Effect of Diabetes Mellitus
Effect of Diabetes Mellitus
Effect of Diabetes Mellitus
In the latter half of the 20th century, diabetes mellitus emerged as one of the most
important diseases in Western societies, both in terms of its adverse effect on the
health and lifestyles of vast numbers of people, as well as its economic impact
(Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 2004). More recently, there has been
a well-documented, startling increase in the rate of new diabetes in Asian and third
world countries. For this reason, the biomedical community is now initiating
a belated, determined effort to understand in some detail the root causes of diabetes
mellitus with the aim of developing novel therapeutics and preventative strategies
(Diabetes Research Working Group 1999).
Diabetes mellitus, which is defined by an inappropriate elevation in the levels
of the circulating blood sugar, has been divided into two primary forms. Type 1
diabetes mellitus, formerly known as juvenile onset disease, is a condition in which
the immune system mistakenly destroys the insulin-producing beta cells of the
pancreas, thus leading to an absolute deficiency of the hormone. Insulin is the
primary message that controls the body’s response to nutritional abundance, and one
of its major roles is to instruct specialized organs like muscle and fat cells to take
up the surplus glucose and turn it into long-term energy stores. For this reason,
Correspondence to: Morris Birnbaum, 415 Curie Boulevard, Clinical Research Building 322, Philadelphia,
PA 19104, USA. Tel.: þ1 215 898 5001; Fax: þ1 215 573 9138; Email: [email protected]
ISSN 1364-8470 (print)/ISSN 1469-2910 (online) ß 2005 Taylor & Francis Group Ltd
DOI: 10.1080/13648470500139908
130 M. J. Birnbaum
a deficiency of insulin leads to impairment of glucose uptake into these tissues while
blood glucose rises inappropriately and dangerously. Type 2 diabetes mellitus, which
was formerly known as adult onset diabetes, accounts for greater than 90% of the
cases diagnosed in the United States and its proportion is rising steadily, particularly
in childhood and adolescent populations. This disease is quite complex and its
etiology is imperfectly understood. However, it is quite clear that Type 2 diabetes
mellitus, at least in part, involves a major inability of insulin to carry out its actions
at target tissues as well as a relative or absolute deficiency in the production of the
hormone. As is true of most complex, common human disease, the study of diabetes
mellitus requires a concerted effort that includes observation and analysis of human
behavior and physiology as well as well-controlled investigation using experimental
in vivo and in vitro model systems. Given the current importance and prevalence of
diabetes research, a thoughtful analysis from a novel, anthropological perspective is
welcome. It is an axiom of research that the answers we find will be dictated by the
questions we ask, and, therefore, any serious analysis that challenges our assumptions
and biases advances the quality and impact of the research.
Nonetheless, there are several apparent assumptions in Dr. Rock’s paper, all
derived from the postulate that my presentation in at the Canadian Diabetes
Association Professional Conference represented a consensus view of the medical
community, that I feel are not well founded. First, and perhaps most importantly, I
was specifically asked to talk about the genetics of diabetes mellitus and it was to this
subject that I limited my comments. Had I been requested to discuss the origins of
diabetes mellitus, I would have delivered a much different address, including other
biological components as well as social, economic and environmental factors. There
is, I think, unanimous agreement in the diabetes research community that
environmental and behavioral factors contribute enormously to the development
of Type 2 diabetes mellitus (Sorensen 2000; Fisher et al. 2002). Indeed, the growing
prevalence of diabetes is occurring at a speed much too fast to be accounted for by
genetic changes. Thus, how else can we account for such a dramatic increase in the
incidence of a disease, unless we implicate environmental factors or an infectious
etiology? For Type 2 diabetes mellitus, there is no evidence for the latter. Almost
certainly, the changes in diabetes mellitus have in large part been caused by dramatic
alterations in the Western lifestyle, in particular, the quality and quantity of the diet
and the reduced activity level. Quite clearly, our interaction with our environment is
critical to how we respond to these new nutritional and metabolic stresses. Again,
I reiterate that I appreciate the importance of these factors in the development of
diabetes and left them out of my talk only because it did not fall within the domain
of the chosen subject.
The question of how inherited factors influence human reactions to environ-
mental exposures is an increasing area of study in genetics. Though usually not
explicitly viewed in this context, it is fair to consider the genetics of diabetes as falling
within this sub-discipline. The problem is that often in the study of complex disease
it is impossible to distinguish even the roles of environmental versus genetic factors.
In trying to resolve issues, it is important to define genetics and here I take minor
issue with Dr. Rock’s working definition as requiring ‘linkage to a specific stretch
Anthropology & Medicine 131
of DNA’. In fact, it is often quite possible to be relatively certain of a genetic basis for
a trait by the pattern of inheritance without actually localizing the responsible gene
to even a large expanse of DNA. In addition, it deserves emphasis that inheritance of
a trait does not in itself prove the existence of a genetic basis for that phenotype.
There is another phenomenon called ‘epigenetics’, in which characteristics are passed
on to future generations by mechanisms that don’t involve mutations, that is,
changes in the sequence of the DNA that forms the genes (Jiang et al. 2004). One
the best studied mechanisms for this is methylation, in which there is chemical
modification of parts of the DNA that are carried on to daughter cells as the
maternal DNA copies reproduce themselves. In regard to diabetes mellitus, the more
important epigenetic event is the tendency of fetal nutritional insufficiency to
increase the likelihood of Type 2 diabetes mellitus in adulthood (Lindsay & Bennett
2001; Wells 2003). Even more remarkably, if the Type 2 diabetic is a woman, an
increased proclivity for the development of diabetes mellitus may be passed on to her
children. At times, genetic and epigenetic effects may be difficult to distinguish,
particularly when the genetic analysis relies exclusively on so-called ‘affected sib pair
analysis’. In this genetic strategy, a large population is queried as to whether the
incidence of diabetes is greater in siblings than would be expected by chance in
unrelated individuals (Freimer & Sabatti 2004). However, there are other types of
genetic analyses, particularly those involving the father, in which it is relatively
straightforward to differentiate genetic from epigenetic modes of inheritance.
A second aspect of the above statement that depends on a false assumption is that
my opinion is representative of the medical community. As science and medicine
become more intricate, there has been an unfortunate gap between those doing
cutting-edge research and individuals actively engaged in patient care. Though we all
continue to cling to the idealized model of the physician/scientist translating
scientific findings ‘from bench to bedside’, the complexities of academic and
intellectual life have made this more a myth than reality. Though I am clinically
trained, I do not treat patients and have not done so for many years. Thus, my
approach to diabetes, if representative of any group, is more that of the basic
researcher who chooses to think about diabetes as a fascinating, but potentially
solvable puzzle, rather than as an disease to be faced every day in the most practical
of ways. It is likely that an active clinician, even one asked to deliver a talk on the
genetic aspects of diabetes mellitus, would have given a very different talk
emphasizing very different aspects of the problem. As unfair as it would have
been to extrapolate that hypothetical physician’s perspective of diabetes to the
research community, it is implausible to assume that my views are in any way similar
to those of the practicing physician. In the current academic environment, even
clinical and basic researchers tend to view disease in very different ways. Perhaps this
derives from their very different immediate goals. A clinical researcher, i.e. one who
interacts directly with human subjects, usually has the primary aim of improving the
treatment or lifestyle of people afflicted with diabetes. This investigator is often
forced to compromise scientific rigor to the ethical or logistical constraints of human
research. Nonetheless, the investigator persists in his research because of the
potential immediate impact of the work. A basic researcher, in contrast, if guided
132 M. J. Birnbaum
by the necessity of obtaining clear, unambiguous answers, and prefers those experi-
ments that can be scrupulously controlled even if the clinical applications are
distant. Obviously, these stylistic differences have an enormous impact on not only a
scientist’s approach to a research but also his overall impression of the disease, even
in the context of its origins. My view is that of the basic researcher, which gives me
the luxury of considering diabetes in an evolutionary context, a view unlikely to be
shared by investigators dedicated to patient-oriented research.
Lastly, even considering my position as a member of the biomedical research
community, it is dangerous to consider the views that I expressed in Canada as
representative of the diabetes research establishment. As discussed by Dr. Rock
in the accompanying paper, much of my presentation concerned an evolutionary
perspective on the underpinnings of diabetes mellitus. In reality, it has only been in
recent years that the research community has begun to think of lower organisms
as in any way related to human beings, and there continues to be much doubt about
this proposition among many investigators. When I first started working on the
fruit fly, Drosophila melanogaster, as a model of metabolic disease, it was virtually
impossible to obtain funding for this effort as most senior scientists regarded this
invertebrate system as irrelevant to human disease. I am gratified that much of
the community has now begun to accept the potential rewards of such avenues of
research. Nonetheless, it would be unfair to characterize this position as the
establishment view. It is also quite likely that only a minority of those working in this
field holds some of the other perspectives I touched on in my talk. My approach to
research is to look for and emphasize the innovative and novel. Whereas my talk
certainly emphasized the state of genetics research into diabetes as a whole, it would
be unavoidable for my biases to not influence the presentation.
Though I have emphasized that the talk I gave several years ago highlighted
genetics because that was the assigned topic, nonetheless I feel strongly that such
investigations into molecular aspects of the etiology of diabetes are justified, in spite
of the wealth of data emphasizing the impact of the environment on the course of
the illness. In reality, the examples of disease that has been successfully managed
in large populations by manipulating the environment or the effected individual’s
response to it are few or non-existent. In an ideal world, the most pragmatic
approach to preventing diabetes would be to revert one’s lifestyle to that of 50 years
ago, avoiding elevators, the television, and cars, and equally important, fast food.
There is certainly merit in trying to understand why these negative external
influences have strongly pervaded our society, but thus far no one has effectively
designed strategies to alter their progression. However, research scientists have been
considerably more successful in developing therapeutics that affect our response to
the environment by altering fundamental biological processes. This emphasizes the
reality that even when a disease has a primary origin in environmental influences,
molecular events intrinsic to the affected individual strongly influence the response
to these outside forces. For example, obesity is a virtually obligate antecedent for the
development of Type 2 diabetes mellitus in Western societies. On the other hand,
only about 10% of obese individuals go on to develop Type 2 diabetes mellitus.
Though the reasons for this are not at present understood, a prevalent idea is that the
Anthropology & Medicine 133
genetic makeup of the individual accounts for this protection. One could legitimately
ask whether the pervasive influence of genetics in current research laboratories drives
academics towards genetic explanation for most unexplained biomedical phenom-
enon, or the model is really derived predominantly by ‘objective’ data. In any case,
the dialogue among anthropologists, biomedical researchers and clinicians should
help uncover possibilities for study and understanding of such devastating human
diseases as diabetes mellitus.
Lastly, I feel compelled to comment on some aspects of Dr. Rock’s accompanying
paper that do not necessarily pertain to the analysis of diabetes research. Throughout
her paper, there are numerous comments characterizing the nature of my talk and
the response to it by the audience and moderator. In some cases, Dr. Rock assumes
the motive for my words and that of the individual who introduced me and
concluded the session. In addition, Dr. Rock frequently points out the spontaneous
reaction of the audience, particularly their frequent laughter. I must confess that I do
not understand the reason behind Dr. Rock’s mentioning these various aspects of
the presentation, though they often smack of derision or mockery. She does not
explain her rationale for these parts of her commentary in the latter discussion
section of the paper. In all my oral presentations, the October 2000 Halifax being no
exception, my major goal is to communicate my ideas and view of a complicated
field. To accomplish this it I try to engage the audience through humor, metaphor,
and even occasional modest exaggeration. I am pleased by Dr. Rock’s very accurate
recount of the event that took place in Nova Scotia five years ago, but I am
concerned that the tone and context may lead to its being misinterpreted. Reading
through the transcript of my talk, I must say that I am gratified by the audience’s
very appropriate reactions that indicate to me that they were indeed ‘engaged’.
Another goal of this talk was to be somewhat provocative, and I take Dr. Rock’s
paper as evidence that I was at least in part successful.
I thank Rebecca Huss-Ashmore and Fran Barg, both of the University of
Pennsylvania, for valuable advice and Barbara Reville for her insightful reading of
this manuscript.
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (2004) ‘National diabetes fact sheet: general informa-
tion and national estimates on diabetes in the United States, 2003’, US Department of Health
and Human Services, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, pp. 1–8.
Diabetes Research Working Group. (1999) Conquering Diabetes: A Strategic Plan for the
21st Century, National Institutes of Health, London.
Fisher, E. B., Walker, E. A., Bostrom, A., Fischhoff, B., Haire-Joshu, D. & Johnson, S. B. (2002)
‘Behavioral science research in the prevention of diabetes: status and opportunities’, Diabetes
Care, vol. 25, pp. 599–606.
Freimer, N. & Sabatti, C. (2004) ‘The use of pedigree, sib-pair and association studies of common
diseases for genetic mapping and epidemiology’, Nature Genetics, vol. 36, pp. 1045–1051.
134 M. J. Birnbaum
Jiang, Y. H., Bressler, J. & Beaudet, A. L. (2004) ‘Epigenetics and human disease’, Annual Review of
Genomics and Human Genetics, vol. 5, pp. 479–510.
Lindsay, R. S. & Bennett, P. H. (2001) ‘Type 2 diabetes, the thrifty phenotype—an overview’,
British Medical Bulletin, vol. 60, pp. 21–32.
Sorensen, T. I. (2000) ‘The changing lifestyle in the world: body weight and what else?’,
Diabetes Care, vol. 23, no. 2, pp. B1–4.
Wells, J. C. (2003) ‘The thrifty phenotype hypothesis: thrifty offspring or thrifty mother?’,
Journal of Theoretic Biology, vol. 221, pp. 143–161.
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Acknowledgements. We thank J. Yang for expert technical support. We also thank the UK HGMP Blood sugar levels were analysed at various ages to establish
Resource Centre for the Genbridge 4 radiation hybrid mapping panel and the EUCIB mouse panel. This
work was supported by grants from the NIH, Potts Foundation and the Medical Research Council. E.P.-R. the role of IRS-2 in glucose homeostasis. Three days after
is an established investigator of the American Heart Association. birth, levels of randomly fed sugars were elevated in IRS-2−/− mice
Correspondence and requests for materials should be addressed to E.P.-R. (e-mail: [email protected]). The (166 6 13 mg dl 2 1 ) compared with in wild-type mice (1166
a1G sequences have the following Genbank accession numbers: rat, AF027984; human, AF029228 and 10 mg dl 2 1 ). Monitoring of blood glucose between 3 and 6 weeks
AF029229. Human gene results are at www.hgmp.mrc.ac.uk/cgi-bin/contig/rhmapper.pl. Mouse gene
results are coded as 97/MW/001 at www.hgmp.mrc.ac.uk/Mbx/MbxHomepage.html. of age showed the development of fasting hyperglycaemia in
IRS-2−/− mice, and at 6–8 weeks of age these mice exhibited marked
glucose intolerance during an intraperitoneal glucose-tolerance test
(Fig. 2a, b). At 10 weeks, IRS-2−/− mice were overtly diabetic with
Disruption of IRS-2 causes fasting glucose levels of 323 6 35 mg dl 2 1 , and if left untreated the
levels of fasting sugars rose progressively to .400 mg dl−1 at 12–16
type 2 diabetes in mice weeks of age. Male IRS-2−/− mice showed polydypsia and polyuria
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Anne E. Corcoran, Andrew Riddell, Danielle Krooshoop
& Ashok R. Venkitaraman b Germline : no PCR amplification
VHJ558 VH7183 DH JH1-4
5' 3'
Medical Research Council Laboratory of Molecular Biology,
Cambridge CB2 2QH, UK (D)JH1-4 PCR products
(D)JH rearranged
VHJ558 VH7183
bination following D–J segment joining. Here we report that this V(D)JH rearranged
process is regulated by the a-chain of the receptor for interleukin- V(D)JH1 JH2-4
Use of primary health care services and mortality in older patients with type
2 diabetes with or without comorbidities
E. Mellanena , T. Kauppilaa , H. Kautiainena,b,c , M. Lehtoa,d , O. Rahkonene , K. Pitk€al€aa and
M. K. Lainea,b
Department of General Practice and Primary Health Care, University of Helsinki and Helsinki University Hospital, Helsinki, Finland;
Folkh€alsan Research Centre, Helsinki, Finland; cPrimary Health Care Unit, Kuopio University Hospital, Kuopio, Finland; dCity of
Vantaa, Vantaa, Finland; eDepartment of Public Health, University of Helsinki, Helsinki, Finland
CONTACT E. Mellanen [email protected] Department of General Practice and Primary Health Care, University of Helsinki and Helsinki
University Hospital, Helsinki, Finland
Supplemental data for this article can be accessed online at https://doi.org/10.1080/02813432.2023.2255062.
� 2023 The Author(s). Published by Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group.
This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/), which permits
unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. The terms on which this article has been published allow the
posting of the Accepted Manuscript in a repository by the author(s) or with their consent.
Globally, most patients with T2D are treated in pri electronic health care system (Finnstar, Logica,
mary health care (PHC), and T2D is a common reason Helsinki, Finland). This electronic health care system
for PHC appointment [5–9]. In Finland, T2D is the fifth includes data on the age and sex of the patients,
most common cause of general practitioner (GP) appointments to the GPs and nurses, diagnosis codes
appointments [10]. Older T2D patients seem to use according to the International Classification of
PHC services more often than age- and sex-matched Diseases tenth revision (ICD-10), and prescription drug
controls without diabetes [11]. Furthermore, the use of details with Anatomical Therapeutic Chemical (ATC)
PHC services in patients with T2D seems to increase codes.
with the duration of T2D [12,13]. In addition, the use Patients were included in our study cohort if they
of physicians, nurses and PHC services varies in T2D were at least 60 years old at the beginning of the fol
patients depending on the context, organization of low-up period and had a diagnosis of T2D made dur
health care and patient profile [14]. Multimorbidity is ing the inclusion period. This age group was selected
common in patients with T2D, and they have more as the study cohort because patients in this age group
comorbidities than those without diabetes [15]. mostly use public PHC services [19,20]. Patients were
A recent English cohort study in adult patients with defined as having T2D if they had an ICD-10 code E11
T2D found an association between additional PHC or at least one prescription of an antihyperglycemic
appointments and increased rates of mortality [16]. drug (ATC codes A10�) written by GPs. Data on sex,
However, the assessment of mortality lacked impor age at the beginning of the follow-up period, comor
tant factors such as the use of a reference population bidities relevant to the calculation of the Charlson
and standardized mortality ratio (SMR). The extent to Comorbidity Index (CCI), and the number of appoint
which multimorbidity in older patients with T2D ments to GPs or nurses during the follow-up period
affects PHC utilization and mortality is also unknown. were gathered. Age at the beginning of follow-up, 1
This study aimed to examine the association
September 2011, was used in all analyses. CCI was
between comorbidity and the use of PHC services and
defined according to the CCI [21] using data from the
the association between mortality and the use of PHC
inclusion period from 1 January 2002 to 31 August
services in patients with T2D aged 60 years or older.
2011. An exception in the calculation of CCI was made
with diabetes, which was excluded from the calcula
Methods tion of CCI, and no age correction was performed.
Patients were defined as having T2D with comorbid
This cohort study was conducted in the city of Vantaa,
Finland, which is located in the Helsinki metropolitan ities if they had a CCI value of one or more, and T2D
area. Vantaa is the fourth-most populated city in without comorbidities if they had a CCI value of zero.
Finland [17]. In 2011, Vantaa had a population of The comorbidity status acquired at the end of the
203,000 inhabitants of which 51% were women, 24% inclusion period was used in all analyses. Patients with
were 60 years or older and 11% had a foreign back T2D with comorbidities and patients with T2D without
ground [17]. Finland’s healthcare system is multifa comorbidities are later in this paper referred to as
ceted. The health care system is mainly publicly T2D-patients with comorbidities and T2D-patients
funded, and the public sector is divided into PHC and without comorbidities, respectively. The appointments
specialized health care. In addition to public health included in the analysis were face-to-face appoint
care, there is a private sector and occupational health ments and telephone contacts, and the number of
care sector [18]. Furthermore, in Finnish PHC, specially appointments was reported per person year.
trained diabetes nurses, registered nurses and public Healthcare professionals whose appointments were
health nurses are an active part in the treatment of included were GPs and nurses. Patients were followed
patients with T2D to the extent where these nurses up until the end of the follow-up period or until
can even make changes to dosing of patients’ medica death, whichever occurred first. Data on the date of
tions independently. death were obtained from Statistics Finland (Helsinki,
Due to changes in the organization of PHC services Finland). Mortality was assessed using hazard ratio
locally in the city of Vantaa, we set the inclusion (HR) and SMR.
period between 1 January 2002 and 31 August 2011, Research permits for the data and this study were
and the follow-up period between 1 September 2011 granted by the Research Ethics Committee of the
and 31 December 2018. During the inclusion and fol Faculty of Medicine of the University of Helsinki
low-up periods, the PHC of Vantaa city used an (04/2019 and 06/2020), the city of Vantaa
Table 1. Characteristics and mortality of the patients aged 60 years or more with type 2 diabetes with or without comorbidities
from the city of Vantaa, Finland.
Patients with type 2
diabetes without Patients with type 2
All patients comorbidities diabetes with comorbidities p Value
Number of persons 11,020 7267 3753 –
Women, n (%) 5503 (50) 3605 (50) 1898 (51) .34
Age, years, mean (standard 70 (7) 69 (7) 72 (8) <.001
Number of deaths, n 2682 1195 1487
Person years followed up 71,596 49,103 22,493 –
Mortalitya (95% confidence 24.3 (23.5–25.2) 16.4 (15.6–17.3) 39.6 (38.1–41.2) <.001
Standardized mortality ratio 1.26 (1.21–1.31) 0.91 (0.86–0.96) 1.83 (1.74–1.92) <.001
(95% confidence interval)
Presence of comorbidities based on Charlson Comorbidity Index.
At the end of the follow-up period (Kaplan–Meier’s estimate).
Figure 1. Distribution of general practitioner (GP) and nurse appointments per person years in the patients aged 60 years or
more with type 2 diabetes with or without comorbidities from the city of Vantaa, Finland. Presence of comorbidities based on
Charlson Comorbidity Index.
Table 2. General practitioner and nurse appointments per person years in patients aged 60 years or more with type 2 diabetes
with or without comorbidities from the city of Vantaa, Finland.
All patients with Patients with Patients with
type 2 diabetes, type 2 diabetes without type 2 diabetes with
mean (SE) comorbidities, mean (SE) comorbidities, mean (SE) IRRa (95% CI)
All appointments
Women 8.46 (0.09) 7.54 (0.10) 10.42 (0.18) 1.38 (1.32–1.44)
Men 7.49 (0.09) 6.38 (0.10) 9.98 (0.19) 1.51 (1.43–1.58)
All 7.98 (0.07) 6.96 (0.07) 10.21 (0.13) 1.44 (1.39–1.49)
General practitioner appointments
Women 2.80 (0.03) 2.51 (0.04) 3.41 (0.06) 1.33 (1.27–1.39)
Men 2.34 (0.03) 2.01 (0.03) 3.07 (0.06) 1.44 (1.37–1.51)
All 2.57 (0.02) 2.26 (0.02) 3.25 (0.04) 1.38 (1.33–1.43)
Nurse appointments
Women 5.66 (0.07) 5.03 (0.07) 7.01 (0.14) 1.40 (1.34–1.47)
Men 5.15 (0.07) 4.37 (0.07) 6.91 (0.14) 1.54 (1.46–1.63)
All 5.41 (0.05) 4.7 (0.05) 6.96 (0.10) 1.47 (1.42–1.52)
IRR: incidence rate ratio; SE: standard error; CI: confidence interval.
Presence of comorbidities based on Charlson Comorbidity Index.
Between patients with type 2 diabetes without comorbidities and patients with type 2 diabetes with comorbidities, adjusted for age and sex.
Figure 4. Age-adjusted Kaplan–Meier’s survival comparison in women and men with type 2 diabetes aged 60 years or more with
or without comorbidities from the city of Vantaa, Finland. Presence of comorbidities based on Charlson Comorbidity Index.
defined comorbidities based on existing quality out between PHC GP and nurse consultation rates and
come framework (QOF) conditions, including coronary mortality [27]. Contrary to this study’s results, another
heart disease [16]. Furthermore, there are differences English study by Hodgson et al. reported increased
regarding which healthcare professional groups and rates of mortality per additional PHC contact in
which types of appointments are included in the stud patients with T2D [16]. In addition to the distortion
ies. Two studies reported GP and nurse appointments caused by different healthcare systems between this
[24,25] and two other studies reported the total num study and the study by Hodgson et al., differences in
ber of contacts without specifying which healthcare study cohorts and determination of covariates might
professional contacts were considered [16,26]. One partially explain the different findings. This study’s
study reported face-to-face and telephone appoint study cohort was older, and even though Hodgson
ments, as was done in this study [25]. One study et al. used age adjustment in their analysis of mortal
reported only in-person appointments [24], one study ity, the difference between the study cohorts age
reported in-person appointments, telephone appoint distribution is significant. Hodgson et al. included
ments and home visits [16] and one study reported in-home visits, which were not included in this study.
outpatient visits, emergency room visits and inpatient In this study, analysis was restricted to GP and nurse
hospital visits [26]. Despite differences in reported appointments only, whereas no specification of a
studies, T2D-patients with comorbidities tend to use health care professionals was done by Hodgson et al.
more PHC services than T2D-patients without Hodgson et al.’s study had a larger study cohort than
comorbidities. this study, but as a strength of this study, in addition
The more appointments T2D-patients with or with to HR, mortality was also examined using SMR. Use of
out comorbidities had to GPs or nurses, the lower was SMR expands assessment of mortality to the level of
the patient mortality rate. Further, T2D-patients with population of the city this study was conducted in
comorbidities had higher mortality than T2D-patients instead of only looking mortality inside a certain
without comorbidities. In addition, mortality in T2D- cohort. The lower SMR of T2D patients without comor
patients without comorbidities was lower in relation bidities in relation to the population of Vantaa might
to the population of Vantaa. A previous English study be explained by the Finnish T2D treatment system,
by Lay-Flurrie et al. where no stratification by underly which is well resourced with specialized diabetes
ing diagnoses was done, found no association nurses focusing mostly on patients with diabetes, or
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