Nilai Mid Term 3 p1d Class

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Name : Rusvian Catya Lee Term :3

Class : P1D Academic Year : 2023/2024

No. Subjects Score Art

1 Moral Education 100 Maximum Student's
2 Civic Education (PPKn) 96 Score score
3 Bahasa Indonesia 100 Shape 30 30
4 Mathematics 92 Colour 35 35
5 Science 96 Neatness 30 30
6 Social Studies 100 Total 95 95
7 Music 95
8 Art & Craft 95 Mandarin Conversation
9 Physical Education 84 Maximum Student's
10 Health Education 95 Score score
11 English 96 Accuracy 准确度 30 28
12 English Conversation 95 Fluency 流利度 40 38
13 Mandarin 100 Pronunciation
25 24
14 Mandarin Conversation 90 发音
15 Computer 90 Total 95 90

English Conversation
Maximum Student's
Score Score
Fluency 40 40
Pronunciation 25 25
Accuracy 30 30
Total 95 95
1 2 3 4 5 6

Bahasa Indonesia
Moral Education

Civic Education

No Name Class

1 Aimee Mercia The P1D 100 100 96 88

2 Alicia Wijaya P1D 73 80 88 70
3 Attila Antonin Lim P1D 20 8 20 18
4 Axella Ibereni Saragih P1D 98 100 100 92
5 Benedict Gorga Bahana Manullang P1D 95 80 76 70
6 Cainwen Tianaka Efendi P1D 97 84 84 76
7 Chelsea Mikhaela Aguera P1D 100 100 92 94
8 Cherise Graciella P1D 100 100 100 86
9 Emrick Wilia Tedjasukmono P1D 90 48 56 32
10 Hanzel Faith Xavier P1D 97 88 72 64
11 Harold Ezequiel Anton P1D 93 88 72 80
12 Jayden Lyonard Sulimin P1D 90 76 72 78
13 Jessie Natasya P1D 100 96 96 76
14 Kimberly Kellyson P1D 43 60 28 38
15 Kimora Adelaine Artono P1D 87 80 80 66
16 Kyrene Nathania Wijaya P1D 92 72 76 69
17 Laura Valencia Hardina P1D 100 100 84 78
18 Mark Jhon Chen P1D 97 88 80 54
19 Marvielle Lowell Santoso P1D 100 100 100 100
20 Maximilian Aldrich Lionel P1D 97 96 92 98
21 Michelle Patricia Setiawan P1D 87 80 56 44
22 Nicol Bolas Limtama P1D 90 96 92 84
23 Rusvian Catya Lee P1D 100 96 100 92
7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16

Health Education
Social Studies


Art & Craft





100 96 90 95 89 95 96 93 93 89
92 88 80 94 79 86 72 81 52 80
48 32 80 87 70 80 52 91 42 TBA
92 76 90 95 86 85 96 93 85 92
96 76 85 95 92 90 84 91 65 84
92 80 90 95 86 95 72 93 90 87
92 88 85 93 90 88 92 93 62 85
92 80 90 95 87 95 92 95 93 88
60 80 TBA 94 TBA 86 76 93 97 TBA
92 88 90 95 83 83 76 93 52 79
84 88 85 94 84 88 84 92 65 81
96 96 90 95 90 95 92 94 70 79
96 96 90 95 86 95 82 94 83 85
36 32 80 85 81 85 52 82 37 80
96 76 95 91 TBA 85 88 95 93 85
80 69 80 93 82 85 84 92 100 87
88 96 95 94 90 95 100 95 88 89
92 92 80 94 84 87 76 91 90 89
100 100 95 95 88 93 96 94 97 88
96 100 85 94 81 95 96 95 100 93
52 48 95 95 85 85 72 90 55 91
100 92 95 95 86 90 96 92 90 88
96 100 95 95 84 95 96 95 100 90

17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26
Art Mandarin conversation English conversation

Accuracy 准确

Fluency 流利


Final work



90 30 35 30 28 38 23 40 24
89 30 34 30 24 34 22 32 23
75 28 32 27 38 24
94 30 35 30 29 39 24 39 24
93 30 35 30 26 36 22 39 24
89 30 35 30 27 38 22 40 24
91 29 34 30 26 36 23 40 24
90 30 35 30 27 38 23 40 25
TBA 29 35 30 40 24
90 30 35 30 24 33 22 40 24
80 29 35 30 25 34 22 39 24
94 30 35 30 24 33 22 40 25
95 30 35 30 26 36 23 40 25
80 25 32 28 24 34 22 32 24
TBA 28 34 29 26 37 22 40 25
90 28 35 30 27 37 23 40 24
90 29 35 30 28 38 23 40 25
90 29 35 30 28 37 24 40 23
95 30 35 30 27 38 23 40 24
92 29 35 30 29 39 25 40 25
91 30 35 30 29 38 24 40 23
91 30 35 30 28 37 23 39 24
90 30 35 30 28 38 24 40 25
ish conversationAccuracy

No Name

1 Aimee Mercia The

2 Alicia Wijaya

3 Attila Antonin Lim

4 Axella Ibereni Saragih

5 Benedict Gorga Bahana Manullang

6 Cainwen Tianaka Efendi

7 Chelsea Mikhaela Aguera

8 Cherise Graciella

9 Emrick Wilia Tedjasukmono

10 Hanzel Faith Xavier

11 Harold Ezequiel Anton

12 Jayden Lyonard Sulimin

13 Jessie Natasya
14 Kimberly Kellyson

15 Kimora Adelaine Artono

16 Kyrene Nathania Wijaya

17 Laura Valencia Hardina

18 Mark Jhon Chen

19 Marvielle Lowell Santoso

20 Maximilian Aldrich Lionel

21 Michelle Patricia Setiawan

22 Nicol Bolas Limtama

23 Rusvian Catya Lee

Aimee is a friendly and genuinely pleasant member of our class. Her amiable attitude makes her popular among he
be trusted and has a kind heart. In addition, she is very active in participating in our class. In this term, she has show
It reflects on how she is more cautious in answering questions. Moreover, she can handle her feeling well when she
competition. Academically, she has achieved the required grade standards in all subjects and completes all of the i
and homework assignments satisfactorily. We are so glad to have her as our most dependable student at this school.
notice that she needs to improve her performance in presenting work in front of the class. She sometimes produce
she presents her project/work in front of the class. Therefore, we encourage her to speak at the appropriate volume
the highest score in her presentation. We hope that she can maintain her performance better in the upcomin
congratulations on your achievement this term.

Alicia is a very nice student and an enthusiastic member of our class. Additionally, she shows her willingn
responsibility to do her tasks. In learning, she can complete her worksheets and class tests that meet the required
without needing assistance from a teacher. Moreover, she also can mingle well with her classmates. However, she i
in front of the class and her volume is too low. Therefore, she needs to boost her self-confidence by bravely prese
speaking with a clear and appropriate volume. Besides, she needs to be focused more in learning because th
handwriting skills. This obstacle causes her to write more slowly and requires a little more time. Hence, we encoura
her attentiveness and self-confidence so she can gain the best performance next term. Keep striving towards excellen

Teaching Attila has been a delightful experience as he demonstrates a remarkable ability to absorb and process
precision. In this term, he has willingness to complete his tasks, class test, and assignments. His intelligence is a
answer the question correctly from the teachers and convey his ideas clearly. Based on our observations, we find th
that he faces during this time seem to stem from a lack of motivation or attention to producing work of the highest
needs to practice engaging his attention and focus. Supporting him consistently will embolden him to tap into his
motivate him. Never give up showing your best, Attila.

Axella is a quiet and polite member in our class. She displays a positive attitude toward learning through respondin
she gets advice and guidance from the teachers. Academically, she has achieved the required grade standards in
completes all of the independent tasks and homework assignments satisfactorily. Personally, she can mingle well wit
It is evidenced that every student enjoys playing with her due to her pleasant personality and friendly attitude. None
to enhance her presentation skills in the class in order to overcome her soft voice. By doing so, we can assure that it
better performance better. You can do it, Axella.
It is a pleasure to know Gorga. He goes through this term satisfactorily because of his positive social growth. It is ev
can socialize well with his classmates. Additionally, he seems to enjoy the learning sessions in the class. He also h
progress and a positive attitude towards teachers by asking for permission firstly before doing something and respo
receiving advice from them. Further, he has put more efforts to improve his speaking skills in English in the clas
strategy to motivate him to achieve better performance in speaking English although the step may seem small. On th
notice that he needs to improve his discipline in submitting the tasks. Hence, we need parent’s assistance to help r
area so that he will be motivated to upgrade himself better. We are looking forward to seeing his good progress in
Keep showing your best effort, Gorga.

Cainwen is a pleasant and polite student in our class. She is also truthful child who consistently speaks honestly
admit if she does something wrong honestly to the teachers. We really appreciate her genuine attitude and comme
this term. Academically, she consistently achieves good scores in all subjects, showcasing her strong performance.
she diligently double checks her work before submitting them in order to maximize her grades. However, she still
thorough when doing her work. Sometimes, she makes unnecessary mistakes that hinder her from getting a perfect
she needs to cultivate a habit of rechecking her work thoroughly to obtain maximum scores. Keep being thorough a
showing your best, Cainwen.

Chelsea is a calm and an independent girl. She is a reliable child who is capable of completing the task without the n
instructions. Further, she is well every time and respectful to his teachers and friends. It is evidenced when she
when she gets advice from the teachers and mingle well with her friends. However, she needs to improve her abilit
motivation. Occasionally, when she does her tasks or worksheets, she expresses that the tasks are too difficult be
them a try. Therefore, parents’ assistance is needed to help her to gain more motivation so she can get better results i
We believe that she is capable to obtain the maximum score. Put in more effort, Chelsea.

Cherise is a cheerful and confident girl as she can make the ambience of the class lively. She is also tho
communication and has a talent for expressing her ideas. Academically, she contributes her best efforts in individu
work. Non-academically, she has shown good progress in the class, such as being a helpful, kindness and gene
friends. She also can mingle well with her classmates. However, there is a minor detail that we need to pinpoint.
extra care to double-check her answers before submission. Although her work is generally strong, minor errors
thorough review can easily address these issues. Overall, she is well-positioned to develop into a more confide
student, positively impacting her academic journey. Keep improving, Cherise.

Emrick exhibits speaking English confidently, showing positive attitude towards his teachers and his peers. His pro
in English is evident in the way he confidently applies this skill. Furthermore, he always listens to the teacher wh
explaining and respond well when he gets advice from the teachers. These things support him to gain better perform
Academically, he still faces the same obstacle such as delivering some grades inconsistently. We observe that
becomes the root of his problem. Therefore, enhancing his overall performance by paying attention and gaining his f
must. We need parents’ assistance to motivate him in improving his focus. Focusing on this aspect will contribute to
development. Do your best, Emrick.
It is a pleasure to have Hanzel in our class. He has been a very helpful, courteous, and hardworking student. In this
effort to mingle well with his peers. It is evident when he tries to make friends and gets along well with other student
he has completed all of the independent tasks and homework well. He also achieves the required grade standards in
are proud that he tries hard to improve his performance especially presenting his work in front of the class. He can s
with full of preparation. Nonetheless, there is a suggestion that we need to pinpoint. He still faces the same proble
term such as paying less attention when the teacher is explaining the lessons. He likes to chit-chat with his friends w
teaching. We observe that he is distracted by his surroundings. Therefore, he needs to calm himself by sitting on his
likes to wander the class. Paying attention and staying focus will be the solution for him to maintain his perfo
upcoming term. We believe you can do it, Hanzel.
Harold is a quiet member of the class, but an attentive listener. He always pays attention when the teacher is explaini
also consistently prepares well for presentation by gathering all necessary materials and displays superb work a
Additionally, he shows his good performance in reading, writing, and listening with an excellent capability. In sp
average capability with another friends, but he needs to improve more fluency. Therefore, it is recommended th
practice speaking English continuously to further nurture his advanced skills. Besides, sometimes he still does the sa
the previous term, such as tending to be complacent after completing his tasks and submitting them without rech
needs to build his habit more to recheck his work thoroughly to obtain maximum scores. Keep showing your best eff
Jayden is a kind-hearted young boy. His amiable nature makes him a favorite among fellow students during playtim
he has an expert capability in all aspects of English. The aspects which prominent is speaking. He speaks English f
of improvements. In social capability, he can mingle well with his classmates, making his friends enjoy playing w
shows good progress in performing a sense of discipline. It is evident through consistent submission of tasks,
punctual arrival at school. Nonetheless, he has obstacles in regards to his comprehension about mathematics
understanding about mathematics concept with a specific focus such as substraction and addition will maximize his l
your great work to welcome more success next term, Jayden.
Jessie shows steady progress in this term. She always listens to instructions, follows directions, and completes al
stable academic performance in each term does not lead her to become complacent. It is evident when she always tr
tasks before submission and achieves the required standard in every single task. We observe that her motivation fo
her enjoyment in the class. We are also delighted to see her social growth in this term. She can cooperate well in c
There is no hesitation for her to convey her ideas if something goes wrong in the class. Hence, there is a little matte
pinpoint. Her conversing manner needs to be more courteous when she is talking to the teachers. Practicing to con
good way is a way for her to conquer this obstacle so she can perform better in the upcoming term. Keep show
progress, Jessie.
In this third term, Kimberly has shown significant and positive progress. We are delighted to see her improvements
improvements in writing and reading support her to gain maximum performance in this term. Due to her compreh
Indonesia, she can now read better than that of in the previous term. Besides, she is able to write the agenda at a
acknowledge that coordination between parents and the teacher is the key to her positive developments. However,
assistance while reading the instructions or problems in doing her tasks. Additionally, she needs to improve her Eng
in order to attain the maximum scores in English. She also needs to finish writing down her agenda stably. At time
lot of information to be written in the agenda, her motivation tends to decrease as she has to complete the writing wit
specified by the teacher. Hence, we need parents’ assistance to maintain her positive progress such as helping
reading Bahasa Indonesia and English as well as improving her writing speed. Furthermore, we need parents’ h
review at home by asking about her activities in class or checking her agenda regularly in order to remind her w
concerning school activities. We are looking forward to hearing your progress next term, Kimberly.
Kimora has shown good progress this term. She always tries her best to do every task given. Displaying positive
friendly to her classmates has become her positive development compared to that of in the previous term. Addition
hesitate to express her ideas to her teacher, which enables the teachers to understand her feelings. However, there is
we need to pinpoint. She needs to put more efforts in paying attention to her teacher. Sometimes, she likes to c
friends when the teacher is explaining the learning materials. This obstacle hinders her to effectively complete the
the teacher’s instruction well. Supporting her to build habit in paying attention from home can help her to adapt w
believe that you can do it, Kimora.
We are so delighted to know Kyrene’s development term by term. She looks really enjoy in her learning with the
evident when she can interact and mingle well with his friends. There is no hesitation for her to express her ideas
most significant development for her is in her ability to respond appropriately when she makes mistake. It is evident
Bahasa in the class and openly admits it to the teacher, being aware that speaking Bahasa is not allowed during
knowing the consequences, she chooses to uphold honesty and admits her improper doings. Therefore, we real
progress in this behavior. However, she still needs to improve her habit in rechecking her task before submission. B
is her obstacles which hinders her gain the maximum score. Moreover, she also needs to put her attention towards th
that she also answers unsuitably. Hence, we encourage her to improve her ability in maintaining her awareness
tasks. By doing so, she can adapt better for those activities and obtain her best performance in upcoming term. Keep
Laura is a smart girl who can absorb and follow the lessons well. She has great potential in every subject. This is pro
good grades in all subjects. Further, she listens to the teachers attentively in the class. In the third term, she has im
becomes the suggestion for her in the previous term. It is evident when she looks ready in presenting in front of the
without the text and expressing her opinion without hesitation makes her gain the best performance in this term. H
suggestion that we need to pinpoint. She needs to build up her habit in rechecking her tasks. In many tasks, she an
questions inaccurately. Getting the work accomplished too fast is the obstacle which causes her to obtain less m
Hence, she needs to enjoy and relax in doing her tasks. We except that it may advantage her to display better pe
showing your best, Laura.
Mark is an energetic student in our class who is always active to show enthusiasm by picking up the teacher if the te
the classroom. Being active by answering questions from the teacher is also the skill that appears from him in
Academically, he has shown good scores in English, science, and Bahasa Indonesia. His ability in reading
commendable progress. Nonetheless, he still faces the same obstacles as those of in the previous term, such as ta
when the teacher is explaining the lesson and walking around with his friends in learning time. Therefore, listenin
instruction during the class is needed. These problems hinder his focus on making progress in his learning in t
parents’ assistance is needed to facilitate him to conquer these problems. By doing so, his probability to encoun
minimized in the upcoming term. Keep improving positively, Mark.
We really enjoy having Marvielle in our classroom. He is genuinely friendly to his friends. These personalities ma
popular figure among his peers. He also demonstrates a remarkable ability to absorb and process knowledg
consistently. Additionally, he always gives his best in doing his tasks in every single subject. As a result, he gets s
Besides, he has a logical reasoning skill when he encounters problem in the class. He is also available to become a p
his friends when they need it. It is not surprising if he becomes the favorite student among his classmates. In thi
improvement in English speaking. However, he needs to enhance it further so he can effectively communicate with
English conversation. Consistently practicing English will help him solve this problem. Keep your spirit to
improvement in English, Marvielle.

We are really glad to have Maxi. Responding well every time he gets advice and guidance from the teacher are the
him as the class member. When the teacher asks him to check his work before submission, he will check it for many
it in a timely manner. This habit enables him to get the maximum scores and meet the required grade standar
satisfactorily. Moreover, he also has conquered his obstacle in the previous term well by being more cautious in answ
In some way, we still have a suggestion for him like listening to the teacher attentively. Sometimes, he likes to
friends which may disrupt the learning process in our classroom. Hence, parents’ assistance is needed to provide a
to listen attentively when someone is speaking. Doing this activity regularly will help him understand how to do it.
you can do it, Maxi.

Michelle is kind-hearted student in our classroom. She is eager to help all of her friends. She has no hesitation to
something goes wrong. In reading, she moves one step ahead rather than that of in the previous term. Besides, in
speed, she can finish writing her agenda quickly and consistently. Academically, civic education stands out the most
grasp good scores in this term. However, she needs to improve herself in understanding the instruction. Sometimes,
without reading the instructions thoroughly which causes her not to obtain her best scores. Hence, she needs to be
understanding the instructions in order to know what to do so she can execute it elegantly. Keep trying your best, Mi

Nicol is a smart boy. He is also very sensitive towards his surroundings. If something goes wrong, he will initiate
himself and fix it better. It is evident when there are a lot of books scattered on the floor, he initiates to pick up an
right place. We appreciate his kindness and participation in keeping everything is done. Academically, he has achi
in the class. However, he needs some improvement in this term. Besides, chatting during learning time, he writes the
pace. Staying focused when the teacher is talking and speeding up his writing are needed for him to conquer his o
him a guidance at home about listening to someone when someone is talking also will help him to gain bett
Furthermore, practice in writing through gaining up his focus and speeding up his writting will support him t
performance in the upcoming term. Keep your spirit to show your best performance, Nicol.
Rusvian is an energetic and impressive student. He enjoys the learning activities in the classroom. It is evident w
passion in answering questions from teachers and expressing his ideas to his peers freely. He appears well-prepared
achieve high score. Academically, he can absorb the knowledge and the explanation from the teacher. As a result, he
in all subjects. In terms of personal development, he moves one step better than that of in the previous term. This e
due to his response to obey the rules in our classroom consistently. He is no longer as obstinate as he was during th
Nevertheless, there is an issue we need to address. This term, art and craft lesson has been our main concern. He ne
coloring and paper-cutting skills. We notice that he is overly detailed while coloring. As a result, parents’ assista
provide him with an understanding of his challenge to practice coloring faster in a positive way. By doing so, he
handle it and can adapt well for the next art and crafts’ project. Keep moving forward to improve, Rusvian.
Name : Aiden Ashling Huang Term :1
Class : P6A Academic Year : 2022/2023

No. Subjects Score Art

1 Moral Education #N/A Maxim
Criteria um Student's score
2 Civic Education (PPKn) #N/A Score
3 Bahasa Indonesia #N/A Preparation 15 #N/A
4 Mathematics #N/A Shape 20 #N/A
5 Science #N/A Neatness/ Tidiness 20 #N/A
6 Social Studies #N/A Final work 40 #N/A
7 Music #N/A Total 95 #N/A
8 Art & Craft #N/A
9 Physical Education #N/A Mandarin Conversation
10 Health Education #N/A Maxim
Criteria um Student's score
11 English #N/A Score
12 English Conversation #N/A Accuracy 准确度 30 #N/A
13 Mandarin #N/A Fluency 流利度 40 #N/A
14 Mandarin Conversation #N/A Pronunciation
25 #N/A
15 Computer 发音
Total 90 #N/A

English Conversation
Maxim Maxim
Oral um Student's Score Written um Student's Score
Score Score
Fluency 40 #N/A Grammar 35 Err:502
Pronunciation 20 #N/A Punctuation 20 Err:502
Accuracy 30 #N/A Content 35 Err:502
Total 90 #N/A Total 90 Err:502
Final Score : #N/A

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