Total 100 x 6 = 600 Marks
Marks: 30 (SIA: 20 IAT, 1Hr + 5 CBA + 5 CAPS) + 70 (ESE: 3Hrs)=100 Pass Marks (SIA:17 + ESE:28)=45
The Semester Internal Assessment (SIA) shall have three components. (a) An Internal Assessment Test (IAT) of 20 Marks,
(b) A Course Based Assignment (CBA) of 05 marks, and (c) Class Attendance cum Performance Score (CAPS) of 05
The IAT shall have two groups of questions. Group A shall be compulsory and shall have a case study based/
analytical/ descriptive type question of 5 marks. Group B shall contain descriptive type five questions of five marks each,
out of which any three are to be answered.
The End Semester Examination shall have two group of questions. Group A shall be compulsory and shall
contain two questions. Question No.1 will be very short answer type consisting of five questions of 1 mark each. Question
No.2 will be of a short answer type of 5 marks. Group B shall contain six descriptive type questions, each of fifteen
marks, out of which any four are to be answered.
Theory: 45 Lectures; Tutorial: 15 Hours
Course Objective:
The objective of the subject is to acquaint the students with the various laws of business so that they can handle
the business judiciously and decisions should be appropriate. For this purpose at least 5 cases is to be
delivered in the semester.
Essential Readings
Bare Act with short notes/comments( For each Different Laws)- Universal Law Publishing Co. Pvt. Ltd.,
Commercial Law Publishers( India) Pvt. Ltd.
Business Law Including Company Law S.S. Gulsan & G.K. Kapoor, New Age International Publishers.
Business Law, Satish B Mathur, McGraw-Hill
Business Law: One should Know, Ajay Garg, Navi Publication
Indian Business Laws, S.K.Aggarawal & K. Singhal, Galgotia Publications Pvt. Ltd.
Legal Aspects of Business, Akhileshwar Pathak, Tata McGraw Hill
Mercantile Law, M.C.Kuchhal, Vikash Publications
Marks: 30 (SIA: 20 IAT, 1Hr + 5 CBA + 5 CAPS) + 70 (ESE: 3Hrs)=100 Pass Marks (SIA:17 + ESE:28)=45
The Semester Internal Assessment (SIA) shall have three components. (a) An Internal Assessment Test (IAT) of 20 Marks,
(b) A Course Based Assignment (CBA) of 05 marks, and (c) Class Attendance cum Performance Score (CAPS) of 05
The IAT shall have two groups of questions. Group A shall be compulsory and shall have a case study based/
analytical/ descriptive type question of 5 marks. Group B shall contain descriptive type five questions of five marks each,
out of which any three are to be answered.
The End Semester Examination shall have two group of questions. Group A shall be compulsory and shall
contain two questions. Question No.1 will be very short answer type consisting of five questions of 1 mark each. Question
No.2 will be of a short answer type of 5 marks. Group B shall contain six descriptive type questions, each of fifteen
marks, out of which any four are to be answered.
Unit-1 Introduction
• Concept, relevance and importance, Ethical principles and relevance in business,
Normative and Justice & Fairness .
Unit-2 Ingraining Ethics in Life
• Ethical processes in life, Code of conduct - Managers, public servants, Lawyers, Engineers,
Academicians and Medical Practioner.
Unit-3 Environmental Ethics
• Sustainable Development, Industrial Pollution & Environmental Issues.
Unit-4 Corporate Governance
• Introduction to corporate governance, Importance, Issues and Obligations.
Unit-5 Consumer Protection
• Consumer & Consumer protection and Legal Protection to consumers.
Unit-6.Employee Issues
• Rights & responsibilities of employees, privacy issues and Ethical Decision making
Unit-7 Functional Ethics & Social Responsibility
• Concept of Ethics in Marketing, Finance, Human resource & Information Technology. Social
Responsibility, Theories & benefits of social responsibility.
Essential Readings
Business Ethics Concepts & Cases ,Velasquez, TMH Publication.
Business Ethics text and Cases Viswanath Ghosh, Vikas Publication
Business Ethics, S.K.Chakravorty, TMH Publication.
Ethics & the conduct of Business, Boatright, Pearson Publication
Session 2018-20 Onwards
Marks: 30 (SIA: 20 IAT, 1Hr + 5 CBA + 5 CAPS) + 70 (ESE: 3Hrs)=100 Pass Marks (SIA:17 + ESE:28)=45
The Semester Internal Assessment (SIA) shall have three components. (a) An Internal Assessment Test (IAT) of 20 Marks,
(b) A Course Based Assignment (CBA) of 05 marks, and (c) Class Attendance cum Performance Score (CAPS) of 05
The IAT shall have two groups of questions. Group A shall be compulsory and shall have a case study based/
analytical/ descriptive type question of 5 marks. Group B shall contain descriptive type five questions of five marks each,
out of which any three are to be answered.
The End Semester Examination shall have two group of questions. Group A shall be compulsory and shall
contain two questions. Question No.1 will be very short answer type consisting of five questions of 1 mark each. Question
No.2 will be of a short answer type of 5 marks. Group B shall contain six descriptive type questions, each of fifteen
marks, out of which any four are to be answered.
Course Objective:
This course will take students through a variety of issues related to managing technology and innovation in the
context of a technology‐based organization. It is about managing know‐how and innovation processes as well
as creating an organizational culture that fosters and supports innovation.
Essential Reading
Azad, R. R.(2000). Technology Transfer & Joint Ventures Abroad. Deep & Deep Publications, India.
Betz Fredrick. Managing Technological Innovation- Competitive Advantage from Change, Second Edition.
John Wiley & Sons, 2003.
Jones T. (2003). Innovating at the Edge: How Organizations Evolve and Embed Innovation Capability.
Butterwork Heinemann, U. K.
Narayanan V.K. Managing Technology and Innovation for Competitive Advantage, Pearson Education.
Sanjiva Shankar Dubey, Technology & Innovation Management, PHI Learning (2017)
Szakonyi Robert. Handbook of Technology Management. Viva Books Pvt. Ltd. CRC Press 1999.
Tushman, M.L. & Lawrence, P.R. (1997). Managing Strategic Innovation & Change. Oxford University
Press, USA, New York.
Trott, Paul. Innovation Management & New Product Development, PHI.
Marks: 30 (SIA: 20 IAT, 1Hr + 5 CBA + 5 CAPS) + 70 (ESE: 3Hrs)=100 Pass Marks (SIA:17 + ESE:28)=45
The Semester Internal Assessment (SIA) shall have three components. (a) An Internal Assessment Test (IAT) of 20 Marks,
(b) A Course Based Assignment (CBA) of 05 marks, and (c) Class Attendance cum Performance Score (CAPS) of 05
The IAT shall have two groups of questions. Group A shall be compulsory and shall have a case study based/
analytical/ descriptive type question of 5 marks. Group B shall contain descriptive type five questions of five marks each,
out of which any three are to be answered.
The End Semester Examination shall have two group of questions. Group A shall be compulsory and shall
contain two questions. Question No.1 will be very short answer type consisting of five questions of 1 mark each. Question
No.2 will be of a short answer type of 5 marks. Group B shall contain six descriptive type questions, each of fifteen
marks, out of which any four are to be answered.
Course Objective:-
This course aims to provide adequate knowledge for wide range of financial derivatives having pivotal role in
enhancing shareholders value by ensuring access to the cheapest source of funds. At the end of the course the
students are expected to take appropriate judgmental decisions for sensible control and to execute management
strategy to deploy sophisticated derivative strategies successfully.
Unit 4: Option
• Meaning & Definition, Types of Options, Basic concepts or terms used in Option trading.
• Difference between Options & Futures contract, Value of an Option, Option Positions
• Pay-off profiles of Option Position.
Unit 6: Swaps
• Meaning & Definition, Features, Advantages & Disadvantages of Swaps
• Difference between Forward Contract & Swaps, Types of Swaps.
Reference Reading:
Derivatives Products and Pricing, Satyajit Das, John Wiley and Sons
Financial Derivatives: Pricing and Risk Management, Robert W. Kolb, John Wiley & Sons
Financial Derivatives: Theory and Concepts & Problems, S.L. Gupta, PHI
Introduction to Derivatives and Risk Management, Dom M Chance, South Western Cengage Learning
Introduction to Futures and Options Market, Hull John C, PHI
Prafulla Kumar Swain, Fundamentals of Financial Derivatives, Himalaya Publishing House
Risk Management and Financial derivative, Satyajit Das, McGraw Hill
Marks: 30 (SIA: 20 IAT, 1Hr + 5 CBA + 5 CAPS) + 70 (ESE: 3Hrs)=100 Pass Marks (SIA:17 + ESE:28)=45
The Semester Internal Assessment (SIA) shall have three components. (a) An Internal Assessment Test (IAT) of 20 Marks,
(b) A Course Based Assignment (CBA) of 05 marks, and (c) Class Attendance cum Performance Score (CAPS) of 05
The IAT shall have two groups of questions. Group A shall be compulsory and shall have a case study based/
analytical/ descriptive type question of 5 marks. Group B shall contain descriptive type five questions of five marks each,
out of which any three are to be answered.
The End Semester Examination shall have two group of questions. Group A shall be compulsory and shall
contain two questions. Question No.1 will be very short answer type consisting of five questions of 1 mark each. Question
No.2 will be of a short answer type of 5 marks. Group B shall contain six descriptive type questions, each of fifteen
marks, out of which any four are to be answered.
Theory: 45 Lectures; Tutorial: 15 Hours
Course Objective:-
The course aims at familiarizing students with the investment environment in India and imparting the necessary
skills to manage portfolio.
Suggested Readings
Fundamentals of Investments, Alexander, Gordon, Jeffery, and Sharpe Williams
Investment & Portfolio Management, Prasanna Chandra, Tata McGraw Hill
Investment Analysis and Management, Charles P Jones, John Wiley
Modern Investment Theory, Haugen Roberts, PHI
Modern Portfolio Theory and Investment Analysis, Elton, Gruber, Brown and Goetzmann
Security Analysis & portfolio Management, S Kevin, PHI Learning
Security Analysis and Portfolio Management, Fischer & Jordan, PHI
Security Analysis and Portfolio Management, Punithavathy Pandian, Vikas Publishing
(Credits: Theory-04)
Marks: 30 (SIA: 20 IAT, 1Hr + 5 CBA + 5 CAPS) + 70 (ESE: 3Hrs)=100 Pass Marks (SIA:17 + ESE:28)=45
The Semester Internal Assessment (SIA) shall have three components. (a) An Internal Assessment Test (IAT) of 20 Marks,
(b) A Course Based Assignment (CBA) of 05 marks, and (c) Class Attendance cum Performance Score (CAPS) of 05
The IAT shall have two groups of questions. Group A shall be compulsory and shall have a case study based/
analytical/ descriptive type question of 5 marks. Group B shall contain descriptive type five questions of five marks each,
out of which any three are to be answered.
The End Semester Examination shall have two group of questions. Group A shall be compulsory and shall
contain two questions. Question No.1 will be very short answer type consisting of five questions of 1 mark each. Question
No.2 will be of a short answer type of 5 marks. Group B shall contain six descriptive type questions, each of fifteen
marks, out of which any four are to be answered.
(Credits: Theory-04)
Marks: 30 (SIA: 20 IAT, 1Hr + 5 CBA + 5 CAPS) + 70 (ESE: 3Hrs)=100 Pass Marks (SIA:17 + ESE:28)=45
The Semester Internal Assessment (SIA) shall have three components. (a) An Internal Assessment Test (IAT) of 20 Marks,
(b) A Course Based Assignment (CBA) of 05 marks, and (c) Class Attendance cum Performance Score (CAPS) of 05
The IAT shall have two groups of questions. Group A shall be compulsory and shall have a case study based/
analytical/ descriptive type question of 5 marks. Group B shall contain descriptive type five questions of five marks each,
out of which any three are to be answered.
The End Semester Examination shall have two group of questions. Group A shall be compulsory and shall
contain two questions. Question No.1 will be very short answer type consisting of five questions of 1 mark each. Question
No.2 will be of a short answer type of 5 marks. Group B shall contain six descriptive type questions, each of fifteen
marks, out of which any four are to be answered.
Unit-1 Introduction
• Concept & Elements. Types of compensation- Base & Supplementary compensation.
Suggested Readings
Compensation and Reward Management, B.D.Singh, Excel Books Understanding Wage System, A.M.
Sharma, Himalaya Publishing House
Compensation Management – Text and Cases, Tapomoy Deb, Excel Books.
Personnel Management & Industrial Relations, Bhagoliwal, Sahitya Bhawan Publication
Personnel Management, C.B. Mamoria, Himalay Publishing House
Salary Administration, Mc Beath and Rands, London Business Books