Hull Inspection Paper Final
Hull Inspection Paper Final
Hull Inspection Paper Final
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4 authors, including:
All content following this page was uploaded by Jan W Crane on 09 February 2018.
Naval Surface Warfare Center Panama City Division, 110 Vernon Ave, Panama City,
FL, 32407, USA
Tech Associates LLC, 8389 Vereda Del Padre, Goleta, CA 93117, USA
Reson, Inc., 100 Lopez Road, Goleta, CA 93117, USA
Abstract: Inspecting the hulls of incoming vessels has become more important to many nations
as the potential effects of terrorism and sabotage continue to grow. A previous paper by the
authors analyzed several methods for performing the hull inspection task comparing their
advantages and disadvantages. Evaluation factors included procurement, operating and
maintenance costs, operator skill level required, the ability to detect anomalies, the impact on the
inspected vessel and port operations, ability to operate in high seas, and the time required to
interpret the data and report the conclusion. The authors concluded that, in order to screen the
large numbers of vessels needed to achieve a meaningful level of port security, a real-time system
capable of measuring several vessels each hour would be needed. Since publication of the paper
in 2006, the US Navy and Reson conducted experiments at Panama City, Florida to demonstrate
the feasibility of using moving and stationary multi-beam echo sounders to scan the hulls of
vessels. This paper describes the tests that were conducted and presents some of the results that
were obtained. It will be shown that there was successful detection of limpet-sized objects
mounted to the hull during the stationary trials.
The appearance of trade names in this document does not constitute endorsement by the
Department of Defense; the Navy; or the Naval Surface Warfare Center Panama City
Inspecting the hulls of incoming vessels before they enter a port has become more
important as the potential effects of terrorism, sabotage and other types of asymmetric
warfare continue to grow. Among the concerns are: importation of drugs, explosives or
biological weapons; loss of lives; and Limpet Mines causing a vessel to sink in a location
that would cause significant disruption to, or shutdown of, shipping in a major port
facility. The latter has become of particular concern recently, as has the realization that
the United States, in particular, is vulnerable to this threat as well as the threat of
conventional mining. It has been estimated that closure of the US ports of Los Angeles
and Long Beach alone, would cost the United States' economy approximately one-billion
($1,000,000,000) dollars/day. [1]
As a result, a number of Governments, including the United States, are addressing this
issue. Several methods have been proposed for performing the inspection process. The
US Office of Naval Research, working closely with the Navy’s Explosive Ordnance
Detachment (NAVEOD) has sponsored several technology development programs, mostly
utilizing Autonomous/Unmanned Underwater Vehicles (UUV) and Remotely Operated
Vehicles (ROV). This emphasis on unmanned systems reflects the understandable desire
of the EOD forces to minimize the risk to their personnel during the inspection and
sanitization processes. It also reflects the realization that the majority of inspection and
sanitization missions have been conducted in Middle Eastern ports, not in the United
This raises then the following question. Are the development efforts being funded by
the US Navy for hull inspection suitable for both US ports and foreign ports? Might other
system types be superior for US ports? This paper explores these issues. In a previous
paper [2], we described four hull inspection methods:
• Autonomous/Unmanned Underwater Vehicle;
• Remotely Operated Vehicle;
• A Moored System; and
• Pole-Mounted Sonar.
Eight criteria were utilized to compare their relative advantages and disadvantages. To set
the stage for what is to follow, let us quickly review our previous findings.
Two different AUV or UUV programs are currently being sponsored by US Navy
agencies: Lockheed-Martin’s CETUS II [3] (Fig.1), and the HAUV [4] (Fig.1) from
Bluefin Robotics, Inc. We thank both organizations for their permission to use the data
presented here. Tests have been conducted with both UUVs. High resolution sonar
images (Fig.2) have been obtained; the ability to detect and image objects as small as
1/10th of a cubic foot has been demonstrated, as has the ability to construct images of the
The main advantage of this approach is the excellent image resolution and high
probability of detecting small anomalies even when the water is murky, and the system's
portability. However, there are several disadvantages that are:
• The UUV must be positioned precisely next to a moving vessel.
• The mosaic is not constructed in real time and may reveal gaps.
• Due to the narrow swath, only 1.5 to 2 meters, many passes are required.
• Extensive post processing is needed to construct the image.
• Lacking real-time data the UUV cannot re-examine a suspicious contact.
• This is a time consuming (and therefore expensive) process.
Fig. 1: Lockheed-Martin’s CETUS II (left) and Bluefin Robotics' HAUV (right)
Fig.2: High Resolution Images Acquired with a DIDSON Sonar Mounted on HAUV
An ROV operates under supervision from the surface. The operating concept is similar
to the UUV. The data is acquired in real-time and then analyzed at the conclusion of the
inspection. A good ROV system example is the Naval Surface Warfare Center Carderock
Division with the BlueView Technologies Blazed Array forward-looking sonar. Team
member, Naval Surface Warfare Center Indian Head Division, provided Fig. 3. Also
shown is an example of the mosaic produced with the current system. The targets and
even their 3/8-inch suspension lines can be clearly seen. The tracks taken by the ROV can
clearly be seen as can the vessel’s chine (blue).
There are several disadvantages and many are the same as the UUV.
• The covered swath is very small and many passes will be needed.
• Position estimation is very difficult.
• Active tether management is needed to keep from fouling the ROV cable.
• Shallow water may limit the clearance between the hull bottom and the seafloor.
Two US Navy Laboratories are studying hull inspection methods that do not require
either ROVs or UUVs. These methods are Moored and Pole-Mounted (Fig. 4).
Fig. 4: Moored Sonar Concept that Provides 100% Coverage in Real-Time (Image
Courtesy of the RESON Group) and Pole-Mounted Concept
The US Naval Surface Warfare Center Panama City Division (NSWC PCD) working
together with RESON Inc., has proposed a moored system (Fig. 4) where vessels to be
inspected are routed through a controlled inspection point located between two moored
high-resolution multi-beam sonars such as the RESON SeaBat 7125. The sonars scan the
entire hull during a single pass by the ship. No areas are missed. The data are telemetered
to shore in real-time using an RF link. On shore, the data are compared to a database of
similar vessels and the past history of that individual vessel (if it exists). In the event a
suspicious anomaly is detected, the vessel can be quarantined and a more detailed
inspection conducted either by divers or using one of the other techniques discussed
previously. This concept was first proposed in late 2001[6]. Experiments and modelling
have shown the concept's feasibility. The multi-beam approach produces a 3-dimensional
map of the hull which can be manipulated easily and viewed from different aspect angles.
The US Naval Undersea Warfare Center Newport Division (NUWC NPT), working
with Battelle Memorial Institute and EdgeTech, has conducted experiments with a moored
system called Harbor Shield Hullprint that is similar conceptually to the NSWC PCD
approach just described. In Harbor Shield (Fig. 5) multiple sonars would be used to
produce a 3-D image capture-system using an active Sonar Array and underwater optical
Recently acquired feasibility test data indicates that both approaches should work. The
NUWC sidescan approach will produce a high quality image of the hull. A series of tests
were conducted at NSWC-PCD in April of 2008. It was planned initially to moor a single
SeaBat 7125 on the sea floor looking upward which would allow the effect of bubble
masking to be evaluated. A shortened test schedule and diver unavailability did not allow
the equipment to be installed on the sea floor. As a result, these tests were conducted with
the catamaran in a single-point moor under far from ideal conditions. Even so, a number
of datasets were acquired. Both port and starboard aspects of the target vessel (M/V Mr.
Offshore) were scanned at 3-, 4-, 6-, 8-, and 10-knots with the sonar looking to the side
from a depth of 17-feet. These data sets are still being analyzed. A future experiment will
allow completion of the Moored Sonar test. Fig. 6 is the sonar image of Mr. Offshore,
starboard aspect, passing at 4-knots. As you see, the ability to view the image from
various aspect angles is an important attribute.
This concept utilizes a sonar system carried aboard a support vessel (Fig. 7). NSWC-
PCD is also pursuing this approach because the same system can also be used to survey
the port infrastructure and to study ship wake characteristics. The hull inspection
operating concept is as follows: A security launch would meet the vessel in a designated
offshore inspection area. The sonar system (a high resolution multi-beam echo sounder
such as RESON’s SB7125, oriented vertically) is deployed over the side of the launch on a
pole. The sonar transducer depth is controlled manually as determined by the draft of the
vessel being inspected. The security launch passes along each side of the vessel.
Differential GPS is used to measure sonar position. Data is viewed in real time.
A pole-mounted sonar system has most of the advantages of the ROV, as well as these
additional advantages:
• Lower system cost. The tether, propulsion and control systems are not required.
• Relative position to the ship of the system and any targets it locates can be
achieved through the use of differential GPS receivers on the ship and support craft.
• Larger swath, and therefore much higher search rate.
Tests were conducted by NSWCPCD and RESON in April of this year. A readily-
available high-resolution COTS bathymetric sonar, the RESON SeaBat 7125, was pole
mounted on a Navy Catamaran (Fig. 8). The SeaBat 7125 operates at 400 kHz and
produces a transmit beam that is 1-degree wide and covers a 120-degree swath. It also
produces 128 receive beams, each about 0.5-degrees wide. For the hull inspection
application, the sonar was rotated up 105-degrees and looked off to the side (Fig. 9). All
data was acquired at 3-knots and took less than a minute to scan the vessel. Images of the
hulls of 7 different moored vessels were acquired. The vessels ranged in size from large
tankers to commercial tugboats. In addition, under way data was acquired on a
cooperative US Coast Guard Cutter and a chartered workboat (M/V Mr. Offshore).
Several of the images obtained are shown below. Fig, 9 (left) shows the hull of a tug boat
that was about 60-feet long. Some scalloping exists at the edges of the image. This is due
to rocking of the catamaran that was not completely compensated out by the software. A
calibration procedure wherein “offsets” of the sonar from the inertial navigation system
are measured precisely has been shown to eliminate this phenomenon. Even so, the details
of the propulsion system are clearly visible. The right image shows portions of two tugs,
Fig.8: SeaBat 7125 Sonar Mounted on Pole and Installed on NSWC PCD Catamaran
The desire to inspect in the open ocean, before allowing the vessel to enter the port
limits the effectiveness of ROV and UUV platforms. Adverse weather or sea conditions
would make it extremely difficult for the platform to navigate with the required accuracy.
The pole-mounted sonar solves many of these problems, but might be unable to cover
the hull bottom on deep draft vessels. The inability of the Moored Sonar to classify
suspicious detections requires that follow up be performed with a higher resolution
system. The Moored Sonar, however, is the only method that would allow almost all
incoming vessels to be inspected. It is concluded that the most effective overall approach
consists of inspecting all incoming shipping at major ports with a moored system, and then
studying suspicious contacts with the ROV or the AUV. This will produce minimal
disruption to normal port activities and provide high probability or detecting anomalies,
even under adverse sea conditions. Pole mounted sonars are an economical, very low risk
alternative that can be implemented very rapidly on an interim basis.
[1] Truver, S.,“Naval Mines and Underwater IEDs”, Journal of American Society of
Naval Engineers, March 2008.
[2] Crane, J.W. and Suchman, D.F., “Developments in Hull Inspection Technology”,
Proceedings of 2nd IEEE International Conference on Technologies for Homeland
Security and Safety, October 2006
[3] CETUS II Flyer, Office of Naval Research, June 2001
[4] Vaganay, J., et al., "Ship Hull Inspection with the HAUV: US Navy and NATO
Demonstrations Results," Proceedings of IEEE/MTS Oceans 2006.
[5] M. Flagg, Desert Star, LLC, “AquaMap Performance at HULSFEST”,
[6] Suchman, D.F., “Proposed Real-Time Hull Inspection Method”, RESON, Inc.
Memorandum, November 2001
[7] Jankowski, W.L., Faulkner, L.L., Lanza, J.R. and Murphy, F., “Harbor Shield: A New
Technique for Inspection of Vessels Below the Waterline”, UDT Europe, June 2008.