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Preparing for Your

Professional Cloud
Architect Journey

Module 2: Managing and Provisioning

a Solution Infrastructure

Welcome to Module 2: Managing and Provisioning a Solution Infrastructure.

Review and
study planning

Now let’s review how to use these diagnostic questions to help you identify what to
include in your study plan.

As a reminder - this course isn’t designed to teach you everything you need to know
for the exam. Instead, it’s meant to give you a better sense of the scope of this section
and the different skills you’ll want to develop as you prepare for the certification.
Your study plan:
Managing and provisioning a solution infrastructure

2.1 Configuring network topologies

2.2 Configuring individual storage systems

2.3 Configuring compute systems

We’ll approach this review by looking at the objectives of this exam section and the
questions you just answered about each one. We’ll introduce an objective, briefly
review the answers to the related questions, then talk about where you can find out
more in the learning resources and/or in Google Cloud documentation. As we go
through each section objective, use the page in your workbook to mark the specific
documentation, courses (and modules!), and quests you’ll want to emphasize in your
study plan.
2.1 Configuring network topologies

Considerations include:
● Extending to on-premises environments (hybrid networking)
● Extending to a multicloud environment that may include Google Cloud to Google Cloud
● Security protection (e.g. intrusion protection, access control, firewalls)

As a Professional Cloud Architect, you need to make networking decisions that

enable secure connections with Google Cloud. Many solutions will need to connect
with an on-premises environment in a hybrid approach. Other solutions will extend
into a multicloud environment with other networks using Google Cloud or other cloud
providers. A Professional Cloud Architect needs a thorough understanding of the
various the networking options available with Google Cloud.

Question 1 tested your ability to define compliance requirements for networks using
VPC service controls. Question 2 asked you to differentiate between options for load
balancers to scale and distribute traffic.
2.1 Diagnostic Question 01 Discussion

Cymbal Direct must meet A. Ensure that all users install Cloud VPN. Enable VPC Flow Logs for the networks
compliance requirements. You need you need to monitor.
to ensure that employees with valid B. Enable VPC Service Controls, define a network perimeter to restrict access to
accounts cannot access their authorized networks, and enable VPC Flow Logs for the networks you need to
VPC network from locations monitor.
outside of its secure corporate
C. Enable Identity-Aware Proxy (IAP) to allow users to access services securely.
network, including from home. You
Use Google Cloud’s operations suite to view audit logs for the networks you need
also want a high degree of
to monitor.
visibility into network traffic for
auditing and forensics purposes. D. Enable VPC Service Controls, and use Google Cloud’s operations suite to view
audit logs for the networks you need to monitor.

What should you do?

A. Incorrect. Cloud VPN lets a VPN appliance establish a tunnel, but it is not the type
of VPN users run directly on their systems.
B. Correct! Enabling VPC Service Controls lets you define a network perimeter. VPC
Flow Logs lets you log network-level communication to Compute Engine instances.
C. Incorrect. IAP secures an application by restricting access to valid, authorized
accounts. In this scenario, the intention is to restrict access based on where the
request is coming from.
D. Incorrect. Enabling VPC Service Controls lets you define a network perimeter. You
also need to enable VPC Flow Logs. If you do not enable it, the network traffic flows
will not be logged.

Where to look:

Content mapping:

Using VPC Service Controls to enable a network perimeter lets you restrict access to
services behind a private endpoint. You can restrict access to specific network
ranges. Although Identity-Aware Proxy (IAP) provides secure access for valid
accounts, the network perimeter determines where they can access from. Google
Cloud’s operations suite is useful for viewing logs. To enable logging of network traffic,
you must first enable VPC Flow Logs.
2.1 Diagnostic Question 02 Discussion
You are working with a client who has built a A. Deploy the web application using the App Engine standard
secure messaging application. The environment using a global external HTTP(S) load balancer
application is open source and consists of and a network endpoint group. Use an unmanaged instance
two components. The first component is a group for the backend chat servers. Use an external network
web app, written in Go, which is used to load balancer to load-balance traffic across the backend chat servers.
register an account and authorize the
B. Deploy the web application using the App Engine flexible environment using a global external
user’s IP address. The second is an
HTTP(S) load balancer and a network endpoint group. Use an unmanaged instance group for the
encrypted chat protocol that uses TCP
backend chat servers. Use an external network load balancer to load-balance traffic across the
to talk to the backend chat servers
backend chat servers.
running Debian. If the client's IP address
doesn't match the registered IP address, C. Deploy the web application using the App Engine standard environment using a global external
the application is designed to terminate HTTP(S) load balancer and a network endpoint group. Use a managed instance group for the
their session. The number of clients using backend chat servers. Use a global SSL proxy load balancer to load-balance traffic across the
the service varies greatly based on time of backend chat servers.
day, and the client wants to be able to D. Deploy the web application using the App Engine standard environment with a global external
easily scale as needed. HTTP(S) load balancer and a network endpoint group. Use a managed instance group for the
backend chat servers. Use an external network load balancer to load-balance traffic across the
What should you do? backend chat servers.

A. Incorrect. You should use a managed instance group to scale based on demand.
B. Incorrect. Go is supported in the App Engine standard environment, so there is no
need to use the App Engine flexible environment. You should use a managed
instance group to scale based on demand.
C. Incorrect. The traffic is already encrypted, so there's no need to offload SSL to the
proxy. Additionally, SSL Proxy Load Balancing does not preserve the client's IP
D. Correct! Using App Engine allows for dynamic scaling based on demand, as does
a managed instance group. Using an external network load balancer preserves the
client's IP address.

Where to look:

Content mapping:
● Architecting with Google Compute Engine (ILT)
○ M9 Load Balancing and Autoscaling

● Elastic Google Cloud Infrastructure: Scaling and Automation (On-demand)

○ M2 Load Balancing and Autoscaling

Networking and load balancing are key topics for a Professional Cloud Architect. The
services you use in one environment can and will differ, but there will always be
networking. To take advantage of working in a cloud environment, you need to be able
to distribute traffic across multiple resources. You need to understand what options
are available for load balancing and how to choose between them. Whenever you're
distributing traffic across multiple resources, you're scaling horizontally. You will
probably want to be able to horizontally scale dynamically, so understanding managed
instance groups is also critical. There are several serverless options in Google Cloud;
you should be familiar with all of them.
2.1 Configuring network topologies

Resources to start your journey

VPC network overview | Google Cloud

Choosing a Network Connectivity product | Google Cloud
Cloud VPN overview
Best practices | Cloud Interconnect
Options for connecting to multiple VPC networks | Cloud
Interconnect Best practices for enterprise organizations |
Documentation | Google Cloud

The diagnostic questions you reviewed for this section objective asked about a few
sample areas related to networking. You should be familiar with best practices for
configuring network topologies in Google Cloud and hybrid and multi-cloud
environments. These links provide a starting point to learn more. You’ll find this list in
your workbook.

2.2 Configuring individual storage systems

Considerations include:
● Data storage allocation
● Data processing/compute provisioning
● Security and access management
● Network configuration for data transfer and latency
● Data retention and data life cycle management
● Data growth planning

As a Professional Cloud Architect, you need to understand how to ingest, process,

and secure data using the options available in Google Cloud.

Data, especially big data, has also historically been one of the most difficult parts of
infrastructure to build, design, and maintain. Data is often an area of focus for
companies that have strict compliance requirements, such as those that handle
sensitive financial or medical data. Leveraging services like Cloud Storage, BigQuery,
Cloud Spanner, or Bigtable lets you scale infrastructure to monumental sizes without
monumental costs.

Question 3 tested your knowledge of implementing a lazy deletion approach to enable

resilient data storage.
2.2 Diagnostic Question 03 Discussion

Cymbal Direct's user account management A. Temporarily disable the account for 30 days. Export account information to Cloud
app allows users to delete their accounts Storage, and enable lifecycle management to delete the data in 60 days.
whenever they like. Cymbal Direct also has
B. Ensure that the user clearly understands that after they delete their account, all
a very generous 60-day return policy for
their information will also be deleted. Remind them to download a copy of their
users. The customer service team wants to
order history and account information before deleting their account. Have the
make sure that they can still refund or
support agent copy any open or recent orders to a shared spreadsheet.
replace items for a customer even if the
customer’s account has been deleted. C. Restore a previous copy of the user information database from a snapshot. Have a
database administrator capture needed information about the customer.

What can you do to ensure that the D. Disable the account. Export account information to Cloud Storage. Have the
customer service team has access to customer service team permanently delete the data after 30 days.
relevant account information?

A. Correct! This takes a lazy deletion approach and allows support or administrators
to restore data later if necessary.
B. Incorrect. This doesn’t achieve the goal of ensuring that the customer service team
has access to the account information.
C. Incorrect. Support agents wouldn’t be able to complete this solution, and it would
require excessive work by administrators.
D. Incorrect. This will probably introduce human error and would require excessive

Where to look:

Content mapping:
● Architecting with Google Cloud: Design and Process (ILT)
○ M7 Designing Reliable Systems

● Reliable Google Cloud Infrastructure: Design and Process (On-demand)

○ M7 Designing Reliable Systems

If information might be needed in the future, or if a user might have deleted it by
mistake, it's a good idea not to immediately delete it. Instead, take a "lazy deletion"
approach and allow for the user to restore the data or for support/administrators to do
it if necessary. How you implement lazy deletion will depend on what kind of storage
solution you are using and the information lifecycle related to the data. No matter
which method you choose, think ahead to what will happen when and if you need to
restore data as you architect a solution. Lazy deletion can be especially useful when
you are dealing with compliance or regulatory environments where data must be
retained for specific periods of time.
2.2 Configuring individual storage systems

Resources to start your journey

Select and implement a storage strategy | Architecture

Framework | Google Cloud
Best practices for Cloud Storage
Enterprise tier | Filestore | Google Cloud
Design an optimal storage strategy for your cloud workload
Storage options | Compute Engine Documentation | Google
Cloud Storage Options | Google Cloud
Object storage vs block storage vs file storage: which should
you choose? | Google Cloud Blog

The diagnostic question you reviewed for this section objective addressed just one
aspect of configuring individual storage systems - you should be familiar with how to
use the many services available to ingest, process, manage, and secure data in
Google Cloud. These links provide a starting point. You’ll find this list in your

2.3 Configuring compute systems

Considerations include:
● Compute resource provisioning
● Compute volatility configuration (preemptible vs. standard)
● Network configuration for compute resources (Google Compute Engine, Google Kubernetes Engine,
serverless networking)
● Infrastructure orchestration, resource configuration, and patch management
● Container orchestration

A Professional Cloud Architect needs to make choices about compute resources and
how to configure them for a cloud solution. You should be familiar with the most
common tools used in Google Cloud to provision resources, such as Terraform,
gcloud, the Google Cloud console, and kubectl. You also need to understand how to
properly ensure your compute resources function as intended by designing a network
that exposes them securely and restricts access where appropriate.

Question 4 tested your knowledge of the steps to automate builds with Cloud Build
and build triggers. Question 5 asked you to automate the deployment of Google
Cloud services using Terraform. Question 6 tested your knowledge of creating
infrastructure as code using Terraform. Question 7 tested your knowledge of building
loosely coupled services and protocol for REST APIs. Question 8 asked you to select
options to create and customize secure VM instances in Compute Engine. Question 9
tested your knowledge of configuring your environment for GKE deployments.
Question 10 tested your knowledge of the options to configure load balancing.
2.3 Diagnostic Question 04 Discussion

Cymbal Direct wants to A. Set up a source code repository. Run unit tests. Check in code. Deploy. Build a
create a pipeline to Docker container.
automate the building of B. Check in code. Set up a source code repository. Run unit tests. Deploy. Build a
new application releases. Docker container.
C. Set up a source code repository. Check in code. Run unit tests. Build a
Docker container. Deploy.
What sequence of steps D. Run unit tests. Deploy. Build a Docker container. Check in code.
should you use? Set up a source code repository.

A. Incorrect. Unit tests can’t be run unless the code has been checked in for testing.
B. Incorrect. The source code repository must exist to check code in and do any
subsequent steps.
C. Correct! Each step is dependent on the previous step. These are in the right order.
D. Incorrect. The source code repository must exist to check code in and do any
subsequent steps.

Where to look:

Content mapping:
● Architecting with Google Cloud: Design and Process (ILT)
○ M3 DevOps Automation

● Reliable Google Cloud Infrastructure: Design and Process (On-demand)

○ M3 DevOps Automation

This sequence of steps represents a simple pipeline and could be substantially more
complex, depending on the required tasks. To check in code, you must have a source
code repository. Next, developers check in the code. Unit tests can be run to
determine whether the build should execute. If all tests pass, the Docker image is
then built and finally deployed.
2.3 Diagnostic Question 05 Discussion

Your existing application runs A. Set up a Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE) cluster, and then create a
on Ubuntu Linux VMs in an deployment with an autoscaler.
on-premises hypervisor. You B. Isolate the core features that the application provides. Use Cloud Run to deploy
want to deploy the application each feature independently as a microservice.
to Google Cloud with minimal
refactoring. C. Use Dedicated or Partner Interconnect to connect the on-premises network
where your application is running to your VPC. Configure an endpoint for a
global external HTTP(S) load balancer that connects to the existing VMs.

What should you do? D. Write Terraform scripts to deploy the application as Compute Engine instances.

A. Incorrect. Changing from a virtual machine–based application deployment to a
container-based deployment will probably likely require refactoring.
B. Incorrect. Changing from a virtual machine–based application deployment to Cloud
Run will probably require refactoring.
C. Incorrect. This approach would allow you to leverage Google Cloud’s load
balancers, but would not be deploying to Google Cloud.
D. Correct! Terraform lets you manage how you deploy and manage a variety of
services in Google Cloud, such as Compute Engine.

Where to look:

Content mapping:
● Architecting with Google Cloud: Design and Process (ILT)
○ M6 Deploying Applications to Google Cloud

● Reliable Google Cloud Infrastructure: Design and Process (On-demand)

○ M6 Deploying Applications to Google Cloud

Although all of these are good ways to deploy, or expose, an application to Google
Cloud, Cloud Run, and GKE will probably require some refactoring to the application.
The hybrid network approach will make the application available via the load
balancer, but will not deploy it to Google Cloud. Because the application is already a
virtual machine, migrating to Compute Engine with Terraform will use a lift-and-shift
2.3 Diagnostic Question 06 Discussion

Cymbal Direct needs to use a tool to A. Automate the deployment with Terraform scripts.
deploy its infrastructure. You want B. Automate the deployment using scripts containing gcloud commands.
something that allows for repeatable
deployment processes, uses a C. Use Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE) to create deployments and manifests
declarative language, and allows for your applications.
parallel deployment. You also want to D. Develop in Docker containers for portability and ease of deployment.
deploy infrastructure as code on
Google Cloud and other cloud providers.

What should you do?

A. Correct! Terraform lets you automate and manage resources in multiple clouds.
B. Incorrect. Automation using scripts adds unnecessary complexity and does not
have the same benefits of modern infrastructure automation tooling.
C. Incorrect. GKE is Google’s managed Kubernetes service. Deployments accomplish
many of these goals, but only for within Kubernetes. GKE is only available in Google
Cloud, not other clouds.
D. Incorrect. Docker (or Docker-compatible) containers make deploying code much
easier, but do not manage or orchestrate the process themselves. This is what a tool
like Kubernetes is for.

Where to look:

Content mapping:
● Architecting with Google Cloud: Design and Process (ILT)
○ M3 DevOps Automation

● Reliable Google Cloud Infrastructure: Design and Process (On-demand)

○ M3 DevOps Automation

Terraform is one of the most used infrastructure automation tools and has good
support for multiple cloud providers.
2.3 Diagnostic Question 07 Discussion

Cymbal Direct wants to allow A. The API backend should be loosely coupled. Clients should not be required to
partners to make orders know too many details of the services they use. REST APIs using gRPC should
programmatically, without be used for all external APIs.
having to speak on the phone B. The API backend should be tightly coupled. Clients should know a significant
with an agent. amount about the services they use. REST APIs using gRPC should be used for
all external APIs.
C. The API backend should be loosely coupled. Clients should not be required to
What should you consider know too many details of the services they use. For REST APIs, HTTP(S) is the
when designing the API? most common protocol.
D. The API backend should be tightly coupled. Clients should know a significant
amount about the services they use. For REST APIs, HTTP(S) is the most
common protocol used.

A. Incorrect. If clients know extensive information about backend services,
backend systems would be difficult to change or replace. REST APIs are
protocol-agnostic, and HTTP(S) is the most common protocol for external APIs.
B. Incorrect. If an API is not loosely coupled, it can become an issue for
maintenance, with large, complicated monolithic applications. REST APIs are
protocol-agnostic, and HTTP(S) is the most common protocol for external APIs.
C. Correct! Loose coupling has several benefits, including maintainability,
versioning, and reduced complexity. Clients not knowing the backend systems means
that these systems can be more easily replaced or modified, and HTTP(S) is the most
common protocol used for external REST APIs.
D. Incorrect. If an API is not loosely coupled, it can become an issue for
maintenance, with large, complicated monolithic applications. REST APIs are
protocol-agnostic, and HTTP(S) is the most common protocol for external APIs.

Where to look:

Content mapping:
● Architecting with Google Cloud: Design and Process (ILT)
○ M2 Microservice Design and Architecture

● Reliable Google Cloud Infrastructure: Design and Process (On-demand)

○ M2 Microservice Design and Architecture
An API is effectively a contract between the API provider and the clients using it. As
long as the client makes a request that is valid according to the API’s specification,
the request will be fulfilled. This is referred to as a loose coupling or a black box
approach. A microservice-based architecture means that many independent parts (the
microservices) can change. The client shouldn’t need to know about the different

When making updates, you need to make sure that your changes don’t break older
versions of the API specification in use by a client. One way is through a concept
called a versioned contract. This common approach specifies which version the client
wants to access as part of your API.

Follow the OpenAPI standard to help ensure loose coupling and versioned contracts.
Atlassian and Pact offer tools to test API contracts. Although most modern APIs,
especially those designed for external use, use HTTP(S) as the transport protocol,
that’s not a requirement. Many internal APIs at Google use gRPC, but that isn’t a
requirement. Most modern APIs decouple the transport protocol from the API.
2.3 Diagnostic Question 08 Discussion

Cymbal Direct wants a layered A. Use labels to allow traffic only from certain sources and ports. Turn on Secure
approach to security when boot and vTPM.
setting up Compute Engine B. Use labels to allow traffic only from certain sources and ports. Use a Compute
instances. Engine service account.
C. Use network tags to allow traffic only from certain sources and ports. Turn on
What are some options you
Secure boot and vTPM.
could use to make your
Compute Engine D. Use network tags to allow traffic only from certain sources and ports. Use a
instances more secure? Compute Engine service account.

A. Incorrect. Labels are often confused with network tags. Tags are used with firewall
rules, and labels are used for billing. Secure boot and vTPM protect the OS from
being compromised.
B. Incorrect. Labels are often confused with network tags. Tags are used with firewall
rules, and labels are used for billing. All Compute Engine instances have an
associated service account. Creating an account specifically for an instance or type of
instance with limited abilities instead of the default account could be a good approach
to the principle of least privilege.
C. Correct! You can use network tags with firewall rules to automatically associate
instances when they are created. Secure boot and vTPM protect the OS from being
D. Incorrect. All Compute Engine instances have an associated service account.
Creating an account specifically for an instance or type of instance with limited
abilities instead of the default account could be a good approach to the principle of
least privilege.

Where to look:

Content mapping:
● Architecting with Google Cloud: Design and Process (ILT)
○ M2 Microservice Design and Architecture
● Reliable Google Cloud Infrastructure: Design and Process (On-demand)
○ M2 Microservice Design and Architecture

You can do many things to make a Compute Engine instance more secure; the
options mentioned are just a few of them. Remember that network tags are used for
determining firewall rules, and labels are used for categorization and insight (such as
tracking spending). Secure boot and vTPM allow for validating the operating system
at boot time and are supported by several operating systems, but not all.
2.3 Diagnostic Question 09 Discussion

You have deployed your frontend web A. Edit your pod's configuration file and change the number of replicas to six.
application in Kubernetes. Based on B. Edit your deployment's configuration file and change the number of
historical use, you need three pods to replicas to six.
handle normal demand. Occasionally
your load will roughly double. A load C. Use the "kubectl autoscale" command to change the pod's maximum
balancer is already in place. number of instances to six.
D. Use the "kubectl autoscale" command to change the deployment’s
maximum number of instances to six.
How could you configure your
environment to efficiently meet
that demand?

A. Incorrect. A deployment specifies the number of pods, not a pod itself, and setting
the number to six means running additional instances when you don’t need them.
B. Incorrect. Managing your deployments as code has a lot of benefits, but setting the
number to six means running additional instances when you don’t need them.
C. Incorrect. A deployment specifies the number of pods, not a pod itself.
D. Correct! This will allow Kubernetes to scale the number of pods automatically,
based on a condition like CPU load or requests per second.

Where to look:

Content mapping:
● Getting Started with Google Kubernetes Engine (ILT and On-demand)
○ M4 Kubernetes Operations

As with a Compute Engine managed instance group, you can either specify a fixed
number of instances or have GKE autoscale them for you. Autoscaling is generally
going to be more efficient because unnecessary pods will not be running when they're
not needed.
2.3 Diagnostic Question 10 Discussion

You need to deploy a load A. The request is received by the global external HTTP(S) load balancer. A global forwarding
balancer for a web-based rule sends the request to a target proxy, which checks the URL map and selects the backend
application with multiple service. The backend service sends the request to Compute Engine instance groups in multiple
backends in different regions. regions.
You want to direct traffic to the
B. The request is matched by a URL map and then sent to a global external HTTP(S) load
backend closest to the end user,
balancer. A global forwarding rule sends the request to a target proxy, which selects a
but also to different backends
backend service. The backend service sends the request to Compute Engine instance groups
based on the URL the user is
in multiple regions.
C. The request is received by the SSL proxy load balancer, which uses a global forwarding rule
to check the URL map, then sends the request to a backend service. The request is processed
Which of the following could
by Compute Engine instance groups in multiple regions.
be used to implement this?
D. The request is matched by a URL map and then sent to a SSL proxy load balancer. A global
forwarding rule sends the request to a target proxy, which selects a backend service and sends
the request to Compute Engine instance groups in multiple regions.

A. Correct! This is the right order of operations.
B. Incorrect. The external global HTTP(S) load balancer must exist to provide the
multicast IP address, and then route the request through the target proxy.
C. Incorrect. The SSL Proxy is not for HTTP(S) traffic. The question specifically states
a web-based application.
D. Incorrect. The SSL Proxy is not for HTTP(S) traffic. The question specifically states
a web-based application.

Where to look:

Content mapping:
● Architecting with Google Compute Engine (ILT)
○ M8 Interconnecting Networks

● Elastic Google Cloud Infrastructure: Scaling and Automation (On-demand)

○ M1 Interconnecting Networks

A request coming from the internet is processed by the HTTP(S) proxy. A URL map is
then compared to the request to route it to the appropriate backend service. For
example, you could have two backend services: one for serving video and one for
service audio. The URL ending in “/audio” could be mapped to the backend serving
audio, and the URL ending in “/video” could be mapped to the backend serving video.
Each backend service could have multiple backends, such as instance groups in
different regions. The backend the traffic is sent to is determined by health, capacity,
and geographic location.
2.3 Configuring compute systems

Resources to start your journey

Choose a Compute Engine deployment strategy for your

Google Kubernetes Engine documentation
General development tips | Cloud Run Documentation
Choosing the right compute option in GCP: a decision tree |
Google Cloud Blog
Google Kubernetes Engine vs Cloud Run: Which should you

You can learn more about configuring compute systems in the courses on the
Professional Cloud Architect learning path. You should be familiar with all of the
compute options in Google Cloud. Here are some links to get started. You’ll find this
list in your workbook.


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