Krok 2 Medicine (EN) Attempt Review 1

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19/03/2024 14:19 Krok 2 Medicine (EN): Attempt review

Started on Tuesday, 19 March 2024, 2:00 PM

State Finished
Completed on Tuesday, 19 March 2024, 4:16 PM
Time taken 2 hours 16 mins
Marks 34.00/150.00
Grade 2.27 out of 10.00 (22.67%)

Question 1

Mark 0.00 out of 1.00

For the last 2 years, a 32-year-old woman has been observing periodical pain attacks in her right subcostal area that could be removed with
no-spa (drotaverine). The pain is not always associated with meals, sometimes it is caused by anxiety and accompanied by cardiac pain and
palpitations. Objectively, the woman is emotionally labile. Abdominal palpation detects a slight pain in the area of the gallbladder. What
pathology is the most likely to cause such clinical presentation?

a. Biliary dyskinesia
b. Chronic cholangitis 
c. Duodenitis
d. Chronic cholecystitis
e. Chronic pancreatitis

The correct answer is: Biliary dyskinesia

Question 2

Mark 0.00 out of 1.00

A 2-month-old baby presents with body weight loss, projectile vomiting after each feeding, and stool retention (once per 48 hours).
Examination detects the "hourglass" symptom. Vomitus is foul-smelling and contains no bile. The baby is breastfed. What is the most likely
diagnosis in this case?

a. Congenital pyloric stenosis

b. Intestinal obstruction
c. Intussusception 
d. Pylorospasm
e. Habitual regurgitation

The correct answer is: Congenital pyloric stenosis 1/52
19/03/2024 14:19 Krok 2 Medicine (EN): Attempt review

Question 3


Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

10 hours after birth a child developed jaundice, hypotonia, hyporeflexia, and moderate hepatosplenomegaly. Feces and urine are of normal
color. Umbilical cord blood bilirubin is 51 mcmol/L due to unconjugated bilirubin levels. In venous blood: erythrocytes - 3.5·10^12/L, Нb- 140
g/L, reticulocytes - 1.5%, bilirubin - 111 mcmol/L, conjugated - 11 mcmol/L, ALT- 40 U/L, AST- 30 U/L. Mother's blood group is А(II) Rh(-),
child's blood group is А(II) Rh(+). What laboratory test can confirm the diagnosis?

a. Erythrocytometry
b. Measurement of glucose 6-phosphate dehydrogenase levels in erythrocytes
c. Viral hepatitis markers analysis
d. Measurement of erythrocyte osmotic resistance
e. Coombs test 

The correct answer is: Coombs test

Question 4


Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

A 19-year-old young man complains of cough with expectoration of purulent sputum in amount of 100 mL per day, hemoptysis, dyspnea,
increased body temperature up to 37.8^oC, general weakness, weight loss. The patient's condition lasts for 4 years. Exacerbations occur 2-3
times a year. The patient presents with malnutrition, pale skin, cyanosis of the lips, drumstick (clubbed) fingers. Tympanic percussion sound in
the lungs, weakened respiration, and various numerous moist crackles in the lower pulmonary segments on the left can be observed in this
patient. Complete blood count: erythrocytes - 3.2·10^12/L, leukocytes - 8.4·10^9/L, ESR - 56 mm/hour. On X-ray: lung fields are
emphysematous, the left pulmonary root is deformed and dilated. What is the most likely diagnosis?

a. Chronic abscess of the left lung

b. Suppuration of the cyst in the left lung
c. Left-sided pulmonary cystic dysplasia
d. Chronic left-sided pneumonia
e. Multiple bronchiectasis of the left lung 

The correct answer is: Multiple bronchiectasis of the left lung

Question 5

Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

A newborn has a round red formation in the suprapubic region. Examination shows that urine is being discharged in pulses from the two
orifices located in the lower part of this formation. Name this developmental anomaly:

a. Vesico-umbilical fistula
b. Bladder exstrophy 
c. Bladder agenesis
d. Bladder diverticulum
e. Urachal cyst

The correct answer is: Bladder exstrophy 2/52
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Question 6


Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

A 45-year-old man complains of painless nodules that appeared on the skin of his limbs and on the small of his back. The nodules have a
tendency to grow peripherally and merge together. The disease onset was 2 years ago. Exacerbations occur mostly in spring. His family history
states that his father had a similar skin condition. Objectively, the pathologic elements manifest as drop-shaped and coin-shaped nodules and
plaques, covered in white scales. Make the provisional diagnosis:

a. Psoriasis 
b. Lichen ruber planus
c. Pityriasis rosea
d. Seborrheic eczema
e. Atopic dermatitis

The correct answer is: Psoriasis

Question 7


Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

A regional cardiologist is tasked with the development of a plan for medioprophylactic measures aimed at decrease of cardiovascular
mortality. What measures should be planned for secondary prevention?

a. Prevention of diseases
b. Referring patients for in-patient treatment
c. Prevention of recurrences and complications 
d. Referring patients for sanatorium-and-spa treatment
e. Optimization of life style and living conditions

The correct answer is: Prevention of recurrences and complications

Question 8

Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

A 58-year-old woman undergoing chemotherapy for her oncologic disorder has developed sore throat. Examination revealed necrotic areas
on the mucosa of the pharynx and tonsils. Many of her teeth are afflicted with caries. In blood: neutrophilic granulocytes are practically absent
against the background of leukopenia. Leukocytes are represented mainly by lymphocytes and monocytes. What disease can be suspected in
the given case?

a. Syphilitic tonsillitis
b. Lacunar tonsillitis
c. Diphtheria
d. Pseudomembranous (Vincent's) tonsillitis
e. Agranulocitar tonsillitis 

The correct answer is: Agranulocitar tonsillitis 3/52
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Question 9


Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

An 18-year-old patient complains of skin rash. The patient has been suffering from this condition for 5 years. The first instance of this disease
occurred after a car accident. Objectively: the patient presents with a papular rash covered in silvery scales, ''thimble'' sign (small pits on the
nails), affected joints. What is the most likely diagnosis?

a. Panaritium
b. Psoriasis 
c. Lupus erythematosus
d. Onychomycosis
e. Rheumatism

The correct answer is: Psoriasis

Question 10

Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

A 64-year-old man fell to the floor, landing on his left side. Objectively, shortening of the left limb and external rotation of the hip are
observed. The patient is unable to perform the straight leg raise test. During palpation and tapping on the heel, the patient feels pain in the
hip joint. What is the likely diagnosis in this case?

a. Greater trochanteric fracture

b. Hip dislocation
c. Femoral neck fracture 
d. Fracture of the upper third of the femur
e. Contusion of the hip joint

The correct answer is: Femoral neck fracture

Question 11

Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

An 18-year-old girl was brought into the gynecology deparment with complaints of elevated body temperature up to 37.8^oC, sharp pain in
her lower abdomen, more intense on the right, and difficult defecation. Vaginal examination detected a painful dense elastic formation 5x6 cm
in the area of her right ovary. Pregnancy test is negative. What is the most likely diagnosis?

a. Appendicitis
b. Torsion of ovarian tumor pedicle 
c. Ovarian apoplexy
d. Ovarian cyst rupture
e. Ectopic pregnancy

The correct answer is: Torsion of ovarian tumor pedicle 4/52
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Question 12


Mark 0.00 out of 1.00

A 38-year-old man complains of periodical problematic swallowing of both solid and liquid foods that is observed for many months.
Sometimes he develops an intense retrosternal pain, especially after hot beverages. Asphyxia attacks are observed at night. He has no weight
loss. Objectively, his general condition is satisfactory, the skin is of normal color. Examination detects no changes in the gastrointestinal tract.
Chest X-ray shows dilation of the esophagus with air-fluid levels in it. Make the diagnosis:

a. Gastroesophageal reflux disease

b. Esophageal candidiasis
c. Myasthenia
d. Esophageal achalasia
e. Esophageal cancer 

The correct answer is: Esophageal achalasia

Question 13


Mark 0.00 out of 1.00

A 44-year-old man had been drinking 0.5-0.8 liters of vodka every day for 6 days prior to seeking help of a psychiatrist. On the third day at
night, he could not sleep, became anxious, believed that he was "at a factory", and complained that he could see "a horror movie on the wall"
and heard screams from the street with threats to kill him. What is the most likely diagnosis in this case?

a. Somatogenic psychosis
b. Obsessive-phobic neurosis
c. Delirium tremens
d. Alcoholic hallucinosis 
e. Occupational delirium

The correct answer is: Delirium tremens

Question 14

Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

A 48-year-old man complains of constant pain in the upper abdomen, predominantly on the left, which aggravates after eating, diarrhea, loss
of weight. The patient has alcohol use disorder. Two years ago he had a case of acute pancreatitis. Blood amylase is 4 g/hour·l. Feces analysis:
steatorrhea, creatorrhea. Blood sugar is 6,0 mmol/l. What treatment should be prescribed?

a. Gastrozepin (Pirenzepine)
b. Panzinorm forte (Pancreatin) 
c. Insulin
d. Contrykal (Aprotinin)
e. No-Spa (Drotaverine)

The correct answer is: Panzinorm forte (Pancreatin) 5/52
19/03/2024 14:19 Krok 2 Medicine (EN): Attempt review

Question 15


Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

For 2 weeks a 37-year-old HIV-positive man has been presenting with progressing dyspnea and body temperature up to 37.7^oC) He was
diagnosed with pneumocystic pneumonia. What etiotropic drug is indicated in this case?

a. Co-trimoxazole 
b. Metronidazole
c. Ceftriaxone
d. Acyclovir
e. Fluconazole

The correct answer is: Co-trimoxazole

Question 16

Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

A 55-year-old man complains of general weakness, decreased fluid excretion, and an aching pain in his heart. For the last 15 years he has been
suffering from chronic pyelonephritis and undergoing an inpatient treatment. Objectively, his skin is dry and has a yellowish tinge. His pulse is
80/min., rhythmic, blood pressure - 100/70 mm Hg. Cardiac auscultation detects muffled heart sounds and a friction rub in the pericardium.
Laboratory tests: creatinine - 1.1 mmol/L, glomerular filtration - 5 mL/min. What treatment is indicated for this patient?

a. Antibiotics
b. Diuretics
c. Hemodialysis 
d. Rheopolyglucin (Dextran)
e. Xylit, Sorbitol

The correct answer is: Hemodialysis

Question 17

Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

After playing with ''mosaics'', a 2-year-old child suddenly developed cough, stridorous respirations, urges to vomit, and cyanosis against the
background of relative somatic health. What should the doctor suspect first when examining this child?

a. Pertussis
b. Acute obstructive bronchitis
c. Acute laryngotracheitis
d. Foreign body aspiration 
e. Pneumonia

The correct answer is: Foreign body aspiration 6/52
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Question 18


Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

A man was brought into the admission room after an overexposure to cold. He complains of sharp pain in the small of his back and elevated
body temperature up to 38^oC) He took some aspirin. Blood test: leukocytes - 10.5·10^12/L, eosinophils - 5%, band neutrophils - 8%,
segmented neutrophils - 51%, lymphocytes - 32%, monocytes - 4%, erythrocyte sedimentation rate - 28 mm/hour. Urinalysis: protein - 0.6 g/L,
leukocytes - cover the whole vision field, large amount of mucus. What is the most likely diagnosis?

a. Chronic pyelonephritis
b. Acute pyelonephritis 
c. Subacute malignant glomerulonephritis
d. Acute glomerulonephritis
e. Tubulointerstitial nephritis

The correct answer is: Acute pyelonephritis

Question 19


Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

A 25-year-old woman had an abortion half a year ago. She complains of loss of appetite, weakness, and arthralgia. Two weeks later, she
developed dark urine and jaundice. Against this background, her general condition continues to deteriorate. Viral hepatitis is suspected. What
marker of viral hepatitis is likely to be positive in the patient?

a. Anti-HAV IgM
b. Anti-HBs
c. Anti-HBc IgM 
d. Anti-HEV IgM
e. Anti-CMV IgM

The correct answer is: Anti-HBc IgM

Question 20

Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

A 3-year-old child was hospitalized with generalized tonic-clonic seizures that last 50 minutes already and occurred against the background of
hyperthermic syndrome caused by influenza. The child was receiving no therapy. What aid must be provided for urgent treatment of the
seizure syndrome in this case?

a. Prescribe paracetamol in age-appropriate doses

b. Urgently apply cold compresses
c. Administer calcium gluconate intravenously
d. Administer lorazepam intravenously 
e. Administer phenobarbital intramuscularly

The correct answer is: Administer lorazepam intravenously 7/52
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Question 21


Mark 0.00 out of 1.00

During analysis of morbidity in the city, it was determined that age structure of population is different in each district. What statistical method
allows to exclude this factor, so that it would not skew the morbidity data?

a. Dynamic time series analysis

b. Analysis of average values
c. Correlation-regression analysis 
d. Wilcoxon signed-rank test
e. Standardization

The correct answer is: Standardization

Question 22

Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

A 31-year-old drug-addicted person complains of a cough with bloody expectorations, dyspnea, persistent fever, and leg edemas. The jugular
veins are distended. There is a coarse pansystolic murmur detected above the base of the xiphoid process and in the second intercostal space
on the left, close to the edge of the sternum. Heart sounds are clear, arrhythmia is detected, heart rate is 128/min., pulse - 82/min., blood
pressure is 100/70 mm Hg. What is the most likely diagnosis?

a. Infective endocarditis 
b. Community-acquired pneumonia
c. Coarctation of the aorta
d. Pulmonary embolism
e. Lutembacher syndrome

The correct answer is: Infective endocarditis

Question 23

Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

A 62-year-old patient has been hospitalized with complaints of pain in the thorax on the right during breathing, dyspnea, dry cough. Ten days
ago he slipped and fell hitting his right side. On examintaion: the patient lies on the left side. The right side of the thorax lags during
breathing. On the right there are crepitation and pain in the III-IV ribs. Dullness of percussion sound and sharply diminished breath sounds can
be observed. On X-ray: signs of exudate, fracture of the III-IV ribs. On pleurocentesis: blood is detected. Choose the further tactics:

a. Transfer to a thoracic surgery department 

b. Refer to a traumatologist
c. Recurrent pleurocentesis
d. Fixed bandage of the rib cage
e. Prescribe conservative therapy

The correct answer is: Transfer to a thoracic surgery department 8/52
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Question 24


Mark 0.00 out of 1.00

A 64-year-old patient with a tumor of the sigmoid colon and chronic thrombophlebitis of the deep veins of the right leg is scheduled for a
surgery. What is the optimal medicine for prevention of deep vein thrombosis in this patient?

a. Phenylinum (Phenindione)
b. Low-molecular-weight heparin
c. Regular heparin
d. Acetylsalicylic acid 
e. Rheopolyglucin (Dextran)

The correct answer is: Low-molecular-weight heparin

Question 25

Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Amortization costs for CT scan are included into its' price and annually amount to 10% of its original cost. When can the CT scan be replaced?

a. In 5 years
b. In 10 years 
c. In 15 years
d. In 20 years
e. In 7 years

The correct answer is: In 10 years

Question 26


Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

The director of a medical facility draws up a financial plan for the next year. To improve the economic well-being of his establishment, he
decided to increase the amount of medical services provided. How will it change the fixed cost per unit of service?

a. Decrease 
b. No changes
c. There is no correlation between these variables
d. Increase
e. Fluctuate

The correct answer is: Decrease 9/52
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Question 27


Mark 0.00 out of 1.00

A baby is 4 days old. The baby's condition after birth is severe (tonic-clonic seizures, no newborn reflexes). The muscle tone is asymmetrical.
The large fontanelle exhibits increased pulsation and is 3x3 cm in size. The baby's respiration rate is 32/min., with apnea episodes. The heart
sounds are clear and rhytmical, the heart rate is 122/min. Neurosonogram shows enlarged lateral ventricles with echo-positive inclusions in
the ependyma. What is the most likely cause of the child's condition in this case?

a. Respiratory distress syndrome

b. Intraventricular hemorrhage
c. Meningitis
d. Spinal cord birth injury 
e. Hydrocephalus

The correct answer is: Intraventricular hemorrhage

Question 28


Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

A 51-year-old woman has a 2.5-month-long menstruation delay. She complains of profuse bloody discharge from her vagina for the last 15
days, irritability, and disturbed sleep. She has a history of menstrual dysfunction observed within the last year. Ultrasound shows that her
uterus is normal for her age, the uterine appendages are normal, endometrial thickness is 14 mm. What tactics should the doctor choose in
this case?

a. Conservative treatment of the bleeding

b. Hysterectomy
c. TORCH panel test
d. Diagnostic curettage of the walls of the uterine cavity 
e. Supravaginal amputation of the uterus without the appendages

The correct answer is: Diagnostic curettage of the walls of the uterine cavity

Question 29


Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

A pregnant woman at 34 weeks of gestation underwent dopplerometry of umbilical circulation, which revealed a reverse diastolic component.
Objectively, the height of the uterus is 27 cm above the pubic bone, the head of the fetus is mobile and located above the entrance to the
lesser pelvis. Fetal heartbeat is 136/min. Vaginal examination shows that the uterine cervix is closed, its length is 3 cm. What tactics should the
obstetrician choose?

a. Ultrasound photometry of the fetus

b. Urgent cesarean section 
c. Fetal biophysical profile
d. Labor induction with oxytocin
e. Repeated dopplerometry next day

The correct answer is: Urgent cesarean section 10/52
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Question 30


Mark 0.00 out of 1.00

A 2-day-old child was born at week 32 of the pregnancy with the weight of 1700 g. The changes in the respiratory system that appeared 8
hours after birth are increasing. The mother of the child, gravida 3, para 2, had no abortions. The previous child died of respiratory distress
syndrome. Objectively, the following is observed: Silverman score - 6 points, respiration with a disturbed rhythm, apnea, sonorous exhalation,
reduced muscle tone. Auscultation detects moderately weakened respiration and wet crackles on both sides. X-ray reveals a reticulonodular
pattern. What is the cause of respiratory distress syndrome in the child?

a. Diaphragmatic hernia
b. Intrauterine pneumonia
c. Edematous hemorrhagic syndrome 
d. Hyaline membrane syndrome
e. Pulmonary atelectasis

The correct answer is: Hyaline membrane syndrome

Question 31

Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

A 13-year-old girl complains of a febrile body temperature that is observed within the last month, pain in the joints, and periodical skin rash.
Examination detects LE-cells and a persitent increase in ESR in the child's blood. Make the diagnosis:

a. Juvenile rheumatoid arthritis

b. Acute lymphoblastic leukemia
c. Systemic lupus erythematosus 
d. Systemic scleroderma
e. Rheumatism

The correct answer is: Systemic lupus erythematosus

Question 32

Mark 0.00 out of 1.00

When planning treatment of a patient, it was decided to use a medicine with evidence level A) What trials produce the evidence that allows to
classify the medicine as level A?

a. Data obtained from several randomized clinical trials

b. Expert consensus
c. Data obtained from many non-randomized trials
d. Case-control studies 
e. Data obtained from one randomized clinical trial

The correct answer is: Data obtained from several randomized clinical trials 11/52
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Question 33


Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

A 62-year-old woman was brought into the admission room with complaints of severe burning retrosternal pain and asphyxia. She has a 10-
year-long history of essential hypertension. Objectively her condition is moderately severe. She presents with skin pallor, cyanotic lips, and
vesicular respiration over her lungs. The II heart sound is accentuated over the aorta. Blood pressure - 210/120 mm Hg, heart rate (pulse) -
76/min. ECG shows elevation of ST segment in the leads I, AVL, and V5-V6. What is the most likely diagnosis?

a. Uncomplicated hypertensive crisis

b. Hypertensive crisis complicated with acute left ventricular failure
c. Pulmonary embolism
d. Hypertensive crisis complicated with acute myocardial infarction 
e. Hypertensive crisis complicated with instable angina pectoris

The correct answer is: Hypertensive crisis complicated with acute myocardial infarction

Question 34


Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

A 37-year-old patient was repeatedly treated in a psychiatric hospital. The current hospitalization was due to behavioral disorders in the form
of reticence, refusal to eat, periodical chaotic excitement with stereotyped movements. During the examination, the patient is sluggish,
remains in bed, and no contact with him can be made. He does not answer any questions, his position is monotonous, he is hypomimic. The
"proboscis" sign, the waxy flexibility of the muscles, and the "psychological pillow" sign are observed. This condition lasts for a week already.
What is the provisional diagnosis in this case?

a. Hebephrenic schizophrenia
b. Reactive stupor
c. Catatonic schizophrenia 
d. Schizophrenia with paranoia
e. Simple-type schizophrenia

The correct answer is: Catatonic schizophrenia 12/52
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Question 35


Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

A 13-year-old girl for a month has been complaining of fatigability, dull pain in her right subcostal area, abdominal distension, and
constipations. Abdominal palpation reveals positive Kehr, Murphy, and Ortner signs, while Desjardins and Mayo-Robson points are painless.
Total bilirubin is 14.7 mcmol/L, predominantly indirect, ALT- 20 U/L, AST- 40 U/L, amylase - 6.3 mmol/L. Echocholecystography shows
practically no contraction of the gallbladder. Make the provisional diagnosis:

a. Hypokinetic biliary dyskinesia 

b. Acute pancreatitis
c. Chronic pancreatitis
d. Hyperkinetic biliary dyskinesia
e. Chronic hepatitis

The correct answer is: Hypokinetic biliary dyskinesia

Question 36


Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

A 28-year-old man complains of nocturnal arthralgias and myalgias and lumbar pain that intensifies during trunk flexion and extension.
Examination detects increased ESR and C-reactive protein levels. X-ray shows bilateral sacroiliitis. Make the provisional diagnosis.

a. Ankylosing spondylitis 
b. Polymyositis
c. Bone tuberculosis
d. Osteochondrosis
e. Rheumatism

The correct answer is: Ankylosing spondylitis

Question 37

Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

A 36-year-old woman complains of pain in her joints and muscles, loss of appetite, constipations, rapid fatigability, and a subfebrile body
temperature. Objectively, she has dysphagia, symmetrical arthritis, skin thickening on her hands and feet, atrophy and small ulcers on the
fingertips, Raynaud's syndrome, telangiectasia. What disease is the cause of such a clinical presentation?

a. Systemic lupus erythematosus

b. Systemic scleroderma 
c. Rheumatoid arthritis
d. Dermatomyositis
e. Raynaud's disease

The correct answer is: Systemic scleroderma 13/52
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Question 38


Mark 0.00 out of 1.00

A 66-year-old man complains of marked weakness. The onset of the disease was acute: he developed fever and pain in the joints and along
the muscles of his legs. Objectively, he has a violet-cyanotic erythema around his eyes and over the knee joints. His heart rate is 120/min.,
heart sounds are weakened. Blood test: leukocytes - 12·10^9/L, ESR - 40 mm/hour. Make the diagnosis.

a. Dermatomyositis
b. Reactive polyarthritis 
c. Systemic lupus erythematosus
d. Atopic dermatitis
e. Rheumatoid arthritis

The correct answer is: Dermatomyositis

Question 39

Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

A 23-year-old woman came to the gynecological clinic. She complains of pain, itching, and burning in her vulva, general weakness,
indisposition, elevated body temperature up to 37.2^oC, and headache. On examination in the vulva there are multiple vesicles up to 2-3 mm
in diameter with clear contents against the background of hyperemia and mucosal edema. Make the provisional diagnosis:

a. Genital herpes infection 

b. Cytomegalovirus infection
c. Vulvar cancer
d. Primary syphilis
e. Papillomavirus infection

The correct answer is: Genital herpes infection

Question 40

Mark 0.00 out of 1.00

At night a 2-year-old child with upper respiratory tract infection suddenly developed dyspnea with labored inspiration. Objectively the skin is
pale, perioral cyanosis and slight acrocyanosis are observed. Breathing is loud, respiration rate is 32/min. Jugular, supra- and infraclavicular
fossae retract during breathing. Respiration is coarse on auscultation. Heart sounds are clear and sonorous, heart rate is 120/min. What
condition was complicated by the development of the upper respiratory tract infection?

a. Airway foreign body 

b. Obstructive bronchitis
c. Stenosing laryngotracheitis
d. Bronchial asthma
e. Bronchiolitis

The correct answer is: Stenosing laryngotracheitis 14/52
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Question 41


Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

A 64-year-old patient has been diagnosed with type 2 diabetes mellitus for the first time. The patient has a history of arterial hypertension,
myocardial infarction, functional class II heart failure, chronic pancreatitis, pyelonephritis, and gout. The doctor decided to start the patient's
therapy with metformin. What test must be performed before starting this therapy to avoid using metformin if it is contraindicated?

a. Left ventricular ejection fraction

b. Blood uric acid
c. Hepatic amylase and lipase levels in the blood
d. Calculation of glomerular filtration rate (GFR) 
e. ECG

The correct answer is: Calculation of glomerular filtration rate (GFR)

Question 42

Mark 0.00 out of 1.00

A 2-year-old boy against the background of lacunar tonsillitis developed problematic breathing through the nose and mouth.
Mesopharyngoscopy shows hyperemic palatine tonsils and posterior pharyngeal wall, yellow films in the openings of the tonsillar crypts, and a
protrusion on the posterior wall of the oropharynx that fluctuates during palpation. What complication must be avoided during the surgical
treatment of this condition?

a. Major vessel injury 

b. Disturbed lymphatic efflux
c. Pus aspiration
d. Mediastinitis
e. Esophagitis

The correct answer is: Pus aspiration

Question 43

Mark 0.00 out of 1.00

What clinical symptoms are characteristic during the initial phase of acute radiation sickness?

a. Hemorrhages in the skin, mucosa, gastrointestinal tract, brain, heart, and lungs (hemorrhagic syndrome), loss of appetite, diarrhea
(dyspeptic disorders)
b. Hair loss, neurological symptoms that gradually even out, sharp deterioration of wellbeing, increased body temperature 
c. Nausea, vomiting, increased body temperature, spastic abdominal pain, deterioration of wellbeing
d. Normalization of temperature, improvement of wellbeing, increased appetite, cessation of bleeding
e. Nausea, vomiting that intensifies after drinking fluids, loss of appetite, headache, general weakness, drowsiness

The correct answer is: Nausea, vomiting that intensifies after drinking fluids, loss of appetite, headache, general weakness, drowsiness 15/52
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Question 44


Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Among the population living near a pesticide production factory, the number of congenital malformations that manifest as central paralysis,
idiocy, and blindness of newborns is dynamically increasing. Compounds of what chemical substance can cause the development of these

a. Chrome
b. Iron
c. Mercury 
d. Cadmium
e. Strontium

The correct answer is: Mercury

Question 45

Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

What is a sign of biological death?

a. Algor mortis 
b. Absence of pulse
c. Absence of heartbeat
d. Absence of consciousness
e. Absence of breathing

The correct answer is: Algor mortis

Question 46

Mark 0.00 out of 1.00

A 51-year-old man was hit by a car. He complains of a pain in his pelvis on the left. Examination shows no disturbances of pelvic configuration,
there is a swelling in the left inguinal region. Palpation of this region is sharply painful. The Larrey's sign and Gabai's sign are positive, the
patient is unable to lift the extended leg, as if the heel was glued down. Make the provisional diagnosis:

a. Fracture of the superior pubic ramus

b. Fracture of the ischium
c. Superior iliac spine fracture 
d. Pubic symphysis fracture
e. Fractures of the base of the cotyloid cavity

The correct answer is: Fracture of the superior pubic ramus 16/52
19/03/2024 14:19 Krok 2 Medicine (EN): Attempt review

Question 47


Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

An 18-year-old patient always obeys others and adapts his needs to the demands of the people on whom he depends. He excessively defers
to their wishes and makes them responsible for his wellbeing, cannot defend his interests and needs support from other people. Such psychic
profile has been formed in the childhood, remains unchanged, and hinders adaptation. What psychic disorder is observed in this patient?

a. Anxiety (avoidant) personality disorder

b. Psychopathy-like state
c. Anankastic personality disorder
d. Markedly accentuated personality
e. Dependent personality disorder 

The correct answer is: Dependent personality disorder

Question 48

Mark 0.00 out of 1.00

Standardization is an important priority direction of modern healthcare development in the majority of economically developed countries of
the world. What normative document is systematically developed to assist practitioner and patient decisions about appropriate health care for
specific diseases and clinical circumstances?

a. Medical care provision certificate 

b. Accreditation certificate
c. Clinical practice guidelines
d. Certificate of conformity to established standards
e. Standard of medical care

The correct answer is: Clinical practice guidelines

Question 49

Mark 0.00 out of 1.00

A 33-year-old patient has developed dyspnea during physical exertion, palpitations, disruptions of heart rate, swollen legs. In the childhood
the patient had a case of acute rheumatic fever that required in-patient treatment. There were no further requests for medical care.
Objectively: heart rate is 92/min., rhythmic; BP is 110/70 mm Hg. At the apex the I heart sound is increased, triple rhythm, diastolic murmur.
What heart disease is most likely?

a. Aortic outflow stenosis 

b. Mitral valve failure
c. Aortic valve failure
d. Tricuspid valve stenosis
e. Mitral valve stenosis

The correct answer is: Mitral valve stenosis 17/52
19/03/2024 14:19 Krok 2 Medicine (EN): Attempt review

Question 50


Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

A patient suffering from infiltrative pulmonary tuberculosis was prescribed streptomycin, rifampicin, isoniazid, pyrazinamide, vitamin C) One
month after the beginning of the treatment the patient started complaining of reduced hearing and tinnitus. What drug has such a side effect?

a. Streptomycin 
b. Vitamin C
c. Rifampicin
d. Isoniazid
e. Pyrazinamide

The correct answer is: Streptomycin

Question 51
Not answered

Marked out of 1.00

A 24-year-old woman, a kindergarten teacher, has been sick for 2 days already. Disease onset was acute. She presents with elevated body
temperature up to 38.0^oC, pain attacks in her lower left abdomen, liquid stool in small amounts with blood and mucus admixtures 10 times a
day. Pulse - 98/min., blood pressure - 110/70 mm Hg. Her tongue is moist and coated with white deposits. The abdomen is soft, the sigmoid
colon is painful and spastic. Make the provisional diagnosis:

a. Escherichiosis
b. Yersiniosis
c. Salmonellosis
d. Rotavirus infection
e. Shigellosis

The correct answer is: Shigellosis

Question 52
Not answered

Marked out of 1.00

A 30-year-old woman after an emotional upset developed tonic seizure that later gave place to clonic seizures. This condition was
accompanied by loss of consciousness, foaming at the mouth, and involuntary urination. No focal signs were detected. Blood pressure is
120/60 mm Hg. Make the diagnosis:

a. Neurasthenia
b. Eclampsia
c. Stroke
d. Epilepsy
e. Syncope

The correct answer is: Epilepsy 18/52
19/03/2024 14:19 Krok 2 Medicine (EN): Attempt review

Question 53

Not answered

Marked out of 1.00

A 58-year-old man complains of an inguinal tumor that increases during straining and coughing. Objectively, there is a pulsating tumor-like
formation located below and laterally to the Poupart's ligament. The formation does not diminish during palpation. Make the diagnosis:

a. Inguinal hernia
b. Femoral aneurysm
c. Femoral hernia
d. Ectopic testicle
e. Neurinoma of the femoral nerve

The correct answer is: Femoral aneurysm

Question 54
Not answered

Marked out of 1.00

A 50-year-old man complains of general weakness, dizziness, periodical episodes of unconsciousness, and an intense pain in the small of his
back and right subcostal region. These signs appeared after an accident at a paint factory, where he works. His skin is earth-gray and his
sclerae are icteric. He has acrocyanosis. His blood pressure is 100/60 mm Hg. His heart sounds are muffled. His liver is +3 cm and has a dense
edge. Blood test shows the following: erythrocytes - 2.0·10^12/L, Hb - 90 g/L, Heinz-Ehrlich bodies, leukocytes - 5.6·10^9/L, ESR - 15
mm/hour, methemoglobin - 62%, total bilirubin - 84.0 mcmol/L, indirect bilirubin - 71.7 mcmol/L. What is the most likely diagnosis in this

a. Acquired hemolytic anemia

b. Acute toluene poisoning
c. Acute viral hepatitis
d. Acute aniline poisoning
e. Chronic cyanide poisoning

The correct answer is: Acute aniline poisoning

Question 55

Not answered

Marked out of 1.00

Twenty-four hour ECG monitoring has recorded 26 supraventricular extrasystoles in a 23-year-old patient. What would be the further doctor's
tactics in this case?

a. Vagus nerve testing

b. No pharmacological correction is needed
c. Intravenous administration of a beta-blocker
d. Intravenous administration of amiodarone
e. Calcium channel antagonist, administered emphper os

The correct answer is: No pharmacological correction is needed 19/52
19/03/2024 14:19 Krok 2 Medicine (EN): Attempt review

Question 56

Not answered

Marked out of 1.00

A woman is 40 weeks pregnant. The fetus is in the longitudinal lie and cephalic presentation. Pelvic size: 26-29-31-20. Expected weight of the
fetus is 4800 gram. The labor contractions has been lasting for 12 hours, within the last 2 hours they were extremely painful, the parturient
woman is anxious. The waters broke 4 hours ago. On external examination the contraction ring is located 2 finger widths above the navel,
Henkel-Vasten sign is positive. Fetal heart rate is 160/min., muffled. On internal examination the uterine cervix is fully open, the head is
engaged and pressed to the entrance into the lesser pelvis. What is the most likely diagnosis?

a. Threatened uterine rupture

b. Abruption of the normally positioned placenta
c. Hyperactive uterine contractions
d. Anatomically contracted pelvis
e. Complete uterine rupture

The correct answer is: Threatened uterine rupture

Question 57
Not answered

Marked out of 1.00

Two weeks after an antibacterial therapy for a febrile illness, a 25-year-old woman developed severe watery diarrhea, colicky abdominal pain,
and elevated body temperature. Proctosigmoscopy detects focal mucosal lesions with a pale yellow coating. What is the most likely diagnosis
in this case?

a. Ulcerative colitis
b. Crohn's disease
c. Gastroenteritis
d. Pseudomembranous colitis
e. Ischemic colitis

The correct answer is: Pseudomembranous colitis

Question 58

Not answered

Marked out of 1.00

A 28-year-old woman came to a gynecologist with complaints of infertility for the last 3 years. Her menstrual function is normal. She has a
history of one artificial abortion and chronic salpingo-oophoritis. She uses no contraception. The spermogram of her husband is normal. What
method should be used first to determine the cause of this woman's infertility?

a. Hysteroscopy
b. Hysterosalpingography
c. Laparoscopy
d. Diagnostic uterine curettage
e. Hormone testing

The correct answer is: Hysterosalpingography 20/52
19/03/2024 14:19 Krok 2 Medicine (EN): Attempt review

Question 59

Not answered

Marked out of 1.00

A child is 8 months old. One week ago the child had a case of acute viral respiratory infection. The child's physical and mental development
corresponds with the age. There are complaints of inertness, loss of appetite, unmotivated recurrent vomiting, temperature up to 38^oC
within the last 24 hours, pallor, frequent urination with low urine output, tachycardia. Urinalysis: protein - 0.099g/L, leukocytes - 15-20 in the
vision field, bacteriuria - +++, mucus - +++. What disease can be suspected?

a. Acute pyelonephritis
b. Acute glomerulonephritis
c. Phosphate diabetes
d. Deficient care
e. Dysmetabolic nephropathy

The correct answer is: Acute pyelonephritis

Question 60

Not answered

Marked out of 1.00

A patient has been provisionally diagnosed with pheochromocytoma at the stage of intermission. BP is within norm, there is a tendency
towards tachycardia. No urine pathologies. The decision has been made to perform a provocative test with histamine. What drug should be
kept close at hand for emergency aid in case of positive test result?

a. Pipolphen
b. Mesaton (Phenylephrine)
c. Phentolamine
d. Prednisolone
e. Nifedipine

The correct answer is: Phentolamine

Question 61
Not answered

Marked out of 1.00

After a surgery for a left thigh phlegmon the disease progression was complicated by sepsis. On the 7th day after the surgery there are
marked signs of a generalized inflammatory reaction, in blood there are signs of toxic anemia and progressing hypoproteinemia, bilirubin
levels are 40 mcmol/L, AST and ALT exceed the norm by 2.5 times. Oliguria persists (700 mL of urine per day). Name the phase of sepsis

a. Mixed phase
b. Stress phase
c. Catabolic phase
d. Recovery phase
e. Anabolic phase

The correct answer is: Catabolic phase 21/52
19/03/2024 14:19 Krok 2 Medicine (EN): Attempt review

Question 62

Not answered

Marked out of 1.00

What modern organzational method can provide the patients in the remote settlements with timely access to quality medical aid and such
medical services as consulting, diagnostics, and treatment, especially in the situations when time and distance are crucial?

a. Air medical services

b. Mobile communication
c. Ambulance services
d. Telemedicine
e. Field medical teams

The correct answer is: Telemedicine

Question 63
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Marked out of 1.00

At the railroad crossing a passenger train collided with a bus. In this collision 26 bus passenges died, another 18 passengers received
mechanical injuries of varying severity. Where will be professional medical aid provided for the victims of this accident? Who will provide this

a. In medical institutions; all listed types of healthcare workers

b. In medico-prophylactic institutions; general physicians and surgeons
c. In medico-prophylactic institutions; specialized second-response emergency teams
d. At the site of the accident; specialized second-response emergency teams
e. At the site of the accident; first-response emergency teams

The correct answer is: In medico-prophylactic institutions; general physicians and surgeons

Question 64
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Marked out of 1.00

A 47-year-old woman complains of paroxysmal headaches that have been occurring for the past 5 years. The pain is unilateral, intense, and
localized in the frontal area. It is accompanied by nausea and abdominal discomfort and begins suddenly. The headaches are preceded by
blurred vision. The woman has a history of hypertension episodes, but currently takes no medicines. Between the headaches, her condition is
satisfactory. Objectively: she is overeating (body mass index is 29), her blood pressure is 170/95 mm Hg. Her neurological status is normal.
Make the diagnosis:

a. Epilepsy
b. Migraine
c. Hypertensive encephalopathy
d. Chronic subdural hematoma
e. Benign intracranial hypertension

The correct answer is: Migraine 22/52
19/03/2024 14:19 Krok 2 Medicine (EN): Attempt review

Question 65

Not answered

Marked out of 1.00

A 45-year-old woman is registered for regular check-ups due to Werlhof disease (immune thrombocytopenia). Complete blood count: Нb- 100
g/L, erythrocytes - 2.8·10^12/L, platelets - 90.0·10^9/L, leukocytes - 8.4·10^9/L, erythrocyte sedimentation rate - 13 mm/hour. Examination
detects a single small hematoma on the anterior surface of the thigh, developed after the patient accidentally stumbled on a table. What
treatment tactics should be chosen in this case?

a. Urgently start a hemostatic therapy, followed by a planned hospitalization into the hematology unit
b. Urgent hospitalization into the hematology unit
c. Administer thrombocytic mass, continue the treatment in the hematology unit
d. Continue the supervision by the hospital hematologist
e. Urgent hospitalization into the general care unit

The correct answer is: Continue the supervision by the hospital hematologist

Question 66

Not answered

Marked out of 1.00

A 45-year-old man developed constricting retrosternal pain that occurs during walks at the distance of 200 m. Objectively heart rate is
80/min., BP is 160/90 mm Hg. During cardiopulmonary exercise test at 50 W there is a depression of S-T segment by 3 mm below the isoline
in V3-V4. What is the provisional diagnosis?

a. Alcoholic myocardiodystrophy
b. Exertional angina pectoris, functional class II
c. Exertional angina pectoris, functional class III
d. Somatoform autonomic dysfunction, hypertension type
e. Exertional angina pectoris, functional class IV

The correct answer is: Exertional angina pectoris, functional class III

Question 67
Not answered

Marked out of 1.00

A 59-year-old man for a month has been presenting with short-term periodical loss of strength in his limbs on the left. Later he developed a
persistent morning weakness in the affected limbs after wakening. Objectively, he is conscious and has central paresis of the VII and XII pairs
of his cranial nerves on the left. Central hemiparesis and hemihypersthesia are observed on the left side. What are the drugs of choice for
treatment of this man?

a. Diuretics
b. Hypotensive agents
c. Anticoagulants
d. Corticosteroids
e. Hemostatics

The correct answer is: Anticoagulants 23/52
19/03/2024 14:19 Krok 2 Medicine (EN): Attempt review

Question 68

Not answered

Marked out of 1.00

A 35-year-old man after an overexposure to cold developed complaints of frequent painful urination in small portions, elevated body
temperature of 38.6^oC that persists for 24 hours already, and chills. Digital rectal examination detects enlarged and painful prostate. Blood
test shows leukocytosis of mbox14.2·10^9/L, while urinalysis detects leukocyturia of 20-25 in the vision field. What is the most likely diagnosis
in this case?

a. Gonorrhea
b. Acute prostatitis
c. Prostatic hyperplasia
d. Bladder tumor
e. Acute cystitis

The correct answer is: Acute prostatitis

Question 69

Not answered

Marked out of 1.00

A 32-year-old man has a closed cerebrocranial trauma, a closed chest trauma, and a closed right femoral fracture. His blood pressure was
100/60 mm Hg, pulse - 124/min., respiration rate - 28/min. Two hours after the skeletal traction was performed under topical lidocaine
anesthesia, the patient's condition suddenly became worse. His face and neck became cyanotic, blood pressure - 60/40 mm Hg, heart rate -
160/min., respiration rate - 44/min. What complication has likely developed in this case?

a. Pulmonary embolism
b. Pain shock
c. Acute posthemorrhagic anemia
d. Fat pulmonary embolism
e. Myocardial infarction, cardiogenic shock

The correct answer is: Fat pulmonary embolism

Question 70

Not answered

Marked out of 1.00

An 18-year-old young man during hospitalization complains of general weakness, body temperature of 37.5^oC, loss of appetite, nausea,
heaviness in the right subcostal region, and discolored stool and urine. The disease onset was 5 days ago. Objectively, his skin and sclerae are
slightly icteric. The liver protrudes by 3 cm and is tender to palpation. Patient's urine is dark brown, while his stool is light-colored. He usually
drinks water from a tap. What is the most likely diagnosis in this case?

a. Viral hepatitis A
b. Typhoid fever
c. Viral hepatitis B
d. Leptospirosis
e. Malaria

The correct answer is: Viral hepatitis A 24/52
19/03/2024 14:19 Krok 2 Medicine (EN): Attempt review

Question 71

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Marked out of 1.00

The following indicators were calculated to analyse population health and treatment quality in a cardiological hospital: primary cardiovascular
morbidity - 62%; total cardiovascular morbidity - 483,55%; cardiovascular mortality - 10,9%; proportion of cardiovascular mortality within total
mortality - 67,0%; primary disablement caused by cardiovascular diseases - 16,2 per 10.000 population. What indicator is an extensive value?

a. Total cardiovascular morbidity

b. Cardiovascular mortality
c. Proportion of cardiovascular mortality within total mortality
d. Primary disablement caused by cardiovascular diseases
e. Primary cardiovascular morbidity

The correct answer is: Proportion of cardiovascular mortality within total mortality

Question 72
Not answered

Marked out of 1.00

A pregnant woman was registered with a maternity consultancy at the term of 11 weeks and was monitored throughout the whole normal
course of her pregnancy. What document must be given by the doctor to this woman for hospitalization to a maternity clinic?

a. Personal medical record of the pregnant woman

b. Hospitalization referral
c. Temporary disability certificate
d. Medical sertificate issued by a sanitary and epidemiological station
e. Exchange medical record

The correct answer is: Exchange medical record

Question 73
Not answered

Marked out of 1.00

During examination a 4-month-old child with meningococcemia presents with acrocyanosis, cold extremities, tachypnea, and thready pulse,
blood pressure of 30/0 mm Hg, anuria, and sopor. What clinical syndrome is it?

a. Encephalic syndrome
b. Acute renal failure
c. Toxic shock syndrome
d. Exicosis
e. Neurotoxicosis

The correct answer is: Toxic shock syndrome 25/52
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Question 74

Not answered

Marked out of 1.00

A 34-year-old man fell ill 3 days ago after an overexposure to cold. He complains of a fever of 39.2^oС, marked general weakness, sweating,
and cough. The cough was initially dry, but within the last 24 hours a small amount of "rusty" sputum was produced. Objective examination
detects herpes on the lips. Percussion reveals a dull sound in the lower pulmonary lobes. Auscultation detects bronchial breathing and
tachycardia. No changes were detected in the organs of the abdominal cavity. What is the most likely diagnosis in this case?

a. Lung abscess
b. Community-acquired focal pneumonia
c. Exudative pleurisy
d. Croupous pneumonia
e. Nosocomial pneumonia

The correct answer is: Croupous pneumonia

Question 75

Not answered

Marked out of 1.00

A 13-year-old girl complains of an increase in her body temperature to 37.4^oС throughout the last 2 months after a case of acute respiratory
viral infection. During examination, the girl is thin and has exophthalmos, tachycardia, and diffuse enlargement of the thyroid gland of the II
degree (dense to palpation). What pathological syndrome is observed in the patient?

a. Thyrotoxicosis
b. Hyperparathyroidism
c. Hypoparathyroidism
d. Thymomegaly
e. Hypothyroidism

The correct answer is: Thyrotoxicosis

Question 76
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Marked out of 1.00

A patient visited the doctor at a rural outpatient clinic twice during the calendar year (in March and in November). In both cases, the patient
was diagnosed with acute respiratory viral infection. How to fill in the statistical forms for registration of final (clarified) diagnoses, to account
for these morbidity cases?

a. For each case separately with the (-) sign

b. The forms are not filled for either of these cases
c. For each case separately with the (+) sign
d. For the first case with the (+) sign, for the second case with the (-) sign
e. For the first case with the (+) sign, for the second case no form is necessary

The correct answer is: For each case separately with the (+) sign 26/52
19/03/2024 14:19 Krok 2 Medicine (EN): Attempt review

Question 77

Not answered

Marked out of 1.00

A 49-year-old patient complains of swallowing disorder that intensifies during eating solid food, hiccups, hoarse voice, nausea, regurgitation,
significant weight loss (15 kg within 2,5 months). Objectively: body weight is reduced; the skin is pale and dry; vesicular respiration; heart
sounds are sufficiently sonorous; heart rate is rhythmic. The abdomen is soft, no pain on palpation. The liver is not enlarged. What
investigation is most necessary for making the diagnosis in this case?

a. X-ray in the Trendelenburg position

b. Clinical blood analysis
c. Investigation of gastric secretion
d. X-ray of the gastrointestinal tract
e. Esophagoduodenoscopy with biopsy

The correct answer is: Esophagoduodenoscopy with biopsy

Question 78

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Marked out of 1.00

A medical committee consisting of a therapist, dermatologist, traumatologist, ophthalmologist, neurologist, immunologist, surgeon,
otolaryngologist, and hematologist was called in for the regular medical examination of the workers at a chemical factory that produces
chromium- and nickel-containing mineral compounds. Name the minimum composition of such a committee, taking into account the
characteristics of the products manufactured by the factory:

a. Therapist, dermatologist, traumatologist

b. Therapist, immunologist, surgeon
c. Therapist, ophthalmologist, neurologist
d. Therapist, hematologist, ophthalmologist
e. Otolaryngologist, therapist, dermatologist

The correct answer is: Otolaryngologist, therapist, dermatologist

Question 79

Not answered

Marked out of 1.00

Palpation of the thyroid gland of a 40-year-old woman detects a dense and moderately painful nodule in the left lobe. Ultrasound shows the
nodule to have high density, while scintigraphy with ^131I shows it to be a <<cold>> nodule. What study would be the most useful for
clarification of the diagnosis in this case?

a. Reflexometry
b. Thyroid-stimulating hormone levels in the blood
c. Thermography
d. Urinary iodine excretion
e. Fine needle aspiration biopsy

The correct answer is: Fine needle aspiration biopsy 27/52
19/03/2024 14:19 Krok 2 Medicine (EN): Attempt review

Question 80

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Marked out of 1.00

A 57-year-old man complains of cough with profuse mucopurulent sputum (up to 150 mL per 24 hours). Objectively, he has drumstick fingers
with watch-glass nails. Percussion produces a shortened sound over the lungs. Auscultation detects moderate and large bubbling crackles.
Complete blood count shows leukocytosis and a left shift in the leukogram. Chest X-ray shows intensified pulmonary pattern and ring-like
shadows. Bronchography detects multiple cylindrical thickenings of the bronchi with clear margins. Make the provisional diagnosis:

a. Bronchiectasis
b. Chronic pleural empyema
c. Pulmonary cyst
d. Pulmonary gangrene
e. Pulmonary echinococcosis

The correct answer is: Bronchiectasis

Question 81

Not answered

Marked out of 1.00

A man, who was diagnosed with scabies and underwent a specific treatment, has made a follow-up appointment with a doctor. What
measures must he take to prevent a recurrence of scabies?

a. Elimination of food allergens

b. Laundry disinfection
c. Correction of the gastrointestinal tract function
d. Correction of the immune status
e. Footwear disinfection

The correct answer is: Laundry disinfection

Question 82
Not answered

Marked out of 1.00

A 55-year-old woman came to a doctor with complaints of a heavy sensation in her left shin and periodical cramps of the gastrocnemius
muscles that occur at night. She has been suffering from this condition for 5 years, since the moment when these signs first appeared. Her
condition has been remaining untreated all this time. Objectively, on the medial surface of the left shin and thigh there are dense
subcutaneous varicose veins that are painless on palpation. Make the diagnosis:

a. Acute ascending thrombophlebitis of the subcutaneous veins in the left leg

b. Post-thrombotic syndrome in the left leg
c. Acute thrombosis of the deep veins in the left leg
d. Subcutaneous varicose veins in the left leg
e. Arteriosclerosis obliterans of the vessels in the left leg

The correct answer is: Subcutaneous varicose veins in the left leg 28/52
19/03/2024 14:19 Krok 2 Medicine (EN): Attempt review

Question 83

Not answered

Marked out of 1.00

A 62-year-old woman has an acute onset of the disease: high temperature of 39.8^oC, chills, intense headache, and aching body. She
complains of nausea and one episode of vomiting. 18 hours later, her right inguinal lymph nodes became enlarged and sharply painful. After
another 6 hours, she developed edema of the right shin and skin hyperemia with irregular-shaped clear margins. What is the most likely
diagnosis in this case?

a. Erysipelas, erythematous form

b. Phlegmon of the right shin
c. Bubonic tularemia
d. Bubonic plague
e. Anthrax, edematous form

The correct answer is: Erysipelas, erythematous form

Question 84

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Marked out of 1.00

A 30-year-old man came to the family physician. 2 months ago he underwent a surgery for open fracture of the humerus. On examination the
patient's condition is satisfactory; in the area of the postoperative wound there is a fistula that discharges a small amount of pus; the area itself
is red; fluctuation is detected. X-ray shows destruction of the humerus with sequestra. What complication did the patient develop during the
postoperative period?

a. Wound suppuration
b. Posttraumatic phlegmon
c. Hematogenous osteomyelitis
d. Suture sinus
e. Posttraumatic osteomyelitis

The correct answer is: Posttraumatic osteomyelitis

Question 85

Not answered

Marked out of 1.00

A 13-year-old girl came to a school doctor. Two days ago she first developed moderate bloody discharge from her genital tracts. Her
secondary sexual characteristics are developed. What is the most likely cause of the bloody discharge in this case?

a. Endometrial cancer
b. Hemophilia
c. Menarche
d. Juvenile bleeding
e. Werlhof's disease

The correct answer is: Menarche 29/52
19/03/2024 14:19 Krok 2 Medicine (EN): Attempt review

Question 86

Not answered

Marked out of 1.00

A 34-year-old woman after rapidly changing her position from horizontal to vertical suddenly paled, fell down, her skin became moist, her
limbs are cold, her pupils are dilated. The pulse is rapid and thready, blood pressure is 50/25 mm Hg. What condition has likely developed in
the patient?

a. Collapse
b. Coma
c. Morgagni-Adams-Stokes syndrome
d. Ventricular fibrillation
e. Shock

The correct answer is: Collapse

Question 87
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A 42-year-old man, who has been suffering from a duodenal ulcer for 20 years, has developed a constant feeling of heaviness in his stomach
after eating. His eructation carries the smell of decay and vomiting occurs with the food eaten the day before. He has lost weight. Objectively,
his condition is relatively satisfactory, tissue turgor is reduced. The abdomen is soft on palpation, there are no signs of peritoneal irritation, and
a <<sloshing sound>> can be heard in the epigastrium. Defecation occurs once every 3 days. What complication most likely corresponds with
the patient's condition and the described clinical presentation?

a. Stomach cancer
b. Covered perforation of an ulcer
c. Chronic pancreatitis
d. Ulcerative stenosis of the pylorus
e. Ulcer penetration

The correct answer is: Ulcerative stenosis of the pylorus

Question 88

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Marked out of 1.00

After eating mushrooms, a 30-year-old person developed nausea, vomiting, and absence of urination. On the third day after the onset of the
symptoms, this person sought medical aid. Laboratory tests show elevated creatinine levels of 700 mcmol/L and urea levels of 32 mmol/L.
What treatment tactics should be chosen in this case?

a. Hemodialysis
b. Diuretics
c. Detoxification therapy
d. Antidote therapy
e. Peritoneal dialysis

The correct answer is: Hemodialysis 30/52
19/03/2024 14:19 Krok 2 Medicine (EN): Attempt review

Question 89

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Marked out of 1.00

A 35-year-old forestry officer was delivered to the hospital on the 7th day after the onset of the disease. He complains of chills, elevated body
temperature up to 40.0^oC, sharp headache, and myalgias. On examination his face is puffy and hyperemic, the tongue is dry, ''chalk-dusted''.
In the left inguinal area, a sharply painful conglomeration of enlarged lymph nodes can be palpated. The skin over the conglomeration is
hyperemic and tense. What etiotropic therapy should be prescribed to this patient?

a. Streptomycin
b. Ribavirin
c. Ketoconazole
d. Administration of heterologous serum
e. Human immunoglobulin intravenously

The correct answer is: Streptomycin

Question 90

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Marked out of 1.00

A 39-year-old man undergoes treatment in the surgical department for acute cholecystitis. He was transferred to the therapy department due
to an increase in blood pressure to 180/120 mm Hg, protein excretion with urine, and persistent fever. This persistent subfebrile body
temperature was resistant to antibiotic therapy. 10 days after the treatment, the patient had an asphyxia attack with difficult expiration. Later,
he developed arthralgias and erythematous skin lesions. Eosinophil levels in the blood are 18%. What disease can be suspected in this patient?

a. Nonspecific aortoarteritis
b. Acute glomerulonephritis
c. Polyarteritis nodosa
d. Systemic lupus erythematosus
e. Hemorrhagic vasculitis (Henoch-Schoenlein purpura)

The correct answer is: Polyarteritis nodosa

Question 91

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A 36-year-old woman complains of nausea, belching, liquid stool, and a pain in the epigastrium after meals. For the last 2 years the disease
has been slowly progressing. Objectively, her skin is pale and dry, her tongue is coated, moist, and has imprints of the teeth on its edges.
Abdominal palpation detects a diffuse pain in the epigastrium. What test will be the most informative in this case and should be conducted

a. Fibrogastroscopy with biopsy of the gastric mucosa

b. Abdominal CT scan
c. Gastrointestinal X-ray
d. Comprehensive complete blood count
e. Fractional analysis of gastric secretion

The correct answer is: Fibrogastroscopy with biopsy of the gastric mucosa 31/52
19/03/2024 14:19 Krok 2 Medicine (EN): Attempt review

Question 92

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After a pain attack in the right subcostal area, a 58-year-old woman with overnutrition developed icteric skin and sclera, light-colored feces,
and dark urine. Her abdomen is distended and painful on palpation in the right subcostal area. Palpation detects liver enlargement by 2-3 cm.
Blood test: total bilirubin - 90 mcmol/L, conjugated bilirubin - 60 mcmol/L. What method of examination will be the most informative for
diagnosis clarification?

a. Percutaneous transhepatic cholegraphy

b. Intravenous cholegraphy
c. Retrograde cholangiopancreatography
d. Infusion cholegraphy
e. US of the hepatopancreatobiliary zone

The correct answer is: Retrograde cholangiopancreatography

Question 93

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A parturient woman has been in labor for 8 hours. The labor activity is weak, contractions last for 25 seconds and occur twice per 10 minutes.
Vaginal examination shows cervical opening of 4 cm, the baby is in the cephalic presentation. During examination the woman's waters broke.
The waters contained meconium. Fetal heart rate is 90/min., dull. What tactics of labor management must be chosen in this case?

a. Observation and treatment of fetal distress

b. Prescribe labor stimulation with oxytocin solution
c. Apply obstetric forceps
d. Urgent delivery by means of a cesarean section
e. Continue the conservative management of labor with continuous monitoring of the fetus

The correct answer is: Urgent delivery by means of a cesarean section

Question 94
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A pregnant woman at 32 weeks of gestation with the risk of preterm labor undergoes a treatment to prevent fetal respiratory distress
syndrome. What medicine was she prescribed?

a. Misoprostol
b. Gynipral (hexoprenaline)
c. Oxytocin
d. Progesterone
e. Dexamethasone

The correct answer is: Dexamethasone 32/52
19/03/2024 14:19 Krok 2 Medicine (EN): Attempt review

Question 95

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A 32-year-old woman during an occupational medical examination underwent a colposcopy that revealed a punctuation area in zone 1 of the
uterine cervix. Cytologically there was dysplasia of the 3rd degree detected. After additional examination, the patient was diagnosed with
emphCa in situ of the uterine cervix. What treatment method should be chosen in this case?

a. Uterine extirpation with appendages

b. Cervical conization
c. Radiation therapy
d. Wertheim operation
e. Uterine extirpation without appendages

The correct answer is: Cervical conization

Question 96
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In the factory cafeteria there was an outbreak of food poisoning. Clinical presentation indicates staphylococcal etiology of this disease. 15
people are sick. To confirm the diagnosis of food poisoning, samples need to be sent to the laboratory. What samples should be obtained for

a. Saliva
b. Vomit masses
c. Blood (complete blood count)
d. Blood for hemoculture
e. Urine

The correct answer is: Vomit masses

Question 97
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An infant has been born at the 41st week of gestation. The pregnancy was complicated with severe gestosis of the second semester. The
weight of the baby is 2400 g, the height is 50 cm. Objectively: the skin is flabby, the layer of subcutaneous fat is thin, hypomyotonia, neonatal
reflexes are weak. The internal organs are without pathologic changes. This newborn can be estimated as a:

a. Immature infant
b. Premature infant
c. Full-term infant with normal body weight
d. Full-term infant with prenatal growth retardation
e. Postmature infant

The correct answer is: Full-term infant with prenatal growth retardation 33/52
19/03/2024 14:19 Krok 2 Medicine (EN): Attempt review

Question 98

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A 35-year-old man, who for the last 3 years has been on hemodialysis due to chronic glomerulonephritis, developed disturbances of the
cardiac performance, hypotension, progressing weakness, and dyspnea. ECG shows bradycardia, 1st degree atrioventricular block, tall and
sharp T-waves. The day before he had a serious break from his solid and liquid diet. What biochemical changes are the most likely cause of the
described clinical presentation?

a. Hypernatremia
b. Hyperhydration
c. Hypocalcemia
d. Hyperkalemia
e. Hypokalemia

The correct answer is: Hyperkalemia

Question 99

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A 24-year-old woman complains of a papular rash on her external genitalia. The rash is painless, without itching, clearly separated from the
healthy skin. Two months ago, a round ulcer with a hard smooth bottom located on the patient's labia majora disappeared on its own without
a treatment. What is the likely diagnosis in this case?

a. Secondary syphilis
b. Toxidermia
c. Pityriasis versicolor
d. Typhus
e. Measles

The correct answer is: Secondary syphilis

Question 100
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A man complains of pain and skin redness in his right calf. Objectively, he has a fever of 38.5^oC and enlarged and painful inguinal lymph
nodes on the right. The skin of the affected limb is edematous, hyperemic, and has rash elements in the form of vesicles filled with a dark
liquid. Its palpation is painful. There is a clear margin between the red area and healthy skin. Make the diagnosis:

a. Chickenpox
b. Phlegmon of the calf
c. Herpes infection
d. Anthrax, cutaneous form
e. Erysipelas, hemorrhagic form

The correct answer is: Erysipelas, hemorrhagic form 34/52
19/03/2024 14:19 Krok 2 Medicine (EN): Attempt review

Question 101

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A child with chronic carditis, heart failure class IIA, who is being treated with digoxin, developed increasing bradycardia, nausea, vomiting,
dizziness, and disturbed sleep. ECG shows an extrasystole, PQ is 0.18. What is the most likely cause of this condition?

a. Hypokalemia
b. Acute intestinal infection
c. Overdose or intolerance of cardiac glycosides
d. First-degree atrioventricular block
e. Pulmonary edema

The correct answer is: Overdose or intolerance of cardiac glycosides

Question 102
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A man complains of a headache, problematic breathing through the nose, and purulent discharge from the nose that are observed for the last
3 months. Four months ago he underwent a treatment of his upper right premolar. X-ray shows a shadow over the right maxillary sinus. Its
diagnostic puncture yielded a large amount of thick foul-smelling granulated pus. What is the most likely diagnosis in this case?

a. Acute purulent maxillary sinusitis

b. Chronic atrophic maxillary sinusitis
c. Chronic purulent odontogenic maxillary sinusitis
d. Maxillary sinus tumor
e. Chronic purulent maxillary sinusitis

The correct answer is: Chronic purulent odontogenic maxillary sinusitis

Question 103
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Within 2-3 hours, a 58-year-old man developed multiple spots in his vision, after which the vision in his right eye darkened. Examination
detects eccentric visual acuity of 0.02. The pupil is moderately dilated, its direct response to light is reduced. Ophthalmoscopy detects multiple
hemorrhages of varying size and shape on the fundus of the eye ("squashed tomato" sign), the optic disc is edematous and hyperemic. The
patient has a history of essential hypertension of II B degree. What is the most likely diagnosis in this case?

a. Hypertensive angioneuropathy
b. Thrombosis of the central retinal vein
c. Diabetic retinopathy
d. Embolism of the central retinal artery
e. Hypertensive angiopathy

The correct answer is: Thrombosis of the central retinal vein 35/52
19/03/2024 14:19 Krok 2 Medicine (EN): Attempt review

Question 104

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A 57-year-old woman during a regular ultrasound examination presented with a space-occupying heterogeneous lesion in the right kidney.
What is the most informative method of renal tumor diagnostics?

a. Excretory urography
b. Radioisotope renography
c. Three glass urine test
d. Retrograde pyelography
e. Spiral computed tomography

The correct answer is: Spiral computed tomography

Question 105
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A 48-year-old woman complains of pain in the thoracic spine, sensitivity disorder in the lower body, disrupted motor function of the lower
limbs, body temperature rise up to 37,5^oC) She has been suffering from this condition for 3 years. Treatment by various specialists was
ineffective. X-ray reveals destruction of adjacent surfaces of the VIII and IX vertebral bodies. In the right paravertebral area at the level of lesion
there is an additional soft tissue shadow. What diagnosis is most likely?

a. Tuberculous spondylitis of the thoracic spine

b. Multiple sclerosis
c. Metastases into the spine
d. Osteochondrosis
e. Spinal tumor

The correct answer is: Tuberculous spondylitis of the thoracic spine

Question 106
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A 40-year-old patient has acute onset of disease caused by overexposure to cold. Temperature has increased up to 39^oC) Foul-smelling
sputum is expectorated during coughig. Various moist crackles can be auscultated above the 3rd segment on the right. Blood test: leukocytes
- 15,0· 10^9/l, stab neutrophils - 12%, ESR- 52 mm/hour. On X-ray: in the 3rd segment on the right there is a focus of shadow 3 cm in
diameter, low density, with fuzzy smooth margins and a clearing in its center. What disease is most likely in the given case?

a. Pulmonary cyst
b. Pneumonia complicated by an abscess
c. Peripheral pulmonary cancer
d. Cystic echinococcosis
e. Infiltrative tuberculosis

The correct answer is: Pneumonia complicated by an abscess 36/52
19/03/2024 14:19 Krok 2 Medicine (EN): Attempt review

Question 107

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A 62-year-old man addresed a urologist with complaints of frequent urination at night (5-6 times per night), sensation of incomplete voiding
of the urinary bladder, pain in the lower abdomen, slow urination. Anamnesis: the II degree essential hypertension (peak BP is 160/100 mm
Hg). Current case: the II degree enlargement of the prostate gland, PSA is 2,2 ng/ml. Select the drug suitable for long-term therapy of the
patient's combined pathology:

a. Captopril
b. Propranolol
c. Doxazosin
d. Amlodipine
e. Indapamide

The correct answer is: Doxazosin

Question 108

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A worker, who was involved in fire fighting inside the building that stored 2 kg of mercury, has been delivered to a hospital with complaints of
emotional expansiveness, palpitations, excessive sweating, body tremor, heart pain. Within one day his condition aggravated. Objectively: the
skin is pale and moist. The patient is depressed. Permanent red dermographism, erethism, unstable BP are observed. What drug is the serum
in this case?

a. Atropine sulfate
b. Dipyroxime
c. Amyl nitrite
d. Calcium tetacine
e. Unithiol

The correct answer is: Unithiol

Question 109

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A 46-year-old patient with temporarily undetermined diagnosis was prescribed pleurocentesis based on the results of the X-ray. The puncture
yielded 1000 ml of a liquid with the following properties: clear, specific gravity - 1,010, protein content - 1%, Rivalta's test is negative,
erythrocytes - 2-3 in the field of vision. What disorder are these pathologic changes characteristic of?

a. Pulmonary tuberculosis
b. Pleural mesothelioma
c. Pulmonary cancer
d. Pleuropneumonia
e. Cardiac failure

The correct answer is: Cardiac failure 37/52
19/03/2024 14:19 Krok 2 Medicine (EN): Attempt review

Question 110

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During medical examination of a group of children under 4 years carried out by a pediatric team in one of the African countries a set of similar
pathological signs was detected in some of the children. The signs are as follows: growth inhibition, mental changes, muscle atrophy,
swellings, changes in hair and skin pigmentation. These children were diagnosed with kwashiorkor. What food products should be added to
the diet to treat this disorder?

a. Milk, meat, vegetables

b. Fish, vegetables, cereals
c. Cereals, fruit, berries
d. Vegetables, fruit
e. Poultry, fruit, berries

The correct answer is: Fish, vegetables, cereals

Question 111

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A 48-year-old man complains of stool 2-3 times a day, with a large amount of foul-smelling feces, which is acconpanied by a pain in the
umbilical region, hair loss, and paresthesias. Examination shows pale skin, low body mass, and leg edema. Palpation of the umbilical region
and intestine is painful. Blood test shows anemia; stool test shows steatorrhea, creatorrhea, amylorrhea. What syndrome can be observed in
the patient?

a. Hypercatabolic exudative enteropathy syndrome

b. Zollinger-Ellison syndrome
c. Afferent loop syndrome
d. Dumping syndrome
e. Malabsorption syndrome

The correct answer is: Malabsorption syndrome

Question 112

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A 42-year-old woman has been hospitalized with complaints of intense pain attacks in the lumbar and right iliac areas, which irradiate to the
vulvar lips, frequent urination, nausea. The pain onset was acute. Objectively: the abdomen is soft, moderately painful in the right subcostal
area, costovertebral angle tenderness on the right. Common urine analysis: specific gravity - 1016, traces of protein, leukocytes - 6-8 in the
vision field, erythrocytes - 12-16 in the vision field, fresh. What diagnosis can be made?

a. Acute appendicitis
b. Right-sided renal colic
c. Acute right-sided pyelonephritis
d. Acute right-sided adnexitis
e. Acute cholecystitis

The correct answer is: Right-sided renal colic 38/52
19/03/2024 14:19 Krok 2 Medicine (EN): Attempt review

Question 113

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A 15-year-old patient presents with delayed physical development and periodically develops icteric skin. Objectively, the spleen is 16x12x10
cm, cholecystolithiasis is observed in the patient, there is a skin ulcer on the left calf in its lower third. In the blood: erythrocytes - 3.0·10^12/L,
Hb - 90 g/L, color index - 1.0, microspherocytosis, reticulocytosis. Total serum bilirubin - 56 mcmol/L, indirect bilirubin - 38 mcmol/L. What
treatment method would be optimal in this case?

a. Portocaval anastomosis
b. Spleen transplant
c. Splenectomy
d. Omentosplenopexy
e. Omentohepatopexy

The correct answer is: Splenectomy

Question 114

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A 25-year-old woman complains of fever of 37^oC, pain in her lower abdomen, and vaginal discharge. Three days ago, at 10 weeks of
pregnancy, an artificial abortion was performed. Objectively, the cervix is clean, the uterus is slightly enlarged and painful. The uterine
appendages cannot be detected. The fornices are deep and painless. Sanguinopurulent discharge is being produced from the vagina. Make
the diagnosis:

a. Postabortion metroendometritis
b. Uterine perforation after an abortion
c. Pelvioperitonitis
d. Parametritis
e. Hematometra

The correct answer is: Postabortion metroendometritis

Question 115

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A 46-year-old patient complains of double vision and drooping of the eyelids that occur mainly in the second half of the day and almost
completely disappear after a rest. Examination detects slight bilateral ptosis, reduced lateral movement of the eyeballs, diplopia, and positive
proserin (neostigmine) test. Make the diagnosis.

a. Progressive supranuclear ophthalmoplegia

b. Olivopontocerebellar atrophy
c. Myasthenia
d. Kearns-Sayre syndrome
e. Oculopharyngeal muscular dystrophy

The correct answer is: Myasthenia 39/52
19/03/2024 14:19 Krok 2 Medicine (EN): Attempt review

Question 116

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Within several days, a person developed a reduction in the peripheral vision, resembling a flap, on the outer side. The patient does not know
the cause of this condition. The eye is calm, the optical media are transparent. On the nasal side of eye, ophthalmoscopy detects a gray "sail"
with vessels that wavers during eye movements. The optic disc and blood vessels are without changes. What is the most likely diagnosis in this

a. Lens subluxation
b. Hemianopsia with a neurological pathology
c. Vascular pathology of the retina
d. Initial signs of glaucoma
e. Retinal detachment

The correct answer is: Retinal detachment

Question 117

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A 35-year-old woman came to the family doctor with complaints of profuse menstruations that last up to 10 days. Gynecological examination
shows that the uterine cervix is without changes, the uterus is in emphanterflexio, has normal size, is mobile and painless. The uterine
appendages on the both sides are without peculiarities. The family doctor made the provisional diagnosis of abnormal uterine bleeding. What
instrumental method of examination needs to be performed first to diagnose this pathology?

a. Laparoscopy
b. Colposcopy
c. Transabdominal ultrasound
d. Transvaginal ultrasound
e. Culdoscopy

The correct answer is: Transvaginal ultrasound

Question 118

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A 53-year-old woman complains of an aching pain in her lower abdomen, a significant abdominal distention within the last 5 months, weight
loss, and weakness. Objectively, the cervix is clean, the uterus is not enlarged, painless, and immobile. On the both sides, there are dense
mildlymobile tumors 10x13 cm in size with an uneven surface. Abdominal percussion detects a fluctuation. Make the diagnosis:

a. Uterine fibromyoma
b. Floating kidney
c. Tubo-ovarian tumor
d. Ovarian cancer
e. Endometriosis

The correct answer is: Ovarian cancer 40/52
19/03/2024 14:19 Krok 2 Medicine (EN): Attempt review

Question 119

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The 5-year-old child has been ill for 2 weeks. Cough attacks developed first and were then followed by reprises. During coughing the child's
face turns red and cervical veins bulge. The cough attacks induce vomiting. X-ray shows intensified bronchial pattern. Blood test: leukocytes -
16·10^9/L , lymphocytes - 72%, erythrocyte sedimentation rate - 4 mm/hour. What is the most likely diagnosis?

a. Obstructive bronchitis
b. Foreign body
c. Pneumonia
d. Adenovirus infection
e. Pertussis

The correct answer is: Pertussis

Question 120
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In the morning upon waking a 65-year-old patient developed weakness in the right-side limbs, speech disorder, decreased sensitivity of the
left side of the body. On examination: conscious, BP- 100/60 mm Hg, motor aphasia, right-sided central hemiparesis and hemihypalgesia.
Make the preliminary diagnosis:

a. Subarachnoid hemorrhage
b. Hemorrhagic stroke
c. Ishemic stroke
d. Encephalitis
e. Brain tumor

The correct answer is: Ishemic stroke

Question 121
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An 8-year-old boy developed a temperature of 37,5^oC two days after his recovery from the case of URTI. He complains of suffocation, heart
pain. Objectively: the skin is pale, tachycardia, the I heart sound is weakened, short systolyc murmur in the 4th intercostal area near the left
edge of the breastbone. What heart disorder such clincal presentation is characteristic of?

a. Myocardiodystrophy
b. Fallot's tetrad
c. Primary rheumatic carditis
d. Cardiomyopathy
e. Nonrheumatic myocarditis

The correct answer is: Nonrheumatic myocarditis 41/52
19/03/2024 14:19 Krok 2 Medicine (EN): Attempt review

Question 122

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A 65-year-old man complains of asphyxia, cough with pink foaming sputum, sensation of lack of air, and fear of death. Objectively, he has
orthopnea, pale skin, and acrocyanosis and is covered in cold sticky sweat. His respiration is harsh, in the lower posterior segments there are
wet finely vesicular and moderately vesicular crackles on the both sides. His respiratory rate is 40/min. The heart sounds are markedly muffled.
At the cardiac apex, the gallop rhythm is observed. Make the diagnosis:

a. Status asthmaticus
b. Croupous pneumonia
c. Pulmonary edema
d. Pulmonary embolism
e. Infarction pneumonia

The correct answer is: Pulmonary edema

Question 123

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During coke production, the concentration of dust in the air of the working area has been for many years exceeding the maximum permissible
concentration by 4-8 times. What disease is most likely to develop among the workers in this industry as a result?

a. Anthracosis
b. Siderosis
c. Byssinosis
d. Asbestosis
e. Silicosis

The correct answer is: Anthracosis

Question 124
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A 24-year-old woman diagnosed with postoperative hypothyroidism came to a doctor with complaints of palpitations, irritability, excessive
sweating, and disturbed sleep. During the last month she has been undergoing treatment with levothyroxine in the dose of 150 mcg once a
day. What would be the further treatment tactics in this case?

a. Reduce the dose of levothyroxine

b. Prescribe beta-blockers
c. Increase the dose of levothyroxine
d. Add Mercazolil (Thiamazole) to the treatment
e. Prescribe sulfonylurea drugs

The correct answer is: Reduce the dose of levothyroxine 42/52
19/03/2024 14:19 Krok 2 Medicine (EN): Attempt review

Question 125

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A 34-year-old man undergoes treatment in a psychiatry unit for exacerbation of his schizophrenia. Objectively, he stays in bed, his movements
are inhibited, no contact. The patient does not respond to the questions. The position remains unchanged, the patient is hypomimic, such
signs as puckering of the lips, waxy flexibility, ''psychological pillow'' are present. The patient has been remaining in this condition for a week.
He is being fed parenterally. What psychomotor disorder is it?

a. Anergic stupor
b. Exogenous stupor
c. Psychogenic stupor
d. Catatonic stupor
e. Depressive stupor

The correct answer is: Catatonic stupor

Question 126

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On the 3rd day after the artificial abortion the woman was hospitalized into the gynecological department in a severe condition with signs of
intoxication, abdominal pain, and purulent discharge from the vagina. Objectively, the patient's condition is severe, her body temperature is
38.8^oC, pulse is 100/min., blood pressure is 110/70 mm Hg, the uterus is soft, the uterine fundus is located at the level of the navel, there are
positive signs of peritoneal irritation. What is the most likely diagnosis?

a. Acute metroendometritis
b. Acute suppurative salpingo-oophoritis
c. Uterine perforation
d. Pelviperitonitis
e. Ectopic pregnancy

The correct answer is: Pelviperitonitis

Question 127

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An injured electrician in a state of clinical death is being resuscitated. ECG registers large-focal ventricular fibrillation. When, according to the
clinical practice guidelines for sudden circulatory arrest, must be medicines administered, namely, adrenaline solution and amiodarone

a. At the very beginning of the resuscitation measures

b. After the first defibrillation
c. After the fourth defibrillation
d. After the second defibrillation
e. After the third defibrillation

The correct answer is: After the third defibrillation 43/52
19/03/2024 14:19 Krok 2 Medicine (EN): Attempt review

Question 128

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At night a 63-year-old woman suddenly developed an asphyxia attack. She has a 15-year-long history of essential hypertension and had a
myocardial infarction 2 years ago. Objectively her position in bed is orthopneic, the skin is pale, the patient is covered with cold sweat,
acrocyanosis is observed. Pulse - 104/min. Blood pressure - 210/130 mm Hg, respiration rate - 38/min. Pulmonary percussion sound is clear,
with slight dullness in the lower segments; throughout the lungs single dry crackles can be heard that become bubbling and non-resonant in
the lower segments. What is the most likely complication in this patient?

a. Bronchial asthma attack

b. Paroxysmal tachycardia
c. Acute left ventricular failure
d. Acute right ventricular failure
e. Pulmonary embolism

The correct answer is: Acute left ventricular failure

Question 129
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Preventive examination of a 75-year-old woman with a moderately active lifestyle shows total serum cholesterol of 5.1 mmol/L (208 mg/dL)
and high-density lipoprotein levels of 70 mg/dL. Her ECG is normal. What advise about her diet should be given to this woman?

a. Reduce the intake of simple carbohydrates

b. Reduce the cholesterol intake
c. Increase the fiber intake
d. Reduce the intake of saturated fats
e. No changes in the diet

The correct answer is: No changes in the diet

Question 130
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A 25-year-old man developed hematuria after an overexposure to cold. Objectively, his blood pressure is 160/110 mm Hg. Urinalysis reveals
the following: proteinuria - 3.5 g/L, erythrocytes cover the entire vision field, there are 5-6 hyaline cylinders (casts) in sight. What diagnostic
method would be most informative in this case?

a. Tomography
b. Kidney biopsy
c. Kidney ultrasound
d. Excretory urography
e. Cystoscopy

The correct answer is: Kidney biopsy 44/52
19/03/2024 14:19 Krok 2 Medicine (EN): Attempt review

Question 131

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What are the grounds for conducting a forensic medical examination?

a. Referral issued by the head doctor of the inpatient department

b. Resolution or ruling made by investigative authorities or a court
c. Referral issued by investigative authorities
d. Referral issued by the family doctor
e. Wishes of the relatives

The correct answer is: Resolution or ruling made by investigative authorities or a court

Question 132

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For intensive infusion therapy, a patient with acute respiratory failure underwent subclavian vein catheterization using the Seldinger technique.
After administration of 600 mL of the infusion solution, the patient's condition sharply deteriorated, tachypnea increased from 26/min. to
40/min., tidal volume decreased from 400 mL to 250 mL. Auscultation detects sharply weakened respiration on the right. Percussion detects a
dull sound. What complication developed in this patient?

a. Hydrothorax
b. Pulmonary edema
c. Cerebral edema
d. Pulmonary embolism
e. Acute heart failure

The correct answer is: Hydrothorax

Question 133
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A 45-year-old woman undergoes an inpatient treatment. She complains of elevated body temperature up to 39.0^oC, pain in her right lumbar
area, turbid urine with blood. CT scan shows an area of low density within the parenchyma, no difference between the cortical and medullary
layers, and increased density of the perinephric fat due to edema. What is the diagnosis?

a. Renal abscess
b. Paranephritis
c. Renal carcinoma
d. Glomerulonephritis
e. Pyelonephritis

The correct answer is: Pyelonephritis 45/52
19/03/2024 14:19 Krok 2 Medicine (EN): Attempt review

Question 134

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A 46-year-old woman complains of pain attacks in the right lumbar area, which irradiate to the lower abdomen, and nausea. This kind of pain
attacks has never been detected in the patient before. Survey X-ray of the abdominal cavity reveals no pathologic shadows. Ultrasonic scan
detects a hyperechogenic growth 1,5 cm in diameter, which reflects sound wave, in the enlarged right renal pelvis. What diagnosis is most

a. Renal calculus
b. Renal cyst
c. Benign renal tumor
d. Renal tuberculosis
e. Malignant renal tumor

The correct answer is: Renal calculus

Question 135

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After giving birth, a 25-year-old woman developed increased weakness in her legs and unsteady walking. She has been suffering from this
condition for 6 years already. Every autumn, she notes a deterioration of her condition. Objectively, the woman is euphoric and exhibits a
reduced critical attitude towards her condition. She has horizontal nystagmus, high tendon reflexes, foot clonus, pathological foot reflexes, no
abdominal reflexes, ataxia during the Romberg test, and intentional tremor and missing during coordination tests. Temporal pallor of the optic
discs is observed on the eye fundus. What is the most likely diagnosis in this case?

a. Acute disseminated encephalomyelitis

b. Multiple sclerosis
c. Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis
d. Myasthenia gravis
e. Dyscirculatory encephalopathy

The correct answer is: Multiple sclerosis 46/52
19/03/2024 14:19 Krok 2 Medicine (EN): Attempt review

Question 136

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A 65-year-old woman complains of general weakness, increased fatigability, and numbness and tingling in her hands observed for the past 4
months. Objectively, the following is observed: body temperature - 36.6^oС, respiratory rate - 19/min., pulse - 96/min., blood pressure -
115/70 mm Hg. The skin and visible mucosa are pale and slightly icteric. Neurologically, a symmetric decrease in sensitivity was detected in
both upper limbs. Complete blood count: erythrocytes - 2.4· 10^12/L, hemoglobin - 105 g/L, leukocytes - 2.5· 10^9/L, ESR - 28 mm/hour,
platelets - 180· 10^9/L. Microscopy of a smear revealed megalocytosis, erythrocyte hyperchromia, neutrophil hypersegmentation, anisocytosis,
and poikilocytosis. What is the most likely diagnosis in this case?

a. B_12 and folate deficiency anemia

b. Autoimmune hemolytic anemia
c. Anemia of chronic disease
d. Iron deficiency anemia
e. Sideroachrestic anemia

The correct answer is: B_12 and folate deficiency anemia

Question 137
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A 25-year-old woman was brought into the gynecological department with profuse bloody discharge from her genital tracts. She is 12 weeks
pregnant, the pregnancy is planned. Within the last 3 days she was experiencing pains in her lower abdomen that eventually started
resembling cramps, she developed bleeding. Her skin is pale, pulse - 88/min., blood pressure - 100/60 mm Hg, body temperature - 36.8^oC)
Vaginal examination: the uterus size corresponds with 11 weeks of pregnancy, the cervical canal allows inserting 1 finger and contains
fragments of the fertilized ovum, the discharge is bloody and profuse. What is the most likely diagnosis?

a. 12-week pregnancy, threatened spontaneous abortion

b. Disturbed menstrual cycle, hyperpolymenorrhea
c. 12-week pregnancy, spontaneous abortion in progress
d. Disturbed menstrual cycle, amenorrhea
e. Full-term pregnancy, term labor

The correct answer is: 12-week pregnancy, spontaneous abortion in progress 47/52
19/03/2024 14:19 Krok 2 Medicine (EN): Attempt review

Question 138

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In a city, the levels of manganese are elevated in the atmospheric air, water, and agricultural foods. What type of effect do these factors have
on the health of the population?

a. Synergistic
b. Combined
c. Joint
d. Separate
e. Complex

The correct answer is: Complex

Question 139
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At the oligoanuric stage of acute renal failure, a 10-year-old child developed a tingling sensation in the tongue and oral mucosa, numbness of
the limbs, decreased reflexes, respiratory disorders, and arrhythmia. What is the cause of these signs?

a. Alkalosis
b. Acidosis
c. Hyperkalemia
d. Hyponatremia
e. Hyperazotemia

The correct answer is: Hyperkalemia

Question 140
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A middle school teacher with 4-year-long record of work was issued a medical certificate for pregnancy and childbirth leave. What amount of
pay will she receive for the duration of her leave in this case?

a. 70% of average salary

b. 50% of average salary
c. 80% of average salary
d. 100% of average salary
e. 60% of average salary

The correct answer is: 100% of average salary 48/52
19/03/2024 14:19 Krok 2 Medicine (EN): Attempt review

Question 141

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A 54-year-old woman complains of a fogged vision in her right eye, rainbow circles in her vision, headache, and nausea. Within the last month
she twice experienced a similar condition, but back then all the signs eventually disappeared and her sight was restored. Currently, all the signs
have beed persisting for over 2 days. Objectively, the patient has eyelid edema, congestive injection of the eyeball, corneal opacity, shallow
anterior chamber of the eye, and dilated pupil that is unresponsive to the light. Her intraocular pressure is 48 mm Hg. Make the diagnosis:

a. Iridocyclitis
b. Cyclitis
c. Iritis
d. Keratitis
e. Glaucoma

The correct answer is: Glaucoma

Question 142

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After the extraction of the second molar, the patient's body temperature increased. He developed pharyngeal pain on the left, infiltration,
hyperemia of the lower part of the anterior palatine arch, and displacement of a tonsil towards the midline and upwards. Regional lymph
nodes are painful to palpation. The otolaryngologist diagnosed the patient with paratonsillar abscess. What is the route of infection spread in
this case?

a. Tonsilogenic
b. Odontogenic
c. Entry of a foreign body
d. Hematogenous
e. Lymphogenic

The correct answer is: Odontogenic

Question 143

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A 26-year-old man complains of chills, rhinitis, dry cough, and fever up to 38^oC) Examination shows him to be in a moderately severe
condition; there are small pale pink non-merging spots on the skin of his back, abdomen, and extremities. Palpation reveals enlarged occipital
and axillary lymph nodes. No information about vaccination history could be obtained. What is the likely etiology of this disease?

a. Rubella virus
b. Meningococcus
c. Mumps virus
d. Epstein-Barr virus
e. Streptococcus

The correct answer is: Rubella virus 49/52
19/03/2024 14:19 Krok 2 Medicine (EN): Attempt review

Question 144

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A 32-year-old woman complains of general weakness, low-grade fever persisting for 4 months, lumbar pain, and dysuria. Anamnesis includes
frequent acute respiratory diseases, overexposure to cold, low-calorie diet, a case of pulmonary tuberculosis in childhood. Clinical urine
analysis: pH - 4.8, leukocyturia, hematuria. Complete blood count: leukocytosis, lymphocytosis, raised ESR. Urography concludes: dilatation of
renal pelvis and calyceal system of both kidneys, foci of calcification in the projection of right kidney parenchyma. What is the most likely

a. Right renal carcinoma

b. Acute glomerulonephritis
c. Right renal cyst
d. Chronic pyelonephritis
e. Nephrotuberculosis

The correct answer is: Nephrotuberculosis

Question 145
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An 8-year-old girl was diagnosed with signs of Morgagni-Adams-Stokes disease that developed against the background of the III degree
atrioventricular heart block. What drug should be introduced intravenously for emergency aid?

a. Atropine
b. Prednisolone
c. Potassium chloride
d. Dobutamine
e. Digoxin

The correct answer is: Atropine

Question 146
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A 56-year-old patient with diffuse toxic goiter has ciliary arrhythmia, heart rate is 110-120/min., arterial hypertension, BP is 165/90 mm Hg.
What drug besides Mercazolil (Thiamazole) should be prescribed in this case?

a. Corinfar
b. Novocainamide (procainamide)
c. Propranolol
d. Verapamil
e. Radioactive iodine

The correct answer is: Propranolol 50/52
19/03/2024 14:19 Krok 2 Medicine (EN): Attempt review

Question 147

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A 40-year-old woman after an unsuccessful treatment by a neurologist was referred to a gynecologist. She complains of swollen breasts,
depression intermittent with agression, weakness, tearfulness, numb arms, and meteorism that appear 2-3 days before a menstruation and
disappear after the menstruation is over. She considers herself ill for the last 2 years. Gynecological examination detects no pathologic
changes in her genitals. She was diagnosed with premenstrual syndrome. What clinical form of premenstrual syndrome is the most likely in
this case?

a. Mixed
b. Edematous
c. Neuropsychic
d. Crisis
e. Cephalgic

The correct answer is: Neuropsychic

Question 148
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A 27-year-old woman, a teacher in the elementary school, complains of frequent stools, up to 3 times per day, with lumpy feces and large
amount of mucus, abdominal pain that gradually abates after a defecation, irritability. Her skin is pale and icteric. Pulse is 74/min., rhythmic,
can be characterized as satisfactory. Blood pressure is 115/70 mm Hg. The abdomen is soft, moderately tender along the colon on palpation.
Fiberoptic colonoscopy detects no changes. What disease can be suspected?

a. Crohn disease (regional enteritis)

b. Chronic enteritis
c. Irritable bowel syndrome
d. Whipple disease
e. Chronic non-ulcerative colitis

The correct answer is: Irritable bowel syndrome 51/52
19/03/2024 14:19 Krok 2 Medicine (EN): Attempt review

Question 149

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A 3-year-old child was brought to the hospital by the mother with complaints of leg edema, dyspnea, cough, and abdominal pain. Heart
murmurs were detected in the child at the early age, but back then the parents declined further examination. After a case of acute viral
respiratory infection one month ago, the mother noticed that the child had become inert and periodically fussy and started developing edema
of the shins. The child's condition is severe. Respirations are 40/min. Foot and shin edema is observed. There are wet crackles in the lower
posterior segments of the lungs. The left border of the relative cardiac dullness is located along the left anterior axillary line. Heart sounds are
muffled and arrhythmic. The child's heart rate is 120/min. The liver is +5 cm. Diuresis is decreased. Name the pathogenesis of the edema in
this child:

a. Protein loss in stool

b. Increased vascular permeability
c. Disturbed renal hemodynamics
d. Reduced cardiac ejection fraction and venous congestion
e. Reduced protein synthesis function of the liver

The correct answer is: Reduced cardiac ejection fraction and venous congestion

Question 150

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A 48-year-old woman was delivered into the surgical unit with wounds in her thigh. On examination the wound surface has a dirty-gray
coating with unpleasant sweet smell. The wound content resembles a raspberry jelly. Skin tissues around the wound are glossy and turgid.
Palpation reveals moderate crepitation in the tissues. What bacteria is the most likely to cause such inflammation?

a. Staphylococci
b. Anaerobic clostridial
c. Anaerobic non-clostridial
d. Blue pus bacillus
e. Streptococci

The correct answer is: Anaerobic clostridial 52/52

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