Digital Design Syllabus 1
Digital Design Syllabus 1
Digital Design Syllabus 1
CO3: Experiment with the circuit diagram for combinational and sequential logic using Verilog.
Detailed Syllabus
Module 1 (Contact hours: 10)
Digital Logic, Analog v/s Digital Systems, Data Representation, Binary Number System, Decimal Number System, Octal Number System, Hexa-Decimal Number
System, Binary Arithmetic, Unsigned and Signed Numbers, Signed Magnitude, 1’s Complement, 2’s Complement, Fixed- and Floating-Point Numbers, Weighted
Codes, BCD Code, Basic Logic Gates, Universal Logic Gates, Truth Table.
a) M. Morris Mano, Digital Design: with an Introduction to the Verilog HDL, VHDL and System Verilog (6th ed.), Pearson, 2018. ISBN 978-0134549897.