History Educational Games Design

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History educational games design

Conference Paper · September 2009

DOI: 10.1109/ICEEI.2009.5254775 · Source: IEEE Xplore

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2 authors:

Nor Azan Mat Zin Associate Prof Ts. Dr. Seng Yue Wong
Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia University of Malaya


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2009 International Conference on Electrical Engineering and Informatics
5-7 August 2009, Selangor, Malaysia

History Educational Games Design

Nor Azan Mat Zin 1, Wong Seng Yue 2
Faculty of Information Science and Technology, National University of Malaysia
43600 Bangi
[email protected]
[email protected]

Abstract: - Digital games, an interactive technology can foster significant. Game environments have great potential to
learning process effectively and interestingly especially among support immersive learning experiences. To engage in the act
young learners. Digital Game Based Learning (DGBL) approach of gaining knowledge or skill, learners must be motivated.
utilizes the game as a medium for conveying learning contents. Motivation has long been considered as a crucial step in
The area of educational technology is still lacking of research on
learning [9].
how to design game environment that foster knowledge
construction and deepen understanding and problem solving DGBL is a paradigm which utilizes the game as a medium
while engaging and entertaining the player at the same time. The for conveying the learning contents [6]. DGBL is all about
learning outcome need to be integrated as a goal from the start of leveraging the power of computer games to captivate and
the design process and pedagogy need to be formally engage end users for a specific purpose, such as to develop
incorporated into games. In this paper, we reviewed features of new knowledge and skills [10]. DGBL is also defined as an
educational game design and history learning. Then, we discuss application which uses the characteristics of video and
the application of pedagogical elements in educational game computer games to create engaging and immersive learning
design. The result is a history game design model and level design experiences for delivering specified learning goals, outcomes
for History Multimedia Interactive Educational Game (HMIEG).
and experiences [11]. DGBL satisfy the basic requirements of
The model consists of four main elements: interaction,
knowledge, engine and level. The history educational game learning environments and can provide an engaging
design model integrates the pedagogical elements and game environment for learning as well. However, it is argued that
design features to ensure HMIEG can be used as a history most educational games too often resemble digital exercise
learning tool effectively. books and do not utilize the power of games as interactive
context-free media. This is the reason why educational
Keywords: - Digital games, DGBL, ID, History educational game technology still lacks in research on how to design game
design environment that foster knowledge construction and deepen
understanding and problem solving while engaging and
I. INTRODUCTION entertaining the player at the same time [12].
Video game industry in United States approaches yearly Moreover, there is still a problem of how to combine
revenues of 15 billion [1]. Digital games (video games or education in game without losing the fun but still create a
computer games) are positively accepted among children and simple, engage and immersive educational game. Some
teenagers [2, 3]. In United States, the game playing population yielding students are entertained in game but do not obtain
falls between the ages of 10-34 years old with the majority of any academic skills or knowledge [13]. There is a challenge to
population between 14-19 years old [1]. According to the 7th design an educational game that fulfills the curriculum topics
Online Game Research Report of China, 43% of the gamers since learners perceived the game environment as not a
were from the age of 19 to 25 [4]. Similarly, in Malaysia, a serious activity. Some students fear that they cannot achieve
study was conducted in five schools of Selangor which learning objectives [14]. Lack of technical resource in school
involved 582 students shown that majority of these students is also a problem that unable to execute these high demand
(92%) have experienced playing computer games [5]. games [15, 16]. Some educational games are also to be too
Digital games, an interactive technology within the long, complex and difficult [15, 17, 18]. For example,
multimedia learning environment could foster learning teaching with Civilization III takes 20 hours for students to
process effectively and interestingly especially among young learn the complex interface [18].
learners. The interest for digital games not only found among The intention of DGBL is to address new ways of ICT
children and general population, but also in the academic based instructional design and at the same time to provide
research [3]. Researchers and game designers have noted this learners the possibility to acquire skills and competencies [14].
promising technology and proposed some frameworks and Learning always takes place in well-designed game, we agree
models to foster multimedia learning environment [6]. that if learning content is to take place as a result of playing
Research data also showed that the use of games in education games, a new design paradigm design must be developed. The
is perceived as a useful tool for learning and helped to engage educational effectiveness strategy needs to be integrated as a
students in educational experiences towards achieving specific goal from the start of the design process and pedagogy need to
learning goals and outcomes [3, 7, 8]. The potential for the be formally incorporated into games.
integration of games and learning becomes ever more

978-1-4244-4913-2/09/$25.00 ©2009 IEEE


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In this paper, we will discuss features of educational game educational game design. Then, we propose a history
design and history learning and applying pedagogy in
educational game design model and level design for History challenge, cut scenes, game rules, Heads Up Display (HUD),
Multimedia Interactive Educational Game (HMIEG). We also Point of View (POV), levels, Non Playable Character (NPC),
discuss the history learning effectiveness from this game narrative, outcomes, trailer, story mode and tutorial mode.
design. Therefore, there is a need to design the History
Multimedia Interactive Educational Game (HMIEG) properly
II. THE FEATURES OF AN EDUCATIONAL GAMES to ensure teaching and learning history become easier and
DESIGN AND HISTORY LEARNING more interesting. History components which are designed by
Game design can be defined as the formal methods utilized integrate the historical facts and game can produce an
in the specification and planning of a game’s content and immersive learning environment for history learning.
features [13]. Game designers produce game specifications Investigations of the features and design component for
that demonstrate the initial look and feel of the game HMIEG using GBL approach are essential to produce an
interface, identify system behaviours for rules of interaction educational game that can sustain learners’ interest and to
and procedures for game play and game controls that users achieve learning goals. In our preliminary analysis of 582
will navigate in the virtual world [19]. There are many form four students and fifteen teachers from five local
researchers in game design, either on user-centered game secondary schools in Selangor, 84% of the students stated that
design or heuristic for game design. A typical game design they like to play digital games, one reason given is fun, while
normally includes three phases: conceptualization, prototyping 63% play games just to fill up their free time [5]. Student like
and play testing. User-Centered Game Design (UCGD) is an to play digital games because of they like adventure activity
advanced and a much better design to be used in game design. and fantasy world too. Findings from this analysis also
UCGD consists of observational studies, conceptualization, showed that main requirements of HMIEG are: illustrate
prototyping and usability play testing [19]. UCGD involves history facts clearly, increase students’ interest to learn history
user participation in user-centered design, participatory design and learn history through creative experience [5]. The history
and usability testing. Rankin et al. [19] defined UCGD to be educational game design should be balance between game and
specific application, affordance game play and effects of game history education.
play. UCGD emphasized the purpose of the game, benefits of
the game play such as social interaction that support learning III. APPLYING PEDAGOGY IN EDUCATIONAL GAME
process and collaborative learning, as well as experience and DESIGN
outcomes that involve formal or informal assessment. History educational games development process focused
Heuristics is a set of usability principles that used by the on development methodology to produce game-based
evaluator to explore an interface through an inspection multimedia educational application. An educational game
technique [20]. Many common usability inspection techniques design and development model is developed based on ID and
are not appropriate for games since they rely on formal game development methodology, called digital game based
specifications on task sequences. According to Pinelle et learning-Instructional Design model (DGBL-ID). Each phase
al.[20], heuristics for game design needs skilled evaluators consists of activities needed to be accomplished before
who inspect the user interface and identify usability problems. moving to the next phase. The DGBL-ID model consist of
This technique is inexpensive and can be carried out in a short five phases, which is analysis, design, development, quality
time, so inspections can be used iteratively during design assurance as well as implementation and evaluation. Each
process. However, heuristics evaluations also have some phase consists of a few activities that need to be completed
problems. Heuristics evaluation does not encourage people to before beginning the next phase. The phases mentioned
take a comprehensive view of how the software will be used include all the main activities for instructional part and game
and sometimes can cause the evaluators to miss problems or to part so that the educational game can enable students to learn
identify false problems. The heuristics evaluations also when they are playing games [5].
uncover some usability problem in game, they focus on game From past research studied, they have study and show the
play, engagement and storyline but is not comprehensive. model or steps for educational game development, but did not
Game-based learning cycle was developed by Kiili [21] explain details for each phase or step. For DGBL-ID Model,
to understand mechanism of learning with games. Kiili also we will test the quality and content of the educational game
suggested some educational game design guidelines, that before we launch to the learners. After the quality assurance
involve challenge, goals, feedback, sense of control, phase, we will launch the game and do the usability and
playability, frame story and gamefulness. Byl [22] also effectiveness evaluation of the game to make sure the learners
proposed Embedded Authentic Serious game-based Learning learn effectively when they are playing the immersive game.
Experiences (EASLE) that includes story, scenes, icons, In design phase, teaching and game design were
theme, game rules, game play mechanism and genre. determined. Delivery method and teaching strategy which is
Moreover, Miller [23] suggested game elements should used in educational game were determined so that the
involve artificial intelligence, attract mode, back story, outcomes of the design can help to achieve learning outcomes.


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Constructivism, information processing model, Tolman psychological needs element used by one researcher only.
learning theory are the teaching and learning theories used in Psychological needs are important for student’s cognitive and
the design of History educational game. Inquiry, narrative and behaviour development. This will affect the learning outcome
problem solving are the teaching strategies used in history and effectiveness. If students are interested in any learning
educational game development. In game design, we need to object, they are willing to learn and increase the learning
design the game’s story, game play, user control, user process [6]. Games with motivation cognitive function can
interface, game level, art, audio and technical features, stimulate intrinsic curiosity because of challenge and game
product features and budget for educational development. fantasy. Game play also influences learning via experiment
Game play design also play a vital role at this design phase, it reaction and creativity as well as support the development of
shows how a player play in an educational game. Game play critical thinking through problems that manipulate objectives,
is choices, challenges or sequences that players face while determine goal and competition [24].
navigating a virtual environment. If a player need to shoot an Engagement, challenge, competition, exploration and
enemy, design of the game must be determined either to use motivation are the usual elements in an educational game.
mouse click or joystick. Besides that, art design is a design This is because a game with challenge and competition among
process of game’s character, game’s environment, game’s the students can motivate and involve them play games and
background and game’s object such as car, gun, ball and ship. enable exploration of the game. In learning process,
Character’s features and motion need to be designed before psychological needs and critical thinking should be addressed
development phase. to develop students cognitive ability when they play games.
In addition, the features of game’s level also need to be Constructivism theory, information processing model and
designed and determined. Each game’s level needs to be Tolman learning theory are used in HMIEG design to enable
designed well from the beginning until the end of the game, students to remember historical facts and thus enhance
such as trap and the types of challenge. Game’s technical learning.
specifications such as types of tools which need to be used are For game design component, HMIEG applied 15 features
determined. For example, hardware and software of game design, feedback, fantasy, fun, rules, security,
specifications need to be determined for computer platform entertainment, immersive, active participation, control path,
used for the digital game based courseware. At the same time, track and manage progress, interaction, task, narrative, control
the suitable programming language for the development of and imagination. Feedback enables student to obtain
history educational game was determined. The types of lesson information as requested on time, less wrong understanding
plan and teaching resources which needs to be inserted in and enables students to apply information accurately [6].
game menu must be provided before development of Feedback is prepared for wrong answer to encourage students
educational game prototype. Everything about the lesson plan to continue playing game [25] and is used to developed
such as learning outcomes, teaching syllabus and teaching positive self evaluation [26]. Fantasy, imagination, fun and
plan need to be inserted in the educational game. Teaching entertainment are essential features for educational game.
resources such as historical photos of people, history building Fantasy can satisfy the feeling of virtual situation imagination
photo need to be collected before the development of and environment [26]. Fun and entertainment enables players
educational game. to play and immerse themselves in playing games, encourage
active participation and then applied the different knowledge
IV. HISTORY EDUCATIONAL GAME DESIGN MODEL for detailed understanding [25].
Previous research studied the researchers exposed the Explanation and rules for each game are important
potential of digital games to encourage students in learning because they are the guidelines and rules for students to
experience. Researchers studied how to develop a model to follow when playing games. Security also ensures that
support instructional system design for effective design and students play games in a secure situation, via the use of
integration game process in learning environment. Therefore, password before they enter the game. This enable students to
the author agreed that DGBL approach have potential to solve play games without disturbing others. In addition, control is
the problems in history learning, specially the younger IT used for controlling path, track and manage game progress via
generations. navigation when they are given the tasks to complete [25] and
We proposed a HMIEG design model which have two satisfy the students with freedom and priority, meaning and
main components, pedagogical and game. For pedagogical enable them feel in control of level competitiveness [26].
component, HMIEG must include the 8 features, engagement, Interaction is vital and is defined as how students control
learning goal determination, motivation, critical thinking, the games and learn from that, help to attract students,
psychological needs, explorations, challenge and competition. motivate students for next game. Tasks are used to help
The eight features are important to develop an educational students absorb the learning content [6]. Narrative is crucial
game. Engagement and goal determination are the elements specially for game back story telling. It can show how history
used by four previous researchers; challenge, competition and events happened. Every history events, date, location and time
motivation are the elements used by 5 of the researchers; need to be designed correctly so that the facts are consistent
critical thinking and exploration used by two researchers; and with history syllabus.


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Communications between
player and games
Educational contents that Mechanism of
PLAYER delivered to the players knowledge delivery Game makes from
variety scales of
GAME CONTEXT knowledge and skills
5E MOTIVATION Attract mode
Game Non playable MODEL Fun Challenge
environment character Back story
Game controls Engage Game play
Playable HISTORY SYLLABUS Story mode
character Explore
Point of View History discipline Narrative
(POV) Explain structure
Tutorial mode
Heads Up Display (HUD) Elaborate Patriotism elements


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Fig. 1 History educational game design model

Fig. 1 shows the history educational game design model. Interactive Educational Game (HMIEG) – Chapter 9:
Educational game design consists of four main elements, Development in Europe. The game concept is the player will
interaction, knowledge, engine and level. Educational game enter the six epochs accidentally from current world or “back
interaction can be defined as communications between player to old time world through the history tunnel”. At each level,
and game. Multiple players and game platforms establish the player has to solve the problems or obstructions that
multimodal interaction. Game modality is a form of happened in game world to continue the journey to the next
interaction between player and game. Game context is a set of level so that he/she can come back to the current world.
conditions and facts that are relevant to specific situation and During the process of solving problems or obstructions, the
can affect interaction between player and game. Game context player will be taught the history facts and events that
design involves game environment, game interface, game happened at that level or during the epoch. Help and tips are
control, Non Playable Character (NPC), Playable Character, given to guide the player. The HMIEG platform is a personal
Point of View (POV) and Heads Up Display (HUD). Game computer and use control tools such as mouse and keyboard.
environment defined as situation of game environment, The game environment is modelled as the environment of
physical environment and game social. Interface and game epoch followed the game levels. HMIEG has many
control designed enable player interacts with game. POV obstructions along the way where player cross through the
enables game scenes to be zoomed in and out. HUD is defined levels. History events or history facts are introduced and
as the statistics of game such as asset, power and player score taught in the journey of “history tunnel”. Fig. 3 shows how
shown on game screen. educational elements are embedded in history educational
Educational game knowledge can be defined as game design process.
educational contents that delivered to player via game. In the At the cover page HMIEG, the player will see the
knowledge design of educational game, motivation, syllabus introduction of HMIEG via 3D animation. This introduction is
and 5E Instructional Model need to be emphasized. the back story of Chapter 9 HMIEG – Development in
Motivation is effective in educational game as it related to Europe. Beside the introduction, the player also can enter the
fun, an intrinsic motivation potential. The delivery of attract mode that give the picture of certain chapter 9 history
education content needs to follow the syllabus that involves events. The HMIEG game level followed the epoch in Europe.
history discipline structure and patriotism element. 5E
Instructional Model used to design the educational game
knowledge because of all elements stated are appropriate and
important to develop an educational game that involves
engagement, exploration, explanation, elaboration and
Educational game engine is the mechanism of educational
content delivery. To design educational game, attract mode,
back story, story mode, narrative and tutorial mode need to be
emphasized. Attract mode is one that runs when the game is
on but not in a state of active play. Back story is the story
which underlies the game and sets the stage for the main game
goals. Story mode is a part of the game play that the player is
exposed to specific story elements. Narrative used to narrate
the history facts (game contents) throughout the games.
Whereas the tutorial mode enables the player acquire
sufficient knowledge and skills to manage the basic game
Educational game level allows the creation of game at
multiple scales of knowledge and skills. Player needs to face
certain challenge to high score to win the game. In game level
design, game play need to be emphasized and game rules also
need to be determined. After completing the educational
game, the level 1, 2 and 3 learning outcomes will be attained.

A. HMIEG level design

Fig. 2 shows the HMIEG design structure. HMIEG
consists of six levels, middle epoch, Renaissance epoch,
Reformation epoch, exploration and discovering epoch,
agriculture revolution and industrial revolution epoch as well
as imperialism epoch. The game title is History Multimedia


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Fig. 2 HMIEG design model immersive game environment. Since the students and teachers
perceived history as a boring subject because it is difficult to
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