The document discusses personnel changes including promotion, demotion, transfer, and separation. Promotion criteria include seniority, performance, and unofficial factors like nepotism. Demotion reasons include poor performance, punishment, and reorganization. Transfers address job satisfaction or needs. Separation requires just cause under Philippine law.
The document discusses personnel changes including promotion, demotion, transfer, and separation. Promotion criteria include seniority, performance, and unofficial factors like nepotism. Demotion reasons include poor performance, punishment, and reorganization. Transfers address job satisfaction or needs. Separation requires just cause under Philippine law.
The document discusses personnel changes including promotion, demotion, transfer, and separation. Promotion criteria include seniority, performance, and unofficial factors like nepotism. Demotion reasons include poor performance, punishment, and reorganization. Transfers address job satisfaction or needs. Separation requires just cause under Philippine law.
The document discusses personnel changes including promotion, demotion, transfer, and separation. Promotion criteria include seniority, performance, and unofficial factors like nepotism. Demotion reasons include poor performance, punishment, and reorganization. Transfers address job satisfaction or needs. Separation requires just cause under Philippine law.
Topic 8: Changes in Personnel Status competent than another worker
Promotion -refers to moving up to a with more years of service and gets
higher position that requires more effort, promoted. 3. Social factors/friendship more responsibility, and a higher social standing for a worker. 2. Current and Past Performance - Demotion - is a transfer to a lower-level Performance in the past does not guarantee position than the individual previously Approaches to Recruit Employees for performance in the future. Analysis of held. The position will often have fewer Promotion: current performance is necessary for responsibilities or necessary competence 1. Closed Promotion System - only a optimal placement. Performance may be than the prior one, along with a lower pay few members of the team are qualified for measured in terms of how involved an grade. It can take place as an outcome of a promotion. It is based on the notion of employee was in the company's poor worker performance, the termination elevating current employees from within development. And performance of a post, disciplinary proceedings, or the company as opposed to taking into distinguishes between hard labor and the organizational reorganization. They can consideration external potential candidates quantity of work assigned to an individual. also take place voluntarily or involuntarily. for higher-level roles. As a result, if a person has an outstanding performance in their work that has helped Reasons behind Demotion 2. Open Promotion System - it is the firm expand in the greatest way 1. A decrease in employment due to possible, it might be an employee's hard reorganization, a merger of companies, or a sometimes referred to as job posting. It is a work that has helped them be paid for downturn in business forces some workers situation in which every employee in a performance in their line of work. to accept a demotion. company is qualified for the job. It promotes involvement and a goal of equal Unofficial Promotion Criteria: 2. Employees' inability to fulfill their opportunity. 1. Personal Characteristics duties in accordance with accepted Criteria Used in Promoting Employees: standards. 1. Seniority - It is one of the most often 2. Nepotism - derived from the Italian used ways for promoting employees. term for nephew, 'Nipote,' is when persons 3. Considered as a common kind of Seniority is determined by the overall in positions of authority display favoritism punishment for misconduct, as a sort of duration of service, which begins on the at work, mainly to family and friends. The disciplinary action, or as a means of day of his appointment to the organization. unfair advantage takes the form of superior resolving disciplinary issues. ● Straight seniority - occurs when growth prospects, higher incentives, preferential treatment for promotion, and 4. The method for warning an employee an employee's length of service is so on. In such instances, the that they are starting to become a "liability" the primary factor in determining decision-maker's relationship with the instead of an "asset" towards the company. who receives a promotion. employee is more important than their competence and experience. Transfer - is the practice of moving ● Qualified seniority - occurs when one individual is more individuals into roles where they are more likely to be successful or to have greater season, company expansion, layoffs, or Governing Laws Regarding Separation job satisfaction. No changes are made to improper placement. from the Service the role, title, status, or pay 3 during 1. Art. 279 Security of Tenure - In transfers. It is a process of adjusting to the 5. A remedial transfer is made in order to situations involving regular employment, it task, time, and place for the employee. make the employee more suitable or fit to is imperative for employers to adhere to Transfers can also be done as disciplinary the position. specific guidelines when considering measures. terminating an employee's services. The Employee separation - is the termination should only occur if there is a Reasons for Transfer termination of a worker's working valid and justifiable reason, either due to a 1. As a result of work dissatisfaction. connection with a corporation. This can just cause or an authorized cause. When an employee feels unsatisfied at occur when an employer and employee's Furthermore, it is crucial that the employer work, transfers may be made at his or her employment contract or at-will agreement follows the appropriate legal procedures request. By allowing the employee to expires. While an employer may choose to and ensures that due process is observed benefit from job enrichment opportunities, end employment, an employee can submit throughout the entire termination process. management is provided with a more a voluntary employment separation once capable and experienced candidate for a they choose to retire or resign. 2. Art. 282. Termination by employer higher position. (Dismissal) -In accordance with the Termination of Employee in the provisions outlined in Article 282 of the 2. Employees may request a move because Philippines Labour Code, it is stated that an employer of personal issues such as lack of In contrast to the United States of America, possesses the authority to terminate an cooperation or having a conflict with their which has an "at-will employment" theory, employee's employment contract based on supervisor or coworkers. employers in the Philippines can only end valid and justifiable reasons. These reasons their connection with an employee may include, but are not limited to, the 3. Employees may request transfers to help provided a "just" or "authorized" cause, as following: them work during the hours that are most defined by the law, has been established convenient for them, for example, a and due process has been followed. Thus, A. In cases where an employee engages in transfer from the night shift to the dismissing an employee in the country is serious misconduct or willfully disobeys early-morning shift or even from the first considered very seriously and can be a lawful orders from their employer or through the second shift (such as in the complicated process, especially since the representative in relation to their work, case of female employees who may prefer Labor Code of the Philippines is construed appropriate action will be taken. to care for their children and complete the to be in favor of employees when in necessary household tasks in the morning). question. B. If an employee consistently and significantly neglects their duties, it will be 4. Depending on the needs of the considered a serious matter that requires organization, a transfer may be necessary attention. due to departmental demands during peak C. Instances where an employee commits the affected employee will be eligible for a layoffs. This strategic decision has been fraud or willfully breaches the trust placed separation package equal to a minimum of influenced by three key factors: in them by their employer or duly one month's salary or one month's salary authorized representatives will be dealt for each year of service, whichever amount a. The firm is currently experiencing a with accordingly. is greater. In the event of retrenchment, decline or crisis situation, characterized by which is implemented to mitigate losses, or a decrease in demand for our products or D. If an employee commits a crime or in situations where an establishment or services. This decline can be attributed to offense against their employer, any undertaking ceases operations or closes various factors, including a challenging immediate member of their family, or duly down for reasons other than significant business climate marked by a recession and authorized representatives, it will be business losses or financial setbacks, the intensified competition on the international treated as a grave issue that necessitates separation pay provided to affected stage. appropriate measures. These are just a few employees shall be calculated as follows: it examples of the types of situations that shall be equal to one (1) month's pay or at b. Technological advances - may warrant intervention in accordance least one-half (1/2) month's pay for every revolutionized the way companies operate, with human resources management year of service, whichever amount is allowing them to enhance productivity practices. higher. In accordance with our human while minimizing the need for a large resources management policy, it is stated workforce. 3. Art. 283. Closure of Establishment that a duration of six (6) months or more and Reduction of Personnel/Layoffs - will be deemed equivalent to one (1) full c. Organizational restructuring - employers have the authority to end an year. refers to the strategic modification of a employee's employment for various company's structure in order to transition reasons, such as the implementation of towards a less hierarchical framework. labor-saving devices, redundancy, Factors Behind Downsizing Leading to This involves the elimination of the layer retrenchment to prevent losses, or the Layoff of middle management within the firm. In closure of the establishment or In times of business recession, industrial order to support employees who have undertaking. However, it is important to depression, or seasonal fluctuation, experienced job loss, employers have the note that the closure should not be done management may opt for temporary opportunity to offer various services aimed with the intention of evading the measures such as layoff or downsizing. at facilitating their transition. These regulations stated in this Title. In such These actions are taken to address the services may include outplacement cases, the employer must provide written challenges posed by these economic assistance, which involves aiding notice to both the workers and the Ministry conditions and ensure the overall stability employees in their search for new of Labour and Employment at least one (1) and sustainability of the organization. In employment opportunities. Additionally, month prior to the intended date of recent times, there has been a noticeable employers can provide relocation termination. In the event of termination shift towards downsizing within assistance to help employees navigate the resulting from the implementation of organizations, resulting in significant process of moving to a new location for labor-saving technologies or redundancy, work. Furthermore, employers can offer family counseling services to support categories: business closure, as stated in equivalent to at least one (1) month's salary employees and their loved ones during this Article 283 of the Labour Code, or a or one-half (1/2) month's salary for every challenging period. In the realm of human disease contracted by the employee that year of service, depending on which resources management, there exist several may pose a risk to their own health and the amount is greater. This financial assistance viable alternatives to the unfortunate health of their colleagues, as outlined in aims to alleviate the financial burden that practice of employee layoffs. These Article 284 of the Labour Code. The may arise due to medical expenses and loss alternatives are designed to mitigate the amount allocated to the employee is of income. We understand the importance negative impact on both the affected contingent upon the particular authorized of supporting our employees during individuals and the overall organizational cause for their termination, which difficult times, and this policy reflects our structure. By exploring these alternatives, encompasses a range of possibilities commitment to their well-being. Our organizations can strive to maintain a including: human resources team is available to harmonious and productive work provide further guidance and assistance to environment. a. In the event of the implementation of employees who may require this benefit. labor-saving devices or redundancy, a. Implement a temporary hiring freeze to employees will be entitled to receive a 4. Art. 284. Disease as ground for effectively manage the workforce and align severance package. The severance package termination - In accordance with Article it with the current business needs. will be calculated based on the higher of 284 of the Labour Code, employers have either one month's pay or one month for the authority to terminate an employee's b. Enforce restrictions on overtime every year of service. employment if they are diagnosed with a c. Provide opportunities for retraining or disease that is prohibited by law or poses a redeployment b. In the event of retrenchment, closure, or risk to their own health and the health of d. Implement job sharing arrangements. cessation of business, employees will be their colleagues. This provision allows for e. Utilize the option of taking unpaid entitled to receive a severance package. the necessary measures to be taken in order vacations. The amount will be calculated based on the to maintain a safe and healthy working f. Implementing a shorter workweek higher of either one (1) month pay or environment for all employees. The g. Utilize the implementation of pay one-half (1/2) month pay for every year of employer is required to acquire a reductions service. certification from a qualified public health h. Utilize sabbaticals c. In the unfortunate event of an employee authority confirming that the employee's i. implementation of early retirement being diagnosed with an incurable disease, illness has reached a stage where it cannot program the company recognises the need for be cured within a six-month period, even financial support during this challenging with medical treatment. Separation pay -refers to the time. As per our human resources compensation provided to an employee management policy, we provide a 5. Art 285. Termination by employee who has been legally terminated from their compassionate benefit package to assist (Resignation) - Voluntary Resignation is a employment due to authorized reasons. employees in such circumstances. The form of termination that is supported by These authorized causes can fall into two benefit package includes a payout the regulations outlined in Article 285 of the Labour Code. This article honour and personal dignity. ● Any employee may leave the acknowledges that employees have the Additionally, if the employer or workforce after they reach the ability to initiate two types of termination - their representative treats the retirement age specified in their one without just cause and the other with employee in an inhuman and employment contract or collective just cause. unbearable manner, it can also be bargaining agreement considered a just cause for ● In the event that an employee resignation. Furthermore, if a ● If there is no employee agreement decides to resign without just crime has been committed against about the retirement age yet, it is cause, it is expected that they the employee or any immediate assumed that when an employee provide a written notice of members of their family, it can be becomes 60, their retirement will resignation, commonly known as a grounds for resignation. Lastly, be considered as optional, but "resignation letter," to their there may be other similar causes when they turn 65, their retirement employer. This notice should be that can be deemed as justifiable will be compulsory. Employees given at least one (1) month in reasons for an employee to resign. must have at least five years in the advance. This time frame allows company in order to be the employer to initiate the process Article 280. SECTION 9. compensated at the rate of one of finding a suitable replacement Termination Pay -In the event of half-month’s salary for every year and ensures a smooth transition to termination resulting from the of labor, even if they have only prevent any disruptions in the implementation of labor-saving worked for six months. workflow. In the event that an technologies or redundancy, the impacted employee neglects to submit a employee will be eligible for a separation Article 280 Section 14 formal resignation letter, there is a package. This package will be equal to Retirement benefits. (a) An employee who potential for them to be held their one-month salary or one month's retires in accordance with a bona fide accountable for any resulting salary for each year of service, whichever retirement plan, there is a collective damages. amount is greater. agreement concerning the corporate policy ● In the event that an employee SECTION 10. Basis of Termination stipulates that the termination resigns with just cause, it is not Pay - The computation of an employee's compensation shall be equivalent to at least necessary for them to provide a termination pay will be determined using one and a half months’ worth of wages for formal resignation notice. their most recent salary rate, unless the every year spent working in the industry. According to Article 285, there are employer intentionally reduced the rate to Six months are still counted as one year. specific circumstances that can be undermine the provisions of the Code. In considered as just causes for an such cases, the amount determined will be Following are the processes for employee's resignation. These based on the rate before the deduction was calculating retirement pay: include instances where the made. a. Based on the most recent wage rate, employee has been subjected to fifteen (15) days’ salary; serious insults that affect their 6. Art 287. Retirement - b. Five (5) days of service incentive time subcontractor finds the employees who 2. Probationary Employment -a off in cash and one-twelfth (1/12) of the will do a certain assignment. The security worker has been employed on a thirteenth-month salary. agency serves as one illustration of this. probationary basis. If the person does not c. The calculation should look like this: meet the reasonable requirements set by (1/12 x 365/12)=0.083 x 30.41= 2.52 As a Labor contracting -refers to a situation the employer to qualify as a regular result, “one-half month salary” is in which the primary employer join in a employee, they will be terminated. The corresponds to 22.5 days. If we express contract with a staffing firm for the supply employee’s probationary term cannot go minimum retirement it should be rate of personnel. A legitimate labor contract more than six months from the day they multiplied by 22.5 days and years of must meet two requirements in order to be began working. service valid: The contractor must (a) engage in the labor-providing business, and (b) 3. Part time Employment -are the Republic Act 7641 and Republic Act possess a substantial sum of money. workers who are hired to perform work for 8558 -are the two separate statutes that a duration shorter than the common regulate retirement benefits. The thirteenth Types of Employment working hours which is eight or those paycheck and the monetary equivalent of people who work fewer than the normal six the perquisite for work leave are legal 1. Regular employment -is when a days of work weekly. entitlements for both elective and required worker is hired to carry out tasks that are retirees. typically required or desired in the Examples: freelance, teacher’s assistant, employer’s regular business or trade. Even food service jobs Contractual employees -A signed when the person is doing a “necessary or contract has a certain length of time and desirable” task, it does not automatically 4. Commission paid employment -are expires by its own terms at the end of that make them a regular employee. There are compensated according to the revenue they time, therefore employees engaged on a certain exceptions, such as when the generate for the company. They receive a “fixed period” are not subject to an individual and the employer have cut of the money they made for their unlawful dismissal if the contract has previously agreed upon the length of their employer. terminated owing to its expiration. employment. Examples: Salespeople, recruiters, The law provides three rules on how to be stockbrokers a regular employee: Job Service/Labor Contracting (1) It depends on the nature of work 5. Casual employment -occurs when Job or service contract -is a written personnel are recruited for a specific agreement that enables the principal to (2) It depends upon the years of service to timeframe or period. They could be provide the assembler—the person who the employer. employed to temporarily fill in for regular supplies the components to complete the employees who are out on leave or during project—a task, work, or labor (3) Through probationary employment. times of high demand when extra commitment. The contractor or personnel are required. 6. Contractual Employment -these are (4)Switch career if the need arises the workers who are engaged may do so at Topic 9: Career management and (5)planning any time but must commit to a tenure of no Development more than six (6) months. Find a suitable field: Career Development - prepares a Includes the identification of interest which person for progression along a designated would also bring forth material rewards career path. This is a formal approach to 1. Influence of parent, relative, or friend ensure that people with the proper 2. Read colleges' course catalog qualifications and experiences are available 3. Counseling or testing when needed. It also enriches and develops 4. Academic advisers, professors an organization's HR for both employee 5. Natural and forced opportunity and organization needs. 6. Reference books about career information Objectives of Career Development: 7. Computer-assisted career guidance 1. Timely response to immediate and future 8. Newspapers and magazines human resource needs 9. Speaking to people
2. Inform organizations and individuals Self-assessment -use of information by
about potential career paths within the employees to determine their career organization interests, values, aptitudes, and behavioral tendencies 3. Utilize existing HR programs by integrating individual career selection, • Strong-Campbell Interest Inventory development and management activities • Self-Directed Research with organizational plans • Self-Assessment Exercise
Career and the Individual: Undergraduates studies completer:
Logical Flow of Events in Developing a 1. Where am I? (Examine Current Position Career Finding a suitable field of Life and Career) (1) Finding a job 2. Who am I? (Examine different roles) 3. Where would I like to be and what (2) Establish career goals and path would I like to happen (future goal setting) 4. An ideal year in the future (Identify (3)Select relevant career advancement resources needed) strategies 5. An ideal job (create current goal) 6. Career by objective inventory ➔ Not taking initiative to generate 3. Identify growth fields and growth (summarize current situation) leads companies ➔ Having a poor resume 4. Find the right organization for you Choosing a college major and charting 5. Display good job performance ideal path: Establishing career goals: 6. Obtain broad experience 1. Examination on interest Career Planning -process whereby an 7. Find a sponsor and a mentor 2. Examination on abilities individual sets career goals and identities 8. Document your accomplishment 3. Examine what you value in work that means to achieve them. This refers to 9. Rely on networking 4. Career exploration efforts by individuals in becoming aware 10. Make the necessary career transitions 5. Reality Check of their own skills, values, interests, and 11. Cope with career plateau 6. Narrowing choices and focusing on opportunities. It precedes finding a job. choosing a major Career Switching: Goals: -This is the shift from one career to Conducting job campaigns • Relate to desired positions another. Three major aspects of the job campaign: • Level of skill application 1. Job hunting tactics • Work setting Making Career Changes : 2. Preparing a resume • Skill acquisition 1. Assessment of likes and dislikes 3. Performing well in an interview 2. Researching new careers Establishing career path: 3. Transferable skills • Identify objectives Career path -flexible line of progression 4. Training and education • Identify potential distribution through which an employee typically 5. Changing in or out • Use multiple approaches and tactics moves during employment with a 6. Job hunting basics •Use networking company. 7. Be flexible ➔ friends ➔ parents and other family members • Analyzing work and information flows Retirement Planning: ➔ faculty and stuff • Type of tasks performed across jobs -This completes the career cycle. It ➔ former or present employer • Similarities and differences in working includes planning what to do after ➔ community groups environment retirement. ➔ trade and professional education • Historical movement patterns of ➔ career fairs employees into and out of the jobs Career Stages: • Persist -There are different career stages and the • Take rejection in stride Career Advancement Strategies and stage you are in would influence your • Avoid common mistakes Tactics: preference for various occupations. The ➔ Not knowing what type of work 1. Make an accurate self-appraisal main stages of the career cycle are given as one wants to do 2. Stick with what you do best follows: 1. Growth stage - the period from birth to employee who helps develop a less which the person finds alternative uses for age 14 when a person develops a experienced employee. Many organizations the time and effort formerly spent on self-concept by identifying and interacting today actively promote mentor his/her occupation. with other people such as family, friends, relationships and teachers. Toward the end of this stage, the adolescent (who by time has developed 3. Establishment stages the period roughly Career Planning preliminary ideas about what his or her from ages 26 to 44 that is the heart of most -Career planning is important to both interests and abilities are) begins to think people's working lives. During this period, organizations and individuals. It requires realistically about alternative occupations. it is hoped a suitable occupation is found careful coordination between the two. The and the person engages in those activities HR managers usually represent the 2. Exploration stage- the period (roughly that help him/her earn a permanent place in organization in the career planning process. from 15 to 25) during which a person it. This also involves creating a meaningful seriously explores various occupational and relevant role in the organization. (a.) Career management for new alternatives, attempting to match these employees -New employees usually alternatives with his/her interests and 4. Maintenance stage - between the ages 45 encounter a number of potential problems abilities. Tentative broad occupational to 60 during which the person receives including their initial job and its choices are usually made during the his/her place in the world of work and most accompanying challenges. beginning of this period. Then, toward the efforts are now directed at maintaining that Disappointments with initial job end of this period, a seemingly appropriate place. If the employee has been in the same assignments frequently spill over into their choice is made and the person tries out for position for several years, then one must attitudes and job satisfaction. Possible a beginning job. Each stage presents recognize the possibility of changing job solutions to this concern are realistic job distinct developmental challenges for the requirements, lateral job movement, preview, a challenging first job assignment, individual. In addition to these typical lessening of promotional opportunities, and or by means of assigning new employees career stages, there are also circumstances even possible, job loss or layoff. At this to managers who have demonstrated an which interrupt or postpone the career stage, the individual should already prepare ability to mentor. cycle. For example, many women interrupt for the next stage while preparing to cope their careers in order to raise families and with becoming plateaued. (b.) Career management for then when their children are already old mid-career employees -Some enough, they resume their career pursuits 5. Decline or disengagement stage (60 and mid-career problems include mid-career later in life. In addition, many individuals above) the period during which many plateau and job loss. Most employees after change careers in midlife. people are faced with the prospect of progressing through two or three levels in having to accept reduced levels of power the organization and receiving Two factors in this page appears to be: and responsibility and learn to accept and commensurate promotions are likely to a. Initial job assignments develop new roles as mentor and confidant encounter a plateau when further b. Characteristics of the first supervisor or for those who are younger. There is then advancement is less. In extreme cases, they mentor. A mentor is an experienced senior the more or less inevitable retirement, after are often the first to go in an organization undergoing downsizing. One way to help Organizational Actions during Late important role in helping employees make these employees is by providing specially Career a smoother transition from work to designed career counseling services or by retirement. Such support is of great value incorporating special career path options. 1. Understanding older employees - in maintaining loyalty and motivation of managing older employees requires the longer-serving members of the sensitivity to late career issues on the part workforce. This will enhance Late career stage of the top management and supervisory employee-employer relationship. This is the final stage in an employee's staff. 6. Early retirement - this is the flip side career where he/she has already reached an of the retirement issue which encourages age of adulthood and should eventually 2. Performance standards and less talented or adaptable employees to prepare himself/herself, either for a bigger feedback - once confronted with low retire early. Suggested programs include responsibility or for retirement. This productivity among senior employees, supplementing the reduced Social Security involves leaving a job and work role and performance problems should be stated in System benefits for the employees who making a transition into life without work. clear behavioral terms, and consequences retire before full benefits are given, cash For some employees, retirement involves should be stated and identified to avoid bonuses, maintenance of benefits until age making a transition out of their current job continuous ineffectiveness. 65, cost of living adjustments to pension and company and seeking a full or benefits, and full pension benefits for early part-time employment elsewhere. 3. Education and job restructuring ongoing retirement. learning opportunities through the The aging workforce and the use of early integration of stimulating, responsible job Career Plateau -u is the point in retirement programs to shrink companies' assignments, and continuing education can someone's professional career where workforces have three implications: play a major role in the revitalization of the promotion is not likely to happen due to 1. Companies must meet the needs of older late career workforce. the lack of ability, company's restructuring employees. and other factors. Plateauing is not 2. Companies must have taken steps to 4. Establishment of flexible work necessarily bad for the company or the prepare employees for retirement. employee. A plateaued employee may Patterns -most retirees feel that they 3. Companies must be careful that early maintain the minimum standard in his/her should be able to reduce their working retirement programs do not discriminate job performance and may not assume any week to get ready for retirement. These against older employees. more responsibility. When the job doesn't options include part-time or seasonal employment, special consulting have any personal growth to offer to the Developmental needs during Late career employee then plateauing becomes assignments, job sharing or job rotation, 1. Senior leadership roles dysfunctional. flexible or compressed working hours, and 2. Productivity job restructuring. 3. Effective retirement REASONS FOR PLATEAUING 5. Development of retirement •Lack of ability •Lack of training planning programs - this plays an •Low need for achievement 4. Deadwood - individuals whose work is •Social •Confusion about job responsibilities marginal or inadequate and considered to •Interaction with others to train, educate •Slow company growth have little to no potential for advancement •Friendly, outgoing, tactful •Teacher, social workers •Enterprising CAUSES OF PLATEAUS Rehabilitating ineffective plateaued •Interaction with others to attain •Changing skill requirements employee organizational goal, Leadership •Flattening organization •Alternative means of recognition •Aggressive, ambitious, persuasive •Boomer bulge •Make their new job satisfying •Sales administration, Business oriented •Increased automation •Effect revitalization through reassignment •Conventional •Rise of contingent workers •Utilize reality based self-development •Use of data, clerical, organizing and •Popularity of business outsourcing programs computational act •Shifting career expectation •Change managerial attitude towards •Practical, efficient, orderly plateaued employee •Accounting, secretaries, bankers, Possible Remedies for Plateaued housekeepers. Employee: Identifying occupational orientation 1. Must understand the reason for •Personality Groups Identifying career anchor -a self plateauing. •Sample Interest concept based on different motives and 2. Be encourage to participate in •Sample personal traits abilities. Career anchors are the traits and development activities. •Sample occupation abilities you hold most dear and won't 3. Be encourage to seek career counseling. •Realistic compromise on at work. Your professional •Precise use of objects, mechanical, identity is built on them, and they direct MANAGERIAL CAREER STATE animal, manual your career choices. 1. Learners as latecomers - individuals •Practical, shy, conforming, thing oriented who have the potential for improving but •Engineer, tech, skilled trades, military Five career anchors: not yet performing at the present. •Investigative 1. Managerial Competence •Exploration and exam of physical, 2. Technical/Functional Competence 2. Stars - individuals who performed high biological and cultural things 3. Security quality work and considered to have high •Rational, introverted, analytical, 4. Creativity advancement potential intellectual 5. Autonomy and Independence •Scientific, analytic occupation 3. Solid Citizen - individuals who are •Artistic Career management responsibilities of doing good or outstanding work. Effective •Use of various materials to create art the manager, the HR management, the plateauees forms: music, language and drama company, and the employee: •Creative, expressing, nonconforming 1. Avoid reality shock PRO, musician, artist, etc 2. Provide initially challenging task 3. Be demanding 2.Information on career and job 6. Improved organizational 4. Provide job rotation and job pathing opportunities competitiveness periodically 3. Career planning workbooks 7. Improved customer satisfaction and 5. Provide opportunities for mentoring 4. Career counseling loyalty 5. Career paths 8. Enhanced recruitment Manager’s role in career development Employee’s role -include taking 9. Improved cost effectiveness of HR roles responsibilities: initiative to ask feedback regarding their decisions •Coach performance, identify their stage of career (C.) Perceived benefit as far as the •Probe problems, listen, clarify concerns, development and development needs, gain employees concerned: define concerns exposure to every learning opportunity, and 1. Improved skills, attitude and knowledge •Appraiser interact with employees from inside and 2. Enhanced morals and job satisfaction •Give feedback, clarify company standards, outside the company. 3. Improved opportunities for development clarify job responsibility, clarify company 4. Greater sense of company direction needs Benefits of career development system: 5. Increased awareness of how to manage •Advisor (A.) Career development practices careers realistically •Generate options, assist in goal setting, 1. Development programs 6. Great sense of personal responsibility provide recommendations 2. Job information system for their own career development. •Referral agent 3. Individual counseling or career •Link to career management resources, discussion follow up on career management plan 4. Employee self assessment tools 5. Career paths or career ladder Human resource Manager’s role 6. Career planning workshop -ranges from providing information and 7. Succession planning advice in regards to training and 8. Career Resource Center development opportunities to providing 9. Pre Retirement workshop specialized tests to appraise an employee. 10. Outplacement Also HR managers were also tasked to (B). Perceived benefit as far as the help employees prepare for job searches company's concerned: and offer counseling related problems. 1. Better alignment of employee competencies with business goals Company’s role -responsible for 2. Better communication within the providing resources for the employees to organization as a whole be able to succeed in career planning. This 3. More motivated workforce include the following: 4. Improved retention and reduced turnover of key personnel 1. Career workshop 5. Enhanced productivity and profitability also be applied in cases of misconduct that Labor standards -refers to the minimum adversely affect the organization's terms and condition of employment to efficiency. Conduct-related problems which employment employees are legally usually arise when employees fail to entitled and which employers must comply adhere to both written and unwritten Labor relations - refers to the Topic 10: Employee Relations and workplace rules, such as punctuality, interactions between employer and Employee Discipline obedience to orders, safeguarding company employees or their representatives and the property, and generally supporting and not mechanism by which standards and other I. The importance of Labor Relations hindering the organization's efficiency. terms and conditions of employment are Book V of the Labor Code of the Employees may also face performance negotiated, adjusted and enforced Philippines -is a crucial part of the labor issues stemming from a lack of knowledge, legislation that addresses labor relations skill, or ability (KSA) required to perform Terms: and the role of labor unions or their job duties effectively. Commission -Refers to the National organizations. It outlines the rights, Labor Relations Commission or its responsibilities, and processes governing Disciplinary action -is the appropriate divisions. labor relations in the Philippines. approach to address misconduct directly related to an employee's job performance. Bureau -Denotes the Bureau of Labor Employee relations -is often seen as a The overarching goal of disciplinary action Relations and/or Labor Relations Divisions strategy aimed at avoiding unions. Its is to rectify problems and assist employees in regional offices. primary objective is to foster a work in achieving success in their work. This environment where all employees can aspect of Human Resource Management Board -Represent the National excel and contribute creatively to the pertains to significant actions taken to Conciliation and Mediation Board. organization. Employee relations activities enforce organizational standards. have a direct impact on efficiency, as they Council - Stands for the Tripartite involve addressing potential causes of It's essential to understand that the purpose Voluntary Arbitration Advisory Council. performance issues and providing of discipline is to correct misconduct and assistance to resolve them. modify unacceptable behavior, rather than simply punishing the employee. When Employer -Includes individuals acting in the employer's interest, excluding labor implementing discipline, it should follow a Employee's attitude toward work -is organization representatives. progressive approach, commencing with a crucial factor influencing productivity the minimum intervention required to and performance. Discipline is often Employee -Encompasses all individuals correct the offense. Additionally, penalties misunderstood as mere punishment, but it employed by an employer, including those should be reasonably consistent with those should not be equated with punishment. affected by labor disputes or unfair labor applied to other employees for similar Instead, discipline refers to actions taken practices without other employment. offenses. by an employer when an employee violates company policies or rules. Discipline can Labor organization -Any union or Rank and file employees -All Certainly, supervisors can take actions that association of employees involved in non-managerial and non-supervisory proactively deter employee misconduct collective bargaining or dealing with employees from happening altogether. Managers have employment terms. the potential to avert the need for Voluntary Arbitrator -A Voluntary disciplinary measures by acknowledging Legitimate labor organization -A Arbitrator can be any person accredited by the intrinsic value and respect of each labor organization duly registered with the the National Conciliation and Mediation employee while conveying their belief that Department of Labor and Employment. Board (NCMB) or someone designated in a all employees aspire to and have the Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA) capability to achieve their utmost potential. Company union -A labor organization by the parties to resolve disputes. They can Here are some examples of how aided by acts defined as unfair labor also be chosen through a mutually supervisors can potentially prevent practices. agreed-upon selection process in the CBA employee issues: or authorized by the Secretary of Labor and Bargaining representative -A Employment to act as a Voluntary •Leading through personal behavior, legitimate labor organization, whether or Arbitrator upon the written request and upholding strong professional and ethical not employed by the employer. agreement of the parties. values.
Strike -A strike refers to a temporary •Creating a top-notch workplace fostering
Unfair labor practice -Refers to acts work stoppage initiated by employees as a innovation and heightened efficiency. expressly defined as such by the Labor Code. collective response to an industrial or labor dispute. •Setting and sharing explicit office operation expectations. Labor dispute -Covers controversies on employment terms or representation in Lockout -Lockout is the temporary refusal of an employer to provide work to • Defining performance criteria that are negotiations, regardless of employees as a response to an industrial or clear, achievable, and measurable, and employer-employee relations. labor dispute. conveying them effectively to staff Managerial employee -Has authority to •Regularly assessing performance and formulate and execute management Internal Union Dispute -This term offering frequent input. policies and make key HR decisions. encompasses all disputes or grievances arising from violations of a union's •Ensuring employees take responsibility Supervisory employees -Recommends constitution and bylaws, including for outcomes and acknowledging and managerial actions that require disagreements over the rights and rewarding exceptional performance. independent judgment but are not clerical. conditions of union membership as defined in the Labor Code. •Offering chances for individual advancement, including formal and II. Prevention of Employee Misconduct hands-on training, mentoring, and counseling services to assist employees in d. Negligence in the use of property providing employee role models. dealing with personal challenges. 3. Orderliness/Good Conduct -A high III. Categories of difficult/problem Substance Abuse -Alcoholism and drug quality of productivity, reputation, or employees2 abuse are serious issues that can lead to image cannot be preserved by any business Ineffective Employee Performance absenteeism, accidents, and reduced without order and discipline. If the workers -When employees underperform, it could productivity. These problems are now commit any of the following breaches, be due to skill deficiencies, job-related recognized as treatable diseases that orderliness and discipline cannot be factors, or motivational issues. These require intervention and treatment, rather maintained: causes should be carefully evaluated and than hoping they resolve on their own. addressed. a. Fighting/quarreling IV. Discipline or Infraction case b. Violation of rules Rule Violators -Companies have rules, Personnel discipline rules and regulations c. Discourtesy/disrespect some general and others specific, which may include the following offenses d. Intoxication while at work employees must follow. Violations can involving the following subjects: e. Possession of drugs/narcotics/alcoholic range from minor infractions to more drinks serious offenses like possession of 1. Against Person -The phrase "crimes f. Illegal strike weapons or substance abuse. Employers against the person" refers to a wide range g. Strike violations/sabotage can enforce rules as long as they comply of criminal acts, most of which entail h. Failure to cooperate in investigations with the law. causing bodily injury, posing a danger of i. Hygiene doing so, or acting against the will of the j. Safety Illegal or Dishonest Acts -Any form of victim k. Union activity illegal or dishonest behavior, such as theft 1. Moonlighting or embezzlement, poses a significant a. Physical injury m. Deportment problem for organizations. Typically, b. Assault n. Financial interest employees engaging in such acts are c. Homicide o. Unauthorized outside work terminated unless there is insufficient d. Murder p. Personal affairs evidence for prosecution. q. Disorderliness, horseplay 2. Against Property Crime -against r. Use of foul language Personal Problems -Employees are property refers to an act that takes an expected to manage personal issues owner's property against their choice and 4. Attendance and Punctuality -An without affecting their work performance. destroys it or takes it away from them. important duty of employees at work is to Major life events like marriage, divorce, or be present on time and regularly. family problems may temporarily impact a. Misuse of property Employees are expected to be at work on job performance. Some organizations offer b. Damage to property time, as scheduled, and ready to go to c.Theft and robbery work. c. Inefficiency 1. Discuss any misconduct or performance a. Timekeeping violations d. Malingering problems directly with the employee. Give b. Absenteeism e. Carelessness the employee an opportunity to provide an c. Tardiness f. Poor quality explanation, and carefully listen to and d. Undertime consider what the employee has to say. e. AWOL (absent without leave) 8. Honesty/Integrity -Integrity involves honesty and moral and ethical principles. 5. Morality -The set of principles that Being honest and having integrity will help 2. Clearly explain expectations to the allow people to live peacefully in you in building a better relationship with employee and review any rules, communities is referred to as morality. It is your coworkers. It is very important that regulations, or policies in the area where what society considers to be "right" and you follow ethical standards and moral the employee is exhibiting problems. "acceptable." values in your workplace. People with Provide the employee an opportunity to ask integrity are considered trustworthy. any questions and offer assistance in a. Immorality However, the lack of integrity leads to complying with your expectations. b. Sexual harassment distrust and below are some of the violations that employees have done in a 3. If applicable, develop a plan with the 6. Conflict of Interest -If a circumstance workplace. employee directed at helping to improve that benefits an employee also has an misconduct. If possible, set time limits for impact on your organization, there is a a. Falsity/falsification improvement and be very clear about the conflict of interest at work. The code of b. Fraud consequences. conduct for your business also obligates c. Dishonesty employees to act in the best interests of d. Breach of trust 4. Give the employee periodic and specific their employer rather than for their own e. Unfaithfulness feedback. Be firm and clear about what benefit f. Loss of confidence improvement you expect to occur. Tell the g. Usurious transaction employee you may have to take further 7. Nonperformance -Unsatisfactory h. Disclosure of information steps if behavior does not improve. workplace behavior, include being i. Disloyalty disruptive or acting negatively toward j. Nonpayment of debt 5. If misconduct continues, the supervisor coworkers, noncompliance with workplace may choose to orally admonish the policies, rules, or procedures, and V. Addressing employee conduct employee, providing a strong message that unsatisfactory work performance, which is problems further incidents of similar misconduct defined as failing to perform job may lead to a more formal action. If after obligations to the needed standard. There are various actions a supervisor can all informal attempts have failed and the take to help an employee who is displaying misconduct continues, the supervisor, a. Insubordination conduct issues to improve. following consultation with HR, may b. Negligence of duty decide to formally discipline the employee. This is an approach in which a solved rather than on who is to blame and VI. Approaches to Discipline sequence of penalties is administered, each why. This is also an action that follows the The violation of company rules can be one slightly more severe than the previous infraction and to encourage employees to handled in many different ways: one. The goal is to build a discipline comply with the existing rules and program that progresses from less severe to regulations and is oftentimes accompanied A. Hot Stove Rule by Douglas McGregor more severe in terms of punishment. It is by a disciplinary action such as warnings This approach to discipline is discussed in important in any disciplinary system to and suspensions. terms of what happens when a person formally record what the policy is, and The objectives of disciplinary touches a hot stove. when and what action was taken. This is action are positive in nature and include the the policy applied by most employers that following: reforming the offender, The consequences are: entails stronger penalties for repeated deterring others from committing the same 1. A warning system - a good manager offenses. Its purpose is to instill in the infractions, and maintaining the smooth has, before behavior has occurred, employee an opportunity for self. flow of effective group standards with the communicated what the consequences are disciplinary correction in order to avoid primary goal of improving the future of the for the undesirable behavior. further infractions (see topic on process). employee instead of punishing him/her for Progressive discipline must his/her past. 2. An immediate burn - if discipline is include due process to satisfy that required, it must occur immediately after employee rights were not violated. It D. Negative Approach the undesirable act is observed. The person defines the conditions for responsible use This approach emphasizes the must see the connection between the act of discipline. This means that procedures punitive effects of undesirable behavior. and the discipline. were taken to ensure the employee was The purpose is to punish employees for treated justly and fairly to deter outbreaks mistakes and it is usually severe to remind 3. Consistency - there are no favorites; from the labor sector, especially unions. others of the consequences of wrongdoing. hot stoves burn everyone alike. Any Major requirements include: presumption employee who performs the same of innocence until reasonable proof is The problem of this approach is undesirable act will be disciplined presented, and the punishment must fit the that it motivates employees to achieve only similarly. crime. the minimum acceptable performance. Employees who are motivated by fear are 4. Impersonal - disciplinary action is C. Positive/Corrective Discipline not oriented toward becoming outstanding directed against the act, not at the person. It The advocates of this approach performers because they are motivated to is meant to eliminate undesirable view it as future-oriented, as it involves avoid failure and to produce only the behaviors. working with employees to solve problems minimum amount of work to avoid so that problems do not occur again. punishment. Employees' mistakes are used to help them B. Progressive Discipline learn how to change. The discussion E. Preventive Discipline focuses on the problem and how it can be This is the action taken by Ideally, This should be in writing as a list employees who must live under it is more companies to encourage employees to of fundamental, general work regulations, likely to obtain their support and follow standards and rules so that an employee handbook, or other cooperation. A fair policy also implies that infractions do not occur. It is more information disclosed to the employee. discipline must be applied uniformly and proactive in nature since it helps impartially to all employees. A fair policy employees avoid infractions in the first B. Knowledge of disciplinary does not imply a slack approach; discipline place, by letting them know firsthand what punishments - Employees should be might be strong, even harsh, but it must be the rules and regulations are. aware of the penalties that will be imposed fair. If necessary, fair discipline is also F. Counseling Approach for common violations of the code of easier to defend and justify in court The erring employee is counseled conduct. rather than progressively penalized for the When setting up your discipline program, first few breaches of rules and regulations. C. Appeal procedure - Employees it should contain the following steps in the This approach believes that employees can should be able to share their side of the disciplinary process: be constructively corrected without penalty story. While an entire appeal procedure may not be achievable, you should at least The disciplinary Process First offense - given a private discussion provide them with a fair hearing before Disciplinary procedure -should include implementing disciplinary penalties. a progression of increasingly severe Second offense - entails a corrective punishments for misbehavior. The practice approach D. Reservation of right - If you have a is known as progressive discipline because written policy, you should include a the disciplinary action becomes more harsh Third offense - entails an evaluation of statement stating that the policy is intended over time. the whole management schema pinpointing to be used as advice and that you reserve error perhaps on the system itself. The the right to change the policy in any way if 1. Informal talk - this may occur in cases focus here is fact-finding and guidance to circumstances need it. While this statement where the misconduct is very minor. encourage desirable behavior instead of does not empower you to disregard your using penalties to discourage undesirable policy, it is intended to make the employee 2. Verbal warning - a simple comment behavior. aware that there may be circumstances in by a supervisor to warn employees that which they would be handled differently. It certain acts are not acceptable. The purpose VII. Elements of a Disciplinary Program can also be useful if an employee questions is to ensure that employees know what is An effective, comprehensive, and the appropriateness of a certain disciplinary expected of them and that what they are successful discipline program should action based on his or her interpretation of doing is wrong.This is frequently used for contain the following elements: the document's terms. minor offenses such as frequent tardiness, discourtesy, and the like. A. Code of Conduct - Employees should E. Fair discipline - When selecting understand the distinction between which strategy to choose, remember that a 3. Verbal reprimands - the supervisor acceptable and unacceptable behavior. system that is perceived as fair by the informs the employee that the situation is not acceptable and improvement is employee. It should be guaranteed that required. Since the purpose is to correct the 5. Suspension - if an employee fails to sufficient cause exists for it to be problem, the employee should leave the respond to the written reprimand and implemented. It should occur only after all discussion feeling encouraged and persists in wrongdoing, suspension is reasonable steps to rehabilitate an committed to improve. The supervisor applied where an employee is not allowed employee have failed. should make a written note of the to work for a period o2f time and his/her conversation in case further discipline compensation is reduced accordingly. The Art. 282. Termination by Employer becomes necessary. Reprimands can take purpose is to demonstrate the seriousness (Dismissal) -An employer may terminate the form of constructive criticism and of the offense and to reinforce the idea that an employment for any of the following should include: making the facts appropriate behavior is a prerequisite for just causes: surrounding the reprimand clear; stating maintaining a job. The length of what the reprimanded employee must do suspension should be considered in light of 1. Serious misbehavior or intentional and why; and reaffirming one’s belief in the seriousness and type of offense. The disobedience by an employee to the the reprimanded employee. Always supervisor and the HR head must be able to authorized directives of his employer or the document the discussion. document every incident that has led to representative in connection with his work; suspension, explain why it is an 4. Written reprimand - a written unacceptable behavior, indicate the length 2. The employee's gross and continuous description of the problem and the of the suspension, and what action will be negligence of his responsibilities; disciplinary action. The supervisor taken next. prepares a written record that summarizes 3. Employee dishonesty or intentional what has been said and decided when the 6. Demotion - This step will occur when breach of the confidence placed in him by supervisor discusses the problem with the it becomes necessary to use against the his supervisor or a duly authorized employee. Both the supervisor and the employee before termination. representative of the employer; employee concerned should sign the reprimand. Employees should be warned 7. Discharge/dismissal - represents the 4. Commission of a crime or offense by the about the consequences if he/she does not final step in the disciplinary process. If employee against the person of his change. Here, an employee is given a progressive discipline fails to correct the employer or any immediate member of his written reprimand where he/she is asked to employee, termination will result. This family or his duly authorized sign his/her name on it, acknowledging its should not be issued until all facts have representatives; and 5. Other causes are existence. This report is then included in been gathered and carefully considered. analogous to the foregoing. his/here 201 file or personal record file for Demotions and transfers are two other future use. In general, this acts as a big alternatives for taking disciplinary actions Due process -is the system that assures deterrent to erring employees, since most and are usually recommended only for that management's rights, such as companies do background checks on problems of unsatisfactory performance. employee punishment and the authority to aspiring employees by looking at their Dismissal is the most drastic disciplinary dismiss personnel, and an employee's right previous employment record step the company can take toward an to security of tenure are acknowledged. It is the process affording the providing the employee with a written employee the opportunity to be informed notice of dismissal outlining the grounds of his/ her alleged violation(s) and to be specified at least 30 days before the date of heard or to explain his/her side. termination. The Regional Office of the Department of Labor and Employment of Rights Afforded to an Unjustly the Philippines (DOLE) must provide a Dismissed Employee Due process has two elements: copy of the notice. Substantive due process -provides the An employee who is dismissed without just ground for disciplinary action, i.e., When due process is not observed, it will cause is entitled to any or all of the corrective or retributive. result to any or combination of the following: following: Procedural due process -provides the 1. Renewal without loss of seniority rights, procedure on how to go about hearing the 1. Illegal dismissal or suspension or separation pay if reinstatement is not side of the employee and evaluating all possible facts and evidence against the allegation. 2. Illegal dismissal will result in reinstatement and payment of back wages. 2. Full back wages, inclusive of allowances Procedural due process must follow the and other benefits, or their monetary twin notice rule: 3. Illegal suspension, on the other hand, equivalent from the time compensation (1) notice to explain and will result in payment of lost wage. was withheld from him or her up to the (2) notice of decision time of reinstatement Grounds for an Employee to Question the 1. A notice of intent to dismiss stating the Dismissal: 3. Damages and attorney's fees if the basis for termination and providing the dismissal was done in bad faith employee with a reasonable opportunity to An employee may question his or her justify his or her position; dismissal based on substantive or 4. Reinstatement refers to restoring an procedural grounds. employee to the position from which he or 2. A hearing or conference in which the The substantive aspect -pertains to the she was wrongfully dismissed. employee is given the opportunity to reply absence of a just or authorized cause Reinstatement without loss of seniority to the charge, submit evidence, or dispute supporting the dismissal. rights indicates that the employee should the evidence offered against him or her; be treated as if he or she had not been fired The procedural aspect -refers to the from work when it comes to seniority and 3.A written notice of dismissal indicating notice of termination or the opportunity to continuity of employment. When a labor that, after careful evaluation of all the present an explanation. judge rules in favor of an illegal dismissal, circumstances, grounds for termination restoration is instantly effective, even if an have been found. Due process in appeal is underway. termination for an allowed cause includes 5. Full back wages are all compensations, including allowances and other monetary equivalents, that should have been earned by the employee but were not collected due to unfair dismissal. It covers all of the money he or she may have earned between the time of dismissal and the moment of reinstatement. Full back pay are a legal penalty imposed on an employer who illegally fires an employee.