Sla Industries - Hardware Cataloge
Sla Industries - Hardware Cataloge
Sla Industries - Hardware Cataloge
By Voidstate
These weapons can be found in the excellent SLA Industries Hardware Catalogue fan-published in 1995. See that document for full write-ups of each weapon. Long-
available to layers of classic SLA, now Savage SLAers can get their hands on these goodies, too. Can an Op ever have too many weapons?
Weapon Type Clip Calibre Min Str. ROF Range Wt Add-Ons Notes
GA Snubnose Backup (50c) Pistol 7 10mm D6 1 6/12/24 1 - -
FEN 007 Assassin (120c) Pistol 6 10mm - 1 15/30/60 2 Su*, Scp, LP Completely Silent (-4 Notice), Limited ammo
(Standard, AP & HP only)
KPS 88 CAWS (130c) Pistol 12 10g Pistol D8 1 10/20/40 2 - 10g shell grants +2 Shooting at close range
KK-11 Derringer (200c) Pistol 2 12mm D8/ 1-2 2/4/8 1 - Double-Barrelled, D10 recoil for both barrels
GA 60 Longslide (230c) Pistol 25 10mm - 1 15/30/60 4 LP*, Si, Su 3RB, Free carry case
AGB Glove Gun (250c) Pistol 3 10g D8 Special - 2 - Close combat, Strength + 3D4 damage per hit
GAK Slasher Knife Pistol Pistol 16 10mm D6 1 12/24/48 2 - Knife: -1 Fighting , damage as MAC Knife
KPS 99 HCAWS (300c) Pistol 12 10g D10 1 10/20/40 2 - 10g shell grants +2 Shooting at close range
GA KM1911 (500c) Pistol 15 12mm D10 1 10/20/40 6 Si*, LP*, Su 3RB
GAK Target Pistol (650c) Pistol 6 8mm Long D8 1 30/60/120 2 LP*, Scp*, UV*, Si, Accurate (Additional +1 Shooting if aimed)
Su, Rcl-B
BLA 050M Firestorm (680c) Pistol 7 12.7mm D10 1 10/20/40 3 Si, Su, Scp, LP, Rcl-B Free carry case
BLA 096C Mauser (750c) Pistol 15 8mm Long D8 1 18/36/72 2 LP*, Si, Su, Scp, Rcl- 3RB, Semi-Auto, Free carry case, 30-rnd snail
B (max 2) drum available (5c)
FEN 202 11.35mm Combat Pistol 10 11.35mm D6 1 25/50/100 3 LP*, Si, Su, Scp Free carry case
Pistol (750c)
BLA 070M Uno (1000c) Pistol 3 15mm D12 1 12/24/48 4 Si, Su, Scp, LP, Rcl-B Heavy, Free carry case
(max 1)
SP HEAP Micro Disc Pistol 5 SP 40mm - 1 25/50/100 6 LP* Silent & Flashless (-4 Notice), Forearm
Launcher (1400c) HEAP Mounted (Always Ready), Heavy
Micro Disc
Assault Rifles
Weapon Type Clip Calibre Min Str ROF Range Wt Add-Ons Notes
CAF VR66 Auto Rifle (160c) AR 35 CAF 5mm D6 3 16/32/64 4 Si, Su, Scp, LP, Rcl-B
AGB 307 Air Rifle (250c) AR 10 6mm Air Rifle - 1 20/40/80 3 Scp, LP Semi-Auto, Silent & Flashless (-4 Notice)
MAL Under-Barrel Rifle (350c) AR 1 12.7mm D10 1 15/30/60 2 As parent (except Rcl-B) Heavy, Fits any rifle, 2 actions to reload
CAF Xterminator Micro Cannon AR 25 CAF 5mm D8 5 15/30/60 18 AB (360)*, LP Auto only (no single shot), Snapfire
GA 79 Rapier Carbine (520c) AR 30 10mm D6 1 15/30/60 6 LP*, Si, Su, Scp 3RB, Semi-Auto, 50-rnd drum available
GAK 091 (850c) AR 35 10mm D10 3 30/60/120 5 LP*, Si, Su, Scp Auto
FEN 775 Raptor LAW (1010c) AR 50 8mm Long D6 5 35/70/140 6 LP*, Si, Scp Auto, Snapfire, Ammo does pistol
damage, High Velocity (+2 AP)
FEN 786 Raven Carbine (1100c) AR 25 12mm D12 3 20/40/80 4 LP*, Scp, Rcl-B (max 2) Auto, 3RB
AGB Sword Gun (1200c) AR 9 12mm D6 1 20/40/80 6 LP* 3RB, 1 action to switch mode, Sword: -1
Fighting, D8+3 (AP2, 2-Handed, -1 Parry)
KK-45 Rend (1200c) AR 30 12mm D12 3 24/48/96 7 LP*, Si, Su, Scp, Rcl-B Auto, Semi-Auto
FEN 776 Wolf Carbine (1350c) AR 50 8mm Long D8 4 30/60/120 5 LP*, Si, Su, Scp Auto, 3RB
GAK SAW (1550c) AR 1 12mm D12 5 30/60/120 33 Bi*, AB (100)* Auto, Snapfire
Sniper Rifles
Weapon Type Clip Calibre Min Str. ROF Range Wt Add-Ons Notes
SP Electro-Mag Crossbow Sniper 6 SP Bolt/ - 1 40/80/160 2 Scp, LP Silent & Flashless (-4 Notice)
(500c) Crossbow HEAP Bolt
MAL Viper 7000 Anti- Sniper Rifle 1 17mm D12 1 60/120/240 11 LP*, Scp*, UV*, Bi Heavy, Snapfire, Over-the-
Armour (1200c) shoulder firing, 2 actions to reload
FEN 930 Ultra Light (1450c) Sniper Rifle 3 12.7mm D8 1 400/800/1600 5 Bi*, Scp*, UV*, LP*, Si, Su, Heavy , Snapfire, Disassembles
Rcl-B (1 max) into carry case
GA 207 Sniper Elite (1560c) Sniper Rifle 20 8mm Long D12 3 150/300/600 10 Scp*, LP*, Bi*, Si, Su, Rcl-B Auto, Snapfire
Weapon Type Clip Calibre Min Str. ROF Range Wt Add-Ons Notes
CAF 516 Bruiser (120c) Shotgun 6 CAF .410 D6 1 6/12/24 2 – Available to civilians
KPS 776 Under Barrel (150c) Shotgun 3 10g D10 1 6/12/24 3 As parent (except Rcl-B) Fits any Rifle
GA SD-75 Striker (700c) Shotgun 12 10g, BB, D6 1 12/24/48 10 LP*, Scp, Rcl-B Fire selector (freely mix ammo
Gas types), Waterproof, 40-rnd
bandolier available (3c)
GA-201 Sledgehammer Auto (700c) Shotgun 60 10g D12+1 3 7/14/28 12 Scp, LP, Rcl-B (max 2) Auto only (no single shot)
FEN K357 Cobra Assault Shotgun (800c) Shotgun 40 10g D10 2 10/20/40 8 Scp*, UV*, LP*, Rcl-B Auto only (no single shot)
KPS 907 STRONT Auto Cannon (1200c) Shotgun 25 10g D12+2 4 15/30/60 19 Wa*, Scp*, UV*, AB Auto, Semi-Auto, Snapfire
(250)*, Rcl-B
MAL 558 HEAP Flechette Gun (1400c) Shotgun 6 26mm D10 1 15/30/60 9 Scp, LP, Rcl-B –
FEN K-366 Multi-Barrelled HAS (1620c) Shotgun 1 10g D12+1 5 16/32/64 15 Scp*, UV*, AB (400)*, Wa* Auto, Snapfire
GASH 7mm Taser Bolt 6c / 2D4+2 (AP5) + Strength test to remove, or can be severed by bladed attack – it has parry 4, hardness 4
MAL Incinerator Canister 20c / 2D6 (ignores armour that isn’t fully enclosed) + target catches fire on 4-6 on a D6 (roll D6 each round: on a 1 flames go out, on a 4-6 the
die type increases: 2D8, 2D10, 2D12, 2D12+2, etc.) + causes 1 AD each round a target is exposed
KK Gas 20c per 5 / As DA 240 Riot Gas. Dissipates immediately.
BOSH Foam 20c per 5 / As Riot Foam Grenade