Presentation-WBT Prev
Presentation-WBT Prev
Presentation-WBT Prev
In the nineties, as other investigators, I was particularly concerned about the high risk
of relapse in depression and its link with residual symptomatology (1). It was not
easy to make the patients better, but it was even more difficult to keep them well. I
was looking for a psychotherapeutic strategy that could increase the level of recovery.
This was the setting where I developed a psychotherapeutic technique for increasing
the two strategies (CBT and WBT) could be the first step for testing this new therapy.
Twenty patients with mood and anxiety disorders who had been successfully treated
were randomly assigned to either WBT or CBT of residual symptoms (3). Both well-
of the two groups were compared after treatment, a significant advantage of WBT
over CBT was observed. Well-being therapy was associated also with a significant
This is why I decided to include WBT in the treatment package, together with
study concerned with patients with a severe form of recurrent depression defined as
preceding episode being no more than 2.5 years before the onset of the current
episode (4). Forty patients with recurrent major depression, who had been
successfully treated with antidepressant drugs, were randomly assigned to either this
number of sessions that was used in the experimental condition was given. Clinical
management consisted of reviewing the patient clinical status and providing the
patient with support and advice, if necessary. In both groups, antidepressant drugs
were tapered and discontinued. The group that received CBT and WBT had a
comparison with the clinical management group. CBT also resulted in significantly
lower relapse rate (25%) at a 2 year follow-up than did clinical management (80%).
At a 6 year follow-up (5), the relapse rate was 40% in the former group and 90% in
the latter. Further, the group treated with CBT and WBT had significantly lower
number of recurrences when multiple relapses were taken into account. Even though
it was a small and preliminary study, the results were quite impressive: more than half
of the patients treated with CBT and WBT were well and drug free at a 6 year follow-
In the course of the years WBT gained from the insights that derived from its
application to other disorders; the original protocol (2) underwent a first modification
in 2009 (9) and has eventually been finalized in a treatment manual (10).
observation, with the use of a structured diary, interaction between patients and
therapists and homework. WBT is based on a model of psychological well-being that
was originally developed by Marie Jahoda in 1958 (11). She had outlined 6 criteria
environmental mastery; satisfactory interactions with other people and the milieu; the
individual’s balance and integration of psychic forces. Carol Ryff further elaborated
the first 5 dimensions of positive functioning and introduced a method for their
assessment, the Psychological Well-being scales (12). While initially WBT was
refined in the achievement of a state of euthymia, Jahoda’s sixth criterion (11). She
outlook on life which guides actions and feelings for shaping future accordingly, and
generic (and clinically useless) advise of avoiding excesses and extremes. It is how
WBT may be used as the only therapeutic strategy. In this case the number of
sessions may range from 8 to 16-20. The duration of each session may range from 45
sessions may be abridged to 4-6 (10). The sequential combination of CBT/WBT has
Once the instances of well-being are properly recognized, the patient is encouraged to
Characteristic features
Within the broad and highly heterogeneous spectrum of positive interventions , WBT
identify episodes of well-being and to set them into a situational context. They
being and 100 the most intense well-being that could be experienced. Such
search involves also optimal experiences. These are characterized by the
instead of distress.
3. Behavioral exposure. The therapist may also reinforce and encourage activities
that are likely to elicit well-being and optimal experiences (for instance,
time each day). Such reinforcement may also result in graded task assignments,
the patient is likely to avoid. Meeting the challenge that optimal experiences
may entail is emphasized, because it is through this challenge that growth and
over time, if the patient’s attitudes show impairments in these specific areas.
according to factors such as personality traits, social roles and cultural and
social contexts.
Current indications
was not conceived as a cure for mental disorders, but as a therapeutic tool to be
WBT as first line treatment of an acute psychiatric disorder. It may be more suitable
for second- or third-line treatments. Most of the patients who are seen in clinical
practice have complex and chronic disorders. It is simply wishful thinking to believe
that one course of treatment will be sufficient for yielding lasting and satisfactory
remission. Further, WBT was not conceived to be used in every patient who meet
specific diagnostic criteria . It should follow clinical reasoning. Not surprisingly the
1. Increasing the level of recovery. The sequential combination of CBT and WBT in
study that was performed in generalized anxiety disorder (14) suggested that an
increased level of recovery could indeed be obtained with the addition of WBT to
CBT. Twenty patients were randomly assigned to 8 sessions of CBT or the sequential
the CBT/WBT sequential combination over CBT were observed, both in terms of
symptomatology and well-being.. While the clinical benefits have been substantiated
in depression and GAD, this appears to be target for a number of other mental
meeting formal diagnostic criteria for either major depressive disorder or mania (15).
It is a common and disabling condition that does not attract much research attention
since no drugs have been patented for its treatment. Sixty-two patients with
and WBT or clinical management. An independent blind evaluator assessed the
patients before treatment, after therapy and a 1- and 2-year follow-ups At post-
Therapeutic gains were maintained at 1- and 2- year follow-ups (15). The results thus
indicated that WBT may address both polarities of mood swings and is geared to a
state of euthymia.
indicated that protocols based on WBT may be suitable for promoting mechanisms of
resilience and psychological well-being (16-18). In the first pilot study, school
population of 111 middle school students randomly assigned to: a) a protocol using
investigation suggested that well-being enhancing strategies could match CBT in the
among children. The differential effects of WBT and CBT approaches have been
sessions and an adequate follow-up (17). In this trial 162 students attending middle
schools were randomly assigned to either: (a) a protocol derived from WBT; (b) an
anxiety management (AM) protocol. The results of this investigation showed that
WBT was found to produce significant improvements in well-being, whereas AM
WBT school interventions were extended to high-school students, who are considered
to be a more “at risk” population for mood and anxiety disorders. School
interventions were performed in a sample of 227 students (18). The classes were
randomly assigned to either: (a) a protocol derived from WBT; (b) attention-placebo
problems reported by students and conflict resolution. The WBT intervention was
more effective also in decreasing distress, in particular anxiety and somatization. The
disappeared (18). The results thus indicated that WBT in educational settings may
Each session was conducted by two psychologists at the presence of the teacher.
The studies that are summarized indicate that the potential role of Well-Being
Therapy (WBT) is broader than it was originally assumed, i.e. decreasing the risk of
relapse in the residual phase of mood and anxiety disorders. Its updated scope
specific homework. Such perspective is different from interventions that are labelled
as positive but are actually distress oriented. Another important feature of WBT is the
assumption that imbalances in well-being and distress may vary from one illness to
another and from patient to patient. The pursuit of euthymia (13) can thus only be
achieved with a personalized approach that characterizes the treatment protocol and
facilitate its individualized application and the insights gained by clinicians and
5. Fava GA, Ruini C, Rafanelli C, Finos L, Conti S, Grandi S: Six-year outcome of
7. Kennard BD, Emslie GJ, Mayes TL, Nakonezny PA, Jones JM, Foxwell AA, King
10. Fava GA: Well-Being Therapy. Treatment Manual and Clinical Applications.
11. Jahoda M: Current concepts of positive mental health. New York, Basic Books,
13. Fava GA, Bech P: The concept of euthymia. Psychother Psychosom 2016; 85:1-5.
14. Fava GA, Ruini C, Rafanelli C, Finos L, Salmaso L, Mangelli L, Sirigatti S: Well-
being therapy of generalized anxiety disorder. Psychother Psychosom 2005; 74: 26–
15. Fava GA, Rafanelli C, Tomba E, Guidi J, Grandi S: The sequential combination
16. Ruini C, Belaise C, Brombin C, Caffo E, Fava GA: Well-being therapy in school
18. Ruini C, Ottolini, F., Tomba E, Belaise C, Albieri E, Visani D, Offidani E, Caffo