9th Mega Final 2022-2023

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Std. : IX Mega Final 2022 - 2023 Page 1

Total Questions : 15 Time : 45 minutes

Q.1 Find the value of p: 1+2+3+4+……….+p = (p+1) + (p+2) + (p+3) + (p+4) +

………….+ (p+35), where p is a natural number.
1) 84 2) 68 3) 96 4) 72

Q.2 The product of two positive numbers is equal to 50 times their sum and 75 times their
difference. Find the sum of the two numbers?
1) 350 2) 375 3) 360 4) 420

Q.3 Regular polygons X and Y have number of sides in ratio 2:1 and interior angle in ratio
5:4. Find number of sides of polygon X?
1) 6 2) 14 3) 10 4) None of these

Q.4 A trapezium ABCD has side AD parallel to side BC. ∠𝐵𝐴𝐷 = 90𝑜 , BC = 3cm and AD
= 8cm. If perimeter of the trapezium is 36 cm. Find the area of the trapezium?
1) 77 cm.sq. 2) 88 cm.sq. 3) 66 cm.sq. 4) 55 cm.sq.

Q.5 Find value of x: 𝑙𝑜𝑔3 (𝑥 + 1) = 𝑙𝑜𝑔4 (𝑥 + 8).

1) 9 2) 8 3) 10 4) 12
1 1
Q.6 If 𝑀 = 𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝑁 = then find the value of M3+N3?
3−2√2 3+2√2
1) 186 2) 198 3) 192 4) 204

Q.7 From the top of a cliff, 200m high the angle of depression on the top and bottom of a
tower are observed to be 30o and 60o. Find the height of the tower?
1) 150 m 2) 166.66 m 3) 173.33 m 4) None of these

Q.8 If 2𝑎𝑚 + 𝑎3 − 4𝑎2 − 19 is divided by (a-3) it leaves a remainder of 26 and if

3𝑏 𝑛 − 𝑏 3 + 5𝑏 2 − 15 is divided by (b-2) it leaves a remainder of 45. Find the value of
1) 512 2) 125 3) 343 4) 1331

Q.9 2x + 9y = 123, Find the number of pairs of positive integers x and y that satisfy the
given equation?
1) 9 2) 7 3) 11 4) 6

Q.10 Set I comprise of all natural multiples of 4, less than 500. Set P of all odd natural
multiples of 7 less than 500. Set M comprise of all natural multiples of 6 less than 500.
Find number of elements in (𝐼 ∪ 𝑃 ∪ 𝑀).
1) 243 2) 202 3) 228 4) 186

Q.11 In △ 𝑋𝑌𝑍, ∠𝑍 = 90𝑜 . If cos 𝑦 = , find value of 𝑡𝑎𝑛2 𝑦.
1) 0.96 2) 0.48 3) 0.65 4) 0.76

[email protected] ipmmathscholarship.com
Std. : IX Mega Final 2022 - 2023 Page 2
Total Questions : 15 Time : 45 minutes

Q.12 Find the sum of roots and product of roots of the given quadratic equation:
(4x-3) (x+5) + (2x-6) (3x+7) = 0
1) -6.5 2) -7 3) -5 4) 8.2

Q.13 Find value of (x+2) (x-3) if: log 𝑥 3 − log 3𝑥 = 2 log 2 + log 3. x is a natural number.
1) 14 2) 36 3) 24 4) 50

Q.14 What is the angle between hour hand and minute hand at 2:31.
1) 115.5o 2) 110.5o 3) 109.5o 4) 112.5o
1 1 1
Q.15 Simplify: 2 √8 − √72 + 4 √50.
1 √2 √2
1) 4√2 2) 3) 4)
√2 4 3

[email protected] ipmmathscholarship.com

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