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Volume VII, Issue II September 2014

Tolerances in the Dimension Stone Industry

1. Nothing in manufacturing, construction, or commerce is exact. Whether we’re talking about the weight
of a product we purchase at the market, the concentration of a chemical solution, or the length of a stone
panel, none of them will measure exactly what they are specified to measure. More sophisticated methods,
machines and controls will produce results with lesser amounts of error, yet no techniques will produce
exact results. For these reasons, all things must have a tolerance, which is an allowable deviation from a
specified, or designed value. In some cases, like the machining of critical machine parts, that allowable
deviation may be so small that it is measured in microinches or microns. While the stone industry does not
have tolerances requiring this level of precision, we do have critical dimensions that directly affect visual
appearance and structural integrity of stone installations.
1.1. Tolerances are established to protect both the buyer and seller of a product or service. The buyer
is protected by knowing that the workmanship must result in products that fall within the range of the
prescribed tolerances. The seller is protected by having an accepted variation from the specified values
or measurements, so as not to be held to unattainable expectations.

1.2. Units of measure in this document are expressed on both United States Customary Units and SI
units. The values stated in each system are not exact equivalents of each other, as the conversions have
been “rationalized” to provide rounded, convenient numbers in both systems. Each system of measurement
shall be used exclusively and independently of the other, as combining values from both systems may
Technical Bulletin

result in incompatibilities.

2. Tolerances should not be confused with the difference between nominal and actual dimensions. Perhaps
the best known example of nominal dimensions exists in the dimension lumber industry, where the common
2 by 4 does not measure 2 inches by 4 inches, but instead has an actual cross-section of 1½ inches by 3½
inches. A similar situation exists in stone supply, where a nominal paver size of 12 inches by 24 inches
might have an actual size of 11¾ inches by 23¾ inches, allowing for ¼ inch joints while still maintaining a
12 inch by 24 inch installed grid. The fabrication tolerances in these cases, would be applied to the actual
dimensions, and not the nominal.

3. There are several different types of tolerance expressions:

3.1. Bilateral Tolerance: This is the most frequently encountered type of tolerance in the stone industry.
A bilateral tolerance is one that expresses an allowable deviation that can be either greater or lesser than
the desired value. These are often referred to as “plus or minus” tolerances.
3.1.1. Bilateral tolerances are usually symmetrical. A symmetrical bilateral tolerance is one that
allows the same amount of deviation for both greater and lesser than the target value. For instance,
considering a 1¼" (30 mm) thick slab, a tolerance of plus or minus 1/8" (3 mm) is considered to be
a symmetrical bilateral tolerance. Most often these types of tolerances are expressed using the “±”
symbol, and would be written as ±1/8", or ±3 mm.
3.1.2. Some bilateral tolerances are asymmetrical. An asymmetrical bilateral tolerance is one that describes
a condition where the actual value is allowed to deviate both greater and lesser than the specified, but
not to the same extent. For instance, the depth of a continuous kerf is allowed to be either deeper or
shallower than specified, but it is only allowed to be 1/16" (1.5 mm) shallower, while it is allowed to be
/8" (3 mm) deeper. This would be an asymmetrical bilateral tolerance, and is expressed as -1/16", +1/8"

(-1.5, +3 mm).

3.2. Unilateral tolerances are those where deviation is allowed only in one direction. For example, the
depth of a back anchor is allowed to be 1/16" (1.5 mm) deeper than specified, but never shallower. This
tolerance is expressed as -0, +1/16" (-0, +1.5 mm).

Marble Institute of America

380 East Lorain St. | Oberlin, Ohio 44074 USA | 440.250.9222 | www.marble-institute.com

© 2014 Marble Institute of America. May be reproduced with credit given to Marble Institute of America.
Volume VII, Issue II - Tolerances in the Dimension Stone Industry September 2014

3.3. Limit tolerances are those that simply prescribe the 4. Measurement of stone units to determine compliance with
minimum and maximum dimensions allowable, without published tolerances shall be done with instruments that are
defining an actual target dimension. This method is some- appropriate for the level of precision required. A common
times referred to as a “Go – No Go” expression. A limit tape measure is adequate for most dimension checks, but
tolerance would typically be written as “11/8" min, 13/8" when a feature must be measured to fine degrees of accuracy,
max”. Limit tolerances are infrequently used in the stone a caliper or feeler gauge may be necessary. All instruments
or construction industries. used for measuring should be calibrated, or checked for
accuracy, prior to use. Normal usage of a tape measure, for
3.4. Percentage tolerances are sometimes used when the example, will frequently result in the loosening or bending of
allowable deviation varies with the value of the target the end hook, which will produce significant errors in linear
dimension. Percentage tolerances can be either bilateral measurements.
or unilateral, and simply state the percentage of variation
that is acceptable. These types of tolerances are most often 5. Applicability of this Document:
used for things that affect visual characteristics only. For
example. one’s eye may be able to detect an error in the 5.1. There are a variety of sources from which stone
width of a 1/8" (3 mm) joint when it approaches 1/32" (0.8 fabrication and installation tolerances can be obtained. This
mm), but on a ½" (12 mm) joint, the error would need document was cross-referenced with tolerances published
to be much greater to be visually detectable. Stating that by a variety of organizations. While most of the published
the allowable tolerance is ±25% is a simple way of having tolerances are in agreement or exhibit only slight differences,
a self-adjusting tolerance which gets larger as the specified some conflicts may exist between this document and those
dimension gets larger. published by other organizations.

3.4.1. Percentage tolerances are frequently coupled with 5.2. This document is considered to be a voluntary standard.
an absolute dimensional limit, either a maximum or a It has been drafted and reviewed by industry stakeholders
minimum. Such limits are typically referred to as “Not and represents a consensus opinion of industry participants.
Less Than” (NLT) or “Not To Exceed” (NTE). These When specified as the enforceable standard, it becomes
limits are used when the percentage tolerance represents part of a binding agreement.
a very small or very large tolerance at either end of the
target value range. Joint width variation, for example, is 5.3. When no document has been specified to govern
allowed to be ±25%. But that would mean that a stone the tolerances of a stone project or a stone purchase, this
setter working with 1/16" joints has an acceptable varia- document, by default, may be cited as the appropriate
tion of only 1/64", which would be unattainable in most industry standard for those products.
scenarios. To address this, the tolerance is expressed as
±25%, NLT 1/32". This means that the setter is allowed to 5.4. More or less stringent tolerances may be specified
have joint widths that are 25% larger or smaller than the or adopted for any particular product or purchase. When
specified, but in no case shall he/she be held to a tolerance alternate tolerances have been agreed upon between the
of less than ±1/32". buyer and seller, those tolerances supersede the tolerances
listed herein.
3.5. The same tolerance can be communicated by writing it
as a bilateral, unilateral, or limit tolerance.The only difference 5.5. The natural stone industry works with a nearly limitless
is the format of the expression. For example, the three variety of products in a nearly limitless variety of installation
examples below describe exactly the same allowable range methods. Extreme circumstances may exist for which the
of dimension: tolerances listed herein are either not appropriate or not
attainable. Tolerances for such conditions shall be established
3.5.1. Bilateral (symmetrical): 1¼" ±1/8" (30 ±3 mm) on a project specific basis.
3.5.2. Bilateral (asymmetrical): 13/16" -1/16", +3/16"
(29 -2, +4 mm) 6. A chart of stone fabrication, installation, and substrate
3.5.3. Unilateral: 1 /8" -0, +¼" (27 -0, +6 mm)
1 condition tolerances is provided in Appendix A.
3.5.4. Limit: 11/8" min, 13/8" max 7. Some of the tolerance expressions included in Appendix A
(27 mm min, 33 mm max) require a graphic to ensure correct and uniform interpreta-
3.5.5. Percentage: 1¼” ±10% 30 mm ±10% tion. These graphics are provided in Appendix B.

2 © 2014 Marble Institute of America. May be reproduced with credit given to Marble Institute of America.


1 5
Thickness ranging from /4" to /8" (6 mm to 15 mm) with Smooth Finishes sold as 1
± /32" ±0.8 mm
1 5
Thickness ranging from /4" to /8" (6 mm to 15 mm) with Flame or Textured 1
Depth of Finish Relief, NTE /8" ±1.5 mm
Finishes sold as "Calibrated"

Thickness ranging from > 5/8" to 1¼" (>15 to 30 mm) with Smooth Finishes ± 1/ 8" ±3 mm
Thickness ranging from > /8" to 1¼" (>15 to 30 mm) with Flamed or Sanded 3
Depth of Finish Relief, NTE /16" Depth of Finish Relief, NTE 5 mm

Thickness ranging from > /8" to 1¼" (>15 to 30 mm) Finished 2 Faces with Smooth 1
± /16" ±1.5 mm
Slab thickness of >1¼" to 2" (>30 to 50 mm) ± / 8" ±3 mm
Slab thicknesses over 2" (>50 mm) ± / 4" ±6 mm

Face Dimension of Calibrated Tiles (see graphic) ±1/32" ±0.8 mm

Volume VII, Issue II - Tolerances in the Dimension Stone Industry

Face Dimension of Pieces with Lengths up to 6'‐0" (2 m) (see graphic) ±1/16" ±1.5 mm
Face Dimension of Pieces with Lengths > 6'‐0" (2 m) and Areas ≤ 50 ft² (5 m²) (see
±3/32" ±2.5 mm

Face Size
Face Dimension of Pieces with Areas > 50 ft² (5 m²) (see graphic) ± / 8" ±3 mm

Maximum Deviation from Square ‐ Calibrated Tiles (see graphic) Governed by Face Dimension Tolerance ‐ See Graphic

Maximum Deviation from Square ‐ Cut‐to‐Size Dimension Stone (see graphic) Governed by Face Dimension Tolerance ‐ See Graphic

Perpendicularity Error of Edge to Face, Exposed Edge with Smooth Finish ±1.0° (about 1/64" per in) ±1.0° (about 0.18 mm in 10 mm)

Perpendicularity Error of Edge to Face, Concealed Edge with Smooth Finish ±2.0° (about 1/32" per in) ±2.0° (about .35 mm in 10 mm)
Maximum Deviation from Flat Plane ‐ Calibrated Tile with Smooth Finish ± /32" in 2'‐0" 0.8 mm in 600 mm
Maximum Deviation from Flat Plane ‐ Back Surface of Calibrated Tile ± /32" in 2'‐0" 0.8 mm in 600 mm
Maximum Deviation from Flat Plane ‐ Cut‐to‐Size Dimension Stone with Smooth
±1/16" in 4'‐0" ±1.5 mm in 1.2 m
Maximum Deviation from Flat Plane ‐ Cut‐to‐Size Dimension Stone with 4‐Cut, 6‐
±1/8" in 4'‐0" ±3 mm in 1.2 m
Cut, 8‐Cut Finish

Maximum Deviation from Flat Plane ‐ Cut‐to‐Size Dimension Stone with Flamed or
±3/16" in 4'‐0" ±5 mm in 1.2 m
Coarse Stipple Finish
Maximum Deviation from Flat Plane ‐ Cut‐to‐Size Dimension Stone with Pointed
±1" in 4'‐0" ±25 mm in 1.2 m

2014 Marble Institute of America. May be reproduced with credit given to Marble Institute of America.
or Rough Cut Finish
Maximum Deviation from Flat Plane ‐ Cut‐to‐Size Dimension Stone with Splitface
Per Stock Per Stock
September 2014


Exposed Heads/Calibrated edges (see graphic) ± /16" ±1.5 mm

Quirk miters (when width of nose ≤ ¼"; ≤6 mm) (see graphic) ‐0, +25% of dim ‐0, +25% of dim
Quirk miters (when width of nose > ¼"; >6 mm) (see graphic) ‐0; + /16" ‐0; +1.5 mm

Chamfers (when dimension ≤ ¼"; ≤6 mm) (see graphic) ‐0, +25% of dim ‐0, +25% of dim

Chamfers (when dimension > ¼"; >6 mm) (see graphic) ‐0; +1/16" ‐0; +1.5 mm

Edge Conditions
Bullnose, Semi‐Bullnose, & Rounds for thickness up to 1¼" (30 mm) (see graphic) ±1/32" from Theoretical Surface ±0.8 mm from Theoretical Surface

Bullnose, Semi‐Bullnose, & Rounds for thickness greater than 1¼" (30 mm) (see
±1/16" from Theoretical Surface ±1.5 mm from Theoretical Surface
Plunge Cut Anchor Slots: From face to C/L of slot ± /16" ±1.5 mm
Plunge Cut Anchor Slots: Lateral placement ± / 4" ±6 mm
Plunge Cut Anchor Slots: Width of Slot ‐0; + /16" ‐0; +1.5 mm
Volume VII, Issue II - Tolerances in the Dimension Stone Industry

Plunge Cut Anchor Slots: Depth of Slot at maximum ±1/ 8" ±3 mm

Back Anchors: Location ±1/ 8" ±3 mm

Back Anchors: Depth ‐0; + /16" ‐0; +1.5 mm
Anchor Holes: From face to C/L of slot ± /16" ±1.5 mm
Anchor Holes: Lateral placement ± / 8" ±3 mm
Anchor Holes: Diameter ± /16" ±1.5 mm

Anchor Holes: Depth ± / 8" ±3 mm

2014 Marble Institute of America. May be reproduced with credit given to Marble Institute of America.
Anchor Holes: Depth of Anchor Sinkages: ‐0, + /8" ‐0, +3 mm

Anchor Preps
Continuous Kerfs: From face to C/L of kerf ±1/16" ±1.5 mm
Continuous Kerfs: Maximum bow in 4'‐0" ± /16" ±1.5 mm
Continuous Kerfs: Width of Kerf ‐0; + /16" ‐0; +1.5 mm
1 1
Continuous Kerfs: Depth of Kerf ‐ /16", + /8" ‐1.5, +3 mm

Rebated Kerfs: Elevation of Bearing Surface ±1/16" ±1.5 mm

Bearing Checks: Elevation of Bearing Surface ± /16" ±1.5 mm
Bearing/Clearance Checks: Lateral Location ± / 2" ±13 mm

Bearing/Clearance Checks: Setback from Face ±1/16" ±1.5 mm

September 2014


Lippage, Maximum on Calibrated Tile (Smooth Surfaces) /32" 0.8 mm
Lippage, Maximum on Calibrated Tile (Flamed or Textured Surfaces) Depth of Finish Relief, NTE /16" Depth of Finish Relief, NTE 5 mm
Lippage, Maximum on Stone Pavement Walking Surfaces (smooth surfaces) /32" 0.8 mm

Lippage, Maximum on Stone Pavement Walking Surfaces (Flamed or Textured

Depth of Finish Relief, NTE 3/16" Depth of Finish Relief, NTE 5 mm

Lippage, Maximum on Interior Vertical Panels ≤20 ft² (≤2 m²) (smooth surfaces) /32" 0.8 mm

Lippage, Maximum on Interior Vertical Panels ≤20 ft² (≤2 m²) (Flamed or Textured
Depth of Finish Relief, NTE 3/16" Depth of Finish Relief, NTE 5 mm

Lippage, Maximum on Interior Vertical Panels >20 ft² (>2 m²) (smooth surfaces) /16" 1.5 mm

Lippage, Maximum on Interior Vertical Panels >20 ft² (>2 m²) (Flamed or Textured
Depth of Finish Relief, NTE 3/16" Depth of Finish Relief, NTE 5 mm
Lippage, Maximum on Countertop @ Front 0 0
Volume VII, Issue II - Tolerances in the Dimension Stone Industry

Lippage, Maximum on Countertop @ Back /32" 0.8 mm
Lippage, Maximum on Island Top @ Center /32" 0.8 mm

Joint Width, Variation from Specified ±25% of Specified Dimension, NLT ± 1/32" ±25% of Specified Dimension, NLT ±0.8 mm"
Seam (Joint) Width, Countertop (Stone to Stone) ±25%, NLT ± /64" ±25%, NLT ±0.4 mm

Seam (Joint) Width, Countertop (Stone to Other) ± /16" ±1.5 mm

Seam (Joint) Width, Countertop (Full‐Height Backsplash to Upper Cabinet) ±1/ 8" ±3 mm
/8" in 10'‐0" 3 mm in 3 m
Joints, Variation from Straight Line /4" in 20'‐0" 6 mm in 6 m
3 10 mm Maximum
/8" Maximum
/8" in 10'‐0" 3 mm in 3 m
Maximum Variation from Flat & Level, Interior Flooring /4" in 20'‐0" 6 mm in 6 m
3 10 mm Maximum
/8" Maximum

Maximum Variation from Flat & Level, Flooring underneath a Revolving Door ±1/16" ±1.5 mm
/8" in 8'‐0" 3 mm in 2.5 m
Maximum Variation from Plumb, Walls & Vertical Lines , Interior Cladding 1

/4" Maximum 6 mm Maximum

2014 Marble Institute of America. May be reproduced with credit given to Marble Institute of America.
/8" in 10'‐0" 3 mm in 3 m
Maximum Variation from Level (Sills, Lintels, Etc.), Interior Cladding /4" in 20'‐0" 6 mm in 6 m
3 10 mm Maximum
/8" Maximum
September 2014


/8" in 10'‐0" 3 mm in 3 m
Maximum Variation from Building Line Position, Interior Cladding /4" in 20'‐0" 6 mm in 6 m
3 10 mm Maximum
/8" Maximum
Maximum Variation from Flat & Level, Countertop /8" in 10'‐0" 3 mm in 3 m
/8" Max Difference Between 10 mm Max Difference Between
Largest & Smallest Risers; Largest & Smallest Risers;
Maximum Variation of Riser Height in Stairs
NTE 3/16" Difference Between NTE 5 mm Difference Between
Consecutive Risers Consecutive Risers
/4" in 10'‐0" 6 mm in 3 m
Maximum Variation from Plumb, Walls & Vertical Lines , Exterior Cladding /8" in 20'‐0" 10 mm in 6 m
1 12 mm Maximum
/2" Maximum
/8" in 10'‐0" 3 mm in 3 m

ALIGNMENT (Continued)
Maximum Variation from Plumb, Exterior Corners or Conspicuous Lines /4" in 20'‐0" 6 mm in 6 m
Volume VII, Issue II - Tolerances in the Dimension Stone Industry

3 10 mm Maximum

/8" Maximum
/8" in 10'‐0" 3 mm in 3 m
Maximum Variation from Level (Sills, Lintels, Etc.), Exterior Cladding /4" in 20'‐0" 6 mm in 6 m
3 10 mm Maximum
/8" Maximum
/4" in 20'‐0" 6 mm in 6 m
Maximum Variation from Building Line Position, Exterior Cladding 1
/2" Maximum 12 mm Maximum
Maximum Variation from Flat & Level; Substrate for Thinset Interior Flooring /8" in 10'‐0" 3 mm in 3 m
Maximum Variation from Flat & Plumb, Adhered Interior Wall /8" in 10'‐0" 3 mm in 3 m

2014 Marble Institute of America. May be reproduced with credit given to Marble Institute of America.
Maximum Variation from Flat & Plumb, Adhered Exterior Cladding /4" in 10'‐0" 6 mm in 3 m

Surface Plane

Maximum Variation from Flat & Level, Countertop /8" in 10'‐0" 3 mm in 3 m
September 2014
Volume VII, Issue II - Tolerances in the Dimension Stone Industry September 2014

© 2014 Marble Institute of America. May be reproduced with credit given to Marble Institute of America. 7
Marble Institute of America
380 East Lorain St. | Oberlin, Ohio 44074 USA | 440.250.9222 | www.marble-institute.com

This technical bulletin contains general guidelines.The Marble Institute of America and its member companies are not responsible for any use or misuse that causes
damage of any kind, including loss of rights, materials, and personal injury alleged to be caused directly or indirectly by the information contained in this document.
This bulletin is intended as an educational tool for natural stone professionals and other stakeholders (e.g. architects, interior designers, etc.).

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