Compiler Cons Note

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Compiler construction (com 413)

Topic : compiler design

In computer technology, a parser is a program that's usually part of a compiler. It receives input in the
form of sequential source program instructions, interactive online commands, markup tags or some other
defined interface.

What is a parser?

In computer technology, a parser is a program that's usually part of a compiler. It receives

input in the form of sequential source program instructions, interactive online
commands, markup tags or some other defined interface.

Parsers break the input they get into parts such as the nouns (objects), verbs (methods),
and their attributes or options. These are then managed by other programming, such as
other components in a compiler. A parser may also check to ensure that all the necessary
input has been provided.

How does parsing work?

A parser is a program that is part of the compiler, and parsing is part of the compiling
process. Parsing happens during the analysis stage of compilation.

In parsing, code is taken from the preprocessor, broken into smaller pieces and analyzed so
other software can understand it. The parser does this by building a data structure out of the
pieces of input.

More specifically, a person writes code in a human-readable language like C++ or Java and
saves it as a series of text files. The parser takes those text files as input and breaks them
down so they can be translated on the target platform.

The parser consists of three components, each of which handles a different stage of the
parsing process. The three stages are:
Stage 1: Lexical analysis

A lexical analyzer -- or scanner -- takes code from the preprocessor and breaks it into
smaller pieces. It groups the input code into sequences of characters called lexemes, each
of which corresponds to a token. Tokens are units of grammar in the programming
language that the compiler understands.

Lexical analyzers also remove white space characters, comments and errors from the input.
Stage 2: Syntactic analysis

The syntactic analyzer takes (x+y)*3 as input and returns this parse tree, which enables the parser to
understand the equation.

This stage of parsing checks the syntactical structure of the input, using a data structure
called a parse tree or derivation tree. A syntax analyzer uses tokens to construct a parse
tree that combines the predefined grammar of the programming language with the tokens of
the input string. The syntactic analyzer reports a syntax error if the syntax is incorrect.

Stage 3: Semantic analysis

Semantic analysis verifies the parse tree against a symbol table and determines whether it
is semantically consistent. This process is also known as context sensitive analysis. It
includes data type checking, label checking and flow control checking.

If the code provided is this:

float a = 30.2; float b = a*20

then the analyzer will treat 20 as 20.0 before performing the operation.

Some sources refer only to the syntactic analysis stage as parsing because it generates the
parse tree. They leave out lexical and semantic analysis.
 and reduce an input string. At each stage in the string, they reduce the word to a
grammar rule. This approach reduces the string until it has been completely
What are the main types of parsers?

When a software language is created, its creators must specify a set of rules. These rules
provide the grammar needed to construct valid statements in the language.

The following is a set of grammatical rules for a simple fictional language that only contains
a few words:

<sentence> ::= <subject> <verb> <object>

<subject> ::= <article> <noun>
<article> ::= the | a
<noun> ::= dog | cat | person
<verb> ::= pets | fed
<object> ::= <article> <noun>

In this language, a sentence must contain a subject, verb and noun in that order, and
specific words are matched to the parts of speech. A subject is an article followed by a
noun. A noun can be one of the following three words: dog, cat or person. And a verb can
only be pets or fed.

Parsing checks a statement that a user provides as input against these rules to prove that
the statement is valid. Different parsing algorithms check in different orders. There are two
main types of parsers:

 Top-down parsers. These start with a rule at the top, such as <sentence> ::=
<subject> <verb> <object>. Given the input string "The person fed a cat," the
parser would look at the first rule, and work its way down all the rules checking to
make sure they are correct. In this case, the first word is a <subject>, it follows
the subject rule, and the parser will continue reading the sentence looking for a
 Bottom-up parsers. These start with the rule at the bottom. In this case, the
parser would look for an <object> first, then look for a <verb> next and so on.
More simply put, top-down parsers begin their work at the start symbol of the grammar at
the top of the parse tree. They then work their way down from the rule to the sentence.
Bottom-up parsers work their way up from the sentence to the rule.

Beyond these types, it's important to know the two types of derivation. Derivation is the
order in which the grammar reconciles the input string. They are:

 LL parsers. These parse input from left to left using leftmost derivation to match
the rules in the grammar to the input. This process derives a string that validates
the input by expanding the leftmost element of the parse tree.
 LR parsers. These parse input from left to right using rightmost derivation. This
process derives a string by expanding the rightmost element of the parse tree.

In addition, there are other types of parsers, including the following:

 Recursive descent parsers. Recursive descent parsers backtrack after each

decision point to double-check accuracy. Recursive descent parsers use top-
down parsing.
 Earley parsers. These parse all context-free grammars, unlike LL and LR
parsers. Most real-world programming languages do not use context-free
 Shift-reduce parsers. These shift and reduce an input string. At each stage in
the string, they reduce the word to a grammar rule. This approach reduces the
string until it has been completely checked.

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