DocScanner Mar 18, 2024 3-18 PM

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- NORTH CENTRAL RAILWAY EME. , sagitaadoranit (4 /oa/2e29- wenee BRIT i Summary of Werk done for the week Ending WEEKLY SUMMARY. MACHINE t dee 5d fo.7A. Kms. Tested, a () FRATA.GS. ee zB W fea, 1062 qo 1066 ayayey,_ DN _ofg_03 0D _fe5 mt. RTIFT Section C-PA/~ Groy kms, ferayero to 12/8/ia.g- PION South Line. vretisbl- FOF e ae ene Gm’ 118/108) 1'Yase “nol Line = 1-48 ts eT Te25 763.2 UF 205,60 a Tle loZe 1032 DN O02 ob = =~ 7 109-8 71050 U, = 02-60 ay =o 1o2z 1238 LUPE DN = O21ET 4 (i) =rop.~ 1658 — wy wast Hand 26.2. feat. 7 Has. “ ag fot RTIFT Section . Kms. To UP/DN. Welds: Mone TET of New Welds Section - Cs : 1 (ui) GRA STS SH SAR... fot. we. orysr. ais feat. RTIFT Section Kms, ¢ To UPION. Welds = Kr SIFT of New Welds Section 7 - ga Wale 3 fied 7a GF Total Work done during the week 1§-984- fat. Kms, = ) Fae sae ae fase TAT wre! Total work done upto lastweek go. grey” ) fea. Kms_ - ) HEP 3 Resa wat Gre Total work done during the Month = —S ESS kom feat. kms i - Frere 1a att wr faaxrt Details of Defects Detected ee = en] saoverens | paicoerects : WES TOEPECTS — 7 THERMIT WELDS bFw FLASH BUTT WELDS 7 IMR ‘Bs IMRW. ‘OBS ‘OLDMWFT | _IMRW. oBsw at | ee | rie = FROM TO Fe | MR} o N oO N o N ww o N ° N o N RAIL wetojweLo| JT | SSE JADEN - lew] 1063 [rose |- [— [o3/-~|-~]-—]| ~|~ Flieielais la 7 Built 1015/9 I |~ log}|—]—-J- -|- oz|- |~}]—|- | 7 - [>| 1918/6, a loeke bape | ee -|-| -|-|-]- : UP | tay 102 b’ |— for |- ee one os} —)- [-— ] ory a DH 1030 |yoz2 | | lo, |—}- | -—]|- | 7 fe | | e\|- - LP} 104-8 |yegn |. - lee el S| | || |S - lures tony freag |_| | et eae =| = le le ele 7 ra 2, ISIE DAILY DIARY BF. feaia , SNe] Date ws [odes] omer 5A kn Daly Day Section RIFT UPION From FG To 7 : ¥ gam on 206 ot | 1/03 /2020- CPA Gioy pre Gee South ba Reso [ToiBjrae | Ro Nigam ee CNB— Lanne rol Kine [1019/1094 [P01%e¢¢) | Amit Rumer on 02 |412/oa/zoze-| puk-ew | —do—| Das 1063 | roce a > Nigan on Job 03. 11/63/2024) Praxevw|—de—-| UP 102% | Jo3y fee o vite a8 i DN 1020 1032 ae OF. | 14/03/2024] Park-E7t | — fy oP oar | ose oo OS | 15/03 faze | PNK-ETW | —] UP [lets | seso tty Me UP 1035 123g : F -ETW| de — yee 06- | 16/03/2224) PAKE de a’: ciftery’ lfeae lo Oo. | 1¥/03/22¢] —__| GUA ‘DAY OFF a BSS a STatTe (ap) aR. orf. GAO / Sr. Den (c) N.C. Railway ALD. art BEER GR go (3B) BETAS AVEC BY, /ADENIN.C RAILAY....esesre . Bere SEUEUSES | 5 Ce ye NORTH CENTRAL RAILWAY efective Rails, Date of Testing ..L/23/2024- Test type A2/€.... Rail/Weld Tes! la Testing UP/DN/Loop/Branch Li Line | AT Weld/Old At Weld/Bridge Approach/Turnouts Twpe of USFO Test jeed Base/Test Free/Spl. Type/ SL] xm. J orainage in] Rotting Mark [unr] Rai | Der aed Remar on RH | Weld No. | P: poss | i aco | By Baro = ee Removed a eee the Rail Cheag,” 2266 dares [7 By 70 deo ores Raivweld| Gre {23, [oepin [tenets] ERO] Eo | echo Wat | ottaw | “at | amps | Anptte | srpitaae Nore ‘ tsw_ [tetany | Ves) 6_ an Ato cr Pp lOoeS | cybferre SUMMARY UP/ DN LINE D IMR (OBS DEW Nos. TESTE! LOCATION |DATE OF kM |TestiNG| RAIL JATWeLD] Few | RAIL [ATWeLD|] Few | DFwo| DFWR | Rai atw | FEW To. FP [Mr] ovo | New Joug] new ovo [New | op [New] ou [New [oo |New] oLo|NEW) EEC Pree ttt | i HA CH ie : Ef eee $28) iso }— [ Note :- Action to be taken - As per provisions of USFD Manual-2012 : oo} oa Iiel2024, 204 Lnsame saree Opts yee Kun [el9/foss © lelSkeey Designation - Place :- N.C.R. for information please. NN.C.R. for information & necessary please. f ‘Type of USFD Testing Si] vom. | eranage in| Roling Mark | Psi | From m. te Rall Contral orc Te [efeszsa — lee a oe 2. [poz -9 = = 3 ral gata S* [4-43 (8.95 ” eB — : a 7 — 83 ATS Ee SUMMARY UP/ DN LINE DFW Nos. TESTED LOCATION |DATE OF. KM IMR OBS RAL JATWeLo] Few | DFWO| DFWR| pay | arw | Few |TESTING| [Fron] to Designation :- Place Copy to :+ 4. Divisional Engineer 2. Assistant Div. Engineer 3. Sr. Section Engineer/P:

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