Iso27701 New Version Rev2

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ISO/IEC 27701 new version

Kittipong Keatniyomrung
Technical Product Manager
BSI Group (Thailand)
ห ัวข้อชวนคุย 2

Basic ISO/IEC 27701structure

Why change for ISO/IEC 27701

Requirement ISO/IEC 27701 new version


Basic ISO/IEC 27701


ISO/IEC 27701

Privacy Information
Management System (PIMS)
PIMS Plan, Do, Check, Act cycle 5


ACT Improvement CHECK

Integration – High level structure 6

Context of
Records Customers
management organization and
requirements stakeholders
expectations Leadership

Planning Improvement

evaluation Right
Operation decisions to
Customers achieve
and policy and
stakeholders OUTPUT expectations
Doc info

Requirement and Guidelines

Extension to ISO/IEC27001 and ISO/IEC
27002 for Privacy Information

1. Scope
2. Normative Reference
3. Terms, definitions and
4 General 9
4 General 10

Clause 5: PIMS-specific requirements related to

ISO/IEC 27001

Clause 6: PIMS-specific guidance related to ISO/IEC


Clause 7: Additional ISO/IEC 27002 guidance for PII


Clause 8: Additional ISO/IEC 27002 guidance for PII

Annex A- F 12

Annex Detail

Annex A (informative) PIMS-specific reference control objectives and controls (PII

Annex B (normative) PIMS-specific reference control objectives and controls (PII

Annex C (informative) Mapping to ISO/IEC 29100

Table C.1 — Mapping of controls for PII controllers and
ISO/IEC 29100
Table C.2 — Mapping of controls for PII processors and
ISO/IEC 29100
Annex D (informative) Mapping to the General Data Protection Regulation

Annex E (informative) Mapping to ISO/IEC 27018 and ISO/IEC 29151

Annex F (informative) How to apply ISO/IEC 27701 to ISO/IEC 27001 and ISO/IEC


Why change for ISO/IEC

Structure ISO/IEC 27701 14

1. Scope
2. Normative Reference
3. Terms, definitions and abbreviations
4. General
5. Clause 5: PIMS-specific requirements Change to ISO/IEC 27001:2022
related to ISO/IEC 27001: 2013

Clause 6: PIMS-specific guidance related to Change to ISO/IEC 27002:2022

ISO/IEC 27002:2013

Clause 7: Additional ISO/IEC 27002

guidance for PII controllers

Clause 8: Additional ISO/IEC 27002

guidance for PII processors
ISO/IEC 27701
new version

ISO/IEC DIS 27701:2022 16
ISO/IEC DIS 27701:2022 17

Requirement and Guidelines

Extension to ISO/IEC27001 and
ISO/IEC 27002 for Privacy
Information Management
ISO/IEC DIS 27701:2022 18

1. Scope

2. Normative Reference

3. Terms, definitions and abbreviations

4. General
ISO/IEC DIS 27701:2022 19

Clause 5: PIMS-specific requirements related

to ISO/IEC 27001

Clause 6: PIMS-specific guidance related to

ISO/IEC 27002

Clause 7: Additional ISO/IEC 27002

guidance for PII controllers

Clause 8: Additional ISO/IEC 27002

guidance for PII processors
ISO/IEC DIS 27701:2022 20

Annex Detail

Annex A- F Annex A (informative) PIMS-specific reference control objectives and controls (PII
Annex B (normative) PIMS-specific reference control objectives and controls (PII

Annex C (informative) Mapping to ISO/IEC 29100

Table C.1 — Mapping of controls for PII controllers and
ISO/IEC 29100
Table C.2 — Mapping of controls for PII processors and
ISO/IEC 29100
Annex D (informative) Mapping to the General Data Protection Regulation

Annex E (informative) Mapping to ISO/IEC 27018 and ISO/IEC 29151

Annex F (informative) How to apply ISO/IEC 27701 to ISO/IEC 27001 and ISO/IEC
Annex G (informative) Correspondence with ISO/IEC 27001:2019
ISO/IEC DIS 27701:2022 21

Clause 5 Additional requirement

Clause 5: PIMS-specific
requirements related to from ISO/IEC
ISO/IEC 27001:2022 27001:2022
A - 5.2
- 5.4
ISO/IEC DIS 27701:2022 23
ISO/IEC DIS 27701:2022 (6.2 Organizational controls) 24

6.2.1 Policies for information security 6.2.11 Return of assets

6.2.2 Information security roles and responsibilities 6.2.12 Classification of information

6.2.3 Segregation of duties 6.2.13 Labelling of information

6.2.4 Management responsibilities 6.2.14 Information transfer

6.2.5 Contact with authorities 6.2.15 Access control
6.2.6 Contact with special interest groups 6.2.16 Identity management
6.2.7 Threat intelligence 6.2.17 Authentication information

6.2.8 Information security in project management 6.2.18 Access rights

Inventory of information and other associated Information security in supplier

6.2.9 6.2.19
assets relationships
Acceptable use of information and other Addressing information security within
6.2.10 6.2.20
associated assets supplier agreements
ISO/IEC DIS 27701:2022 (6.2 Organizational controls) 25

Managing information security in the

6.2.21 6.2.29 Information security during disruption
ICT supply chain

Monitoring, review and change

6.2.22 6.2.30 ICT readiness for business continuity
management of supplier services
Information security for use of cloud Legal, statutory, regulatory and contractual
6.2.23 6.2.31
services requirements
Information security incident
6.2.24 management planning and 6.2.32 Intellectual property rights
Assessment and decision on
6.2.25 6.2.33 Protection of records
information security events
Response to information security
6.2.26 6.2.34 Privacy and protection of PII
Learning from information security
6.2.27 6.2.35 Independent review of information security
Compliance with policies, rules and standards
6.2.28 Collection of evidence 6.2.36
for information security
6.2.37 Documented operating procedures
ISO/IEC DIS 27701:2022 (6.3 People control) 26

6.3.1 Screening

6.3.2 Terms and conditions of employment

6.3.3 Information security awareness, education and training

6.3.4 Disciplinary process

6.3.5 Responsibilities after termination or change of employment

6.3.6 Confidentiality or non-disclosure agreements

6.3.7 Remote working

6.3.8 Information security event reporting

ISO/IEC DIS 27701:2022 (6.4 Physical controls) 27

6.4.1 Physical security perimeters 6.4.8 Equipment siting and protection

6.4.2 Physical entry 6.4.9 Security of assets off-premises

6.4.3 Securing offices, rooms and facilities 6.4.10 Storage media

6.4.4 Physical security monitoring 6.4.11 Supporting utilities

Protecting against physical and

6.4.5 6.4.12 Cabling security
environmental threats

6.4.6 Working in secure areas 6.4.13 Equipment maintenance

Secure disposal or re-use of

6.4.7 Clear desk and clear screen 6.4.14
ISO/IEC DIS 27701:2022 (6.5 Technological controls) 28

6.5.1 User endpoint devices 6.5.11 Data masking

6.5.2 Privileged access rights 6.5.12 Data leakage prevention

6.5.3 Information access restriction 6.5.13 Information backup

Redundancy of information processing
6.5.4 Access to source code 6.5.14
6.5.5 Secure authentication 6.5.15 Logging

6.5.6 Capacity management 6.5.16 Monitoring activities

6.5.7 Protection against malware 6.5.17 Clock synchronization

Management of technical
6.5.8 6.5.18 Use of privileged utility programs
Installation of software on operational
6.5.9 Configuration management 6.5.19
6.5.10 Information deletion 6.5.20 Networks security
ISO/IEC DIS 27701:2022 (6.5 Technological controls) 29

6.5.21 Security of network services 6.5.28 Secure coding

Security testing in development and

6.5.22 Segregation of networks 6.5.29

6.5.23 Web filtering 6.5.30 Outsourced development

Separation of development, test and

6.5.24 Use of cryptography 6.5.31
production environments

6.5.25 Secure development life cycle 6.5.32 Change management

6.5.26 Application security requirements 6.5.33 Test information

Secure system architecture and Protection of information systems during

6.5.27 6.5.34
engineering principles audit testing
ISO/IEC DIS 27701:2022 30

Clause 7: Additional ISO/IEC 27002 guidance

for PII controllers
► Not changed

Clause 8: Additional ISO/IEC 27002 guidance

for PII processors
► Not changed

Summary change
ISO/IEC DIS 27701:2022 32

Clause 5: PIMS-specific requirements

related to ISO/IEC 27001

► Change as requirement ISO/IEC

ISO/IEC DIS 27701:2022 33

Clause 6: PIMS-specific guidance related to

ISO/IEC 27002

► Change as ISO/IEC 27002:2022

ISO/IEC DIS 27701:2022

Clause 7: Additional ISO/IEC 27002 guidance

for PII controllers

► Not changed

Clause 8: Additional ISO/IEC 27002 guidance

for PII processors

► Not changed
Consequence for Implementation 35

Transition ISO/IEC 27001:2022 (within 1 November


Study requirement ISO/IEC 27701:202x and


Inform BSI for transition (If BSI is approved to

audit ISO/IEC 27701:202X)

Transition period will be announcement. After

deadline, ISO/IEC 27701:2019 will be expired.
ISO/IEC DIS 27701:2022
Certified and Transition – BSI 37

Waiting public for ISO/IEC 27701:202X

Waiting AB (ANAB) approve for ISO/IEC 27701:202X

● Contact us
BSI Thailand @bsithailand

Tel: 02 294 4889-92 Email: [email protected]

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