Account Opening Disclosures

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Box 31290
Salt Lake City, UT 84131-0290

September 25, 2023

Richard Mckenna Jr
1717 SW Park Ave Apt 415
Portland,OR 97201

Re: 10000188151154
Creditor: Capital One N.A.

Dear Richard Mckenna Jr,

Great news, you've been approved for a credit card issued by Capital One with a $300 credit limit. You should
receive a Welcome Kit with your new card soon.

Check out the following pages of this letter for your Annual Percentage Rate (APR) and other account details.

When your card arrives, log in or enroll for online access at to set up your account,
alerts and preferences.

Thanks for choosing Capital One.


Capital One
Customer Care Team

See reverse side for credit score information

© 2023 Capital One. Capital One is a federally registered service mark.

Capital One
Your Credit Score and the Price You Pay for Credit


Your credit score Your credit score is not available from Equifax, Experian or TransUnion, which are consumer reporting
agencies, because they may not have enough information about your credit history to calculate a score.

What you A credit score is a number that reflects the information in a credit report.
should know A credit report is a record of your credit history. It includes information about whether you pay your bills on time
about credit and how much you owe to creditors.
A credit score can change, depending on how a consumer's history changes.

Why credit Credit scores are important because consumers who have higher credit scores generally will get more
scores are favorable credit terms.
important Not having a credit score can affect whether you can get a loan and how much you have to pay for that loan.


What if there are You have a right to dispute any inaccurate information in your credit report. If you find mistakes on your credit
mistakes in your report, contact the consumer reporting agency.
credit report? It is a good idea to check your credit report to make sure the information it contains is accurate.

How can you Under federal law, you have the right to obtain a free copy of your credit report from each of the nationwide
obtain a copy of consumer reporting agencies once a year.
your credit To order your free annual credit report:
By telephone: Call toll-free 1-877-322-8228
On the web: Visit
By mail: Mail your completed Annual Credit Report Request Form (which you can obtain
from the Federal Trade Commission's web site at to:

Annual Credit Report Request Service

P.O. Box 105281
Atlanta, GA 30348-5281

How can you get For more information about credit reports and your rights under federal law, visit the Consumer Financial
more Protection Bureau's website at

Interest Rates and Interest Charges

Annual Percentage Rate (APR) for
Purchases and Transfers 30.49%.
This APR will vary with the market based on the Prime Rate.

APR for Cash Advances 30.49%.

This APR will vary with the market based on the Prime Rate.

Paying Interest Your due date is at least 25 days after the close of each billing cycle. We will not

charge you interest on new purchases, provided you have paid your previous

balance in full by the due date each month. We will begin charging interest on cash

advances and transfers on the transaction date.

For Credit Card Tips from the To learn more about factors to consider when applying for or using a credit card,
Consumer Financial Protection
Bureau visit the website of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau at http://www.

Annual Fee

Transaction Fees
Transfer 3% of the amount of each transferred balance that posts to your account at a
promotional APR that we may offer you.

None for balances transferred at the Transfer APR.

Cash Advance Either $3 or 3% of the amount of each cash advance, whichever is greater.

Penalty Fees

Late Payment Up to $40.

How Do You Calculate My Balance?

We use a method called “average daily balance (including new transactions).” See “How Do You Calculate The Interest Charge?”
section below.

What Are My Billing Rights?

Information on your rights to dispute transactions and how to exercise those rights is provided in the “Your Billing Rights” section in
the below Additional Disclosures.

Are There Any Other Penalty Fees Associated With This Card That Are Not Listed In The Box Above?
No. There are no additional Penalty Fees associated with this card.

What Will My Transfer Fee Be If I Transfer A Balance?

If you transfer a balance at the Transfer APR, that Transfer will not incur a Transfer Fee. Any transferred balance that posts to your
account at a promotional APR that we may offer you will incur a 3% Transfer Fee.

Can You Change My Account Terms?

We can change the terms of your account as permitted by law. When required, we will send you notice before doing so.

How Do You Calculate My Variable Rates?

Your variable rates may change when the Prime Rate changes. We calculate variable rates by adding a percentage to the Prime
Rate published in The Wall Street Journal on the 25th day of December, March, June and September. If the Journal is not published
on that day, then see the immediately preceding edition. Variable rates on the following segment(s) will be updated quarterly and
will take effect on the first day of your January, April, July and October billing periods: Purchase APR: Prime plus 22.24%; Transfer
APR: Prime plus 22.24%; Cash Advance APR: Prime plus 22.24%. Any increase in the Prime Rate may increase your Interest
Charges and your Minimum Payment.

What Are The Daily Periodic Rates Used To Calculate My Interest?

The daily periodic rate for your Purchase APR is 0.08353%, Transfer APR is 0.08353%, and Cash Advance APR is 0.08353%. See
“How Do You Calculate The Interest Charge?” section in the below Additional Disclosures.

How Do You Calculate My Minimum Payment?

If your balance is less than $25, your minimum payment will be equal to your balance. Otherwise, your minimum payment will be
the greater of $25 or 1% of your balance plus new interest and late payment fees. We will also add any past due amount to your
minimum payment. If your Account charges off, the entire balance is due immediately.

Mastercard is a registered trademark, and the circles design is a trademark of Mastercard International Incorporated.


With respect to this account, I understand that:
I am not obligated to accept the card or pay any fee or charge unless I use this card.
I am bound by the terms of the Capital One Customer Agreement and any changes made to that Agreement.
I am providing my application information to Capital One, N.A. and its affiliates.
I am authorizing Capital One to check my consumer report information and my Demand Deposit Account data, such as
checking account information, and to verify my employment, income, and/or other application information with third parties.
I am authorizing Capital One to use consumer report information that it collects for analysis and to otherwise improve the
products and services it offers.
I am authorizing Capital One to verify education-related information in my application and am authorizing my school to release
enrollment information for that purpose.


When Can I Request A Transfer?
You may request a transfer 10 days after your account is opened. Your account may not always be eligible for Transfers. Transfer
eligibility is determined by Capital One at our discretion. Transfers between Capital One accounts are not permitted. That means
balances cannot be transferred to this account from any other credit card issued by Capital One including, but not limited to cards
branded with, Bass Pro Shops CLUB, Cabela's, Kohl’s, Sony, GM, BuyPower Card, Union Plus, Walmart and Teamster Privilege.

How Do You Apply My Payment?

We will apply payments up to your minimum payment first to the balance with the lowest APR (including 0% APR), and then to
balances with higher APRs. We apply any part of your payment exceeding your minimum payment to the balance with the highest
APR, and then to balances with lower APRs.

How Can I Avoid Paying Interest Charges?

If you pay your statement’s “New Balance” in full by the due date each month, we will not charge interest on any new transactions
that post to the purchase balance. If you have been paying your account in full without interest charges, but fail to pay your next
“New Balance” in full, we will charge interest on the unpaid balance. For cash advances and transfers, we will start charging interest
on the transaction date. From time to time, we may give you offers that allow you to pay less than the total balance and avoid
interest charges to new transactions that post to your purchase balance. If we do, we will provide details in the specific offer.

How Is The Interest Charge Determined?

Interest charges accrue from the 1) date of the transaction, 2) date the transaction is processed or 3) first day of the billing period.
Interest accrues daily on every unpaid amount until it is paid in full. Any interest that has accrued during a billing period will post to
your Account at the end of the billing period and will appear on your next Statement. This means you may owe Interest Charges
even if you pay the entire “New Balance” one month, but did not do so the previous month. For example, even if a customer pays
their balance in full on a February 26th due date, interest would continue to accrue on the balance from February 2nd (the start of
the Billing Cycle) through February 26th, and will appear on their next Statement. Once you start accruing Interest Charges, you
generally must pay your New Balance in full for two consecutive Billing Cycles before Interest Charges stop being posted to your
Statement. Interest Charges are added to the proper segment of your account. However, we reserve the right to not assess Interest

How Do You Calculate The Interest Charge?

We use a method called Average Daily Balance (including new transactions). Under this method, we first calculate your daily
balance; for each segment, 1) take the beginning balance and add in new transactions and the periodic interest charge on the
previous day’s balance, then 2) subtract any payments and credits for that segment as of that day. The result is the daily balance
for each segment. However, if you paid your previous month’s balance in full (or if your balance was zero or a credit amount), new
transactions which post to your purchase or special purchase segments are not added to the daily balances. Also, transactions
subject to a grace period are not added to the daily balances.

Next, to find your Average Daily Balance: 1) add the daily balances together for each segment, and 2) divide the sum by the
number of days in the billing cycle.

At the end of each billing cycle, we determine your Interest Charge as follows: 1) multiply your Average Daily Balance by the daily
periodic rate (APR divided by 365) for that segment, and 2) multiply the result by the number of days in the billing period. NOTE:
Due to rounding or a minimum interest charge, this calculation may vary from the interest charge actually assessed.

Are Unauthorized Use Or $0 Fraud Liability Claims Subject To Investigation And Verification?


Ohio Residents: Ohio anti-discrimination laws require creditors to make credit equally available to all creditworthy customers and
that credit reporting agencies maintain separate credit histories on individuals upon request. The Ohio Civil Rights Commission
administers these laws.

New York and Vermont Residents: Capital One may obtain your credit reports, for any legitimate purpose associated with the
account or the application or request for an account, including but not limited to reviewing, modifying, renewing and collecting on
your account. On your request, you will be informed if such a report was ordered. If so, you will be given the name and address of
the consumer reporting agency furnishing the report. New York residents may contact the New York State Department of Financial
Services by telephone or visit its website for free information on comparative credit card rates, fees and grace periods. New York
State Department of Financial Services: 1-877-226-5697 or

Wisconsin Residents: No provision of any marital property agreement, unilateral statement, or court order applying to marital
property will adversely affect a creditor’s interests unless, prior to the time credit is granted, the creditor is furnished with a copy of
the agreement, statement or court order, or has actual knowledge of the provision. If the credit card for which you are applying is
granted, you will notify the Bank if you have a spouse who needs to receive notification that credit has been extended to you.

Puerto Rico Residents: Puerto Rico Residents may request a copy of these disclosures in Spanish.

Residentes de Puerto Rico: Pueden solicitar una copia de este documento en Español.
Federal law provides important protections to members of the Armed Forces and their dependents relating to extensions of
consumer credit. In general, the cost of consumer credit to a member of the Armed Forces and his or her dependent may not
exceed an annual percentage rate of 36 percent. This rate must include, as applicable to the credit transaction or account: The
costs associated with credit insurance premiums; fees for ancillary products sold in connection with the credit transaction; any
application fee charged (other than certain application fees for specified credit transactions or accounts); and any participation fee
charged (other than certain participation fees for a credit card account).

To hear this same disclosure and a general description of your payment obligations for this credit card account, please call us toll-
free at: 844-788-8999.

During any period in which the Military Lending Act (“the Act”) applies to you, no provision of your Cardholder Agreement that is
inconsistent with the Act shall apply and your Cardholder Agreement shall be interpreted to comply with the Act.


This notice tells you about your rights and our responsibilities under the Fair Credit Billing Act.

What To Do If You Find A Mistake On Your Statement:

If you think there is an error on your statement, write to us at:

Capital One, P. O. Box 30279, Salt Lake City, UT 84130-0279

In your letter, give us the following information:

Account information: Your name and account number.
Dollar amount: The dollar amount of the suspected error.
Description of problem: If you think there is an error on your bill, describe what you believe is wrong and why you believe it is
a mistake.

You must contact us:

Within 60 days after the error appeared on your statement.
At least 3 business days before an automated payment is scheduled, if you want to stop payment on the amount you think is

You must notify us of any potential errors in writing. You may call us or notify us electronically, but if you do we are not required to
investigate any potential errors and you may have to pay the amount in question.

What Will Happen After We Receive Your Letter.

When we receive your letter, we must do two things:

1. Within 30 days of receiving your letter, we must tell you that we received your letter. We will also tell you if we have already
corrected the error.
2. Within 90 days of our receipt of your letter, we will send you a written notice explaining either that we corrected the error (to
appear on your next statement) or the reasons we believe the bill is correct.

While we investigate whether or not there has been an error, the following are true:

We cannot try to collect the amount in question, or report you as delinquent on that amount.
The charge in question may remain on your statement, and we may continue to charge you interest on that amount.
While you do not have to pay the amount in question until we send you a notice about the outcome of our investigation, you
are responsible for the remainder of your balance.
We can apply any unpaid amount against your credit limit.

After we finish our investigation, one of two things will happen:

If we made a mistake: You will not have to pay the amount in question or any interest or other fees related to that amount.
If we do not believe there was a mistake: You will have to pay the amount in question, along with applicable interest and fees.
We will send you a statement of the amount you owe and the date payment is due. We may then report you as delinquent if
you do not pay the amount we think you owe.

If you receive our explanation but still believe your bill is wrong, you must write to us at Capital One, P.O. Box 30279, Salt Lake
City, UT 84130-0279 within 10 days telling us that you still refuse to pay. If you do so, we cannot report you as delinquent without
also reporting that you are questioning your bill. We must tell you the name of anyone to whom we reported you as delinquent, and
we must let those organizations know when the matter has been settled between us.

If we do not follow all of the rules above, you do not have to pay the first $50 of the amount you question even if your bill is correct.

Your Rights If You Are Dissatisfied With Your Credit Card Purchases.

If you are dissatisfied with the goods or services that you have purchased with your credit card, and you have tried in good faith to
correct the problem with the merchant, you may have the right not to pay the remaining amount due on the purchase. To use this
right, all of the following must be true:
1. You must have used your credit card for the purchase. Purchases made with cash advances from an ATM or with a check that
accesses your credit card account do not qualify; and
2. You must not yet have fully paid for the purchase.

If all of the criteria above are met and you are still dissatisfied with the purchase, contact us in writing at:

Capital One, P. O. Box 30279, Salt Lake City, UT 84130-0279

While we investigate, the same rules apply to the disputed amount as discussed above. After we finish our investigation, we will tell
you our decision. At that point, if we think you owe an amount and you do not pay, we may report you as delinquent.

©2023 Capital One. Capital One is a federally registered service mark. Products and services offered by Capital One, N.A. Capital
One supports information privacy protection: see our Web site at

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