History of Homophobia - Britannica Online Encyclopedia

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4/4/24, 10:11 AM homophobia -- Britannica Online Encyclopedia

Although little is known about premodern women’s sexualities, it is largely believed that the
sexual desire of one man for another was an acceptable, often venerated form of love in
ancient cultures. Intolerance toward homosexual behaviour grew particularly in the Middle
Ages, especially among the adherents of Christianity and Islam.

To understand the wider cultural impact of homophobia, awareness of the general societal
consensus of the nature of homosexuality is necessary. In Western cultures in the later 19th
century, some psychologists began to view homosexuality as more than a temporary
behaviour, understanding that it was immutable. As industrialization brought migration from
rural to urban areas, the greater density of people in cities permitted same-sex attracted
individuals to organize (initially under the cloak of anonymity), which ultimately led to greater
visibility and the scientific study of homosexuality.

The term homosexuality was first used in 1868, and the research of Richard von Krafft-Ebing
two decades later in Psychopathia Sexualis (1886; trans. into English in 1892) portrayed
homosexuality as a fixed sexual desire. In 1905 Sigmund Freud popularized the erroneous
notion that homosexuality was the product of a child’s upbringing, writing, “The presence of
both parents plays an important part. The absence of a strong father in childhood not
infrequently favours the occurrence of inversion.” Freud even gave child-rearing tips to help
parents lead their children to heterosexual adjustment.

With Freud’s warning in mind, and because of the long working hours that men spent under
industrialization, homosocial organizations (e.g., sporting clubs and the Boy Scouts) were
developed to introduce young boys to heterosexual masculine role models in the absence of
their fathers. The teaching of masculinity to boys and femininity to girls was (and often
remains) falsely believed to be able to prevent children from becoming homosexual.

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Citation Information
Article Title: homophobia
Website Name: Encyclopaedia Britannica
Publisher: Encyclopaedia Britannica, Inc.
Date Published: 25 February 2024
URL: https://www.britannica.comhttps://www.britannica.com/topic/homophobia
Access Date: April 04, 2024

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