending on the amount of rain or snow in each season. Thus, an effective roadbed soil
resilient modulus is needed to represent a weighted average value for the whole year.
Figure 5.3 can be used to estimate the effective roadbed soil resilient modulus. In this
method, the year is divided into a number of distinct seasons where the resilient modulus is
significantly different. The relative damage (uf) corresponding to each MR value is determined
using the scale in Figure 5.3 and recorded in the table. The uf values are averaged and the
corresponding MR value is obtained from the same scale and reported as the effective
roadbed soil resilient modulus.
Step 5 — Resilient Moduli of Pavement Layers
The resilient moduli (MR) of the surface, base, and sub-base layers are either determined
using laboratory testing or estimated using previously developed correlations.

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Instructor: Daniel Belay
Aksum university, Faculty of Technology, Department of Civil Engineering

Step 6 — Serviceability Loss

The serviceability loss is the difference between the initial serviceability index (po) and the
terminal serviceability index (pt).

The typical Po value for a new pavement is 4.6 or 4.5. The recommended values of p t are
3.0, 2.5 or 2.0 for major roads, intermediate roads and secondary roads, respectively.
Step 7 — Structural Numbers
As shown in Equation 5.1, the structural number (SN) is an index value that combines layer
thicknesses, structural layer coefficients, and drainage coefficients. In this step the structural
numbers required above the sub-grade, sub-base, and base layers are determined. The
required structural number above the sub-grade (SN3) is determined first using either
Equation 5.2 or Figure 5.3.

a1, a2 and a3 =Structural layer coefficients (Defined in the next section, Step 8).
D1, D2 and D3 =Thicknesses of surface, base and sub-base, respectively.
m2, m3 =Drainage coefficients ((Table 5.5).

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Instructor: Daniel Belay
Aksum university, Faculty of Technology, Department of Civil Engineering

Figure 5.3 Worksheet for estimating effective roadbed soil resilient modulus (AASHTO,

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Instructor: Daniel Belay
Aksum university, Faculty of Technology, Department of Civil Engineering

Table 5.5 Recommended Drainage Coefficients for Untreated Bases and Sub-bases in
Flexible Pavements (AASHTO, 1993)

Figure 8.4 Design chart for flexible pavements based on using mean values for each input
(AASHTO, 1993).


Step 8 — Structural Layer Coefficients

The structural layer coefficient is a measure of the relative ability of a unit thickness of a
given material to function as a structural component of the pavement. Three structural layer
coefficients (a1, a2 and a3) are required for the surface, base and sub-base, respectively.
These coefficients can be determined from road tests, as was done in the AASHO Road
Test, or from correlations with material properties as shown in Figures 8.5, 8.6 and 8.7 (Van
Til et al., 1972). It is recommended that the structural layer coefficients be based on the
resilient modulus, which a more fundamental material property.

Highway Engineering I, Lecture Notes 65

Instructor: Daniel Belay
Aksum university, Faculty of Technology, Department of Civil Engineering

Figure 5.5 Chart for estimating structural layer coefficient of dense-graded asphalt concrete
based on the elastic (resilient) modulus (Van Til et al., 1972).

Figure 5.6 Correlation chart for estimating resilient modulus of sub-bases (Van Til et al.,

Highway Engineering I, Lecture Notes 66

Instructor: Daniel Belay
Aksum university, Faculty of Technology, Department of Civil Engineering

Figure 5.7 Correlation charts for estimating resilient modulus of bases (Van Til et al., 1972).
Step 9 — Drainage Coefficients
Drainage coefficients are measures of the quality of drainage and the availability of moistures
in the granular base and sub-base. Two equal drainage coefficients (m2 and m3) are needed
for the base and sub-base, respectively. The drainage coefficient values for the untreated
base and sub-base recommended by the AASHTO 1993 design guide are shown in Table

Highway Engineering I, Lecture Notes 67

Instructor: Daniel Belay
Aksum university, Faculty of Technology, Department of Civil Engineering

Step 10 — Layer Thicknesses

Using the structural numbers required above the base, sub-base and the sub-grade (SN1,
SN2 and SN3) obtained in Step 7, the layer thicknesses of the surface, base and sub-base
(D1, D2 and D3) can be obtained from Equations 8.3, 8.4 and 8.5, respectively. First,
Equation 8.3 is used to solve for D1 and the value is round up to the next 1/2 in. increment.
The rounded value of D1 is used in Equation 8.4 to solve for D2 and the value is rounded
up to the next 1 in. increment. Finally, the rounded values of D1 and D2 are used in
Equation 8.5 to solve for D3 and the value is rounded up to the next 1 in. increment.

The values of D1, D2 and D3 have to meet certain minimum practical thicknesses as shown
in Table 5.6.
Note that Equations 5.3 to 5.5 may allow for thickness compensations among layers. For
example, a larger value for D1 may be used that would allow for a smaller value of D2. Since
the costs of materials at different locations are different, the designer can make use of the
thickness compensation concept to obtain the most economic pavement section.
Table 5.6 Minimum Thickness (in.) (AASHTO, 1993)

Step 11 — Freeze or Thaw and Swelling

If the pavement is located in an area where freeze or thaw and soil swelling exists, the
AASHTO (1993) design guide recommends additional procedure to estimate the reduction
in the service life due to this environmental effect (AASHTO, 1993).
Step 12 — Life-Cycle Cost
In step 3, a pavement design period was assumed, which may not produce the least life-cycle
cost. In this step, the designer assumes a few other design periods and repeats the design
process for each design period. A life cycle cost analysis is then performed, to obtain the
most economic design strategy. In this analysis all the costs included in the analysis period
are considered such as the costs of initial construction, maintenance, rehabilitation, and the
salvage value of the pavement section at the end of the analysis period. The users cost may
also be considered.
Design Example 5.2
Design the pavement for an expressway consisting of an asphalt concrete surface, a crushed-
stone base, and a granular sub-base using the 1993 AASHTO design chart (Figure 8.4). The
cumulative ESAL in the design lane for a design period of 15 years is 7x106. The area has
good quality drainage with 10% of the time the moisture level is approaching saturation. The
effective roadbed soil resilient modulus is 7 ksi, the sub-base has a CBR value of 80, the

Highway Engineering I, Lecture Notes 68

Instructor: Daniel Belay
Aksum university, Faculty of Technology, Department of Civil Engineering

resilient modulus of the base is 40 ksi, and the resilient modulus of asphalt concrete is 4.5 x
105 psi. Assume a reliability level of 95% and So of 0.45.

Highway Engineering I, Lecture Notes 69

Instructor: Daniel Belay

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