Psychological Test Construction

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Attention must be given to the below mentioned points while constructing a potent,
constructive and relevant questionnaire/schedule:

• The researcher must first define the problem that s/he wants to examine, as it will lay the
foundation of the questionnaire. There must be a complete clarity about the various facets of
the research problem that will be encountered as the research progresses.

• The correct formulation of questions is dependent on the kind of information the researcher
seeks, the objective of analysis and the respondents of the schedule/questionnaire. Whether to
use open ended or close ended questions should be decided by the researcher. They should be
uncomplicated and made with such a view that there will be an objective part of a calculated
tabulation plan.

• A researcher must prepare a rough draft of the schedule while giving ample thought to the
sequence in which s/he wants to place the questions. Previous examples of such
questionnaires can also be observed at this stage.

• A researcher by default should recheck and if required make changes in the rough draft to
improve the same. Technical discrepancies should be examined in detail and changed

• There should be a pre-testing done through a pilot study and changes should be made to the
questionnaire if required.

• The questions should be easy to understand the directions to fill up the questionnaire clearly
mentioned; this should be done to avoid any confusion.

The primary objective of developing a tool is obtaining a set of data that is accurate,
trustworthy and authentic so as to enable the researcher in gauging the current situation
correctly and reaching conclusions that can provide executable suggestions. But, no tool is
absolutely accurate and valid, thus, it should carry a declaration that clearly mentions its
reliability and validity.

Steps for Constructing Standardized Tests

A carefully constructed test where the scoring, administration and interpretation of result
follows a uniform process can be termed as a standardized test. Following are the steps that
can be followed to construct a standardised test:
1) Plan for the test.
2) Preparation of the test.
3) Trial run of the test.
4) Checking the Reliability and Validity of the test.
5) Prepare the norms for the test.
6) Prepare the manual of the test and reproducing the test.

1) Planning – There needs to be a systematic planning in order to formulate a standardized

test. Its objectives should be carefully defined. The type of content should be determined for
example using short/long/very short answers or using multiple type questions, etc. A blue
print must be ready with instructions to the method to be used for sampling, making the
necessary requirements for preliminary and final administration. The length, time for
completing the test and number of questions should be fixed. Detailed and precise
instructions should be given for administration of the test and also it’s scoring.

2) Writing the items of the test – This requires a lot of creativity and is dependent on the
imagination, expertise and knowledge. Its requirements are:

• In-Depth knowledge of the subject

• Awareness about the aptitude and ability of the individuals to be tested.
• Large vocabulary to avoid confusion in writing. Words should be simple and
descriptive enough for everybody to understand.
• Assembly and arrangement of items in a test must be proper, generally done in
ascending order of difficulty.
• Detailed instructions of the objective, time limit and the steps of recording the
answers must be given.
• Help from experts should be taken to crosscheck for subject and language errors.

3) Preliminary Administration – After modifying the items as per the advise of the experts
the test can be tried out on experimental basis, which is done to prune out any inadequacy or
weakness of the item. It highlights ambiguous items, irrelevant choices in multiple choice
questions, items that are very difficult or easy to answer. Also the time duration of the test
and number of items that are to be kept in the final test can be ascertained, this avoids
repetition and vagueness in the instructions.

This is done in following three stages:

1) Preliminary try-out – This is performed individually and it helps in improving and
modifying the linguistic difficulty and vagueness of items. It is administered to around
hundred people and modifications are done after observing the workability of the items.


1. Inappropriate content. Tests are geared to majority experiences and

values or are scored arbitrarily according to majority values.
Correct responses or solution methods depend on material that is
unfamiliar to minority individuals.
2. Inappropriate standardization samples. Minorities’ representation in
norming samples is proportionate but insufficient to allow them
any influence over test development.
3. Examiners’ and language bias. White examiners who speak
standard English intimidate minority examinees and communicate
inaccurately with them, spuriously lowering their test scores.
4. Inequitable social consequences. Ethnic minority individuals,
already disadvantaged because of stereotyping and past
discrimination, are denied employment or relegated to dead-end
educational tracks. Labeling effects are another example of
invalidity of this type.
5. Measurement of different constructs. Tests largely based on
majority culture are measuring different characteristics altogether
for members of minority groups, rendering them invalid for these
6. Differential predictive validity. Standardized tests accurately
predict many outcomes for majority group members, but they do
not predict any relevant behavior for their minority counterparts. In
addition, the criteria that tests are designed to predict, such as
achievement in White, middle-class schools, may themselves be
biased against minority examinees.
7. Qualitatively distinct aptitude and personality. This position seems
to suggest that minority and majority ethnic groups possess
characteristics of different types, so that test development must
begin with different definitions for majority and minority groups.
2) The proper try-out – It is administered to approximately four hundred people wherein the
sample is kept same as the final intended participants of the test. This test is done to
remove the poor or less significant items and choose the good items and includes two
a) Item analysis – The difficulty of the test should be moderate with each item
discriminating the validity between high and low achievers. Item analysis is the
process to judge the quality of an item.
b) Post item analysis: The final test is framed by retaining good items that have a
balanced level of difficulty and satisfactory discrimination. The blue print is used to
guide in selection of number of items and then arranging them as per difficulty. Time
limit is set.

Item analyis

Item Response Theory and Item Characteristic Curve

In many educational and psychological measurement situations, there is an underlying

variable of interest. This variable is often something that is intuitively understood, such as
“intelligence.” When people are described as being bright or average, the listener has some
idea as to what the speaker is conveying about the object of the discussion. Similarly, one can
talk about scholastic ability and its attributes, such as getting good grades, learning new
material easily, relating various sources of information, and using study time effectively. In
academic areas, one can use descriptive terms such as reading ability and arithmetic ability.
Each of these is what psychometricians refer to as an unobservable, or latent, trait. Although
such a variable is easily described, and knowledgeable persons can list its attributes, it cannot
be measured directly as can height or weight, for example, since the variable is a concept
rather than a physical dimension. A primary goal of educational and psychological
measurement is the determination of how much of such a latent trait a person possesses.
Since most of the research has dealt with variables such as scholastic, reading, mathematical,
and arithmetic abilities, the generic term “ability” is used within item response theory to refer
to such latent traits.

The usual approach taken to measure an ability is to develop a test consisting of a number of
items (questions). Each of these items measures some facet of the particular ability of
interest. Under classical test theory, the examinee’s raw test score would be the sum of the
scores received on the items in the test. Under item response theory, the primary interest is in
whether an examinee got each individual item correct or not, rather than in the raw test score.
This is because the basic concepts of item response theory rest upon the individual items of a
test rather than upon some aggregate of the item responses such as a test score.

A reasonable assumption is that each examinee responding to a test item possesses some
amount of the underlying ability. Thus, one can consider each examinee to have a numerical
value, a score, that places him or her somewhere on the ability scale. This ability score will
be denoted by the Greek letter theta, θ. At each ability level, there will be a certain
probability that an examinee with that ability will give a correct answer to the item. This
probability will be denoted by P(θ ). In the case of a typical test item, this probability will be
small for examinees of low ability and large for examinees of high ability. If one plotted P(θ )
as a function of ability, the result would be a smooth S-shaped curve. The probability of
correct response is near zero at the lowest levels of ability. It increases until at the highest
levels of ability, the probability of correct response approaches 1. This S-shaped curve
describes the relationship between the probability of correct response to an item and the
ability scale. In item response theory, it is known as the item characteristic curve. Each item
in a test will have its own item characteristic curve.

The item characteristic curve is the basic building block of item response theory; all the other
constructs of the theory depend upon this curve. Therefore, considerable attention will be
devoted to this curve and its role within the theory. There are two technical properties of an
item characteristic curve that are used to describe it. The first is the difficulty of the item.
Under item response theory, the difficulty of an item describes where the item functions along
the ability scale. For example, an easy item functions among the low-ability examinees and a
hard item functions among the high-ability examinees; thus, difficulty is a location index. The
second technical property is discrimination, which describes how well an item can
differentiate between examinees having abilities below the item location and those having
abilities above the item location. This property essentially reflects the steepness of the item
characteristic curve in its middle section. The steeper the curve, the better the item can
discriminate. The flatter the curve, the less the item is able to discriminate since the
probability of correct response at low ability levels is nearly the same as it is at high ability

Item Difficulty

Item difficulty is the percentage of people who answer an item correctly. It is the relative
frequency with which examinees choose the correct response. It has an index ranging from a
low of 0 to a high of +1.00. Higher difficulty indexes indicate easier items. An item answered
correctly by 75% of the examinees has an item difficult level of .75. An item answered
correctly by 35% of the examinees has an item difficulty level of .35.

Item difficulty is a characteristic of the item and the sample that takes the test. For example, a
vocabulary question that asks for synonyms for English nouns will be easy for American
graduate students in English literature, but difficult for elementary children. Item difficulty
provides a common metric to compare items that measure different domains, such as
questions in statistics and sociology making it possible to determine if either item is more
difficult for the same group of examinees. Item difficulty has a powerful effect on both the
variability of test scores and the precision with which test scores discriminate among groups
of examinees.

Item difficulty is calculated by using the following formula (Crocker & Algina, 1986).

Difficulty = ( No. of sample who answered correctly/ No. of sample tested) X 100

For example, assume that 25 people were tested and 23 of them answered the first item

Difficulty = (23/25) X 100 = 0.904

It can range between 0.0 and 1.0, with a higher value indicating that a greater proportion of
examinees responded to the item correctly, and it was thus an easier item.
Item Discrimination Index

The item discrimination index is a measure of how well an item is able to distinguish between
examinees who are knowledgeable and those who are not, or between masters and non-
masters. There are actually several ways to compute an item discrimination, but one of the
most common is the point-biserial correlation. This statistic looks at the relationship between
an examinee's performance on the given item (correct or incorrect) and the examinee's score
on the overall test. For an item that is highly discriminating, in general the examinees who
responded to the item correctly also did well on the test, while in general the examinees who
responded to the item incorrectly also tended to do poorly on the overall test.

The possible range of the discrimination index is -1.0 to 1.0; however, if an item has a
discrimination below 0.0, it suggests a problem. When an item is discriminating negatively,
overall the most knowledgeable examinees are getting the item wrong and the least
knowledgeable examinees are getting the item right. A negative discrimination index may
indicate that the item is measuring something other than what the rest of the test is measuring.
More often, it is a sign that the item has been mis-keyed.

3) Final try-out – It is administered on a large sample in order to estimate the reliability and
validity. It provides an indication to the effectiveness of the test when the intended sample
is subjected to it.

4) Reliability and Validity of the test – When test is finally composed, the final test is again
administered on a fresh sample in order to compute the reliability coefficient. This time also
sample should not be less than 100. Reliability is calculated through test-retest method, split-
half method and the equivalent -form method. Reliability shows the consistency of test

1) Test retest method: One method of gauging reliability is to perform the same test on
the same group of individuals at two different occasions, and then the scores or results
obtained are compared. For example a group of individuals can be subjected to the
Binet intelligence test. Then later on the same group of individuals can again be
subjected to the Binet intelligence test. If the results obtained in each case do not tally,
then the tests cannot be considered reliable.
2) Parallel form method: In the parallel form of reliability, same group is provided two
different tests measuring the same dimension or construct. Finally, the results scores
of the two can be compared or corrected to judge the reliability of the test. Gulliksen
has suggested that more than one parallel method be devised for greater accuracy. It is
also known as equivalent form of reliability.
3) Split half method: The reliability of a test can also be judged by dividing the
components of the test into even and odd times whose results can be individually
obtained. Now the results can be compared between the groups to check the reliability
of the test.
4) Inter item consistency: In this method of measuring the reliability only one method is
applied at one time. The mutual relation between the scores obtained for each specific
item in the test is observed. At the same time the relation between the marks obtained
for one specific question and the marks obtained for the whole test is also ascertained.
This method of measuring reliability involves considerable statistical. Skill in
correlation, psychologists Kuder and Richardson have devised some formulae for
application in this method.

Validity refers to what the test measures and how well it measures. If a test measures a trait
that it intends to measure well then the test can be said to be a valid one.

1) Face validity: It only focuses on the form of the test. Such validity is attributed only to
the test which provides an item or subject that just appears to be valid.
2) Content validity: Another kind of validity is content validity in which the validity of
the content forms the basis of the validity of the test. In order to obtain this kind of
validity in a particular test, it becomes imperative that the items of the test achieve the
objective for which they are originally designed. For example, content validity in the
case of an intelligence test will be attributed only in the event of its succeeding in
discovering all the factors that are concerned with intelligence.
3) Factorial validity: This is inclusive of the validity of the factors in the test and in order
to judge whether a test has factorial validity, it is examined by the method of factor
analysis, and a correlation between this result and the evident factor resultant of tests
is established.
4) Predictive validity: This is the most popular form of validity. In this, results are
obtained on the basis of a particular criterion, and the correlation between the scores
and the criterion is established. In this, the choice of a criterion requires much care
and attention. The coefficient obtained by this correlation between scores and
criterion is called the validity coefficient. The validity coefficient varies between 0.5
and 0.8. A lower coefficient makes the test inapplicable and lacking in utility, while a
higher coefficient is not normally obtained.
5) Concurrent validity: It resembles the predictive validity since in it, also, a correlation
between the test and some definite standard is established. But, despite these common
features, there are also some definite variations.

5) Norms of the final test – Test constructor also prepares norms of the test. Norms are
defined as average performance scores. They are prepared to meaningfully interpret the
scores obtained on the test. The obtained scores on test themselves convey no meaning
regarding the ability or trait being measured. But when these are compared with norms, a
meaningful inference can be immediately drawn. Similar norms cannot be used for all tests.

1) Developmental Norms
These depict the normal developmental path for an individual’s progression. They can be
very useful in providing description but are not well suited for accurate statistical
purpose. Developmental norms can be classified as mental age norms, grade equivalent
norms and ordinal scale norms.
2) Within Group Norms
This type of norm is used for comparison of an individual’s performance to the most
closely related groups’ performance. They carry a clear and well defined quantitative
meaning which can be applied to most statistical analysis.
a) Percentiles (P(n) and PR): They refer to the percentage of people in a standardized
sample that are below a certain set of score. They depict an individual’s position with
respect to the sample. Here the counting begins from bottom, so the higher the
percentile the better the rank. For example if a person gets 97 percentile in a
competitive exam, it means 97% of the participants have scored less than him/her.
b) Standard Score: It signifies the gap between the individuals score and the mean
depicted as standard deviation of the distribution. It can be derived by linear or
nonlinear transformation of the original raw scores. They are also known as T and Z
c) Age Norms: To obtain this, we take the mean raw score gathered from all in the
common age group inside a standardized sample. Hence, the 15 year norm would be
represented and be applicable by the mean raw score of students aged 15 years.
d) Grade Norms: It is calculated by finding the mean raw score earned by students in a
specific grade.
6) Preparation of manual and reproduction of the test – The manual is prepared as the last
step and the psychometric properties of the test norms and references are reported. It provides
in detail the process to administer the test, its duration and scoring technique. It also contains
all instructions for the test.

 Introduction
 Test book
 Answer key
 Scoring sheet
 Reliability
 Validity
 Norms (5-10/,10-15yrs/15-20 Male- female, demography- urban rural, Indian, USA,
 References

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