Present Perfect With For and Since

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- - - Present Perfect Continuous with For and Since - - -

Task One
Decide which expressions go with the word since and which go with the word for.

For Since For Since

  1. you left   8. the week before last

  2. I got married   9. last summer

  3. a long time   10. ages

  4. several months   11. years

  5. 1982   12. Christmas Day

  6. the last time we met   13. a few minutes

  7. twelve months   14. yesterday

Task Two
Ask your partner “Do you…? Questions. If the answer is yes, ask “How long… have you been ~ing?”
questions. Remember to ask follow-up questions too.

Do you… Yes No Do you… Yes No

A live in a city?   J study at university?  

B drive a car?   K wear earrings?  
C work in a part-time job?   L look after a pet?  
D wear glasses?   M use a smart phone?  
E ride a bicycle?   N play video games?  
F study English?   O use cosmetics?  

Remember: If you don’t understand a word, raise your hand and ask the teacher!

What does __________ mean?

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