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E3S Web of Conferences 309, 01099 (2021) https://doi.org/10.

ICMED 2021

New Directions in Traffic Control Analysis through Video

R.V.S. Lalitha1,*, Divya Lalita Sri Jalligampala2, Kayiram Kavitha3, Shaik Vahida4, Goli Rajasekhar5
1,2,4 Department
of C.S.E, Aditya College of Engineering & Technology, Surampalem.
3Departmentof C.S.E, Gokaraju Rangaraju Institute of Engineering and Technology, Hyderabad,
5Ivy Comptech Pvt ltd., Hyderabad.

Abstract: Traffic management is an increasing problem in both cities and sub urban areas. Authority
people involved in traffic management system spend much of time in controlling traffic at junctions. With
the advances in technology, monitoring traffic through image processing and video surveillance techniques
became the researchers’ attention. These techniques help us in controlling traffic as well as to identification
of kamikaze drivers and speed violators. The key focus of this research is to do traffic analysis using video
surveillance to detect speedy drivers. A wide range of traffic parameters such as flow of traffic, speed of
vehicles and vehicle registration number are the major components involved in this research. In this paper,
traffic analysis is carried out based on streaming video data with YOLO tool. In this paper an eco system is
developed for object detection, vehicle number detection and the speed of the vehicle using computer vision
algorithms. With the application tool developed, traffic control authority people can warn the speedy drivers
on the fly.
Keywords: YOLO tool, Object detection, Video streaming, Classification, ALPR.

1 Introduction stationary cameras for testing at intersections [2, 16,

17,18]. Fedorov, A addressed the problem of traffic flow
Video surveillance acts as a remote eye for traffic estimation using video surveillance. The vehicle count
authority people. This includes observing vehicles on and classification is analyzed using Faster R-CNN by
roads moving with high speed. By viewing selected
taking 982 video frames with 60,000 objets [3,7]. K. K.
images at appropriate time helps in reducing accidents
and to superimpose safety regulations. Vehicle detection Santhosh surveyed about anomaly detection in
is the most budding topic in urban traffic analysis. In Intelligent Traffic System. Timely detection of traffic
order to reduce accidents, reckless drivers are to be violations helps in reducing accidents. The study
identified. Video surveillance grabbed the attention of includes methods, datasets using computer vision [4,
researchers to articulate image processing with artificial 5,15]. J, J., R, B proposed novel approach for automatic
intelligence capabilities using computer vision [19]. vehicle management through video surveillance. Object
Traffic Control Analysis with Video Surveillance is
using computer vision algorithms are best suited for this
developed using Image processing techniques in deep
learning. Video data is used to analyse the parameters of purpose. Automatic vehicle counting is done with blob
vehicle like vehicle number, vehicle speed and vehicle analysis and background subtraction. Detection of
categorization. This gives an elaborate way identifying objects is analyzed using boundary block detection
vehicle number, calculating its speed and the type of the algorithms[6]. M. Naphade discussed intelligent video
vehicle. analysis using AI. 5 Tracks are evaluated using
promising AI and ML techniques in real world [8-14].
2 Related Work The bibliometric analysis is performed using search key
TITLE-ABS-KEY (traffic AND control AND analysis
F. Mehboob worked on autonomous vehicle detection on
AND using AND video AND surveillance) on 8-8-
roads using videos. Fuzzy logic analysis is used to
2021 from www.scopus.com and the following results
decide traffic conditions and to take timely actions. For
are retrieved during 1985 and 2021.
analysis both urban and motorways are considered [1].
W. AL OKAISHI proposed a real time traffic analysis
for detection background subtraction method and
classification using CNN. The work is carried out using

Corresponding author: [email protected]

© The Authors, published by EDP Sciences. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License 4.0
E3S Web of Conferences 309, 01099 (2021) https://doi.org/10.1051/e3sconf/202130901099
ICMED 2021

Fig.1(a). Documents by author

The total number of documents retrieved is 364 and the

authors mentioned in Fig.1.(i). published 4 documents in
this research area. As per the stats Al-Salih Al-Sudani, Fig.2. Traffic analysis through Video surveillance
A.A.M., Cheng, H.Y., Harrer, M. Michalopoulos, P.G.
Automatic License Plate Recognition (ALPR) is a
and Wang, Y. published 4 documents and most of the
technology used for number plate recognition. This is
authors published more than 2 documents. The topic is mostly used by Police department at toll gates and road
published by several reputed conferences and journals as junctions. This uses the principle of Optical Character
depicted in Fig.1(b) Recognition on vehicles to detect vehicle registration
numbers. Object detection involves recognition of an
object in the real world. It includes three stages,
recognition, localization and detection. These are very
useful for driver assistance based applications.

a) Video capturing
The video is taken for duration of 1 min and vehicle
detection is performed for a test run. If the camera
illusion and light is more the objects will be more
correctly identified. The object detection is programmed
Fig.1(b). Articles published in various reputed journals using OpenCV. The video in mp4 format is submitted to
and conferences. VideoCapture() method. The objects nearby are
classified correctly with confidence of 69% and the
vehicle which is far is with with 55% confidence as
3 Traffic analysis through Video shown in Fig.3.
Traffic Control and Analysis System is a dynamic
system which analyses the video stream based on the
current traffic and also provides traffic rate and
classification to clear the traffic in different junctions.
By video streaming, the required parameters are
extracted using image processing techniques in deep
learning. In this system, the detection of vehicles on
roads is done using OpenCV and the classification of the
vehicles to clear traffic is analyzed using YOLO model.
The recognition of License Number is through open
ALPR. Finally vehicle speed is detected in real time. The
various stages involved are depicted in Fig.2. In this
research work, the traffic analysis through video
surveillance is mainly performed in three phases: Object Fig.3. Vehicle Detection in video Stream
detection using YOLO model, Number plate recognition
b) Vehicle classification
and Computing speed of the vehicle.
The purpose of this research is to detect the speedy and
reckless drivers [22, 23]. Once the object detection
process is completed through video capturing, the
vehicle classification takes place to keep track of type of

E3S Web of Conferences 309, 01099 (2021) https://doi.org/10.1051/e3sconf/202130901099
ICMED 2021

vehicles detected. The image database is populated and

vehicle classification is performed using YOLOv3
model. The objects are detected from video using
detectObjectsFromVideo() method from
VideoObjectDetection package. The classification of
vehicles and their accuracies are also displayed in Fig.4.

Fig.7. Vehicles speeds and their numbers

d) A dashboard is created using python and MySQL
database is used to store traffic parameters. The
Authority can make use of this interface to monitor
traffic statistics day wise and week wise. If a vehicle is
detected with the speed more than the required, then it
can be tracked with number plate detected (Fig.8 and
Fig.4. Vehicle Classification in video Fig.9). The people of Traffic control authority can access
c) Traffic rate analysis through video this information through web to keep track of updates.

In this, two components are analyzed. One speed and the

other one is number plate detection to warn speed
drivers. The speed of the vehicle is calculated based on
time of entering into zone and time of leaving. Fig.5.
tells about the sequence of actions performed in
analyzing traffic count, speed ad number plate detection.
Fig.6. exhibit traffic rate analysis using video streaming.

Fig.8. Traffic Analysis detection for speed violators.

The dash board is accessible only to the traffic authority.
It requires login credentials to monitor traffic data, speed
Fig.5. Traffic count, Registration number & speed violators and to classify vehicles on the road. Streaming
of video data gives better result than with the magnetic
sensors detection. This eco system helps in assessing
categorization of vehicle and also the registration
information by tracking the details on the number plate.

Fig.6. Traffic rate in video

OpenALPR open source library is used to detect number
plate detection (Fig.7). The speed and license plate Fig.9. Traffic analysis in a week.
number is displayed.

E3S Web of Conferences 309, 01099 (2021) https://doi.org/10.1051/e3sconf/202130901099
ICMED 2021

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