Sla Industries - Hardware Cataloge

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SLA Industries Hardware Catalogue – Savage SLA Version

By Voidstate

These weapons can be found in the excellent SLA Industries Hardware Catalogue fan-published in 1995. See that document for full write-ups of each weapon. Long-
available to layers of classic SLA, now Savage SLAers can get their hands on these goodies, too. Can an Op ever have too many weapons?

Weapon Type Clip Calibre Min Str. ROF Range Wt Add-Ons Notes
GA Snubnose Backup (50c) Pistol 7 10mm D6 1 6/12/24 1 - -
FEN 007 Assassin (120c) Pistol 6 10mm - 1 15/30/60 2 Su*, Scp, LP Completely Silent (-4 Notice), Limited ammo
(Standard, AP & HP only)
KPS 88 CAWS (130c) Pistol 12 10g Pistol D8 1 10/20/40 2 - 10g shell grants +2 Shooting at close range
KK-11 Derringer (200c) Pistol 2 12mm D8/ 1-2 2/4/8 1 - Double-Barrelled, D10 recoil for both barrels
GA 60 Longslide (230c) Pistol 25 10mm - 1 15/30/60 4 LP*, Si, Su 3RB, Free carry case
AGB Glove Gun (250c) Pistol 3 10g D8 Special - 2 - Close combat, Strength + 3D4 damage per hit
GAK Slasher Knife Pistol Pistol 16 10mm D6 1 12/24/48 2 - Knife: -1 Fighting , damage as MAC Knife
KPS 99 HCAWS (300c) Pistol 12 10g D10 1 10/20/40 2 - 10g shell grants +2 Shooting at close range
GA KM1911 (500c) Pistol 15 12mm D10 1 10/20/40 6 Si*, LP*, Su 3RB
GAK Target Pistol (650c) Pistol 6 8mm Long D8 1 30/60/120 2 LP*, Scp*, UV*, Si, Accurate (Additional +1 Shooting if aimed)
Su, Rcl-B
BLA 050M Firestorm (680c) Pistol 7 12.7mm D10 1 10/20/40 3 Si, Su, Scp, LP, Rcl-B Free carry case
BLA 096C Mauser (750c) Pistol 15 8mm Long D8 1 18/36/72 2 LP*, Si, Su, Scp, Rcl- 3RB, Semi-Auto, Free carry case, 30-rnd snail
B (max 2) drum available (5c)
FEN 202 11.35mm Combat Pistol 10 11.35mm D6 1 25/50/100 3 LP*, Si, Su, Scp Free carry case
Pistol (750c)
BLA 070M Uno (1000c) Pistol 3 15mm D12 1 12/24/48 4 Si, Su, Scp, LP, Rcl-B Heavy, Free carry case
(max 1)
SP HEAP Micro Disc Pistol 5 SP 40mm - 1 25/50/100 6 LP* Silent & Flashless (-4 Notice), Forearm
Launcher (1400c) HEAP Mounted (Always Ready), Heavy
Micro Disc

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Submachine Guns
Weapon Type Clip Calibre Min ROF Range Wt. Add-Ons Notes
GA 45 Cutthroat (260c) SMG 40 10mm D12 3 10/20/40 4 Si Auto only (no single shot)
GA 66 Slammer (420c) SMG 45 10mm D8 3 20/40/80 10 Si, Scp Auto, 3RB
FEN 227 Shark Silenced SMG (570c) SMG 35 10mm - 3 10/20/40 3 LP*, Su Auto, 3RB, Silent (-4 Notice), Low
Velocity (-1 damage)
FEN 317 Cutter (700c) SMG 55 12mm D6 3 8/16/32 8 LP Auto, 3RB, No single shot, Forearm
Mounted (Always Ready)
FEN 771 Python (700c) SMG 25 8mm Long D10 4 15/30/60 5 LP*, Scp* Auto, 50-rnd drum available (4c)
KK-79 Skorp (700c) SMG 30 12mm D10 3 12/24/48 4 LP* Auto, 3RB
FEN 417 Annihilator (910c) SMG 50 12.7mm D12+1 3 20/40/80 5 LP*, Si, Su, Scp Auto, 3RB, Heavy, 50-rnd drum
available (4c)
MAL 282 CAS (1350c) SMG 120 12.7mm D6 3 15/30/60 9 LP*, Scp*, UV* Auto, 3RB, Heavy

Assault Rifles
Weapon Type Clip Calibre Min Str ROF Range Wt Add-Ons Notes
CAF VR66 Auto Rifle (160c) AR 35 CAF 5mm D6 3 16/32/64 4 Si, Su, Scp, LP, Rcl-B
AGB 307 Air Rifle (250c) AR 10 6mm Air Rifle - 1 20/40/80 3 Scp, LP Semi-Auto, Silent & Flashless (-4 Notice)
MAL Under-Barrel Rifle (350c) AR 1 12.7mm D10 1 15/30/60 2 As parent (except Rcl-B) Heavy, Fits any rifle, 2 actions to reload
CAF Xterminator Micro Cannon AR 25 CAF 5mm D8 5 15/30/60 18 AB (360)*, LP Auto only (no single shot), Snapfire
GA 79 Rapier Carbine (520c) AR 30 10mm D6 1 15/30/60 6 LP*, Si, Su, Scp 3RB, Semi-Auto, 50-rnd drum available
GAK 091 (850c) AR 35 10mm D10 3 30/60/120 5 LP*, Si, Su, Scp Auto
FEN 775 Raptor LAW (1010c) AR 50 8mm Long D6 5 35/70/140 6 LP*, Si, Scp Auto, Snapfire, Ammo does pistol
damage, High Velocity (+2 AP)
FEN 786 Raven Carbine (1100c) AR 25 12mm D12 3 20/40/80 4 LP*, Scp, Rcl-B (max 2) Auto, 3RB
AGB Sword Gun (1200c) AR 9 12mm D6 1 20/40/80 6 LP* 3RB, 1 action to switch mode, Sword: -1
Fighting, D8+3 (AP2, 2-Handed, -1 Parry)
KK-45 Rend (1200c) AR 30 12mm D12 3 24/48/96 7 LP*, Si, Su, Scp, Rcl-B Auto, Semi-Auto
FEN 776 Wolf Carbine (1350c) AR 50 8mm Long D8 4 30/60/120 5 LP*, Si, Su, Scp Auto, 3RB
GAK SAW (1550c) AR 1 12mm D12 5 30/60/120 33 Bi*, AB (100)* Auto, Snapfire

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Weapon Type Clip Calibre Min Str ROF Range Wt Add-Ons Notes
FEN 960 HAS Mini Gun (2100c) AR 500 8mm Long D12 5 60/120/240 21 Wa*, LP* Auto, 3RB, Snapfire, High Velocity (+2 AP)
FEN Armageddon 3000 Railgun AR 1 HARM D6 6 50/100/200 16 AB (600)*, Scp*, UV*, LP Heavy, Auto, Flashless (-4 Notice by sight)

Sniper Rifles
Weapon Type Clip Calibre Min Str. ROF Range Wt Add-Ons Notes
SP Electro-Mag Crossbow Sniper 6 SP Bolt/ - 1 40/80/160 2 Scp, LP Silent & Flashless (-4 Notice)
(500c) Crossbow HEAP Bolt
MAL Viper 7000 Anti- Sniper Rifle 1 17mm D12 1 60/120/240 11 LP*, Scp*, UV*, Bi Heavy, Snapfire, Over-the-
Armour (1200c) shoulder firing, 2 actions to reload
FEN 930 Ultra Light (1450c) Sniper Rifle 3 12.7mm D8 1 400/800/1600 5 Bi*, Scp*, UV*, LP*, Si, Su, Heavy , Snapfire, Disassembles
Rcl-B (1 max) into carry case
GA 207 Sniper Elite (1560c) Sniper Rifle 20 8mm Long D12 3 150/300/600 10 Scp*, LP*, Bi*, Si, Su, Rcl-B Auto, Snapfire

Weapon Type Clip Calibre Min Str. ROF Range Wt Add-Ons Notes
CAF 516 Bruiser (120c) Shotgun 6 CAF .410 D6 1 6/12/24 2 – Available to civilians
KPS 776 Under Barrel (150c) Shotgun 3 10g D10 1 6/12/24 3 As parent (except Rcl-B) Fits any Rifle
GA SD-75 Striker (700c) Shotgun 12 10g, BB, D6 1 12/24/48 10 LP*, Scp, Rcl-B Fire selector (freely mix ammo
Gas types), Waterproof, 40-rnd
bandolier available (3c)
GA-201 Sledgehammer Auto (700c) Shotgun 60 10g D12+1 3 7/14/28 12 Scp, LP, Rcl-B (max 2) Auto only (no single shot)
FEN K357 Cobra Assault Shotgun (800c) Shotgun 40 10g D10 2 10/20/40 8 Scp*, UV*, LP*, Rcl-B Auto only (no single shot)
KPS 907 STRONT Auto Cannon (1200c) Shotgun 25 10g D12+2 4 15/30/60 19 Wa*, Scp*, UV*, AB Auto, Semi-Auto, Snapfire
(250)*, Rcl-B
MAL 558 HEAP Flechette Gun (1400c) Shotgun 6 26mm D10 1 15/30/60 9 Scp, LP, Rcl-B –
FEN K-366 Multi-Barrelled HAS (1620c) Shotgun 1 10g D12+1 5 16/32/64 15 Scp*, UV*, AB (400)*, Wa* Auto, Snapfire

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Special Weapons
Weapon Type Clip Calibre Min ROF Range Wt Add- Notes
Str. Ons
KK-101 Riot Gas Launcher (200c) Special 10 KK Gas - 1 Cone 2 - -
BOSH Foam Cannon (500c) Special 5 BOSH Foam D6 1 5/10/20 5 As Riot Foam Grenade
KPS 105mm Claymore Gun (500c) Special 2 105mm BB D10 Special 15/30/60 7 - Auto (Suppressive Fire only, affects x2 templates), Damages
on 1-2 on Spirit dice, Over-the-shoulder
AGB P60 EMP Gun (700c) Special N/A N/A - 1/5 5/10/- 5 - Stuns power armour wearers (Roll Vigour, at -2 on a raise,
or Shaken), No long range, 4 rounds to recharge
GASH Spike Teaser (800c) Special 3 GASH 7mm - 1 15m/-/- 2 - Short range only, Stuns target (Roll Vigour, at -2 on a raise,
Taser Bolt or Shaken), Wires remain attached (no Shooting roll
required for subsequent attacks on same target until reload
or moves over 15m away)
MAL T70 Incinerator (800c) Special 10 Incinerator - 1 Cone 7 - Use closely monitored by SLA Industries (finance-chipped
Canister operatives only)

Overcoming Minimum Strength Requirements

Players may have noticed that the minimum strength of some firearms seems prohibitive, making them almost useless to human-strength characters. But remember – you
can still use the gun if your strength does not meet the requirement, you just take a -1 Shooting penalty for each die-type you fall short by. Also, you can hold pistols or
SMGs two-handed to reduce the minimum strength by one die type, and fit a stock to reduce it by another. For rifles, bipods reduce the minimum strength by two die-
types, as do waldo mounts, which have the added benefit of allowing a character to fire the rifle one-handed; however, if they choose to use both hands, then the
minimum strength is reduced by another die-type (for three total).Finally, be sure to note whether the gun accepts recoil baffling. Each application reducing the minimum
strength requirement by one die type an d it can be fitted three times unless otherwise specified.

Differences in this Conversion

Where possible, all aspects of a firearm have been kept the same as in the original Hardware Catalogue, but changes have been made – normally to prevent a new weapon
making one of the official firearms obsolete but sometimes to give more variety. In any case, the price and calibre has never changed.

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Calibre Standard AP HEAP HP HESH
(Armour doubled) (Armour doubled)
CAF 5mm Rifle 1u / 1D8 - - 2u / 1D12+1 -
6mm Air Rifle 5c per 10/1D10 - - - -
11.35mm Pistol 2c / 2D6+1 5c / 2D6+1 (AP4) 6c / 2D6+3 (AP4) 7c / 2D6+7 9c / 3D6+7
15mm Pistol 5c / 2D10 (AP1) 8c / 2D10 (AP5) 9c / 2D10+2 (AP5) 10c / 2D10+6 12c / 3D10+6
CAF .410 5u / 2D4+2/2D4/1D4
10g Pistol Shell 3c / 3D4+2/2D4/1D4

10g Pistol Slug 4c / 2D6 (AP2)

SP Bolt 5c / 2D8 (AP7)

SP HEAP Bolt 10c / 2D10+2 (AP9)

SP 40mm HEAP Micro Disc 10c / 2D10+4 (AP4, AD 2)

26mm HEAP Flechette 7c / 4D6+1/3D6/2D6 (AP5)
HARM (Hyper-Accelerated 2c / 2D4+3 (AP10)
Rifle Ammunition)
105mm BB 15c / D6+3 (one round breaks up into sufficient pellets for one burst of suppressive fire)

GASH 7mm Taser Bolt 6c / 2D4+2 (AP5) + Strength test to remove, or can be severed by bladed attack – it has parry 4, hardness 4

MAL Incinerator Canister 20c / 2D6 (ignores armour that isn’t fully enclosed) + target catches fire on 4-6 on a D6 (roll D6 each round: on a 1 flames go out, on a 4-6 the
die type increases: 2D8, 2D10, 2D12, 2D12+2, etc.) + causes 1 AD each round a target is exposed
KK Gas 20c per 5 / As DA 240 Riot Gas. Dissipates immediately.
BOSH Foam 20c per 5 / As Riot Foam Grenade

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