Bond Statement Guide & in Lieu of Bond Affidavit
Bond Statement Guide & in Lieu of Bond Affidavit
Bond Statement Guide & in Lieu of Bond Affidavit
Vehicle Description
Fuel Type*:
Vehicle Identification Number (VIN)
*If electric, is it plug-in electric? Yes No
Year Make Body Model Color CWT Off-Highway Vehicle Snowmobile
Yes No Yes No
Dealer # Date Purchased Commercial Use MSRP Size (W x L) Bus Cap.
Yes No Adult Juvenile
Applicant's Name
State your attempts to contact OWNER OF RECORD to insure they have no interest in the vehicle:
Present condition of the vehicle Are there any LIENS against this vehicle?
Roadworthy Yes
Not Roadworthy No
Name of Lienholder
I certify, under penalty of perjury in the second degree that all documents submitted in this title application are true
and accurate to the best of my knowledge and that I understand that if any person suffers any loss or damage by
reason of the filing of this certificate of title as provided in C.R.S. Title 42, Section 6, they shall have the right of action
against myself as the Applicant.
Signature Date
DR 2394 (02/01/22)
Division of Motor Vehicles
Vehicle Services Section
I certify, under penalty of perjury in the second degree, that the above statements are true and accurate to the
best of my knowledge.
Signature Date