Registreringscertifikat Digitaltsigneret 29536465

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The Danish Business Authority certifies and attests that:

BATALJONEN ApS under bankruptcy proceedings

Ny Adelgade 6, 1.
DK-1104 København K

with CVR number: 29536465 in the municipality of København is registered as Private limited
company in the records of the Danish Business Authority, and that the registration is in accordance
with Danish law.

Copenhagen, 25.02.2023

Erhvervsstyrelsen, Langelinie Allé 17, 2100 København Ø

The information in this document is from The Central Business Register (CVR). The data may not be used in any way which suggests that the Danish Business Authority endorses, supports,
recommends or markets the user of the data, or the services or products of the user of the data. The Danish Business Authority is not liable for the content and origin of the data, nor is it liable
for any errors and omissions in the data, including for any loss or damage caused by its use.
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