Acc 109-CFE Rev
Acc 109-CFE Rev
Acc 109-CFE Rev
Corporation- an artificial being created Share Premium (additional
by operation of law, having the right of paid-in capital)
succession and the powers, attributes
and properties expressly authorized by Retained Earnings (appropriated
law or incident to its existence. and unappropriated)
- separate legal entity
distinguished from its owner Other Components
Revaluation surplus
Organization of a Corporation Cumulative unrealized fair
A corporation is formed by “any value gains/losses on FVOCI
person, partnership, association or securities
corporation, singly or jointly with Translation differences of
others but not more than 15 in foreign operations
numbers Effective portion of cash flow
The entity’s articles of incorporation hedge
must be authorized by the SEC
To amend the articles of Treasury Shares
incorporation, a majority vote of
the board plus a vote by
shareholders representing at least Accounting for Share Capital
2/3 of the outstanding share capital 1. Memorandum Method- only a
There is no minimum capital stock memorandum is made for the
required for a stock corporation, authorized capitalization.
except when a special law provides Subsequent issuances of shares are
otherwise credited to Share Capital Account
A corporation has perpetual 2. Journal Entry Method- the
existence unless a fixed term is authorized capitalization is
stated in the articles of recorded by crediting “authorized
incorporation share capital” and debiting
“unissued share capital” .
Shareholder’s Equity- residual interest in Subsequent issuance of share are
the asset of a corporation after credited to “unissued share capital”
deducting all its liabilities. . The difference between the two
represent the issued share capital.
Component of Shareholder’s Equity
Share Capital (Capital Stock)
Preference Share Capital Subscription- a contract between the
Ordinary Share Capital purchaser and the issuer in which the
Subscribed Share Capital purchaser promises to buy shares of the
Subscription Receivable (as a issuing company’s stock
Share Dividends distributable Subscription Receivable- represent the
Discount on Share Capital ( as a unpaid portion of the subscription price.
deduction) Represent as a deduction from the
related subscribed share capital
thereby increasing the
Subscribed Share Capital- represent the corporation’s opportunity to
portion of the authorized share capital generate equity financing
that is subscribed but nit yet issued
Treasury Shares (1,000 x 80) 80,000
Cash 80,000
Share Capital (1,000 x 100) 100,000
SP- original issuance (@20) 20,000
Treasury Shares (1,000 x 80) 80,000
Share Premium- Retirement 40,000
Redeemable Callable
Prefence Share Preference Share
Preferred Preferred
stock which stock which
the holder has the issuer has
the right to the right to
redeem at a call at a set
set date date
Classified as Classified as
financial equity
liability instrument
because when because the
the holder right to call is
exercises its at the
right to discretion of
redeem, the the issuer and
issuer is therefore has
mandatorily no obligation
obligated to to pay unless
pay for the it chooses too
redemption call on the
price shares
The related The related
dividends are dividend are
recognized as recognized as
interest direct
expense in deduction
profit or loss from retained