Paper2 IHRM
Paper2 IHRM
Paper2 IHRM
25,6 Host country specific factors and
the transfer of human resource
management practices in
multinational companies
Barbara Myloni
Athens University of Economics and Business, Strategy
and Entrepreneurship Laboratory, Athens, Greece
Anne-Wil K. Harzing
The University of Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
Hafiz Mirza
Bradford University School of Management, Bradford, UK
Keywords Human resource management, Multinational companies, National cultures, Greece
Abstract This paper concerns the transfer of human resource management (HRM) practices by
multinational companies (MNCs) to their overseas subsidiaries. It investigates how factors
originating from the cultural and institutional framework of the host country impact on this
transfer. Using data collected from MNC subsidiaries located in Greece and local Greek firms, we
examine the degree to which several HRM practices in MNC subsidiaries resemble local practices.
Our empirical findings indicate that subsidiaries have adapted their HRM practices to a
considerable extent, although some practices are more localised than others. Specifically, practices
that do not fit well with Greek culture or are in contrast to employee regulations show a low level of
transfer. On the other hand, our interviews revealed that significant cultural changes are underway
and that the institutional environment is gradually getting more relaxed, leaving more room to
manoeuvre for MNCs.
During the last few decades, companies have been confronted with an increasingly
competitive environment. Forces facilitating globalisation, such as the liberalisation of
international trade, the international integration of production, research and marketing
by major MNCs, as well as the emergence of major economic regions like the European
Union, have enabled companies to invest overseas to gain or maintain competitive
advantage. It has been argued that human assets are an emerging source of
competitive advantage for MNCs (Bartlett and Ghoshal, 1991; Schuler and Rogovsky,
1998). HRM is evolving from being just a support function to one of strategic
importance (Teagarden and Von Glinow, 1997). Bartlett and Ghoshal (1991) have
argued that human resource management (HRM) policies and practices are becoming
crucial because they can act as mechanisms for co-ordination and control of
international operations. Values and HR systems help to shape organisational culture
International Journal of Manpower and the people who operate within and influence that culture; and MNCs therefore
Vol. 25 No. 6, 2004
pp. 518-534 attempt to transfer their HRM practices abroad. On the other hand, it has also been
q Emerald Group Publishing Limited argued that HRM constitutes a major constraint when MNCs try to implement global
DOI 10.1108/01437720410560424 strategies (Adler and Bartholomew, 1992). This is mainly due to the complexities
involved in employing and managing people from disparate national and cultural Host country
backgrounds. specific factors
HRM can be seen as part of the overall strategy of the firm. In this respect,
Perlmutter (1969) indicates that an MNC has three strategic choices: ethnocentric,
polycentric and global. However, such a simple typology does not give clear-cut
answers when it comes to the transfer of HRM practices abroad. Other factors, usually
external ones, such as the host country environment, limit the MNC’s freedom to 519
choose among the above strategies. In practice, MNCs are more likely to use a hybrid
strategy and, as Tayeb (1998) puts it, opt for the strategy that fits best with each
subsidiary’s local conditions. In this way, a company that has subsidiaries in many
foreign countries may adopt an ethnocentric strategy for some of them and a
polycentric or even a global one for others. Furthermore, as many authors have argued,
such a typology treats management practices in terms of an overall orientation, which
may overlook an MNC’s internal differentiation (Rosenzweig and Nohria, 1994).
According to this view, a company is an organisation composed of many differentiated
practices. Some of them may be more sensitive to pressures of local adaptation, while
others may be more prone to internal consistency. Similarly, in the same subsidiary,
some management practices might closely follow the parent company ones, while
others may more resemble those of the host country. In addition, there could be yet
other practices that follow a global standard.
A major issue, and one of the central questions in the MNC literature, is the extent to
which subsidiaries act and behave as local firms – local isomorphism – as opposed to
the extent to which their practices resemble those of the parent company or some other
global standard – internal consistency (Jain et al., 1998; Rosenzweig and Nohria, 1994).
More specifically, HRM practices in an MNC “are shaped by the interplay of opposing
pressures for internal consistency and for isomorphism with the local institutional
environment [. . .]” (Rosenzweig and Nohria, 1994, p. 230). Recent research that has
focused on MNC subsidiaries and HRM has already shed light on some of the factors
that affect MNCs’ choices regarding localisation vs internal consistency of HRM
practices (Bae et al., 1998; Beechler and Yang, 1994; Guest and Hoque, 1996; Newman
and Nollen, 1996; Ngo et al., 1998; Rosenzweig and Nohria, 1994).
This paper will contribute to this debate by examining the way in which factors
originating from the cultural and institutional framework of a host country impact on
HRM transfer. According to Clark et al. (1999), only 10.5 percent of the papers they
reviewed in comparative and international HRM used both cultural and institutional
theories to explain their research findings, while around 41 percent did not provide any
explanation at all. In order to describe and explain cross-national differences
adequately, we need to use both approaches to capture a wide range of influences on
HRM transfer Our second major contribution to the debate is our choice of host
country. Greece constitutes an interesting case since little research has focused on
investigating management issues in the Greek context, partly because there is a dearth
of empirical research in management on recently industrialised countries in general.
Such countries often face distinct problems and unique challenges that require specific
attention and the development of a specific body of knowledge. Although Greece can
no longer be considered a developing country, it retains some characteristics in
common with such countries, especially those related to the socio-economic and
cultural environment. Factors such as the tension between old and new cultural values
IJM and institutional volatility characterise the Greek environment. Such issues are of
25,6 particular importance for MNCs that operate in these countries. It can be argued that
the cultural and institutional environment becomes even more crucial for HRM transfer
to host countries that are in a transitional state.
The next section will provide the theoretical underpinnings of this study. Based on
previous research that has focused on cultural and institutional perspectives, we
520 develop specific hypotheses to test the effect of host country factors on HRM transfer.
This is followed by an outline of the Greek cultural and institutional framework. After
a description of the study’s methodology and sample characteristics, we present our
empirical results and provide a discussion of the main findings. The paper concludes
by addressing the limitations of our study, as well as implications for management
research and practice.
Data collection and sample
Using a survey method, we collected data from HR managers of Greek firms and MNC
subsidiaries. A questionnaire, based on previous work by Schuler and Jackson (1987),
as well as the Price Waterhouse/Cranfield project (Brewster and Hegewisch, 1994), was
developed to assess the various components of a firm’s HRM system. This was
translated to Greek, back translated into English and pre-tested in a pilot study.
IJM The questions focused on HRM practices with respect to managerial employees only.
25,6 Since HRM practices often differ between occupational groups (Bae et al., 1998), we
chose to focus on a relatively narrow category of jobs to limit the need to repeat the
questions for different categories, which would have made the questionnaire too long
and complicated. As a consequence, our results may reveal less adaptation at this level,
since research indicates that HRM practices in MNC subsidiaries are more localised for
524 lower hierarchical levels (Lu and Bjorkman, 1997).
Questionnaires were either completed during interviews or sent by post and
completed in the absence of the researcher. We followed this mixed approach in order
to ensure an acceptable number of replies, since mail surveys have a record of low
response rates (Harzing, 1997). The respondents also provided qualitative data on the
firm’s HRM practices during the interviews. All questionnaires were addressed to
Human Resource Managers of subsidiaries of MNCs located in Greece, as well as to
their equivalents in Greek companies. Since the population of MNCs located in Greece
is rather moderate (around 150 subsidiaries of over 50 employees at the time of the
survey), MNC subsidiaries were chosen regardless of industry, ownership type or size,
in order to be able to have adequate numbers to generate meaningful statistical results.
Greek companies were consequently selected in order to match the industry structure
of the subsidiaries’ sample. Our data collection process took place over a three-month
period, between March and May 2000. In total, from the 269 companies we approached,
150 MNCs subsidiaries and 119 Greek companies, 135 participated in our study,
representing a 50 percent response rate.
We received a total of 82 questionnaires from foreign subsidiaries, while data about
HRM in Greek companies were collected from 53 local firms. A large number of parent
countries were included in our sample, although 75 percent of the MNCs involved were
headquartered in the US, UK, Germany, France and the Netherlands. Greenfield sites
represent 80 percent of the sample, while the rest are acquisitions. In both MNC
subsidiaries and Greek firms, there is an equal representation of manufacturing and
services sectors, with the largest number of responses coming from firms operating in
the following sectors: chemical/pharmaceuticals, electronics, food/beverages, banks
and hotels. The majority of both MNC subsidiaries and Greek firms have more than
200 employees, although Greek firms show a larger average size. Differences in size
between the two samples are statistically significant. However, this selection was made
on purpose as we decided to target companies that were large enough to have an HRM
department and developed HR strategy. Therefore, our sample is only representative of
the large Greek firms and not the total population. There are no statistically significant
differences between responding and non-responding companies in terms of parent
country, industry and size.
Several items were used to measure the dependent variables, which capture aspects of
HRM practices, such as selection and recruitment, compensation, and performance
appraisal. Respondents were asked to describe how closely these items matched their
organizations’ current HRM practices, in most of the cases on a seven-point Likert
scale. Respondents were also asked to answer a specific question concerning the degree
of transfer that took place in each of these different groups of HRM practices.
Moreover, following Hannon et al. (1995) and Rosenzweig and Nohria (1994),
the questionnaire included questions on the degree of subsidiary’s interaction with host Host country
country organisations and union representation, as well as control variables such as
industry, age and size. All measures are reproduced in the Appendix.
specific factors
Use of Interviews Less More 0.062
Use of CV data Less More 0.048
Importance of recommendations More Less 0.080
National/industry level determines basic pay More Less 0.036
Importance of employee training level More Less 0.042
Importance of employee experience More Less 0.060
Importance of employee seniority More Less 0.000
Performance appraisal
Written performance appraisal reports Less More 0.042 Table II.
Performance appraisal by employee himself/herself Less More 0.000 Significant differences
Performance appraisal by employee’s subordinates Less More 0.060 between Greek firms and
Performance appraisal favouritism More Less 0.006 MNC subsidiaries
IJM Greek firms Subsidiaries
Use of assessment centres/group interviews Low Low
Use of psychometric tests Low Low
Use of references High High
526 Internal recruitment Moderate Moderate
Selection by informal qualifications Moderate Moderate
Company level determines basic pay High High
Individual level determines basic pay Moderate Moderate
Profit-sharing, share options Low Low
Importance of group objectives Moderate Moderate
Importance of individual performance High High
Temporary contracts Low Low
Performance appraisal
Table III. Personal interview with supervisor High High
Similarities between Performance appraisal by employee’s peers Low Low
Greek firms and MNC Results evaluation rather than process High High
subsidiaries Better performance rather than career development High High
already know and trust and base their selection on less objective criteria than MNC
subsidiaries (Myloni et al., 2004). However, it is worth mentioning that interviews and
CVs play a very important role in employee selection in Greek firms, used in 85 percent
of the firms, while references are used in only 55 percent of the firms. Interviews with
HR managers revealed that recommendations and social networking are not so
important as they used to be. Moreover, the preference that Greek firms show for
internal recruitment and informal qualifications criteria is moderate rather than high
(Table III). Such findings may hint at a slow move towards the use of more objective
selection criteria by Greek firms. At the same time, the low percentage of MNC
subsidiaries that use standardised methods such as assessment centres, group
interviews and psychometric tests as opposed to their considerable use of references
and recommendations (even though significantly less than Greek firms), as well as
their preference for internal recruitment and informal qualifications criteria, might
indicate that MNC subsidiaries have adapted their selection methods to local cultural
norms to some extent.
Differences were found with regard to the level at which basic pay is determined.
Although Greek companies still rely heavily on national and/or industry collective
agreements, company level determination is gaining importance. The picture is not the
same for MNC subsidiaries. Basic pay is determined mainly at the company and
individual level, although we did not find any significant differences with Greek firms.
National agreements are seldom used by MNC subsidiaries compared to Greek firms.
These results may reflect changes towards a more flexible legislative framework that
leaves some room to manoeuvre for MNCs. Achievement of group objectives and
individual performance were found to be the two most important dimensions in
deciding salary levels for both Greek firms and MNC subsidiaries. Although traditional
characteristics, such as employee training level and experience, as well as seniority, are Host country
still considered more important in Greek firms than in MNC subsidiaries, their level of specific factors
importance is clearly diminishing. On the other hand, collective agreements support
seniority and this is in contrast to performance-related compensation practice that
many MNCs want to introduce. At the same time, seniority is also considered to be
important in labour law for deciding the level of certain employee benefits.
The offer of share options is quite limited in both firm categories, since the stock 527
market is not very developed in Greece and most firms depend largely on bank finance.
Furthermore, the stock market is quite unstable and, as one of the HR managers
characteristically put it, “one cannot depend on such an insecure source for employees’
pay. The majority of employees in Greece prefer immediate payment and do not want
to count on shares that can be cashed in the long term”. Some subsidiaries are able to
give share options which are traded in foreign stock markets, but this only prevails for
a few top executive positions. Culture as well as tax regulations affect the transfer of
fringe benefits. A subsidiary HR manager of a French MNC said: “French law does not
impose high taxes on some of the bonuses as Greek law does, so there is no point in
transferring them to the Greek subsidiary”.
Results also show that the percentage of temporary contracts is quite low in both
firm categories. HR managers reported that headquarters found it problematic to
introduce flexible contracts, as fixed/part-time contracts are not common in Greece. As
one of the interviewees pointed out “everybody wants to have a permanent contract,
this is traditional practice in Greece”. However, the majority of our interviewees
emphasised the fact that the legal framework in Greece is gradually becoming less
complex and more flexible. They also recognised that the relationship between unions
and employers is less tense and that both parties have been engaged in a constructive
social dialogue in order to promote good will and find solutions that will bring
mutual benefit. In addition, managers agree that young employees are not so much
interested in collective agreements and permanent employment, but prefer
performance-related pay.
Performance appraisal
As shown in Table II, written reports are used much more in MNC subsidiaries
than Greek firms. Results also show that personal interviews between supervisor
and employee are highly used in both Greek firms and MNC subsidiaries and the
employee’s supervisor is clearly the person responsible for appraisal in both cases.
However, employees, their peers or their subordinates are less likely to participate in
performance appraisal in Greek firms than in MNC subsidiaries. Performance
appraisal appears to be in a state of development in Greek firms and currently
based on more subjective criteria, which is in line with the high levels of
family/in-group orientation and power distance that characterise Greek culture
(Myloni et al., 2004). Our findings indicate that MNCs have effectuated a
considerable degree of transfer of their performance appraisal practices to their
subsidiaries. On the other hand, it is worth pointing out that it is not so common for
peers and subordinates to participate in the performance appraisal process, even in
MNC subsidiaries. In addition, almost none of the subsidiaries implemented the
360-degree performance appraisal, although the majority of their headquarters make
use of this practice. HR managers reported that the practice faced strong resistance,
IJM especially in unionised subsidiaries. They noted that employees were not ready to
25,6 accept this kind of appraisal and that it would take some time before it could be
applied. Furthermore, Table III indicates that both firm categories use performance
appraisal for promotion purposes rather than career development, and evaluate
results rather than processes. This could be due to the low levels of performance
and future orientation of Greek culture (Myloni et al., 2004).
528 The previous discussion shows that in general MNCs adapt to local conditions up to
a certain extent, depending on the nature of the particular HRM practice. Specifically,
we find certain practices that are very difficult or even impossible to transfer to the
present Greek environment. Some of these practices, such as specific selection
procedures or the 360-degree appraisal, are not in line with cultural norms; in a similar
vein compensation practices such as fringe benefits, temporary contracts etc., are in
contrast to labour regulations. Results are in line with previous research by Weber et al.
(1998) for selection practices, and Lu and Bjorkman (1997), Rosenzweig and Nohria
(1994), and Verburg et al. (1999) for performance appraisal and compensation practices.
We therefore found support for the argument that, due to cultural and institutional
forces, HRM practices in MNC subsidiaries located in Greece will resemble local norms
to some extent, and that different HRM practices are subject to different degrees of
Turning to our second hypothesis, we find a significant negative relationship
between employee union membership and HRM transfer for compensation
(Spearman’s rho: 2 0.176, p ¼ 0:062; one-tailed) and performance appraisal
(Spearman’s rho: 2 0.244, p ¼ 0:016; one-tailed), but not for selection. Such findings
could imply that some compensation and performance appraisal practices are subject
to unionisation forces and institutional pressures to a greater degree than selection
practices. Furthermore, our data supported the argument that the level of transfer of
HRM practices will be negatively related to the degree of the subsidiary’s interaction
with host country organisations. Correlations for HRM transfer of selection
(Spearman’s rho: 2 0.196, p ¼ 0:040; one-tailed), compensation (Spearman’s rho:
2 0.215, p ¼ 0:028; one-tailed) and performance appraisal (Spearman’s rho: 2 0.207,
p ¼ 0:033; one-tailed) practices were significant. These findings suggest that MNC
subsidiaries are influenced by the management practices of local organisations with
which they interact.
Our quantitative results showed that the transfer of performance appraisal practices
was significantly higher in small subsidiaries (chi-square: 9.156, p ¼ 0:027; two-tailed),
while selection practices were mostly transferred in both small and medium-sized
(200-500 employees) subsidiaries (chi-square: 7.040, p ¼ 0:075; two-tailed).
Furthermore, the transfer of compensation practices was lower in large subsidiaries,
though not significantly so. Finally, we found larger subsidiaries to be more likely to
use traditional local practices, such as taking into account employee seniority, when
deciding salary levels or relying on national/industry agreements in order to determine
basic pay. At the same time, small subsidiaries are much less likely to recognise
collective bargaining. The implication of such findings is that HRM practices will
generally be more difficult to transfer in large subsidiaries. This is in line with previous
arguments (Gooderham et al., 1999) that large firms should/do adopt more socially
responsible HRM practices, as they have more visibility and are under more pressure
to gain legitimacy and acceptance.
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Further reading
Jain, H.C. (1983), “Cross-cultural management of human resources and the multinational
corporation”, Indian Journal of Industrial Relations, Vol. 19, pp. 101-13.
Performance appraisal
(1) Method(s) used in appraising employee performance (personal interview between
supervisor-subordinate, informal/non-written feedback, written reports).
(2) People who participate in employee performance appraisal (supervisor, employee
himself/herself, peers, subordinates).
(3) Extent to which favouritism influences performance appraisal (seven-point Likert scale;
not at all – very much).
(4) Process / results evaluation (seven-point Likert scale; process – results).
(5) Primary objective of employee performance appraisal (seven-point Likert scale;
performance improvement – career development).
Union representation
Proportion of employees who are members of a trade union.