Mathematics Kinder Lesson Plan

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At the end of a 60-minute lesson, 80% of the pupils should be able to:
a. identify the short hand and the long hand of the clock;
b. give the importance of the clock; and
c. match the clock to its corresponding time.

II. Subject Matter

a. Topic: Time
b. References: Learn and Label in Math Kindergarten; pages 179-190
c. Materials: Laptop
PowerPoint Presentation Book

d. Value Focus:

III. Procedure
Teacher’s Activity Pupils’ Activity
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Preliminary Activities
a. Prayer
Let us all pray, Jeremy come here in front and
lead the prayer.
I fold my hands, I bow my head, I close my eyes
and pray to God. Dear Lord, we thank you for all
the blessings. Bless mama and papa, brothers and
sisters, teachers, classmates and friends. Please
guide us as we learn new lesson for this day.

b. Greetings
“Good Morning! Good Morning! Hello
and how are you? Early in the
morning I say good morning Hello and
how are you?”

Good morning, children!

Good morning, teacher!
How are you today?
We’re fine, teacher!
It’s nice to hear that you are all fine.

c. Checking of Attendance
Before we start, let me check if you are all
present today.

In the blue table, who is absent today?

None, teacher.
How about in yellow table who is absent today?
No one is absent, teacher.
In the pink table who is absent?

None, teacher.

In the orange table who is absent?

And lastly, how about in the green table, who None, teacher.
is absent?
None, teacher.

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Very good, since you are all present today give 1,2,3 excellent!
yourselves an excellent clap!

d. Setting of Classroom Rules

Let me remind you of our two classroom rules.

Rule #1

Sit properly.
What is our rule #1 again class?

Sit properly.

Then, show me how to sit properly.

Rule #2
What will you do if you want to recite or say

We will raise our hand teacher.

Show me your beautiful hands. Very


e. Drill
I have a big clock here; do you
know how many numbers does a
clock have?
It has 12 numbers teacher!
Very Good! Let’s count
together. Are you ready?
Yes, teacher!


Two One

What is the next number after 2? Four Two

Three teacher! Four

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What is the next number after 5?

Six teacher! Seven

What is the next number after
Eight teacher! Nine

What is the next number after nine?

Ten teacher!
What is the next number after
Wow! Great counting kids! Let us
give everyone a good job clap.

1-2-3, 1-2-3, Good job!

Good job!

1-2-3, 1-2-3, Good job!

Good job!
f. Review
Class, do you still remember your previous
lesson from Teacher Venus last meeting?

Yes, teacher
Can you tell me what was your lesson last
meeting Jameline?

Very good!
All about Fraction, teacher!
The following pictures are an example of a
fraction. Can you name what kind of fraction
it is?

Yes, Jacquelyn
1/2 teacher!

Very good!

How abou t this one?

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1/3 teacher!
Yes, Romilie

Very good!

And the how about the last one?

1/4 teacher
Yes, Allen

Very good!

g. Unlocking of difficulties

I have here two new words that you may

hear or encounter as we go on with our
lesson today. I will read it first then read
after me I want you to remember these
words, is that clear class?



Development of the Lesson

a. Motivation

Now, let’s have some song entitled, Telling Time


Ticky ticky ticky tick-a- tock!

Ticky ticky ticky tick-a- tock! Ticky ticky ticky tick-a- tock!
Ticky ticky ticky tick-a- tock! Ticky ticky ticky tick-a- tock!
Ticky ticky ticky tick-a- tock! What time is it?
What time is it? Tick-tock!”
“One o'clock, Two o'clock Three o'clock, tick-
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“One o'clock, Two o'clock Three o'clock, tick- tock! Four o'clock, Five o'clock Six o'clock,
tock! Four o'clock, Five o'clock Six o'clock, tick- tick-tock!
tock! Seven o'clock, Eight o'clock, Nine o'clock,
Seven o'clock, Eight o'clock, Nine o'clock,
tick- tock!
tick- tock!
Ten o'clock, Eleven o'clock Twelve o'clock,
Ten o'clock, Eleven o'clock Twelve o'clock,

Yes, teacher
Great Job! Do you like the song?

b. Presentation of the Lesson

About clock, teacher!
What is the song all about?

Very Good! Our lesson for today is all about

the Clock.

c. Lesson Proper
Yes, teacher!
Do you have a clock at your home?

Do you know what is a clock? Very A clock tells time teacher.


A clock tells time. It has a face and two hands.

It has short hand and a long hand.”

This is the clock face, with numbers from 1 to


How many numbers can you see at the clock It has 12 number teacher!

Very Good!

And this are the clocks hand.

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How many hands does a clock have? Two hands teacher!

Correct! The clock has two hands.

The short hand is also called the hour hand.

The long hand is also called the minute hand.

Now look at the hands of the clock.

What number do the short hand is pointing at?

The short hand is pointing at number 3 teacher!

How about the long hand?

The long hand is pointing at number 12.

Very Good!

Can you see the dashes in between all the

numbers? Yes, teacher!

Each dashes represents one minute. We can

count each numbers by 5. From number to
number, 5 minutes have passed.

The last number we don’t call it 12 or 0, instead

we call it o’clock.

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When we say o’clock we know that the long
hand is pointing at 12.

Here are the examples.

The hand of the clock shows 6 o’clock. So the

6 teacher!
short hand is pointing at?

How about the long hand? 12 teacher!

Very Good! When we are going to write it

down it is going to be 6:00

Okay! So at 6 o’clock is it your time to wake

up? Yes, teacher!

The next one is

The hand of the clock shows 8 o’clock. So the

short hand is pointing at? 8 teacher!

How about the long hand? 12 teacher!

So what time it is? 8 o’clock teacher!

What do we usually do at 8 o’clock? We prepared to attend our class teacher!

Correct! It is the time to attend your class.

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The third one is.

The hand of the clock shows 9 o’clock. So the

short hand is pointing at?
9 teacher!

How about the long hand?

12 teacher!
So the time is 9 o’clock.

What do we usually do at 9 o’clock?

It’s recess time. We take our snacks teacher!

Yes, Very Good!

The last one is.

The hand of the clock shows 12 o’clock. So

the short hand is pointing at?

12 teacher!
The long hand is pointing at?

So the time is 12 o’clock. 12 also teacher!

At 12 o’clock, what do we do?

We eat our lunch teacher!
Very Good!

It is our time to take our lunch at 12


Do you understand now on how a clock

Yes, teacher!

Now, let us answer this activity. Tell the

time base on the given pictures of clocks.

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Yes, teacher!
Are you ready? Let’s

1 o’clock teacher!
Jameline? What time is it?

Good Job, Jameline!

10 o’clock teacher!
Jacquelyn? What time is it?

Good Job, Jacquelyn!

2 o’clock teacher!
Romilie? What time is it?

Good job! Romilie!

Pia? What time is it? 10 o’clock teacher!

Good job! Pia.

Give everyone a Good Job clap!

1-2-3, 1-2-3, Good job! Good
1-2-3, 1-2-3, Good job! job!
Good job!

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d. Generalization

What is our topic again? It is all about Clock, teacher!

Yes, Eliza

Very Good!

The short hand is also called? Hour hand teacher!

Very Good, Jarianne!

The short hand is also called the hour

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The long hand is also called?

Yes Erika. Minute hand teacher!

Very Good!

The long hand is also called the minute hand.

e. Application

Let’s have another activity, Get your Math

book and open page 186.

Direction: Read the time in each clock.

Match the clock to its correct time.

f. Value Integration

So now class, why do we need a clock? Yes,

We need it because we need to know the correct
time, teacher.
Very good!

What is the importance of the clock? Yes.

Clock is important because we need clock to
know the time, teacher.
Very Good Joshua. What


Yes Julia. It helps us to know what time we wake up, we

eat and play teacher.

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Very Good, Julia!

Without clock we cannot know what exact

time is. It helps to be everywhere on time
such as eating, studying, playing, watching
your favorite cartoons, anything we do we
really need to know the time.

IV. Evaluation
Test I.
Direction: Tell the time on each clock. Write your answer on the box.

Test II.
Direction: Tell the time on each clock. Encircle the correct answer.

V. Assignment:
Draw a clock.

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