Causes and Effects of Water Logging in D

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Causes and Effects of Water Logging in Dhaka City, Bangladesh

Khondoker Golam Tawhid

[email protected]

Associate Professor, Jan-Erik Gustafsson
Department of Land and Water Resource Engineering, KTH

Stockholm 2004

TRITA-LWR Master Thesis

Department of Land and Water Resource Engineering

Royal Institute of Technology

In the Name of God, the most Gracious, the most Merciful.

For my loving parents,

Khondoker Golam Rabbani and Aleya Begum
Thank you for your love and inspiration
For your never ending supports and prayers
And for being there always……


First and foremost, I would like to express my debt of gratitude to my supervisor, Associate
Professor Jan-Erik Gustafsson (Director, EESI Program, KTH), whose generous guidance and
precious advice always kept my bewildered thoughts towards an appropriate focus. I am also
indebt to him for his visit in Dhaka City to observe and realize the practical situation and to join the
seminar of my presentation during the research work.

My sincere gratitude goes to all the authorities of different development organizations (RAJUK,
DCC, DWASA, BWDB, MED, BIWTA etc), all the experts in related field and general people
living in different parts of the city that provided me with important information, helpful discussion
and explanation, and valuable suggestion during the field work in Dhaka, Bangladesh.

I would like to express my special gratitude to Dr. K.M. Moniruzzama (Head, Department of Urban
and Regional Planning, BUET) and Dr. Roxana Hafiz (Associate Professor, Department of Urban
and Regional Planning, BUET) for their kind support to arrange the seminar for my research paper
presentation. I am also grateful to the Department of Urban and Regional Planning, BUET to
arrange a special seminar for me.

I am grateful to all the EESI teachers for their precious knowledge and Christina Ek and Patricia
Phumpiu for their kind support. My special thanks to all my EESI 2002-2003 classmates for their
warm friendship and lovely memorable time in Sweden.

I woe a debt of gratitude to my mentors, my ideals, my wonderful parents, for their unconditioned
love, affection and invaluable guidance throughout my life. I would like to thank them and my great
family for their unconditioned support and encouragement throughout my studies.

Lastly and most importantly, this research work is for a very special person- my best friend and my
wife Azmeri Ashrafi (Assistant Town Planner, Rajshahi Development Authority) who always guide
me with her ever-encouraging emotional support, cooperation and empathy. Thank you.

Abbreviations and Acronyms

AIT Asian Institute of Technology

BBS Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics
BDF Basin Development Factor
BIWTA Bangladesh Inland Water Transport Authority
BOD Biological Demand of Oxygen
BWDB Bangladesh Water Development Board
CS Cadastral Survey
DCC Dhaka City Corporation
DHI Danish Hydraulic Institute
DIT Dhaka Improvement Trust
DLRS Directorate of Land Records and Survey
DMA Dhaka Metropolitan Area
DMDP Dhaka Metropolitan Development Plan
DPHE Department of Public Health Engineering
DSE Dhaka Stock Exchange
DSMS Dhaka Statistical Metropolitan Area
DWASA Dhaka Water and Sewerage Authority
DWEM Department of Water Engineering & Management
GIS Geographic Information System
GoB Government of Bangladesh
HSC Higher Secondary Certificate
ICDDRB International Center for Diarrhea Disease Research, Bangladesh
IFCDR Institute of Flood Control and Drainage Research
IWFM Institute of Water and Flood Management
IWM Institute of Water Modeling
JICA Japan International Cooperation Agency
LGED Local Government Engineering Department
MEC Event Mean Concentration
MDB Meteorological Department of Bangladesh
msl Mean Sea Level
MSW Municipal Solid Waste
NGO Non Government Organization
RAJUK Rajdhani Unnayan Kartripakkha
RS Revenue Survey
SWD Storm Water Drainage
SWM Solid Waste Management
SWMC Surface Water Modeling Center

Currency Equivalent

(As of December 20, 2004)

Currency Unit = Taka
US$ 1 = Taka 60.85


Dhaka, the capital city of Bangladesh is one of the populous Mega City in the world. As the growth
of urban population tacking place at an exceptionally rapid rate, the city is unable to cope with
changing situations due to their internal resource constraints and management limitations. In recent
years Dhaka City is facing extensive water logging during the monsoon (May to October) as a
common and regular problem of the city like water pollution, traffic congestion, air and noise
pollution, solid waste disposal, black smoke etc. This paper focuses on the rainfall induced flooding
that is caused by high intensity storm rainfall runoff in the city area that is inundated for several
days mainly due to lack of proper drainage system and inefficient management. It ascertain the
inherent causes of such water logging and its effects on the city life from the perception of
authorities of different development organizations, experts and people living in different parts of
Dhaka City.

Heavy downpour occurs in Dhaka City during monsoon, as it is located on the extensive floodplains
of Ganges and Brahmaputra. But the unplanned spatial development activities and growth of
habitation due to rapid population growth are causing encroachment on retention areas and natural
drainage paths with little or no care of natural drainage system that creating obstacles to properly
drained out the urban runoff. Therefore water logging is tacking place as different parts of the city
remains inundated for several days. Inadequate drainage sections, conventional drainage system
with low capacity and gravity, natural siltation, absence of inlets and outlets, indefinite drainage
outlets, lack of proper maintenance of existing drainage system, and over and above disposal of
solid waste into the drains and drainage paths are accounted for the prime causes of blockage in
drainage system and water logging. In addition, seasonal tidal effect and the topography of the city
area also causing water logging.

This water logging becomes a burden for the inhabitants of Dhaka City and creating adverse social,
physical, economic and environmental impacts. Disruption of traffic movement and normal life;
damage of structures and infrastructure; destruction of vegetation and aquatic habitats; loss of
income potentials are the encountered effects of water logging on city life. The storm water
becomes polluted as it mixes with solid waste, clinical waste, silt, contaminants, domestic wastes
and other human activities that increase the water born diseases. The stagnant storm water leads
to the creation of breeding sites for diseases vectors that becomes a hazard to health as well as
being unsightly and foul smelling.

Management of drainage system of Dhaka City is presently a challenge for the urban authorities
because of rapid growth of population and unplanned development activities. Therefore, a close
coordination among urban authorities and agencies and collaboration between public and private
sectors is needed for effective management and sustainable operation of urban drainage system.

Operational Definitions

Brahmaputra : One of the major river of Bangladesh, originated from Himalayan

together with Ganges and passes through the country beside Dhaka
City, which locally called Brahmaputra.

Buriganga, Turag, : Local name of the number of rivers passes through in and around of
Balu, Shitalakhya, Dhaka City. These rivers play an important role to keep the city flood
etc. free as the out falls of other drainage system are connected with these

CS Map : Cadastral Survey (CS) map prepared for all over Bangladesh based on
the survey from 1912 to 1915. People use these maps to find location
and actual area of land in the filed.

Dengue : A disease vector, which is dangerous threat to public health that

spreads by a special mosquitoes named ”Aedes”. Dengue breaks out
in full-blown during rainy season as stagnant rain water is suitable
breeding sites for Aedes mosquitoes.

DMDP : Dhaka Metropolitan Development Plan, a Package of Structure Plan,

Master Plan and Detailed Area Plan were prepared to develop Dhaka
City in a planned way for 20 years (1995-2015). The project was one of
UNDP’s aided projects implemented in cooperation with

Drainage System : Channels, either constructed or natural, passes through surface or

underground or both that are usually used to drain out the flood or rain

Katcha : A term locally used for earthen infrastructure or structures made with
mud, bamboo and thatch.

Khals : Canals passes through Dhaka City that are created naturally and used
as drainage channel to drain out the flood as well as rain water of the
city to the surrounded outfall rivers. Begunbari khal, Dholai khal,
Shegunbagicha khal, Tongi khal etc. are some major khals in Dhaka

Mega City : A metropolitan area having population more than 5.0 million is termed
as mega city (Population Census, 2001). According to population
census 2001, Dhaka is the only mega city of the country.

RAJUK : Rajdhani Unnayan Kartripakkha (Capital Development Authority) is the

planning and development management authority of Dhaka mega city.
It is also responsible for building control. It was first created in 1955 as
DIT and bestowed with the responsibility of implementing Dhaka’s first
Master Plan. As present implementing the DMDP-a twenty years plan
consisting of different components for the development and growth of
Dhaka- is RAJUK’s major responsibility. RAJUK’s geographical area
now covers 1528 sq. km.

However, the power of RAJUK is controlling the elements of urban
growth is very limited because of the fragmented development
management system.

Retention Area : Natural or man-made depression usually reserved in urban area to

retain the flood or rain water.

RS Map : Revenue Survey (RS) map prepared for different part of Bangladesh
based on the survey from 1966 to 1975 to collect revenue by the

Water logging : Flooding in built up areas caused by rainfall, where water remains
stagnant for long time due to lack of proper drainage system and
creates many adverse impact on daily life.

Table of Content

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT……………………………………………………………………... iii
ABBREVIATIONS AND ACRONYMS……………………………………………………… iv
CURRENCY EQUIVALENT…………………………………………………………………. v
ABSTRACT……………………………………………………………………………………. vi
OPERATIONAL DEFINITION……………………………………………………………….. vii
TABLE OF CONTENT……………………………………………………………………….. ix
LIST OF TABLES…………………………………………………………………………….. xi
LIST OF FIGURES…………………………………………………………………………… xi
LIST OF PICTURES…………………………………………………………………………. xii
LIST OF A PPENDIXES……………………………………………………………………... xii

CHAPTER 01 INTRODUCTION………………………………………………………………. 1
1.1 Introduction………………………………………………………………………….. 1
1.2 Statement of the Problem…………………………………………………………. 1
1.3 Objectives of the Study…………………………………………………………….. 2
1.4 Scope of the Study………………………………………………………………….. 2
1.5 Methodology…………………………………………………………………………. 3
1.5.1 Data Collection………………………………………………………….. 3
1.5.2 Data Analysis and Presentation……………………………………….. 4
1.6 Literature Review…………………………………………………………………… 4
1.7 Limitations of the Work…………………………………………………………….. 5

CHAPTER 02 BACKGROUND STUDY……………………………………………………… 7

2.1 Study Area…………………………………………………………………………… 7
2.1.1 Location………………………………………………………………….. 7
2.1.2 Area and Population……………………………………………………. 8
2.1.3 Climate…………………………………………………………………… 9
2.1.4 Land Use………………………………………………………………… 10
2.2 Physical and Demographic Development………………………………………... 11
2.2.1 Pre-Mughal Period (before 1604)…………………………………….. 11
2.2.2 Mughal Period (1604-1764)……………………………………………. 11
2.2.3 British Period (1764-1947)…………………………………………….. 12
2.2.4 Pakistan (1947-1971)………………………………………………….. 12
2.2.5 Bangladesh (1971 onward)……………………………………………. 12


3.1 Natural Drainage System………………………………………………………….. 16
3.1.1 Storage Area…………………………………………………………….. 16
3.1.2 Channels…………………………………………………………………. 16
3.1.3 Backwater Effect and Retention by Storage Areas…………………. 16
3.2 Drainage Zones and Storm Sewer Network……………………………………... 18
3.3 Hydrologic Design Criteria in Master Plan……………………………………….. 19
3.1 Design Rainfall………………………………………………………….. 19

3.2 Runoff Coefficient and Runoff Ratio………………………………….. 19
3.3 Time of Concentration………………………………………………….. 20


4.1 Introduction………………………………………………………………………….. 21
4.2 The Study Area……………………………………………………………………… 21
4.3 Drainage System in the Catchments Area……………………………………….. 22
4.4 Water Logging in 1996……………………………………………………………... 22
4.5 Profile of Water Logging in September 2004…………………………………….. 24

CHAPTER 05 CAUSES OF WATER LOGGING……………………………………………. 25

5.1 Introduction………………………………………………………………………….. 25
5.2 Excessive Rainfall…………………………………….……………………………. 25
5.3 Disappearance of Natural Drainage System……..……………………………… 27
5.3.1 Population Growth and Unplanned Development…………………… 27
5.3.2 Waste Management System…………………………………………... 30
5.3.3 Encroachment…………………………………………………………… 32
5.4 Topography…………………………………………………………………………. 34
5.5 Capacity and gravity of drainage system………………………………………… 35
5.6 Operational performance and maintenance of drainage systems…………….. 36
5.7 Development work during rainy season………………………………………….. 37
5.8 Siltation………………………………………………………………………………. 37
5.9 Lack of public awareness and education………………………………………… 38
5.10 Lack of policy guidelines and its implementation………………………………... 39


6.1 Introduction………………………………………………………………………….. 39
6.2 Associated Problems of Water Logging………………………………………….. 39
6.2.1 Social Problem………………………………………………………….. 40
6.2.2 Physical Problems………………………………………………………. 41
6.2.3 Environmental impact…………………………………………………... 42
6.2.4 Economic problem……………………………………………………… 45

CHAPTER 07 RECOMMENDATIONS………………………………………………………. 48
7.1 Recommendations…………………………………………………………………. 48
7.1.1 Save Natural Drainage System and Water Bodies through 48
Development Control……………………………………………………
7.1.2 Waste Management System…………………………………………... 49
7.1.3 Drainage Capacity Adjustment………………………………………….. 50
7.1.4 Comprehensive Drainage Development Plan…………………………. 51
7.1.5 Establish “Right-of Way”………………………………………………… 51
7.1.6 Improvement of Drainage Management System……………………… 52
7.1.7 Improvement of Environmental Situation through Drainage 52
Management System……………………………………………………
7.1.8 Awareness Development against Closing of Drains………………… 53
7.1.9 Legal Instruments………………………………………………………. 53
7.2 Conclusion…………………………………………………………………………… 54
REFERENCES……………………………………………………………………………….. 55
APPENDIXES………………………………………………………………………………… 57

List of Tables

Table-2.1 Changes in Area and Population of Dhaka since the Year 1600…………… 9
Table-2.2 Climatic Condition in Dhaka City Area…………………………………………. 9
Table-2.3 Area and Population of Dhaka City, (1600 – 2001)…………………………... 13
Table-3.1 Major Characteristics of Lakes in Dhaka City during the Dry Season……… 16
Table-3.2 Characteristics of major khals in Dhaka City………………………………….. 16
Table-3.3 Runoff Coefficient used in SWD Master plan prepared by JICA (1991)……. 20
Table- 4.1 Hourly Recorded Rainfall Data during 16-19 September 1996……………… 22
Table- 4.2 Maximum Depth and Duration of Storm Water in the Area in 1996………… 23
Table- 5.1 Causes of Water Logging in Dhaka City……………………………………….. 25
Table: 5.2 Highest and Lowest Rainfall Intensity in Dhaka City during Monsoon……… 26
Table- 5.3 Population Growth of Dhaka City……………………………………………….. 27
Table- 5.4 Growth of Dhaka City Corporation (DCC) Area 27
Table- 5.5 Sources and Characteristics of Urban Waste in Dhaka……………………… 30
Table- 5.6 Composition of Solid Waste in Dhaka City…………………………………….. 30
Table- 6.1 Types of Problems Faced due to Water Logging in Dhaka City…………….. 39
Table- 6.2 Results of Dengue Diseases from 7 to 13 August 2002 in Dhaka City…….. 44

List of Figures

Figure-1.1 Methodological Flowchart of the Study………………………………………… 3
Figure-2.1 Location Map of Dhaka City…………………………………………………….. 7
Figure-2.2 Map of the Study Area (Dhaka Metropolitan Area)…………………………… 8
Figure-2.3 Land Use Map of Dhaka City (1995)…………………………………………… 10
Figure-2.5 Historical Development and Land Use Pattern of Dhaka City………………. 14
Figure-2.6 Development and Land Use Pattern of Dhaka City in Bangladesh Period… 15
Figure-3.1 Natural Drainage System of Dhaka City……………………………………….. 17
Figure-3.2 Storm Water Drainage Network of Dhaka City………………………………... 18
Figure-4.1 Study Areas with Drainage System…………………………………………….. 21
Figure-4.2 Storm Water Drainage Network in the Catchments Area in 1996…………... 22
Figure-4.3 Inundated Locations in Study Area…………………………………………… 23
Figure-5.1 Average Monthly Rainfall in Dhaka City (mm)………………………………… 26
Figure-5.2 Growth of Dhaka City Since 1600………………………………………………… 28
Figure-5.3 Characteristics of Runoff in Urban Area……………………………………….. 29
Figure: 5.4 Solid Waste Streams in Dhaka City…………………………….………………. 31
Figure-5.5 Digital Elevation Map of Dhaka City……………………………………………. 35

List of Pictures

Picture-4.1 Water Logging Situation in Dhaka City, September 2004…………………… 24
Picture-5.1 The Fast Growing “Concrete Jungle” tells the Tale of and Unplanned City….. 28
Picture-5.2 Disposal of Garbage on to Streets that is threatened to Drainage Systems…. 31
Picture-5.3 Disposal of Solid Waste on to the Roads due to Resource Constraints…… 32
Picture-5.4 Illegal Encroachment on Lake and Khals in Dhaka City……………………... 33
Picture-5.5 Low Lands are Filling-up rapidly for Housing Development…………………. 33
Picture-5.6 Encroachment on Natural Drainage System through Illegal Activities………… 34
Picture-7.7 Encroachment on Natural Drainage System through Waste Dumping……….. 34
Picture-5.8 Inefficient Drainage Management System in Dhaka City……………………. 36
Picture-5.9 Development Work during Rainy Season Leads to Water Logging………… 37
Picture-5.10 Blockage of Surface Drainage through Storage of Construction Materials… 37
Picture-5.11 Siltation in Natural Drainage System…………………………………………… 38
Picture-6.1 Disruption of Traffic Movement due to Water Logging in September 2004... 40
Picture-6.2 Heavy Down Pour Disrupt the Normal Life of Dhaka City…………………… 40
Picture-6.3 Damage of Roads in Dhaka City due to Water Logging……………………... 41
Picture-6.4 Water Logging due to Heavy Rainfall in Dhaka city Damage Structure……. 42
Picture-6.5 Pollution of Water Mixing with Wastes and Toxic Sewage………………….. 42
Picture-6.6 Stagnant Storm Water as Breeding Site of Mosquitoes……………………… 44
Picture-6.7 Water Logging Creates Obstacle to Timely Supply of Goods……………….. 46
Picture-6.8 Stagnant Water in Commercial Area Hampers the Income Potential………. 46

List of Appendixes

Appendix A: Questionnaires………………………………………………………………... 57

Appendix A1 : Questionnaire for Field Survey………………………………………… 57

Appendix A2 : Questionnaire for the Concerned Development Organizations……. 57
Appendix A3 : Questionnaire for Informal Discussion with the Experts in Different 57

Appendix B: Interviews and Meetings…………………………………………………….. 58

Appendix B1 : Informal Interviews with the Officials of Different Development 58

Appendix B2 : Meetings for Informal Discussion with the Experts in Different Filed 58
Appendix B3 : Interviews with the Inhabitants of Different Parts of the City……….. 59

Appendix C: Rainfall Intensity of Dhaka City…………………………………………….

Appendix C1 : Rainfall Intensity of Dhaka city, 2000…………………………………. 61

Appendix C2 : Rainfall Intensity of Dhaka city, 2001…………………………………. 61
Appendix C3 : Rainfall Intensity of Dhaka city, 2002…………………………………. 62
Appendix C4 : Rainfall Intensity of Dhaka city, 2003…………………………………. 63
Khondoker Golam Tawhid TRITA-LWR Master Thesis

Chapter 01

1.1 Introduction
Bangladesh is experiencing environmental degradation due to rapid urbanization, increase in
population, and industrialization. The process of urbanization is linked with the economic
development, which makes an increasingly higher contribution of the national economy. However,
when the growth of urban population takes place at an exceptionally rapid rate, most cities and
towns are unable to cope with changing situations due to their internal resources constraints and
management limitations (Bari and Hasan, 2001). Provision of infrastructure services viz., water;
drainage and sanitation along with waste disposal are greatest concern to human settlements.
Failure to provide these services adequately results in many of well-known costs of rapid
urbanization: threats to health, loss of urban productivity and environmental quality. On one hand,
pressures for modernization give rise to continuous development activities, which deplete natural
resources. On the other hand, deficiency in the coverage and delivery of urban infrastructures are
seriously affecting the general environment and reducing urban efficiency with adverse implication
to the national economy.

Dhaka, the capital of Bangladesh is one of the most densely populated cities of the South-Asian
countries. Due to rapid urbanisation process, the city is emerging as a mega-city and this trend
generates numerous economic and social externalities and social cost such as deterioration of
environmental quality, increased pollution and congestion. Dhaka city is beset with a number of
socio-environmental problems. Water logging, traffic congestion, solid waste disposal, black smoke
from vehicular and industrial emissions, air and noise pollution, pollution of water bodies by
industrial discharge, all these are the regular problem of the city.

Most modern cities in Europe and the US have smaller scale local problems because their sewer
systems have insufficient capacity. Other cities, for instance in Asia, can have more severe
problems because there is insufficient drainage and much heavier local rainfall. The situation is
further aggravated because Asian cities grow rapidly these days, but without the necessary funds
to extend and rehabilitate their existing drainage systems (DHI, 2002)

1.2 Statement of the Problem

Bangladesh is located on the extensive floodplains of the Ganges and Brahmaputra. Therefore,
flooding is a natural part of the life of its inhabitants. Thus water logging in Dhaka City is not a new
problem but the frequency of this problem is increasing day by day. Flooding due to rainfall is also
a severe problem for Dhaka City that is inundated for several days mainly due to the drainage
congestion (Haq and Alam, 2003). Dhaka metropolitan area has experienced water logging for last
couple of years. Even a little rain causes a serious problem for certain areas, so that parts of
Dhaka are inundated for several days. The water depth in some of the areas may be as much as
50-70 cm, which creates large infrastructure problems for the city and a huge economical loss in
production for the city together with large damages of existing property and goods (Mark and
Chusit, 2002). In addition, deceases are spread and gives problems to the population e.g. in terms
of diarrhoea.

Dhaka City is protected from river flooding by an encircled embankment called Buckland Flood
Protection Embankment. During the monsoon (May to October), the water level of the surrounding
rivers remains higher than the internal drainage level. Consequently, the drainage of the city

Causes and Effects of Water Logging in Dhaka City, Bangladesh 1

Introduction Chapter 01

depends very much on the water levels of the peripheral river system. At present, the drainage
depends mostly on the difference in water level between the river and the drainage system in the
city and when the water level in the river increases the drainage capacity to the river is reduced
(Mark and Chusit, 2002).

Flooding in Dhaka Metropolitan area can be classified into two types. One results from high water
levels of peripheral river systems, thus rendering any natural drainage impossible. Another is
caused by high intensity storm rainfall runoff in the city area, which causes flooding also in
situations where natural drainage might be possible.

River flooding
River floods generally take place in the low laying fringe areas outside the protective embankments
once in every five to ten years (K. Rabbi et. al, 2001). A number of severe flood have struck Dhaka
since its early days and its vulnerability is reflected in the Buriganga River’s floods embankments
first built in 1864. Severe floods in Greater Dhaka City area mainly caused by spill over from
surrounding rivers flowing to and from the major rivers of the country. In recent history, Greater
Dhaka City has experienced major floods in 1954, 1955, 1970, 1974, 1980, 1987, 1988, and 1998
due to the over flow of surrounding rivers (Huq and Alam, 2003). Among these, the 1988 and 1998
floods were catastrophic. Poor drainage capacities of the existing khals caused long flood duration
in inland areas and aggravated the flood damage.

Rainfall induced flooding

Rainfall induced flooding, meaning flood in Dhaka City caused by local rainfall occurs in the built-up
areas of the city several times a year on a various scale (Mark and Chusit, 2002). Inadequate
existing drainage channels and their improper operation and management mainly cause these
floods. The severe water logging was occurred in September and October in 1996. Some important
street intersections were inundated for four days during 16 – 19 September 1996 and many of the
important business and government offices of the city suffered the most from the flooding. The
situation was severely aggravated because the natural drainage system, which conveys storm
runoff from the areas to the surrounding rivers were not fully operational and surface runoff
drainage and sewerage system were blocked due to huge volume of garbage and poly-bags.

1.3 Objectives of the Study

The primary focus of the study would be on the factors influencing the water logging problem in
Dhaka city. The physical development trend, the rainfall intensity and the storm water drainage
system of Dhaka city would be ascertained.

The effects on human life, economy and the environmental quality of the city due to water logging
would be studied. At the end of the study, there are some recommendations from the technical,
social and institutional point of views as an input for the concerned authorities for better
management of storm water. These recommendations are based on the observation, discussion
and primary information that have been collected for the study. However, the specific objectives of
the study are:

i) to ascertain the causes of water logging problem in Dhaka city.

ii) to investigate the effects of water logging on city life.
iii) to provide some recommendations as an input for the concerned authorities for better
management of storm water.

1.4 Scope of the Study

During the last 25 years, so rapid urbanization has taken place in Dhaka City. Substantial increase
in built-up areas has taken place due to development of residential and commercial areas mostly

Causes and Effect of Water Logging in Dhaka City, Bangladesh 2

Khondoker Golam Tawhid TRITA-LWR Master Thesis

through private land developers and real estate business. These activities resulted in substantial
increase in impervious area, created obstruction to natural drainage pattern, and reduced detention
basins, which in turn lead to shortening of the runoff concentration time and an increase of the
peak flow.

As population and land values increases, the effect of uncontrolled runoff become an economic
burden and poses a serious threat to health and well being of citizens (Bari and Hasan, 2001).
Management of runoff from even a minor storm is rapidly becoming an engineering requirement to
help reduce water logging, flooding and stream erosion. It is important to realize that very few
urban drainage systems are design and built as a complete system. To overcome the water logging
problem of Dhaka City, it is necessary to find out the inherent causes of this problem considering
its associated impacts on the human life. Thus the study focuses to find out the causes addressing
its effects of water logging due to storm water, which will be helpful to take appropriate steps for
better management of the problem.

1.5 Methodology
It has already been mentioned earlier that flooding in Dhaka Metropolitan area can be classified
into two types. One is river flooding that results from high water levels of peripheral river systems
and another is rainfall induced flooding that is caused by high intensity storm rainfall runoff in the
city area. The study would be focus on the rainfall induced flooding treated as water logging due to
storm water in this study. The methodological approaches of the study are as follows.

Data Collection

Collection of Maps Data Analysis

Collection of Other Secondary Data

Spatial Data

Collection of Photographs
Aspatial Data

Questionnaire Survey

Informal Interviews Data Presentation

Figure-1.1 Methodological Flowchart of the Study

1.5.1 Data Collection

To fulfil the objective of the study both primary and secondary data were needed. All the necessary
data has been collected from various sources.

Causes and Effects of Water Logging in Dhaka City, Bangladesh 3

Introduction Chapter 01

Collection of Maps:
For the purpose of the present study, three different types of maps have been collected.
These are Cadastral Survey (CS) map (1912-1915), Revenue Survey (RS) map (1965-1975)
and Dhaka topographic survey maps (1998). First two types of maps have been collected
from Directorate of Land Records and Survey (DLRS) the last map is from Survey of
Bangladesh. The existing land use map has been collected from Rajdhani Unnayan
Kartripakkha (RAJUK) and the land use of different periods has been collected from some
relevant literatures and organizations. The existing drainage layout map was also needed
and this has been collected form Institute of Water and Flood Management (IWFM).

Other Secondary Data:

Rainfall data and the storm water drainage system data were needed for the study. The
rainfall data has been collected from Meteorological Department of Bangladesh (MDE) and
the drainage data has been collected from Drainage Department of Dhaka City Corporation
(DCC). The past and present data on natural drainage system has been collected from
different land use maps prepared by RAJUK. Some literature related to the topic has been
reviewed for better understanding of the problem and their main objectives and outputs are
attached at the end of this chapter.

Collection of Photographs:
Lot of photographs was also needed to illustrate the situation of water logging, related
obstacles into the smooth drainage of urban runoff and its effects on urban life. Some of
these photographs have been collected directly from field survey and some other from daily
news papers as well as from internet websites.

Questionnaire Survey and Informal Interview:

To find out inherent causes of water logging in Dhaka City and its associate impact on city
life, a field survey as questionnaire survey, informal interview and open discussion has been
conducted with the authorities of different concerned organizations, experts and people living
in different parts of Dhaka City. The questionnaire was designed in such a way that it would
track down the problem from the inception and the impact of the water logging in the locality.
The sample questionnaire is given in Appendix A. The sample size of these survey activities
was 100. Again the respondents were selected in different water logging prone area of the
city with different professions. To identify the quality of environment certain environmental
parameters were fixed. It also covered the people’s perception on conservation/sustainable
development of drainage system. Informal interview of official experts of different
development agencies was also done in order to know their view of causes and effects of
water logging in Dhaka city and sustainable solutions.

1.5.2 Data Analysis and Presentation

All the data both spatial and aspatial collected from different sources has been analysed
separately. The spatial data has been analysed by using some Geographic Information System
(GIS) like Arc/info, Arc/view etc. and aspatial data has been analysed using some other statistical
computer software like, Microsoft Excel, SPSS etc. Finally the both types of analysed data have
been integrated and presented as maps, tables, and graphs and putted in the report.

1.6 Literature Review

Water logging due to storm water is a very common problem like the others regular environmental
problem of Dhaka City. But very few studies have been conducted on water logging and drainage
system of the city and there is no study been conducted to find out the causes of such problem and

Causes and Effect of Water Logging in Dhaka City, Bangladesh 4

Khondoker Golam Tawhid TRITA-LWR Master Thesis

its impacts on the human life as well as the economy. Some studies related to the drainage system
and water logging of Dhaka City, which has been conducted are described below.

A project taken by Dhaka Water and Sewerage Authority (DWASA), 2000 “Rehabilitation of Dholai
Khal” described in its report that before 1947, storm water of Dhaka city drained out through
different natural canals. But thereafter, the city developed spontaneously without any master plan
causing depletion of natural drains. Henceforth water logging became a problem for the city. In
1964, Dholi khal was filled in for carrying out development works without taking any necessary
steps to drain out the water of surrounding area and thus water logging turned out as a great

A study named “Flood Management and Vulnerability of Dhaka City” done by Huq and Alam, 2003
described that after implementation of the flood control project in the Dhaka West, unplanned and
uncontrolled expansion of urban area stretched rapidly toward the low-lying areas adjacent to the
flood protection embankment. These are deeply flooded floodplain areas close to the river. The
residents of the houses in these lowlands suffer from inundation due to accumulation of rainwater
after heavy rainfall. Land development through land filling processes in the low-lying areas is
causing a drastic reduction in water storage areas. Construction of embankments through low-lying
areas without providing adequate drainage facilities has caused internal flooding adversely
affecting the residents in those areas.

Bari and Hasan, 2001 in their study “Effect of Urbanization on Storm Runoff Characteristics of
Dhaka City” investigated the impact of land use changes due to urbanization on storm runoff
characteristics in the eastern part of Dhaka City. They found that the volume of peak rate runoff
increases with growth in urbanization. Most of the low lying lands, which once acted as retarding
basin, have been filled up. Computed results show that runoff volume is increasing with increase in
built-up area in Dhaka city.

Chowdhury, J. U. et al. (July 1998) in their study, “Measurement and Analysis of Rainfall Runoff in
Selected Catchments of Dhaka City” shown from the analysis of rainfall data that the spatial
variability is quite large. The areal reduction factor is likely to be substantially lower than that used
in the storm water drainage master plan for Dhaka City. Analysis of storm rainfall and runoff data
indicates that the initial loss is much higher than those expected in cities in developing countries.
The runoff ratio and runoff coefficient are found substantially smaller than those used in the storm
water drainage master plan for Dhaka City. There are domestic wastewater discharges in the storm
sewers and the relative magnitude was highest in the unplanned high-density residential area.
Deposition of solid materials and rubbish is larger in the surface drains than that in the
underground sewers.

In the study “Dhaka City Storm Water Quality Assessment”, Khan S.A. and Chowdhury, J.U.
(1998), described that the ddeterioration of storm water quality in Dhaka has become a matter of
concern in the recent years. Identified as one of the most densely populated cities in the world,
Dhaka is unable to provide urban quality of living to its over 6 million inhabitants. Much of this
inability has resulted from failure to maintain the required water environment of the city.

1.7 Limitations of the Work

Some limitations were encountered during the study period to complete research work according to
the selected objectives. These limitations are described below:

Two types of water logging occurs in Dhaka City that is water logging due to river flooding and
water logging due to heavy rainfall. In this study, only rainfall induced water logging was tried to
emphasize. But sometimes it was very difficult to differentiate these two types of water logging as
they merged each other due to heavy rainfall.

Causes and Effects of Water Logging in Dhaka City, Bangladesh 5

Introduction Chapter 01

Very few studies were conducted related to water logging and drainage system of Dhaka City. As a
result, there was no sufficient literature to enrich the analysis of this study by reviewing their study

There was no sufficient secondary data to collect related to past drainage system in terms of width,
length, depth, capacity, pick flow rate, drainage coefficient etc. and their layout. Therefore, it was
not possible to compare the capacity of present drainage system to drain out the stagnant water
with the past, which was needed to enrich the recommendations to reduce the problem.

Due to the lack of detailed elevation data, sometimes it was very hard to measure the actual depth
of water logging. The defensive attitude of responsible authorities related to the problem and their
reluctance to provide relevant data has limited the information. Therefore, in some case it has to
depend on photograph rather than numeric data to illustrate the causes and effects of the situation.

During the questionnaire survey, some interviewee did not want to make any comments against the
responsible development authorities even they know the lack of efficiency of those authorities,
because they think that any negative comments can be harmful for them in near future

Causes and Effect of Water Logging in Dhaka City, Bangladesh 6

Khondoker Golam Tawhid TRITA-LWR Master Thesis

Chapter 02
Background Study

2.1 Study area

2.1.1 Location
Dhaka, the capital and the largest city of Bangladesh is located in the central region of the flat
deltaic plain of the three major international rivers, the Ganges, the Brahmaputra and the Meghna
(Figure-2.1) which enjoys a distinct primacy in the national and regional hierarchy. The city is
surrounded by the distributaries of these three major rivers. Geographically, Dhaka is located in
Bangladesh and situated on the northern bank of the river Buriganga (Figure-2.2). The Balu River
in the east and Turag bound it in the west and north. In spite of its water confinement on all sides
Dhaka is considerably high above the water of surrounding rivers in ordinary seasons of
inundation. The elevation of Greater Dhaka lies between 2 to 13 m above mean sea level (msl).
Most of the urbanised area lies at the elevation of 6 to 8 m above msl. Dhaka’s increasing growth
and primacy is partly explained by its geographic location. Being centrally located enjoys good
accessibility with rail, road, water and air connections with all major towns and cities of Bangladesh
(Islam, 2001 in Islam (ed.), 2001).
Location Map of Dhaka City Bangladesh

0 2 4 Km


Bay of Bengle







DMDP Boundary
Rail Lines
Metropolitan Area

Source: DMDP, 1995

Figure-2.1 Location Map of Dhaka City

Causes and Effects of Water Logging in Dhaka City, Bangladesh 7

Background Study Chapter 02

2.1.2 Area and Population

Dhaka, a mega city stretching around an area of 590 sq. mile, is now a city of about 10 million
people growing in an annual rate of 6 percent (Islam (ed.), 2000). Metropolitan Dhaka has two
connotations, first is that of central city i.e. Dhaka City Corporation covers an area of 200 sq. mile
and the population is about 8 million, or Dhaka city as it is popularly known and the other one is the
Dhaka Statistical Metropolitan Area (DSMA) covers an area of 550 sq. mile (Islam, (ed.), 2000).

Dhaka Metropolitan Area

iv e 0 1 2 Km
ra gR


Ri v
Turag River



Banani Badda

Ri v




Old Dhaka ad
ong R o

iv er


Legend Buriganga River

DMA Boundary
Rail Lines
Flood Embankment

Source: DMDP, 1995; Reconstructed by the Author

Figure-2.2 Map of the Study Area (Dhaka Metropolitan Area)

Causes and Effect of Water Logging in Dhaka City, Bangladesh 8
Khondoker Golam Tawhid TRITA-LWR Master Thesis

Table-2.1 Changes in Area and Population of Dhaka since the Year 1600
Year App. Area (sq. mile) Total Population
1600 1 200,000
1700 50 900,000
1800 8 200,000
1901 10 104,385
1921 12 137,908
1941 12 239,728
1961* 26 556,712
1981* 155.4 3,430,311
1991* 522.34 6,950,920
2001* 590 10,712,206
1981** 50 2,475,710
1991** 54.5 3,839,000
2001 225 5,399,880
Source: Islam, 1974; Census of Pakistan 1951; Statistical Year Book 1994,
BBS. Pp. 28; Bangladesh Population Census, Zila series, (Dhaka)
BBS 1991, pp. 25; Census of Bangladesh, 1974, 1981, 1991, BBS;
Islam, 1966; Islam, 19991; BBS, 2001
* DSMA: Dhaka Statistical Metropolitan Area
** DCC: Dhaka City Corporation

2.1.3 Climate
The tropical climate of Dhaka is marked by the fairly different six seasonal variations. Rainfall in
Dhaka occurs from three main sources: i) the western depression of winter, ii) the early summer
thunderstorms know as Nor’westers, and iii) the summer monsoon. It is hot and humid during May
to October while cool and dries during November to February. The rainy season generally prevails
from May to October. Approximately 90 per cent of the annual rainfall occurs during this time and
the average annual rainfall is about 2000mm. Heavy rainfalls, sometimes extending up to several
days, are common during the monsoon. The total annual rainy days vary from 95 to 131 days.

Rainfall is rather scarce during the months from November to February. The lowest temperature
during this period may drop down to about 50C. On the other hand, temperature as high as 400C
may occurs during the warm months of March and April. Monthly evaporation varies from 80 to 130
mm. The climatic condition of Dhaka city are summarised in the table.

Table-2.2 Climatic Condition in Dhaka City Area

Parameter Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
Avg. rainfall 6.5 20.2 52.3 124.0 283.0 398.0 391.4 328.0 264.0 160.0 25.3 7.4
Rainy days/m 1 2 4 8 14 19 22 22 16 9 2 1
Temperature C
High (extreme) 34.2 36.6 40.6 42.3 40.6 38.4 35.2 35.9 35.3 38.8 33.3 31.2
Low (extreme) 5.6 4.5 10.4 15.6 18.4 20.4 21.7 21.0 22.0 10.4 10.6 6.7
Average 18.8 21.5 26.1 28.7 28.9 28.7 28.7 28.7 28.7 27.4 23.6 19.8
Rel’ve Humidity 70.7 66.0 63.0 71.0 79.0 86.0 87.0 86.0 86.0 81.0 75.0 74.0
Evaporation 104.0 79.0 81.0 77.0 78.0 83.0 87.0 130.0 118.0 106.0 75.0 105.0
Wind velocity 2.0 2.0 3.0 5.0 5.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 3.0 2.0 1.0 1.0
(Knot = 1.852

Source: Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA), 1991

Causes and Effects of Water Logging in Dhaka City, Bangladesh 9

Background Study Chapter 02

2.1.4 Land Use

Dhaka started to develop in a more planned way after 1947 when it gained regional and political
importance (Chowdhury, J.U., 1998). Previously, commercial and residential areas were situated
side by side, mostly concentrated beside the narrow roads, old Dhaka still presents this situation
with a mixture commercial, residential and small industries. After preparation of the Master Plan of
the city in 1958, the commercial centres of the city was moved to Motijheel and a high residential
area was developed at Dhanmondi. Housing colonies for government employees, universities,
parks, commercial and industrial zones, lakes and other public facilities were developed gradually
to meet the demands of the expanding city.



River/Water Bodies Transportation Areas Central Business District
Urban Fringe Industrial Area Mixed Residential Area
Educational Areas Wholesale Areas Low Class Residential Area 0 1 2 Km
Open Space Administrative Areas High Class Residential Area

Source: DMDP, 1995; Reconstructed by the Author

Figure-2.3 Land Use Map of Dhaka City (1995)

With the development of the city, wide roads and other paved areas replaced the unpaved areas,
natural depressions, and agricultural land. In many cases, natural drainage canals and open water
bodies were filled up for development works. However the present status of Dhaka city
demonstrates that the development of the city did not succeed to fully meet the requirements of a
mega city. Absence of adequate parks, open water bodies, and drainage system has degraded the
quality of living in the city in many ways. The present type of land uses of the greater Dhaka city
include residential 32%, commercial 4%, agricultural 57%, water bodies 5%, and open fields 2%
(Hafiz et al., 1997). However, in the metropolitan city area, the percentage of the agricultural land is
much lower.

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Khondoker Golam Tawhid TRITA-LWR Master Thesis

2.2 Physical and Demographic Development

Dhaka has grown from a small settlement within the confines of the river Buriganga and Dholai
Khal to to-days mega city. The physical features, topography and demographic features of Dhaka
City have always influenced its physical expansion. During the Mughal and British regime, political
importance and trade played significant roles in the city’s growth and expansion. This section
briefly describes the growth and expansion of the city in the scale of time under five major periods:
Pre-Mughal (before 1604), Mughal (1604-1764), British (1764-1947), Pakistan (1947-1971) and
Bangladesh (after 1971).

2.2.1 Pre-Mughal Period (before 1604)

Growth and expansion of Dhaka city in the pre-Mughal period is obscure. Before Mughals reign,
Dhaka was a small Hindu trading centre. The name of localities indicates the predominance of
Hindus craftsmen and professionals thus depicts the possibility of being grown as a centre of
artisans and craftsmen (Ahsan, 1999, Chowdhury and Faruqui, 1991). The boundaries, size, and
population of Dhaka city are relatively undocumented and unclear before 1604. It is evident from
the various writings on Dhaka that the areas to the east, northeast and southeast of Babur Bazar
up to the Dulai River on the left bank (northern bank) of the Buriganga formed the old town. The
Dulai River possibly formed the northeastern boundary of the old city, though it is difficult to
determine the western limit of the pre-Mughal ‘old city’. Considering testimony to the existence of a
mosque at that time, however, it can be assumed the city limits went beyond Babur Bazar on the
western side (figure-3.2.1). It is quite likely that following the course of the Buriganga settlements
grew on the southern, western and north-western parts of the city. These, of course, were sporadic
growths with the riverbank determining the basis for settlements. The population size at that time of
the Dhaka city is unknown (Islam, 1974).

2.2.2 Mughal Period (1604-1764)

Mughal Islam Khan inaugurated the fort, Chandnighat, located at “the new Dhaka”, establishing a
stronghold that held the status of provincial capital for a little over a century. Commercial activities
and needs for administration and defence led growth of Dhaka from a small town to a metropolis.
The accounts left by foreign travellers and the existence of Mughal ruins, as well as the names of
the localities, which still survive, helps determine the extent of Mughal Dhaka (Karim, A., 1964).
According to documents and remnants of Muslim Mughal sculptures in the “old city”, Mughal Dhaka
incorporated the “old Dhaka” within its boundaries. In this period the expansion to the west and the
north was significant; with the fort in the centre the expansion to the west followed the riverbank
and the city spread northward to Phulbaria on the fringe of the Ramna area. In this growth of
Mughal Dhaka the general characteristics of a Mughal city were noticeable. The areas to the south
and southwest of the fort up to the riverbank grew mainly as commercial areas while to the north
and northeast residential areas sprouted. The northern limit of the city extended to the gateway
built by Mir Jumla (1660-63). Mir Jumla’s name is also associated with the construction of two
roads connecting Dhaka with a network of forts built for the defence of the capital city. A road
headed north to a fort at Tongi-Jamalpur and another toward the east connecting Dhaka with
Fatullah, where two other defensive forts were constructed. These two roads influenced the growth
of the city in these directions. In the available early records of the East India Company (1786 and
1800 A.D.) the boundary of the city is mentioned as: Buriganga in the south, Tongi in the north,
Jafarabad-Mirpur in the west and Postogola in the east. The expansion of the city in the Mughal
period was dictated by nature, particularly highlands. As provincial capital, Dhaka enjoyed a golden
era, serving as the commercial headquarters and chief emporium for products of Eastern Bengal.
Dutch, Portuguese, French, English, and Armenians were among those who established trading
houses in the 17thC. The physical size of Dhaka was about 50 square kilometres with a population
of 0.9 million (Taylor, 1840).

Causes and Effects of Water Logging in Dhaka City, Bangladesh 11

Background Study Chapter 02

2.2.3 British Period (1764-1947)

After the East India Company, the British Colonial outfit, purchased Diwani in 1765, and the shift of
the Bengal capital from Dhaka to Calcutta, Dhaka City suffered from lack of political and
commercial importance. Gradually the administrative and commercial importance of the city
dwindled and by 1828 the city was reduced to a mere district headquarters, though it retained its
position as a provincial Circuit Court of Appeal. By 1840, this decline had reached its nadir and
most of the former Mughal city had been deserted or had fallen victim to the encroaching jungle
(Ahmed, S. U., 1986). The decline affected Dhaka seriously and during this period Dhaka also
suffered physical shrinkage to such an extend that the physical boundaries actually shrunk from 50
km to 8 km (Islam, 1974) as did the population from 0.9 million to 0.2 million (Taylor, 1840).

However, the second half of the nineteenth century marked the beginning of the physical renewal
of the city. In 1857, India came under the direct rule of the British crown and saw some
development of utility services. In 1905, Dhaka was made the capital of the new province of East
Bengal and Assam, allowing further development of roads and proper drains, as well as fully
planned residential areas like “Wari”, an upper-middle class area considered “the sanatorium of
Dacca.” Thus the ‘new Dhaka’ of the present century had its birth at the hands of the British rulers.
The impetus for growth created by the 1905 partition of Bengal was seriously jolted by the
annulment of the partition in 1911 when Dhaka reverted back to the status of a district town.
However, the establishment of the University of Dhaka in 1921 helped to retain a semblance of
prominence until 1947 when Dhaka again attained the status of the provincial capital of East
Bengal, later named East Pakistan (Islam, 1974).

2.2.4 Pakistan (1947-1971)

In 1947, India become independent of British rule and Pakistan was created. Dhaka restarted its
life as the capital of East Pakistan. The needs of the officials engaged in administration, the
business community and the residents grew out of the sudden onrush of people to Dhaka. This
contributed to the growth of the city in its new role as the provincial capital. The Motijheel area,
once desolate and lying on the fringe of marshes and swamps where the Nawabs had built a
garden house was earmarked as the commercial area in 1954. Planning continued such that open
areas of the city were devoted to recreation, residences, and more commerce. To cater to the ever-
increasing residential needs of the new capital, the Dhanmondi area, adorned with paddy fields in
the early 1950s, was developed as a residential area after 1955. The Mirpur Road formed an axis
and the highlands on both sides of the road came to be occupied right up to Mohammadpur and
Mirpur. In the mid-1960s these two areas were developed by the government mainly to
accommodate the migrant Muslim population. The Tejgaon Airport and the Tejgaon Industrial area
came under governmental schemes in the early 1950s. In the second half of the 1960s the decision
to have a capital for East Pakistan at Dhaka led to the development of the area to the west of
Tejgaon farm and the Airport (now known as Sher-e-Bangla Nagar). With the creation of the Dhaka
Improvement Trust (DIT) in 1956 (transformed into the Rajdhani Unnayan Kartripakkha in 1987)
greater interest and care was undertaken in road construction and city planning. The DIT
developed the Gulshan Model Town in 1961, Banani in 1964, Uttara in 1965 and Baridhara in 1972
(though first conceived in 1962). The Dilkusha Gardens adjacent to Motijheel came to be engulfed
by the ever-growing commercial needs. In the mid-1960s the main railway line was shifted and
directed eastward. The Dhaka Railway Station was moved from Phulbaria to Kamalapur. This
eliminated the landmark that had long stood between the ‘old Dhaka’ of the Mughals and the ‘new
Dhaka’ of the English. The rapid growth and development of the area between the old railway track
and Kawranbazar necessitated this change. In 1947, the area and population of Dhaka City was 12
sq. km (Islam, 1974) and 2.5 million (Census of Pakistan, 1951).

2.2.5 Bangladesh (1971 onward)

Dhaka city became the capital of the independent state of Bangladesh in 1971. This additional
factor as well as the initiatives of private sectors led to Dhaka’s phenomenal growth since 1971.

Causes and Effect of Water Logging in Dhaka City, Bangladesh 12

Khondoker Golam Tawhid TRITA-LWR Master Thesis

The growth outward, following the pattern set by the Mughal founders has been limited by the
waterways surrounding the city. With increased population pressure the highlands spreading
northward were occupied and built up. The intervening ditches, swamps and marshes were filled in,
not in any planned manner, but as exigencies arose and private initiatives dominated the process.
Development under the aegis of the DIT dictated nature rather than allowed nature to direct
planned growth. In selecting the sites for the Model Towns of Gulshan, Banani, Baridhara and
Uttara, the method of selecting the highlands on the main Dhaka-Tongi axis road is clearly
discernible. No serious effort at reclaiming land under a well-planned scheme to give the city a
homogenous and cohesive growth is visible. Dhaka has grown on its own in a haphazard manner
and the topography of the area dictated the terms and direction of the growth. Since Dhaka
became the capital of an independent country the pressure on it has been enormous. The
permanent inhabitants of the city have registered a steady growth. Along with it there was a very
large floating population, the pressure of which has resulted in the growth of slums on any available
vacant land. The recent phenomenon of high rise buildings, both in the commercial and residential
sectors occupy the city’s highlands and demonstrate ever-increasing pressure on Dhaka as it
builds upwards, an inevitable and common phenomenon in all modern cities facing population
growth. Since the 1990s, Dhaka has been on the verge of change in its urban character with
vertical growth replacing horizontal expansion (Chowdhury and Faruqui, 1989). By 1981, the area
of Dhaka SMA surpassed the Mughal Capital period by 12.4 sq. km at 155.4 sq. km (Census of
Bangladesh, 1981). Population also had tripled to 3,440,147. The 2001 census recorded 9,912,908
inhabitants (Census of Bangladesh, 2001).

Table-2.3 Area and Population of Dhaka City, (1600 – 2001)

Year Period Area Source Population Source
(Sq. mile)
1600 Pre-Mughal Period 1 Islam, 1974 Unknown
1700 Mughal Capital 50 Taylor, 1840 9,00,000 Taylor, 1840
1800 British Town 8 Islam, 1974 2,00,000 Taylor, 1840
1867 British Town 8 Islam, 1974 51,000 Census of Bengal,
1911 British Town -- -- 1,25,733 Census of Bengal,
1947 Capital of East 12 Islam, 1974 2,50,000 Census of
Pakistan Pakistan, 1951
1951 Pakistan Period -- -- 3,35,928 Census of
Pakistan, 1951
1961 Pakistan Period 28 Census of 5,50,143 Census of
Pakistan, 1951 Pakistan, 1951
1971 Capital of Bangladesh 40 Census of 15,00,000 Census of
Bangladesh, 1974 Bangladesh, 1974
1974 Capital of Bangladesh 40 Census of 16,00,000 Census of
Bangladesh, 1974 Bangladesh, 1974
1981 Dhaka Municipality 62.4 Census of 24,75,710 Census of
Bangladesh, 1981 Bangladesh, 1981
1981 Dhaka SMA 155.4 Census of 34,40,147 Census of
Bangladesh, 1981 Bangladesh, 1981
1991 Dhaka SMA -- -- 69,50,920 Census of
Bangladesh, 1991
2001 Dhaka SMA -- -- 99,12,908 Census of
Bangladesh, 2001

Causes and Effects of Water Logging in Dhaka City, Bangladesh 13

Background Study Chapter 02

Source: M. Nabi, 2002; Reconstructed by the Author

Figure-2.5 Historical Development and Land Use Pattern of Dhaka City (1700 – 1962 A.D.)

Causes and Effect of Water Logging in Dhaka City, Bangladesh 14

Khondoker Golam Tawhid TRITA-LWR Master Thesis

Source: M. Nabi, 2002; Reconstructed by the Author

Figure-2.6 Development and Land Use Pattern of Dhaka City in Bangladesh Period

Causes and Effects of Water Logging in Dhaka City, Bangladesh 15

Khondoker Golam Tawhid TRITA-LWR Master Thesis

Chapter 03
Storm Water Drainage System of Dhaka City

3.1 Natural Drainage System

The natural drainage system in the greater Dhaka city comprises of several retention areas and
khals (channels), which are linked to the surrounding rivers. The city rainfall-runoff is accumulated
in the retention areas and discharge to the surrounding rivers through khals. Important elements of
storm water drainage system are briefly described below.

3.1.1 Storage Area

There are many water storage areas such as lakes, ponds, and low laying lands. The
characteristics of major lakes in Dhaka City are shown in the Table-3.1.

Table-3.1 Major Characteristics of Lakes in Dhaka City during the Dry Season
Name of the lakes Length (meter) Ave. depth (m) Area (sq. km) Volume (m3)
Dhanmondi lake 2400 2.5 0.176 4.4*105
Ramna lake 400 4.5 0.020 0.9*105
Crecent lake 650 2.5 0.016 0.4*105
Gulshan lake 3800 2.5 0.480 12*105

Source: JICA, 1991

3.1.2 Channels
There are more than 40 drainage channels (khals) including main and branch channels (Fig.-3.1).
Approximately five-sixth of the city areas are drained through these channels to the surrounding
rivers. The catchments area of the channels varies from 6 to 40 sq. km. The length and the
catchments area of the major khals are given in Table-3.2.

Table-3.2 Characteristics of major khals in Dhaka City

Name of the khals Length Catchments Area
(Km) (Sq. km)
Dholai khal 4.0 16.8
Gerani khal 3.4 6.7
Segunbagicha khal 3.5 8.3
Begunbari khal 6.5 37.7

Source: JICA, 1991

3.1.3 Backwater effect and retention by storage areas:

The storm runoff from Dhaka city is discharged to the surrounding rivers, which are distributaries
from the river Brahmputra River (Fig.-3.1). The stage of these rivers generally remains high during
monsoon. As a result, the drainage system of Dhaka city is under the influence of backwater effect
from surrounding rivers. Consequently the flow velocity in storm sewers and drainage channels
remain very slow for several days when flood wave passes through the surrounding rivers.
Fortunately, the lakes and low-lying areas provide storage space for storm water. These large
retention areas save Dhaka city from flooding during heavy storms. Gradual reduction in retention
areas because of human activities, I one of the causes of increasing flood problem in Dhaka city.

Causes and Effect of Water Logging in Dhaka City, Bangladesh 16

Storm Water Drainage of Dhaka City Chapter 03

Natural Drainage System of Dhaka City

8000 0 4000 Meters


DMDP Boundary
DMA Boundary

Source: DMDP, 1995; Reconstructed by the Author

Figure-3.1 Natural Drainage System of Dhaka City

Causes and Effects of Water Logging in Dhaka City, Bangladesh 17

Khondoker Golam Tawhid TRITA-LWR Master Thesis

3.2 Drainage Zones and Storm Sewer Network

Dhaka WASA is responsible for the water supply and drainage of Dhaka city. Drainage is managed
through two separate sewer systems: one for drainage of domestic wastewater and the other for
drainage of storm water. The research topic is confined to the storm water drainage system.
Operation and maintenance of the storm water drainage system is organised by the Drainage
Circle of Dhaka WASA.

The Greater Dhaka City area is divided into 12 drainage zones (JICA, 1991). The division is on the
basis of drainage channels and outfall to the surrounding rivers. The storm water drainage
networks are shown in Figure-3.2.

Storm Water Drainage Network of Dhaka City

Storm Water Drainage
Rivers and Canals
Roads N
0 1 2 Km

Source: Dhaka WASA, 2003; Reconstructed by the Author

Figure-3.2 Storm Water Drainage Network of Dhaka City

The present storm water drainage network under Dhaka WASA covers an area of approximately
140 sq. km. Important components of drainage network are briefly summarized below.

i) 22 open canals having width of 10 to 30 m and total length of approximately 65 km.

ii) 185 km. of underground pipes having diameter ranging between 450 to 3000 mm.
iii) 6.5 km. of box culvert of sizes between 2.5 m * 3.4 m to 6 m * 4.1 m.

Causes and Effect of Water Logging in Dhaka City, Bangladesh 18

Storm Water Drainage of Dhaka City Chapter 03

iv) 2 storm water-pumping stations, of capacity of 9.6 m3/s and 10 m3/s at Narinda and
Kallyanpur respectively.
v) Recently DCC has constructed one storm-water pumping station, having capacity of 22
m3/s at the confluence of river Buriganga and Dholai khal. Dhaka WASA has taken over
the operation and maintenance of the pumping station.

Bangladesh Water Development Board (BWDB) has also constructed one pumping station
(capacity 22 m3/s) at the northwestern part (Goran Chadbari at the outfall of the Degun khal into
the Turag River) of the city. There are also 65 small pumps with individual capacities of 0.142
cumec, installed temporarily by Dhaka WASA to drain out storm water from various locations.

Moreover, DCC have constructed and maintains at least 130 km small diameter underground
drains and approximately 1200 km surface drains, which carry storm water to the main sewer lines.
RAJUK also constructs roadside underground drainage lines during the construction of new roads.

The responsibility of development, operation and maintenance of drainage system in Dhaka City
lies with the Dhaka WASA. But several agencies are working for development of the city drainage
system, with little or no coordination among them.

3.3 Hydrologic Design Criteria in Master Plan

In response to the request of the Government of Bangladesh (GoB), the Government of Japan
agreed to conduct a study on greater Dhaka Flood Protection within the framework of technical
cooperation between Japan and Bangladesh. Need for this study was felt when Dhaka City
suffered from an unprecedented flood in 1988, which was caused by floodwater carried by
surrounding rivers. The Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA), the official agency
responsible for the implementation of technical cooperation program, was assigned to undertake
the study. The JICA study team commenced this study in 1990. One of the objectives was to carry
out a Master Plan study on comprehensive flood control and storm water drainage for Dhaka
Metropolitan area. Some of the hydrologic design criteria adopted in the storm water drainage
master plan (JICA, 1991) are briefly mentioned below.

3.3.1 Design Rainfall

For channel and trunk drain:

The rainfall intensity with a 5-year frequency is employed for the design of trunk drains and
khal improvements. The rainfall intensity to be applied for computing peak runoff rate by the
Rational Formula is calculated by the following equation:

i = 9005/(t+50) (t≤120)
i = 12437/(t+115) (120<t<1440)
Where, i is the rainfall intensity (mm/h) and t is the duration (min)

For pumping station and retarding pond:

2-days consecutive rainfall with a 5-year frequency is applied as the design rainfall for
pumping station and retarding pond.

3.3.3 Runoff Coefficient and Runoff Ratio

The runoffs coefficients by land use are shown in table have been proposed for the calculation of
design discharge by the Rational Formula. The runoff ratio (total runoff/total rainfall) of 0.8 is
employed for the estimation of required pump and retarding pond capacities.

Causes and Effects of Water Logging in Dhaka City, Bangladesh 19

Khondoker Golam Tawhid TRITA-LWR Master Thesis

Table-3.3 Runoff Coefficient used in SWD Master plan prepared by JICA (1991)

Land use Proposed runoff coefficient

Commercial Area 0.65
Industrial Area 0.55
High Class Residential Area 0.30
Middle and Low Class Residential Area 0.50
Green Zone and Others 0.20
Water Bodies 0.10

Source: JICA, 1991

3.3.4 Time of Concentration

Time of concentration (Tc) was calculated by

Tc = Ti + L/V
Ti = Inflow time of rain water;
L = Length of the khal; and
V = Average velocity in the khal
Values of Ti and V were taken equal to 20 minutes and 0.8 m/s respectively

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Khondoker Golam Tawhid TRITA-LWR Master Thesis

Chapter 04
Water Logging Situation in Dhaka City

4.1 Introduction
Water logging in urban areas is an inevitable problem for many cities in Asia. In Bangladesh,
Dhaka has serious problems related to water logging. The situation was highlighted in September
1996 when residences experienced ankle to knee-deep water on the streets. Daily activities in
parts of the city were nearly paralysed and heavy traffic jams occurred due to stagnant water on
the streets.

In 1997, the Surface Water Modeling Center (SWMC) presently called Institute of Water Modeling
(IWM) carried out a pilot study about Storm Water Drainage Modeling for Dhaka City. Department
of Water Engineering & Management (DWEM), Asian Institute of Technology (AIT), Thailand again
performed a study named “Modeling of Urban Flooding in Dhaka City”. The study was an extension
and improvement of the pilot study in terms of updating and analyzing drainage system together
with suggestion of alleviation scenarios to relieve flood problems, i.e. feasibility study of applying
real time control to urban drainage system to reduce flood problem. This water logging situation is
totally based on the information and reference of the two studies mentioned above.

4.2 The Study Area

The study area was Segunbagicha khal catchments, which is one of the major drainage channels
in the city. The khal includes the most important commercial areas and the government offices of
Dhaka City, hence most of areas are impervious due to commercial and mixed (residential and
commercial) land uses. The khal drains storm water from an upstream drainage catchments area
of 4.54 km2. The elevation of the area is 2 to 13 meters above the mean sea level (msl)

Study Area


Drainge System
Box Culvert
Road System


1 0 1 2 3 Kilometers

Figure-4.1 Study Areas with Drainage System

Causes and Effects of Water Logging in Dhaka City, Bangladesh 21

Water Logging Situation In Dhaka City Chapter 04

4.3 Drainage System in the Catchments Area

Water from the Dhaka Metropolitan area is conveyed through drainage channels into the Turag
River on the West, the Buriganga River on the South, the Balu River on the East, and Tongi Khal
on the North.

Segunbagicha Khal originates from the Ramna Park area and flows through the areas of
Segunbagicha, Paltan, Matijheel and Gopibag. A distance of 3.4 km further downstream, it crosses
Janapath and then meets with Gerani Khal before draining finally into the Balu River. Previously
drainage from the Segunbagicha Khal used to depend on the water levels in both the Balu and the
Buriganga rivers. At present, an upgrade of the drainage system has taken place and a number of
new sewer lines have been installed in the area.
As a part of the Dhaka 625500.0

Integrated Flood Protection 625300.0

Project a four-vent sluice 625100.0

gate has been constructed 624900.0

on the Segunbagicha Khal 624700.0

at the intersection with 624500.0

Janapath. The Collected 624300.0

stormwater from each sub- 624100.0

catchments is drained by 623900.0

sewer pipes to the khal and 623700.0

finally it is drained to river 623500.0

system by pumps at the 623300.0

basin in front of the sluice 623100.0

gate. 541000.0 541500.0 542000.0 542500.0 543000.0 543500.0 544000.0 544500.0

Figure-4.2 Storm Water Drainage Network in the Catchments Area in 1996

4.4 Water Logging in 1996

As it is mentioned earlier (Chapter One) that the main causes of water logging in Dhaka City can
be classified into two types. The first one results from high water level of Peripheral River system
and the other caused by rainfall in the city. In 1996, water logging in Dhaka City caused by local
high rainfall occurred in the built-up areas of the city.

Table- 4.1 Hourly Recorded Rainfall Data during 16-19 September 1996

Date Rainfall (mm) Duration (hours) Remarks

September 16, 1996 62 2 37 mm in the first hour
September 17, 1996 29 2 28 mm in the first hour
September 18, 1996 0.5 1 -
September 19, 1996 85 4 41.5 mm in the third hour

Source: SWMC, 1997

Causes and Effect of Water Logging in Dhaka City, Bangladesh 22

Khondoker Golam Tawhid TRITA-LWR Master Thesis

The severe water logging in

September 1996 in Segunbagicha
khal catchments is believed to
originate from insufficient drainage
capacity and blockages of the
drainage system due to huge
volumes of garbage and
polyethylene bags. The areas of
Shantinagar, Kakrail, Paltan,
Matijheel and Pirjangi Mazar,
which include many of the
important business and
Government offices of the country,
suffered most. Important street
intersections were inundated for
four days during 16-19 September
1996. The water depth in some
areas was as much as 40-60 cm,
which created large infrastructure
problems for the area and a huge
economical loss in production
together with large damages of
existing property and goods.

Figure-4.3 Inundated locations in Study Area

Table- 4.2 Maximum Depth and Duration of Storm Water in the Area in 1996

Sub-catchments Maximum depth (cm) Duration (hours)

Shantinagar Crossing 55 16
Kakrail Crossing 19 6
Topkhana Road 25 12
Pirjangi Mazar 18 9

Source: DWEM, AIT, 1997

As an immediate measure it has been suggested to install pumps at a few selected critical
locations. During the water logging problems in 1996, the DWASA arranged 19 pumps of 5 Cusec
capacities each at four locations to pump out the stagnant water from the area. Besides, DCC also
arranged 15 pumps of same capacity in different parts of the city.

The situation was severely aggravated because the only natural drainage system called
Segunbagicha Khal, which conveys storm runoff from the areas to the receiving rivers, was not fully
operational. As a part of the drainage improvement plan of the Dhaka Metropolitan City, DWASA
has been started to rehabilitating the natural channel section of the Segunbagicha Khal by
replacing it with a concrete box culvert having length of 2.1 km. After completion of 85% of the total
works the construction has been stopped by court order due to land dispute with the owners.

Additionally, the following problems in the Dhaka drainage system have been identified by DWASA:
unplanned urbanization
expansion of the urban areas
Causes and Effects of Water Logging in Dhaka City, Bangladesh 23
Water Logging Situation In Dhaka City Chapter 04

increases in built-up areas and metal roads

filling of low-lying areas to construct buildings, with no or little provision for drainage
the main drainage systems of the urban area are blocked by unauthorized constructions
insufficient storm sewers constructed in the extensions to the urban area
lack of maintenance to the system,
lack of co-ordination among the different organizations engaged in the development works
solid waste disposal in the storm sewer.

4.5 Profile of Water Logging in September 2004

In September 11th to 16th, 2004 heaviest ever rainfall (341 mm) occurred in Dhaka City and its
devastating impact paralyzed the city life. Following pictures illustrates the water logging situation
due to the rainfall and its impacts in Motijheel, the commercial hub of Dhaka City.

Picture-4.1 Pictures Illustrates the Water Logging Situation in Dhaka City, September 2004

Causes and Effect of Water Logging in Dhaka City, Bangladesh 24

Khondoker Golam Tawhid TRITA-LWR Master Thesis

Chapter 05
Causes of Water Logging

5.1 Introduction
The capital city of Bangladesh has become one of the populous Mega City in the world, in recent
years facing extensive water logging during the monsoon (May to October) as a common problem
of the city like water pollution, traffic congestion, air and noise pollution, solid waste disposal, black
smoke etc.

Unplanned spatial development activities and growth of habitation due to rapid population growth
are causing encroachment on retention areas and natural drainage paths with little or no care of
natural drainage system. Excessive rainfall, inadequate drainage sections, conventional drainage
system with low capacity and gravity, natural siltation, absence of inlets and outlets, indefinite
drainage outlets, lack of proper maintenance of existing drainage system, and over and above
disposal of solid waste into the drains and drainage paths are accounted for the prime causes of
blockage in drainage system and water logging. In addition, seasonal tidal effect and the
topography of the city area also causing water logging.

To find out inherent causes of water logging in Dhaka City, a field survey as a questionnaire
survey, informal interviews and open discussion has been conducted with the authorities of
different concerned organizations, experts and people living in different parts of Dhaka City. The
total numbers of respondent were 100 and following table (Table- 5.1) shows their summarized
opinions about the prime causes for water logging in the city.

Table- 5.1 Causes of Water Logging in Dhaka City

Causes Percentage
Excessive rainfall 74
Population growth and unplanned development 95
Waste management system 82
Encroachment 76
Topography 46
Capacity and gravity of drainage system 67
Drainage management system 83
Development works during rainy season 40
Storage of construction materials 37
Lack of public awareness 60
Lack of regulations and its implementation 45

Source: Field survey (Interview and Open Discussion), 2003-2004

5.2 Excessive Rainfall

Bangladesh is a tropical country and is located on the extensive floodplains of the Ganges and
Brahmaputra. The Himalayas stands to the northeast of the country and the Bay of Bengal lies on
the south of the country. As a result heavy downpour occurs on the country, especially in the

Causes and Effects of Water Logging in Dhaka City, Bangladesh 25

Causes of Water Logging Chapter 06

monsoon season (May to October). In recent years the Dhaka Metropolitan area has been
exposed to water logging due to heavy rainfall. During the 1996, 1998 and 1999, excessive rainfall
occurred in Dhaka caused short duration flooding in different areas of the City namely Shantinagar,
Nayapaltan, Rajarbag, Dhanmodi, Azimpur and Green Road (S. Huq and M. Alam, 2003).

The most recent downpour occurred from September 11th to 16th 2004 in Dhaka forced the City life
standstill. 341 mm. of rain in 24 hours between September 14th and 15th is the heaviest ever
rainfall. Dhaka’s previous record of 274 mm of rain on September 16, 1966. “During the monsoon,
the intensity of rainfall is high and in September, it is relatively low. Therefore, it use to occur
average 300 to 325 mm of rainfall in the whole month but in this year it occurred average 300 mm
in 3 days of the week”, said Professor Nazrul Islam at Dhaka University’s Geography and
Environment Department. Dumped with average 300 mm of rain in that week (MDB, September
2004), Dhaka was sloshing with floodwaters that sent many places, including Motijheel commercial
heart, under chest-deep water. The devastating impact of the downpour that paralyzed Dhaka City
is a salutary reminder of the severity of the problem.

According to survey, 74 percent of the respondent has been mentioned that heavy rainfall is one of
the main reasons for water logging in Dhaka City. Relatively low intensity of rainfall causes serious
water logging problems
Average monthly rainfall intensity in the city for certain areas of the
City that are inundated
700 for several days mainly
600 due to the drainage
500 congestion.
Rainfall data collected
from MDB for last four
200 years shows (Figure-
100 5.1) that the average
0 monthly rainfall during
May June July August September October
monsoon (May to
2000 608 165 197 359 216 278
October) are 304 mm,
2001 402 386 222 205 209 177
267 mm, 262 mm, and
2002 272 373 446 273 156 52
231 mm for the year
2003 140 419 191 202 264 170
2000, 2001, 2002, and
2003 respectively.
Figure-5.1 Average Monthly Rainfall in Dhaka City (mm)

Table: 5.2 Highest and Lowest Rainfall Intensity in Dhaka City during Monsoon (in mm)
Month/Year 2000 2001 2002 2003
Highest Lowest Highest Lowest Highest Lowest Highest Lowest
May 152 01 52 01 88 01 52 01
June 28 01 61 01 59 01 93 01
July 47 01 40 01 73 01 30 01
August 133 01 58 01 46 01 67 01
September 73 01 54 01 42 01 61 01
October 158 01 54 01 17 01 73 01

Source: Meteorological Department of Bangladesh, 2004

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5.3 Disappearance of Natural Drainage System

The disappearance of the natural drainage system is one of main causes for water logging. Rapid
population growth and unplanned development, unplanned land filling to develop new residential
areas, uncontrolled and haphazard disposal of solid wastes and garbage into the existing drainage
system, and encroachment on lakes, khals/canals and rivers with unauthorized construction are the
summarized general man made physical and social activities related to the disappearance of
natural drainage system. 95 per cent of the respondent claimed these activities for prime causes of
water logging in Dhaka City.

5.3.1 Population Growth and Unplanned Development

Dhaka City, being the administrative, commercial and cultural capital of Bangladesh has now
turned into 26th Mega City and 10th most Populous City of the world. It is the nerve center of the
country. The population of Dhaka has grown from only 0.1 million in 1906 to 3,36,000 in 1951 and
10.71 million in 2001 (Census 2001). It is growing at an alarming rate (5.6% during 1991-2001
inter-casual periods). As per future prediction, this population will further grow to about 20 million
by the year 2020 and to 25 million by 2025 (DMDP, 1997). Dhaka city is projected to be one of the
four largest mega cities in the world by next 10 years. A principal reason of such a rapid growth is
over concentration of maximum activities and development works in the city and little
improvements in other cities, towns and villages in terms of infrastructures development and
economic activities. Improved road communication in the country further made it easy to converge
on the capital of searching employment and better quality of life. High-density population as well as
shortage of land causes intense densification in the existing built up areas.

Table- 5.3 Population Growth of Dhaka City

Year Dhaka City Corporation DMDP Area (RAJUK Area)
Population Growth Pop. Density Population Growth Pop. Density
(000) (% per year) (Person/ha) (000) (% per year) (Person/ha)
1991 6100 -- 169 7300 -- 48
1995 6900 3.0 192 9100 4.2 59
2000 8000 3.0 222 10900 3.6 71
2005 9000 2.5 251 12600 3.0 83
2010 9900 1.5 169 14200 2.4 93
2015 10200 1.0 283 15700 1.9 103

Source: Dhaka Metropolitan Development Plan (DMDP), 1997

Table- 5.4 Growth of Dhaka City Corporation (DCC) Area

Year Area (sq. km.) Population Rapid population growth

and so rapid urbanization
1906 6.1 --
during the last three
1951 15.5 276,o33 decades has taken place,
1961 40.1 368,575 which creates extra
pressure on the land of
1974 -- 1,403,259 already overcrowded
1981 131.6 2,475,710 Dhaka City. The size of
Dhaka City has grown from
1991 153.8 3,612,850
1 sq. mile in 1600 to 590
1997 360.0 6,000,000 sq. mile in 1997 (Islam,
1974; DMDP, 1997). At the
Source: BBS, 1997; Islam, 1999; Miah, 1999
same time, the size of

Causes and Effects of Water Logging in Dhaka City, Bangladesh 27

Causes of Water Logging Chapter 06

Dhaka Municipality, which has been upgraded to DCC, has grown from 6.1 sq. km. in 1906 to 360 sq.
km. in 1997 having population from 276033 in 1951 to 6000,000 in 1997 (Islam, 1999; BBS, 1997).
Substantial increase in built-up areas has taken place due to development of residential and
commercial areas mostly through private land developers and real estate business. Agricultural
lands, low lands, wet lands; water bodies and natural drainage give way to housing developments and
roads. This urbanization and unplanned development activities resulted in substantial increase in
impervious area, created obstruction to natural drainage pattern, and reduced detention basins,
which has almost undoubtedly must have aggravated the water logging problem in Dhaka City.
Picture-5.1 illustrates that the increased built-up area in Dhaka City.

Changing size of city since 1600

(App. area in sq. mile)

600 590





50 40
10 12 12 26
1 8
1600 1700 1800 1901 1921 1941 1961 1974 1981 1991 1997

Source: Islam, 1966, 1974, 1991; BBS, 1974, 1981, 1991,

Figure-5.2 Growth of Dhaka City Since 1600

Picture-5.1 The Fast Growing “Concrete Jungle” tells the Tale of and Unplanned City

Causes and Effect of Water Logging in Dhaka City, Bangladesh 28

Khondoker Golam Tawhid TRITA-LWR Master Thesis

Unplanned urbanisation can adversely impact flooding situation in a watershed. Prior to urbanisation
there exists a greater lag time between intense rainfall and peak stream flow. After urbanisation the
lag time is shortened, peak flow is greatly increased, and the total run-off is compressed into a shorter
time interval, creating favourable conditions for intense flooding. For example, in a city that is totally
served by storm drains and where 60% of the land surface is covered by roads and buildings (like
Dhaka City), floods are almost six times more numerous than before urbanisation (Khalequzzaman,

The concrete covering 90 per cent of Dhaka City’s land area hampers the absorption of rain water,
said Masroor-ul-Haq Siddiqi, a former official of BWDB. He also indicated the city’s immense
population density contributes indirectly to water logging. “Where will the waste and sewage of so
many people go?” he asked.

Why are urban areas drained?

(Extracted from Sustainable Urban Drainage System- best management practice for England,
Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland)

When rainfalls on to undeveloped land, most of the water will soak into the topsoil and slowly
migrate through the soil to the nearest watercourses or groundwater. A small proportion of the
rainfall – usually 15 to 20 per cent – becomes direct surface runoff that usually drains into
watercourses slowly because the ground surface is rough (e.g. because of vegetation). This means
that the effects of rainfall are spread out over a period of several hours. Even short, heavy storms
may have little on flow rates in the receiving waters because much of rainwater may be absorbed
into the ground.

When catchments are developed, the proportion of the land covered by impervious surface (roads,
parking areas, roofs, driveways and pavements) will increase, preventing the natural infiltration of
rainfall into the ground. Often the remaining open ground cannot accept water as rapidly as it did in
its natural state, because during construction topsoil is removed, compacted or mixed with low-
permeability subsoil. In developed catchments, direct runoff can increase to more than 80 percent
of the rainfall volume. At the same time, because paved surfaces may be less rough than natural
surfaces, water may travel over them faster and as a result runoff will reach the receiving
watercourses more quickly. The flow rates in the receiving waters are therefore much more
sensitive to rainfall intensity and volume than those in undeveloped catchments.

Before Urbanization After Urbanization

Figure-5.3 Characteristics of Runoff in Urban Area

Volume and rates of runoff both increase significantly after development. Peak flow rates can
increase by a factor of up to ten, which means that streams and rivers have to cope with larger and

Causes and Effects of Water Logging in Dhaka City, Bangladesh 29

Causes of Water Logging Chapter 06

often sudden runoff flows. It also means that drainage is needed to reduce flood risk within the
developed areas.

5.2.2 Waste Management System

“Waste management system is one of the important factors for water logging in Dhaka City,” said
82 per cent of the interviewers from different development organisations and inhabitants. The
increased congestion of the city area, the high population density and the rapid growth all around it
has made it impossible to clean the street and drains as fast as the waste thrown onto them.

Dhaka, with a population about 10 million, generates a massive quantity of waste everyday from
various sources. The major sources of solid waste in Dhaka are residences, streets, market places,
commercial establishment, and hospitals. Sources and characteristics of urban wastes in
Bangladesh are shown in Table- 5.5.

Table- 5.5 Sources and Characteristics of Urban Waste in Dhaka

Types of Solid waste Quantity (%)
Domestic 40-60
Commercial 5-2
Street Sweeping 20-30
Combustible 20-30
Non-combustible 30-40
Moisture 45-50

Source: Bangladesh Centre for Advanced Studies (BCAS), 2002.

Due to urban development, population growth, and consumption increase, the volume of solid
waste generation in Dhaka City increases every year. At present Dhaka City generates 3500-4000
tons solid waste per day, with a per capita generation of about 0.5 kg per day (N. M. Kazi, 2002).
The composition of solid waste varies according to location, standard of living, energy sources and
season. The quantity of waste generation increases during rainy season when many vegetables
and fruits, especially mango and jackfruit, are available. Solid waste in Dhaka mainly consists of
food, grass and plants, brick, dirt, paper and polythene materials (Table- 6.6).

Table- 5.6 Composition of Solid Waste in Dhaka City

Materials Quantity (%)
Residential Areas Commercial Areas
Food Waste (Organic) 84.37 79.49
Paper/cardboard 5.68 7.22
Textiles 1.83 1.59
Plastics 1.74 1.48
Glass/metals and construction debris 6.38 10.22

Source: Bangladesh Center for Advanced Studies (BCAS), 2002.

The density of solid waste depends on its organic and inorganic content. Density values in India
and other developing countries range from 300 to 600 kg/m3. In Singapore it is as low as 175
kg/m3, while in Katmandu and Dhaka measurements of 600 kg/m3 have been reported. The
worldwide range of solid waste generation is 250 to 1000 grams per capita per day and the density
varies from 100 to 600 kg/m3 (N. M. Kazi, 2002).

Causes and Effect of Water Logging in Dhaka City, Bangladesh 30

Khondoker Golam Tawhid TRITA-LWR Master Thesis

In Bangladesh, solid waste management is entrusted with the local government bodies. The
responsibility of removing Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) and disposing of it lies with the City
Corporation. According to the Dhaka City Corporation Ordinance 1983, collection and disposal of solid
waste in the DCC area of 360 sq. km is the responsibility of the conservancy department headed by
Chief Conservancy Officer. The Ordinance has a provision for removal of refuses from all public
streets, public latrines, urinal drains, and
dustbins and for collection,
transportation, disposal and treatment of
such refuse. Among the 12 executive
department of DCC, Conservancy is
responsible for solid waste management
including cleaning of streets and drains.
Picture-5.2 illustrates that liter covers a
stretch of Fakirapool Bazar Road,
threatening to chock the sewerage
system. But DCC appears indifferent to
lax cleanliness.

Picture-5.2 Disposal of Garbage on to Streets that is threatened to Drainage Systems

Waste generation

4750 tons/day

140 t/day
Discharge by citizen
By waste pickers

By waste pickers
Dustbins or
Containers Roadsides, drains
and/or open spaces
or illegal dumping
2400 t/day

Collection &
Recycled transport by DCC
290 t/day

Final disposal at
Mirpur etc.
380 t/day

Final disposal
at Matualil
1540 t/day

Figure: 5.4 Solid Waste Streams in Dhaka City (Source: DCC, 2002)

Causes and Effects of Water Logging in Dhaka City, Bangladesh 31

Causes of Water Logging Chapter 06

Moreover, due to resource constraints, lack of available dustbins, shortage of funding, due to
almost no direct user charges as well as in sufficient subsidies, and other institutional constrains,
DCC in general has not been able to effectively collect and dispose off the waste properly. Most of
the waste is visible on the streets and in the drains and there is almost no sanitary landfill or any
other facilities like incineration. About 400 tons out of average 3,500 tons of solid waste, generated
in the city everyday, remains on the roads, open spaces and in drains (Raziur Rahman, 2003). So
the streets remain unclean after daily
sweeping and the drainage ditches and
channels get blocked due to unwanted
waste throwing. Rainwater also washed
away these wastes and blockage the
surface drains which hampers the natural
flow of storm water and creates water
logging in different place of the city.
Therefore, in most of the area in Dhaka
City, solid waste has become a serious
problem with health and hygiene
consequences for city dwellers. Picture-5.3
illustrates that people are used to dispose
off solid waste on to the road that remains
for a long time due to lack of dustbins.
Picture-5.3 Disposal of Solid Waste on to the
Roads due to Resource Constraints

The nature of solid waste is changing over time and with development. Of the solid wastes plastic
and polyethylene goods also causes problems towards human health, environment and drainage
system. These goods are cheaply and easily available in the markets. The users do not care to
reuse them. They rather throw these things out of the door and window. An Inception Report on
Control and Management of Polyethylene bags in Bangladesh shows that people of Dhaka City
alone used 600 million bags a day. During rain, the storm water did not drain quickly, as one of the
major reasons was due to polyethylene in the draining system.

A report named “Environment-Bangladesh: Polybags Add to Flood Woes” shows that water logging
persists over a 70 sq. km area in the eastern and southern part of Dhaka City in September 2002.
Mohammad Hanif, former City Mayor said, “Indiscriminate dumping of polythene bags has been
creating serious environmental hazards and water logging because this insoluble object is choking
the drainage system and causing overflow of filthy sewerage water” (Tabibul Islam, 2003).

Considering the water logging and its consequences, there was a growing demand for a total ban
on the manufacture of polyethylene bags already under attack for being environmentally
hazardous. However, due to effective regulation for banning the polyethylene bags in 2002, this
problem has been overcome. But some industries are still manufacturing polyethylene bags and it
is still one of the problems for water logging in Dhaka City as it is not biodegradable, natural
process cannot decompose it, and remains intact in soil.

5.2.3. Encroachment
Encroachment of natural drainage system is a common practice in Bangladesh. Most of the natural
drainages of Dhaka City disappeared or are in way to lose their existence due to illegal
encroachment. According to 76 per cent of respondents, encroachment on the rivers and
khals/drains through unauthorized construction and solid waste, and the lack of regulations to
prevent encroachments making the drain ineffective to drain out the run off.

Causes and Effect of Water Logging in Dhaka City, Bangladesh 32

Khondoker Golam Tawhid TRITA-LWR Master Thesis

Dhaka Metropolitan City is bounded by Tongi Khal on the North, the Turag and the Buriganga
rivers on the West and as the Balu River on the East (Figure-3.1). A good number of Khals criss-
crossing the city, have some of their out falls in these rivers and are playing a very significant role
in the drainage of the city area. During 60s, there were around 50 khals in Dhaka City and their
length was 256 km. But due to the encroachment, presently there are only 26 and their length is
125 (The Daily Inqilab, August 9 2004) (Figure-2.5 and 2.6). Picture-5.4 shows the sign of illegal
encroachment on Gulshan Lake. Thus the natural drainage system of Dhaka City is losing their

Picture-5.4 Illegal Encroachment on Lake and Khals in Dhaka City

The filling-up of vast areas in Ashulia, Banashree, Aftabnagar, Meradia, Baunia, Badda, Amin
Bazar and Hatirjheel, known as water catchments,
increased the hazards of water logging that
swamped much of the city. The Dhaka Master Plan
has clearly marked these areas for flood retention
and the Wetland Conservation Act, 2000 bars land
development in water bodies. According to the
Conservation Act, no one has the right to develop
wetlands, flood flow zones or catchments. But the
developers and land owners have occupied and
filled the areas. Picture-5.5 illustrates that a
developer filled-up the low land for the development
of housing that is clearly marked as flood flow zone

Picture-5.5 Low Lands and Flood Flow Zones are Filling-up rapidly for Housing

A significant increase in the amount of impervious surface in these watersheds has taken place due to
expansion of the Dhaka Metropolitan area over the last few decades. Due to rapid urbanization with
unplanned construction, most of these khals have been encroached, filled up, diverted and caused
obstruction to the smooth flow of water to the out fall rivers. The Bangladesh Inland Water
Transport Authority (BIWTA) identified in May 2001, 204 illegal structures built on both banks of the
river. In July 2001, BIWTA prepared a new list of 309 illegal establishments. However,
environmental activists assert that the illegal structures may be as high as 5,000. Picture-5.6
illustrates some illegal encroachment on Buriganga River that is reducing carrying capacity of
natural drainage system in Dhaka City.

Causes and Effects of Water Logging in Dhaka City, Bangladesh 33

Causes of Water Logging Chapter 06

Picture-5.6 Encroachment on Natural Drainage System through Illegal Activities

However, no attempts have been taken to increase the carrying capacity of these rivers to
accommodate for the Basin Development Factor (BDF). On the contrary, the internal drainage system
consisting of tributaries to Buriganga and Sitalakha Rivers has been diminished due to encroachment
and unplanned land use practices. For instance, it is apparent from topographic maps that Dhanmondi
Lake and Baridhara Lake are remnants of tributaries of Buriganga-Sitalakha Rivers. Also, filling up of
Dholaikhal channel has reduced the runoff capacity from Dhaka City. Consequently, the lack of an
efficient storm sewer system in Dhaka City contributes to the reduction of water carrying capacity,
creating severe water-logging in the city every year during monsoon incurring huge loss in terms of
damage to roads, business, etc.

Vehicles of DCC remove around

3000 tons of solid waste everyday
and carry those to its dumping
grounds. These dumping grounds are
located in open spaces, low-lands
and river banks creating
encroachment to the rivers and
drainage systems contributing to air
and water pollution in the areas in the
immediate vicinity of Dhaka city.
Picture-5.7 illustrates that DCC used
to dump waste on the bank of
Buriganga River that is also
encroaching the natural drainage
system a polluting the water.

Picture-7.7 Encroachment on Natural Drainage System through Waste Dumping

5.3 Topography
According to the discussion with experts and local people, 46 per cent blamed the topographic
condition of Dhaka City is responsible for water logging. The elevation of Greater Dhaka is 2 to 13
meters above the mean sea level (msl) and most of the urbanized areas are at elevation of 6 to 8
meters above the msl. The land area above 8 meters msl covers about 20 square kilometers. The
land ranging from 6 to 8 meters msl covers 75 square kilometers while 170 square kilometers of
Greater Dhaka is below 6 meters (JICA, 1991). Figure-5.4 shows the typical digital elevation model
in Shegunbagicha khal catchments that is very much responsible for water logging Dhaka City.

Causes and Effect of Water Logging in Dhaka City, Bangladesh 34

Khondoker Golam Tawhid TRITA-LWR Master Thesis

Due to such topographic

condition, the rainwater cannot
smoothly discharge to the lakes,
khals, retention areas and
surrounding rivers and the
accumulated runoff remains
stagnant in low laying areas
inside the city and creates
severe water logging problem.
Beside, people have a tendency
to develop the residential,
commercial and industrial areas
comparatively in higher ground
to save them from water logging
or flooding. Therefore, the more
affluent members of society
flood-proof their development
through raising the ground level.
Figure-5.5 Digital Elevation Map of Dhaka City

But the low-income group and the existing road networks remains low in the city, which receives
the rainwater from the surrounding areas due to insufficient storm drainage and leads to the water
logging problem.

5.4 Capacities and Gravity of Drainage System

The reason of long lasting water logging situation in the city area is owing to inadequate drainage
capacity, meaning of small pipe and inappropriate lining of pipe. Absence of adequate roadside
drains, lack of enough inlets to the secondary drains to carry storm water and outlet to the receiving
water bodies and natural drains (Figure-3.2) helps in creating drainage congestion according to 67
per cent respondents.

Dhaka City has an area of 360 square kilometers and storm sewage pipes runs only for 210
kilometers having diameters ranging between 450 to 3000 mm. The city has box culverts running
for 7 kilometers with sizes between 2.5 m X 3.4 m to 6 m X 4.1 m. underground and surface drains
cover 1100 kilometers and 22 open canals runs for 60 kilometers having width of 10 to 30 m (JICA,
1991; The New Nation).

But the existing drainage system is not capable to drain out the storm water of Dhaka City during
the rainy season (May to October) having average rainfall of 304 mm, 267 mm, 262 mm and 231
mm in the year of 2000, 2001, 2002, and 2003 respectively (BMD, 2003). Experts say the city’s
drains have the capacity of draining out 10 to 15 mm of rain water per hour and that’s why the
drains overflow when its rain heavily. A WASA official, speaking on condition of anonymity, admits
that underground drainage is far from adequate in the capital city. The network needs to be
expanded by another 40 per cent; he says adding that the drains should be properly linked through
a scientific networking.

The storm water of Dhaka City is discharged to the surrounding rivers as already mentioned. As
the city is protected from river flooding by an encircled embankment, the water level of the
surrounding rivers remains higher than internal drainage level during the monsoon (May to
October). As a result, the drainage system of the city is under the influence of backwater effect and
depends very much on the water levels of the peripheral river system. Consequently, the flow
velocity in storm water sewers and drainage channels remains very slow for several days when a
flood wave passes through the surrounding rivers.

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Excessive rainfall during the 1998 caused short duration flooding in different areas of Dhaka City.
The runoff generated by rainfall could not flow to the surrounding rivers since the river stage was
higher than the inside flowing therefore the accumulated runoff in low-lying areas remained
stagnant until the river stage receded. Extensive water logging occurred in Dhaka West during the
flood due to a higher river water stage in the surrounding rivers.

As the answer on question about the causes of devastating water logging in Dhaka City in
September 2004, S.M. Wahed, a former Chairman of DWASA, said the flood protection
embankment from Sadarghat to Gabtoli blocks the cities drainage system, obstructing the normal
of storm water and sewage line in the city. “While rain water has already receded from almost all
the parts of the country, some areas of Dhaka City still remain inundated, which proves that this
water has no outlet”, pointed out Professor Firoz Ahmed, Acting Chairman of Dhaka WASA.

5.5 Operational Performance and Maintenance of Drainage Systems

“Poor performance of operation and maintenance of drainage system is responsible for water
logging,” blamed 80 per cent of the sufferers. Many problems associated with the operation of
storm water drainage systems are linked to water logging in Dhaka City. Iinadequate maintenance
of existing natural drains due to lack of comprehensive and planned maintenance program,
equipments, adequate budget, staffing, proper monitoring program and institutional set up to
effectively operate and maintain the drainage network. Poor solid waste management is the main
problem to maintain the storm water drainage. Municipal agencies (DCC in Dhaka City area)
responsible for solid waste management lack sufficient resources and equipment for drain
cleaning. “The existing manpower in not sufficient for the DCC to conduct the cleaning drive at a
faster pace as four-day downpour in September, 2004 threatened prolong the misery of Dhaka
residents as the heaviest rain in more than half a century,” said Shah Alam, Deputy Chief
Conservancy Officer of DCC. “The Corporation has 7156 cleaners for its 82 wards. Each cleaner
has to work overtime as tons of dirt and garbage is found with the recession of rain water”, he
added. Says Prof. Nazrul Islam at Dhaka University’s Geography and Environment Department:
“The drains are too narrow to allow workers to go inside.” There is often poor communication and
co-ordination between the different urban authorities responsible for operating and maintaining the
various components of the drainage network.

Usually, pumping stations are used to pump out the storm water from inner side of the encircle
embankment of Dhaka City. But there are only two storm water pumping stations, of capacity of 9.6
m3/s and 10 m3/s located at Narinda and Kallyanpur respectively. Recently DCC has constructed
one storm-water pumping station, having capacity of 22 m3/s
at the confluence of river Buriganga and Dholai khal. Dhaka
WASA has the responsibility for operation and maintenance
of these pumping stations. These are very much in sufficient
in respect of demand for timely pumping out the storm water.
Therefore, WASA has to installed lot of temporary pumping
station during the monsoon. To drain out the stagnant water
inside the embankment due to the heaviest rainfall in
September 2004, DWASA has installed more than 100 small
pumps temporarily with individual capacities of 0.142 cubic
meters per second. But it took more than two weeks to make
Dhaka City free from water logging (The Daily Star,
September 30, 2004). Picture-7.8 shows the storm water
drain transformed virtually a garbage dump in Banani. Lack of
cleanliness is the major causes for water logging in this area.

Picture-5.8 Inefficient Drainage Management System in Dhaka City

Causes and Effect of Water Logging in Dhaka City, Bangladesh 36

Khondoker Golam Tawhid TRITA-LWR Master Thesis

5.6 Development Work during Rainy Season

Development works like construction of roads, sewerage, underground telephone and electricity
lines etc. during rainy season are very common practice in Dhaka City as well as in Bangladesh.
Some officials of DWASA and DCC says that the development budget is the main reason for such
tendency as it is passed in June month and the authorities has to start the development works
depending on the budget. “But without putting a dependable drainage network and co-ordination
with the concerned authorities, they go for frequent digging and sometimes are forced to cut roads
and drains,” says the officials. These
activities create unwanted obstacles into
the drainage networks and hamper the
smooth flow of storm water, therefore
create water logging in the city area. 40
per cent respondent agreed that it is
possible to reduce the water logging
situation, if the development works during
rainy season can be stopped. Picture-5.9
illustrates that a development authority of
Dhaka City constructing sewerage line
during rainy season that creates obstacle
to drain out storm water.

Picture-5.9 Development Work during Rainy Season Leads to Water Logging

The population growth of over crowded Dhaka City divides

the limited land into very small plots. Most of the people are
bound to construct the buildings covering the whole plots
and sometimes without following the building by-laws.
Therefore, they used to storage the building construction
materials like bricks, rods, sands, stones etc. beside the
nearby roads due to lack of enough space in and around the
plots. This construction materials blockage the surface
drains directly and or sometimes washed out by the rainfall.
37 per cent respondents mentioned this causes, which
contributes to the water logging in Dhaka City. Picture-5.10
illustrates that the workers of DCC are cleaning up the
surface storm water drains that was blocked due to storage
of construction materials.

Picture-5.10 Blockage of Surface Drainage through Storage of Construction Materials

5.7 Siltation
57 per cent respondent mentioned siltation in natural drainage system as a problem for water
logging. Rain water carry out different construction materials like bricks, sands, and stones; leaves;
household wastes; street sweepings etc. therefore increased impervious surface of storm water
drainage and created favourable condition for water logging by reducing the runoff capacity of the
drainage system. A significant siltation in the khals and rivers in and around Dhaka City has taken
place due to expansion of the Dhaka Metropolitan area over the last few decades. The flood control
embankment and sluice gate across the rivers and canals has created siltation problem as riverbed
has been raised and reduced the carrying capacity. Many residents of old part of the city have blamed

Causes and Effects of Water Logging in Dhaka City, Bangladesh 37

Causes of Water Logging Chapter 06

that a number of sluice gates operated by WASA and these

gates are causing siltation in rivers and water logging in those
areas. Following picture (Picture-5.11) illustrates that one of
main natural drainage system of Dhaka City (Begunbari Khal)
lost its runoff capacity and increased impervious area due to

Picture-5.11 Siltation in Natural Drainage System

5.8 Lack of Public Awareness and Education

In general, most people of Bangladesh are poor and illiterate. There is serious lacking of public
awareness about the necessity of natural drainage. People don’t understand the effect of drainage
blocking and filling of natural drainage, low lands, wetlands etc. Therefore, they don’t hesitate to
throw solid waste on to the roads and drains and their poverty encourage them to fill the natural
water bodies as well as destroy the ecological habitats. Not only the general people but also the
Government Authority sometimes occupies the wet lands, retention areas, khals etc to save the
cost of land acquisition for developments works like roads and so on. Thus, lack of public
awareness and education contributing the water logging problem in Dhaka City. According to 45
per cent respondents, through public awareness and education programs, it is possible to maintain
the drainage systems properly, therefore, reduce the water logging problem and improve the
environmental situation.

5.9 Lack of Policy Guidelines and its Implementation

Lack of regulation; weakness in the existing regulations for development control, waste disposal,
encroachment; negligence of the authorities for its implementation; and poor motivation and
communal awareness to make the users responsible against clogging of the drains and
encroachment of low lands, wetlands, khals and rivers by individuals are the major reasons for
failure of urban authority to preserve the right of way over the existing natural drainage channels.
On the other hand, the laws and regulations for planning and development of Dhaka City are very
old and in most cases outdated in terms of present development, control and needs (Islam, 2001).
60 per cent of the respondents blamed to the concerned authorities that are unable to enforce the
regulation for development control and illegal activities. For example, The Dhaka Master Plan has
clearly marked and reserved 12 per cent of areas for flood retention. According to the Wetland
Conservation Act, 2000, no one has the right to develop wetlands, flood flow zones or catchments.
But the developers and land owners have occupied and filled the areas. Therefore, the
environmental situation of Dhaka City is deteriorating day-by-day and becoming threatened for the
survival of its habitats.

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Chapter 06
Effects of Water Logging

6.1 Introduction
Urban runoff causes problems. These become obvious when a constructed drainage system fails.
Urbanization disrupts natural drainage patterns; natural watercourses are destroyed; natural
retention of runoff by plants and soil is removed and the creation of impervious surfaces increases
the amount of runoff. This runoff becomes polluted as solid waste, silt and contaminants are
washed off roads. The increase in volume and rate of runoff causes erosion and siltation.
Therefore, it becomes a burden for the inhabitants of the city, leading to water logging and creating
adviser social, physical, economical as well as environmental impacts.

A field survey as questionnaire survey, informal interview and open discussion has been conducted
with inhabitants of Dhaka City to know the problem faces due to water logging. The total sample
was 100 in different parts of the city including authorities of different concerned organizations,
experts and general people and their summarized opinions about the problem faces due to water
logging are as follows (Table-6.1).

Table- 6.1 Types of Problems Faced due to Water Logging in Dhaka City

Problems Percentage
Disruption of traffic movement 88
Disruption of normal life 93
Damage of roads 70
Damage of katcha houses 77
Damage of substructure of the pucca houses 62
Damage of household goods 65
Damage of underground service lines 56
Water pollution 95
Water born diseases 84
Increase mosquito 88
Damage of trees and vegetation 48
Increase of construction and maintenance cost 58
Death of fish 55

Source: Field survey, 2003-04

6.2 Associated Problems of Water Logging

The associated problems due to water logging and its chain effects on human life are as follows:

Causes and Effects of Water Logging in Dhaka City, Bangladesh 39

Effects of Water Logging Chapter 06

6.2.1 Social Problem

Disruption of Traffic Movement

Disruption of traffic movement is an important identified impact according to 88 per cent of
interviewers, which arises due to the traditional water logging problem. Normal traffic movement is
hampered during rainfall over 25 mm, creating traffic jam in the city area and people lose their
valuable time. Where the storm water cannot drain out, puddles will form. This is not just
inconvenience for pedestrians but also dangerous for road users. Following pictures (Picture-6.1)
illustrates that the heavy rainfall in September 2004 disrupted traffic movement in Motijheel area.

Picture-6.1 Disruption of Traffic Movement due to Water Logging in September 2004

Disruption of Normal Life

Water logging seriously disrupts normal life and it has direct impacts on the poor, as they often live
on unsuitable, low-lying and flood prone or steep, and unstable sites, have high-density housing
(increasing the impermeability of the ground), poor urban planning and control and lack of
investment in urban infrastructure. 93 per cent inhabitants (according to field survey) mentioned
that water logging hamper daily life of the city dwellers. The more affluent members of society have
the option to move to less flood prone or less polluted areas or flood-proof their homes, e.g.
through raising the ground level. But the poor bear the brunt of bad drainage, through direct flood
damage, pollution of water supplies and the aquatic environment, the breeding of vectors and soil
erosion, leading to direct financial costs, loss of income potential, as the home may also be the
workplace, and adverse health impacts. Sometimes, they don’t have access to potable water and
so had to rely on surface or shallow groundwater sources that are polluted. Picture-6.2 illustrates
an example that the heavy down pour disrupt the daily life of the city in different places in Dhaka.

Picture-6.2 Stagnant Water due to Heavy Down Pour Disrupt the Normal Life of Dhaka City

Causes and Effect of Water Logging in Dhaka City, Bangladesh 40

Khondoker Golam Tawhid TRITA-LWR Master Thesis

An article named ”Water logging in city” by Shaila Yeasmin published on August 14, 2002 in
reader’s forum of The New Nation (Bangladesh’s Independent News Source) can be a practical
example for disruption of traffic movement and normal life.

On a rainy day, Molly was riding an auto rickshaw to take part in her Higher Secondary Certificate
(HSC) final exam. Escorted by her mother, she was travelling from her Rampura house to the
exam centre Siddhershwari. By the time they reached Malibagh railway crossing and the streets
were flooded and clogged with traffic. Their auto rickshaw was negotiating through the flooded
streets. Molly and her mother were both worried. Their worst fear came true when the three-
wheeler finally lost control and overturned on them. Molly was badly injured before passengers-by
rescued them. The injury, a broken hand, confined Molly to bed for nearly a month and she was
forced to drop out from the tests.

”All my friends did well in the exam. I was doing fine until the accident,” says Molly blaming her
plight on the poor conditions of rampura-malibagh road. Molly has no hesitation to say that she
would not have suffered the accident had the road not been in such bad shape. Her family also
raised the finger of blame at the Dhaka City Corporation that has failed to keep the city roads in
good shape.

Thousands of commuters suffer badly because of poor road conditions in the city. Molly has broken
her hand. Here is one of the few known cases. Many like her suffered even though they may not
have broken their legs or hands. Whenever it rains in this city of more than 10 million people, many
streets become ponds and even lakes of water. Mud and trashes compound the miseries of the
commuters. Not only the rain water, the streets also get swamped with wasters gushing out from
leaked or overflowing gutters and sewage pipes.

6.2.2 Physical Problems

Damage of Infrastructure
Water logging of the ground contributes to ground heave, subsidence, dampness and other
damage of property. Water logging causes the damage to roads (both pucca and katcha) in the
rainy season every year leading to the movement problem and interrupts the journey and 70 per
cent respondents mentioned such problem. On the other hand, 56 per cent mentioned that
metalloid pipes of various underground utility services such as water, telephone, sewerage etc. are
damaged and they lose their longevity due to water logging. Picture-6.3 illustrates that traffic
negotiates pothole-strew road in Banani area as rainwater have left roads in the capital severely

Picture-6.3 Damage of Roads in Dhaka City due to Water Logging

Causes and Effects of Water Logging in Dhaka City, Bangladesh 41

Effects of Water Logging Chapter 06

Damage of Structures
The substructure of the pucca houses in the low laying areas remains underwater due to water
logging. The brick foundations losses its longevity by being affected with corrosive effect of salinity
and damping is the aftereffect, said 62 per cent respondents. At the same time 77 per cent people
faces the problem of damage of katcha houses. In slums and low income areas, most of the people
are used to live in katcha and vulnerable houses. These houses become badly damaged during the
period of water logging. Water
enters into houses and the floor
and walls remain wetted for a
long period. Sometimes they
can’t live in the houses and had
to shift their living areas, which
again creates an economic
burden for the poor people. This
water logging decreases the
longevity of katcha houses.
Following picture (Picture-6.4)
shows that the wall of Ramna
Park in Dhaka City burst in
September 2004 as the worst
cloudburst in decades continued
to wreak havoc for the fifth day.
Picture-6.4 Water Logging due to Heavy Rainfall in Dhaka
city Damage Structure

6.2.3 Environmental Impact

Water Pollution
Theoretically, Dhaka WASA maintains two separate sewer systems: one for domestic wastewater
and another for storm water. However, in reality storm sewers also receive domestic wastewater,
which causes unwanted deterioration of the storm
water discharges. These discharges in turn
pollute the receiving water bodies including the
lakes, rivers and detention areas. According to
survey, 95 per cent inhabitants said that storm
water of Dhaka City becomes polluted as it is mix
with solid waste, clinical waste, silt, contaminants,
domestic waste water and other human activities,
which contaminated ground water as well as the
receiving water bodies.

Picture-6.5 Pollution of Water Mixing with Solid Waste, Clinical Waste and Toxic Sewage

Causes and Effect of Water Logging in Dhaka City, Bangladesh 42

Khondoker Golam Tawhid TRITA-LWR Master Thesis

Above picture (Picture-6.5) illustrates that storm water of Dhanmondi Lake mixed with solid waste,
clinical waste, silt contamination etc. (left), and a woman balance herself to cross the stagnant
water in Mugdapara, where the raw toxic sewage mixed with storm water posses grave health
hazard to residence of the neighborhood (right). Storm water in Dhaka city is polluted in several
ways. One of the major concerns is the contribution of domestic wastewater to the storm flows, and
subsequent addition of pollutant loads to the receiving water bodies. Other causes of relatively high
level of pollution in storm water include dumping of wastes beside the road, near the receiving
water bodies and open surface drains. Apart from hampering the drainage, these wastes cause
significant increase in the level of pollution in storm water.

In 1998, Institute of Flood Control and Drainage Research (IFCDR), presently named Institute of
Water and Flood Management (IWFM), conducted a study named “Dhaka City Storm Water Quality
Assessment”. From the laboratory analysis of samples, the pH values found to vary from 7.1 to 7.8.
Relatively high BOD5 maximum values during individual storm (96.1 to 142.6 mg/L) were found in
the sewer flow in the different locations of Dhaka City. Maximum concentrations of total solids and
total dissolved solids were found to be 640 to 3643 mg/L respectively. The nitrate and nitrite
maximum concentrations were found to be 6.0 to 12.0 mg/L and 1.1 to 2.1 mg/L respectively. On
the basis of water samples collected during several rainfall events, the Event Mean Concentration
(MEC) values of BOD5, NO3 + NO2 and TS were determined for catchments of commercial land
use. Total coliform counts in samples collected from several locations were found to relatively high
(1.20 x 104 to 1.96 x 108 per 100 mL). Among different land uses, coliform counts were found to be
higher in residential areas.

Deposited sediment contained various materials other than soil. Open surface drains contained
higher percentages of deposited materials other than soil. Samples collected from the residential
areas had higher percentages of coarser particles compared with the samples from the commercial
areas. The D5 values of the samples varied from 0.20 to 0.28 mm in commercial areas and from
0.43 to 0.63 mm in residential areas.

Storm water generated from the catchments areas carry significant amount of pollutants. The level
of pollution in the storm water and in the receiving water bodies is generally a matter of concern.
Different survey reports in different periods shows that the water of lakes and rivers (Buriganga,
Turag, Dhaleshwari, Balu, and Narai rivers-the receiving water bodies of storm water) flowing in
and around the greater Dhaka is completely polluted. The reports concluded that the water of these
rivers posed a serious threat to public life and is unfit for human use.

Increase of Water Born Diseases

In urban areas, the most adverse impact of water logging is incidents and prevalence of various
diseases. 84 per cent of the respondent replied that stagnant storm water increases the diseases
as it becomes polluted in different ways. In poorly drained areas, urban runoff mixes with sewage
from overflowing latrines and sewers, causing pollution and a wide range of problems associated
with waterborne diseases. Sometimes, the poor people had to rely on surface or shallow
groundwater sources that are polluted, as they don’t have access to portable water during the
period of monsoon. Malaria, dhong fever, respiratory problems, eye and skin disease are the worst
impacts in Dhaka City. Moreover, contamination of ground water also leads to such adverse health
impacts. Says Prof. M. A. Wadud, a skin specialist at Dhaka Medical College Hospital, “Dirty and
polluted water causes skin diseases, rashes and sometimes can disrupt blood transmission within
the body”.

On the other hand, solid waste blocks the drainage system and creates flooding in the streets
resulting in increases mosquitoes, bad odor, and inconvenience. Dhaka with its geographical and
climatic conditions is prone to flooding; hence solid waste, industrial waste, tanning waste as well
as clinical waste in the streets and drains multiplies the health impacts and miseries. Most of the

Causes and Effects of Water Logging in Dhaka City, Bangladesh 43

Effects of Water Logging Chapter 06

child mortality is related with this problem, as contaminated ground water and malaria are the major
causes for this mortality.

Breeding Site of Mosquito

Poor drainage of rainwater leads to the creation of breeding sites for disease vectors. Where the
water forms stagnant pools, it becomes a hazard to health and or breeding site for mosquitoes as
well as being unsightly and foul smelling (Picture-6.6). Flooded septic tanks and leach pits also
provide breeding sites for mosquitoes and faecally contaminated wet soils provide ideal conditions
for the spread of intestinal worm infections. “Dhaka City is suffering a lot from tremendous increase
of mosquitoes and its associated diseases vectors, which is the ultimate result of water logging”
says 88 per cent of the interviewers. Among the diseases associated with mosquito, dengue is the
main and it spreads by special mosquitoes named ”Aedes”. Entomologists say the population of
aedes mosquito, carrier of dengue virus, increases with excessive rainfall and its result of water
logging, which fuels the breeding of aedes. Dengue that breaks out in May and rages full-blown in
the rainy season is a major threat to public health. The city has marshy areas measuring over 2000
acres and water logging occurred in these areas, especially in the low-laying localities. The
residents of these places are highly vulnerable to the day-and-night incursion of a rapidly growing
mosquito infestation (The Daily Star, August 5, 2004). According to the control room at the health
department, the deadly out breaks of dengue in August 2002 infected and hospitalized about
12000 people and killed 193 people (Daily Star, April, 2004). Following table shows the prevalence
of dengue diseases in Dhaka City, August 2002.

Picture-6.6 Stagnant Storm Water as Breeding Site of Mosquitoes

Table- 6.2 Results of Dengue Diseases from 7 to 13 August 2002 in Dhaka City

Date Total infection Death

07 August 1227 16
08 August 1299 17
09 August 1361 18
10 August 1445 22
11 August 1494 23
12 August 1576 23
13 August 1863 25

Source: Daily Star, 14th August, 2002

Causes and Effect of Water Logging in Dhaka City, Bangladesh 44

Khondoker Golam Tawhid TRITA-LWR Master Thesis

Apart from the vector of dengue, Aedes mosquito, Culex mosquitoes have also increased because
of stagnant rain water occurred in 11th to 15th September, 2004, turned the city into a virtual
mosquito-breeding ground. DCC stopped spraying insecticide and a huge volume of rain water
forced the DCC to suspend its anti-mosquito drive.

”Mosquitoes bite not only at night, but in the days as well,” said a Basabo resident, adding ”We
can’t go out because of filthy rain waters, nor can we stay at home because of the mosquito

The deadly dengue forced at least 300 people in the city’s hospitals and clinics for treatment and
killed 9 between September 16 and 25, 2004. As many as 1540 people got dengue during 2004,
according to the Health Directorate Control Room.

Damage of Vegetation and Reduce Aquatic Habitats

Water logging is the after effect of improper drainage management. Stagnant water for a long time
and continuous release of wastewater damages the trees and vegetation in and around the city
areas. Litter, sediment build-up and oil sheens on the water surface are common visible effects of
urban pollution on surface water, which result in a reduction in the numbers of aquatic plants and
animals. The increased flows resulted from traditional drainage systems cause streams to scour
deeper and wider channels, adversely affecting aquatic habitats. Eroded sediments are deposited
downstream in slower moving reaches of the river, damaging aquatic habitats in these areas and
increasing sedimentation in wetlands.

The International Center for Diarrhea Disease Research, Bangladesh (ICDDRB) tested a sample of
storm water from the natural drainage system. The results show the level of free carbon dioxide at
2.91, up from standard level of 0.6 and conductivity at 259 Micro S/cm, down from the acceptable
limit between 800 and 1000 Micro S/cm for fishing water.

High concentration of free carbon dioxide is harmful not only to fish but to flora and fauna as well.

6.2.4 Economic Problem

Increase of Construction and Maintenance Cost

Urban drainage system is decreasing day by day due to uncontrolled rapid urbanization and water
logging is the ultimate effect of not only the physical, social and environmental problem, it is an
economic burden as well. Water logging increases the construction and maintenance cost, replied
58 per cent of the respondents. As it is mentioned earlier that water logging reduces the life span
and damage to roads (both pucca and katcha) and metalloid pipes of various underground utility
services such as water, telephone, sewerage etc. It needs a huge cost to replace these facilities
and increases the maintenance cost for the authority. According to The Daily Inqilab, August 9,
2004, the City authority had to spend about Taka 7 to 8 billions every year to replace and maintain
infrastructures damaged by water logging. DCC, the city father estimated that they need 160 billion
Taka need to repair the roads and intersections damaged by the recent flood and deadly rainfall in
September 2004 (DCC, 2004). Damage to substructure, brick foundations, katcha houses in slums
and low-income areas due to water logging means the huge economic losses for the inhabitants.

Shortage of Water
Water logging due to the increase of impermeable urban areas also leads to a lowering of the
ground water table under a construction site by reducing the surface water recharged to the
ground. This has not only environmental impact but also economic impacts, as it contributes to
water shortage, and cause soil subsidence and consolidation problems.

Causes and Effects of Water Logging in Dhaka City, Bangladesh 45

Effects of Water Logging Chapter 06

Loss of Income Potential

Sometimes, water enters into houses and the floor and wall remains wetted for a long period and it
damages the household goods, stored food grains etc. and 65 per cent respondents mentioned
such impact of water logging. The effects of water logging also leads to direct financial costs, loss
of income potential, as the poor people may use their home for workplace. Water logging hamper
traffic movements; therefore, creates an obstacle for communication and timely supply of goods,
which means the loss of time, reduced production and economic losses. Picture-6.7 shows that a
fish trader pushing from the back to help the van-puller as the water logging make him delayed to
reach the market.

When a constructed drainage system fails to

evacuate the surface runoff, urban runoff
causes economic problems. Therefore
drainage overflow is common phenomena
during rainy season. Usually the ponds, ditch,
lakes, rivers in the city area are used for fish
culture. The toxic storm water due to mix up
with sewerage, solid waste, oils and trace
metals associated with motor vehicles
submerge the receiving water bodies and
cause a huge death of fish and the owners
lose incomes.

Picture-6.7 Water Logging Creates obstacle to

Timely Supply of Goods

Due the heavy rainfall in September 2004, business and economic activities virtually came to a
standstill in Dhaka as most of the business centers including Motijheel commercial hub were
inundated by incessant rains in 12th and 13th of the month (Picture-6.8). Meteorological department
measured a record 315mm rainfall in Dhaka city in these 48 hours. The overnight downpour forced
trade suspension at Dhaka Stock Exchange (DSE). The non-stop rain also dampened banking
activities especially in Motijheel where rain water entered many ground floor bank branches. An
official of the prime bank said most of the client could not come to Motijheel due to knee-deep
water that swamped the entire commercial areas. Sources said that staff turnout in private banks
was good in contrast with the public banks where attendance was very thin and transaction was

Picture-6.8 Stagnant Water in Commercial Area Hampers the Income Potential

The swampy weather also disrupted production in garment factories as many workers could not
come to the factories wading through the inundated roads from their houses mostly located in the
city’s low lying areas. The torrential rains affected transactions in the wholesale and retail markets

Causes and Effect of Water Logging in Dhaka City, Bangladesh 46

Khondoker Golam Tawhid TRITA-LWR Master Thesis

in Dhaka. Shops on Nababpur road, the country’s largest machinery market, witnessed dull sales
with rainwater submerging the road. Sales in shopping malls and activities in other business
houses unusually low as people preferred staying home unless there were emergencies. The
inclement weather also affected aviation business as many flights especially in domestic routes
were delayed by one hour to two hours. Talking to the Daily star, Vice president of the federation of
Bangladesh chamber of commerce and industry Abul Kashem Haider said the incessant rain
disrupted business and manufacturing activities all over the country.

A report of Dhaka WASA shows that the water logging in September 2004, 250 schools and 681
garments were affected in Dhaka City and garments sector loss Taka 632 Billions. The damaged
road sector need Taka 12.8 Billions for reconstruction and Telephone sector need Taka 175
Millions to replace.

Causes and Effects of Water Logging in Dhaka City, Bangladesh 47

Khondoker Golam Tawhid TRITA-LWR Master Thesis

Chapter 07

7.1 Recommendations
Rapid population growth and its growing demand for housing in Dhaka City are encouraging the
real state business and private developers to grab and encroach of wetlands, low lands, water
bodies and natural drainage system for housing, roads and commercial activities. These unplanned
development activities are grossly violating the Dhaka Metropolitan Development Plan (DMDP) and
the Wetland Conservation Act. Due to such activities, the natural drainage pattern and flood
retention areas are destructed and creating the unprecedented water logging. Therefore, the
concerned authorities need to take appropriate measures immediately to overcome the situation.
Following steps of measures can help the authorities for comprehensive management of storm
water and minimize the suffering of the city dwellers from physical, social, economical and
environmental point of view.

7.1.1 Save Natural Drainage System and Water Bodies through Development Control
The chief of the Biodiversity Unit of the World Conservation Union (IUCN), Anisuzzaman Khan,
observes, “A densely populated city like Dhaka requires 25 per cent wetland for ecological balance
and sustainability of habitats. But Dhaka has less than 10 per cent wetland, which too is
threatened. He believes this is not only endangers the survival of the city, but also threatens the
livelihood of millions, especially the poor that depends on environment for survival. A wetland is not
a wasteland. A wetland gives us much more than money can buy.

There were a large number of lakes and khals in the city in the past like Dhanmondi Lake, Gulshan-
Baridhara Lake, Dholai khal, Begunbari khal, Segunbagicha khal etc. Some of these khals and lakes
are totally disappeared due to development activities. Many others have lost their actual widths and
are at the edge of death due to encroachment and waste disposal. Water bodies and flood retention
areas have been filled in the name of development.

Therefore, the concerned authority like RAJUK, DCC, DWASA, BWDB etc. should take the
appropriate measures immediately to solve water logging problem through the protection of
wetlands, low lands, natural canals, water bodies and rivers in and around the city area for its

• First of all, RAJUK will have to stop giving permission of constructing buildings on low lands
and wetlands.
• There should be a clear definition of the water body, which could be filled, or not.
• The DMDP should be followed for the development activities to take place.
• The flood retention areas, which are clearly marked in DMDP, should leave for its
respective uses.
• Many khals and lakes are still being retained with strict measure taken to maintain the natural
drainage system regularly to keep theme useable for drainage.
• The authority can apply laws and the Wetland Conservation Act as a legal instrument in
this regard and take action against the violators of the laws. The act should be amended if

Causes and Effect of Water Logging in Dhaka City, Bangladesh 48

Recommendations Chapter 07

7.1.2 Waste Management System

Local governments of both the developed and developing countries are concerned with the
environmental consequences of waste disposal. Until recently in the developing country like
Bangladesh the collection and disposal of solid waste was taken as one sided responsibility on the
part of the municipal authorities burdened with financial and management problems. The increased
congestion of the city area, the high population density and the rapid growth all around it has made
it impossible to clean the street and drains as fast as the waste thrown onto them. Away from the
other parts of the SWM system like transportation and disposal; the collection system is the primary
challenge for conservancy department.

But nowadays a participatory planning approach in a process through consultation, collaboration

and coordination among the stakeholders might become a reliable option for waste management to
overcome not only the water logging problem but also relieve from serious problem with health and
hygiene consequences.

Laws and Regulations Related to Waste Management:

There is no independent law in Bangladesh to address the problem of solid waste. The Municipal
Ordinance 1983 (amended in 1999) and the Bangladesh Environmental Conservation Act 1995 are
the legal foundations on solid waste management. This Ordinance is the only local law that gives
some idea on disposal of municipal waste. These foundations, however, do not cover the solid waste
operation comprehensively.

Therefore, a comprehensive new legislation for solid waste management is urgently needed, which
should cover,

• Collection and disposal of all categories of waste.

• Categorize all wastes in terms of danger to environment.
• Correct procedure in SWM, its enforcement and to ensure proper management.

Major Gaps and Barriers for Efficient Solid Waste Management:

• Institutional:
All activities of DCC are carried out under the appropriate Ordinance. Near about 3000
temporary cleaners have been appointed on daily basis. They do not have job security.
They work on the “no work – no pay basis”. This situation causes problems in the efficiency
of solid waste management. Cleaners’ should have job security with increased
remuneration. They should be given proper medical facilities and be provided with
protective measures like masks and gloves. Proper training is essential for the cleaners.
There should be strict action for negligence of duties by cleaners and sweepers.

The ordinance does not provide enough legal action against violators. As a result city
dwellers do not dispose of waste in designated places and even do not carry out the timely
disposal of waste in nearby bins. This area must be strengthened. For this purpose the
relevant sections or provisions of Ordinance should be amended. Stringent laws should be
enacted locally so that people are constrained from throwing solid waste here and there.

• Political:
No amendment in the ordinance is possible without passing it through the National
Parliament. The process of submitting this to the parliament is lengthy and difficult. It
involves a large number of ministries and departments. However, it is not impossible. If
problems in the ordinance can be put forward with sufficient logical arguments, the
government would help solve them as quickly as possible.

Causes and Effects of Water Logging in Dhaka City, Bangladesh 49

Khondoker Golam Tawhid TRITA-LWR Master Thesis

• Practical:
Dhaka is already a large city and expanding rapidly. Therefore, the massive quantity of
waste generation everyday is already threatened to the environment. But there is no
scientific and technological method for disposal of solid waste applied today. As a result,
large pieces of low land and water bodies are used for solid waste disposal, which
encroaching the natural water bodies and causing pressure as well as having a negative
impact on the environment. There should be consistent forward plan to manage solid
waste for the future. The solid waste management system of different countries, which are
successful in the world, can be followed.

• Financial:
DCC has very much shortfalls in SWM logistics and finance. So it needs financial and
logistic support from Government of Bangladesh and as well as from donor countries and

Community Based Waste Management

As mentioned earlier, DCC is entrusted with solid waste management in Dhaka City. But it is clear
that due to limited resources and organizational capacity, DCC is unable to ensure efficient and
appropriate delivery of solid waste collection and disposal services to the entire city population.
Therefore, community based waste management system can be a better alternative solution to
cope with the situation. People have started local initiatives on solid waste management in area like
Kalabagan, Kathalbagan, Shaymoli, Mirpur, Banani, and Uttara and they are very much a success
(N. M. Kazi). DCC should encourage community-based organizations and local Non Government
Organizations (NGOs) to organize and carry out community waste management programs (mainly
house to house collection and disposal at roadside bins) in all areas of the city. Moreover,

• Convenient local collection points and more efficient removal services should be provided.
• New dwelling should have at least one garbage collection room.
• DCC should remove solid waste from demountable containers regularly.
• Different waste disposal system like incineration should be introduced instead of covering
wetland and encroachment of water bodies as disposal areas.
• As the capacity of landfill area is coming to a saturation point in the near future, the materials
should be separated for recycling, thereby relieving the pressure on the landfill.
• A separate management system should be introduced for toxic and hazardous wastes.
• Existing community projects should be given a legal status.
• Public awareness should be raised. This could be done by DCC in collaboration with ward
commissioners and NGOs through local meetings, group discussion, and the mass media.
• DCC should concentrate on formulating policies for overall solid waste management, which
requires substantial funding and legislation.
• Coordination and cooperation among different divisions of DCC involved with the waste
management should be improved.

7.1.3 Drainage Capacity Adjustment

Following urbanization, it is necessary to adjust drainage capacity in the watershed to take into
account the “basin development factor (BDF)” in order to accommodate the extra runoff that results
due to urbanization. The amount of adjustment in the carrying capacity of natural streams following
urbanization depends on the degree of BDF. For an increase of the amount of impervious surface by
10% in a watershed, a 23% increase in the drainage capacity by dredging or deepening of streams is
suggested by Sauer et al. (1983).

Causes and Effect of Water Logging in Dhaka City, Bangladesh 50

Recommendations Chapter 07

7.1.4 Comprehensive Drainage Development Plan

It clear from previous chapters that, the existing storm water drainage is not sufficient for Dhaka
City to drain out the excessive rainfall during the monsoon in the region. On the other hand, storm
sewers also receive domestic wastewater, which causes unwanted overflow and deterioration of
the storm water discharges. Besides, the conventional or traditional drainage system leads to
increased water logging, erosion and pollution at the eventual outfall as it is designed to remove
water from one area as rapidly as possible.

Therefore, there should be a comprehensive storm water drainage improvement plan to overcome
the water logging problem as well as its environmental consequences. Experts say the entire
drainage system of the city will have to be overhauled to mitigate the plight of the residents and
should be properly linked through a scientific network. DCC should execute the comprehensive
drainage improvement project as implementing agency. If DCC is lacking in planning and detailed
design works for implementation and management of this project, it will need the assistance and
supports of local consultants. With the involvement of professional development organizations, it
can be managed in a more sustainable fashion. This will develop the skill of manpower of DCC
through transfer of technology and training.

The proposed comprehensive drainage improvement plan should be exchanged with other utility
organization to avoid overlapping and duplication. As such, a high degree of close coordination with
WASA, DPHE, BWDB, LGED and other utility organization should be maintained during the project
implementation stage.

7.1.5 Establish “Right-of Way”

Reckless encroachments of the city’s water bodies like lakes, khals and rivers by land developers
as well as individuals for so called development, illegal structures and waste disposal have already
affected city life in many ways. The natural drainage system of the city is losing their actual width
and existence due to such encroachment and reducing the water carrying capacity day by day with
the results of water logging during monsoon period within the city area and polluting the water of
these water bodies.

Therefore, to get rid of the water logging problem, the original width and alignment of the lakes,
khals and rivers has to be re-established in proper shape and ensure easy drainage flow through
these natural channels.

• The concerned authority like DCC, RAJUK, BWDB and BIWTA will have to establish “right-of-
way” right over the natural drainage system and ensure that the drainage system is free from
any obstruction, blocking, or encroachment.
• On the basis of the Drainage Improvement Plan, all areas where existing main drains are
located or will be required in future will have to be identified and enforced existing
legislation to prevent unauthorized development or encroachment on the drain alignments.
• Immediate action and steps will have to be taken by the concerned authority to remove all
blocking and unauthorized constructions, encroachments etc. from the existing natural
drainage system by enforcing necessary regulations.
• DCC should stop encroachments of the low lands, water bodies and riverbanks using them as
dumping sites.
• Proposed channel geometry will have to be ensured by the authority to keep waterway free
from all unwanted intrusion, encroachment etc.

Causes and Effects of Water Logging in Dhaka City, Bangladesh 51

Khondoker Golam Tawhid TRITA-LWR Master Thesis

7.1.6 Improvement of Drainage Management System

Adequate management of drainage system is essential to ensure the natural and smooth flow of storm
water. The management system will be the composition of operation; maintenance; rehabilitation and

• Operation – related to drains involved in carrying out activities in the field of conservancy,
collection and disposal of solid wastes from drains.
• Maintenance – related to maintenance of drains as well as equipment.
• Rehabilitation and replacement – related to provision of rehabilitation drainage work and
replacement of equipment.

The responsibility for management of drainage system is rest with DCC. The authority should
develop a routine preventative maintenance program for the drainage systems so that the
structural improvements will provide a lasting benefit. It is, therefore, recommended that DCC
should develop a comprehensive conservancy program for maintenance of drainage system, which
is maintenance activities and scheduling of these activities, methods and equipment, staffing needs
and any appropriate re-organization, which may be necessary. To make the conservancy program

• Adequate funds in all annual budgets for carrying out routine maintenance program should
be provided.
• Institutional set up for effective operation and maintenance of drains should be strengthened.
• The concerned authority should be ensured regular and careful maintenance of all the
interconnected secondary and tertiary drains through proper monitoring program to secure
its efficient operation.
• Inspection at regular interval should be made on storage of construction materials and any
sort of illegal affairs causing blockage of drains to protect and conserve them.
• Steps should be taken to rehabilitate the drainage system.
• There should be a high degree of close communication and co-ordination between the
different urban authorities responsible for operating and maintaining the various
components of the drainage network.
• The inhabitants should be motivated for cooperation for maintenance of drainage system.

7.1.7 Improvement of Environmental Situation through Drainage Management System

Water logging and its environmental consequences are the result of insufficient storm water
drainage and lack of proper drainage management system. Storm water becomes polluted as solid
waste, silt and contaminants are washed off roads. The runoff mixes with domestic wastewater and
dumping of wastes beside the road, near the receiving water bodies and open surface drain causes
significant increase in the level of pollution in storm water.

Improvement in the drainage system will improve the environmental situation in the water logged
areas by eliminating stagnant water and associated problems like odors from decaying solid
wastes, insects, scams and disease vectors as well as the incidence of local flooding due to
rainfall. Therefore, especial emphasis on drainage development works will have to be considered and
undertaken in the severely waterlogged areas to reduce the spreading of diseases and damage to
public and private properties.

• The schemes and programs proposed in the DMDP to reduce the incidences of drainage
blocking and water logging through provision of improved drainage system, environmental

Causes and Effect of Water Logging in Dhaka City, Bangladesh 52

Recommendations Chapter 07

measures and services including sanitation, drainage and solid waste disposal will have to be
implemented with prior consideration.
• Faulty sewerage networks will have to be identified and repair it to protect the
contamination of domestic wastewater with storm water.
• Direct septic tank connections to the drainage system will have to be prohibited by
enforcing regulations to prevent this.
• A long range program to reduce the “source” of intrusion of sludge, silt, garbage, effluent
into the drainage system, thereby reducing the cost of the long term maintenance
operation will have to be undertaken.
• Due to lack of toilet facilities, people living in slum areas use the surface drains. Therefore,
better sanitation will have to be provided for low-income group and town centre areas
through construction of pit latrines and public toilets respectively.
• Public information campaign will have to be introduced to make people more aware of the
problems, hazards and unacceptable practices.
• The outlet of drains will have to be protected by providing oil and silt traps as necessary
and trash racks and sumps in the drainage system to facilitate collection of silts and
floating garbage’s therefore, to reduce cost of routine cleaning and maintenance work.
• The city generates about 120000 cubic meters of sewage everyday but the inadequate and
faulty sewerage network in the city is unable to carry about half of the total sewage to the
only sewage treatment plant at Pagla in Narayanganj (R. Rahman, 2003). Therefore, more
sewage as well as storm water treatment plant will have to be established to ensure the
water quality of receiving water bodies.

7.1.8 Awareness Development against Closing of Drains

The natural drainage and water bodies and its surrounded lands are day by day occupied by the
people living nearby. Most people of our country are illiterate and they even don’t know the after-
effect of the filling of natural drainage and water bodies. Therefore, the concerned development
authority should take steps for awareness development about the necessity of natural canals and if
necessary they can involve NGOs for this purpose.

7.1.9 Legal Instruments

Legal instruments play a vital role towards the changes in behavioral attitude of the people in a
democratic society. There are a set of acts, rules, and policies in the country to deal with the
problems of environment. Some laws are century-old and cannot cater to the need of the day.
Some are new that need amendment to accommodate the existing environmental scenario.
Though a single issue, environment encompasses different ministries in respect of preventing
pollution. Consolidation of all environment laws into a single law and arrangement of all
environmental activities under one umbrella may bring good result towards conservation and
improvement of environment.

7.2 Conclusion
Water logging in Dhaka City is the consequence of unplanned development. Due to rapid
urbanization with unplanned construction, most of the storm water drainage have been
encroached, filled up, diverted and caused obstruction to the smooth flow of water to the outfall-
rivers, creating severe water-logging in the city every year during monsoon incurring huge loss in
terms of adverse social, physical, economic and environmental costs.

The most recent heavy rainfall that brought Dhaka to a virtual standstill demanded the urgent need
for long term planning to overcome water logging problem. We understand the exceptionality of the

Causes and Effects of Water Logging in Dhaka City, Bangladesh 53

Khondoker Golam Tawhid TRITA-LWR Master Thesis

deluge and that the government and development authorities have no control over the weather.
Nevertheless, the devastating impact of the downpour that paralyzed Dhaka is a salutary reminder
of the severity of the problem, and the necessity for the government to take counteractive
measures on a priority basis. Dhaka City could hurtle towards an ecological disaster if destruction
of the natural drainage and water bodies isn’t stopped and an effective management of urban
drainage system isn’t set up.

Planning, design, operation and maintenance of urban drainage systems is a challenge for urban
authorities because of unplanned development activities, and the effectiveness of storm water
management systems can be directly linked to the efficacy of urban management. Therefore, for
urban drainage systems to be managed effectively and operationally sustainable, greater emphasis
needs to be placed upon:

• Co-ordination between urban authorities and agencies those are responsible for different
aspects of urban infrastructure provision and management;
• Collaboration between government and non-governmental organizations and promotion of
effective partnership with civil society and the private sector;
• Training and human resource development for improved planning, design, and operation of
urban drainage systems.

Causes and Effect of Water Logging in Dhaka City, Bangladesh 54


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Shamabesh. Dhaka.

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Reader for Studies. Center for Urban Studies (CUS). Dhaka.

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Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA). 1991. Master Plan for Greater Dhaka Flood
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Yeasmin, S. 2003. Water logging in city. The New Nation (Bangladesh’s Independent News
Source). August 14, 2003. Dhaka.

Appendix A: Questionnaires

Causes and Effects of Water Logging in Dhaka City, Bangladesh

Appendix A1: Questionnaire for Field Survey

1. Name of the respondent

2. Profession of the respondent
3. Area of living in Dhaka City
4. Do you face any water logging in your area of living?
i) If yes, when (period/season of the year)?
ii) How long the water remains stagnant in the catchments area?
5. According you, what are the main reasons for such water logging in your area?
6. What type of problems you used to face during the period of water logging?
7. Do you think the water logging problem in your area can be solved?
i) If yes, how?

Appendix A2: Questionnaire for the concerned development organizations

1. Name of the organization:

2. Name of the respondent:
3. Designation of the respondent:
4. What are role of your organization for the management of Dhaka City?
5. What are the main reasons for water logging in Dhaka City?
6. Does your organization have any activities related to water logging?
i) If yes, which activities?
7. Is your organization able to perform/manage all these activities properly?
8. What is the lacking of your organization to manage the activities related to water logging?
9. What is your suggestion to enhance the management system of water logging related
activities that can help to reduce the problem?

Appendix A3: Questionnaire for Informal discussion with the experts in different field

1. Name:
2. Expertise Field:
3. Working Place:
4. What are the main reasons for water logging in Dhaka City?
5. What are the effects of water logging on city life?
6. What type of measures/actions are needs that can help to solve or reduce the water
logging problem for long term?

Appendix B: Interviews and Meetings

Appendix B1: Informal Interviews with the Officials of Different Development Organizations
Name Designation Organization Survey Date
1 Prof. Firoz Ahmed Acting Chairman DWASA 20/09/2004
2 S.M. Wahed Former Chairman DWASA 22/09/2004
3 A.N.H. Akhter Hossian Managing Director DWASA 27/09/2004
4 Dr. Azam Dy. Managing Director DWASA 27/09/2004
5 Mr. Emdadul Islam Chief Engineer RAJUK 09/10/2004
6 Mr. Zahurul Haque Town Planner RAJUK 10/10/2004
7 Shah Alam Dy. Chief Conservancy Officer DCC 12/05/2004
8 Masroor-ul-Haq Siddiqui Former Engineer BWDB 15/10/2004
9 Md. Kamrul Islam Superintend Engineer, DWASA 20/10/2004
Drainage Circle
10 Mr. Abu Sufian Chairman, Land Development REHAB 25/10/2004
Staring Committee

Appendix B2: Meetings for Informal Discussion with the Experts in Different Filed
Name Expertise Field Working Place Survey Date
1 Prof. Nazrul Islam Urban Researcher Dhaka University 22/04/2004
Geography and
Environment Department
2 Ataur Rahman Water Management Design and Development 29/04/2004
Consultant (DDC)
2 Anisuzzaman Khan Biodiversity World Conservation Union 04/05/2004
3 Dr. Golam Rahman Urban Planner Professor, BUET 07/05/2004
4 Mr. Mujibor Environmentalist Department of Civil 21/09/2004
Rahman Engineering, BUET
5 Prof. M. A. Wadud, Skin specialist Dhaka Medical College 23/09/2004

Appendix B3: Interviews with the Inhabitants of Different Parts of the City

Sl. No. Name Profession Area of Living Survey Date

1 Md. Asaduzzaman Business Malibagh 21/04/2004
2 Abdur Rauf Sheik Business Malibagh 21/04/2004
3 Ezaz Ahmed Teaching Malibagh 21/04/2004
4 Md. Moin Udding Engineer Malibagh 21/04/2004
5 Sabina Akter Banking Malibagh 21/04/2004
6 Mujibor Rahman Govt. Job Malibagh 21/04/2004
7 Shamsul Alam Govt. Job Malibagh 21/04/2004
8 Aminul Islam Doctor Malibagh 21/04/2004
9 Mozammel haque Teaching Motijheel 02/05/2004
10 Rowshan Ara Social Worker Motijheel 02/05/2004
11 Din Mohammad Self Employed Motijheel 02/05/2004
12 Aminur Rahman Business Motijheel 02/05/2004
13 Mizanur Rahman Govt. Job Motijheel 02/05/2004
14 Ishtar Jahan House Wife Shantinagar 18/05/2004
15 Khurshid Alam Business Shantinagar 18/05/2004
16 Rakibul Hasan Govt. Job Shantinagar 18/05/2004
17 Anisur Rahman Govt. Job Shantinagar 18/05/2004
18 Sirajul Islam Business Shantinagar 18/05/2004
19 Istiak Ahmed Business Shantinagar 18/05/2004
20 Khurshida Haque Business Shantinagar 18/05/2004
21 Fatema Akter NGO Worker Shantinagar 18/05/2004
22 Kamal Hossain Private Job Basabo 04/06/2004
23 Md. Alimuzzaman Private Job Basabo 04/06/2004
24 Md. Alamgir Hossain Doctor Basabo 04/06/2004
25 Kazi Anwar Ali Govt. Job Basabo 04/06/2004
26 Ferdous Hasan Khan Engineer Basabo 04/06/2004
27 Md. Moshiur Rahman NGO Worker Khilgaon 10/06/2004
28 Kader Hossain Bhuyan Govt. Job Khilgaon 10/06/2004
29 Md. Hafizur Rahman Private Job Khilgaon 10/06/2004
30 Jahid Hassan Business Nababpur 12/06/2004
31 Harez Chaowdhury Business Nababpur 12/06/2004
32 Nigar Sultana NGO Worker Nababpur 12/06/2004
33 Rabindranath Saha Govt. Job Nababpur 12/06/2004
34 Sheikh Md. Ezaz Business Nababpur 12/06/2004
35 Enamul Haque Self Employed Azimpur 26/06/2004
36 Md. Makbul Hossain Private Job Azimpur 26/06/2004
37 Khadiza Begum Teaching Azimpur 26/06/2004
38 Jahangir Hossain Khan Business Azimpur 26/06/2004
39 Md. Rafiqul Islam Govt. Job Azimpur 26/06/2004
40 Shafiqur Rahman NGO Worker Azimpur 26/06/2004
41 Nahid Chowdhury Business Azimpur 26/06/2004
42 Monwara Khanom Private Job Azimpur 26/06/2004
43 Jahidul Islam Private Job Banani 05/07/2004
44 Golam Mustafa Doctor Banani 05/07/2004

45 Rubina khatun Architect Banani 05/07/2004
46 Md. Tariqul Islam Private Job Banani 05/07/2004
47 Rezaur Rahman Private Job Banani 05/07/2004
48 Md Delwar Hossain Govt. Job Banani 05/07/2004
49 Narayan Chandra Biswash Private Job Banani 05/07/2004
50 Afsana Sultana NGO Worker Banani 05/07/2004
51 Wahidur Rahman Mridha Private Job Mirpur 12/07/2004
52 Jalal Uddind Sikdar Private Job Mirpur 12/07/2004
53 Abdul Kader Self Employed Mirpur 12/07/2004
54 Helal Uddin Private Job Mirpur 12/07/2004
55 Asifuzzam Khan Private Job Mirpur 12/07/2004
56 Ferdous Ara Engineer Mirpur 12/07/2004
57 Md. Razob Ali Business Mirpur 12/07/2004
58 Mir Md. Taukir Private Job Mirpur 12/07/2004
59 Khalequzzama Sheik Govt. Job Mirpur 12/07/2004
60 Farhana Rahman Student Mirpur 12/07/2004
61 Sonjoy Kumar Banking Kallyanpur 24/07/2004
62 Ariful Islam Private Job Kallyanpur 24/07/2004
63 Dolly Chowdhury Private Job Kallyanpur 24/07/2004
64 Aminur Rashid Private Job Kallyanpur 24/07/2004
65 Mostofa Anwar Govt. Job Kallyanpur 24/07/2004
66 Abdul Jalil Mollah Private Job Badda 28/07/2004
67 Bikash Kumar Sarkar Engineer Badda 28/07/2004
68 Md. Ashraf Ali Student Badda 28/07/2004
69 Jmilur Rahman Business Badda 28/07/2004
70 Md. Anisur Rahman Private Job Badda 28/07/2004
71 Kawsar Ahmed Business Bakshi Bazar 07/08/2004
72 Syed Nazrul Islam Doctor Bakshi Bazar 07/08/2004
73 Chayonika Karmakar Business Bakshi Bazar 07/08/2004
74 Md Wahidul Islam Private Job Bakshi Bazar 07/08/2004
75 Obaydur Rahman Private Job Bakshi Bazar 07/08/2004
76 Rabiul Alam Doctor Hatirpull 12/08/2004
77 Golam Kibria Business Hatirpull 12/08/2004
78 Ahsanul Habib Govt. Job Hatirpull 12/08/2004
79 Suranjit Bissash Business Hatirpull 12/08/2004
80 Nur-E-Fatema Teaching Hatirpull 12/08/2004
81 Mostafizur Rahman Private Job Kathal Bagan 15/08/2004
82 Md. Sadiar Rahman Private Job Kathal Bagan 15/08/2004
83 Laila banu Teaching Kathal Bagan 15/08/2004
84 Keramot Ali Doctor Kathal Bagan 15/08/2004
85 Md. Shamimuzzaman Student Kathal Bagan 15/08/2004

Appendix C: Rainfall Intensity of Dhaka City

Appendix C1: Rainfall Intensity of Dhaka City, 2000

May June July August September October
1 0 1 0 4 73 5
2 58 0 0 133 0 9
3 1 0 0 126 1 0
4 0 0 0 3 0 0
5 0 0 0 10 0 2
6 11 1 0 2 1 0
7 0 12 1 0 0 0
8 0 0 27 0 4 15
9 0 17 6 0 5 0
10 0 4 25 1 12 18
11 0 23 0 0 12 5
12 0 8 0 5 0 0
13 0 0 7 4 0 0
14 0 0 6 23 0 0
15 0 0 7 24 5 0
16 0 1 3 0 18 0
17 0 28 0 3 0 0
18 7 2 1 0 3 0
19 0 4 18 1 16 0
20 65 11 10 0 30 0
21 152 4 11 5 24 5
22 2 7 47 0 0 0
23 49 7 6 0 0 0
24 1 4 11 0 12 0
25 6 20 3 0 0 0
26 43 0 0 5 0 0
27 52 0 8 0 0 5
28 90 0 0 5 0 55
29 23 0 0 0 0 158
30 0 11 0 2 0 1
31 48 0 3 0
Total 608 165 197 359 216 278
Source: Meteorological Department of Bangladesh, 2004

Appendix C2: Rainfall Intensity of Dhaka City, 2001

May June July August September October
1 18 17 40 45 13 7
2 0 0 0 0 6 3
3 48 5 1 13 0 14
4 10 20 0 0 0 13
5 6 16 0 12 0 10
6 4 61 0 9 0 6

7 0 10 0 0 15 0
8 71 23 1 5 0 0
9 52 0 0 58 19 11
10 8 7 1 0 10 6
11 32 0 3 4 2 0
12 0 18 8 5 11 0
13 0 4 11 1 1 0
14 0 6 15 5 23 8
15 0 49 0 0 0 10
16 0 6 0 5 0 1
17 0 59 0 2 2 1
18 0 6 2 6 54 21
19 0 16 0 0 7 54
20 6 29 20 10 0 0
21 40 11 21 1 0 0
22 0 1 4 0 0 0
23 27 0 12 4 0 0
24 7 0 1 1 19 0
25 0 0 12 3 25 0
26 0 0 26 10 0 0
27 23 3 5 1 0 0
28 0 9 4 1 0 1
29 0 1 10 0 0 0
30 49 9 23 4 2 11
31 1 2 0 0
Total 402 386 222 205 209 177
Source: Meteorological Department of Bangladesh, 2004

Appendix C3: Rainfall Intensity of Dhaka City, 2002

May June July August September October
1 8 0 26 1 0 3
2 0 31 62 18 0 0
3 2 47 0 20 0 0
4 4 0 42 4 16 0
5 0 30 73 2 0 0
6 18 0 4 0 0 0
7 62 0 7 2 42 0
8 1 12 12 1 0 0
9 1 0 0 1 1 1
10 3 5 0 3 1 4
11 16 21 15 46 2 1
12 18 1 0 14 0 6
13 0 33 0 2 0 0
14 0 59 14 43 0 0
15 1 33 0 3 0 7
16 0 0 9 16 9 0
17 0 5 5 4 0 0
18 7 8 6 17 0 0
19 0 0 18 5 0 17
20 0 0 9 2 0 13

21 0 1 12 0 0 0
22 3 18 71 13 11 0
23 18 41 1 2 1 0
24 0 7 0 1 2 0
25 0 1 21 0 7 0
26 6 3 0 1 26 0
27 88 7 0 9 2 0
28 10 0 1 6 35 0
29 1 10 37 37 0 0
30 0 0 0 0 1 0
31 5 1 0 0
Total 272 373 446 273 156 52
Source: Meteorological Department of Bangladesh, 2004

Appendix C4: Rainfall Intensity of Dhaka City, 2003

May June July August September October
1 0 0 22 2 3 0
2 0 0 0 5 19 0
3 52 0 0 0 7 15
4 0 0 5 0 5 1
5 0 6 12 0 0 0
6 0 93 3 0 0 0
7 18 0 8 0 8 16
8 0 45 3 0 4 16
9 17 0 14 0 0 73
10 2 8 0 4 2 15
11 0 0 3 22 2 4
12 0 10 15 23 11 0
13 2 0 7 67 29 0
14 0 0 0 8 15 0
15 0 66 2 3 0 0
16 1 0 1 0 8 0
17 0 0 2 0 1 0
18 0 3 0 0 3 0
19 0 6 0 18 2 4
20 0 2 0 4 4 0
21 25 13 0 0 4 0
22 0 86 0 9 11 0
23 1 11 0 7 6 0
24 0 14 5 6 1 0
25 14 0 8 1 3 0
26 0 0 30 0 50 1
27 0 1 0 0 61 11
28 8 1 4 0 0 14
29 0 17 23 7 0 0
30 0 37 20 13 5 0
31 0 4 3 0
Total 140 419 191 202 264 170
Source: Meteorological Department of Bangladesh, 2004


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