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aaa PS 31 - ILLUMINATION ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING Problem Set 31 (Lecture) 1. REE April 2006. A lamp gives an average output of 628 lumens. What Is Its MS.CP.? 2.50 Cd 6.45 Cd 4.48 Cd MGCP CHean- Spherical Conde Power) MSCP = Oo: = luminous flux CL, lumens) =——- Candelg CCd) MSCP= Ges . 49.947 Cd al = = eoovlneooumau & [asses Scanned with CamScanner "* " ° [oes DS 31 - ILLUMINATION ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING roblem Set 31 (Lecture) REE April 2006. A lamp gives an average output of 628 lumens. What Is Its M.S.C_P.? ie b. 40 Cd 45 Cd d. 48 Cd ASCP. CMean Spherical Conde Power) MSCP. = G luminous flux Cim, lumens) | Es At lumen indela CCd = Steradan ) iets Soe = aa cris @Oam a 4 w [hase Scanned with CamScanner "” ” — eine i candle Power 2. Alamp has lminous intensity of 250:Cd: Calaulate the total luminous flux emitted by it. (6.3, 142 Im a. 1,000 Im 1 t= ur Solid ng le C-< teradlian) b. 785 Im = Area _ AM? ap fading? = a50Gd (4Ir) — eo tvi na e@Oaaa sw [ssa 4d. 2,000 Im Scanned with CamScanner yee -Sat= DUS PF 309 C= —F 15 ia ooo. oa8. E 3, REE Sept 2044. A light svurce has an illumination of 100 footcandles (fc), what is the lIkimination in lux? a1, 204 - b.t,075- 1, 496 1, 360 Lilumcnatien 7 CEs lx= © a frotcand le ey = Lm #7 omen Peel ne OH a Hw [si oe 4, REE April 2011. An area of 0.3 square meter is to be lluminated by a lamp at a level of 600 lux. What Is the total luminous flux emitted by the lamp? a. 160 Im b.170 Im ¢.180Im 190 Im, a aruwln @Oaaa i Ww [sh oe 6 ewe O Scanned with CamScanner Qoue Pig D019 Ce oag 5. REE May 2009. A light source located 2.75 m from a surface produces an illumination of 528 lux on that surface, Find the illumination ifthe dis..nce is changed to 1.55 m. ate E662. 937 lux 0.168 lux 1 = el [E,= baal o = = Saglux 7 4 = dg-iesm | Eas? 41, =1, Ceince came bulb) 4 5 Eee T= Fy Pee = cose d® Q Aiect ly below ; ee Cose: jag” Lx (Gs Scanned with CamScanner 6. A plece of paper les on a table 2 m away from a polnt directly below a a 100 cd and fs 4m above the table. Calaulate the lluminatis on the center of the paper in lux. a2 b.57 Tas 34 a == GOD = Ch? 7a E= loo C4) [area]? ST eects @Oaag dW ABE emo Scanned with CamScanner } 3d 0 Pif OO) Ce — J 1B oe Liam 7. A medium unshaded lamp h~~gs 8 m direcly above the table. Towwhat distance should It be lowered to Incrrase the Illumination to 4.45 times Its former value? a. 4.02 ,3.86 igs 4.4.21 @ aArecty below: pet d= a : ge a: 5 = dL x $) *Iy=1, Ceince came bulb) di=8m E, I, (4a E,= ABE, ASK; a yr a, ITS * ac°cvin @COmaam i & fo 0 Scanned with CamScanner Soe pis so cies im 8. REE Sept 2010. At what distance fro ao CH Tamp located 4m | from the wal? aE, 4.2.93 m “b,283m" ©.265m 4.2.07 m ae Bw 7 os — = ie om sestn eon oas & Scanned with CamScanner oSare eid SOI CRS BT. lane. Calculate the Mum |. dlrecty below the lamp 2. 66.66 Im/n? ».6.66 Im/n? eae 4. 2.222 I/F le 1. 3 maway from the vertical ants 2.7.66 hx 7.55 hx €.7.86 bux 4.7.35 hax 1) directly * oe] cps ST ee te mane Scanned with CamScanner 9. REE Sept 2005. A lamp alving 200 candelas uniformly below the horizontal plane Is suspended 3 m above a horizontal plane. Calculate‘ Iluminatin at a polnt on the plane. [direct below the lamp 2.66.66 In/n? b.6.66 Im/n? — epaaczzifaf® ©. 2.222 Im/n? 41, 3m away from the vertical axis aaeo artin @Omammaby & Scanned with CamScanner 0) ¢=—F 18 Ten 10. If the lamp in the previous problem is placed in a 3 meter square room with a height of 3 m. What is the illumination c.6.048 lux d.17.107 lux ———_, 4 (157416? +3") 18 E= [2.097 lux ® Tos oe o ealnee@Oama 4 & 4 . Scanned with CamScanner 11. REE SEPT 2005. An Intensity ~* 100 candle power is directed ata point 10 ft distance from the source.,IF therecelving ‘Planes tte through 30 degrees fromthe perpendicular what's the llumination upon the surface? 86 b.0.34 fe fe 07 f sesh ee Oa He ee eee ~ Scanned with CamScanner mOoooe, oae Souepis oy em 3 107m 12. An Incandescent lamp havina a luminous flux of 3,000 lumens fs enclosed in a 0.3 meter diameter difusing sphere and . Calculate the average ilumination of the sphere. a. 450 \ 2, 2225 d. 3,000 foes of light E= ® “A= firea of sphue a= 101GI0=ad An? : Ts Scanned with CamScanner IDooe aaa Ose earn Calculate the limination on the ground: {under each lamp bb. 40 ha 6.80 hax 4.20.92 bux 1. midway between the lamps a. 37.18 lux b. 9.07 lax 6.18.14 hx 4.27.21 box i—undar—each Lamp : z in gare mp Ta=lomcd E= E+E 1,219 = Tah [=a hgesm E= Dy aha FE dP — Carb PR ‘— |am——>__ E = 1000_, 1000 C5) = 3S (a8 +5778 el Oe eeulaeOama i & 7 eee Scanned with CamScanner E=E;+Eo= ahi ; Typha Cds haya Gays FE =_l000 cs) looo CS) = = 1(y 2 Bt (@s ey +@ry a are. Scanned with CamScanner‘ “ areola e@Ooaa dw Se << Dawe Pie 0 ee —J TB Tim (OOS. oa 14. What must be the candle ; ver of a point source of light which gives an tltmination of 100 Im/m? at appoints 2m —_ ) a, 200 Cd ~ b.400Cd 100 Cd 300 Cd a aeomplrne@Oamas & [ste = ghd om O Scanned with CamScanner zmeasues—jliuainaten— on the saeen ofa photofeter when & ls 60cm and & f 50 cm fom | the screen, A plane miror placed 6 cm behind 8, the plane of the mbror belng a ight angles tothe le fom 8 to the screen and Its then found that to the source A must be moved 10 emnearer the screen, What is the reflecting power of tre mkror? bs0% 62% 4.65% ats. Ie GO? Go Ip,> b4Ig, =O “CASE: x Than MIB 1a = Be, (estore equality of Lluminetisn) Tea, Ip) CRF) ma bulb Geran Pulse Ogaa He aes eo Scanned with ‘CamScanner “Scanned with CamScanner augue D gervlinzneOoaams & We Pid DOE 7 m(oooe oa8 17. After-a balance was obtained between two lamps ona photometric bench, a sheet of plane glass was interposed on one side of the photon..ier. To restore the balance, one of the lamps was moved back through 10 cm making its distance from the photometer 110 cm. what percentage of light indent on the glass was transmitted by It? 90.9% © b 82.6%. €86.2% 488.6% © = i }—» A — = =o B da = 1005 a Ep= Ep oe Tp (da? — da=iloem= fe. Ip (a Eq In \de, t= Fe, (12 Za = 99 q4') Ta ho i Pp aI arsine oa ag sh & ‘ Scanned with CamScanner ia oO POWER GisTEN QUIZ KEY: LD tr A ara Se Ie. B go. C 5A 14.0 31-aa.c 6. 8 ao. 4 a3.D sei) (th a8 34. Bonus C Board. exam ! 0.Gas pu) fo. aa. aD 43. B wD a3. D 36.4 itcuoey 1-18. B a4. ee He ~4F-B WA as A Es A 4e.A : 36.8 91-40 49.D 6-8 arc 4.8 oc =D 2¢-D 4a. Oe ass eo oo 6 # C Scanned with CamScanner = - ide Pl SO Bal pode TiS craany Omics containing a number OF boaras Having @ Total eNCCIWE area OF TOTS WCBY @ Huber OF AT-W T= Incandescent lamps gi “9 11 Im/W. An illumination of 72 Im/n? Is required on the drawing boards. 1e drawing boards, estimate the number of lamps required, Taxon b. 2 6.23 4.25 A= tom n= ‘ : 4ow Bper-tanp e = m teacy = I a E= ® aS E= Fa Wx A d= 4a GO) = Q Hoo Lm 0.G0 DBper-tame eal up xAow= 440Lm eaocmineOnma yh w | rae) Scanned with CamScanner * “ t a did 6 Pi¢ SO Ces BT 18. A drawing office cov. .ining a number of boards having a total effecthe area of 70 mi is It by a number of 40 W Incandescent lamps giving 11 Im/W. An tlumination of 72 Im/t Is required on the drawhg boards. drawing boards, estimate the number 4.25 erentneOnmama dh & B qe 3 Taaa = = awe = | 19, REE APRIL 2004. . oom with dimensions of 72 fx 36 Rx 13 fe reques 50 footcandls, maintenance factor of 0.7, coeficlentof ullzaton of 0.46 and Rlof 4 Calculate the required lumens output ofthe lamps. 144, 000 b, 136,800 ‘Seraoayassimm 4. 74,690 Utlization—factr- /coef?. Breceived Coot A 2 diversity Pace C>D. cor ae in the formals) SO oe ee OFX 0G — 7 inf /DF Cmointenonce / Beprecetion Ractor) f= Ecccrynt Covtpot) Ere Capo everythieg i clean o> sin @OOma dw ‘Scanned with CamScanner |SoOoS oa8 thx ture = Bers i 20. REE SEPT 2001. A 40 ft by 20 ft office Is to be tluminated with duplex fluorescent faminalres at a level of 50 footcandles. The mainwcnance factor and coefficient of utilization are estimated to be 70% and 60%, respectively. Each fluorescent produces 3, 300 lumens. How many luminaires are required? a.18 eld d. 28 Muminaires Q@ Qplex 95,238.10 fixe f Lomps goin. D, = 95,238.10 Lm ap eine oag a hw ir LEI Scanned with CamScanner fr ss oo 21. REE SEPT 2005. Which isnot found in airapid start fluorescent lamp?» a. Ballast vbestarter, c. wire harness 4. capacitor ? 1 N t et Used to > helps the tome ere Moinisine the amount | fd tart , Jolts electricily - pf svriy of current Ss aE Tom rT come Scanned with Cam: Scanner JMG Pid 5 O19 Cherwm wee (ooode aa = Toes any dstarce x fom the Source of TGht, Ue Wntnslty OF MumMaon varies GFECOy as Whe TSTsky oF the SOU and inversely as the ~-uare of x. Suppose that there Is a light at A, and another at B, the one at B having an Intensity 8 times that of A. The distance AB Is 4 m. At what point from A on the line AB \will the intensity of (Miedema R= oct 1993 a.2.45m b.133m —¢.1.50m Ig= 81a z tales fe 4m a E;- Eats &,-in., 8a X= Clan) Mode (#) ‘Let Ip_=4 4 Stack god 2 Sco? arulre@Onaa uw [soe 4.1.92m Scanned with CamScanner A4m “b2.828mM™ ¢.2.309 m 2m hax = 2 = — eeth = = —Cxth* Fle Scanned with CamScanner™ Bpertamp= 5-H x 500W"= F500 Ln G, ~ 180,000 bm = ‘80.000 = 24 Lamps (aise ay a4 Bamps : B00W He Lomps (SHR €pace to eal partic) feos gpace= 168) = Sm 2" hein Leng +h 0 = = = = G@ dom Lay ee ae i Width Be = 4 Lamps og ‘Scanned with CamScanner Dper-tamp = se x 500M= F500 Lin G, ~ 10,000 bm N= 180,000 _ a4 Lamps FSOO fossible : GooW 24 amps : (SHR Cpoce fo height ratio) SAE gpace = 168) = heigl _ length _ @ Lame te are = Necma Width = ms tee@oo gaa & BoowW He Rompe sm 30-— ni > @ Lomps 22 = 4 Lamps Scanned with CamScanner Bers Sar Soups coe 7mmm Dper-tanp ne x B00" = F500 Lin G,~ tabi Dons n= = At Lamps: We Bo Possible» OW, a4 Sane + B00W He Sonpe Coc kg cot (8) = 6m. length © $2 °= G tomer BO = 4 Lampe ze (= fw Note So = ‘Scanned with CamScanner

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