Caseworkprocessibsw 220503123900
Caseworkprocessibsw 220503123900
Caseworkprocessibsw 220503123900
I. Intake
II. Study
III.Diagnosis / Assessment
IV Treatment / Intervention
V Evaluation
VI Termination and
VII Follow up
Case Work Process
• Intake means selecting a person (or)
• taking a person who is having problem (or)
• taking a person who is in distress (or)
• selecting an individual who is not able to cope with his
Intake - Steps
2. Identification & Information about the client (Personal Data)
3. Family background and
4. Early family history.
⚫ Referral means the process by which: a client is made
aware of another resource or service, and helped to make
contact with that resource to receive a needed service.
Types of Referral
1,The case or problem should be referred by somebody
[agency, institutions, family etc] (or)
2. Identified by the worker himself (or)
3. By the client himself to the worker or to an agency.
Stages of Referral
There are six stages; if any one stage is overlooked the referral may leads
to fail.
2. Indirect
With Family
With collateral
According to Dictionary of social work (1987)
⚫In social case work, home visit is the act of going to clients
home in order to provide professional social services.
• Home visits is a valuable one as it can gives important data not only about the clients
physical environment but also the important areas of functioning of the clients at
• Home visits helps to understand the circumstances at the home where he (client)
⚫Collaterals are those, who, because of their special
association with the clients, in a position to furnish
information to the caseworker about the client or to help the
clients (in some way)
⚫ This may be immediate cause or the beginnings and the life history of the
problem; usually the problem lies in the client’s personality makeup or
functioning (Helen Harris Perlman)
⚫ This is the oldest and best known of the case work types of treatment.
⚫ In the simplest form, the worker assist the client to choose and to use of social
resources afforded by the community