The document discusses human resource management and training within organizations. It provides background on the importance of training employees and the challenges of managing human resources in Africa. The study aims to examine the effects of training on employee performance in Uganda's telecommunications sector.
The document discusses human resource management and training within organizations. It provides background on the importance of training employees and the challenges of managing human resources in Africa. The study aims to examine the effects of training on employee performance in Uganda's telecommunications sector.
The document discusses human resource management and training within organizations. It provides background on the importance of training employees and the challenges of managing human resources in Africa. The study aims to examine the effects of training on employee performance in Uganda's telecommunications sector.
The document discusses human resource management and training within organizations. It provides background on the importance of training employees and the challenges of managing human resources in Africa. The study aims to examine the effects of training on employee performance in Uganda's telecommunications sector.
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There is no doubt that organizations worldwide are striving for
success and outcompeting those in the same industry. In order to do so, organizations have to obtain and utilize her human resources effectively. Organizations need to be aware of face more realistically towards keeping their human resources up-todate. In so doing, managers need to pay special attention to all the core functions of human resource manangement as this plays an important role in different organizational, social and economically related areas among others that are influential to the attainment of the organizational goals and thus organizations successful continuation in the market. This study, therefore, goes on to discuss one of the core functions of human resource which is training, employee performance, and how the earlier affects the latter. This chapter is divided into four sections, which will give the reader a comprehensive overview of the study. The first section presents the subject matter by presenting the background of the study. This is will be followed by the statement of the research problem and the purpose of the study. Finally, the last section presents an overview of the progress of the rest of study. 1.1 Background of the Study Organizations are facing increased competition due to globalization, changes in technology, political and economic environments (Evans, Pucik & Barsoux 2002, 32) and therefore prompting these organizations to train their employees as one of the ways to prepare them to adjust to the increases above and thus enhance their performance. It is important to not ignore the prevailing evidence on growth of knowledge in the business corporate world in the last decade. This growth has not only been brought about by improvements in technology nor a combination of factors of production but increased efforts towards development of organizational human resources. It is ,therefore , in every organizations responsibility to enhance the job performance of the employees and certainly implementation of training 11 and development is one of the major steps that most companies need to achieve this. As is evident that employees are a crucial resource, it is important to optimize the contribution of employees to the company aims and goals as a means of sustaining effective performance. This therefore calls for managers to ensure an adequate supply of staff that is technically and socially competent and capable of career development into specialist departments or management positions (Afshan, Sobia, Kamran & Nasir 2012, 646). The question that may arise in many instances is why human resources are important. Bearing in mind that human resources are the intellectual property of the firm, employees prove to be a good source of gaining competitive advantage (Houger 2006), and training is the only way of developing organizational intellectual property through building employees competencies. In order to succeed. Organizations have to obtain and utilize human resources effectively. Organizations ,therefore, need to design its human resource mananagement in ways that fit into the organization’s structure as this it will make the organizations achieve their goals and objectives. Moreover, it is also important for organizations to assist their workforce in obtaining the necessary skills needed and, increase commitment. The management of human resources in Africa in general and Uganda in particular is rather challenging as most organizations have difficulties finding proper human resources. This may partly be a result of the different kinds of problems, for example, political instability, corruption, bureaucracy, poor infrastructure, low levels of education and purchasing power, diseases and famine known to prevail in the African business context (Kamoche 2002, 994 – 995). 1.2 Problem Statement Despite the increasing effects on training of organizational employees by organizations, there is still limited literature on human resource development issues in developing countries (Debrah & Ofori 2006, 440) and increasing concerns from organizational customers towards low quality services in the telecommunications sector. It is further worth noting that while much is known about the economics of training in the developed world, studies of issues 12 associated with training in less-developed countries are rarely found. The existing studies in this relation (Harvey 2002; Harvey, Matt & Milord 2002; Jackson 2002; Kamoche 2002; Kamoche, Debrah, Hortwiz & Muuka 2004; Kraak 2005) have taken a general human resource management (HRM) focus creating a gap on issues such as the effect of training on employee performance. This study will contribute in minimizing this gap in the literature and thereby establish the basis to understanding of some aspects of human resource management in general and training in particular in Uganda. 1.3 Goals of the Study In light of the above background, the aim of the study is to examine the effects of training on employee performance within the telecommunication industry in Uganda. The sub goals included are as follows: What training programs exist in the telecommunications sector? What are the training objectives ? What methods are used and do these methods meet the training objectives? How does training affect employee performance? It is expected that the findings of this study will help highlight the ways in which human resource training can be beneficial not only to the organizations but also to the career development of its employees. All in all, the results pave way of improving human resources needed for the competitive performance of organizations operating in the same line of business as the sample companies in Uganda and Africa in general. 1.4 Definition of key concepts Human resource management is the way organizations manage their staff and help them to develop (McCourt & Eldridge 2003, 2) in order to be able to execute organizations’ missions and goals successfully. Human resource development is the integration of individual, career and organization development roles in order to achieve maximum productivity, 13 quality, opportunity and fulfillment of organizations members as they work to accomplish the goals of the organization (Pace, Smith & Mills 1991, 6). Training is a type of activity which is planned, systematic and it results in enhanced level of skill, knowledge and competency that are necessary to perform work effectively (Gordon 1992). Development is a broad ongoing multi-faceted set of activities (training activities among them) aimed at bringing someone or an organization up to another threshold of performance, often to perform some job or a new role in the future (McNamara 2008). Employee performance is defined as the outcome or contribution of employees to make them attain goals (Herbert, John & Lee 2000) while performance may be used to define what an organization has accomplished with respect to the process, results, relevance and success Uganda National Development Program (1995). Afshan et al. (2012) define performance as the achievement of specific tasks measured against predetermined or identified standards of accuracy, completeness, cost and speed. Employee performance can be manifested in improvement in production, easiness in using the new technology, highly motivated workers. 1.5 Structure of the study This study is structured into six chapters; Chapter One gives a brief introduction to the subject of the study. It starts by presenting the background of the study. It continues by providing the statement of the problem of the study, highlights the goals of the study and a brief definition of the key concepts is presented. At the end of the chapter the structure of the study is be described. Chapter Two and Three discusse the theoretical positioning of the study. The focus is mainly on any issues related to HRM practices for example included herein is literature on human resource needs, training methods, employee 14 performance, effects of training on performance and other factors affecting employee performance. Chapter Four presents the study methodology and discusses the procedures used to obtain the data, the reason for using this method, reliability and validity of the study. In the end the limitations of this study will later be discussed. Chapter five gives a presentation of the study results and their analysis. Chapter six is the final chapter of the study. It discusses managerial implications and provides the conclusion to this study. Towards the end of the chapter, future research will be suggested. 15 2. HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT Human Resource Management involves the management of the human resources needed by an organization and also being certain that human resource is acquired and maintained for purposes of promoting the organization’s vision, strategy and objectives. In other words, HRM focuses on securing, maintaining, and utilizing an effective work force, which organizations require for both their short and long term survival in the market. In order for HRM to achieve its organizational objectives, managers should perform a number of basic functions which represent what is often referred to as the management process. It is worth noting that in the existing management literature, HRM functions have been differently classified by different researchers despite the fact that they all serve the same purpose of making available effective human resources. The basic functions being referred to above are human resource planning, organizing, staffing, leading, and controlling. In relation to the above and a focus in this study are Briscoe’s (1995, 19) core HRM functions namely staffing, training and development, performance appraisal, compensation and benefits, and finally union and employee relations and health and safety (see Figure 1 below). Figure 1. Human Resource Management Functions and their Corresponding Activities. F U N C T I O N S STAFFING COMPESATION AND BENEFITS PERFORMANCE APPRAISAL TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT UNION AND EMPLOYEE RELATIONS, HEALTH AND SAFETY A C T I V I T I E S Selection Interview Recriutment Firing Design the system Negotiation Survey and review Planning Implementation Feedback Identifying needs Programs planning Implementatio n Evaluation Controls Complainc e Negotiation 16 2.1 Staffing Staffing ensures that the right people are available at the right time in the right place. This involves identifying the nature of the job and implementing a recruitment and selection process to ensure a correct match within the organization. In other words, the function of staffing involves hiring the required people, selection amongst the available pool the persons most suitable for the job in question, and sometimes retrenching or firing. When the people considered as fitting the required criteria are identified, HRM is required to arrange for and where needed conduct the interviews. Both selection and interviewing are performed in order to recruit the required personnel. One of the staffing objectives has always been and has been advocated for ensuring that people are recruited, they should be retained (Ghauri & Prasad 1995, 354 - 355) and this objective can be implemented with the right people in place. The process of appraising becomes easy to implement if staffing function is well suited to the organization’s strategies. This is so in such a way that the HRM knows exactly what is expected of the hired personnel and can evaluate their performance. Even still, the personnel can evaluate themselves depending on what they are expected to deliver and easily identify their potentials and which developments are required. The staffing function will affect almost all other HR functions because all functions will move towards the direction of staffing policies (Hendry 1994, 80 - 88). 2.2 Training and Development This involves training and development of workforces and managers (Briscoe 1995: 83). Training and development are often used to close the gap between current performance and expected future performance. Training and development falls under HRD function which has been argued to be an important function of HRM (Weil & Woodall 2005). Amongst the functions activities of this function is the Identification of the needs for training and development and selecting methods 17 and programmes suitable for these needs, plan how to implement them and finally evaluating their outcome results (McCourt & Eldridge 2003, 237. Guest (1987) argues that policies are necessary to ensure that employee performance is evaluated, which in turn ensures that the appropriate training and development take place. With the help of the performance appraisal reports and findings, the organization can be able to identify development needs. However, individuals themselves can help to indicate the areas requiring improvement as a result of the issues raised in the performance appraisal process and their career path needs. 2.3 Performance appraisal Performance appraisal is a process that is carried out to enable both the individual and the organization to analyze, examine and evaluate the performance of specified objectives over a period of time. This process can take up formal and informal forms (McCourt & Eldridge 2003, 209). The purposes of performance appraisal have been classified into two groups that is the developmental and administrative purposes. The developmental purposes of performance appraisal include providing performance feedback, identifying individual strengths/weaknesses, recognizing individual performance, assisting in goal identification, evaluating goal achievement identifying individual training needs, determining organizational training needs, improving communication and allowing employees to discuss concerns. On the other hand, administrative Under the developmental purposes are purposes of performance appraisal include but are not limited to documenting personal decisions, determining promotion candidates, determining transfers and assignments, identifying poor performance, deciding layoffs, validating selection criteria, meeting legal requirements to mention a few. Performance appraisal can be conducted once, twice or even several times a year. The frequency will be determined by the organizations depending on the resource capability and what is to be evaluated with regard to organization’s objectives and 18 strategies. There are a number of alternative sources of appraisal and these include; 1. Manager and/or supervisor Appraisal done by an employee’s manager and reviewed by a manager one level higher. 2. Self-appraisal performance By the employee being evaluated, generally on an appraisal form completed by the employee prior to the performance interview. 3. Subordinate appraisal Appraisal of a superior by an employee, which is more appropriate for developmental than for administrative purposes. 4. Peer appraisal Appraisal by fellow employees, complied into a single profile for use in an interview conducted by the employee’s manager. 5. Team appraisal Appraisal based on total quality management concepts, recognizing team accomplishments rather than individual performance. 6. Customer appraisal Appraisal that seeks evaluation from both external and internal Customers. It is however important to note that, if there are no proper systems and plans to deal with the findings of the performance appraisal, the expected benefits of this process for the organization may not be realized. Further still, although good performance appraisal may be good for an organization, it may be bad if not professionally handled. Depending on the appraisal feedback; negative or positive, its impact to the employee may damage the organization if not taken well by the employee (McCourt & Eldridge 2003, 211 – 212). It can demoralize the employee and sometimes may lead to loosing the key employees just because they could not take the appraisal feedback and feel that they will be better off somewhere else. HRM needs to note some of the reasons as to why performance appraisals fail. Some of these reasons are shown in the figure below: 19 Figure 2. Reasons why performance appraisals fail (Source: Bohlander and Snell (2004). 2.4 Compensation and benefit This involves the designing and implementation of individuals and organizations pay and benefits schemes. Employee compensation and benefit practices differ across employment units (e.g., organizations, business units, and facilities) on several dimensions (see e.g. Gerhart, Milkovich & Murray 1992) and organizations. Barry, Harvey & Ray (1994) state that employee compensation and benefit can be considered of crucial importance to both the employers and employees in such a way that it plays a key role of being one of the essential hearts of employment relationships. They continue by explaining that this is so in such a way that while employees typically depend on wages, salaries, and so forth to provide a large share of their income and on benefits to provide income and health security. For employers, compensation decisions influence their cost of doing business and thus, their ability to sell at a competitive price in the product Insufficient reward for performanc e Unclear language Lack of appraisal skills Manager not taking appraisal seriously Manager not prepared Employees not receiving ongoing Manager not being honest and sincere Ineffective discussion of employee Manager lacks informatio n Performance appraisals fail because... 20 market. In addition, compensation decisions influence the employer's ability to compete for employees in the labor market (attract and retain), as well as their attitudes and behaviors while with the employer. 2.5 Union, employee relations, health and safety Trade Unions are organization of workers, acting collectively, seeking to protect and promote their mutual interests through collective bargaining. The role of trade unions is mainly to protect employees’ interests and they tend to be the link between the organization management and employees. Therefore, there are a lot of negotiations between management and unions in either resolving dispute between employees and management or try to fight for the best interest to its members (employees). It is important to note that, in the absence of the trade unions representing employees, most organizations would be more inclined to setting and thereby focusing on HRM policies promoting efficiency. Because of this representation however, organizations are forced into focusing on those policies that not only reflect organizational benefits but also putting consideration for the preferences of workers being represented by the union as a whole. Health and safety is important since the well-being of employees is important. Depending on the country’s labour policy, there may be some rules set with regards to safety and health of employees. These rules and controls over organizations against employees may be such as; compulsory workman compensation schemes where all organizations are required to insure employees at work. Another control may be regular inspection of working environment by the government and union officials. The inspection may be aiming at ensuring that the company is following the set policies and has a safe working environment for its employees. 21 3. HUMAN RESOURCE TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT Training and development falls under HRD function which has been argued to be an important function of HRM (Weil & Woodall 2005). 3.1 Training As one of the major functions within HRM, training has for long been recognized and thus attracted great research attention by academic writers (see e.g. Gordon 1992, Beardwell, Holden & Claydon 2004). This has yielded into a variety of definitions of training. For example, Gordon (1992, 235) defines training as the planned and systematic modification of behavior through learning events, activities and programs which result in the participants achieving the levels of knowledge, skills, competencies and abilities to carry out their work effectively. It is worth nothing that, as researchers continue with their quest into the training research area, they also continue their arguments into its importance. Some of these researchers argue that the recognition of the importance of training in recent years has been heavily influenced by the intensification of competition and the relative success of organizations where investment in employee development is considerably emphasized (Beardwell et al. 2004). Related to the above, Beardwell et al. (2004) add that technological developments and organizational change have gradually led some employers to the realization that success relies on the skills and abilities of their employees, thus a need for considerable and continuous investment in training and development. 3.2 Benefits of training The main purpose of training is to acquire and improve knowledge, skills and attitudes towards work related tasks. It is one of the most important potential motivators which can lead to both short-term and long-term benefits for individuals and organizations. There are so many benefits associated with training. Cole (2001) summarizes these benefits as below: 22 1) High morale – employees who receive training have increased confidence and motivations; 2) Lower cost of production – training eliminates risks because trained personnel are able to make better and economic use of material and equipment thereby reducing and avoiding waste; 3) Lower turnover – training brings a sense of security at the workplace which in turn reduces labor turnover and absenteeism is avoided; 4) Change management – training helps to manage change by increasing the understanding and involvement of employees in the change process and also provides the skills and abilities needed to adjust to new situations; 5) Provide recognition, enhanced responsibility and the possibility of increased pay and promotion; 6) Help to improve the availability and quality of staff. 3.3 HR training needs According to Wognum (2001, 408), training and development needs may occur at three organizational levels namely; (1) strategic level where needs are determined by top management while considering organizations goals, mission, strategy and problems, which need to be resolved or fixed (2) tactical level where needs are determined with middle management while considering developments needs to the coordination and cooperation between organization units and (3) operational level where needs are determined with lower executive management and other employees while considering problems related to operations such as performance problems of individual workers and departments in subject. In order to enable an organization formulate human resource training and development goals that will enable both formal and informal human resource training and development methods and programmes create a workforce that enables effectiveness and competitiveness, it is worth giving consideration to, providing proper coordination as well as proper incorporation of the needs within the three levels The first issue is to identify the needs relevant to the organizations objectives. According to Wognum (2001) and Torrington et al. (2005), there are three 23 categories of identifying training and development needs. These include: resolving problems, this focuses on workers’ performance, improving certain working practices, this focuses on improvement regardless of the performance problems and changing or renewing the organization situation, which may arise because of innovations or changes in strategy. The above are summarized in Table 1 below. It is worth putting in mind that during the identification of training needs, there is need to create, develop, maintain and improve any systems relevant in contributing to the availability of people with required skills. Moreover, training programmes should be designed to carter for the different needs. Further still, the training programme, content and the trainees' chosen depend on the objectives of the training programme (Milkovic & Bordereau 2003). A number of approaches have been highlighted in previous literature for identifying needs (Edmond & Noon 2001; Torrington et al. 2005). These are the problem-centred (performance gap) and profile comparison (changes and skills) approaches. Similarly, a number of approaches for analyzing training needs depending or either new or current employees have been pointed out by earlier studies (see e.g. Torrington et al. 2005, 390 – 392). The two most traditional approaches being the problem centered approach and the profile comparison approach. The problem centred approach focuses on any performance difficulties and the corporation analyses if the problems are due to insufficient skills, which then need to be developed if the problem is to be solved. Profile comparison approach on the other hand focuses on matching the competencies with the job filled, whether new position or existing position. Some changes in strategy and technology may also bring the need for new or additional skills. 24 Table 1. The training and development needs’ types. NEEDS’ CATEGORIES, APPROACHES AND LEVELS RESEARCHERS Wognum et al. 1999 (Categories) Wognum 2001 (Levels) Torrington et al. 2005 (Approaches) Resolve problems (workers’ performance) Improve practices Change or renew (company situation) Strategic level (top management) Tactical level (middle management) Operational level (lower executive management & other employees) Problem centred (performance) Profile comparison (changes & skills) 3.4 Training and development methods Nadler (1984:1.16) noted that all the human resource development activities are meant to either improve performance on the present job of the individual, train new skills for new job or new position in the future and general growth for both individuals and organization so as to be able to meet organization’s current and future objectives. There are broadly two different methods that organizations may choose from for training and developing skills of its employees. These are on-thejob training given to organizational employees while conducting their regular work at the same working venues and off-the-job training involves taking employees away from their usual work environments and therefore all concentration is left out to the training. Examples of the on-the-job training include but are not limited to job rotations and transfers, coaching and/or mentoring. On the other hand, off-the-job training examples include conferences, role playing, and many more as explained below in detail. Armstrong (1995) 25 argues that on-the-job training may consist of teaching or coaching by more experienced people or trainers at the desk or at the bench. Different organizations are motivated to take on different training methods for a number of reasons for example; (1) depending on the organization’s strategy, goals and resources available, (2) depending on the needs identified at the time, and (2) the target group to be trained which may include among others individual workers, groups, teams, department or the entire organization. 3.4.1 Job rotation and transfers Job rotation and transfers (McCourt & Eldridge 2003, 356) as a way of developing employee skills within organization involves movements of employees from one official responsibility to another for example taking on higher rank position within the organization, and one branch of the organization to another. For transfers for example, it could involve movement of employees from one country to another. These rotations and transfers facilitate employees acquire knowledge of the different operations within the organization together with the differences existing in different countries where the organization operates. The knowledge acquired by the selected employees for this method is beneficial to the organization as it may increase the competitive advantage of the organization. 3.4.2 Coaching and/or mentoring This involves having the more experienced employees coach the less experienced employees (Devanna, Fombrun & Tichy 1984; McCourt & Eldridge 2003, 256; Torrington et al. 2005, 394 - 395). It is argued that mentoring offers a wide range of advantages for development of the responsibility and relationship building (Torrington et al. 2005, 394 – 395). The practice is often applied to newly recruited graduates in the organization by being attached to mentor who might be their immediate managers or another senior manager. This however does not imply that older employees are excluded from this training and development 26 method but it is mainly emphasized for the newly employed persons within the organization. 3.4.3 Orientation This is yet another training and development method. This involves getting new employees familiarized and trained on the new job within an organization. During this process, they are exposed to different undertakings for example the nature of their new work, how to take on their identified tasks and responsibilities and what is generally expected of the employees by the organization. They are further given a general overview of the organizational working environment including for example working systems, technology, and office layout, briefed about the existing organizational culture, health and safety issues, working conditions, processes and procedures. 3.4.4 Conferences A as a training and development method involves presentations by more than one person to a wide audience. It is more cost effective as a group of employees are trained on a particular topic all at the same time in large audiences. This method is however disadvantageous because it is not easy to ensure that all individual trainees understand the topic at hand as a whole; not all trainees follow at the same pace during the training sessions; focus may go to particular trainees who may seem to understand faster than others and thus leading tot under training other individuals. 3.4.5 Role playing Involves training and development techniques that attempt to capture and bring forth decision making situations to the employee being trained. In other words, the method allows employees to act out work scenarios. It involves the presentation of problems and solutions for example in an organization setting for discussion. 27 Trainees are provided with some information related to the description of the roles, concerns, objectives, responsibilities, emotions, and many more. Following is provision of a general description of the situation and the problem they face. The trainees are there after required to act out their roles. This method is more effective when carried out under stress-free or alternatively minimal- stress environments so as to facilitate easier learning. It is a very effective training method for a wide range of employees for example those in sales or customer service area, management and support employees. 3.4.6 Formal training courses and development programmes These are a number of methods which may be used to develop the skills required within an organization. These course and programmes are usually a set of defined and known programmes where the contents, durations and all the details about the training are clear to both the organization and the personnel to be trained. Unlike informal trainings and programmes, formal training and programmes can be planned earlier and also plan for their evaluation. Employees may undertake these courses and programmes while completely off work for a certain duration of time or alternatively be present for work on a part-time basis. These programmes can be held within the organization (in-house) or off the job. Off the job is argued to be more effective since employees are away from work place and their concentration is fully at training. Depending on the knowledge needed, organization’s structure and policies, the trainers too may be coming within the corporation or outside the organization. 3.5 Employee performance Employee performance is normally looked at in terms of outcomes. However, it can also be looked at in terms of behavior (Armstrong 2000). Kenney et al. (1992) stated that employee's performance is measured against the performance standards set by the organization. There are a number of measures that can be taken into consideration when measuring performance for example using of productivity, efficiency, effectiveness, quality and profitability measures (Ahuja 1992) as 28 briefly explained hereafter. Profitability is the ability to earn profits consistently over a period of time. It is expressed as the ratio of gross profit to sales or return on capital employed (Wood & Stangster 2002). Efficiency and effectiveness - efficiency is the ability to produce the desired outcomes by using as minimal resources as possible while effectiveness is the ability of employees to meet the desired objectives or target (Stoner 1996). Productivity is expressed as a ratio of output to that of input (Stoner, Freeman and Gilbert Jr 1995). It is a measure of how the individual, organization and industry converts input resources into goods and services. The measure of how much output is produced per unit of resources employed (Lipsey 1989). Quality is the characteristic of products or services that bear an ability to satisfy the stated or implied needs (Kotler & Armstrong 2002). It is increasingly achieving better products and services at a progressively more competitive price (Stoner 1996). As noted by Draft (1988), it is the responsibility of the company managers to ensure that the organizations strive to and thus achieve high performance levels. This therefore implies that managers have to set the desired levels of performance for any periods in question. This they can do by for example setting goals and standards against which individual performance can be measured. Companies ensure that their employees are contributing to producing high quality products and/or services through the process of employee performance management. This management process encourages employees to get involved in planning for the company, and therefore participates by having a role in the entire process thus creating motivation for high performance levels. It is important to note that performance management includes activities that ensure that organizational goals are being consistently met in an effective and efficient manner. Performance management can focus on performance of the employees, a department, processes to build a product or service, etc. Earlier research on productivity of workers has showed that employees who are satisfied with their job will have higher job performance, and thus supreme job retention, than those who are not happy with their jobs (Landy 1985). Further still, Kinicki & Kreitner (2007) document that employee performance is higher in happy and satisfied workers and the management find it easy to motivate high performers to attain firm targets. 29 3.6 Effect of training on performance In the real world, organizational growth and development is affected by a number of factors. In light with the present research during the development of organizations, employee training plays a vital role in improving performance as well as increasing productivity. This in turn leads to placing organizations in the better positions to face competition and stay at the top. This therefore implies an existence of a significant difference between the organizations that train their employees and organizations that do not. Existing literature presents evidence of an existence of obvious effects of training and development on employee performance. Some studies have proceeded by looking at performance in terms of employee performance in particular (Purcell, Kinnie & Hutchinson 2003; Harrison 2000) while others have extended to a general outlook of organizational performance (Guest 1997; Swart et al. 2005). In one way or another, the two are related in the sense that employee performance is a function of organizational performance since employee performance influences general organizational performance. In relation to the above, Wright & Geroy (2001) note that employee competencies change through effective training programs. It therefore not only improves the overall performance of the employees to effectively perform their current jobs but also enhances the knowledge, skills an attitude of the workers necessary for the future job, thus contributing to superior organizational performance. The branch of earlier research on training and employee performance has discovered interesting findings regarding this relationship. Training has been proved to generate performance improvement related benefits for the employee as well as for the organization by positively influencing employee performance through the development of employee knowledge, skills, ability, competencies and behavior (Appiah 2010; Harrison 2000; Guest 1997). Moreover, other studies for example one by Swart et al. (2005) elaborate on training as a means of dealing 30 with skill deficits and performance gaps as a way of improving employee performance. According to Swart et al., (2005), bridging the performance gap refers to implementing a relevant training intervention for the sake of developing particular skills and abilities of the employees and enhancing employee performance. He further elaborate the concept by stating that training facilitate organization to recognize that its workers are not performing well and a thus their knowledge, skills and attitudes needs to be molded according to the firm needs. It is always so that employees possess a certain amount of knowledge related to different jobs. However, it is important to note that this is not enough and employees need to constantly adapt to new requirements of job performance. In other words, organizations need to have continuous policies of training and retaining of employees and thus not to wait for occurrences of skill and performance gaps. According to Wright & Geroy (2001), employee competencies change through effective training programs. It not only improves the overall performance of the employees to effectively perform the current job but also enhance the knowledge, skills and attitude of the workers necessary for the future job, thus contributing to superior organizational performance. Through training the employee competencies are developed and enable them to implement the job related work efficiently, and achieve firm objectives in a competitive manner. Further still, dissatisfaction complaints, absentism and turnover can be greatly reduced when employees are so well trained that can experience the direct satisfaction associated with the sense of achievement and knowledge that they are developing their inherent capabilities (Pigors & Myers 1989). Most of the benefits derived from training are easily attained when training is planned. This means that the organization, trainers and trainees are prepared for the training well in advance. According to Kenney & Reid (1986) planned training is the deliberate intervention aimed at achieving the learning necessary for improved job performance. Planned training according to Kenney and Reid consists of the following steps: 31 Identify and define training needs Define the learning required in terms of what skills and knowledge have to be learnt and what attitudes need to be changed. Define the objectives of the training Plan training programs to meet the needs and objectives by using right combination for training techniques and locations. Decide who provides the training Evaluate training. Amend and extend training as necessary. Figure 3. The Process of Planned Training (Source: Armstrong Michael (1995). Identify Training Needs Define Learning Requirements Plan Training Programmes Evaluate Training Techniques Facilities Locations Trainers Implement Training 32 3.5 The other factors affecting employee performance 3.5.1 Management – subordinate relationship As organizations strive for flexibility, speed and constant innovation, planning with the people and not for the people ensures a positive relationship to performance improvement When employees are given freedom to participate in organizational decision making for example, there is are high chances of having mutual trust between management and employees. Mutual trust and cooperation help to break the barriers between the two parties. The employees will not resort to strikes and work stoppages without exhausting all the available channels of resolving the dispute. Employees will be motivated because management considers them as partners in contributing to organizational success instead of being seen as mere subordinates and therefore will avoid engaging into counterproductive behaviors hence improved performance through timely achievement of organizational goals and objectives (Carrel, Kuzmits & Elbert 1989). Additionally, (Ichnniowski 1997) argues that innovative human resource management practices improve performance like use of systems related to enhance worker participation and flexibility in the design of work and decentralization of managerial tasks and responsibilities. 3.5.2 Working conditions Although working conditions do not have a direct impact on production or output, they indeed have an indirect performance for example if the manual or mental work involved in certain jobs in a factory is tiresome, it will result into endangering not only the company property but also result into accidents which may further involve such incidents like loss of life. This might have adverse effects on the morale of the entire work force. Therefore organizations should establish working conditions that do not affect the work force negatively by providing among other things noise free environments, adequate lighting systems, adequate temperatures (Hogber 2005). Organizations can prevent accidents and maintain good safety records through development of a positive safety culture to 33 ensure good working condition hence performance improvement (Newstrom 2002). 3.5.3 Reward system The overall aim of reward systems is to attract and retain quality human resources. When the pay conditions are perceived by the employee as equitable and in relation to their performance improvement. Organizations can use non-financial rewards like transport fee, incentive schemes to increase performance (Armstrong 2006). Additionally, organizations should adopt reward systems that are similar to the industry in which they operate or organizations can develop performance based pay systems in order to reward employees according to the set performance standards and profitability goals. Therefore for performance to improve, organizations need to create and maintain a sense of fairness equity and consistence in their pay structures (Davar 2006). Employees expect that the employers will purchase their labor at a certain price. 3.5.4 Health unionization In creating a healthy work climate, both management and workers unions should have a united hand and in the well-being of the organizational employees. Unionizations improve the industrial relations in instances where the management allows free participation of employees in trade unions. Management and trade unions will negotiate through collective bargaining processes the conditions of workers employment. Nilsen (2002) argued that industrial peace is a very important aspect for performance and growth of organizations. If the organization is plagued by industrial disputes and strikes, performance is bound to decrease. In other words, for overall productivity to improve health unionization should be considered and industrial disputes prevented through negotiations, conciliation rather than confrontation (Daft 1997). 34 3.5.5 Team work This is when two or more people interact and coordinate to accomplish a specific goal and objective. When organizational members work together in teams, coordination of organizational goals and objectives becomes easier. This will lead to the teams sharing performance goals and thus lead to improving the morale of the employees which will later lead to improvements in productivity. Team works encourages open communication between employees and have compliment skills which enable them to achieve more in a specified period of time as compared to when the individual is working alone hence creating synergy (Daft 1997). Additionally, Stoner (1996) argues that employees in teams often unleash enormous energy and creativity reduces boredom because teams create a sense of belonging and affiliation hence increase in employee's feeling of dignity and self work. However, teams have the potential to be productive but the degree of performance depends on the relationship between management and the working team. Therefore support from management enhances performance of teams and performance improved in general. 35 4.
This chapter presents a description of the methodology that is
employed in the study. It spells out the techniques and methods of sampling, data collection, processing, analysis, and the area in which the study is carried out. The chapter also highlights the limitations and problems encountered while collecting data. 4.1 Research design There are different types of research methods that could be used when doing research. The methods include: qualitative research, quantitative research, and a mixture of both qualitative and quantitative research. The difference between qualitative and quantitative research arise from their procedures (Ghauri & Grönhaug 2005, 109) see table below: Table 2. Differences in Emphasis in Qualitative versus Quantitative Methods. (Reichardt & Cook (1979), cited in Ghauri & Grönhaug 2005, 110). Qualitative Methods Quantitative Methods Emphasis on understanding Focus on understanding from respondent’s/informant’s point of view Interpretation and rational approach Observations and measurements in natural settings Subjective ‘insider view’ and closeness to data Explorative orientation Process oriented Holistic perspective Generalization by comparison of properties and contexts of individual organism Emphasis on testing and verification Focus on facts and/or reasons for social events Logical and critical approach Controlled measurements Objective ‘outside view’ distant from data Hypothetical-deductive; focus on hypothesis testing Result oriented Particularistic and analytical Generalization by population membership. 36 In order to answer the study questions, this study will adopt the qualitative research approach. In this kind of a research, unstructured and semi- structured interviews and questionnaires can be used (Ghauri & Grönhaug 2005, 112 - 113). Qualitative research helps to obtain the insights about the phenomena in question and is flexible in the sense that it helps in identifying the missing part of what is unknown or partially known (Ghauri & Grönhaug 2005, 202 – 204). Further still, qualitative research is said to be more relevant in the context of discovery and thus be able to get access to what was never known before. However, if the research problem is not well understood, there is a possibility that the researcher will be overwhelmed by data due to unnecessary data collection. This will make the analytical part of research more difficult (Ghauri & Grönhaug 2005, 202 - 204). The study will focus on the case study approach as a research strategy. The case study approach refers to an in-depth study or investigation of a contemporary phenomenon using multiple sources of evidence within its real-life context (Yin 2005). According to Yin (2003), case research is particularly useful when the phenomenon of interest is of a broad and complex nature and, hence, is best studied within the context in which it occurs. Yin (2003) also notes that using multiple cases is a powerful source of information. This study therefore follows Yin (2003) by relying on three case studies. 4.2 Data sources and collection methods This section details the sources of the data used in the dissertation and the data collection methods employed. The study is limited to those companies that provide telecommunications services in Uganda. In choosing the telecommunication companies to be studies, purposive sampling was used and Mobile Telephone Network (MTN),. These were specifically chosen because they are among the biggest and popular telecommunication companies in INDIA. The target size for this study is 120 employees for telecommunication companies. 37 Simple random sampling was then applied when selecting respondents from the three telecommunication companies and this was done to eliminate bias. In data collecting, only primary data was collected during this study. Primary data is data collected directly from first- hand experience. The only primary source of data employed in this study is the questionnaire. A structured questionnaire (see Appendix 2) comprising of 18 questions is designed and administered to all employees dealing with handling customers in the case companies by the researcher. The purpose of the questionnaire is to investigate the effect of training on employee performance of the case companies. The questions in the questionnaire are made short and clear in order to ensure that it takes the respondents not more than 15 minutes to answer and therefore encourage participation. The questionnaire included a cover letter (see Appendix 1). This cover letter sent out to the respondents has a number of objectives; first, to provide respondents with brief information about what they were being requested to respond to and, Second, to motivate them into participating in the questionnaire. To access the respondents in time, I got to two people, went to their work places and talked to them immediately after their break, lunch, and/or meetings. Some respondents were interested in responding to the questionnaires right away, others preferred to meet during their free times so as to answer the questionnaires during their presence while others requested they leave the questionnaires with them so that they could respond to them at their convenience and picked up at specific times as scheduled. The majority of the respondents could not answer the questionnaires themselves (only 10 respondents filled the questionnaires themselves) and were not willing to give responses to some questions. Since I met most of the respondents at their meeting places, some of the respondents viewed me negatively as increasing their time of the meeting, making 38 them give vague answers as they were in a hurry. To reduce this, I had to reschedule administering the questionnaire to another time and place to the respondents convenient time and place. I also faced financial problems as the people helping me had to move to the various meeting places more than once and to incur additional costs moving to some of the respondents’ places of residence and work. I used two assistants to help me collect the research questionnaires in situations where questionnaire collection times from the respondents, especially from different offices overlapped . I had to pay transport and lunch allowances for those assisting. All this made the research more expensive. Inspite of the above limitations, I worked extra hard to ensure that any negative effects are minimized.
Research validity and reliability
Validity refers to the extent of accuracy of the results of the study. Validity of the results can either be internal or external. Internal validity refers to the analysis of the accuracy of the results obtained. External validity refers to the analysis of the findings with regards to whether they can be generalized (Ghauri & Grönhaug 2005, 65). Where measurements are used, there exist different types of validity; face validity, which describes the extent to which the measure used is reasonably capable of what is due to measure, convergent validity, which describes the extent to which the measurement used can bring similar results if used elsewhere and divergent validity that describes the extent to which one construct is distinguished from another (Ghauri & Grönhaug 2005, 83 – 84). Moreover, specifically four validity types for qualitative research exist, which are often emphasized. They are: descriptive, interpretative, theoretical and generalizable validity. Descriptive validity is associated with degree to which the actual description of the results is true. Interpretative validity is associated with the interpretation’s goodness. Theoretical validity refers to how adequate the 39 theory suggested is, such as whether the theory really supports the study subject. Generalizable validity is referred to what extent the results of the study can be generalized, for instance, are the results of this study true for other organization so in the same industry? (Ghauri & Grönhaug 2005, 216 – 218). In this study, validity was taken into consideration. For example, because the questionnaire is constructed by the researcher, it is designed on the basis of the researcher’s needs in relation to the study topic and so brings advantages in the sense that it measures exactly what the researcher intends to measure. The researcher therefore does not need to depend on other researchers for information on for example problem areas and relevance of the items included in the questionnaire. Further still, descriptive, interpretative, and theoretical validity were taken into consideration. Thorough literature review in the study area was conducted carefully before taking on the research. This enabled theories and the questions in the questionnaire to be identified. Theories and themes are well supported by the findings. Reliability refers to the stability of the measure used to study the relationships between variables (Ghauri & Grönhaug 2005, 81). The questions in the questionnaire were designed taking into consideration the issues related to the problem and goals of the study and theories on the subject. It is therefore believed that the responses and results from this study are reliable.
This chapter presents the analysis and discussion of the findings to the study. The data is presented in form of Tables and Charts. Where data could not be quantified, it is explained. Presentation of findings has been organized in accordance with the study objectives. 5.1 Brief literature on the three case companies This study is based on three telecommunication companies in Uganda. These are Mobile Telephone Network (MTN), Warid and Uganda TeleCom (UTL). The next paragraphs present some brief information about them as extracted from their company websites. 5.1.1 Mobile Telephone Network (MTN) MTN Uganda launched its services in Uganda on October 21, 1998. MTN has since grown to be the leading Telecommunications Company in Uganda servicing in excess of 1,400,000 customers and is still projecting growth. It has various branches all over the country with its network coverage going over 80% of Uganda. MTN adopted a wireless approach to providing telecommunications services to the Ugandan market which has proved to be convenient and fast in rolling out of services. Despite insufficient infrastructure (power, roads e.t.c.) MTN has covered in excess of 90% of the population, providing services in over 150 towns and villages and their immediate environments. Contract arrangements are also available to mainly business and corporate market where bills are paid in arrears. Other Value Added Services such as roaming, VoicEmail, Email2SMS, Fax2mail, sharing of airtime through MTN Me2U, Call Conferencing and SMS are offered. MTN offers fixed, fixed wireless and mobile telecommunication services. Mobile services became the popular choice to most MTN customers because of the convenience in getting the line and the obvious advantage of one owning a 41 telephone, a privilege previously reserved only for the “rich”. One of MTN's most passionately pursued goals is making telecommunications accessible to the wider population. The pre-paid option where customers get an MTN line at just UGX 3,000, pay upfront for their credit, as well as the availability of affordable handsets on the market has greatly aided this objective. Contract arrangements are also available to mainly business and corporate market where bills are paid in arrears. Other Value Added Services such as roaming, VoicEmail, Email2SMS, Fax2mail, sharing of airtime through MTN Me2U, Call Conferencing and SMS are offered.
Conclusion and recommendations
The primary objective of this study was to assess the impact of training on employee performance with a particular reference to administrative employees of Bahir Dar University who participate in training programs in 2019. The study is successful in accomplishing the four research objectives. Thus, based on the findings of the study, the training dimensions (training needs assessment, design, delivery style and evaluation) have a significant positive effect on the performance of the administrative employees in BDU. However, employees are not satisfied with the present training dimensions and elements of each dimension. This study result can also be implemented in industries and engineering because the training dimensions significantly influence the performance of employees in these organizations. Based on the findings derived and conclusions of this study, the following recommendations are advanced:- Human resource management should conduct training need assessment to improve employees` performance in academic institution, engineering, and industries. Prepare the training programs of their employees as a continuous activity, planned and systematic way with clear firm’s strategic mission, goals, and objectives along with the results of strategic human resource planning, while keeping in mind the particular training needs of the individual, job, and the organization analysis. Human resource management should give due attention to the design of the training program. There are training design elements to enhance employee’s performance in an organization. These are objectives of the training should be defined clearly to the trainees and coherent with their job needs; the training contents should be relevant and should fit with their respective ability; and the training programs should include different appropriate methods of learning such as classroom training, e- learning, case study, behavior modeling, role-playing, training games, in-basket training, on-the-job training, and apprenticeship training and the selection of trainers must be effective and appropriate. Since delivery style is a good predictor of improved employee performance, training providers should be conscious of it. Particularly, the trainers should focus on the applications of adult learning principles. They should use different learning styles that provide practical and experiential activities to trainees, as well as provide adequate and necessary training materials. Human resource management should also conduct training evaluations to identify the level of reaction, the changed behavior, the skill and knowledge acquired, and the overall benefit of the training program to the University. Moreover, evaluation results could be a basis for future training decisions. Finally, since training was found to be a positive predictor of employee performance in the academic institution and industries, human resource management should engage in increasing the qualities and quantities of the training program and properly practice the four phases of the systematic training processes.