Digital Design Syllabus 1

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CSET105 - Digital Design

Course Type - Core L-T-P Format 3-0-2 Credits - 4

Course explains elements of digital system abstractions such as digital representations of information, digital logic, Boolean algebra, state elements. Design basic
components of digital systems using combinational and sequential circuits. Utilize these components to design digital systems using tools like Verilog.


CO1: Identify appropriate truth table and examine gate level implementation from combinational logic function.
CO2: Build sequential circuits.

CO3: Experiment with the circuit diagram for combinational and sequential logic using Verilog.

Detailed Syllabus
Module 1 (Contact hours: 10)
Digital Logic, Analog v/s Digital Systems, Data Representation, Binary Number System, Decimal Number System, Octal Number System, Hexa-Decimal Number
System, Binary Arithmetic, Unsigned and Signed Numbers, Signed Magnitude, 1’s Complement, 2’s Complement, Fixed- and Floating-Point Numbers, Weighted
Codes, BCD Code, Basic Logic Gates, Universal Logic Gates, Truth Table.

Module 2 (Contact hours: 10)

Laws of Boolean Algebra, Reduction of Boolean Expression using Boolean Laws, Conversion of Boolean Expression to Logic Diagram, Conversion of Logic Diagram
to Boolean Expression, Boolean Function Representation using SoP and PoS form, Standard Sum of Products, Standard Product of Sum, Two Variable K-Map,
Implicants, Prime Implicants and Essential Prime Implicants, Three Variable K-Map, Four Variable K-Map, Don’t Care Condition, Design and Analysis of
Combinational Circuits, Half Adder, Full Adder and Carry Propagation, Subtractor, Four Bit Binary Adder-Subtractor, Excess-3, Gray Code, Parity, Hamming Code,
Binary Multiplier, Magnitude Comparator, Multiplexer, Implement Boolean Function using Mux, De-Multiplexer, Implement Full Subtractor using De-Mux.

Module 3 (Contact hours: 10)

4 * 2 Encoder, Octal to Binary Encoder, Priority Encoder, 2*4 Decoder, Implement Full Adder using Decoder, BCD to 7-segment Display Decoder, Sequential Circuits,
Sequential v/s Combinational Circuits, Clock, SR Latch, D Latch, Edge Trigger and Level Triggered, SR Flip Flop Circuit Diagram, SR Flip Flop Truth Table, SR Flip
Flop Characteristic Table, SR Flip Flop Excitation Table, JK Flip Flop Circuit Diagram, JK Flip Flop Truth Table, JK Flip Flop Characteristic Table, JK Flip Flop
Excitation Table, Race Around Condition, Master Slave JK Flip Flop, D Flip Flop, T Flip Plop, State Diagram, State Equation and State Table, Mealy State Machine,
Moore State Machine, State Reduction, State Assignment, ASM Chart, Analysis using JK Flip Flop.

Module 4 (Contact hours: 12)

Register, Parallel Register, Shift Registers, Bi-Directional Shift Register, Universal Shift Register, Counter, Asynchronous v/s Synchronous Counter, Ripple Counter
(UP, DOWN, UP/DOWN), Synchronous Counter (UP, DOWN, UP/DOWN), Ring Counter, Johnson’s Counter, Programmable Logic, Types of PLDs, Architecture of
PROM, PLA Architecture, PAL Architecture, System on Chip Design, Logic Synthesis in Quantum Computing.


In this course students will start with basic digital components such as Arithmetic and logical operation, Memory etc. Then finally design soft IP. The Lab will use
Altera Quartus prime Lite tool for design and FPGA Altera DEII utilize for physical implementation.

a) M. Morris Mano, Digital Design: with an Introduction to the Verilog HDL, VHDL and System Verilog (6th ed.), Pearson, 2018. ISBN 978-0134549897.


a) Wakerly John, Digital Design: Principles and Practice (5th ed.), Prentice Hall, 2017. ISBN 9780134460093.

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