Project Rough Guide

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Project V2: the rough guide deadline …………….

✪ Project: “The rough guide to …”

Dear students,

During the next month you’re going to work

on an assignment about a fantasy world,
planet or land. You are supposed to work in
groups of three or four. You will present your
findings in four weeks.

Your assignment is to create a fictional

country/planet/world. The first thing you
need to think of, is a theme! Everything else
will depend on this theme. Some examples of
themes: Good/bad, fairies, angels, love, hate,
candy, war, hot/cold, male/female, magic, animals, parties, sports, history,
music, colours, food, knights, cartoons, films, famous people, horror,
comedy etc. etc. Feel free to come up with your own original theme.

You should think of this assignment as a “tourist guide” about your fantasy
world/country. Is it a “regular” country or a planet ? Is it very big or maybe
microscopically small? Is it situated somewhere in the world, under the
ocean, in the sky, or maybe even in someone’s refrigerator? Is it set in
modern times or maybe somewhere in the stone age, medieval times or
even the distant future?

We will work on this assignment once or twice a week. On those days, you
should bring to school whatever you may need (pencils, felt tips,
dictionary, laptop, library pass). I will make sure there is enough writing-
and drawing paper.

Bring a file folder to school, to keep all your work/papers together. This
way, you will minimalise the risk of anyone forgetting anything!

Good luck and have a great journey,

Your teacher
Project V2: the rough guide deadline …………….

✪ Required elements in your project…

Chapter 1: Map
• First draw/design a map of your country/world. Or make a scale
model. Make sure you add a “meaning of symbols”. Of course the
map should be in line with the theme you chose! Maybe look at an
atlas for ideas. Think about nice matching names for cities,
mountains, provinces, rivers, seas… Make a second illustration that
shows where we can find your country/world.

Chapter 2: Name + National symbols

• What is your country called? Why?
• Draw a flag (think about your theme)
• Think up the text of the National Anthem! (mind your theme!). You
might want to look up a couple of National Anthems on the internet
to see what they look like.

Chapter 3: Population
• Who/what lives in your country? Where do they live? What do they
do for a living? Talk about their (strange) habits! Should visiting
travellers be aware of certain customs or rules? Illustrate/describe.
How old do they get? Use graphs/charts to give more information!

Chapter 4: History
• History: talk about the coming to existence of your country/world.
How did the population get here? Were there any wars in the past?
Any major disasters? Did your country become independent? Who
were the former leaders? Illustrate !

Chapter 5: Government
• (System of) government. Who’s in charge? Is your country a
monarchy? Are there elections? Name a few important laws. Write a
short speech one of the most imporant leaders has given at any time
in the past (at least 100 words). As a topic you may want to consider
an important event you desciribed in history.
Project V2: the rough guide deadline …………….

Chapter 6: Religion
• Religion: in what kind of God(s) do they believe? How do they
worship? Are there any religious builings or symbols? Illustrate!

Chapter 7: Touristic hotspots

• Describe three of the most interesting places you would advise a
traveller to visit in your world/country. Talk about best times to visit,
do’s and don’t’s and Illustrate/describe and explain!

Chapter 8: Traffic regulations and signs

• Traffic regulations: what kind of transport have they got? Are there
any special traffic rules? Design at least 5 traffic signs !

➔ Finally, you need a “conclusion” in which your group elaborate on

the cooperation, the problems you encountered, the result of your
work and the things you have learnt.

You will present your country together with your groupmates. Every
person in your group has to talk 3-4 minutes. You may use a
PowerPoint presentation with a maximum of 9 slides. Each slide may
contain a maximum of 5 words
Project V2: the rough guide deadline …………….

Before you start: a brainstorm session

(one or two lessons)

This is the time for making plans and discussion/brainstorming ! Take notes as you
make decisions. Make rough sketches for illustrations.

• Choose a chairman for your group. It will be his/her task to report to the teacher
on behalf of the group.
• One of you will have to be the surveyor: the person who checks and double-
checks whether everything is done in accordance with the assignment.
• Get hold of a “rough guide” (online?) and take a good look at it. What does it
look like? How is it organised?
• Think of a THEME you are going to use for your rough guide!
• Think of a suitable NAME for your country. It may be a good idea to make it
sound a bit like the name of an existing world/planet/country. So think of some
suffixes that are used in the atlas like “-land”, “-ia”, “-a”, “-stan” etc.
• How are you going to implement the theme in all of the different subjects
(chapters)? Jot down ideas for every chapter!
• Divide tasks/chapters under the members of your group.
• What materials will you be needing? Who’s going to bring a file folder? Who will
bring felt-tips/pencils/laptop?

Present your plan to the teacher.

If she approves of your idea, you can start realising your

Good luck and have a pleasant journey!

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