org (ISSN-2349-5162)
This article provides a comparative study between Classroom Learning and learning acquired by means of Artificial
Intelligence virtual l earning tools in Higher Education. The study was conducted on students of Delhi University,
India in higher education pursuing degree program in the age group of 18-25. The study concluded that students proffer
AI Learning tools to be additional learning aid to classroom learning. There are certain aspects to classroom learning
which are preferred by students over AI tools such as Interactions in the classroom, Role of Teachers as motivators
and mentors. Students perceive AI tools method of learning to be useful in providing convenience and flexibility in
the process of learning. They are useful in saving time. AI learning Virtual tools are perceived as a supplement by
Higher education students in India to the current classroom learning.
(Key words: Artificial Intelligence Virtual Tools, Classroom Learning, Higher Education)
(I) Introduction
Artificial Intelligence is based on the concept that human cognitive practices can be imitated by machines
and be automated. Use of AI applications in formal education is in the introductory stage, students are using
them in addition to classroom learning in India. Even though they are used by students in Higher education
however dependence still lies primarily with teachers. AI in education is expected to grow significantly
growth about at the rate of 43% in coming years according to horizon report 2018. AI being in the
introductory stage in Education needs more clarity and various challenges to be addressed. (Educause, 2018),
with a time to adoption of 2 or 3 years. According to the report, experts anticipate AI in education to grow by
43% in the period 2018–2022.
1.1History of AI
380 BC and the late 1600s: mathematicians, theologians, philosophers, professors, and authors worked
on the idea of calculating machines, that eventually led to the concept of mechanized “human” thought
in non-human beings.
1700s Jonathan Swift’s novel “Gulliver’s Travels” mentioned a device called the engine, which is one of
the earliest references to a computer. The device intended purpose was to improve mechanical operations,
with the help of a non-human mind.
1921: Karel Čapek, a Czech playwright, first time used the word robot through his science fiction play
“Rossum’s Universal Robots”. His play brought forth the concept of factory-made artificial people who
he called robots.
1929: Japanese biologist and professor Makoto Nishimura created Gakutensoku, the first robot Gakutensoku
translates to “learning from the laws of nature,” mused the robot’s artificially intelligent mind could extract
knowledge from people and nature including moving its head and hands as well as changing its facial
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1935: Alan Mathison Turing British Computer Pioneer, described computing machine having limitless
memory and a scanner moving back and forth by memory by symbols. This concept is now known as Turing
1945 Donald Michie Turing’s colleague at Bletchley Park found Department of Machine Intelligence and
perception at the University of Edinburgh. He also recalled Turing’s frequent discussions as to how computers
can learn from experience and contribute in problem solving through use of guiding, principles – known as
heuristic problem solving.
1951 Christopher Strachey quoted first AI program, later Strachey’s director at university of oxford ran
program on Ferranti Mark computer at University of Manchester England.
1952 Arthur Samuel developed a game checkers who took over Strachey’s checker program and extended it
over the time. In 1955, he enabled the program to learn from experience, Samuel came up with mechanisms
for role learning and generalization, his program won game against a checker champion in 1962.Shopper was
instructed to purchase out of eight shops simulated. Shopper while purchase would memorize items in each
shopping next time when shopper was instructed to shop it would go straight to the right shop. Samuel’s
programs continued in evolutionary computing. Evolutionary computing involves automatic methods of
generating and evaluating, till highly proficient solution comes.
1956-57 Allen Newell and J. Clifford Shaw of the RAND corporation and Herbert Simon of Carnegie Melon
university contributed landmark by theorem program. The program was known as the Logic Theorist. They
also wrote program called the General Problem Solver or GPS the first version ran in 1957. GPS would solve
multiple number of problems/puzzles using trial and error approach Newell, Simon and Shaw developed
Information Processing Language (IPL) a computer language which tailored for AI programming.
1959 John Holland proposed a multiprocessor computer that would assign artificial neuron also contributed
to evolutionary computing by uniting test for prototype of IBM 701 computer. He designed a neural network
experimenting with a virtual rat that could be trained to reach his maze.
1960 John McCarthy coined the term AI Combined IPL elements and produced LISP (List processor a
programming language)
1966: Charles Rosen developed ‘ Shakey’ the Robot, with the help of 11 others .Shakey was the first general-
purpose mobile robot, also known as the “first electronic person.”
1966 Joseph Weizenbaum of MIT AI Laboratory wrote AI Program called ‘Eliza’ & Kenneth Golby a
Psychiatrist of Stanford university wrote ‘Parry ‘developed language programs where psychiatrists were asked
if they were in communication with Parry or human were not able to identity. Eliza also was canned on
sentences and programming tricks.
1968-72 Bertram Raphael at Stanford Research Institute came up with another micro word approach ‘Shakey’
a mobile robot 1972 Terry win grad of MIT introduced ‘SHRDLU’; SHRDLU responded to commands typed
in English
1970s Marvin Minsky& Seymour Papert of MIT AI Laboratory proposed programs related to intelligent
behavior known as micro words.
1973 Alain Colmerauer –at the university of Air-Marseille, France conceived logic programming language.
PROLOG can determine whether given statement is logical from other given statements. PROLOG is used
widely in Europe and Japan. These languages are based on tense logic which allows statements to be located
in the flow of time (Philosopher Arthur Prior at the University of Canterbury, Christchurch, New Zealand
invented the ‘Tense logic’.
1985 Daniel Mills built the 65,6536 processor Thinking Machines corporation ‘super computer’.
1991 Hugh Loebner an American philanthropist began annual Loebner prize competition awarding $ 100,000
to pass Turing’s test to first computer and $2000 each to best effort.
1995: Richard Wallace Computer scientist developed the chatbot A.L.I.C.E (Artificial Linguistic Internet
Computer Entity), inspired by Weizenbaum's ELIZA. What differentiated A.L.I.C.E. from ELIZA was the
addition of natural language sample data collection.
1997: Deep Blue, a chess-playing computer developed by IBM became the first system to win a chess game
against a reigning world champion.
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© 2020 JETIR March 2020, Volume 7, Issue 3 www.jetir.org (ISSN-2349-5162)
1998: Dave Hampton and Caleb Chung invented Furby, the first “pet” toy robot for children.
1999: Sony introduced AIBO (Artificial Intelligence RoBOt), a robotic pet dog designed to “learn” by
interacting with its environment.
2000: Cynthia Breazeal developed Kismet, a robot designed like human face which could recognize and
simulate emotions. Honda releases ASIMO, an artificially intelligent humanoid 2002: i-Robot introduced
Roomba, an autonomous robot vacuum .
2010: Microsoft launched ‘Kinect’ the first gaming device that tracked human body movement using a 3D
camera and infrared detection.
2011: Apple released ‘Siri’, a virtual assistant which uses a natural-language user to infer, observe, answer,
and recommend things to its human user. It can adapt to voice commands and provide customized experience
to users.
2016: Hanson Robotics created A human image robot named Sophia . She is known as the first “robot
citizen.” She has the ability to recognize image, make facial expressions, and communicate through AI which
makes her more popular compared to earlier humanoid robots
2016: Google released Google Home, a ‘personal assistant’ that uses AI to act as to help users remember tasks,
create appointments, and search for information by voice.
2017: The Facebook Artificial Intelligence Research lab created Chat bot to communicate.
2018: Alibaba language processing AI outscored human intellect at a Stanford reading and comprehension.
created by Chinese Tech group.
2018: Google developed BERT, that can be used on a variety of natural language tasks.
2018: Samsung introduced Bixby, a virtual assistant. Bixby has functions of voice, vision, it can answer user’s
questions and provide suggestions.
Luckin, Holmes, Griffiths, and Forcier (2016) proffer three categories of AI applications in education a)
personal tutors, b) intelligent support for collaborative learning, and c) intelligent virtual reality. Jonassen,
Davidson, Collins, Campbell, & Haag (1995) learning is a social exercise; interaction and collaboration are at
the heart of the learning process. Russel and Norvig (2010) raise concern about ethical aspect involved in their
leading textbook on artificial intelligence, “All AI researchers should be concerned with the ethical
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© 2020 JETIR March 2020, Volume 7, Issue 3 www.jetir.org (ISSN-2349-5162)
implications of their work” (p. 1020). Baker & Smith,2019, p. 10). Question still remains whether machines
will be able to actually think and develop consciousness in the future, or rather just project rational behavior.
Justin Klutka, Nathan Ackerly, and Andrew J. Magda, (2018) describe AI will have a positive influence on
higher education, improving outcomes and helping institutions scale quality education for their students. At
the same time there would be practical challenges to be addressed such as ethical challenges .
Questionnaires were sent by E-mail, on mobile WhatsApp groups, which included close ended as well as open
ended questions including the background of the student.
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57.9 % students used AI applications in addition to Classroom education. while 25% were not
sure and 17.1 % did not use at all which indicates around 60% students use AI virtual Tools.
Frequency of using AI Learning virtual tools was limited to being highest amongst students
Graduate students of Delhi University ,India between age of 18-25 who used them once a
month followed by once a week and being minimum who used on daily basis. 43.1% students
use once a month and 41.7% use it on weekly basis, only 15.3 % students indicted its use on
daily basis.
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Online videos seemed to be more popularly of 61.1% for learning purpose, 9.7% used chat bots ,56.9% used other
AI Tools not mentioned in the list.
Responses indicated that the top reason for students for using AI Learning Apps was concept clarity, closely followed
by Convenience and Time Saving, Flexibility also mattered to them.
1. Concept Clarity -34.7 % students perceived AI Applications useful in learning for concept clarity
2. Convenience –23.6% considered Convenience was a major factor for using AI tools.
3. Time Saving - 22.2% rated Time saving as important criteria for choosing AI applications as a medium of
4. Flexibility -15.3% considered flexibility offered by AI applications to be important factor.
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© 2020 JETIR March 2020, Volume 7, Issue 3 www.jetir.org (ISSN-2349-5162)
Economical – only 4.2 %considered it economical which was not very significant in number
In further discussions it was noticed that Convenience, Flexibility of Time and Accessibility, saving of Time,
were the major and most significant factors considered by students while choosing AI Applications. Repetition
of a concept already taught in class and further clearing doubts was also useful.
risk of embarrassment is avoided, some students fear embarrassment in the classroom in front of their peers
as some of them are shy and due to various reasons hesitant and uncomfortable to ask questions. Problem of
inability of Personalization giving attention to all students is overcome
4.6. What is total Contribution in Learning a Particular concept in Percentage out of 100 by AI virtual tools?
52.6 % students answered in ‘No’ whether they wanted to replace AI tools of learning to classroom Learning, only
11.8% students answered in ‘Yes’ that they were of the view to replace classroom teaching to AI learning, while 35.5%
were not sure and answered ‘maybe’.
Teachers as Mentor of students who guided them in different aspects was perceived as one of the most important factors
which cannot be done by AI ,38.2% believed in above mentioned factor and Human Relationship Topped second in
the reasons that students prefer Classroom Teaching to AI .26.3% considered that Human relationship built in the process
of Classroom Learning held significantlyimportant.15.8% believed that Role played by teachers as Mentors, Motivators,
and Human Relationship built, Creativity and Critical Thinking all the above factors contribute to the essence of
Classroom Teaching method.
78.4% students considered AI tools to be used as a supplement to existing Classroom Teaching ,it is not be considered
as a Replacement however 21.6% students percievd AI learning can be considered to be Replacement for Classroom
AI learning Applications are gaining popularity in the in Higher Education in India. Now students learning is not
confined to classroom alone rather Artificial Intelligence Applications are playing a significant role in the learning
process. Artificial Learning tools are very much part of imparting education. As AI is in the infancy stage currently
usage in education is mostly in addition to current existing classroom system. Even though it is preferred for factors
like convenience, flexibility and personalization, overcoming obstacles like feeling of embarrassment by students in
groups, benefits like repetition of a lecture as per convenience. Overcoming barrier of Time as availability of teachers
is limited, The AI tools can be accessed 24/7 any time, students expressed use of these tools is more sought after
during the time of examinations. However, students were of the view that they still want to continue with Classroom
Education learning and it should not be replaced with Artificial Intelligence tools. rather AI methods of learning should
be used as an additional as a supplement to classroom Learning. Students enjoy classroom experience inform of Human
Interactions, relationships with peers and teachers which are formed during the classroom studies, Role of a teacher as
Mentor and Motivator, Discussions, Creativity and critical thinking .Education is a domain largely ruled by human-to-
human interaction, and integration of AI has been slower to develop the necessary human-like attributes of
responsiveness, adaptability, and understanding. Yet there are plenty of areas where AI’s inherent strengths help fill
high-need “gaps” in learning and teaching.
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