Bubble Sort
Bubble Sort
Bubble Sort
However, there may not always be two clear alternatives when writing everyday
code. Like most programmers, you probably use whatever approach pops into
your head first. With Big O, you have the opportunity to compare your algo-
rithm to general algorithms out there in the world, and you can say to yourself,
“Is this a fast or slow algorithm as far as algorithms generally go?”
If you find that Big O labels your algorithm as a “slow” one, you can now take
a step back and try to figure out if there’s a way to optimize it by trying to get
it to fall under a faster category of Big O. This may not always be possible, of
course, but it’s certainly worth thinking about before concluding that it’s not.
In this chapter, we’ll write some code to solve a practical problem, and then
measure our algorithm using Big O. We’ll then see if we might be able to modify
the algorithm in order to give it a nice efficiency bump. (Spoiler: we will.)
Bubble Sort
Before jumping into our practical problem, though, we need to first learn about
a new category of algorithmic efficiency in the world of Big O. To demonstrate
it, we’ll get to use one of the classic algorithms of computer science lore.
Given an array of unsorted numbers, how can we sort them so that they end
up in ascending order?
In this and the following chapters, we’re going to encounter a number of these
sorting algorithms. Some of the first ones we’ll be learning about are known
as “simple sorts,” in that they are easier to understand, but are not as efficient
as some of the faster sorting algorithms out there.
Bubble Sort is a very basic sorting algorithm, and follows these steps:
1. Point to two consecutive items in the array. (Initially, we start at the very
beginning of the array and point to its first two items.) Compare the first
item with the second one:
2. If the two items are out of order (in other words, the left value is greater
than the right value), swap them:
(If they already happen to be in the correct order, do nothing for this step.)
Repeat steps 1 and 2 until we reach the end of the array or any items
that have already been sorted.
Step #1: First, we compare the 4 and the 2. They’re out of order:
We now know for a fact that the 7 is in its correct position within the array,
because we kept moving it along to the right until it reached its proper place.
We’ve put little lines surrounding it to indicate this fact.
This is actually the reason that this algorithm is called Bubble Sort: in each
passthrough, the highest unsorted value “bubbles” up to its correct position.
Since we made at least one swap during this passthrough, we need to conduct
another one.
We don’t have to compare the 4 and the 7 because we know that the 7 is
already in its correct position from the previous passthrough. And now we
also know that the 4 is bubbled up to its correct position as well. This con-
cludes our second passthrough. Since we made at least one swap during this
passthrough, we need to conduct another one.
We now know that the 3 has bubbled up to its correct spot. Since we made
at least one swap during this passthrough, we need to perform another one.
And so begins Passthrough #4:
Since they’re in order, we don’t need to swap. We can end this passthrough,
since all the remaining values are already correctly sorted.
Now that we’ve made a passthrough that didn’t require any swaps, we know
that our array is completely sorted:
Let’s break this down line by line. We’ll first present the line of code, followed
by its explanation.
unsorted_until_index = len(list) - 1
We begin a while loop that will last as long as the array is not sorted. Next, we
preliminarily establish sorted to be True. We’ll change this back to False as soon
as we have to make any swaps. If we get through an entire passthrough
without having to make any swaps, we’ll know that the array is completely
for i in range(unsorted_until_index):
if list[i] > list[i+1]:
sorted = False
list[i], list[i+1] = list[i+1], list[i]
Within the while loop, we begin a for loop that starts from the beginning of the
array and goes until the index that has not yet been sorted. Within this loop,
we compare every pair of adjacent values, and swap them if they’re out of
order. We also change sorted to False if we have to make a swap.
unsorted_until_index = unsorted_until_index - 1
By this line of code, we’ve completed another passthrough, and can safely
assume that the value we’ve bubbled up to the right is now in its correct
position. Because of this, we decrement the unsorted_until_index by 1, since the
index it was already pointing to is now sorted.
Each round of the while loop represents another passthrough, and we run it
until we know that our array is fully sorted.
• Swaps: two numbers are swapped with one another in order to sort them.
Let’s start by determining how many comparisons take place in Bubble Sort.
Our example array has five elements. Looking back, you can see that in our
first passthrough, we had to make four comparisons between sets of two
In our second passthrough, we had to make only three comparisons. This is
because we didn’t have to compare the final two numbers, since we knew
that the final number was in the correct spot due to the first passthrough.
So, that’s:
4 + 3 + 2 + 1 = 10 comparisons.
(N - 1) + (N - 2) + (N - 3) … + 1 comparisons.
Now that we’ve analyzed the number of comparisons that take place in Bubble
Sort, let’s analyze the swaps.
In a worst-case scenario, where the array is not just randomly shuffled, but
sorted in descending order (the exact opposite of what we want), we’d actually
need a swap for each comparison. So we’d have ten comparisons and ten
swaps in such a scenario for a grand total of twenty steps.
So let’s look at the complete picture. With an array containing ten elements
in reverse order, we’d have:
19 + 18 + 17 + 16 + 15 + 14 + 13 + 12 + 11 + 10 + 9 + 8 + 7 + 6 + 5 + 4 + 3
+ 2 + 1 = 190 comparisons, and approximately 190 swaps, for a total of 380
Therefore, in Big O Notation, we would say that Bubble Sort has an efficiency
of O(N2).
Said more officially: in an O(N2) algorithm, for N data elements, there are
roughly N2 steps.
Number of Steps
Number of Elements
Note how O(N2) curves sharply upwards in terms of number of steps as the data
grows. Compare this with O(N), which plots along a simple, diagonal line.
A Quadratic Problem
Let’s say you’re writing a JavaScript application that requires you to check
whether an array contains any duplicate values.
One of the first approaches that may come to mind is the use of nested for
loops, as follows: