Way of The Mask

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Way of the Mask

When you put on your mask, you’re not an ordinary (albeit impossibly handsome) commoner anymore;
you’re the greatest wrestler the world has ever known. You’ll wrestle anyone—or anything—that comes
within arm’s reach. Sometimes you wrestle inanimate objects just to prove that you can. That one time you
wrestled an owlbear? Totally happened. For real.

People come from all around to get a shot against you, to unmask you and take your championship belt.
Everyone wants to beat the champ; too bad no one ever will.
The roar of the crowd lives inside you. Starting when
you choose this tradition at 3rd level, you can choose
to add your Charisma modifier, instead of your Wisdom
modifier, to your ki save DC. Additionally, your
Unarmored Defense is calculated as follows: while you
are wearing no armor and not wielding a shield, your
AC equals 10 + your Strength + your Charisma
When presented with an obstacle, your first instinct is
to wrestle it, even if the obstacle in question is not
conventionally wrestle-able, like a dragon, an ooze, or
an awkward conversation. At 3rd level, you gain the
following features:
• You can attempt to grapple any creature, regardless
of its size. I am nothing but a workmen of
• You can use your action to try to pin a creature
grappled by you. To do so, make another grapple
check. If you succeed, you and the creature are both
restrained until the grapple ends.
• If you have the Grappler feat, you can choose
whether a target grappled by you must make a
Strength (Athletics) or Dexterity (Acrobatics) check to
At 6th level, you master a signature move, which soon becomes synonymous with your exploits. Choose one
of the following features of your choice. Each of these features has a suggested name, but you can choose any
name for your signature move, preferably one that sounds good being chanted by a crowd and yelled by you
while you perform it.
-Foreign Object. You are proficient with improvised weapons, which count as monk weapons for you. Once on
each of your turns, you can spend 1 ki point to add half your monk level to the damage of an improvised
-Headbutt of Justice. Once on each of your turns when you miss with an unarmed strike, you can spend 1 ki
point to follow it up with a quick headbutt. Make a second unarmed strike against the same target. The
damage die of this unarmed strike is 1d10.
-Infinity Suplex. While you are grappling another creature, you can use your bonus action and spend 1 ki
point to end the grapple early by hurling your opponent over your shoulder and slamming them into the
ground. Make an attack roll against the creature you are grappling. On a hit, the creature takes bludgeoning
damage equal to 2d10 + your Strength modifier and is knocked prone. The grapple then ends.
At 11th level, once per turn whenever you fall 5 feet or more immediately before making an unarmed

strike, you can choose to either make a stunning strike without expending ki or to knock the target prone
and automatically grapple the target on a hit.

By 17th level, your chokeholds can knock out dragons. When you pin a creature grappled by you, you
can spend 2 ki points to attempt to choke the creature out. The creature must make a Constitution
saving throw with advantage against your ki save DC. On a failure, the creature is knocked unconscious,
rather than restrained, until the start of your next turn.


People know you far and wide by the mask
that you wear. Whenever you are in combat
(and in much of your time outside combat) you
wear a tight mask, made of leather or cloth,
ornately decorated in a theme of your choice.
Your mask’s theme must tie into your wrestling
persona, which you adopt to stir crowds and
build your legend. For example, your mask
might include furs to look like a werewolf, a fin
to resemble a shark, or dark colors to evoke an
executioner’s garb.

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