Advances in Human Factors in Wearable Technologies and Game Design
Advances in Human Factors in Wearable Technologies and Game Design
Advances in Human Factors in Wearable Technologies and Game Design
Volume 973
Series Editor
Janusz Kacprzyk, Systems Research Institute, Polish Academy of Sciences,
Warsaw, Poland
Advisory Editors
Nikhil R. Pal, Indian Statistical Institute, Kolkata, India
Rafael Bello Perez, Faculty of Mathematics, Physics and Computing,
Universidad Central de Las Villas, Santa Clara, Cuba
Emilio S. Corchado, University of Salamanca, Salamanca, Spain
Hani Hagras, School of Computer Science & Electronic Engineering,
University of Essex, Colchester, UK
László T. Kóczy, Department of Automation, Széchenyi István University,
Gyor, Hungary
Vladik Kreinovich, Department of Computer Science, University of Texas
at El Paso, El Paso, TX, USA
Chin-Teng Lin, Department of Electrical Engineering, National Chiao
Tung University, Hsinchu, Taiwan
Jie Lu, Faculty of Engineering and Information Technology,
University of Technology Sydney, Sydney, NSW, Australia
Patricia Melin, Graduate Program of Computer Science, Tijuana Institute
of Technology, Tijuana, Mexico
Nadia Nedjah, Department of Electronics Engineering, University of Rio de Janeiro,
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Ngoc Thanh Nguyen, Faculty of Computer Science and Management,
Wrocław University of Technology, Wrocław, Poland
Jun Wang, Department of Mechanical and Automation Engineering,
The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shatin, Hong Kong
The series “Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing” contains publications
on theory, applications, and design methods of Intelligent Systems and Intelligent
Computing. Virtually all disciplines such as engineering, natural sciences, computer
and information science, ICT, economics, business, e-commerce, environment,
healthcare, life science are covered. The list of topics spans all the areas of modern
intelligent systems and computing such as: computational intelligence, soft comput-
ing including neural networks, fuzzy systems, evolutionary computing and the fusion
of these paradigms, social intelligence, ambient intelligence, computational neuro-
science, artificial life, virtual worlds and society, cognitive science and systems,
Perception and Vision, DNA and immune based systems, self-organizing and
adaptive systems, e-Learning and teaching, human-centered and human-centric
computing, recommender systems, intelligent control, robotics and mechatronics
including human-machine teaming, knowledge-based paradigms, learning para-
digms, machine ethics, intelligent data analysis, knowledge management, intelligent
agents, intelligent decision making and support, intelligent network security, trust
management, interactive entertainment, Web intelligence and multimedia.
The publications within “Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing” are
primarily proceedings of important conferences, symposia and congresses. They
cover significant recent developments in the field, both of a foundational and
applicable character. An important characteristic feature of the series is the short
publication time and world-wide distribution. This permits a rapid and broad
dissemination of research results.
Tareq Ahram
Institute for Advanced Systems Engineering
Orlando, FL, USA
This Springer imprint is published by the registered company Springer Nature Switzerland AG
The registered company address is: Gewerbestrasse 11, 6330 Cham, Switzerland
Advances in Human Factors
and Ergonomics 2019
10th International Conference on Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics and the
Affiliated Conferences
vi Advances in Human Factors and Ergonomics 2019
Advances in Artificial Intelligence, Software Tareq Ahram
and Systems Engineering
Advances in Human Factors in Architecture, Jerzy Charytonowicz and Christianne
Sustainable Urban Planning and Infrastructure Falcão
Advances in Physical Ergonomics and Human Ravindra S. Goonetilleke and Waldemar
Factors Karwowski
Advances in Interdisciplinary Practice in Industrial Cliff Sungsoo Shin
Advances in Safety Management and Human Pedro M. Arezes
Advances in Social and Occupational Ergonomics Richard H. M. Goossens and Atsuo
Advances in Manufacturing, Production Waldemar Karwowski, Stefan
Management and Process Control Trzcielinski and Beata Mrugalska
Advances in Usability and User Experience Tareq Ahram and Christianne Falcão
Advances in Human Factors in Wearable Tareq Ahram
Technologies and Game Design
Advances in Human Factors in Communication Amic G. Ho
of Design
Advances in Additive Manufacturing, Modeling Massimo Di Nicolantonio, Emilio Rossi
Systems and 3D Prototyping and Thomas Alexander
viii Preface
Wearable Technologies
Akram Alomainy, UK
Waseem Asghar, USA
Wolfgang Friesdorf, Germany
S. Fukuzumi, Japan
Sue Hignett, UK
Wonil Hwang, S. Korea
Muhammad Ismail, Qatar
Yong Gu Ji, Korea
Bernard C. Jiang, Taiwan
Ger Joyce, UK
Chee Weng Khong, Malaysia
Zhizhong Li, PR China
Nelson Matias, Brazil
Valerie Rice, USA
Emilio Rossi, Italy
Masood ur Rehman, UK
Alvin Yeo, Malaysia
Wei Zhang, PR China
This book is not only intended to be informative, but also to be thought pro-
voking. We hope it inspires, leading the reader to contemplate other questions,
applications, and potential solutions fostering good design for all.
x Contents
Fort Hays State University, 600 Park Street, Hays 67601, USA
1 Introduction
In the last decade, the evolution of mobile devices and their market penetration resulted
in the capillary adoption of the smartphone as a wide-spread platform for human-
computer interaction; also, the introduction of smartwatches and fitness bands
demonstrated the potential of wearable consumer electronics and simultaneously ren-
dered them mainstream. As a result, the market of wearable technology has experi-
enced a constant growth, in the last years. Moreover, the success of smartphones and
smartwatches accelerated the development of miniaturized components (e.g., cameras
and inertial measurement units) that can be embedded into eyewear, head-mounted
displays, clothing, wristbands, gloves, and several types of body attachments. Nowa-
days, more sophisticated components, such as, electroencephalograph, myoelectric
2 Related Work
3 Experimental Study
The objective of our study was to evaluate the human factors that influence the
adoption of non-mainstream innovative devices, with specific regard to pervasive
wearable technology. To this end, we analyzed intrinsic and extrinsic aspects that
characterize user-product experience in the pre- and post-adoption phases and com-
pared indirect and direct experiences. In our study, we modeled human factors utilizing
the UTAUT model, which consists of five dimensions that can used as predictors of the
intention to adopt and use technology, as well as validation criteria.
Fig. 1. Diagram representing the UTAUT, which incorporates several user experience measures
as drivers for the behavioral intention to buy a product or adopt a technology.
Performance Expectancy. This aspect refers to the belief that the use of a particular
technology will enhance the performance of an individual or will produce some
advantage in realizing a task. This is particularly relevant to non-conventional wearable
technology, as signals acquired from the body can be utilized to seamlessly control
interaction, make it more efficient, or improve the range or accuracy of commands.
Effort Expectancy. This is a two-fold measure: on the one hand, it refers to the per-
ceived skillset required to be able to utilize a system and the expected learning curve
(human-machine co-evolution). Simultaneously, it relates to the extent of convenience
perceived in using the system. Innovative wearable devices that recognize gestures,
brain signals, or gaze simplify input, though mastering their use requires training.
Social Influence. This component refers to user’s perception of beliefs or impressions
that the product will generate in others (their milieu, their social group, or the external
community). This includes the ability of a device to improve the social status of an
individual or to create a desired social image. Moreover, this measure involves social
acceptance of technology in a given context of reference. This dimension is particularly
Comparative User Experience Analysis 7
relevant in wearables, especially if they are visible or intrusive: they could be perceived
as innovative gadgets or associate the user with some medical condition and, depending
on the social context of use, pose risks to users’ safety (e.g., theft).
Facilitating Conditions. Extrinsic factors, such as, battery life, device compatibility
and availability of product accessories and features that render the product more ver-
satile might be a driver for adoption. Also, presence of technical support and user’s
guide might increase the likelihood of acquiring products. Moreover, individuals might
consider expected product longevity, which, in turn, is influenced by the presence of a
number of applications, features that demonstrate other options for potential use, or an
active community or marketplace.
Endogenous Mechanisms. Intrinsic factors that are not related to product experience
are associated with individuals’ conditions or beliefs, social background, and educa-
tion. As this often is a multifaceted aspect, we included open-ended questions to elicit
participants’ impressions.
3.1 Technology
Three devices were chosen for this study, involving diverse types of innovative
wearable technology. Products were selected among non-conventional interfaces that
are representative of a niche of wearables involving more sophisticated human-
computer interaction dynamics compared to fitness bands and smartwatches. Although
the devices had diverse levels of maturity, all of them were non-mainstream technol-
ogy. This was to avoid any confounding effect introduced by individuals’ familiarity
with brand. Figure 2 shows the three products.
Fig. 2. The products utilized in the study: Gesture controller (A), a Brain-Computer Interface
device (B), and eyewear integrating gaze tracking (C).
been embedded in wearables [13] and utilized for enabling more realistic control
especially in tasks that involve manipulation [14]. Although sales have been discon-
tinued, documentation and videos are available on the Internet.
Brain-Computer Interface. Mindwave [15] is an affordable commercial EEG device
for non-medical use that utilizes one electrode placed on the forehead to sense the
electrical activity of the occipital area of the brain and detect attention and concen-
tration. It is one of the several attempts to introduce BCI in scenarios that primarily are
associated with clinical conditions [16].
Eye Tracking. Pupil is an eyewear that incorporates high speed cameras that capture
movements of the pupil, so that the position of the eyes can be calculated and repre-
sented over the video stream acquired using a front camera, which represents user’s
perspective [17]. Typically, the wearable eye-tracking devices are utilized in the
evaluation of immersive and physically-immersive experiences [18, 19].
3.2 Protocol
The experimental protocol was divided in three phases based on three stages of user
experience: indirect, direct, and early use.
Task 1 – Indirect Use. Participants were provided with the description of the three
products and a survey that asked them questions that assessed different items in the five
dimensions of user experience defined in UTAUT. Respondents were given one week
to complete the questionnaire and evaluate the devices based on indirect use, that is, by
experiencing the technology through information available on the Internet (e.g., pro-
duct website, tutorials, reviews).
Task 2 – Direct Use. Subjects were provided with the three devices: they were asked to
install and use each of the products for 20 min, and to rate them by filling a ques-
tionnaire similar to the one they received for task 1, which captured their direct
experience with products.
Task 3 – Early Use. Subjects were provided with the three devices for four days, and
they were asked to realize three simple projects each involving a technology. Also, they
were asked to complete a questionnaire similar to the one they received for task 1, so
that we could compare their direct experience over a longer period.
3.3 Participants
A total of 14 subjects (7 females and 7 males) were recruited for this study, 14 (43%)
aged 18–24, 11 (36%) were in the 25–34 range, and 3 (21%) were in the 35–44 bracket.
None of them had previous experience with the devices utilized in this study, though all
of them were familiar with information technology and high-tech gadgets. All of them
had basic programming skills (i.e., they utilized Arduino). Also, 3 of them (21%, 2
males and 1 females) reported themselves as early adopters, whereas the others (79%)
showed different patterns in regard to the adoption of new technology.
Comparative User Experience Analysis 9
The objective of our study was not to evaluate the specific products or technologies, as
preferences can be influenced by several factors that were not under our control.
Moreover, as products in each category come in different versions and have diverse
characteristics and advantages, we did not compare individual devices with one
another. Conversely, our objective was to evaluate how user experience of different
types of innovative wearable technology changes over time and, specifically, between
indirect and direct use. To this end, we calculated the behavioral intention to use as a
compound measure of the five items in the UTAUT inventory, in addition to assessing
its individual dimensions separately, to identify their role at different stages of user-
product experience. Figure 3 describes users’ behavior after indirect use.
Fig. 3. Behavioral intention to use the technology based on indirect user-product experiences.
Performance expectancy (PE), effort expectancy (EE), social influence (SI), facilitating
conditions (FC), and endogenous mechanisms (EM) were considered for each technology.
for the reasons discussed earlier in this Section. In the second part of our study, subjects
received the devices and tried to install and use them. In this phase, effort expectancy
had a significant impact on the results. Consequently, as the eye-tracking device is
tailored to a technical audience, its setup time affected users’ willingness to adopt it.
Finally, data from early direct user-product interaction show an overall decrease in the
likelihood to adopt the three products. In this case, the actual and compound measure of
the willingness to adopt are not statistically comparable, though the data from the eye
tracking device might introduce some bias in the outcome.
Furthermore, our findings show that users’ perceived importance of the aspects
described in UTAUT changes in the three phases of product use. Specifically, per-
formance and effort are considered key factors during indirect use, whereas effort is
considered as a crucial aspect during the first phase of direct experience. As users
become more familiar with the product, the importance of performance and facilitating
conditions increases. As shown in Fig. 5, the human factors that are involved in
indirect use could be considered as a predictor for performance expectancy, effort
expectancy, social influence, and facilitating conditions, though users tend to under-
estimate the importance of the latter.
Finally, as users became more proficient with the use of technology, they men-
tioned lack of applications as one of the factors related to facilitating conditions that
affected user experience in the early adoption of all the devices. Although companies
offer software development kits that enable creating new opportunities to use the
technology, users perceived the three wearables as very situation-specific, which
contrasted with the performance expectancy fostered experienced during indirect
Comparative User Experience Analysis 11
Fig. 5. Perceived importance of each of the five UTAUT dimensions in the three stages of
product use recorded in the study.
5 Conclusion
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7. Fenko, A., Schifferstein, H.N., Hekkert, P.: Shifts in sensory dominance between various
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8. Hamilton, R.W., Thompson, D.V.: Is there a substitute for direct experience? Comparing
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10. Füller, J., Matzler, K.: Virtual product experience and customer participation—A chance for
customer-centred, really new products. Technovation 27(6–7), 378–387 (2007)
11. Papagiannidis, S., See-To, E., Bourlakis, M.: Virtual test-driving: the impact of simulated
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pp. 115–120. IEEE (2016)
13. Caporusso, N., Biasi, L., Cinquepalmi, G., Trotta, G.F., Brunetti, A., Bevilacqua, V.: A
wearable device supporting multiple touch-and gesture-based languages for the deaf-blind.
In: International Conference on Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics, pp. 32–41.
Springer, Cham (2017).
14. Caporusso, N., Biasi, L., Cinquepalmi, G., Bevilacqua, V.: An immersive environment for
experiential training and remote control in hazardous industrial tasks. In: International
Conference on Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics, pp. 88–97. Springer, Cham (2018).
15. Sałabun, W.: Processing and spectral analysis of the raw EEG signal from the MindWave.
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17. Kassner, M., Patera, W., Bulling, A.: Pupil: an open source platform for pervasive eye
tracking and mobile gaze-based interaction. In: Proceedings of the 2014 ACM International
Joint Conference on Pervasive and Ubiquitous Computing: Adjunct Publication, pp. 1151–
1160. ACM (2014)
Comparative User Experience Analysis 13
18. Caporusso, N., Ding, M., Clarke, M., Carlson, G., Bevilacqua, V., Trotta, G.F.: Analysis of
the relationship between content and interaction in the usability design of 360° videos. In:
International Conference on Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics, pp. 593–602.
Springer, Cham (2018).
19. Carlson, G., Caporusso, N.: A physically immersive platform for training emergency
responders and law enforcement officers. In: International Conference on Applied Human
Factors and Ergonomics, pp. 108–116. Springer, Cham (2018).
A Novel Joint Angle Measurement System
to Monitor Hip Movement in Children
with Hip Diseases
1 Introduction
Childhood hip diseases, including Perthes’ disease and hip dysplasia, affect the femoral
acetabular joint [1, 2] during the first months or years after birth with different grades of
severity and symptoms. The two main characteristics of these hip conditions are pain
and changes to normal range of motion (ROM) at the hip joint [1, 2]. The conditions
induce stiffness of the hip joint, which causes difficulty in walking and affects normal
daily life activities (e.g. climbing stairs or standing up from bed). Treatments for these
conditions include surgery or conservative approaches, but common targets of the
treatments are to manage the pain and to restore the normal hip mobility allowing a
normal life in the affected children [1, 2].
The usual assessment of the impact of reduced mobility of daily life of these
children is via quality of life questionnaires [3, 4], which indicates that hip stiffness
reduces the ability to perform the daily tasks (i.e. limping and functional impairments
during walking). However, there is no objective tool to measure functional joint
mobility during daily living. In order to objectively assess the impact and extent of hip
stiffness on the child’s life a dynamic measurement instrument is required. This device
could also be useful in monitoring disease progression and rehabilitation.
Nowadays, wearable technology is an emerging field in the health and medical
sector (i.e. heart rate monitoring; body temperature measurement) [5, 6]. Despite this,
no wearable instrumentation is available to monitor hip stiffness during daily life.
Existing devices are only able to obtain hip ROM in a laboratory (i.e. electronic
goniometers) or in clinical (i.e. manual goniometer) environment [7].
The aim of our study was to report the development of a wearable prototype for
real-time wireless, continuous monitoring of hip ROM during everyday life, to be used
as a monitoring tool in childhood hip diseases.
Fig. 1. Device prototype board (A) and optical flexible sensor attached over the clothes to the
hip joint (B).
A Bluetooth interface (Tronixlabs HC-06) was implemented to send data for real
time acquisition (Lab setting) to a computer. A local SD module (Hobby Components,
HCARDU0008) for local data storage when the device is outside the laboratory
environment; a real time clock microchip (Maxim Integrated, DS1307) for time and
date recording; and a tilt ball rolling switch to detect changes in body position (person
in standing or lying in down position), were also implemented.
16 D. G. Leo et al.
The device runs at 5 V and it is supplied by a 3.7 V lithium battery 2000 mAh
(Adafruit), connected to a power booster (Adafruit PowerBoost500) to reach the run-
ning voltage.
The optical flexible sensor was structured as a variable resistor embedded in a
voltage divider design. The sensor implements a light-emitting diode (LED) to one side
of a plastic optic fibre (POF), and a light-dependent resistor (LDR) to the other side.
The POF was isolated by external light interferences through an external coating made
of black shrinking tubes. When the optical flexible sensor is bent, the changes in angle
reflection of the light from the LED through the POF changes the amount of light
received by the LDR. This induce changes in resistance, read by the device, allowing
conversion of the resistance value to a change in angle (degrees).
The bending of the optical flexible sensor induces macro-bending loss of the light
that causes the change in the amount of light received by the LDR. Kim and colleagues
[8] report that when the angle (ϴ) of incidence light in a POF is greater than its critical
angle (ϴc), the light is transmitted to the end of the POF through the total internal
reflection. The critical angle is the incidence angle (ϴi) when the reflective angle (ϴr)
of the light is at 90º of bending. ϴi as showed in Eq. (2) can be directly obtained from
Eq. (1):
n1 sin h2 sinhr
¼ ¼ hr ¼ 90 ð1Þ
n2 sinh1 sinhi
1 n2
hi ¼ sin ¼ hc ð2Þ
The light leak in the bent area when a POF is bended makes the angle ϴ smaller
than the ϴc, inducing changes in light reflection through the POF and less light
exposure to the LDR.
The changes in light exposure to the LDR (R1) increases it resistance, changing the
output voltage (Vout) of the voltage divider connected to the micro-controller (with R2
as fix resistor) which reads the different output and convert it in different joint angle
degrees, following Eq. (3):
Vout ¼ Vin Vin ¼ 5V ð3Þ
R1 þ R2
We set the value of R2 as a middle value between the minimum and the maximum
value reached by R1 (in Ω).
In order to fit the subjective variation in hip mobility among subjects, the device
self-calibrates itself in the first 15 s of recording. This is performed by the subject
extending the joint in the 0º position (neutral hip flexion) and in the 90º flexion
A Novel Joint Angle Measurement System to Monitor Hip Movement 17
3 Methods
Data obtained by the device were compared with a manual goniometer examine the
accuracy of the measurements. The device and the manual goniometer were positioned
statically at 0°, 45° and 90° of flexion. Measurements from the optical flex sensor were
taken at a sample rate of 1 ms, for a period of 10 s for each angulation and then
Additional data were recorded using the device during dynamic movements that
simulated daily activities such as sitting. The device was attached to the hip of the
participant though medical tape (see Fig. 1B) while the participant performed sit to
stand maneuvers on a chair.
Fig. 2. Linear relationship between changes in LDR resistance and device angle detection.
During the measurements taken in static position, the optical flex sensor shown
good agreement with the manual goniometer at 0°, 45° and 90° of flexion (Table 1).
Taken together, this preliminary data show the device’s ability to detect the changes
in angle of the hip joint which reflect flexion and extension (relating to sitting and
standing). The data were successfully transmitted to a computer/laptop (through the
Bluetooth interface) or were stored on the SD card included in the device.
5 Conclusion
The aim of our study was to report the development of a wearable prototype for real-
time, wireless, continuous monitoring of hip ROM during everyday life.
Our device has shown good preliminary results in the simulated daily activity tests
performed, showing fast and accurate reading of the changes in the POF bending angle
during flexion/extension of the hip joint. The preliminary data have shown the concept
is feasible, In order to make the sensor suitable for implementation in clinical practice,
further miniaturization and testing in ambulatory environments are required. Further
modification will seek to improve the current prototype, improving its features and its
wearability to fit the population of interest. Additional tests of reliability will be per-
formed which include longer durations of data collection (i.e. 24 h/7 day period) using
a larger sample size and including children.
Acknowledgments. The authors want to thank the Liverpool John Moores University for the
PhD scholarship with which this work has been funded. Authors want also to thank Dr Alex
Mason (Animalia AS, Process and Product, Oslo – NO) for his support and suggestions during
the device development.
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Unobtrusive sensing and wearable devices for health informatics. IEEE Trans. Biomed. Eng.
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6. Bonato, P.: Advances in wearable technology and applications in physical medicine and
rehabilitation. J. NeuroEng. Rehabil. 2(2), 1–4 (2005)
7. Owen, J., Stephens, D., Wright, J.: Reliability of hip range of motion using goniometry in
pediatric femur shaft fractures. Can. J. Surg. 50(4), 251–255 (2007)
8. Kim, S., Jang, K., Yoo, W., Shin, S., Cho, S., Lee, B.: Feasibility study on fiber-optic
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9. Cates, J., Barton, R., Takahashi, N.: Flex sensor glove (2017).
Nudging vs. Budging – Users’ Acceptance
of Nudging for More Physical Activity
Abstract. Life-logging devices do not only record data such as daily steps,
distances traveled, or energy used. Instead these systems also offer ready-made
analyses of recorded data. Furthermore, they enable to give the user information
and recommendations (nudges) that predefined goals are within reach. While
other studies have proven technical accuracy and positive health-related effects
of life-logging, the use of such devices is still not wide-spread. The present
study aims at examining acceptance of life-logging in general and nudging in
particular. To do so, a questionnaire study was conducted (N = 190). It was
found that active users and non-users of life-logging technologies differ in their
evaluation of benefits and barriers of these technologies and their acceptance of
nudging to increase their daily or weekly physical activity. Experienced life-
logging users were significantly more positive in their evaluations than non-
users who rather rejected future life-logging technology use. Finally, nudging
was more accepted by already experienced life-logging users than by non-users.
The study’s insights provide a deeper understanding of diverse users’ require-
ments and needs regarding life-logging technologies and enable to derive
guidelines for user-specific life-logging technology development.
1 Introduction
The technological advancements have brought forth many advantages and a lot of
physical labor can now be done by machines, especially in the Western World.
However, this also means that a lot of work nowadays happens while sitting at a desk
and working on a computer, oftentimes for long, uninterrupted periods of time [1, 2]. In
addition, even when not at work, people rather tend to stay in reclined or seated
positions [3]. This prolonged sitting or sedentary behavior can have negative effects on
people’s health, be it short term with postural problems [4], or even long term with
increased weight and the risks connected to that [5]. Most people do not meet the
recommended amount of physical activity prescribed by the World Health Organiza-
tion [6, 7]. Despite knowing the positive effects of physical activity, not only on the
body with weight control, increased mobility, and decreased risks of cardiovascular
disease [8–10] but also on the mind with improved memory, mood, and less bouts of
depression [11–13]. However, the ubiquity of mobile computing and new technology
2 Related Work
Life-Logging can be used to record data from daily life and use this to facilitate
behavior changes [17, 18], such as more activity or less nutritional intake. The best-
known data to be tracked are typically daily steps, energy expenditure, energy intake,
i.e., nutrition, distances traveled and the like [19]. Many studies concerning life-logging
and especially the devices used to do so, deal with hardware properties such as sensor
accuracy [14, 20] and how this is reliant on the activity [21], where it is attached to the
body [22], or the brand and model [14, 23, 24]. However, an ever-increasing number of
research is devoted to user interaction with these technologies. Oftentimes, to under-
stand influencing factors on the perception of and interaction with these devices,
technology acceptance models are used as starting point. These models, such as the
Technology Acceptance Model [25, 26] or the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use
of Technology [27, 28], with their respective extensions, could all show that factors
such as performance expectancy or social influence have an influence on the intention
to use a device. This is usually a rather good indicator of actual adoption of a tech-
nology [29]. However, with such sensitive data as heartrate or GPS, both of which can
be tracked by life-logging apps and devices, it is also important to include privacy into
the study of acceptance of these technologies. The so-called privacy calculus is an
attempt to understand when data are made available online and when the service is
declined in favor of keeping the data from others [30]. In the case of life-logging and
wearables, the impact of privacy has been shown in multiple studies and for different
contexts, e.g., [31–33]. The present study also investigates another feature of these
fitness apps and wearables, namely that of nudging. Nudges are well-timed reminders
or recommendations meant to induce wanted behavior or try to prevent unwanted
behavior [34].
22 C. Lidynia et al.
3 Empirical Approach
This section presents the study’s empirical approach, describing the design of the
online questionnaire as well as introducing the sample’s characteristics.
4 Results
Within this section, the results of the study are presented. First, identified life-logging
user groups and their specific characteristics are described. Afterwards, the evaluations
of motives and barriers of life-logging technology usage are detailed differentiating
between non-users, sporadic users, and frequent users of life-logging technology. In a
last step, it is analyzed if and to what extent the acceptability of nudging is related with
life-logging technology usage. Besides descriptive and correlation analyses, non-
parametric tests (Kruskal-Wallis) were applied to analyze group differences with post-
hoc-tests using Bonferroni correction. Level of significance was set at 5% (p < 0.05).
Within the results section the following notation is used to differentiate between levels
of significance: *: p < 0.05; **: p < 0.01; ***: p < 0.001.
The characteristics of the three groups were summarized in Table 1. The first
group, the non-users, group included 59.4% female and 40.6% male participants. The
mean age of this group was 38.0 years. Regarding their motivation for physical activity,
the participants of this group were slightly above average (M = 3.9; SD = 0.8). The
group was rather average in their ATI (M = 3.4; SD = 1.0). The privacy-related atti-
tudes, NfP (M = 4.6; SD = 1.0) and Privacy Concern (M = 4.6; SD = 1.0), were both
comparably high. In contrast, this group’s acceptability of nudging was not high
(M = 3.2; SD = 1.0).
The second group, the sporadic users, also consisted of more women than men,
with 57.4% female and 42.6% male participants and the mean age of this group was
34.1 years. Their motivation for physical activity was comparably higher (M = 4.3;
SD = 0.6). This group had on average a higher ATI (M = 4.1; SD = 0.9). Considering
privacy-related aspects, the participants of this group had a comparably high NfP
(M = 4.4; SD = 1.0) and Privacy Concern (M = 4.5; SD = 0.9). In contrast to the non-
users, the sporadic users reported a higher acceptability of nudging (M = 4.0;
SD = 0.8).
The third group, the frequent users, showed rather similar evaluations to the
sporadic users and differed also from the non-users. In this group, gender was almost
equally spread with 51.7% women and 48.3% men. The mean age of this group was
38.4 years (SD = 15.0) with a slightly smaller age range from 20 to 69 years. This
group reported a rather high motivation for physical activity (M = 4.2; SD = 0.7). As
the sporadic users, this group revealed to have a higher ATI (M = 4.1; SD = 1.1)
compared to the non-users. In this group, NfP was rather high (M = 4.1; SD = 1.1) and
the participants’ Privacy Concern was even higher (M = 4.5; SD = 1.1). This group
showed the highest acceptability of nudging (M = 4.3; SD = 0.7). Analyses of dif-
ferences between the user groups revealed that frequent users and sporadic users did
not differ significantly in their characteristics. In contrast (see Table 1), non-users
differed significantly from the other groups concerning their motivation for physical
Nudging vs. Budging – Users’ Acceptance 25
activity, ATI, NfP, and nudging acceptability, while age, gender, and Privacy Concern
differed not significantly.
On the other hand, the user groups differed sometimes in the polarization of the
agreement or disagreement: i.e., both sporadic and frequent users evaluated life-logging
as beneficial to increase the quality of life, comfort, preservation of mobility, and
bringing relief to daily life (H(2) = 5.956, p = 0.051, n.s.); however, non-users did not
ascribe those qualities to life-logging. In addition, only sporadic users perceived and
confirmed comparison with others (H(2) = 5.339, p = .069, n.s.) as a benefit of life-
26 C. Lidynia et al.
sports (H(2) = 2.257; p = 0.323, n.s.), and a lack of aesthetic concerning app or device
design (H(2) = 3.792; p = 0.150, n.s.). In contrast, significant differences between the
frequent users and the non-users were found for ten of the evaluated barriers (Table 3).
In addition, differences were sometimes also found between the sporadic users and the
non-users. However, there was also a significant difference between frequent and
sporadic users in case of a possible humiliation based on supposedly bad performance
results. For the present sample, the evaluation pattern was found that almost all barriers
are seen as more influential by non-users, followed by sporadic users, while frequent
users are less concerned with the presented barriers than the two other groups. A pat-
tern applying to all groups was that barriers dealing with privacy and the violation
thereof were the most important barriers of life-logging technology usage.
Table 3. (continued)
“Non- “Sporadic “Frequent Significance
Users” Users” Users” a = non- to sporadic users
n = 69 n = 61 n = 60 b = non- to frequent users
(M, (SD)) (M, (SD)) (M, (SD)) c = sporadic to frequent users
Forwarding of data * 4.8 (1.3) 4.7 (1.1) 4.3 (1.4) H(2) = 6.223, p < 0.05
a: U = 1886, p = 0.288, n.s.
b: U = 1568.5, p < 0.016, r = 0.212
c: U = 1588, p = 0.146, n.s.
Violation of privacy ** 4.7 (1.4) 4.1 (1.3) 4.0 (1.3) H(2) = 10.727, p < 0.01
a: U = 1576.5, p < 0.05, r = 0.216
b: U = 1439.5, p < 0.01, r = 0.272
c: U = 1774.5, p = 0.769, n.s.
Recording of data ** 4.6 (1.3) 4.1 (1.3) 3.8 (1.4) H(2) = 13.808, p < 0.01
a: U = 1567.5, p < 0.05, r = 0.220
b: U = 1343, p < 0.001, r = 0.230
c: U = 1604.5, p = 0.231, n.s.
Feeling of surveillance *** 4.5 (1.4) 3.9 (1.5) 3.4 (1.6) H(2) = 15.433, p < 0.001
a: U = 1643, p = 0.028, n.s.
b: U = 1267, p < 0.001, r = 0.265
c: U = 1496, p = 0.078, n.s.
Dependence on technology ** 4.4 (1.4) 3.8 (1.3) 3.5 (1.5) H(2) = 14.618, p < 0. 01
a: U = 1525.5, p < 0.01, r = 0.237
b: U = 1330, p < 0.001, r = 0.236
c: U = 1627, p = 0.283, n.s.
Not feeling in control of the 4.0 (1.5) 3.0 (1.2) 2.7 (1.3) H(2) = 27.511, p < 0.001
technology *** a: U = 1283.5, p < 0.001, r = 0.336
b: U = 1071.5, p < 0.001, r =0.358
c: U = 1556, p = 0.253, n.s.
Missing trust in the functionality 3.9 (1.4) 3.2 (1.1) 3.2 (1.4) H(2) = 10.842, p < 0.01
of the technology ** a: U = 1488, p < 0.01, r = 0.252
b: U = 1516, p < 0.01, r = 0.148
c: U = 1822.5, p = 0.968, n.s.
Humiliation because of “bad” 3.4 (1.4) 3.4 (1.3) 2.8 (1.4) H(2) = 8.804; p < 0.05
performance * a: U = 1988, p = 575, n.s.
b: U = 1536.5, p < 0.01, r = 0.138
c: U = 1342.5, p < 0.016, r = 0.222
I can imagine trying it out *** 4.3
they are only suggestions, so I don't have to follow them *** 4.8
it's like a navigation system, so I think it's okay *** 3.8
nudging would make it easier to meet my personal goals *** 3.5
3.5 3.8
I don't take instructions from a machine **
behavior suggestions from a lifeless machine scare me ** 2.6
1 2 3 4 5 6
frequent users sporadic users non-users evaluation (min = 1; max = 6)
rejection agreement
5 Discussion
This study provided insights into life-logging users’ and non-users’ perception of
benefits and barriers of life-logging technology usage as well as their acceptability of
nudging by life-logging. The study revealed that most of the considered potential
benefits of life-logging technologies were seen as such by the participants, whereas
improving one’s health and fitness were the best evaluated benefits and fast access to
one’s data was also seen as beneficial. Compared to that, the preservation of mobility
and increase of quality of life were less regarded as real benefits of life-logging,
although authorities and experts, e.g., [38], strongly recommend keeping active and
30 C. Lidynia et al.
research in this regard has proven that usage of life-logging technology has the
potential to increase physical activity, e.g., [39]. Possible explanations can be that these
benefits either are not communicated sufficiently to the potential users or not seen as
beneficial enough to trump perceived barriers of using life-logging technology.
Most of the evaluated barriers focused on privacy-related issues and represented the
perceived barriers receiving the highest approval. This indicates that privacy is of high
relevance in the context of life-logging usage and that the potential risks might dom-
inate perceived benefits of using life-logging technology. In this regard, clear and
transparent communication is needed, and it should be reflected if possibilities can be
ensured not to share data online or not to make data accessible to third parties. Ensuring
these options would perhaps lead to life-logging benefits dominating concerns for
privacy. Another interesting aspect meets the fact that competition as motivation ele-
ment was largely disregarded within this sample, while most life-logging concepts
employ gamification as a central element. In the present study, frequent as well as non-
users of life-logging technology (slightly) rejected comparison with others to be
motivating, whereas only the group of sporadic users (i.e., using life-logging tech-
nology sometimes but not every week) see an added value in compare their activity
with others. This directly leads to another focus of the current study – the acceptance of
nudging during life-logging technology usage. Here, the results show that current non-
users disliked the concept of nudging indicated by an unwillingness to take suggestions
from a machine, even though non-users are not scare by those suggestions. One pos-
sible explanation lies in non-mandatory nature of nudges [34], that is probably – while
obvious to all three user groups – not as clear to current non-users. Here, nudges are
only perceived as facilitators of reaching one’s goal by frequent users while sporadic
users are undecided and non-users reject it. This may be due to an expertise effect
which has already been shown for other technologies, e.g., [40].
To summarize, the present study has shown in line with previous studies in the field
that handling of privacy represents the biggest barrier for the acceptance and adoption
of life-logging technology. Transparency and defined models of handling privacy, data
security, and limited data access should thereby be considered as guidelines to increase
the adoption of life-logging technology and therewith also the physical activity of
users. For the future, this could also help to improve health and well-being and could
thus support the relief of healthcare systems.
Besides new insights, there are of course also some limitations of the present study
which should be considered for future work. Although the sample had an adequate size
and was heterogenous according to age and gender distribution, future studies should
aim for a validation of the results trying to reach an even larger sample: thereby a focus
on older people suffering from chronic diseases or in need of care would give the
opportunity for analyses of more specific health-related life-logging applications. In
addition, the current study was conducted in Germany and represents a country- and
culture-specific perspective. As in particular regulations and handling of privacy as
potential barrier of technology usage are diverse in different countries, cross-national
and -cultural comparisons seem to be very useful for future studies.
Nudging vs. Budging – Users’ Acceptance 31
Acknowledgments. The authors thank all participants for their openness to share opinions on
lifelogging. This work has been funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and
Research projects MyneData (KIS1DSD045) and PAAL (6SV7955).
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Evaluation of Suitable Rest Times for the Use
of Optical Head-Mounted Displays
Abstract. This study aimed to determine suitable rest times for visual tasks of
different lengths by evaluating visual fatigue and visually induced motion
sickness while 20 healthy participants were using an optical head-mounted
display. The independent variables tested were participant gender, visual task
condition (30 min and 60 min), and length of rest time (5 min, 10 min, and
15 min). The critical fusion frequency (CFF) value and simulator sickness
questionnaire (SSQ) scores were used as dependent measures. Gender showed
no significant effect on CFF values or SSQ scores. Greater CFF values and SSQ
scores were produced by the 60-min visual task than the 30-min visual task. The
results of this study suggest that after completing a 30-min visual task, a rest
time of at least 10 min is necessary for participants to recover, and a rest time of
more than 15 min needs to follow a 60-min visual task.
1 Introduction
Even when HMDs or OHMDs are used in non-stereo display mode, users will expe-
rience a phoria on the eye, which results in eyestrain [6]. Moreover, OHMD devices
lack screen size adjusting and cannot be used in combination with prescription sizes,
which may lead to visual fatigue [7].
Apart from visual fatigue, Stanney et al. [8] reported that sickness symptoms (e.g.,
nausea or oculomotor and disorientation symptoms) become more severe as the time of
using eyewear devices increases. Kennedy et al. [9] indicated that these symptoms
occur during and after using some types of display devices. Even in the absence of
physical motion, these sickness symptoms may occur due to visually perceived motion
and are therefore classified as visually induced motion sickness (VIMS). Moreover,
images displayed on OHMDs are fixed to the devices, which will result in the sup-
pression of vestibule-ocular reflexes; the images are also unnatural and can therefore
lead to nausea [6, 10].
Previous studies indicated that long-time use of OHMDs leads to visual fatigue as
well as visually induced motion sickness. However, studies on suitable rest times for
OHMDs that allow users to recover from physical discomfort are still lacking. Hence,
this study aims to determine suitable rest times for visual tasks of different lengths by
evaluating visual fatigue and visually induced motion sickness in subjects using an
2 Method
2.1 Participants
Twenty healthy participants (10 males and 10 females) voluntarily participated in this
study. Their age ranged from 20 to 30 years (mean = 21.61, SD = 1.35). The partic-
ipants all had normal or corrected-to-normal vision (20/20).
2.2 Apparatus
An Epson Moverio BT-200 (Epson Inc., CA, USA) augmented reality OHMD was
used as the binocular OHMD for this study. The field of vision was similar to a 40-inch
high definition screen viewed from about 2.5 m away. The display projector had a
960 540 resolution. Participants wore the BT-200 during the experimental sessions
and could adjust the nose pad for comfort. The critical flicker fusion (CFF) test (in-
strument model no. 501c, Takei Kiki Kogyo Co., Japan) was used to evaluate visual
sickness questionnaire (SSQ) score were recorded every 5 min (i.e., three times) during
the 15-min rest period. Each participant completed each visual task condition three
times (the experiment was conducted on 6 different days), in random order.
Independent Variables. Gender, visual task condition, and rest time length were used
as independent variables. There were two visual task conditions (30 min and 60 min)
and three rest time lengths (5 min, 10 min, and 15 min).
Dependent Variables. Prior to each visual task condition, the CFF value and SSQ
score were measured as a baseline. The same measurements were recorded during and
after the rest period (see above).
The CFF value was defined as the minimum frequency at which an intermittent
light stimulus appears fused to an observer. We used the average value of three flicker-
to-fusion trials and three fusion-to-flicker trials [12]. A drop in the CFF value reflects
an increase in visual fatigue [13].
Kennedy et al. [14] developed the SSQ, which is composed of three symptom
subscale scores (i.e., nausea as well as oculomotor and disorientation symptoms) and
the total score. A sixteen-item symptoms checklist on a 4-point scale (0 = not at all,
1 = slight, 2 = moderate, 3 = severe) was used to reflect the discomfort level for each
symptom. The total simulator sickness score was calculated by multiplying the
respective subscale’s coefficient after summing the three subscales scores [14].
3 Results
The average CFF values and SSQ scores for the two visual task conditions are shown
in Tables 1 and 2. The ANOVA results indicate that gender had no significant effect on
CFF values ([F 1, 9] = 1.19, p = 0.31) or SSQ scores ([F 1, 9] = 0.17, p = 0.69).
Visual task condition had a significant effect on CFF values ([F 1, 9] = 6.43, p = 0.03)
and SSQ scores ([F 1, 9] = 28.62, p < 0.01). Rest time duration had a significant effect
on CFF values ([F 1.99, 17.88] = 26.59, p < 0.01) and SSQ scores ([F 1.81,
16.31] = 52.24, p < 0.01).
Table 1. Means (SDs) and post hoc test results for CFF values for each visual task condition at
different measurement times
CFF value Baseline Post- Rest 5-min Rest 10- Rest 15-min
(Hz) experiment min
Mean (SD) Mean (SD) Mean (SD) Mean (SD) Mean (SD)
30-min 35.08 33.86 (2.45)b 34.33 34.74 34.85 (2.74)a
(2.44)a (2.66)c (2.81)a
60-min 35.38 31.76 (2.30)b 32.73 33.01 33.21
(2.58)a (2.56)c (2.64)c (2.58)c, d
Note: a, b, and c means, followed by the same letter, are not significantly different, as determined
by ANOVA followed by Fisher’s LSD test at the significant level a = 0.05.
Table 2. Means and post hoc test results for SSQ scores for each visual task condition at
different measurement times
SSQ score Baseline Post-experiment Rest 5-min Rest 10-min Rest 15-min
Mean (SD) Mean (SD) Mean (SD) Mean (SD) Mean (SD)
N (30-min) 0.95 (2.86)a 5.72 (6.98)b 1.91 (3.39)a 1.43 (3.62)a 1.43 (3.34)a
O (30-min) 3.41 (4.40)a 21.22 (14.20)b 9.48 (9.44)c 4.93 (4.17)a 4.20 (4.40)a
a b c a
D (30-min) 2.78 (5.57) 19.49 (23.44) 4.18 (7.07) 3.86 (8.66) 2.78 (8.63)a
a b c a
T (30-min) 3.53 (3.79) 17.07 (13.38) 6.92 (4.14) 4.13 (3.41) 3.55 (2.70)a
a b c d
N (60-min) 1.43 (3.34) 14.79 (7.24) 10.02 (6.87) 7.63 (6.54) 7.16 (5.40)d
a b c
O (60-min) 2.99 (3.50) 32.59 (14.08) 22.74 (9.78) 17.81 (10.71) 14.02 (9.93)d
a b
D (60-min) 2.78 (5.57) 29.23 (19.14) 18.10 (17.96) 13.92 (12.64)d 6.24 (5.50)e
a b
T (60-min) 3.93 (4.16) 30.11 (12.69) 21.69 (12.12)c 17.20 (11.11)d 14.96 (9.33)d
Note: (1) a, b, and c means, followed by the same letter, are not significantly different, as
determined by ANOVA followed by Fisher’s LSD tests at the significant level a = 0.05.
(2) N, O, D, and T indicate nausea (N), oculomotor symptoms (O), disorientation (D), and
total (T).
38 C.-Y. Hsiao et al.
An interaction effect of visual task condition and rest time length was found for
CFF values ([F 1.60, 14.37] = 6.07, p = 0.02), as shown in Fig. 1. Generally, the 60-
min visual task condition produced significantly lower CFF values than the 30-min
visual task condition. The CFF value was the lowest at the end of the experimental
session, compared to all rest-time measurements. The data trend over time showed that
CFF values increased with increased rest time in both visual task conditions. CFF
values measured after the 30-min visual task followed by a 10-min rest were not
significantly different from baseline values. However, CFF values measured after the
60-min visual task followed by a 15-min rest were significantly different from baseline
CFF values.
Fig. 1. Interactions between visual task conditions and length of rest time for CFF values
A visual task condition rest time length interaction effect was found for SSQ
scores ([F 4, 36] = 5.98, p < 0.01), as shown in Fig. 2a–d. The 60-min visual task
condition produced significantly greater SSQ scores than the 30-min visual task con-
dition. SSQ scores taken after the 30-min visual task followed by a 10-min rest were
not significantly different from baseline. However, SSQ scores taken after the 60-min
visual task followed by a 15-min rest were significantly different from baseline scores.
Evaluation of Suitable Rest Times for the Use of OHMDs 39
Fig. 2. (a). Interaction between visual task condition and rest time length for SSQ-Nausea
subscale scores (b). Interaction between visual task condition and rest time length for SSQ-
Oculomotor subscale scores (c). Interaction between visual task condition and rest time length for
SSQ-Disorientation subscale scores. (d). Interaction between visual task condition and rest time
length for SSQ-Total scores.
40 C.-Y. Hsiao et al.
4 Discussion
This study investigated the suitable rest time for visual tasks of different lengths by
evaluating CFF values and SSQ scores while subjects used an OHMD. Both the visual
task condition and the rest time duration had a significant effect on CFF values. In both
visual task conditions, post-experiment CFF values were significantly decreased
compared to baseline: The decrease in the 30-min visual task condition was 1.22 Hz
and the decrease in the 60-min visual task condition was 3.62 Hz. Several studies have
indicated that a decrease in CFF values reflects an increase in visual fatigue [13, 15].
Moreover, visual fatigue has been defined as a drop of 1 Hz or more in CFF values
after a visual task [16]. Hence, the participants experienced a significant increase in
visual fatigue while using binocular OHMDs in both visual task conditions; the 60-min
condition led to a higher level of visual fatigue than the 30-min condition.
The data trend over time shows that the level of visual fatigue decreased with
increased rest time in both visual task conditions, as indicated in Fig. 1: After the 30-
min visual task and a 10-min rest, the subjects’ level of visual fatigue had significantly
dropped and almost returned to baseline levels. However, after the 60-min visual task
and a 15-min rest, the subjects’ level of visual fatigue was significantly above baseline
level; this shows that when participants used OHMDs in the longer visual task con-
dition, they needed more rest time to recover from the task-induced visual fatigue.
Both the visual task condition and the rest time duration had a significant effect on
SSQ scores. In both conditions, the SSQ score peaked at the end of the experimental
session. Oculomotor symptoms scores were the highest, and nausea symptoms scores
were the lowest overall, as shown in Fig. 2a–b. The results of this study are similar
with to a report by Häkkinen et al. [17] that oculomotor symptoms were the most
severe symptoms in each visual task condition. Kennedy et al.’s (1994) study also
indicated that using eyewear devices for a long time leads to oculomotor symptoms.
In both visual task conditions, the subscale and total SSQ scores after the 5-min rest
period were significant lower than the post-experiment scores. This shows that the
severity of VIMS symptoms decreased with increased rest time. After the 30-min visual
task and a 10-min rest, the severity of VIMS symptoms had almost returned to baseline
levels, while, in contrast, there were significant differences in SSQ scores between
baseline and the end of the 15-min rest period after the 60-min task condition. It thus
seems that a 15-min rest is necessary to allow task-induced VIMS symptoms to return
to baseline levels after subjects perform a 60-min visual task.
5 Conclusions
This study aimed to determine the suitable rest time for visual tasks of different lengths
by evaluating visual fatigue and visually induced motion sickness while subjects were
using an OHMD. Subject gender had no significant effect on visual fatigue and VIMS
symptoms, while visual task condition and rest time duration showed significant effects
on visual fatigue and VIMS symptoms: Watching a movie using the OHMD in a 60-
min visual task resulted in increased visual fatigue and greater VIMS symptoms in our
participants, reflected by significant changes in CFF values and SSQ scores.
Evaluation of Suitable Rest Times for the Use of OHMDs 41
The current results also show that levels of visual fatigue and VIMS symptoms
decreased with increased rest time. After the 30-min visual task and a 10-min rest,
levels of visual fatigue and VIMS symptoms returned to baseline levels. However, after
the 60-min visual task and a 15-min rest, the significant differences in visual fatigue
and VIMS symptoms between baseline and the end of the 15-min rest period remained.
It seems that providing a 15-min rest might not be sufficient for participants to recover
their visual fatigue and VIMS symptoms after completing a 60-min visual task.
Considering the results of this study, when people use OHMDs to watch movies, a rest
period of at least 10 min needs to follow a 30-min movie session, and a rest period of
more than 15 min should follow a 60-min movie session. The results of this study
provide useful information for the use of OHMDs with regards to suitable resting
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3. Wu, T.S., Dameff, C.J., Tully, J.L.: Ultrasound-guided central venous access using Google
Glass. J. Emerg. Med. 47(6), 668–675 (2014)
4. Robertson, T., Bischof, J., Geyman, M., Lise, E.: Reducing maintenance error with wearable
technology. In: 2018 Annual Reliability and Maintainability Symposium (RAMS), pp. 1–6.
IEEE Press (2018)
5. Shibata, T., Kim, J., Hoffman, D. M., Banks, M. S.: Visual discomfort with stereo displays:
effects of viewing distance and direction of vergence-accommodation conflict. In: Woods, A.
J., Holliman, N.S., Dodgson, N.A. (Eds.), Proceedings of SPIE: Stereoscopic Displays and
Applications XXII, vol. 7863, pp. 1–9 (2011)
6. Ukai, K., Howarth, P.A.: Visual fatigue caused by viewing stereoscopic motion images:
background, theories, and observations. Displays 29(2), 106–116 (2008)
7. Du, X., Arya, A.: Design and evaluation of a learning assistant system with optical head-
mounted display (OHMD). In: Learning and Collaboration Technologies, pp. 75–86 (2015)
8. Stanney, K.M., Hale, K.S., Nahmens, I., Kennedy, R.S.: What to expect from immersive
virtual environment exposure: influences of gender, body mass index, and past experience.
Hum. Factors 45(3), 504–520 (2003)
9. Kennedy, R.S., Drexler, J., Kennedy, R.C.: Research in visually induced motion sickness.
Appl. Ergon. 41(4), 494–503 (2010)
10. Ukai, K., Kibe, A.: Counterroll torsional eye movement in users of head-mounted displays.
Displays 24(2), 59–63 (2003)
11. Moss, J.D., Muth, E.R.: Characteristics of head-mounted displays and their effects on
simulator sickness. Hum. Factors: J. Hum. Factors Ergon. Soc. 53(3), 308–319 (2011)
12. Chi, C.F., Lin, F.T.: A comparison of seven visual fatigue assessment techniques in three
data-acquisition VDT tasks. Hum. Factors 40(4), 577–590 (1998)
13. Kang, Y.Y., Wang, M.J.J., Lin, R.: Usability evaluation of e-books. Displays 30(2), 49–52
42 C.-Y. Hsiao et al.
14. Kennedy, R.S., Lane, N.E., Berbaum, K.S., Lilienthal, M.G.: Simulator sickness question-
naire: an enhanced method for quantifying simulator sickness. Int. J. Aviat. Psychol. 3(3),
203–220 (1993)
15. Gunnarsson, E., Söderberg, I.: Eye strain resulting from VDT work at the Swedish
telecommunications administration. Appl. Ergon. 14(1), 61–69 (1983)
16. Wu, H.C.: Visual fatigue and performances for the 40-min. mixed visual work with a
projected screen. Ergon. Open J. 5, 10–18 (2012)
17. Häkkinen, J., Vuori, T., Paakka, M.: Postural stability and sickness symptoms after HMD
use. In: IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics, pp. 147–152
Development of Ergonomic Swimming Goggles
Based on Benchmarking and 3D Facial Scan
1 Introduction
Swimming goggles are important equipment for professional swimmers and all
swimmers in general. Swimming goggles are designed to provide clear visibility under
water and protect swimmers’ eyes from any harmful irritants; however, the existing
typical swimming goggles are designed as one-size-fits-all, which does not allow a
swimmer to choose proper size and shape of goggles for his/her facial structure.
A few studies have been conducted to design customized swimming goggles based
on a swimmer’s 3D facial scan data to improve fit. Coleman et al. [2] introduced a
design protocol for customized swimming goggles by using a wearer’s 3D facial scan
data. The group validated the protocol by creating a prototype of the customized
swimming goggles (Fig. 1a) and testing water leakage and wearing comfort under
water (Fig. 1b). Park et al. [1] conducted a similar study to Coleman et al., but the
former group used a typical camera instead of an expensive 3D scanner, and acquired
similar quality 3D facial data. The group’s described reconstruction process requires
several selfie images. The quality of a reconstructed data is good enough to design
customized swimming goggles using images from a camera (Fig. 2).
Fig. 1. Reconstructed 3D facial data based on multiple 2D images at different angles [2].
Fig. 2. Reconstructed 3D facial data based on multiple 2D images at different angles [1]
using a quantitative measure, and (3) measuring and comparing wearing pressure of
customized swimming goggles on the user using a pressure film.
Fig. 3. The survey results of the 26 existing swimming goggles: design features
46 J. Park et al.
Fig. 5. Review results: the design characteristics of the existing goggles lens
The dimensions (length, width, and depth) of the five existing swimming goggles
were measured for each component (nose-bridge, frame, and gasket; see Fig. 7 and
Table 1) and summarized (see Table 1). The vertical average width of the lens mea-
sured from top to bottom in y-direction was 31.6 mm. The horizontal average length
measured from left to right of the lens in x-direction was 50.3 mm. Similarly, to the
dimension of frame, the average width was 143.2 mm, and the average length of the
frame was 40.1 mm. The nose-bridge was measured for its length and width as shown
in Fig. 7. The average of the nose-bridge was 26.5 mm for length, and 7.9 mm for
width. The gasket was measured for its depth as shown in Fig. 7 and its average value
was found as 10.4 mm. The dimensional information was used to design new swim-
ming goggles in CAD software in this project.
In the present study, extensive reviews were conducted on the existing swimming
goggles in terms of design, materials, and dimensions. Significant variations among
different models were identified. The identified design features of the existing swim-
ming goggles will be useful when designing customized swimming goggles and
optimizing parameters for usability and minimal eye pressure. Experiments involving
human subjects will be conducted to evaluate the customized swimming goggles in
48 J. Park et al.
terms of water leakage, wearing pressure, and wearing comfort. The research team is
preparing an experimental design for approval from institutional review board
(IRB) before experiments involving human subjects can commence.
1. Park, J., Mehrubeoglu, M., Baca, J., Rylance, K., Almoosa, H., Salazar, G., Franks, C.,
Falahati, S.: Development of a design protocol for customized swimming goggles using 2D
facial image data. In: International Conference on Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics,
pp. 151–155. Springer, Cham (2018)
2. Coleman, J., Hernandez, C., Hernandez, J., Hubenak, S., McBride, A., Mehrubeoglu, M.,
Park, J.: Development of a design protocol for customized swimming goggles using 3D facial
scan data. In: International Conference on Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics,
pp. 1017–1021. Springer, Cham. Los Angeles, USA (2017)
3. Tomazic, V.J., Withrow, T.J., Fisher, B.R., Dillard, S.F.: Latex-associated allergies and
anaphylactic reactions. Clin. Immunol. Immunopathol. 64(2), 89–97 (1992)
Advancement in Orthopedics Through
an Accessible Wearable Device
1 Introduction
In terms of the proposed autonomous wristband, it will have body sensors in it that
would be used to monitor diet and to assist with strength performance in training. The
prospective wristband is an energy wristband, or “NRG”, and has many key functions.
One of which would be the way it would be used to monitor performance in strength
training and weight-bearing exercises. In this case, the NRG would be connected to a
computer using a micro-USB or Bluetooth, which would allow users to input their age,
gender, and pre-existing health conditions. This information would allow for the device
to administer a weight-bearing routine for the user. The device would be specific to
each individual in recording their data, as a secure profile. Some studies have high-
lighted that children, including those that have type 1 diabetes have found that weight-
bearing activities and high impact exercise increase the amount of bone created during
the years of peak bone growth [2, 3]. Strength training and weight-bearing exercises
have also been reported as beneficial in preventing bone loss in older adults [4].
Strength training exercise is not only beneficial for increasing muscle mass, but may
also help protect against bone loss in younger and older women, including those with
osteoporosis, osteopenia or breast cancer [4].
The NRG wristband would play a role in individual’s dietary habits by advising
individuals caloric intake based their profile. The profile would be an implementation
of machine learning tools, practitioner training and set of sensors. Some of the sensors
include pressure, temperature, impedance sensor impacted by the skin of the user and
an accelerometer. The calculation of caloric intake, in this context, may be useful for
improvement of orthopedic health. Guidance could be provided based on calculations
of the user’s energy levels, and how much energy a given user would need before
participating in a fitness activity. The NRG wristband first would collect the data via
the sensors based on the individual’s performance in training and their dietary habits.
This collected data would be securely transmitted back to a registered smartphone
through Bluetooth or a virtual private network application login, which would inform
individuals on their glucose levels - whether too high, too low, or if it is normal for
their profile. A minimum safe range caloric intake would be established. A caloric
minimum is significant, given that studies have shown that diets providing fewer than
1,000 calories per day can lead to a lower bone density in normal-weight, and over-
weight individuals [5–7].
There is a significant digital divide between the ages of 16 to 65, most notably in the
United States of America [11]. The integration of the proposed NRG wristband has the
potential to bridge the digital divide within healthcare by addressing the health literacy
gap. Based on a recent study conducted in 2016, it has been found that low health
literacy is associated with lower usage rates for consumer health technology, such as
devices that can be compared to the NRG [12].
During the set-up period of the device to a computer, and related technical
resources, an assessment test will be provided to users, to assess their literacy of
wearable technology. Based on user information put into the device upon set up of the
device, and the assessment, the NRG will send messages throughout the day per the
user inputting at least 5 times to receive messages, one early in the morning, one in the
afternoon, one in the evening and two at random times throughout the day. The device
would vibrate the users arm, through the use of haptic technology, reminding them of
activities they may need to fulfill for the day or helpful information about any pre-
existing conditions they may have or any goals the individual may want to reach. All
medical information provided securely to users in these messaged, would be facilitated
by a healthcare provider, as it would be valuable for users to have the most accurate and
timely information possible to aid in developing a sense of trust from users. It is
understood that trust is an important detail with this device as trust and privacy con-
cerns are major, especially with individual’s health information. Studies show that 46
percent of adults are distrustful of information they put into a computerized system, due
to the worry of individuals accessing unauthorized information [13]. This will not be a
problem for the NRG as the system will utilize a virtual private network (VPN) from
the supplier’s end, and also an Advance Encryption Standard (AES). Encryption would
be sought out to be used with modifications for tighter security [14].
One of the unique features of the NRG wristband would be its accessibility. It is
important to remember the feature of accessibility, because most devices are not com-
posed of features that are equipped with strong accessibility features for users nor
features that would consider health complications and disability. There will be a feature
in the NRG wristband entitled, “Personal Assistant”. This would be a capability func-
tioning primarily through a voice interface with support from haptics, sensors, camera
and related components in the wristband. A feature of this system, would allow indi-
viduals to have a growing set of response to possible questions they may ask or any
problems they may have encountered through continuous training of the personal
assistant. In situations where individuals may be unable to feel or touch while being
unable to speak, the NRG will be programmed with an artificial intelligence based
algorithm that counts eye blinks, as an extension of the personal assistant. With this,
individuals with amputated limbs where they may not have a wrist on one hand may still
have accessibility using the NRG’s blink algorithm as commands. For instance, a
52 T. Kelly Jr. et al.
possibility could be a user blinking one time for yes, two times for no and the user would
also be prompted with an “are you sure?” prompt for cases of miscommunication.
The information received from patients using the NRG will enable anonymized
analysis and future diagnosis for patients facilitated by the practitioner. One of the
outstanding features of the NRG wristband would be that it prompts users after
exercises of any kind. Asking users how their workout was and if they experienced any
pain through the process. This information would be researched to gain a better
understanding of why the individual would have experienced this pain along with
giving patients alternatives to allow them to carry on with the strengthening of their
bones. Wearable technology keeps patients engaged, encourages proactive health care,
benefits healthcare providers and employers, and monitors vulnerable patients [15].
The purpose of this wristband would be to assist individuals, most notably patients, in
increasing their bone strength through strong discipline practices comprised of strength
training and dietary wellness. With this being acknowledged it is understood that
feedback and analysis will be pivotal in this process.
4 Current Development
The NRG wristband will consist of a pressure sensor, impedance sensor and
accelerometer; along with a camera, speaker and microphone. Sensors within the NRG
wristband would be used to collect raw data from measurements, which would be a
resource for assessing performance, exercise activity, and most importantly monitoring
the health of users and enable ongoing practitioner training. The pressure sensor would
be able to measure an individual’s blood pulse rate in real time. This information would
be useful, allowing the NRG wristband to prompt users if they should slow down or
increase their performance in their workout. The impedance sensor would be used in
measuring the amount of electrical resistance within the skin. Sweat produced through
exercising and exposed to the impedance sensor will allow additional information to be
relayed to the software on user activity. The accelerometer will be measuring user
movement in a complimentary manner to the other sensors. These three sensors will
work together, recommending levels of exertions in the exercises being conducted, and
the measurements being taken based on practitioner guidance. These sensors will also
work to assist in measuring caloric intake through the skin and related behavior [16].
The NRG wristband will also be equipped with a speaker, microphone, and camera. The
speaker and microphone will allow interaction between user and device through speech,
in cases for preference or disability. This may also allow users to communicate with
practitioners through the NRG wristband. The camera within the device allows for larger
number of applications to be possible and enable service to a broader range of dis-
abilities. This gives users, in this case, the option of “blink responses” as the devel-
opment of this wearable device progresses.
Advancement in Orthopedics Through an Accessible Wearable Device 53
4.1 Figures
In the image below, to the left is the microphone and speakerphone in one, with the
display screen to the right of that reading “NRG”. To the very right, the camera can be
seen (Fig. 1).
Figure 2 depicts the external view of NRG wristband prototype, where the pressure
sensor, impedance sensor, and accelerometer can be seen. The accelerometer can be
seen to the left and the impedance and pressure sensor can be seen to the right.
It is clear that the integration of this new technology may need additional work and
support for full adoption. It may also be expected that health practitioners who adopt
these types of products may need to teach their patients how to use it which can lead to
a process flow for acclimation to be put in place. There would be a group of modules
available for first time users to provide awareness on the wearable technology device
and guide them on how to use it, this will allow users to progress from acclimation to
more advanced uses. There would be a procedure for training with the device allowing
users to understand what the device is doing while they are exercising and training,
how to input data, and accessing their data for their personal analysis of their perfor-
mance. There will be a module entailing how the product works and how each sensor is
important, while emphasizing that the device should not be tampered with. The
inputting information feature will be important for users to understand as it would be
only through this, that the device can be made better. Analysis from this device can
lead to a new future device catering to needs noted. It is important for the NRG
wristband to keep in mind human user factors. Thus, the idea of all the sensors of the
device being made very small allows the wristband to be very light in weight for
comfortability. The NRG wristband will be made of silicone and energy harness smart
fabrics, which would allow the device to harvest its energy from human motion. It
would convert the energy from motion into electricity using fiber-based solar cells and
nano-generators, then it’s stored as chemical energy in fiber-shaped super capacitors.
This textile would be woven into fabrics that will be in the design of the NRG. With the
proprietorship of an NRG wristband, users would be informed of what is needed for
effective use of the product, and how the product is both comfortable and beneficial at
the same time.
The results from the NRG wristband would assist healthcare practitioners as a
gateway for more healthcare opportunities being available. Results and feedback from
the device would also give insight on what seems to be a necessity of the device and
what could be added to a future device. The results would also give feedback for the
implementation of research to be conducted for future studies of bone development and
sustainability. Upon development of the NRG wristband, physicians can associate a
physician profile with the NRG online web where they would be able to access
approved data once given consent by their patients. One study indicated over 50% of
physicians that gave their input in a survey taken have stated that online visits can
replace over 10% of all office visits because it allows physicians to communicate with
their patients easier especially with problems that may be very minimal and may not
require physician-patient face to face interaction [17]. It is also important to note that
more than 60% of physicians spend their online time seeking information on diagnoses,
diseases, pathogens, treatment methods, and other topics [17]. This data may indicate
industry awareness to the trend as it is obtained from CLODOC, which is an example
of a company claiming to use technology to streamline healthcare processes [17]. The
integration of the NRG would play a great part in assisting practitioners in under-
standing new and emerging treatment methods. In cases where certain methods are
being sought out to increase bone growth, the feedback from the patient to the NRG
Advancement in Orthopedics Through an Accessible Wearable Device 55
wristband would be securely sent to servers to ensure that the data is being analyzed
and that alternative options are being administered to patients until further tests have
been conducted.
6 Conclusion
Wearable technology holds great potential to transform the healthcare industry through
exercise and training. The integration of the NRG wristband with personalized training
resources and wireless networks may be useful in enhancing the adoption of wearable
technology. The proposed device is presented as a tool to assist users through a reg-
imented exercise routine that is influenced by the individual’s biometrics and pro-
gression under continual practitioner guidance. The NRG wristband will also contain
machine learning based features used to identify contrary performance and prompt the
use to correct their performance. The NRG does not only show potential value for
individuals trying to develop and sustain strong bones, but also highlights significance
for practitioners in collecting data for their patients and enhancing the potential value
through training. This implementation may bridge the digital divide between tech-
nology and healthcare by combining consumer electronic wearable applications of
activity tracking with healthcare applications related to injury reduction and fitness.
The implementation of this device, with the related modules, would be a great tool for
users and healthcare practitioners about new emerging technology.
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Physiological Evaluation of a Non-invasive
Wearable Vagus Nerve Stimulation
(VNS) Device
1 Introduction
Vegas nerve is a one of most significant nerve connecting autonomic nervous system
and cardiovascular, respiratory, gastrointestinal, immune, and endocrine systems and
has been called the “great wandering protector” [1]. This nerve involves in large number
of senses such as; pain, temperature, inflammation. Vegas nerve controls respiration,
airway diameter, heart rate, blood pressure, vascular resistance, and feeding [2].
In several studies, it is found that electrical stimulation effects brain electrical
activity. As the initial study, an increased electrical potential is observed on the con-
tralateral orbitofrontal cortex during VNS stimulation (24–50 Hz) [3]. Global cortical
desynchronization and sleep spindle blockage was found in “encephale isole” cats with
strychnine-induced seizures during VNS (2 volts, 50 Hz, 0.5 ms pulse) [4]. EEG
synchronization or desynchronization was produced during stimulated the nucleus of
the solitary tract at low (1–16 Hz) or high (> 30 Hz) frequencies [5].
James Corning firstly used Vagus nerve stimulation (VNS) to treat epilepsy in the
late 19th century [6]. Researchers are trying to develop the neuroprosthetic devices and
neural stimulators for treatment of a variety of neurological diseases (e.g., Parkinson’s
disease, epilepsy, Atrial Fibrillation, and depression) [6–9]. Among those studies, it is
found that epilepsy and depression is most treatable diseases by VNS therapy [9–12].
The US Food and Drug administration (FDA) approved VNS device for managing
epilepsy (AspireSR®, SenTiva®) and for depression (NET-2000) [13]. GammaCore©
(electroCore LLC, Basking Ridge, NJ, USA), a nVNS device received FDA approval
for the acute treatment of episodic cluster headache and for the acute treatment of
migraine [13].
This study focused on evaluating physiological responses of a non-invasive
wearable Vagus nerve Stimulation (VNS) Device measuring ECG and EEG.
2 Methodology
central nervous system. EEG electrodes are placed in F3 and F4 position (frontal lobe)
of head as per 10/20 System. Room temperature was kept on 24 °C and 43% RH
(Fig. 1).
Fig. 1. Multi-axis noiseless BSR exciter simulator (top), Vibration Analysis ToolSet, VATS™
In EEG features, it is found that a, b, h power increased and d power has decreased
after using VNS device as shown in Fig. 2. b spectrum is representative of stress and
decline of b indicates reduction of stress level after using VNS device. d power is
maker of relaxation and increase of d power represents relaxation effect increases after
using VNS device. This trend is similar for both position of EEG electrode placement
(F3, F4).
Fig. 2. Comparison of result of a, b, h, d power between EEG acquisition before VNS and after
VNS device usage.
Fig. 3. Comparison of result of HF ratio between ECG acquisition before VNS and after VNS
device usage.
4 Conclusion
The present study demonstrates physiological response of the Vegas nerve stimulation
as limited as HF component for ECG and delta power for EEG. More broad experiment
needed to check effects other factors.
1. Berthoud, H.R., Neuhuber, W.L.: Functional and chemical anatomy of the afferent vagal
system (in eng). Auton. Neurosci. 85(1–3), 1–17 (2000)
2. Yuan, H., Silberstein, S.D.: Vagus nerve and vagus nerve stimulation, a comprehensive
review: Part I 56(1), 71–78 (2016)
3. Bailey, P., Bremer, F.: A sensory cortical representation of the vagus nerve: with a note on
the effects of low blood pressure on the cortical electrogram. 1(5), 405–412 (1938)
4. Zanchetti, A., Wang, S.C., Moruzzi, G.: The effect of vagal afferent stimulation on the EEG
pattern of the cat (in eng). Electroencephalogr. Clin. Neurophysiol. 4(3), 357–361 (1952)
5. Magnes, J., Moruzzi, G., Pompeiano, O.: Synchronization of the EEG produced by low-
frequncy electrical stimulation of the region of the solitary tract. 99(1), 33–67 (1961)
62 S. J. Park et al.
6. Yuan, H., Silberstein, S.D., Pain, F.: Vagus nerve and vagus nerve stimulation, a
comprehensive review: Part II. 56(2), 259–266 (2016)
7. Schachter, S.C., Saper, C.B.: Vagus nerve stimulation. 39(7), 677–686 (1998)
8. Stavrakis, S., et al.: Low-level transcutaneous electrical vagus nerve stimulation suppresses
atrial fibrillation. 65(9), 867–875 (2015)
9. Howland, R.H.: New developments with vagus nerve stimulation therapy. 52(3), 11–14
10. Ben‐Menachem, E., Revesz, D., Simon, B., Silberstein, S.J.: Surgically implanted and non‐
invasive vagus nerve stimulation: a review of efficacy, safety and tolerability. 22(9), 1260–
1268 (2015)
11. DeGiorgio, C.M., et al.: Prospective long-term study of vagus nerve stimulation for the
treatment of refractory seizures (in eng). Epilepsia 41(9), 1195–1200 (2000)
12. Boon, P., et al.: A prospective, multicenter study of cardiac-based seizure detection to
activate vagus nerve stimulation. 32, 52–61 (2015)
13. Mertens, A., Raedt, R., Gadeyne, S., Carrette, E., Boon, P., Vonck, K.J.: Recent advances in
devices for vagus nerve stimulation. 15(8), 527–539 (2018)
14. Malliani, A., Lombardi, F., Pagani, M.: Power spectrum analysis of heart rate variability: a
tool to explore neural regulatory mechanisms. Br. Heart J. 71(1), 1–2 (1994)
The Ergonomic Design of Wearable Robot
Based on the Shoulder Kinematic Analysis
by Walking Speed
Abstract. The purpose of this study was to suggest the design of wearable
robots based on the shoulder kinematics including the range of motion, angular
velocity, and angular acceleration during walking. A treadmill system was used
to measure the kinematics data of the shoulder joint during different walking
speed. The independent variables of this study were walking speed. Walking
speed was set as four levels including 3.6, 5.4, 7.2, and preferred walking speed
(PWS) km/h. The subject walked according to the randomized walking speed
during 90 s on the treadmill. Twenty gait cycles of motion capture data from
each experimental condition of each subject were extracted. Data was analyzed
by one-way repeated measures analysis of variance. There were significant
differences of minimum joint angle, mean of ROM, maximum joint angular
velocity, minimum joint angular velocity, maximum joint angular acceleration
and minimum joint angular acceleration. There was no significant difference of
maximum joint angle. The kinematics data of ROM, angular velocity, and
angular acceleration revealed an increasing trend up to walking speed of
7.2 km/h. It indicates that the arm swinging was sufficiently performed to
maintain the walking stability. The maximum angular acceleration increased as
the walking speed increased, which meant the instantaneous velocity of the
shoulder joint increased. It indicated that the load of the shoulder joint increased
with the increase of the walking speed. Hence, this study suggests that the
ergonomic threshold for walking speed of the wearable robot could be limited to
5.4 km/h.
1 Introduction
2 Methods
2.1 Subjects
Ten male subjects in their 20s participated in this study. All the subjects gave written
informed consent form to the experiment. Subjects had no history of musculoskeletal
disorders or injuries in the past 12 months. Table 1 shows the basic information
including age, height, and weight of the subjects.
2.2 Apparatus
A treadmill system was used to measure the joint angle, angular velocity and angular
acceleration of the shoulder joint during different walking speed. Eight 1.3-megapixel
The Ergonomic Design of Wearable Robot 65
Flex 13 cameras were used to capture the walking motion (Natural Point, Inc. Opti-
track, USA).
The marker set for calculating the kinematics values of the human body during
walking was Plugin Gait Full Body Model and 39 markers were attached to the entire
body of the subject.
2.4 Procedure
Thirty nine retro-reflective skin markers were placed on the head, arms, torso, legs, and
feet of subject. All subject exercised different walking speeds on the treadmill.
Then PWS was measured for each subject. The subject walked according to the ran-
domized walking speed during 90 s on the treadmill. To minimize the fatigue, subjects
were given at least 5 min break between experimental conditions.
2.5 Analysis
The period for the walking was analyzed based on one gait cycle. One gait cycle was
defined from the time when the heel reached the floor to the time when the heel reached
the floor again [10]. Twenty gait cycles of motion capture data from each experimental
condition of each subject were extracted. Then, these data were post-processed using
MOTIVE version 2.0.3 (Natural Point, Inc. Optitrack, USA), and the joint angle,
angular velocity and angular acceleration of the shoulder joint was calculated using the
Visual 3D v6 (C-Motion, Inc., USA). The obtained motion capture data was filtered
using a lowpass filter at a cut off frequency of 6 Hz. The joint angle, angular velocity
and angular acceleration of the shoulder joint of right side were calculated, and only the
sagittal plane was analyzed (flexion-extension) as seen in Fig. 1.
Data was analyzed by one-way repeated measures analysis of variance (ANOVA)
with Tukey’s test. A significance level of 0.05 was used all statistical analysis which
were performed using SAS software 9.4 (SAS Institute, USA).
66 S.-M. Mo et al.
Fig. 1. Plot showing the dependent variables were calculated kinematic data.
3 Result
The mean of ROM (deg)
30 26.1
25 23.0
3.6 4.3 (PWS) 5.4 7.2
Walking speed (km/h)
Fig. 2. The mean and standard deviation of range of motion (ROM) of shoulder joint for the
different walking speeds. * Alphabetical order represents the Tukey’s post-hoc test.
As shown in Fig. 3, the mean of maximum angular velocity for walking speed of
7.2 km/h was significantly higher than other walking speeds. Similarly, the mean of
The Ergonomic Design of Wearable Robot 67
minimum angular velocity for walking speed of 7.2 km/h was analyzed the lowest. The
mean of maximum angular velocity was analyzed to the lowest at PWS of 4.3 km/h.
Also, the mean of minimum angular velocity was analyzed to the highest at PWS of
4.3 km/h.
The mean of angular velocity (deg/sec)
100 73.3 66.4 72.8
-100 -80.7
-150 -115.9
3.6 4.3 (PWS) 5.4 7.2
Fig. 3. The mean and standard deviation of angular velocity of shoulder joint for the different
walking speeds. * Alphabetical order represents the Tukey’s post-hoc test.
The mean of maximum angular acceleration also showed a similar result of angular
velocity as seen in Fig. 4. There was an increasing trend up to walking speed of
7.2 km/h. Similarly, the mean of minimum angular acceleration was a decreasing trend
up to walking speed of 7.2 km/h.
The mean of angular acceleration
C C 928.8
1000 641.6 681.3
-436.5 -449.4
-1000 A
B -979.8
3.6 4.3 (PWS) 5.4 7.2
Fig. 4. The mean and standard deviation of angular acceleration of shoulder joint for the
different walking speeds. * Alphabetical order represents the Tukey’s post-hoc test.
68 S.-M. Mo et al.
4 Discussion
This study analyzed the tendency of kinematic variables of the shoulder joint by
different walking speeds in the repetitive gait pattern.
The mean of ROM, angular velocity, and angular acceleration were the highest at
walking speed of 7.2 km/h. It indicates that the arm swinging was sufficiently per-
formed to maintain the walking stability [11–13].
The walking speed of 7.2 km/h was set as the fastest walking speed. At this speed,
the gait pattern of one cycle was too short due to the fast walking. Accordingly, it
considered that the time of motion for sufficiently swinging the arm was short. Hence,
the mean of ROM, maximum angular velocity, and maximum angular acceleration
analyzed the highest value during walking speed of 7.2 km/h.
The maximum angular acceleration increased as the walking speed increased,
which meant the instantaneous velocity of the shoulder joint increased. It indicated that
the load of the shoulder joint increased with the increase of the walking speed. Based
on the results of this study, it is possible to have relatively higher biomechanical load
and discomfort in the shoulder joint during a walking speed of 7.2 km/h than other
speeds. Hence, this study suggests that the ergonomic threshold for walking speed of
the wearable robot could be limited to 5.4 km/h.
5 Conclusion
Based on the result of this study, we suggest that the ergonomic threshold of the
walking speed in the wearable robot could be limited to 5.4 km/h. In addition, the fast
walking speed could cause higher biomechanical load and discomfort in the arm
movement. The limitation of this study was the small size of the sample, resulting in
the fact that no general conclusions could be drawn. Further study should consider to
validate these results, including more samples.
Acknowledgments. This study was supported by Basic Science Research Program through the
National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF) funded by the Ministry of Education (NRF-
1. Alami, R., Albu-Schaeffer, A., Bicchi, A., Bischoff, R., Chatila, R., De Luca, A., De Santis,
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7. Pons, J.L.: Wearable Robots: Biomechatronic Exoskeletons. Wiley, UK (2008)
8. Bilney. B., Morris. M., Webster. K.: Concurrent related validity of the GAITRite® walkway
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9. Kang, H.G., Dingwell, J.B.: Separating the effects of age and walking speed on gait
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gait stability. J. Exp. Biol. 213, 3945–3952 (2010)
Improvements in a Wearable Device for Sign
Language Translation
1 Introduction
According to the World Federation of the Deaf, 70 million people are deaf-mute in the
world.1 The majority of them communicate using sign languages (SL), and there are
more than 300 sign languages in the world. Two people can establish a communication
only if they know the same SL. Moreover, SLs are very unfamiliar for those who are
not deaf and mute, thus a conversation between disabled and able individuals is very
difficult. For this reason, deaf people face many difficulties to connect with the society,
and this leads to social and employment limitations [1].
The technology can play a central role to help deaf people in their ordinary life,
ensuring the two way of communication: a translation from SL to spoken languages and
vice versa. In both cases, the progress of mobile technology has been a break-through.
There are some cross-platforms applications to translate spoken languages into SL. They
have still some limitations, like the number of spoken languages and SL they are able to
translates and the extensions of their vocabularies, but they are currently on the market,
and some for free, like ProDeaf.2 On the contrary, nowadays there is not a commercial
product able to translate a SL into a spoken one, and our study aims to fill this gap.
described in [10–14]. The hardware is almost the same, and they can vary for some
details of implementation and for mathematical techniques for signs detection and
translation. Their classification accuracy is between 85% and 99%. The major draw-
backs of these solutions are:
– the user must wear a cumbersome data glove to capture hand and finger movements;
– reliable segmentation methods should be developed to assist in continuous gestures
– the inability to obtain meaningful data, complementary to gestures, giving the full
meaning of the conversation, such as facial expressions, eye movements, and lip-
To the best of our knowledge, these issues are still unsolved and a commercial
product for an effective support of deaf people in their ordinary life is still lacking.
1.3 Outline
The next section presents the last prototype of Talking Hands, with its hardware,
software and design solutions. Section 3 describes a preliminary analysis to translate
dynamic signs using Talking Hands, with some interesting and promising results.
Section 4 contains our discussion and the future directions of the project.
Improvements in a Wearable Device for Sign Language Translation 73
2 Talking Hands
2.1 Hardware
Talking Hands is composed by one data glove connected with an ordinary smartphone
through bluetooth. Even if the sign languages are mainly expressed with two hands,
Talking Hands uses only one glove in the perspective of a commercial product,
reducing the final prize for the user. Moreover, Talking Hands does not use a com-
mercial data-glove, but a dedicated glove is realized to obtain a low cost device. The
hardware is divided into two main modules (Fig. 4):
– Hand Module: 10 flex sensor (Spectra Symbol) to detect fingers position; one IMU
(BOSCH BNO055) to detect hand orientation; one button to initialize the system.
– Arm Module: one custom board with a 32-bit microprocessor (Cortex M3 Atmel
SAM3X8E) and one IMU to detect arm orientation; a led RGB to check the system
status; mini-usb connection; a battery and a charge module; Bluetooth module
(Microchip RN42).
A customized board has been developed as a prototyping system for the applica-
tion. The board’s dimensions are 3.05 mm 5 mm 1.5 mm. The initialization of the
system through a button is required to know the initial position of the user through the
initial orientation of the IMUs. Once the system knows the initial position, the user can
start signing.
Talking Hands uses 10 flex sensors to acquire data of finger bent. One flex sensor
which have two sensible parts is placed in each finger to collect the information about
metacarpus and proximal inter phalangeal joints. In some studies (e.g. [16]) the posi-
tion of the fingers are detected using EMG sensors. This is an elegant solution that
implements only one sensor, but it does not recognize the positions of single fingers, so
it is not enough for a sign language translation application.
Two 9 DOF IMUs (BOSH BNO055) are used to obtain information about the
forearm and hand orientation. These IMUs require an initial calibration, which it last
about 30 s, but they achieve a high-level of reliability even for prolonged use, thanks to
the built-in functions of sensor fusion. The bluetooth is a simple BT module to com-
municate with the smartphone. Figure 3 shows the sign languages elements introduced
in [8], together with the possibilities of the Talking Hands to detect them. Talking
Hands acquires data for almost all the elements, with the exception of the facial
are very far from a real-life application. Our approach reaches a higher level of
translation with respect to both recognition rate and the number of recognized signs,
and can guarantee a satisfying communication experience to the final user.
The main feature of our solution is a two-stage computation. The firmware pre-
processes the sensors data and establishes if the user is performing a gesture. Only in
that case, it sends data by the Bluetooth connection, and this reduces the communi-
cation load. The smartphone receives data from the glove, performs the translation
algorithm to link the gesture with its eventual meaning and uses the speech synthesizer
to talk. This leads to three important advantages. Firstly, the translation algorithm is
disjoint from the feature extraction and the glove of Talking Hands can be applied in all
the other application fields of the gesture recognition. Secondly, the dataset of signs is
stored in the smartphone, without having issues of memory capacity. Moreover, the
recording phase of new signs does not require a re-initialization of the firmware.
Another remarkable improvement of Talking Hands is its translation through
scenarios. We define a scenario as a set of signs that Talking Hands can translate in a
single session. Hence, the system can translate the signs of one scenario at a time. The
user can switch among the scenarios on-line, i.e. during the usage without the need of
re-initializing. This approach leads to some important advantages. Across the world,
there are many sign languages, like the spoken ones, and some of them have different
dialects. For this reason, it is almost infeasible to realize a pre-build universal system.
In a scenario approach, the user can easily record the signs through the smartphone
application and can assign the sign to one or more scenarios. This approach enlarges
the set of signs that the system can translate, without losing reliability. In fact, similar
signs would not be misunderstood if they were not in the same scenarios.
The translation algorithm is based on a particular distance function on the space of
vectors that represent the gestures, both to establish if the user is performing a sign and
to link the sign to its translation. This distance is both accurate and robust, i.e., if the
data-glove has one or two broken sensors, the translation still works. A particular
76 F. Pezzuoli et al.
aspect is the usage of a proper distance function for the quaternions that coming from
the IMUs. Following the results in [21], we define the distance of two quaternions with
unit Euclidean norm as
dðh1 ; h2 Þ ¼ cos1 ðjh1 h2 jÞ 2 ½0; 1: ð1Þ
Then we define the distance between two distinct vectors coming from the hard-
ware as the sum of the distances between the values of each sensors. With this defi-
nition, the comparison between the coming values of the sensors and the stored values
for the signs is trivial and fast, and if the distance is below a certain threshold, the
translation occurs. A more detailed explanation of all these software solutions is given
in [15].
2.3 Design
The design of Talking Hands is very mild, light and comfortable, solving the main
problem of usual cumbersome data-gloves highlighted in [8]. The design of the last
prototype has significantly improved with respect to the previous one.
Figure 4 shows the previous prototype of Talking Hands, which has a bulky
structure and a complex wiring system. This bulky structure allowed the flexion of the
fingers in a comfortable way, without having problem with flex sensors returning in
initial position after fingers flexion. Without this wiring/mechanical system, flex sen-
sors jammed themselves with glove structure. The last prototype, shown in Fig. 5.
Talking Hands Design, is easier and more comfortable to wear, especially about the
hand part. This last prototype simplifies the wiring/mechanical system. Thanks to
hardware complexity reduction, we designed a special textile glove to embed the F-
PCB, which has inside the same hardware architecture of previous prototype and adds a
micro motor for haptic feedback. This special glove ensures an excellent wearing,
transpiration, comfort, and it can be easily mass-produced. Now the hand system has a
maximum height of 6.90 mm, caused by hand-arm connector, and a minimum height
of 0.32 mm in all the flexible PCB area. Moreover, the Flexible PCB can be removed
to wash the glove.
he current prototype does not handle with dynamic gestures and this is the major
drawback. To overcome this important issue in the near future, a preliminary study has
been conducted to test some ideas and methods in a simple framework. Firstly, we
consider only the data coming from one IMUs, i.e., a quaternion vector representing the
orientation of the hand. Secondly, we perform our study on only three dynamic signs,
which are “Deaf”, “Hard” and “Hearing” from the American SL.3 The whole study is
performed off-line; we log and save all the data coming from the IMU during the
Improvements in a Wearable Device for Sign Language Translation 77
performances of the gestures and then conduct our algorithm on a pc. In four different
logs, the three signs have been performed consecutively for five times, for a total of 20
occurrences of each sign. Figure 6 shows the data of one log, collected with a fre-
quency of 50 Hz.
There are two main different tasks: the segmentation and the translation. The
segmentation distinguishes two consecutives but different gestures. The translation
eventually links a gesture to a meaning, according to a database previously created.
We use the velocity in the space of quaternions to perform the segmentation. To
compute the velocity of the quaternions, one can use the Eq. (1) for the distance over
the sampling period, thus
dðhðtÞ; hðt T ÞÞ
vð t Þ ¼ : ð2Þ
However, the quaternions coming from the IMUs could have some computational
errors, so they could slightly differ from the unit norm. In that case, the distance in (1)
is not reliable for near quaternions. This can be seen in Fig. 8: even if the system is still,
a little velocity is detected. Since we are dealing with two consecutive quaternions, they
can differ only for a small amount and the Euclidean distance could lead to better result.
The velocity computed with the Euclidean distance is reported in Fig. 7. The different
gestures are isolated setting a threshold on the velocity signal.
The translation phase requires a preliminary feature extraction from the signal of
the gestures, both for the creation of a database and for the effective translation during
usage. To this purpose, we use a polynomial interpolation. For each of the four
components of a quaternion, a fitting polynomial of seventh degree is construct, thus a
gesture can be described by 4 ð7 þ 1Þ ¼ 32 numbers. Figure 9 shows a signal of a
component of the quaternion for a gesture (in blue), together with its fitting polynomial
(in red). Since the interpolation error is almost zero, the loss of information during this
process is irrelevant, but the benefit in terms of storage data is notable. For example, the
78 F. Pezzuoli et al.
Fig. 6. One log of the three signs performed consecutively for five times.
Fig. 7. Velocity computed with standard Euclidean distance and threshold for segmentation
polynomial in Fig. 9 requires eight numbers to be stored, while the whole sequence
requires about seventy numbers. Moreover, a comparison between the coefficients of
different polynomial can be conducted even if they come from signals of different
length, and this is a very remarkable advantage.
After this feature extraction, we used different techniques to translate the signs,
namely nearest neighbors, linear SVM, neural networks, naïve bayes and decision tree
methods. As usual in these cases, we divided our data in a training set and a test set.
The training set is used for the creation of the database, while the test set is used to
verify the efficacy of the methods. Table 1 reports the methods applied together with
their translation accuracy on the test set. The results are promising, with a 100% of
Improvements in a Wearable Device for Sign Language Translation 79
Fig. 9. A component signal of a quaternion (blue) together with its fitting polynomial (red)
translation rate for the Linear Support Vector Machine, Naïve Bayes and Decision Tree
techniques. Hence, a deeper analysis and an online implementation of the proposed
scheme will be the next steps towards the translation of dynamic signs.
This work presented Talking Hands, a functional prototype for a commercial device for
sign language translation.
In [8] some recommendations are provided for developers and we took in con-
sideration them all. In particular, Talking Hands will be a low-cost device (under 1,000
USD) that will ensure an effective support to deaf people to overcome the difficulty in
communicating. Both high-quality sensors and robust algorithms guarantee a reliable
and real time translation. The design embeds the hardware and provides a comfortable
dress of the entire system. The preliminary analysis to translate dynamic signs lead to
promising results, even with simple techniques.
As explained in [22], successful recognition of lexical signs is not sufficient for a
full understanding of sign language communication. Nevertheless, we think that
Talking Hands will support deaf people in real-life. Thus, extensive studies will be
conducted together with deaf people to test the overall system usability and effec-
tiveness in the near future. Moreover, we will continue the study proposed in Sect. 4 to
full implement a dynamic signs translation on Talking Hands.
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beyond lexical meaning. IEEE Trans. Pattern Anal. Mach. Intell. 27(6) (2005)
Current Situation and Problems of Hand-
Transmitted Vibration Measurement
and Monitoring Equipment and Benefits
of Wearable Sensors for Everyday Monitoring
1 Introduction
be expanded upon in Sect. 2, a range of instrumentation has been developed over time
to quantify either one or both vibration exposure characteristics. Instrumentation aimed
at fully complying with ISO 5349 requires the placement of accelerometers on the tool
surface while in use and instrumentation of a nature which requires a skilled technician
to interpret the gathered data. In essence, the standard does not facilitate the economic
collection of data across a range of tool users on a routine basis, yet the accepted
understanding of the likelihood of health damage is determined by average daily
exposure levels requiring detailed data of regular daily activities. Despite the existence
of the international standards concerning exposure assessment and regional legislation
regarding working practices, reported cases of HAVS remain significant as indicated by
disability benefit claims in the UK [3]. This paper explores the ability of wearable
technologies to readily collect large data sets and examines whether utilization of data
acquired in this fashion might provide for a more effective risk assessment and fur-
thermore act as a preventative measure to this disease by ensuring timely intervention.
In 2013 Pitts and Kaulbars [4] examined the limitations of measurement and instru-
mentation standards relative to the emergence of instrumentation aimed at easing the
gathering of personal HAV exposure data. In doing so the definitions of Table 1 were
Table 1. Key elements of systems used for assessing vibration magnitude, exposure time and
daily vibration exposure.
Name Definition
Machine operation timer Device for measuring the time for which a machine is
operating (e.g. based on power take up or machine
Personal vibration exposure Device for measuring the time for which either a hand is in
timer contact with a vibrating machine or the body is in contact
with the seat (e.g. using a switch to detect contact times
with the vibrating surface)
Human vibration indicator Instrument that measures a vibration value but whose
measurements cannot conform with ISO 5349 and/or ISO
2631 - due to, for example, the transducer position being
away from the hand grip or away from the centre of the
Human vibration meter Instrument conforming to ISO 8041 for measuring
vibration magnitudes in accordance with ISO 5349 and/or
ISO 2631
Personal human vibration Instrument for measuring daily vibration exposures, based
exposure meter (PVEM) on a measurement that directly determines the vibration
exposure of a worker.a
No assumptions are made at this stage as to whether a PVEM fully meets the requirements of
ISO instrumentation or vibration measurement standards. Such an instrument might, for example,
make a measurement on the hand of an operator that has been shown to be (within acceptable
tolerances) equivalent to a measurement in accordance with ISO 5349-1.
Current Situation and Problems of Hand-Transmitted 85
Fig. 2. Factors likely to influence the effects of human exposure the hand-transmitted vibration
in the working conditions of Annex D of the ISO 5349-1 standard.
86 S. Maeda et al.
For many years, the factors outlined within Annex D of ISO 5349-1 have not been
adequately captured when making an assessment of hand-transmitted vibration exposure
for the purposes of prevention of HAVS in real world environments. A desire by
employers to adhere strictly to the ISO 5349-1 standard may be contributing to inaccurate
dose assessments and inferior outcomes for the worker. Wearable sensors mounted on the
tool user offer the opportunity of determining the vibration transmitted to the user
potentially offering a more credible answer to the need for practical everyday monitors.
Within this section the suitability of one wearable personal vibration exposure meter
for use in the effective management and reduction of vibration exposure will be
examined. Compliance with ISO 5349-1 & ISO 8041 is not claimed by the manu-
facturer and therefore this paper does not seek to demonstrate absolute equivalence,
rather it merely seeks to demonstrate the relevance of data acquired from such a device
in the effective management of risk. See Fig. 3.
The HAVwear system (Reactec Ltd) combines a number of emerging technologies
to provide the user with real time vibration exposure data pertinent to their work
activities via an LCD and audible warnings in addition to a suite of analytics tools to
enable the design out of harmful vibration. A ruggedized wearable device for data
acquisition is coupled with an IOT enabled docking station to upload vibration data to a
cloud based analytics platform.
The wearable device mounts to an operators wrist by way of an adjustable nylon
webbing strap and comprises a 3 – axis linear MEMS accelerometer sampling at
1.6 kHz for 0.66 s every 1.5 s. A frequency range from 3 Hz to 650 Hz is captured.
Acceleration data from each axis is converted independently from time domain to
frequency domain through a 1024 point Fourier analysis incorporating a Hanning
window function to generate 512 discrete magnitude values for each axis. The corre-
sponding frequency point magnitude values for each axis are then combined to create
an overall magnitude value for each point on the spectrum. A proprietary transfer
function is then applied to each value across the spectrum to calculate the instantaneous
magnitude detected at the wrist. This transfer function compensates for attenuation of
the biomechanical structures of the hand and is designed to provide parity with mea-
surements taken on the tool in accordance with ISO 5349-1. Overall exposure is
calculated by means of a rolling RMS for the duration of the trigger time. Parity with
measurements taken in accordance with existing ISO standards is desirable for cal-
culating exposure as all current research and knowledge on the pathogenesis and
progression of the disease is based on exposure calculated to these standards.
The instrument’s capabilities have been examined in two recent bodies of work.
A UK independent research and consultancy services organization, the Institute of
Occupational Medicine [6], carried out an extensive exercise to compare the vibration
magnitude determined by the wearable sensor with that taken concurrently in full
compliance to the standards over a broad range of tools. Maeda et al. [7] examined the
strength of correlation of the wearable’s vibration determination and the human
response to vibration.
Current Situation and Problems of Hand-Transmitted 87
The true value of the wearable device comes from its ability to capture the variance
in exposure and deviation from the anticipated risk. The traditional risk assessment
approach of task based assessment relies on tool performance, substrate consistency,
operator proficiency and vibrating tool work load allocation all remaining constant
which in practice rarely happens. Additionally, it has been found that there is no typical
working environment across many industries including manufacturing as tool use
fluctuates from day to day and month to month. A risk assessment will be required to
take this into consideration but will be open to error when relying on sampled data as
the resulting average exposure estimation is based on a limited timeframe which can
never hope to capture all conceivable fluctuations in activity and behavior present
within a real-world environment. Continuous monitoring reduces the margin of error
associated with this estimation [8].
To illustrate the variability from tasks a detailed risk assessment exercise was
carried out on the work of 14 tool operators in multimen teams, each excavating the
same size hole within the same grade of road surface. Each operator used the same tool
type for which the duty holder had determined a vibration magnitude of 12 m/s2
through the use of extensive live testing in accordance with ISO 5349. Note this was
well in excess of the tool vibration data declared by the manufacturer of 4.2 m/s2. The
duty holder had determined that, was inappropriate for the type of road surface under
test. A mix of site teams were used per excavation which consisted of between two and
four man operator teams.
Figure 4 displays the calculated total exposure risk in A(8) m/s2 for/at each
excavation broken down by the contribution to each excavation by each operator. Each
team accomplished the same task within different time durations. The colors within
each excavation show the relative contribution from each team member of each
excavation. The wide range of exposures clearly illustrate the limitations of a static risk
88 S. Maeda et al.
assessment, whereby even if the most extreme results are disregarded the exposure per
excavation ranged ±40% on the mean value.
A task based assesment of these excavations would potentially determine the
average exposure per excavation to be an A(8) of 4.2 m/s2 and therefore if the work
was evenly shared a two man team would be exposed to an A(8) of 2.9 m/s2 and a three
man team exposed to an A(8) of 2.4 m/s2. A task based assessment will typically only
account for an average exposure risk per task, not the actual exposure of individual
The assessment also included live tool vibration testing which took place during
these excavations. Two methods were used to determine the vibration level.
1. An ISO5349-1 measurement using a reference instrument (HVM100, Larson Davis)
operated by a skilled technician
2. Data collected using industrial wearable device (HVW-001, Reactec Ltd.) on a
HAVwear worn by the tool operator.
The data from both is depicted in Fig. 5, which shows the numerical average of the
RMS vibration level determined by the two devices. Strong correlation can be seen
between the wearable sensor and the ISO5349 compliant reference instrument with an
overall average for the reference instrument of 11.1 m/s2 and 11.9 m/s2 for the
wearable device.
Current Situation and Problems of Hand-Transmitted 89
Fig. 5. The data from both companies, such as Larson Davis and HAVwear.
Figure 6 depicts the calculated maximum HAV exposure for each individual when
excavating just one hole from the actual trigger time and real-time vibration data from
the wearable device. Using a conventional task based assessment with a minimum two
operator team the expected max risk would be an A(8) of 2.9 m/s2. In reality, 5 out of
the 14 operators exceeded this level. This data leads the investigators to conclude that
job rotation is unlikely to be as expected without monitoring and furthermore each
operator is unique in technique and physicality, which can lend itself to a high level of
variability in exposure risk. Operator 5’s exposure was close to the limit exposure level
of 5 m/s2 and 6 times that of some other operators tasked with the same duties. Given
that there is no safe level and employers are required to reduce the exposure to as low
as is reasonably practical it is clear in this case that the risk is being concentrated on
certain individuals without their knowledge.
Fig. 6. Calculated maximum HAV risk exposure for each individual for one excavation
90 S. Maeda et al.
The UK Health and Safety Executive (HSE) acknowledges the existence of vari-
ability within real world application and advises the use of caution when selecting
vibration data for extrapolated exposure calculations to ensure it is truly representative
of the actual exposure [8].
Combining the wearable technology with IOT data transmission and cloud based
analytics has for the first time allowed for the collection and review of truly “Big Data”
regarding vibration exposure. Analysis of this data suggests that there is a significant
delta between perceived exposure levels and actual exposure. The wearable system
provides for data collection in two modes of operation. The first mode senses the true
vibration transmitted to the tool operator and a second mode that calculates exposure
from a pre-programed RFID tag attached to the tool in use. By analyzing data from
heavily used tools we can plot the manufacturer’s declared vibration level and the
average assumed value used in risk assessments from the RFID tag against a histogram
of actual vibration values recorded on the wearable device. Figures 7 and 8 illustrate
the delta between the average vibration value used during risk assessments of one
specific tool used and the histogram of actual vibration recorded by the wearable device
over 2,850 h of trigger use of the tool. The X axis in Figs. 7 and 8 denotes the vibration
magnitude in discrete ranges. The Y axis denotes the number of days in which indi-
vidual operators experienced the level of vibration at each discrete range when using
the tool.
Fig. 7. Operator day instances of in-use Fig. 8. Operator day instances of static vibra-
monitored vibration magnitude – chipping tion magnitude – chipping hammer
For the tool shown in Figs. 7 and 8, a separate tool testing exercise had been
conducted on a live demolition site. A series of 30 X single minute duration trigger
tests compliant to ISO5349 yielded an average vibration level of 11.9 m/s2 while a
monitor worn during testing averaged 13.8 m/s2. Analysis of this large data set coupled
with the field validation of the specific tool, lead the investigators to conclude that a
significant delta must be present between the assumed static value used in the risk
assessments of analysed organisations and the actual risk faced by many of their tool
Current Situation and Problems of Hand-Transmitted 91
Beyond ensuring exposure is kept within regulated limits in the short term, the
ability to have real time continuous monitoring data which is traceable to tools, tasks
and operators can aid significantly in the process of designing out exposure through
identifying the source. Targeted procurement, process optimisation, improved tool
maintenance and operator training are enabled through access to this data and can lead
to significant reduction in exposure. The very nature of a wearable device that provides
real time feedback to the operator can facilitate behavioral changes and a level of
awareness that are not possible through periodic interventions.
In UK legislation, the Control of Vibration at Work Regulations of 2005 stipulates
that simply keeping exposure below the action and limit values is not sufficient [9]. To
ensure compliance, employers must reduce exposure levels to lowest practicable levels.
The process of reducing exposure and also providing evidence of this is greatly aided
with the advent of real time exposure monitoring and associated analytical tools.
Figure 9 illustrates the progress made by a major global construction organisation in
reducing exposure to hazardous hand arm vibrations through the use of real time
monitory, and illustrates how leveraging the power of analytical data to drive decision
making within the organisation can have significant and measurable impact. The Y axis
of the graph denotes the exposure as a percentage of predefined exposure limit values
for monitored operators utilizing the UK points based system.
Fig. 9. Workforce average exposure within a major construction organisation following the
introduction of wearable monitoring technology
4 Conclusions
The ISO 5349-1 AND the EU directive a relationship between health damage and the
daily exposure to hand arm vibration. However, this standard and its emphasis of
making measurements on the tool with instruments following ISO 8041-1 is recognized
as suited to research environments, but not to regular employee risk monitoring. Given
the wide range of emitted tool vibrations over a tools’ normal course of use, it would
seem logical that employers need access to practical everyday monitoring devices to
prevent harm to their employees. The authors have presented data to highlight the
92 S. Maeda et al.
variability that exists in every day tasks when examining closely a controlled assess-
ment of work and the practical way in which a wearable devise can gather the nec-
essary day that will affect an individual’s direct health risk.
The authors believe there is an opportunity to more intelligently develop HAV
exposure control measures with a more detailed insight to the drivers of HAV exposure
risk than that developed from generic HAV risk assessments based on assumed static
vibration dosages.
1. Advances in Human Factors in Wearable Technologies and Game Design, Proceedings of the
AHFE 2018 International Conferences on Human Factors and Wearable Technologies, and
Human Factors in Game Design and Virtual Environments.
2. Bovenzi, M.: Exposure-response relationship in the hand-arm vibration syndrome: an
overview of current epidemiology research. Int. Arch. Occup. Environ. Health. 71(8), 509–
519 (1998)
3. UK Health and Safety Executive
4. Pitts, P.M., Kaulbars U.: Consideration of standardization requirements for “vibration
dosemeters”. VDI-Berichte Nr. 2190 (2013)
5. BS EN ISO 5349-1:2001 Measurement and evaluation of human exposure to hand-
transmitted vibration
6. Mueller, W., Cowie, H., Groat, S., Graveling, R.: Report 606-02372-03, Review of Data
Measured by Reactec HAVwear, Institute of Occupational Medicine, Research Avenue
North, Riccarton, Edinburgh EH14 4AP, UK
7. Maeda, S., Taylor, M.D., Anderson, L.C., McLaughlin, J.: Determination of hand-transmitted
vibration risk on the human. Int. J. Ind. Ergon. 70, 28–37 (2019)
8. Anderson, L.C., Buckingham, M.-P.: Investigating the utility of wrist worn vibration
monitoring in the effective management of exposure to dangerous vibrations within the work
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9. HSE L140: The Control of Vibration at Work Regulations 2005, UK Health and Safety
Gait Monitoring System for Stroke Prediction
of Aging Adults
Abstract. Health has become a major concern nowadays. People pass signif-
icant amount of time of daily life on walking, moving here and there and so on.
Some health complexity happens during walking like heart problem, stroke etc.
Stroke patient has unbalanced gait pattern compared to normal person. The
Internet of Things (IoT) plays an important role in the development of connected
people, which offers cloud connectivity, smartphone integration, safety, security,
and healthcare services. Insole Foot Pressure sensor and accelerometer will be
attached to the foot for gait speed, foot pressure and other gait pattern. Gait
parameters of 68 Stroke patients and 208 Elderly healthy persons have been
gathered in Chungnam National University Hospital Rehabilitation Center,
Daejeon, South Korea. Gait parameters are foot pressure, gait acceleration etc.
Dynafoot2 Insole sensor used for data acquisition. Subjects walked and perform
activities like walking, sitting, standing, doing some regular activities during
gait data acquisition. Area under curve (AUC) of performance curve for C4.5,
SVM, Random Tree, Logistic Regression, LSVM, CART algorithms are 0.98,
0.976, 0.935, 0.909 and 0.906, 0.87 respectively. A gait monitoring system has
been proposed for stroke onset prediction for stroke patient. IoT sensors are used
to gather gait data and machine learning algorithms are used to classify gait
pattern of stroke patient group and normal healthy group. In future, sensors such
as EEG, EMG will be used to improve system reliability.
1 Introduction
With the increased understanding of health and life; as well as advancement of medical
technology, Health has become a major point of interest nowadays. For well-being,
it is necessary to spend a significant amount of time of daily life on walking, moving
here and there [1]. Some health abnormality happens during walking like heart prob-
lem, stroke and so on; ability of movement reduces due to health complexity such as
stroke [2].
Stroke is one of deadly disease; especially for above the age of 60 years, and its
proportion is rising [3, 4]. Many health abnormality happens after stroke. Stroke is the
sudden collapse of brain cells due to lack of oxygen, caused by blockage of blood flow
to the brain or breakdown of blood vessels [5]. The stroke symptoms are a weakness in
the arm or leg or both on the same side, loss of balance, sudden headache, dizziness,
coordination problems, vision problems, difficulty in speaking, and weakness in the
face muscle [6]. Gait disorders is observed as one of the most common disabilities after
stroke [7–9]. Stroke effected persons lose conscience and ability to contact emergency
services or hospital. Without immediate detection and treatment of stroke, it is very
difficult to prevent and recover complications [10].
For accessing gait pattern of an individual; acceleration, foot pressure are generally
measured. In most of case, accelerometer, gyro sensor, insole pressure sensor,
pedometer, GPS (Global Positioning System), footswitches are used to capture gait
parameter [11]. Several Signiant parameters are extracted such as number of steps or
walking bout, step time and stride time, step length and stride length, credence, GRP
(Ground Reaction Force), speed and so on.
The Internet of Things (IoT) plays an important role in the development of con-
nected people, which offers cloud connectivity, smartphone integration, safety, secu-
rity, and healthcare services [12, 13]. Several researchers are working to develop IoT
based health monitoring system for various purposes [14, 15]. Gait monitoring is one of
most interesting application of wearable devices for clinical and daily regular activity
monitoring. Gait monitoring is also widely used in healthcare, sports.
This paper focused on briefly explaining classification of Gait patterns of Stroke
Patients and Elderly Adults using machine learning (ML) algorithms such as C4.5,
SVM, Random Tree, Logistic Regression, LSVM, CART. Here we also proposed real-
time gait monitoring system especially for elderly persons in order to successfully
detect stroke onset.
2 Methodology
shows highest accuracy (AUC: 0.995, Gini: 0.993)) and CART model results lowest
accuracy (AUC: 0.87, Gini: 0.74) among all ML models to classify gait pattern of
stroke patients and healthy normal subjects. SVM, Random Tree, Logistic Regression,
LSVM shows accuracy more than 90%; AUC: 0.978, Gini: 0.956; AUC: 0.94, Gini:
0.88; AUC: 0.91, Gini: 0.821 and AUC: 0.908, Gini: 0.816 respectively (Fig. 2).
In data testing and validation phase, classification algorithms shows similar trend as
training phase. In pattern testing phase, C5.0 model shows highest accuracy (AUC:
0.983, Gini: 0.967)) and CART model results lowest accuracy (AUC: 0.866, Gini:
0.732) to classify gait pattern. In final validation step, C5.0 model again shows highest
accuracy (AUC: 0.984, Gini: 0.968) and CART model results lowest accuracy (AUC:
0.869, Gini: 0.738) to classify gait pattern of stroke patients and healthy normal.
4 Conclusion
A gait monitoring system has been proposed for stroke onset prediction for stroke
patient. IoT sensors are used to gather gait data and machine learning algorithms are
used to classify gait pattern of stroke patient group and normal healthy group. In future,
sensors such as EEG, EMG will be used to improve system reliability.
Acknowledgments. This work was supported by the National Research Council of Science &
Technology (NST) grant by the Korea government (MSIP) (No. CRC-15-05-ETRI).
Gait Monitoring System for Stroke Prediction 97
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risk factors, symptoms and treatment options (in eng). Vasc Health Risk Manag. 14, 37–40
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systematic review. Arch. Phys. Med. Rehabil. 97(1), 131–140 (2016)
9. Yavuzer, G., Kucukdeveci, A., Arasil, T., Elhan, A.: Rehabilitation of stroke patients:
clinical profile and functional outcome (in eng). Am. J. Phys. Med. Rehabil. 80(4), 250–255
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11. Benson, L.C., Clermont, C.A., Bošnjak, E., Ferber, R.: The use of wearable devices for
walking and running gait analysis outside of the lab: a systematic review. Gait & Posture 63,
124–138 (2018)
12. Gubbi, J., Buyya, R., Marusic, S., Palaniswami, M.: Internet of things (IoT): a vision,
architectural elements, and future directions. Future Gen. Comput. Syst. 29(7), 1645–1660
13. Hassanalieragh, M., et al.: Health monitoring and management using internet-of-things
(IoT) sensing with cloud-based processing: opportunities and challenges. In: 2015 IEEE
International Conference on Services Computing, pp. 285–292 (2015)
14. Park, S.J., Hong, S., Kim, D., Hussain, I., Seo, Y.: Intelligent In-Car Health Monitoring
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Facial Recognition on Cloud for Android
Based Wearable Devices
1 Introduction
as person of interest identification. Face recognition System plays a vital role in several
applications such as person identification, face tracking, video surveillance, and human
computer interaction. Algorithm for effective face and facial characteristic detection are
required for applying to those tasks. In the present-day industry system of face
recognition is proved to be highly effective. In today’s technological world, the quick
increase in usage of mobile devices and the explosive growth of mobile face recog-
nition is one of significant application. At the same time there are many challenges
mobile devices are facing in their resources such as low computing capacity, low
battery life span, limited bandwidth and low storage [2]. Usually face recognition
process is practiced by internal security and defense departments for the enforcement of
law and order situation in the country at both public and private areas. Facial detection
system performs an indispensable role in the variety of scenarios to recognize the target
objects like extremist, kidnappers, offenders, malfeasants, missing and wanted people
(Fig. 1).
Currently, many biometrics techniques and strategies exist to verify any individ-
ual’s identity by using specific and incomparable bio informatics features (e.g. face, iris
and finger prints). However, the use of mentioned bio informatics features is very
inconvenient for any on duty patrolling office because it is very time-consuming
activity. Therefore, face detection of the targeted person has emerged as a dominating,
promising and favorable technological process. Moreover, it is a real time and non-
intrusive system that is capable of multiple object detection at the same time Hence,
face recognition system is commonly deployed at public areas like banks, airports,
patrol/gas stations, bus stops, shopping malls, roads, streets, subways, highways and
seaports [3]. Surveillance Cameras are widely used for face-recognition in public
places. But as it is observed, surveillance cameras provoke many glitches such as,
installation of camera on roof or top corner’s so that they remain unnoticeable and
undetectable spots. In such scenario, top captured facial views are harder to recognize,
another negative aspect is fixed location of camera. Criminals or intruders can trace out
the location of fix camera, bypass it and plan to attack accordingly. Moreover, the easy
100 Z. Shaukat et al.
2 Literature Review
Steve Mann, the computerized eye-wear pioneer, has been designing and wearing
computerized eyewear for spans, the gear increasing prominently in cleverness over
time. In the development of wearable computer serial was exhibited by authors [5]. In
the third generation, a see-trough augmented reality eyewear system named as STAR
1200XL was introduced its transparent widescreen video display empower and facil-
itates to observe the reality. Computerized information like pictures, script video and
text are demonstrated on the screen. Smart Glasses is a type of wearable device with an
ocular head-mounted display. The aim of developing smart glasses is to manufacturing
a mass-market ubiquitous computer. Smart Glasses spectacles info in a format like
smartphone i.e. hands-free format. People who wear smart glasses interconnect with the
Internet using natural language speech commands.
Facial Recognition on Cloud for Android Based Wearable Devices 101
Low Frequency Rendering: Remote Views are used to render cards. Ruminate of it as
a Home screen widget on Android phones. For updating these views, a background
service is used. We only update the views every now and then.
Immersion: An immersion is at the bottom of regular Android activity. For activity to
look like a timeline card no need to allocate a theme to activity or use the Device
Default theme as base for customization. Even though touch pad of Smart Glass can be
used almost like a d-pad: Most input- related Android widgets can be avoided. They
don’t make much sagacity on Glass because of not using a touch screen. As a substitute
try to use gestures with the GestureDetector class or voice input. Use the Card class
and its toView() method for creating a view that looks like regular Glass card (Fig. 4).
practice Principal Component Analysis via eigen faces [12], another pattern is Elastic
Bunch Graph Matching that uses Fisher face algorithm [13]. Similarly, face feature is
extracted by Local Binary Pattern Histogram (LBPH) [6]. In addition, some profes-
sional enterprises have developed their own face recognition systems such as
“Lambda”, “Google’s Picasa”, “Apple’s iPhoto”. There is a three-dimensional (3D)
face recognition trend with improved accuracies because its data is pose variant and
consist of more facial surface information [14] A comprehensive pose invariant
automatic system was presented by, Prof. Loannis [15]. According to design, regis-
tration of 3D facial scan was done by using composite alignment technique. As
compared to 2D systems, 3D face recognition system achieves higher accuracy. But 3D
system is much expensive alongside computational delay due to which has less
practical implementation. Furthermore, 3D face recognition requires subject’s coop-
eration to capture data from 3 dimensions that delays the process. The author [16] used
OpenCV for face detection due to open source and highly supportive behavior for
Eigen faces, Fisher faces and Local Binary Patterns Histograms (LBPH). Eigen faces
[17, 18] demonstrates illumination-robust property reliable under multiple illumina-
tions. Eigen faces approaches also support to update face recognizer due to which it
lessens the running delays and memory space [19].
System is designed such that it does not need much time to load pages. Develop each
Interface page to be fast-loading. All images, graphics and multimedia are optimized to
the appropriate size and quality to ensure that they load within a few seconds. The
design of system is user friendly that any type of user shall learn to operate the system
after a short training. The interface by which user interact is easy to navigate
throughout the system. Its reliable in its best capacity to detect face and recognize the
person in it. System availability is the time when the application must be available for
use. Application provide a secure access to the cloud data and 24/7 availability to allow
the users to access the system anytime they want. The system is able to recover or heal
up when an error occurs. If it does not heal then it should at least display an error
In this section we will discuss state of the art implementation details supported by
procedural approach of the system which are function-oriented. This system is a net-
worked system, so it requires multiple platforms to run. As mentioned in name, this
system is mainly for android based glass. For web server Linux (Ubuntu) has been
used, as it is more convenient to use and configure as web servers. The third element of
this system is cloud server. For that too Linux is used, because it is Hadoop based cloud
feature. When the person wearing smart glass will look towards any other person, the
application will try to detect his/her face. When a face is detected, smart glass will mark
the face with a square box as shown in Fig. 2. It means now it is okay to take the
picture to add it on live Camera feed.
After picture has been taken the user will be displayed a “Please Wait” message.
Behind this message application will send this image to server, and server will response
in the form of person information. Smart glass application will take a little while for
getting response from server, and mean while a “Please Wait” message will remain on
user screen. After getting the response from the server, smart glass application will
display the result on the display as shown in Fig. 2.
108 Z. Shaukat et al.
5 Conclusion
The implementation of the smart glass project has clearly demonstrated the concepts
underlying the system to be entirely feasible. This system is very helpful for running
heavy applications on mobile device, by storing the big data and performing the heavy
processing on cloud server. This system has many applications in real life, for example
finding a person of interest (thieve or a criminal) using android smart glasses with a
database on cloud server. Law enforcement agencies can make use of this system to
pinpoint suspects very efficiently by saving almost 99.5% of time. There can be many
other useful applications for this system such as helping disabled people who are
unable to remember people, helping a tourist to meet new people and helping the job
interviewer to view candidate’s previous records etc.
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Eye Tracking in the Diagnosis of Aggressive
Behaviors and Emotions: A Systematic Review
of the Literature
1 Introduction
Eye Tracking is a technique applied through a device called a tracker, which allows
researchers to monitor and record the way person looks at a particular stimulus,
specifically the areas in which he fixes his attention, the time he invests and in what
order this activity is carried out [1]. This physiological indicator measures the response
of the subjects through the movement of the eyeballs. The analysis of eye movements
is not a neuroscience technique itself, but it is a type of biometric measurement that can
help to understand the unconscious of the study subjects, even the data relative to
blinking, speed of movement and dilation of the pupil to infer the emotional
involvement with what is being observed [2].
Aggressive behaviors and emotions have usually been diagnosed through tradi-
tional processes, which required broad time for the application and measure. The type
of responses obtained through these processes are subjective because of the social
moral burden in the issue of aggressiveness.
The existing literature on aggressiveness refers to conceptualization, studies of
possible etiologies, diagnosis at different stages of the development of the human being
and with a diversity of tools, comorbidity with psychopathologies, among others.
The present study aims to systematically review the literature regarding the use of
eye-tracking technology in the diagnosis of aggressive behaviors and emotions. This
review focuses mainly on analyzing the studies regarding the population participating
in these studies and their conditions, the methodology used, the areas of study and the
results. This document is organized the following way: the methodology used to carry
out this review is described in the following section. A description of the search
criteria, criteria for inclusion and exclusion of studies is included, and the data
extraction process is described. Section three presents the results of the analysis of the
selected studies in relation to the research questions and discusses the findings. Finally,
in section four the conclusions are included.
2 Methodology
The systematic literature review was developed under the PRISMA model (Preferred
Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyzes statement) criteria [3, 8].
The research questions that guided this literature review include:
1. What areas of study have the diagnostic investigations about aggressive behaviors
and emotions that use eye-tracking technology been addressed?
2. What methodological approaches have been used to diagnose processes of
aggressive behaviors and emotions using eye-tracking technology?
3. What tools have been used to diagnose processes of aggressive behaviors and
emotions that use eye-tracking technology?
Once the keywords were defined, the researchers looked for relevant articles. This
search was conducted between October 11 and November 8, 2018 in the following
academic databases: Pubmed, Scopus, PsycInfo, Scielo and DOAJ.
Fig. 1. Flow of information through the different phases of a systematic review (PRISMA).
Initially, only the title and summary were reviewed to determine the relevance of
the article. However, because the abstracts did not include enough information to
determine if it was a study on aggressive behaviors and emotions with eye tracking
technology, it was necessary to review the methodology and results. This clarified the
inclusion and exclusion criteria.
3 Results
The focus of this study is to examine the literature to investigate the scope in the use of
eye-tracking technology applied to the diagnosis of aggression and emotions. This
results section was organized the following way: first, the results of this review are
presented, next, the subsequent sections focuses on answering and discussing the
findings of following research questions:
(a) What areas of study have been addressed to diagnose aggressive behaviors and
emotions by means of the eye-tracking technology?
(b) What methodological approaches are used in diagnostic processes of aggressive
behaviors and emotions through eye-tracking technology?
(c) What tools have been used to diagnose processes of aggressive behaviors and
emotions through the use eye-tracking technology?
Eye Tracking in the Diagnosis of Aggressive Behaviors and Emotions 115
Finally, it is necessary to indicate that two studies highlight the importance of this
technology in the psychological field. One of them, through an analysis of relevant
issues and the processes developed so far, [19] consider eye tracking as an adequate
tool to analyze gazes in the relationship of culture-perception regarding emotions. In
the other study, [14] analyzes and highlight the use of eye tracking as a means of
coding the processing of Social Information in children in real time.
It is worth mentioning that the origin of each study and the conditions in each
investigation are variables important to this research. Thus, the study developed by [4],
in which he uses eye tracking technology to detect the type of stimuli calls the attention
of participants` gaze. The participants of this study were borderline. The researcher
mentions the use of oxytocin as a treatment form for this disorder. This helps to
decrease the levels of anxiety and orientation to hostile information in the surrounding
In another study, the participation of a gene in modulation is analyzed to determine
the accuracy in the recognition and exploration of emotional facial expression. In this
study, the group of researchers combined the use of eye tracking technology with
neurological imaging studies to concluded that the 5-HTTLPR gene influences social
perception, modulating the general surveillance of social signals [12].
Other studies took into consideration the amygdala in the development of morals,
the relationship between information processing and aggressive tendencies, emotion
and body posture, social exclusion and aggression, chronic depression-pain, and per-
ception of emotions and culture. All these studies were based on eye tracking tech-
nology with valuable contributions that can be counted on both the results of
correlation and the gap left for future research.
4 Conclusions
See Table 5.
Table 5. (continued)
Id Title Author(s) Year
E10 Perception of face and body Kret, M., Stekelenburg, J., Roelofs, 2013
expressions using K., De Gelder Beatrice
electromyography, pupillometry and
gaze measures
E11 Social exclusion leads to attentional Chen, Z., Du, J., Xiang, M., Zhang, 2017
bias to emotional social information: Y., Zhang, S
Evidence from eye movement
E12 Emotions’ impact on viewing Kaspar, K., Hloucal, T., Kriz, J., 2013
behavior under natural conditions Canzler, S., Gameiro, R., Krapp,
VB., König, P
E13 Processing of Emotional Faces in Giel, K., Paganini, S., Schank, I., 2018
Patients with Chronic Pain Disorder: Enck, P., Zipfel, S., Junne, F
An Eye-Tracking Study
E14 Recognition of Facial Expressions Wu, L., Pu, J., Allen, J. J. B., & 2012
in Individuals with Elevated Levels Pauli, P.:
of Depressive Symptoms: An Eye-
Movement Study
E15 Emotion perception acorss cultures: Engelmann, J. B., & Pogosyan, M 2013
the role of cognitive mechanisms
E16 Novel paradigms to measure Hepach, R., Vaish, A., & 2015
variability of behavior in early Tomasello, M.:
childhood: Posture, gaze, and pupil
1. Iniestra, E., y Mancilla, E.: La técnica de eye tracking aplicada en algunas láminas del test de
Relaciones Objetales. Educación y Humanidades, 210–216 (2017)
2. Quiñones, M.: La Neurociencia como oportunidad estratégica. Cuadernos Latinoamericanos
de Administración 6(11), 97–110 (2010)
3. Moher, D., Liberati, A., Tetzlaff, J., Altman, D.G.: Preferred reporting items for systematic
reviews and meta-analyses: the prisma statement. PLoS Med. 6(7), e1000097 (2009)
4. Bertsch, K., Gamer, M., Schmidt, B., Schmidinger, I., Walther, S., Kästel, T., Herpertz, S.C.:
Oxytocin and reduction of social threat hypersensitivity in women with borderline
personality disorder. Am. J. Psychiatr. 170(10), 1169–1177 (2013)
5. Kaspar, K., Hloucal, T.-M., Kriz, J., Canzler, S., Gameiro, R.R., Krapp, V., König, P.:
Emotions’ impact on viewing behavior under natural conditions. PLoS ONE 8(1), e52737
6. Hesse, E., Mikulan, E., Decety, J., Sigman, M., Garcia, M. del C., Silva, W., Ibanez, A.:
Early detection of intentional harm in the human amygdala. Brain 139(1), 54–61 (2015)
7. Kret, M.E., Stekelenburg, J.J., Roelofs, K., de Gelder, B.: Perception of face and body
expressions using electromyography, pupillometry and gaze measures. Front. Psychol. 4
Eye Tracking in the Diagnosis of Aggressive Behaviors and Emotions 121
8. Liberati, A., Altman, D., Tetzlaff, J., Mulrow, C., Gotzsche, P., Loannidis, J., Clarke, M.,
Devereaux, P., Kleijnen, J., Moher, D.: The PRISMA statement for reporting systematic
reviews and meta-analyses of studies that evaluate health care interventions: explanation and
elaboration. PLoS Med. 6(7), e1000100.
9. Hepach, R., Vaish, A., Tomasello, M.: Novel paradigms to measure variability of behaviorin
early childhood: posture, gaze, and pupil dilation. Front. Psychol. 6 (2015)
10. Laue, C., Griffey, M., Lin, P.-I., Wallace, K., Van der Schoot, M., Horn, P., Barzman, D.:
Eye gaze patterns associated with aggressive tendencies in adolescence. Psychiatr. Q. 89(3),
747–756 (2018)
11. Bours, C.C.A.H., Bakker-Huvenaars, M.J., Tramper, J., Bielczyk, N., Scheepers, F., Nijhof,
K.S., et al.: Emotional face recognition in male adolescents with autism spectrum disorder or
disruptive behavior disorder: an eye-tracking study. Eur. Child Adolesc. Psychiatr. (2018)
12. Boll, S., Gamer, M.: 5-HTTLPR modulates the recognition accuracy and exploration of
emotional facial expressions. Front. Behav. Neurosci. 8 (2014)
13. Horsley, T.A., de Castro, B.O., Van der Schoot, M.: In the eye of the beholder: eye-tracking
assessment of social information processing in aggressive behavior. J. Abnorm. Child
Psychol. 38(5), 587–599 (2009)
14. Arsenio, W.F.: Social information processing, emotions, and aggression: conceptual and
methodological contributions of the special section articles. J. Abnorm. Child Psychol. 38
(5), 627–632 (2010)
15. Lin, P.-I., Hsieh, C.-D., Juan, C.-H., Hossain, M.M., Erickson, C.A., Lee, Y.-H., Su, M.-C.:
Predicting aggressive tendencies by visual attention bias associated with hostile emotions.
PLoS ONE 11(2), e0149487 (2016)
16. Chen, Z., Du, J., Xiang, M., Zhang, Y., Zhang, S.: Social exclusion leads to attentional bias
to emotional social information: evidence from eye movement. PLoS ONE 12(10),
e0186313 (2017)
17. Giel, K.E., Paganini, S., Schank, I., Enck, P., Zipfel, S., Junne, F.: Processing of emotional
faces in patients with chronic pain disorder: an eye-tracking study. Front. Psychiatr. 9 (2018)
18. Wu, L., Pu, J., Allen, J.J. B., Pauli, P.: Recognition of Facial Expressions in Individuals with
Elevated Levels of Depressive Symptoms: An Eye-Movement Study
19. Engelmann, J.B., Pogosyan, M.: Emotion perception across cultures: the role of cognitive
mechanisms. Front. Psychol. 4 (2013)
20. Bertsch, K., Krauch, M., Stopfer, K., Haeussler, K., Herpertz, S.C., Gamer, M.: Interpersonal
threat sensitivity in borderline personality disorder: an eye-tracking study. J. Personal.
Disord. 31(5), 647–670 (2017)
Research on Smart Wearable Device Design
Based on Semiotic Approach to Product
Architecture Design
Abstract. It aims to improve the wearable device interaction design for old
people who are easy to get lost. Typical rehabilitation behavior and related
objects of the users are recorded by non-participant observation and interview.
Based on the SAPAD frame, the relationship between behavior-object-
signification is analyzed. It has provided some solutions to optimize the APP
interaction design.
1 Introduction
Great concerns have arisen about the lives of older people due to the increasing number
of aging populations. And the lost elderly becomes the biggest concern because of their
memory loss. In order to decrease the probability of this dangerous event, people use
smart wearable devices to located old people. However, this kind of product pays more
attention on old people and pay little attention on mobile users who ultimately makes
the buying decisions. Furthermore, this kind of smart wearable devices can greatly help
users to deal the anxiety of old people safety. In this case, the smart wearable device
interaction demands more suitable framework to improve itself in different situation.
There have been a great number of studies in framework for HMI improving.
Zheng Liu proposed the classic software framework of Model-View-Controller
(MVC) can be used in the civil aircraft cockpit. The aim of this software framework is
decoupling the logic dependency and system model [7]. Wanyu Zhang and Xun Yuan
tried to improve APP interface design localization in difference aspect [2], Xun Yuan
studied how to improve WeChat interface design with the local style. Wanyu zhang
combining “Mobile Internet” and “Productive Protection of Qiang people’s silver
jewelry” into the APP interface design [1] from the perspective of user experience and
cognitive psychology. Hairong Long designed the APP interface and verified it’s
feasibility by the framework including user factors, environmental factors and emo-
tional factors. Both of these two researches improved the APP interface design with
user’s mental model [3]. As for evaluation of HMI before improving, there are many
researches about evaluation of HMI in different situations. Kuowei su investigated
interactive virtual reality navigation system by testing 15 people with Delphi method
and Heuristic Evaluation. All of these researches have not taken the semantic of user’s
behavior into account to provide a perspective of interpret users behavior.
The framework used in this research is SAPAD framework which was proposed by
Fei Hu and Keiichi Sato in 2011. It was used in product design, service design and
interaction design. It aims to reconstruct the functional service modules of community
and build the service system for the elderly rehabilitation to realize the design inno-
vation [8]. Researchers mapped relationship between the three dimensions which are
behavior, object and signification. From this frame, the relationship between behavior-
object-signification is analyzed. It could provide new approach and proposal for some
problem in different aspects. However, there is no conclusive research to talk about
smart wearable device interface design, especially about the interaction design in
specific scenario.
The rest of the paper is organized as follow: Sect. 2 introduces the SAPAD frame .
Sect. 3 describes the process of building user model by observing user’s behavior.
Section 4 analyzes the relationship between behavior-object-signification when people
use the APP based on SAPAD frame. Section 5 give solutions for improving this
interaction design. Section 6 discusses the gaps and challenges of SAPAD frame for
interface design. Finally, in Sect. 7, the conclusion is summarized.
2 SAPAD Frame
It is designed to better monitor elderly people whose memories are fading, mainly by
their children, volunteers and CARE worker. For SAPAD, non-participatory obser-
vation is adopted to analyze the user’s task flow by recording the user’s operation
Through user interviews, some important significant behavioral variables are
selected to form a number of variable axes, and then the relative position of the
interviewees on the variable axis is divided. Generally speaking, the mutual location
relationship between users in a certain range is more important than the exact location,
which plays a role in subdividing the user group. In this paper, object and behavior
124 H. Yuan et al.
variables are corresponded through in-depth interviews with 5 users. Each user was
interviewed separately in a relaxed environment, and the usage of several users was
recorded by means of chat and pre-prepared interview scripts. It is possible to observe
the similarities between the user’s needs for the elderly information management,
positioning mode and behavioral operation. If the user has certain commonality in
listening, sharing and operation, it indicates that they have similar group behavior
Record the operation activities related to APP for 5 users with non-participatory
observation. They are then interviewed in depth to get a full picture of how users
behave when using the APP. The main behaviors include clicking the APP, linking the
devices, reading the health information, getting the location information.
After recording the operation behaviors of users in three usage scenarios, the corre-
sponding behaviors and objects in each scenario are studied. The object can be any
element related to user operation in APP interface, such as chart, text, virtual button or
whole page. Users may use multiple interface elements in each step of operation, which
are all related to behaviors. Among them, key elements are directly related to opera-
tions and essential interface elements (Table 1).
This part completes the analysis of behavior-object, and finds out the interface
elements in APP corresponding to user behavior through observation. The relationship
126 H. Yuan et al.
between user behavior and key objects in each scene has been clarified. And then, it is
necessary to further explain the meaning of user behavior from the perspective of
The empirical level emphasizes users’ skills and life experience, and the clustering
analysis results in 2 meaning clusters, which are getting information of elders’ health in
daily life and ensuring elders will not get lost.
128 H. Yuan et al.
6 Solution
There are some gaps and disadvantages through the research. Firstly the research of
SAPAD method select users randomly when conducting user research, which is not
typical, and it is not very helpful for the iterative update of APP products. Secondly,
SAPAD does not take into account the user’s usage scenarios when analyzing the user
behavior, while the APP user usually has multiple usage scenarios. Therefore, it is
necessary to distinguish the user’s usage scenarios.
8 Conclusion
In this paper, the effects of SAPAD frame were investigated. This framework not only
focuses the user needs but also excavates the users’ demand from the behavior to
signification in order to get the core requirement. The APP of elder wearable device are
analyzed with this framework in empirical level. The result of analysis shows that users
require more efficient interaction when they locate elders urgently and they call for
humanize interaction when they learn the health information about the elder. However,
the study ignore users preform differently in different scenarios, although it is discussed
in solutions part.
Research on Smart Wearable Device Design 129
1. Wanyu, Z.: APP interface design of Qiang people’s silver jewelry based on user experience.
In: Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Contemporary Education, Social
Sciences and Humanities (ICCESSH 2018) (Advances in Social Science, Education and
Humanities Research, Vol. 233)
2. Yuan, X.: Introduction to We Chat interface design localization. In: Proceedings of The 4th
International Conference on Education, Language, Art and Inter-cultural Communication
(ICELAIC 2017) (Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, Vol.
3. Long, H.: Self-guided tour APP interface design based on user experience. In: Proceedings of
the 2016 3rd International Conference on Education, Language, Art and Inter-cultural
Communication (ICELAIC 2016)
4. Yan, L.: User experience for landscape teaching mobile device software interface design. In:
Proceedings of the International Conference on Mechatronics Engineering and Information
Technology (ICMEIT 2016)
5. Hu, F.: Human-centred product architecture from UPPA to SAPAD. Science and Engineering
Research Center. In: Proceedings of 2015 International Conference on Sustainable Energy
and Environmental Engineering (SEEE 2015)
6. Su, K.-W.: The interface design and usability evaluation of interactive virtual reality
navigation system. In: Proceedings of 2013 International Conference on Mechanical
Engineering and Materials (ICMEM 2013)
7. Liu, Z.: A study of cockpit HMI simulation design based on the concept of MVC design
pattern. In: Proceedings of 2018 3rd International Conference on Modelling, Simulation and
Applied Mathematics (MSAM 2018)
8. Fei, H.U., Kun, Z., Zhang-Sheng, L.: Service design of community rehabilitation for the
elderly based on SAPAD framework. Packag. Eng. (2018)
Wearable Smart Emotion-Aware Gloves:
Develops a New Way People Interact
with Others
1 Introduction
Parent-child relationship, as the first relationship that people can reach after birth, is of
great significance to people’s lives. There is a connection between parent-child rela-
tionship, family learning environment and school preparation [1]. Parental psycho-
logical flexibility is closely related to children’s mental health [2], and is also related to
children’s behavior problems, children’s anxiety, etc. [3, 4]. How to establish a good
parent-child relationship to promote the growth of young children is an eternal hot
issue. In the early childhood, if parents and children lack emotional communication,
children cannot get a direct emotional experience from them. This will lead to alien-
ation of parent-child relationships and a decrease in intimacy and trust between parents
and children.
However, in the increasingly fierce social competition, people’s life rhythm is
accelerating, and how to deal with parent-child relationship efficiently becomes a
problem. Busy parents often have problems with parent-child relationships [5].
Although early intervention in child growth is very important [6], children of younger
age often fail to accurately express and feel emotions because of limitations in their
ability to express themselves. In the long run, it is easy for parents and children to have
a dilemma in communication, which makes the parent-child relationship alienated. In a
good parent-child relationship, it is very important to properly understand each other’s
feelings. Emotional survey methods such as empathy design models have gradually
developed and can be used in the development of children’s products in the future [7].
Behind the heavy social pressure of modern people and the phenomenon of
Grandparents parenting grandchildren [8–11], people’s parent-child relationship has
also undergone many changes. How to deal with parent-child relationship efficiently
becomes a problem. First of all, considering the busy work of parents, they need to take
more narrow gaps to take care of their children during this limited time, which is
obviously a quick and direct way. Then consider the recent common Grandparents
parenting grandchildren phenomenon, for parents who go out to work, less home, their
communication with the child is obviously a deep and efficient way. Other members
besides parents are also increasingly important in the growth of children [12]. Parents
who lack experience and guidance often need special supplements if they want to
communicate with their children. Younger age children also need a medium that makes
it easier for them to express and feel their emotions.
From this background, we did relevant market research and target user research.
A design idea of a new wearable intelligent emotion-sensing device is proposed. The
fabric gloves were selected as the carrier to carry out the modular design of the product,
which was carried out from three parts: design research, product design and program
test. We used desktop research, user interviews and other methods to sort out the design
features of parent-child devices in the market. A group of inexperienced urban young
parents were surveyed and their needs were collected and analyzed through in-depth
interviews. After comprehensive analysis of its advantages and disadvantages, we can
draw our design opportunities.
There are not many smart products currently focusing on parent-child emotional
interaction in the market. Most of them are relatively simple non-interactive non-
intelligent products. This is a market application direction worth exploring. The device
we studied provided it with a port of exploration.
2 Method
Through interviews, we learned that although the participants already have some
parent-child interaction products at home, the utilization rate of these products is not
high. Mainly because these types of products interact in an overly simple way, or
require users to pay too much for learning.
Users are often attracted to the promotion of these products to purchase such
products. But after they buy such products for a while, parents often can’t insist on
using simple interactive products, and children are more likely to like new ones.
Therefore, both of them will immediately lose interest in entertainment. Such products
are prone to long-term uselessness due to the user’s loss of interest in the product,
resulting in a situation in which the utilization rate is not high and the living space is
Even if users don’t give up on such products, they are often inconvenient to use.
Because according to the interview results, users generally lack parenting knowledge
and emotional management knowledge, products cannot provide advice for them. Due
to the above various reasons, these products often receive some negative evaluations,
such as easy accumulation of dust and occupation of living space.
Through interviews, we learned some key points:
1. Enhance the interactive links of parent-child products, which is conducive to
attracting users to use for a long time.
2. Users want to improve the level of intelligence of parent-child products. Most
parent-child interactive products are not intelligent enough, requiring users to have
certain parenting knowledge and emotional management knowledge, and the cost of
learning to use the products reasonably is high.
3. Users want to increase the utilization rate of parent-child products.
4. Users want these products to be small, easy to store and clean.
5. The factors that users often consider are: puzzle, safety, price, utilization, use effect,
aesthetics, land occupation and other factors.
2. Commitment to profit
a. Reasonable advice to provide parent-child interaction advice for young urban
parents who lack parenting experience.
b. Efficient interaction saves time for young urban parents who want to improve
parent-child relationships but are busy with work.
c. Reduce costs and reduce the physical and mental exhaustion caused by poor
parent-child interactions for young urban parents.
3. Support points
a. GSR monitoring module.
b. Music selection player module and light prompt module.
the feedback module through the processor, turns on the target response mode, and
visually prompts the suggested solution that will be provided later. Using the
principle of color psychology, it is suitable for indoor entertainment scenes, and
naturally provides visual representation of emotions in daily life.
a. After receiving the emotion grading instruction, the corresponding light color
can be controlled according to the preset type to visually display the emotional
change, and the user can observe the state of mind of the contact object.
b. Set the color and time period of the light in different modes.
c. Touch to turn off the light feedback.
3. Perform different audible feedback based on the instructions received to provide
emotional comfort suggestions. The instructions are passed through the processor
and passed to the feedback module to implement a targeted response mode, pro-
viding a solution for monitoring and judging results, using voice prompts. After
receiving the classification instructions, select the appropriate recommendations
based on the emotional degree.
a. After receiving the emotion grading instruction, the corresponding sound sug-
gestions (music, voice, etc.) can be played according to the preset type to
provide an auxiliary solution for the emotional reaction.
b. The SIM card stores the sound library. After receiving the command, you can
adjust the corresponding track.
c. Touch to turn off the sound feedback.
monitoring and feedback unit. All sensors, voice devices, and bulb components need to
be exposed for good results, so all related components are placed separately.
Through previous research, we began to develop prototypes with functional orig-
inal features based on our design concepts. The basic working principle of the hardware
system is: First, the monitoring module performs physiological signal acquisition. Then
send the information to the motherboard, let the motherboard make judgment decisions,
such as emotional awakening, valence, and so on. After that, the hardware of the
feedback module receives the instruction from the motherboard and sends it to the
corresponding feedback module. Thereby changing the mode of the feedback module,
performing a voice interaction mode or a visual interaction mode.
The key function points are:
1. The information transmitted by the monitoring module to the hardware is mainly
the human physiological signal data collected by each component of the monitoring
module. Maintain real-time feedback to prepare for the next calculation.
2. Based on the results of the previous experiment, select the sound track with the
apprehension suggestion and store it in the TF card in advance. The sensor of the
GSR module detects the change of the GSR reading. When the MCU (Microcon-
troller Unit) of the motherboard judges that the value is greater than the reference
value, the speech feedback module plays the corresponding sound track, and the
sound is diffused through the sound board and the speaker.
3. At the same time, the sensor of the GSR module detects changes in physiological
readings, and when the MCU of the motherboard determines that the value is
greater than the reference value, the bulbs are transformed in different colors and
4. Communicate the monitoring module and the feedback module through the
3. Broadcast module
We chose Waveshare’s Music Shield module as an audio player to provide music
interaction. It is based on the Arduino standard interface design and is compatible with
UNO and Leonardo development boards. The board has a 74VHC125 level conversion
chip that is compatible with 3.3 V and 5 V microcontroller interfaces. The module has
a TF card slot, and can access the TF card to play audio files therein. The module is
based on the VS1053B audio decoder chip and supports common audio file formats
such as MP3/AAC/WMA/WAV/MIDI. Moreover, there is a MIC recording function
on the board, and 2S and MIDI interfaces are introduced in this area, which is
advantageous for function expansion.
4. Lighting module
We chose the intelligent full color RGB light ring development board as a light
feedback to provide light interaction. The module is powered by a 5 V power supply.
Eight bright smart LED NeoPixels are arranged on a circular PCB with a 32 mm outer
diameter. These ring-shaped RGB lamps can be easily cascaded through the output pins
to the other input pins (DI ! DO). Use a single-chip pin to control as many LEDs as
possible through cascading. Each LED integrates a driver chip to make a single LED
smart and addressable. Each LED has a constant current of 18 mA, so the color of the
LED is very consistent even when the voltage changes. In the actual prototyping, the
LED RGB 140C05 module was used for soldering stability (Table 3).
In order to implement the product module function, the following materials are
required (Fig. 2):
Wearable Smart Emotion-Aware Gloves 139
appearance should be properly installed, and the space should be carefully arranged.
The hardware prototype used to implement the feedback function is divided into four
areas: the main board area, the voice area, and the light area (see Fig. 3).
Motherboard area: This area is the Aduino Uno controller and the program has been
programmed. It mainly includes four functions: identifying and classifying the received
GSR signal; giving a color change instruction of the control lamp according to the
determined classification; and giving an instruction to control the playback of the voice
track according to the determined classification.
Lighting area: The motherboard controls the change of the color of the light,
prompting the user’s emotional changes in the user currently touched. This area is
mainly composed of LED bulbs and WS2812 chips.
Voice area: The Music Shield board accepts the classification signal from the
motherboard output and plays the corresponding music track in the TF card. A speaker
that boosts the sound quality through the power amplifier emits a sound that is rep-
resentative of the suggestion (Fig. 4).
4 Discussions
In this paper, we propose a design idea for a new wearable intelligent emotion-sensing
device. We have done relevant market research and target user research, from design
research, product design, and program testing. We used desktop research, user inter-
views and other methods to sort out the design features of parent-child devices in the
market. A group of inexperienced urban young parents were surveyed and their needs
were collected and analyzed through in-depth interviews. After comprehensive analysis
of its advantages and disadvantages, we can draw our design opportunities.
Then we defined the needs of the target users and the functional design of the
products, improved the design ideas of the products, and developed the system design
of the products. Based on the results of the survey, we used a hand-worn product
solution to study a wearable glove device that senses emotions, and finally chose a
fabric glove as a carrier for modular design. By designing an interactive way that
matches the natural behavior and psychological experience of the parent and child, the
device allows the parents to feel each other’s emotions and improve the efficiency of
communication and contact between parents and children.
The device is mainly composed of a sensing module, a feedback module and a
processing module, and is integrated on a wearable glove. The user’s emotional data is
collected by the sensor module embedded in the palm of the glove, thereby inferring
the user’s emotional data; The feedback device is used to give the user easy-to-detect
feedback and contextual suggestions; The processing module interprets and processes
the data and controls the operation of the device.
Wearable Smart Emotion-Aware Gloves 143
We use the product demo to conduct user evaluation tests, and the test results are
good, which verifies the feasibility of the design. Most users say the product is helpful
and active. There are not many smart products currently focusing on parent-child
emotional interaction in the market. Most of them are relatively simple non-interactive
non-intelligent products. This is a market application direction worth exploring. The
device we studied provided it with a port of exploration.
Parents and children can be our users in the usage scenario. All they need to do is
wear emotionally stimulated gloves and then shake hands or touch the forehead to
touch the surface of the other’s skin. It takes only a few seconds for a short test time to
know each other’s emotions and to get a solution for this situation. These programs are
usually presented by voice, stories, jokes, songs, etc., giving parents some tips,
bringing joy to the children and driving the atmosphere of parent-child interaction.
With the development of open source hardware platforms such as Arduino, we can
use a combination of various sensors, Bluetooth modules and microcontrollers to
transmit user sentiment judgments and user status information to users’ mobile
applications in real time. Improve the intelligence of the product and make it more
Acknowledgments. This research was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of
China (No. 51675476 and No. 51175458).
1. Parker, Boak, F.L.: Parent-child relationship, home learning environment, and school
readiness. J. School Psychol. Rev. 28(3), 413 (1999)
2. Brassell, A.A., Rosenberg, E., Parent, J., et al.: Parent S psychological flexibility:
associations with parenting and child psychosocial wellbeing. J. Context Behav. Sci. 5(2),
111–120 (2016)
3. Cheron, D.M., Ehrenreich, J.T., Pincus, D.B.: Assessment of parental experiential avoidance
in a clinical sample of children with anxiety disorders. J. Child Psychiatr. Hum. Dev. 40(3),
383–403 (2009)
4. Simon, E., Verboon, P.: Psychological inflexibility and child anxiety. J. Child Fam. Stud.
25(12), 3565 (2016)
5. O’Brien, K., Mosco, J.: Positive parent–child relationships. In: Roffey, S. (Eds.) Positive
Relationships. Springer, Dordrecht (2012)
6. Eyberg, S.M., Bussing, R.: Parent–child interaction therapy for preschool children with
conduct problems. In: Murrihy, R., Kidman, A., Ollendick, T. (Eds.) Clinical Handbook of
Assessing and Treating Conduct Problems in Youth. Springer. New York, NY (2011)
7. Yu, H.C., Chou, C.J., Luh, D.B., et al.: User-centered empathy design: a prototype of
school-age children learning aids system. J. Ambient. Intell. Human Comput. (2018)
8. Brophy, S.: Grandparents raising grandchildren. In: Singh, A., Devine, M. (Eds.) Rural
Transformation and Newfoundland and Labrador Diaspora. Transgressions (Cultural Studies
and Education). Sense Publishers, Rotterdam (2013)
9. Hayslip, B., Kaminski, P.L.: Grandparents raising their grandchildren: a review of the
literature and suggestions for practice. J. The Gerontologist. 45(2), 262–269 (2005)
144 P. Shan et al.
10. Pan, Y.J., Sun, L., Dong, S.S., Tu, Y.: Intergenerational conflicts and transmission of values
in raising 0-2-year-old chinese babies. In: Li, L., Quiñones, G., Ridgway, A. (Eds.) Studying
babies and toddlers. In: International Perspectives on Early Childhood Education and
Development, Vol. 20. Springer, Singapore (2017)
11. Fuller-Thomson, E., Minkler, M., Driver, D.: A profile of grandparents raising grandchildren
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promote healthy eating in young children: focus groups with parents, family child care
providers and daycare assistants. J. BMC Public Health. 16, 1045 (2016)
The Research of Visual Characteristics
for the Deaf Wearing AR Glasses
Abstract. In order to design AR (Augmented Reality) glasses for the deaf, this
paper studies the virtual display interface of AR glasses. It is found that 89.8%
of the deaf have willingness to use AR glasses based on questionnaires of 1900
deaf people. An experiment with 10 deaf subjects and 10 hearing subjects was
done to calculate times of completing specific tasks. The results show that:
(1) 80% of the deaf subjects have 3 to 5 zones in the interface with significant
differences on cognitive efficiency, compared with the 6 to 7 zones from 80% of
the hearing subjects. (2) The heat maps of the cognitive efficiency distribution
shows that there is an obvious difference on the distribution patterns of regional
sensitivity between the two groups. (3) The significant difference on cognitive
efficiency of the deaf shown in different display zones is less than that of hearing
1 Introduction
According to the World Health Organization, there are around 466 million deaf people
(hearing loss greater than 40 dB in the better hearing ear in adults and a hearing loss
greater than 30 dB in the better hearing ear in children) worldwide, and the number is
estimated to reach more than 900 million by 2050 [1]. The deaf have inconvenience to
communicate with the outside world, and mainly communicate with sign language, lip
language, writing and etc. However, a certain communication mode only shows
effectiveness in a special situation [2]. At present, the solution to restore hearing of the
deaf is not ideal. For example, due to high prices and unsatisfactory speech clarity [3],
the penetration rate of hearing aids in the global deaf population is less than 10% [1].
With the development of artificial intelligence technology, as AR (Augmented
Reality) glasses is combined with voice technology, the sound can be converted into
visual information on the glasses and will not obstruct user to see the real world [4]. It
is conceivable that the communication will be improved efficiently for the deaf by
using those AR glasses. Sony has worked with American theater chain Regal Enter-
tainment to provide a new kind of glasses technology that can display closed captions
for the deaf [5]. Dhruv Jain et al. developed an AR glasses software which experi-
mented on 24 deaf people to explore their interaction preferences for using AR glasses
to locate the spatial position of sounds [6].
Human perceive the world through visual, auditory, tactile and other sensory
systems. Modern cognitive neuroscience has proven that the loss of hearing can have
an impact on vision [7, 8]. Based on the formal studies, it is assumed that the deaf and
hearing people wearing AR glasses have differences on visual characteristics. However,
there was few research on the types of sound information that are demanded for deaf in
different situation, and there was also few research on the visual cognitive efficiency of
virtual display interface of AR glasses for deaf. This paper carried out the following
research: Firstly, through the questionnaire survey, we studied what sounds are
important to the deaf in different situation; then, an experimental research on visual
cognitive efficiency of virtual display interface was conducted.
A questionnaire survey was conducted to explore the willingness of the deaf wearing
AR glasses to obtain sound information. According to the results of 1900 question-
naires, 89.8% of the deaf expressed their willingness to use that glasses, and they hoped
to use it in work, home and other situations, as shown in Table 1.
Table 1. The result about where the deaf wearing AR glasses to obtain sound information
Situations Work Home School Outside Meeting Other
Percentage 84.9% 56.9% 34.5% 57.3% 56.3% 10.6%
Human activities can be divided into four types: subsistence, maintenance, recre-
ation, and travel [9, 10]. The main types of sounds in these activities are human voice,
physical sound, natural sound, etc. Questionnaires were issued on internet, and the deaf
in China (hearing thresholds >40 dB, aged 18 to 45 years old) were invited to fill out.
110 valid responses were received. It was found that more than 55% of the participants
want to obtain the voices from real people in each activity.
3.1 Subjects
There are 20 subjects (normal vision; average age, 24 ± 6) in this experiment.
10 hearing impaired people were in the deaf group (numbered H1*H10, pre-linguistic
The Research of Visual Characteristics for the Deaf Wearing 147
deaf, hearing thresholds 80 dB), and 10 normal people were in the hearing group
(number N1*N10, hearing thresholds 25 dB).
Fig. 2. The observing icon (three-circle icon) Fig. 3. The actual effect
According to the optimal field of view proposed by ergonomics [14], the interface
is divided into 4 zones (A, B, C and D) by visual field latitude lines of 2.5°, 5°, and 10°,
as shown in Fig. 5a. Then, the zone B, C and D are evenly divided into 3 zones
separately by longitude lines of 60° and 330°, as shown in Fig. 5a. What is more, the
zone A is too small to be divided. Therefore, there are 10 zones in total which is shown
in Fig. 5b.
(a) The divided visual interface (b) Zoning and naming the areas
4 Result
category, each zone shows significant differences (P < 0.05) to the same areas which
are not in this category. And then, sorting the categories into different level according
to the magnitude of the average response time T’. The level of the category is higher,
the lower the response time and the higher the cognitive efficiency of those zones in
this category.
The statistical results of all the subjects were summarized to obtain a table (Table 2)
which shows the cognitive efficiency characteristics of each subject.
The numbers from area A to D3 represent the cognitive efficiency level. For
example, for the subject H10, the first-level cognitive efficiency zone is D2; the second-
level zones are A, B1, B3, C1, C2, C3, D1 and D3; the third-level zone is B2. *
represents the total level 5; # represents the PD 60%.
From Table 2, it can be found that: (1) 80% of the deaf subjects (H1, H3*H8 and
H10) have 3 to 5 zone categories in the interface with significant differences on
cognitive efficiency, compared with the 6 to 7 zone categories from 80% of the hearing
subjects (N1*N4, N6*N9). (2) The statistical number of extreme significant differ-
ences (n(P < 0.01)) divided by the statistical difference of significant differences (n(P <
0.05)), so that the proportion of data(PD) with extreme significant differences can be
known. It can be seen that there are 3 subjects in the deaf group who have a value of
more than 60%, and 3 subjects who have a value of 0%. In the hearing group. However
The Research of Visual Characteristics for the Deaf Wearing 151
there are 9 subjects who have reached more than 60%, and one subject who has a value
of 50%. It indicates that the significant difference in cognitive efficiency of the deaf in
different display zones is smaller than that of hearing people.
Fig. 6. The regional heat maps showing the cognitive efficiency of the visual interface
Comparing the regional heat maps, it can be seen that the distribution pattern of
regional sensitivity is inconsistent between the deaf group and the hearing group. The
deaf group shows a trend of lower cognitive efficiency from the left to the right, from
the middle to the lower and upper sides; the hearing group shows a trend of lower
cognitive efficiency from the middle and the right to the left, from the middle to the
lower and upper sides.
In previous studies, it was suggested that the deaf is willing to be able to hear various
types of voices and environmental sounds. Tara Matthews et al. have interviewed some
deaf and learned that they were expecting to hear various types of sounds in schools,
offices, streets, etc. [15, 16]. However, they only have a small investigation sample size
152 Z. Li et al.
including 24 people, and there is a lack of comparative research on the demand for the
sound types in different activities. In this research, a questionnaire survey is sent out to
gather 110 valid responses, and the difference among the demand of different kind of
sound types in several activities is also considered in this research.
For the difference in visual characteristics between the deaf and the hearing people,
in the present research, the researchers have leaded to conclusions with different
methods. Stevens et al. found that the visual field of the deaf is 10 cm2 larger than
hearing person by using automated peripheral kinetic and foveal static perimetry [17].
Loke et al. found that peripheral vision of the deaf were more sensitive by designing an
experiment in which the deaf students and hearing students were required to respond to
signals presented at the gaze point or out of the gaze point area respectively [18].
Previous studies have mainly used large-screen display devices for experiments.
However, the research on the difference in visual characteristics wearing AR glasses is
temporarily blank.
This research studied the willingness and visual characteristics of the deaf by the
investigation and experiment. The survey found that the deaf have a high willingness to
use the AR glasses to obtain the sound content by convert the sound information into
visual information,and there is more than 55% of the demand for voices in the sub-
sistence, maintenance, recreation, and travel activities. Experimental study has shown
that: In the 32-inches virtual display interface of AR glasses, 80% of the deaf subjects
have 3 to 5 zones in the interface with significant differences on cognitive efficiency,
compared with the 6 to 7 zones from 80% of the hearing subjects; The heat maps of the
cognitive efficiency distribution from the deaf and the hearing subjects shows that the
distribution pattern of regional sensitivity is inconsistent between the two groups; The
significant difference in cognitive efficiency of deaf people in different display zones is
less than that of hearing people.
The research results of this paper could provide references for providers who are
determined to improve the life quality for deaf, and it’s also helpful for the AR glasses
application developers. In the next step, researches on visual style and interaction mode
of sound visual information displayed on the AR glasses will be carried out, and the
number of samples will increase to get more accurate conclusions.
Acknowledgments. This research is supported by the Fundamental Research Funds for Central
Universities (2017ZX013).
1. World Health Organization.
2. Mi, K.: A review of the research on communication mode of hearing impaired. Modern
Spec. Educ. 08, 72–76 (2016)
3. McCormack, A., Fortnum, H.: Why do people fitted with hearing aids not wear them? Int.
J. Audiol. 52(5), 360–368 (2013)
4. Schweizer, H.: Smart glasses: technology and applications Student report Ubiquitous
computing seminar FS (2014)
The Research of Visual Characteristics for the Deaf Wearing 153
1 Introduction
More and more Head-Mounted Devices (HMDs), such as NVGs, oxygen masks, radio
communication systems, visual tracking and targeting systems, and night vision
devices, are installed on flying helmets [1] to enhance pilot situational awareness and
improve weapon operations. While these HMDS do improve combat effectiveness, but
it will result in an increase in the total mass of helmet system and a shift in Centre of
Gravity (CG), which in turn increases the pressure on pilot’s neck muscles and skeletal
system. This kind of pressure is more likely to induce pilot’s neck injury [2–4].
Pilot helmet not only plays a role in protecting pilot safety [5, 6], but also a flight
and air combat information display terminal. It is the versatility of pilot’s helmet that
puts new demands on the ergonomic design of helmet. Helmet CG is one of the most
© Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2020
T. Ahram (Ed.): AHFE 2019, AISC 973, pp. 154–166, 2020.
Ergonomic Evaluation of Pilot Helmet and Neck Injury 155
basic and important parameters of pilot helmet kinematics and dynamics research. It is
an important indicator related to pilot health, safety and the full play of human -
machine performance. The application environment of the carrier-based pilot helmet is
quite different from that of other flight helmets, especially during take-off and landing
phases, on aircraft carrier deck. Many carrier-borne flight helmets have problems of
heavy mass and CG offset. The lighter the helmet is, the less inertia force head will
suffer, and the better the comfort will be. When mass is constant, helmet deviates from
the center of head, which may cause uneven distribution of muscle strength in head and
neck, causing muscle fatigue or injury, and reducing comfort [7–9]. When pilot is
subjected to a vertical load of 8–10 g, the actual mass of the helmet on the neck can
reach 20–5 kg. During the take-off and landing phases, the horizontal impact accel-
eration forced on pilot’s head and neck can be as high as 4–5 g in the horizontal
direction due to the “whiplash” effect. When landing on the deck, calculation of the
rotational moment and MI of the helmet, as well as analysis of neck damage caused by
the number of takeoff and landing, becomes more difficult. Therefore, the mass char-
acteristic measurement and ergonomics analysis of pilots’ helmet need to be carried out
According to the structural characteristics of the helmet and the flight environment,
the comprehensive ergonomics evaluation of the carrier pilot helmet was carried out.
Aiming at the analysis and calculation of the helmet’s CG and MI, the flight helmet
centre of gravity measurement system was developed to obtain the position of the
helmet’s CG and MI. And a pilot neck muscle injury evaluation model based on sEMG
was established to investigate the effects of helmet mass change and CG offset on the
pilot’s neck injury
2 Methods
In order to evaluate the neck damage caused by the increase in the mass and CG drift of
helmet, a helmet physical properties measurement system was designed and developed.
Due to the difference in mass and shape of the measured object and the requirements
for measurement accuracy, there are big differences in the design and measurement
methods of measuring equipment, each with its own characteristics and pertinence, but
all adopt the basic principles of mechanics. We propose a three-point inversion mea-
surement method that the CG of helmet can be calculated by measuring the distribution
of the force on the three sensors based on the principle of moment balance. The object
to be measured is placed on the measuring pallet which is supported by three force
sensors. CG can be acquired by calculating the position of each sensor relative to the
reference center. The CG measurement system consists of a spatial coordinate mea-
suring system and a weighing system. The distribution of the three sensors is shown in
Fig. 1.
Where, Ld = distance between sensor #1 and sensor #3, L = distance between
sensor #2 and sensor #3.
156 X. Ge et al.
Sensor #2
Sensor #3
(a) (b)
Fig. 1. (a) The distribution of sensors and (b) A Chinese male head mold
ðF1 þ F2 þ F3 Þ mg
m1 ¼ ð1Þ
Firstly, fix the head mold (as shown in Fig. 2) in the auxiliary box, and then place
combining on the measuring platform smoothly. Using the measurement system to
obtain the distribution of the head mold. Based on the principle of zero torque, the two-
dimensional CG value of the head mold (xh, yh) can be calculated as Eq. 2.
F1 Ld mgXc ðF2 F3 Þ L
x¼ ;y ¼ ð2Þ
m1 g 2m1 g
Next, rotate the combining 90° around the Y-axis. As a result, X-axis is converted
to Z′-axis, Z-axis to X′-axis. The CG in Z-axis is calculated as Eq. 3.
Ergonomic Evaluation of Pilot Helmet and Neck Injury 157
F2 Y
F1 Sensor #2
X (xc, yc, zc)
Sensor #1 (x1, y1, z1) L
m 1g
Sensor #3
(a) (b)
Fig. 2. (a) The three-dimensional measuring coordinate system (b) Head coordinate system [1]
F1 Ld mgXc
z¼ ð3Þ
m1 g
Mount the helmet on the head mold and fix it in the auxiliary box, and calculate the
CG of the helmet according to the above method.
I ¼ mr 2 ð4Þ
Where, I is MI; m is mass; r is the vertical distance from the particle to the axis of
According to Eq. 4, the MI of the helmet around the X, Y and Z-axis can be
calculated as Eq. 5.
I x ¼ m y2 þ z 2 ; I y ¼ m x2 þ z 2 ; I z ¼ m x2 þ y2 ð5Þ
The error analysis results show that the error of measurement mass is less than
2.5% and the error of CG calculation is less than 2 mm.
sEMG is widely used to evaluate muscle activity. Researchers can attach electrodes to
the surface of the skin overlying a muscle and measure the amount of electricity
produced by muscle fibers contraction [10]. Studies have shown that local fatigue
characteristics can be reflected by sEMG signal after muscle exertion [11–13]. When
Ergonomic Evaluation of Pilot Helmet and Neck Injury 159
the external load is equal, the amplitude change of sEMG can be understood as local
muscle fatigue [14, 15]. In this paper, sEMG is used to investigate the effects of helmet
mass and CG migration on neck muscles.
Since the CG of head and the CG of helmet are located in front of the atlantoaxial
joint in the sagittal plane, the head mass and the helmet produce a flexion moment. To
maintain the head neutral balance, semispinatus capitis, levator scapulae, scalp gripper
and cervical gripper that produce greater muscle strength will be activated [16]. The
sternocleidomastoid muscle is located between the posterior mastoid, the sternum and
clavicle. Its function is to turn the head to the opposite side, helping to maintain head
stability when head keeps still; and works with the trapezius muscle to bend the head
and neck [17, 18]. Therefore, sEMG of scalp, sternocleidomastoid and trapezius
muscles were collected to analyze the fatigue and injury of the neck muscles.
used to determine the correlation between the residual signal and the original signal,
thereby implementing adaptive VMD. First, initialize K value and calculate r value.
Then, recalculate K value according to the following conditions:
< K ¼ K þ 1; r [ 0:09
K ¼ K 1; r\0:05 ð6Þ
K ¼ K; 0:05 r 0:09
Next, MSE of the above modal functions is calculated and used to construct the sEMG
feature vector F. For more details on the calculation of MSE, please refer to Costa’s papers.
And, the feature vector F is used as the input of Fisher discriminant to realize the analysis
of the neck muscle fatigue and injury induced by the helmet mass change and CG offset.
4 Experimental Results
In order to verify the validity of the model which we proposed, 10 volunteers were
recruited to wear helmets with different mass and CG. The sEMG of scalp, sternoclei-
domastoid and trapezius muscles were synchronously collected using a sEMG acquisition
device. The physical parameters of helmets for testing are shown in Table 2.
sEMG without helmet was collected for 5 min as the baseline of signal analysis; after
10 min rest, sEMG wearing helmet 1 was collected, and collection duration was 5 min; after
10 min rest, sEMG wearing helmet 2 was then collected for a duration of 5 min. During the
collection process, volunteers need to look straight ahead and keep their heads steady.
Ergonomic Evaluation of Pilot Helmet and Neck Injury 161
100 100
mv Amplitude
mv Amplitude
0 0
-100 -100
0 200 400 600 800 1000 0 200 400 600 800 1000
Sampling Point Sampling Point
20 20
mv Amplitude
-20 -20
0 200 400 600 800 1000 0 200 400 600 800 1000
Sampling Point Sampling Point
20 20
Amplitude mv
0 0
-20 -20
0 200 400 600 800 1000 0 200 400 600 800 1000
Sampling Point Sampling Point
20 20
-20 -20
0 200 400 600 800 1000 0 200 400 600 800 1000
Sampling Point Sampling Point
As shown in Fig. 5, after VMD analysis, the original signal was decomposed into
seven modal components. Since the signal length is too long, only the data of the first
1000 sampling points is displayed here. Each modal component corresponds to a center
frequency, as shown in Fig. 6.
Each modal component is divided into n segments in units of 1000 points, and
MSE of each segment is calculated separately. The segmented MSE of each modal
component of scalp muscle when wearing helmet 2 is shown in Fig. 7.
The total MSE of seven modal components of sEMG of scalp muscle was calcu-
lated. The results are shown in Table 3.
In Table 4, group 1 to group 6 are training data, group 7 to group 15 are data to be
classified. Prediction Groups indicates classification result. It can be concluded that
Fisher discriminant can perform fatigue damage grouping on the feature vector com-
posed of MSE. Actual Group 1 indicates no fatigue damage, Group 2 is mild injury,
and Group 3 represents moderate injury.
5 Discussion
Since only 10 volunteers’ sEMG were measured in this study, however, these data may
not be regarded as a basis for analyzing the classification of neck injury caused by
changes in helmet mass and CG. In further study, a large number of experiments should
be performed to collect a certain amount of data to support injury classification. In the
experiment design, we should have controlled a single factor to facilitate the analysis of
whether the injury is induced by the change of helmet mass or centroid. In fact, only
two types of helmets are available due to experimental conditions, which increases the
difficulty of analyzing experimental data. In the injury level classification, only the
analysis of non-, mild and moderate fatigue injuries were implemented. The training
data may not be representative of the characteristics of sEMG in muscle injury.
Therefore, in the subsequent data processing, MSE eigenvectors for various muscle
injuries should be identified and enriched in future. In the experiment, only sEMG in
which volunteers remained a static state were collected for analysis, and the data
acquisition duration was short. In the special case of high-speed maneuvering, over-
load, long-haul flight and landing, the injury to neck caused by helmet mass and CG is
also worthy of further study.
When VMD is performed on sEMG, the longer the signal is, the longer the
decomposition takes time, which makes the decomposition efficiency slower. There-
fore, the optimization of VMD algorithm is worthy of further discussion.
6 Conclusion
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Human Factors in Game Design
Devilish Dilemma Games: Narrative Game
Engine and Accompanying Authoring Tool
1 Introduction
co-developed numerous game stories together with several modelling and simulation
experts from various domains. The resulting single player games are offered as a game
service via an on-line learning management system, and currently used in a variety of
leadership training programs making trainees aware of their natural decision-making
behaviors. For example, the Mayor game is an educational and didactical instrument
that is used to train Dutch Mayors with respect to governmental dilemmas during crisis
management operations. Another example is our Ethics game that focuses on your
moral compass, which becomes transparent when confronted with a series of business
dilemmas. Mind matters is all about various hard and soft tactics to influence others.
The cybersecurity game brings awareness regarding reputational risks and how that
frame of reference drives your judgment and decision-making.
Further, we will demonstrate the value of game analytics based on game log data
providing additional insights in the continuous learning journey that can be represented
on several levels of abstraction viz. at individual and organizational levels. Further, it
becomes interesting to use these games (even within organizations) as a method-
ological research tool to collect game play data for hypothesis testing and further
statistical analysis. The game logs can also be used for predictive analytics utilizing
machine learning techniques that can be applied in adaptive gaming environments
aligning the game ‘level’ with the ‘level’ of the player.
The outline of the paper is as follows. First, we describe the game engine and
authoring tool. Secondly, we present some games for various applications. Third, we
focus on analyzing game logs. We end with some lessons learned and take always.
game looks and feels. Technology could be any material and interactions that make the
game possible – from papers and pencils to high use of technological means. Note that
the level of fidelity of the individual game components could vary from far away to
very close to reality. The trade-off is mostly driven by development time, resources and
budget. A high-fidelity flight simulator resembles the real world as close as possible
making the transfer from the interacting learning experience with the simulator to daily
practices as easiest and fast as possible. On the other hand, if one or more game
components are resembling the real world to a lesser extent the transferability becomes
more challenging. The design choice for DILEMMA was to optimize on the Story
component of the game-based learning solution as compared to the other three com-
ponents [4]. The result is a low-cost solution focusing on the value of storytelling.
Storytelling is considered a fundamental interpersonal communication and learning
tool. Capturing and analyzing narrative structures based on player interactions with the
game reveals interesting behavioral aspects for further analyses. We developed several
game solutions using the DILEMMA game engine (see next paragraph).
Fig. 1. DILEMMA consists of the interplay of 4 game components, player interaction to induce
an experience that is revealed by examining game narratives.
The main functionalities of the DILEMMA game engine are an event driven system
with feedback and logging functions. The DILEMMA game engine allows for the
development of single player (branching) narrative games. Still, it requires serious
game design skills to transfer real world phenomena and learning objectives to game
formats, which elucidate decision-making behavior and enable experiential learning.
Therefore, we developed and standardized a simple but effective game format,
including an accompanying authoring tool allowing non-game designers developing
their own game scenarios.
The game format is based on a decision room environment. During game play
several dilemmas pop up that require a decision. Non-player characters may provide
information in the form of messages that could be relevant to the decision at hand. The
player could also request information from the non-player characters or may even ask
172 J. de Heer et al.
for advice regarding the required decisional choices. All player actions are logged and
can be used for further analyses. Decision choices result in scores on pre-defined
(student) model dimensions that could be used as in-game and/or post-game feedback.
An individual summative feedback file is generated after game play.
The authoring tool supports the scenario developer in scripting a DILEMMA game
in a structured way, including describing the overall context of the scenario, write the
dilemmas, select some available characters and backgrounds for each dilemma, define
the non-player characters, their messages and advices, define the model dimensions and
scoring scheme. The tool furthers allows to put all elements in a narrative structure. The
resulting game can be tested on the fly and published as a SCORM package in a
Learning Management System. Players/trainees can log into the LMS to select their
course, including the game.
With DILEMMA around one hundred game scenarios have been build. For illustration
purposes we focus on some of them that have been developed for different applications
Mayor Game (Fig. 2).
The Mayor game [5] is implemented as a training intervention tool to train Dutch
mayors in time-critical decision-making during crisis management operations. Cur-
rently, within the LMS around 15 game scenarios are available varying from flooding
situations, dealing with toxic calamities to family dramas, and what to do when neo-
Nazis are organizing a BBQ in the backyard of your hometown. All scenarios are
defined by a subject matter expert from the Dutch Association of Mayors and resemble
realistic crisis situations. For each scenario about eight dilemmas are defined. Thus, the
total set of different dilemmas in the mayor game environment is about 120. Players are
assessed in terms of three leadership dimensions. These leadership dimensions make
sense to the Dutch context but in general indicate (a) an external orientation towards the
community/municipality (People person), (b) the organizer of formal decision-making
processes (Figurehead), and (c) an internal orientation in making sure that internal
organization procedures are followed (Administrator). Games are embedded in a
training program offered by the Institute for Safety. The mayor game is available since
2012 and generates over a 1000 game plays per year. Number of trainees during a
training is about 8 people – most of the times a local crisis management response team
participates. A trained trainer briefs the trainees. Each individual plays one or more
scenarios. Results on the three leadership dimensions, the time it took to solve the
dilemmas, the information generated by the non-player characters that was considered
relevant, et cetera becomes available as summative feedback for each player. In
addition, based on how the trainee played the game, a newspaper article is automati-
cally generated that portrays how he/she will appear in tomorrows’ newspaper. In the
debriefing phase individual game results are group wise discussed, and pros, cons,
reasoning are shared. Debriefing is moderated by the trainer.
Architecting Game (Fig. 3).
The Architecting game [6] was developed for a specific investigation purpose to elu-
cidate how system architects think and act during bid phase in terms of decision-
making styles. Focus was to examine if decision-making was driven by a. the voice of
the customer, b. pushing the introduction of new technologies to the solution, or c.
focus on selling the existing product portfolio. Game scenario and dilemmas were
defined by several subject matter experts and pointed to various tradeoffs during bid
phase. Messages and advises from the non-player characters provided several per-
spectives on the dilemma at hand. A sales manager, capture team lead, system engineer,
subcontractor, product portfolio manager, pricing coordinator and proposal writer were
present in the virtual decision room. The game was played during an architecting
convention by 40 system architects across several business units from a one industrial
company. Simple descriptive statistics and analysis revealed the differences in decision-
making styles across business lines, level of experience, et cetera. From an organiza-
tional perspective a valuable insightful finding. The game turned into a training game
for this company supporting competence and skill development for system architects.
Cyber Security Game (Fig. 4).
The Cyber Security game [7] is available on-line ( During 2015–2018
the game was played 1500 times. The web-based game is available in two languages:
English and French. A subject matter expert on cyber security resilience defined the
scenario, dilemmas and scoring on playing styles [8]. The game targets managers that
are responsible for cyber resiliency in their organization, and players receive feedback
in terms of their risk taken and avoidance behaviors. In this case player actions gen-
erated scores on the dimension of reputational risk and operational risk behaviors. The
story line resembles a crisis situation that starts slowly based on some weak signals but
gradually moves into a full-blown cyber-attack crisis situation that finally resolves.
During the episodes various dilemmas pop up that require a decision. Information and
advices came from non-player characters that represent the CEO, operations, com-
munication, legal affairs, IT, business continuity. It was found that for a first analyses
based on 377 game logs gathered in the period 2015–2017 reputation risk taking
behavior was 42% versus reputation risk avoidance 58%, operation risk taking
behavior was 29% versus operation risk avoidance 71%. Figures are in line with the
negativity bias in a plethora of situations related to risk-averse behaviors.
4 Game Analytics
Game analytics [9–11] is about maximizing the value of player data. It should deliver
actionable insight to improve skills and human performance. The Conceptual
Assessment Framework CAF-Model [12] provides an interesting starting point to map
latent traits (student model) to the operationalization of assessment tasks (task model)
(see Fig. 6). CAF is part of the Evidence-Centered Design method applied for
assessment design. The mapping in CAF results in a so-called evidence model. The
evidence model quantifies the leadership construct based on observable in-game player
actions. The simplest deterministic evidence model is based on a single player action
that linearly increases or decreases a relative score on one or more of the student model
dimensions. For example, dealing with a dilemma requires a decision that the player
must take; IF a yes decision is made THEN the scoring on e.g., leadership dimension A
is increased by x and the scoring on dimension B is decreased by y. More complex
non-linear or probabilistic evidence models can be top-down defined as well, for
example, using Bayes nets that depends on various combinations of available observed
The evidence model we implemented in the authoring tool for DILEMMA is based
on yes/no decisions that the player has to take for each dilemma that needs to be solved.
This evidence model is defined with a domain expert who should be able to argue what
the effect of a yes/no decision is on the three leadership dimensions considered, thereby
ensuring a certain level of fidelity, accuracy and validity of the evidence model.
From the exportable game logs simple descriptive statistics can be generated such
as the time needed to answer dilemmas, the number of dilemmas answered, the number
of times advices of various team members were indicated as important, et cetera. This
is done on an individual level and provided as feedback to the player. Further statistical
analysis can be done on aggregating levels based on all game logs. This makes it
possible to hypothesize and examine team and group behaviors across a number of
Devilish Dilemma Games: Narrative Game Engine 177
other parameters as well e.g., level of expertise, gender, country, culture, business
domain, etc.
In another explorative study [13], we were interested in utilizing data mining
techniques to predict the scoring on student model dimensions. The idea was that if we
could predict player behavior on-the-fly, then we are able to recommend didactical
suggestions to the player maximizing the learning experience. It is beyond the scope of
this paper to discuss data mining and predictive analytics extensively [see 14]. The key
in predictive analytics is to create a model from the available set of observed variables
to predict an outcome (class). For illustration purposes suppose the class is Figurehead
(one of the student model dimensions in the Mayor game) that we discretized in two
categories; low and high scoring on this dimension. The question than is can we find a
model based on in-game observed variables that predicts a scoring on the Figurehead
dimension for each of the two categories low and high? Such a model is derived via a
learning algorithm. There is a variety of learning algorithms based on different meth-
ods, for example, decision tree-based methods, rule based methods, neural networks,
Bayesian belief networks, et cetera. Depending on the method used the algorithm will
learn specific patterns that map the observable variables (‘predictors’) to the class for
which you know the class answer. The model captures these relationships for a
‘training data set’ and can then be used to get predictions on a ‘new data set’ for which
you do not know the class answer. The Waikato Environment for Knowledge Analysis
(WEKA) [15] toolbox and several embedded machine learning techniques are helpful
to predict the classes. Although our results were promising, we learned that a variety of
experts are needed to examine this type of data analysis. The learning architect and
trainer need to indicate what they want to know. The game developer needs to
implement the data models to capture the set of meaningful predictors, the data ana-
lytics experts needs to understand the learning goals and game play constructs and
available observable variables to come up with meaningful classifiers.
5 Conclusion
We presented the DILIMMA game engine and authoring tool. The standardized
decision room game format provides non-game experts the tools to develop their own
scenarios. The games are accessible via a Learning Management System for training or
research purposes. One can elucidate various pre-defined student models or can use
predictive analytics techniques to predict certain behaviors. Our future work is focusing
on the unobtrusive measurement of competency where we explore the combination of
several top-down (e.g. Bayesian networks) and bottom-up data mining techniques to
analyze and predict human behaviors. Further, we will focus on player profiles in terms
of actions, tactics, and strategies.
178 J. de Heer et al.
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A Gamified Approach Towards Identifying
Key Opportunities and Potential Sponsors
for the Future of F1 Racing in a Declining Car
Ownership Environment
Abstract. This research work aims to propose new approaches towards iden-
tifying key opportunities and potential sponsors for the future of F1 racing in an
environment with declining car ownership, without resorting to endless licens-
ing agreements. The paper presents a gamification approach on which an
innovative and disruptive operations framework can be developed to help,
without operational complexity and commitment, F1 teams gain new customers
(fans) and recapture essential markets and targets groups. The paper also con-
tributes on establishing a base for effective strategy development based on the
user’s/player’s engagement and behavior. Furthermore, this work extends
towards the analysis of the game’s operations and the marketing initiatives
needed to succeed. The proposed approach varies from OHH (out of home
advertising), interactive marketing, celebrities, F1 drivers’ endorsements, and
other related supportive initiatives such as search engine optimization on online
research platforms and other promotion and marketing dissemination initiatives.
1 Introduction
F1 (Formula One) can be considered as one of the most attractive, challenging but also
most expensive sports in the world. The F1 industry can be seen as a multidisciplinary
area which integrates finance, business management, marketing, technology,
innovation, manufacturing, material engineering, and many more. The overall cost and
complexity of operations of the glamorous and amazing world of F1 constantly
increases while the fans and followers decrease. This situation results to the decrease of
interest and increase of the risk on the viability of the sport which extends much
beyond racing.
This research work aims to propose new approaches towards identifying key
opportunities and potential sponsors for the future of F1 racing in an environment with
declining car ownership without resorting to endless licensing agreements. The paper
presents a gamification approach on which an innovative and disruptive operations
framework can be developed that can contribute to F1 teams on gaining new customers
(fans), recapture essential markets and targets groups, without operational complexity
and commitment. The paper can also contribute on establishing a base for effective
strategy development based on the user’s/player’s engagement and behaviour.
The proposed approach utilizes the F1 history though its drivers, manufacturers and
time periods, to bring up the wealth of memories, emotions, but also challenges, needed
towards reinventing a sponsorship model for all type of organizations involved in the
operations of F1. To illustrate this approach a game called ‘F1 Legends’ has been
designed and supported with the operations activities needed for successful strategy
execution on sponsors engagement. The proposed model can be adopted by any F1
organization seeking such benefits. The game can also be customized as a different
game for different organizations such as the ‘Ferrari Legends’, the ‘McLaren Legends’
the ‘Williams Legends’ etc. The same concept can also be adapted by the F1 sponsors
who support the sport at different times. In such a case the game can be called the ‘Shell
Legends’, the ‘Marlboro Legends’, etc., where the F1 car becomes the legend of the
The overall framework of the gamification approach, which can be execute via an
on-line platform, can increase brand awareness and interest of younger audiences, and
provide access to emerging and gaming friendly markets where F1 records low pop-
ularity. The game emphasizes on providing a highly innovative online platform using
competitive racing among players, tournaments with high rewards and ladder boards, in
an attempt to operate as an eSport open to all kind of players and not necessarily to the
professional games. The paper extends towards the analysis of the game’s operations
and the marketing initiatives needed to succeed. The proposed approach varies from
OHH (out of home advertising), interactive marketing, celebrities, F1 drivers’
endorsements, and other related supportive initiatives such as search engine opti-
mization on online research platforms and other promotion and marketing dissemi-
nation initiatives.
The e-sport industry had been invented since the arcade era, however esports did not
become mainstream until very recently. The worldwide phenomenon of esports had a
quite humble start with simple tournaments hosted around arcade machines by the
amateur players of that period. The evolution of the esports over the time was achieved
with a predictable slow pace related to the development of the gaming industry, until
A Gamified Approach Towards Identifying Key Opportunities 181
the introduction of the multiplayer games with Quake to be considered as the first
competitive game with multiplayers. The very first unofficial esports tournament took
place on 1972 with the Space Invaders game, and the first official esports tournament
was on 1997 with the Red Annihilation Quake game.
The advancement from the first competition to what esports are considered today is
tremendous. Esports will soon be a billion-dollar business sector and a global audience
of over 300 million fans [1]. In 2018 the revenue from esports only in North America
reached the $345 million (Fig. 1).
Fig. 1. Annual revenue for esports (North America only) and US major league sports
Tremendous growth is also indicated at the esport prize money. Today esport
athletes surpass what established sports provide to their athletes. The champions of the
DOTA-2 International received in 2018 the amount of 25.5 million$ (Fig. 2) [2]. The
total prize pools for selected esports and traditional sports tournaments indicate a
significant drive in the growth of the esports.
The growth of esports extend also to the followers they have. Over the time the
amount of people interested in competitive games grew significantly, and in turn the
esport industry grew as well. The grabbing eyeballs on esports has gone beyond
expectations reaching 106.2 million only on the 2017 championship (Fig. 3).
Esports radically redefined the terms ‘athlete’ and ‘sport’. The idea of a virtual
athlete has become a reality with the U.S. government giving P1 Visa to esports
professionals and recognizing them as professional athletes. South Korea is also a
leading county in professional video game competitions, calling them esports, by
creating organized leagues, training well-financed professional teams and filling giant
stadiums with frenzied fans to cheer on their favorite players [3].
With gaming becoming a trend in recent years more people express interest in
esports as they prefer to see professional players play their favourite games. The
ranking system in most games also helps the popularity of esports since professionals
and casual players can play on the same ranking ladder with the only difference
between them to be purely their skills and strategy.
The term blue ocean and blue ocean strategy has been invented by W. Chan Kim and
Renée Mauborgne as a marketing theory which presents strategic moves that can create
a leap in the value of an organization, its buyers, employees, while generating new
demands by making the competition irrelevant. The term practically reflects to the
name itself as Blue Ocean are new markets while red oceans are saturated markets [4].
The key characteristics of the blue ocean is summarized in Table 1.
The threats and opportunities of going blue are quite similar in any industry even
and they could not be different for the gaming industry and the esports as well.
A Gamified Approach Towards Identifying Key Opportunities 183
However there have been games that evolved into esports with significant success,
audiences and impact to the economy band the society.
‘League of Legends’ (LoL) is one example which created a gaming blue ocean and
turned out to be one of the most popular games in the world of esports. LoL is a MOBA
(Multiplayer Online Battle Arena) type of game, where MOBA is an extremely popular
game mode. LoL started simply as a community made mod known as ‘Defense of the
Ancients’ (DotA) for a strategy game called ‘Warcraft 3’. However, ‘League of
Legends’ was the first true MOBA game which created a blue ocean to the gaming
industry via MOBAs. LoL rose to popularity amongst gamers very fast as it was free, it
was a computer game able to run on most systems and because it has a very com-
petitive nature. That same competitive nature turned it in to an esport with the most
followers in the world (Fig. 4). The game increased its player base from 12 million in
2011 to 119 million in 2017 [5, 6].
eSports can certainly lead to blue oceans but there are pre and post conditions that
need to be satisfied towards achieving and sustaining this goal.
184 E. Markopoulos et al.
One of the preconditions is the popularity of the game before entering the esport
challenge. In the League of Legends example there were many factors that helped but
its popularity was a significant one. Even upon release the game LoL had already a
decent player base mostly from the DotA fans, ready to download and play it. While
the tournaments started the small but loyal fanbase kept promoting the game. The game
developers also encouraged the momentum of the fans by adapting a referral system
that was rewarding players with in-game awards. Most successful esports derived from
companies with very loyal followers, such as Blizzard, otherwise the effort and time
needed to reach the top of the list is massive that can turn the overall attempt and
investor very risky.
4 The F1 Economics
Formula One (F1) began in the early 1920 as the European Grand Prix till the late
1930’s. The concept evolved to Formula One with the Fédération Internationale de
l’Automobile’s (FIA) which standardized the competition and racing rules. A few
years later, in 1950, the competition was named World Championship of Drivers and
the first race took place at Silverstone. The term Formula One is composed with
‘Formal’ meaning the ‘set of rules and regulations drivers have to deal with’, and the
‘One’ meaning the top category of racing.
Since then, Formula One has evolved into a very impressive bur also expensive
sport. The cost of keeping Formula One’s wheels turning has been revealed in 2018
from the financial statements of 10 teams, indicating the total annual spend of $2.6
billion. [7]. However, profitability is marginal for only a few teams while most of them
recorded loses. Figure 5 indicates the spending per team for 2016.
The cost for the total operations of an F1 team can reach the £158 million. From
this, the research and development costs are nearly £41million, the salaries £42 million,
the production £39 million, and the operations 36£ million.
With marginal profits for a few F1 teams, but mostly loses for the rest, it becomes
difficult to foresee the future of F1. New business strategies and ecosystems need to be
developed to link the traditional sport activity with the eSport concept, expanding the
follower and sponsors base, after all both types of the sport can learn from each other.
Biathlon is an example of such an approach which combined the actual biathlon with
mobile gaming [9]. Players were allowed in Biathlon X5 game to participate in a real-
world competition hosted by International Biathlon Union World Championships 2015
and compete with other players in the same time (Fig. 8).
This application consisted of two modes namely “Play Live” and “Play Now”. The
first one could be played only when the real-world competition was in progress.
In this project, we learned that this type of combination of real-life sport and
gaming can be seen as an ecosystem consisting of various screens and applications to
be used in the same time while watching or actually participating in the competition. In
the F1 case spectators have already various screens which can be chosen based on
everyone’s preferences. Therefore, it is possible that experiences collected in IBU
World Championships can be utilized in the F1 gaming sponsorship engagement as
well, but there are challenges on that. In esports the requirements to create a blue ocean
A Gamified Approach Towards Identifying Key Opportunities 187
are not only related with the innovation of the new product or service and the market it
will serve but also on the followers that can attract which will form the critical mass for
effective operations and return on the investment.
Strategy games, First-person shooters, Fighting, and MOBAs are the common
game genres featured in esports. However, a game genre that is very popular but was
completely absent from the world of esports is racing games. Up until recently, racing
game competitions had limited followers without attracting the attention of the average
viewer, but lately this is starting to change. Project CARS managed to become the first
proper racing game esport. The game attracted the attention of many prestigious car
manufacturers such as McLaren, Renault, Ginetta and others, and hosts collaborative
esport tournaments with them [10]. Furthermore, the McLaren Shadow esport com-
petition provides a leading and inspirational structure as incentive for the players and
the followers [11]. Though the McLaren Shadow Project the company searches for the
brightest and the best racing talent in esports, for the next phase in McLaren’s esports
strategy [12].
It appears that the era for racing sports has moved into a different dimension.
Methods and practices have been successfully applied, popularity is growing, and the
leading car manufactures are seriously engage in it. Racing game fans who are very
often fans of real cars and real racing events have the opportunity to enjoy more from
the connection of the esport to the real sport.
Racing esports can increase the followers of the car manufacturers and the overall
followers of the competitions they are take part of. Esports, and specifically in the F1
can contribute in sponsor engagement which can be translated into economic relief for
the F1 teams. Such a sponsor engagement-oriented approach can be achieved with the
development of an online multiplayer Formula One game. This proposed solution is
targeted not only to achieve new sponsorships for F1 but also to expose the sports to
new and younger age groups. Creating a popular game is an efficient way to reach
millennials and generate a strong brand connection with them. The proposed game
enables F1 teams to create a large portfolio of virtual sponsorships and apply direct and
indirect marketing practices.
The architecture of such a game has been developed and various allocated areas for
sponsorships have been included that can increase the overall revenue streams. The
game has been designed to have two modes. The first one is a multiplier mode which
consists competitive online races and a levelling up system that unlocks stages and
elements after the user completes part of the marketing campaign. The second one is
the campaign mode and has been designed to assure brand awareness for the F1 team as
it revolves around the history of the team.
The multiplayer mode provides a strong sponsorship model that supports the
exposure for the sponsors in a consistent manner the same way it they get in the actual
sport. Furthermore, the player gains benefits from tournament participation while
playing a competitive experience that is monitored by the F1team itself.
188 E. Markopoulos et al.
The game can support F1 teams to achieve more sponsors with the method of
unlockable items and screens loading. Unlockable are the items a player can use to
personalize his/her car and driver (only for aesthetic purposes) and to differentiate
themselves from other drivers. The player obtains these through playing the campaign,
leveling up the driver, winning a tournament or by purchasing various game elements
or abilities with actual currencies or game currency. All unlockable elements can be
sponsored and contain different rarities according to the cost of the sponsorship. On the
other hand, loading screens are used on idle time for the player. The game has four
different loading screens displayed when the player race is loading. The loading screens
can promote and utilize best the legend of the car manufacturer along with a sponsor.
In order to increase awareness and engage more sponsorships, the game is designed
to be played through frequent tournaments where sponsors can change on each. Dif-
ferent unlockables are available per tournament and per sponsor. The scenery of the
race includes potential sponsors as well. Along the racetrack the game provides various
billboards and signs available for sponsors. Cities and countries can also sponsor F1 to
have the races simulated in their location. Campaign and cutscenes have been designed
for more sponsorship opportunities. When a player meets a campaign milestone a
cutscene appears with a paid sponsor. The races offered in this game can also be
sponsored along with a variety of other game before, during and after the race. The
sponsorship process can be customized based on the items, tournaments and frequency
the sponsor desires to appear in various elements or races.
Gaming platforms can provide the base for multidimensional sponsorship practices in
product awareness and branding which can be repeated over time intervals with dif-
ferent players and on different target groups. Some of the benefits that can be achieve
with such an approach are briefly listed:
Increase consumer loyalty: Customer, loyalty and trust can be generated due to the
exposure a brand has with such sponsorship strategy.
Generates awareness: Promotion in alternative and interactive ways, different from
traditional marketing campaigns, helps the public to learn in detail the brand, its values,
identity and objectives, and develop activities that makes the brand more identifiable.
Reach new target groups: Games can reach larger and specific target globally with
less effort needed for the conventional marketing campaigns.
Improved brand positioning: sponsorship is a good way to improve branding and
thereby improve positioning among the same target, as well as among its competitors.
Spread the publicity “by word of mouth”: Innovatively interactive and immersive
games create fans only with a ‘thumbs up’.
Promotion of sales: Direct and indirect sales or brand promotions during the various
stages of the game.
Motivate B2B marketing: New business relationships or strategic alliances with
sponsors are formulated.
A Gamified Approach Towards Identifying Key Opportunities 189
Encourages engagement: Consumers can feel part of the brand. The sponsor gen-
erates engagement with the client and within the company and therefore the sense of
belonging is transmitted to the target.
The proposed approach to address a key issue of the F1 market is a simplified way to
resolve sponsorship-oriented challenges based on awareness and dissemination of the
manufacture’s brand at new target groups. The way gamification is introduced in this
case aims to demonstrate its application in an integration of serious and entertainment
scope of games. The research will be extended with the development of a full-scale
game hopefully with the participation of an industry manufacturer in order to adjust it
into to actual needs, targets and goals. This will provide reliable metrics that can
validate the effectiveness of the proposed approach in the real market and under real
conditions with a real partner. The outcome of such progress will generate results that
190 E. Markopoulos et al.
can be published and impact the way new sponsorship models can be achieved for
gamified products and strategies in very niche markets.
Applied gamification for economics and sponsorship engagement are research areas
that can grow together. Such an integration can provide financial, development and
operations models that can contribute to the adaptation of gamification as an effective
strategy and approach in F1 and not only.
10 Conclusions
As firms extend their operations into global markets, it is becoming increasing apparent
that they have to create high levels of brand awareness which can contribute towards
higher revenues and profit margins. Additionally, with increasing competition in most
industries, firms are compelled to adopt relative strategies aimed to differentiate
themselves from competitors and to better connect and form relationship bonds with
their target audiences.
Serious games and corporate gamification can be considered more of a strategy than
a technology. The adaptation of such strategies can be applied even in the most niche
markets. F1 is a very conservative industry to anything that is not directly related with
the car, the engineering performance it represents and the driver of course. However the
sport if facing a clear decline on its followers while the operation costs increase. The
need for alternative sponsorship models is very important for the viability of the sport
and the overall economy build around it.
The introduction of gamification is an approach to resolve the challenge of
achieving new sponsor funding by involving a new customer base. The young gen-
eration and the tech generation compose a significant part of the worlds population
which needs their own communication channels to engaged not only in F1 but in
anything that needs their attention. The proposed approach creates a new customer base
for the F1 sponsors without the direct involvement of the F1 in it. It utilizes the history,
the records and the brand F1 still has, in order to flip the fan group, revitalize its
existence, and be applied in other similar industries such as the automotive sector,
aerospace, defense etc. Gamification has no limits on the industry as it exists to create
the pleasure of exploration while unconsciously contributes towards achieving cor-
porate and organizational strategic goals.
1. World Economic Forum. The explosive growth of eSports.
2. The Washington Post. The massive popularity of esports, in charts. https://www.washingto
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5. Is League of Legends Finally Dying In 2019.
6. Forbes. Riot Games Reveals ‘League of Legends’ Has 100 Million Monthly Players. https://
7. The $2.6 Billion Budget That Fuels F1’s 10 Teams.
8. Raconteur. The Economics of Formula 1.
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development, and deployment. In: Chorianopoulos, K., Divitini, M., Baalsrud, H., Jaccheri,
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10. Project CARS X Ginetta.
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13. Grand View Research, Inc., Gaming Market Size Worth $171.96 Billion by 2025 | CAGR:
6.5%: Grand View Research, Inc. PR Newswire: News Distribution, Targeting and
Cybersickness Among Gamers:
An Online Survey
1 Introduction
hypothesize the different origin of the sickness: cue conflict theory, postural instability
theory, and rest frame theory. According to cue conflict theory, a so-called “mismatch”
could arise between visual, vestibular, and muscular proprioceptive systems, all of
which can incite a perceived increase of discomfort as a response from the body [3].
The postural instability theory states that persons get sick from a prolonged postural
instability induced by the outside environment [4]. The rest frame theory states that if a
person perceives a direction as upward and this direction is different from the actual
upward due to gravity, then cybersickness could occur [5]. Symptoms such as general
discomfort, eyestrain, and difficulty concentrating are more likely to be experienced
while a user is using a fully immersive virtual environment such as HMDs [6]. For
example, eyestrain could be experienced due to the close distance between the eyes and
the HMD’s screen, which could also induce headache. These symptoms, also known as
oculomotor symptoms, are the primary difference between cybersickness and motion
sickness, where the nausea discomfort prevails [7].
The fast-growing adoption of VR technology expands to other sectors outside of
the laboratory research. With an estimation of 171 million active VR users by 2018, the
VR market is set to increase with a remarkable rate in the coming years [8]. However,
cybersickness may significantly interfere with the acceptance of the VR technology [9].
Despite the growing popularity of VR, there are just a few studies on the commercial
VR games and how they affect the users [10–13].
This paper aims to investigate the occurrence of cybersickness among video gamers
who use VR in their leisure time. Additionally, it is investigated which mitigation
technique they use. Furthermore, relationships between motion sickness history, vision
correction, and physical activity and cybersickness are addressed. The respondents as
gamers gave a different perspective on cybersickness induced by HMDs. In the liter-
ature and the press, there are vast spread ideas of remedies which supposed to have
worked against cybersickness. However, it is interesting if these remedies were already
tested by the gamers and if they had had an effect.
The paper is structured as follows. Section 2 provides related work on the research
topic. Section 3 describes the structure, the data collection, and the analysis of the
survey as well as the respondents. Section 4 reports the results. The last section con-
cludes the paper with a discussion of the results and shows a way toward future
2 Related Work
A trend of using an HMD as a medium to play video games has an uprising and VR
games have become more and more popular. With fascinating graphics and high
immersion, the VR game has the advantage to become a new gaming environment.
However, the cybersickness related to video games could be induced from VR games
as well. Therefore, there is still strong ongoing research on methods to reduce
cybersickness outbreak. Some of the techniques which are already suggested are:
dynamically reducing the FOV [14], changing the viewpoint [15], adding of a virtual
nose [16], virtual hand-eye coordination task [17], and reducing the time spent in the
VR [18]. For example, in a study evaluating cybersickness while playing commercial
194 S. Rangelova et al.
console games with an HMD, Merhi et al. [19] reported that cybersickness is induced
more often in the standing playing position. The study compares sitting vs. standing
playing position and sitting position with two console games. Moreover, the author
stresses that the postural instability during the standing position precedes the cyber-
sickness onset as it is shown in previous research [20].
In the literature, 50 factors which are related to cybersickness were reported [21].
However, not all of them are well researched. For example, video games experience,
physical activity, and vision correction are some of them. Video games experience
showed a trend to be one of the predictive factors of cybersickness outbreak [22]. It is
assumed that users who play video games (e.g., console or PC games) daily are more
resilient to the malaise due to the accommodation to virtual stimuli. Motion sickness
history is another factor which could use as a predictive element of cybersickness [23].
Users with higher motion sickness susceptibility are more prone to experience dis-
comfort in VR [24, 25].
Additionally, a positive correlation between vision correction and cybersickness
was reported [22] as well as a positive correlation between physical activity and user
performance in VR [26]. It might be assumed that there is a correlation between
physical activity and cybersickness. This assumption is based on the reported rela-
tionship between body-mass index (BMI) and cybersickness [27]. It is a requirement to
be in good health to participate in cybersickness studies, but it was not tested whether
the level of physical activity could affect cybersickness.
3 Methodology
This study aims to examine the occurrence and severity of cybersickness among video
gamers. The correlation between motion sickness history, vision correction, and
physical activity are investigated. Age and gender are not presented as a co-variable
due to unbalance distribution between the respondents. Furthermore, this paper tries to
understand how gamers manage with the induced cybersickness and their perspective
of what possible could help reduce the discomfort. Such a perspective on cybersickness
and VR games is investigated by analyzing the responses of an online survey. The
survey included qualitative and quantitative questions. This section gives an overview
of the survey structure, followed by data collection and analysis methods. The section
ends with a description of the respondents.
The survey included six sections:
• Introduction section including the purpose of the study
• Demographic questions
• Motion sickness susceptibility questions
• Physical activity questions
• VR experience and cybersickness induced by VR questions
• Suggestions for reducing cybersickness
Due to space constraints, only the items relevant to this paper are described in the
results section.
Cybersickness Among Gamers: An Online Survey 195
3.2 Respondents
The survey collected 73 responses, from which four were female and 69 males. The
mean age was 34 years. Forty-one of the respondents had completed some bachelor’s
degree; three of the respondents had completed a doctoral degree, and ten a master
degree. Overall, the respondents were mainly young educated males.
The respondents were asked how often they wear glasses or contact lenses. Thirty-
three of the respondents reported wearing glasses or contact lenses often, more than
five times per week; however, 25 reported wearing no glasses or contact lenses. The
respondents were asked as well how often they play video games (Fig. 1.) Therefore,
the respondents were considered video gamers based on the frequency of playing video
4 Results
Table 1. The list of items from the VRSQ divided into two main groups, general and eye-
related symptoms.
General symptoms Eye-related symptoms
General discomfort Tired eyes
Fatigue Sore/aching eyes
Boredom Eyestrain
Drowsiness Blurred vision
Headache Difficulty focusing
Difficulty concentrating
Fig. 1. Graphical representation of the respondents separated by video game play measured in
hours per week.
198 S. Rangelova et al.
The respondents were asked to share their experience with tested methods of
reducing cybersickness. Forty-one out of all respondents answered. Five of them did
not experience cybersickness and their responses were removed from the analysis. The
most used method (n = 11) was to stop or to take a break and to continue later with the
VR simulation. Five respondents adapted to the VR with time, three took anti-motion
sickness medicaments, and two drank water. The other methods were diverse and were
given by only one respondent. Some of the methods were to close the eyes, to take a
mint bonbon, to adjust the inter-pupal distance, to take ginger, and not to play games
with artificial motion. Nevertheless, six respondents did not do anything to reduce the
cybersickness onset and continue to play.
Additionally, the respondents were asked to give their own opinions on what can be
changed to feel less sick while using HMDs. That gave respondents the chance to make
suggestions using their own words. Forty-three out of all respondents answered. The
suggestions are edited and separated into three categories: user related, software rela-
ted, and hardware related (Table 2). One of the respondents suggested following the
developer guidelines. In particular, to add a cockpit with solid geometry (if that
applies); to add a tunnel effect during fast head movements, also to make these options
available to toggle on and off; to add free and to snap rotation options. Another
respondent made a point regarding the stance reducing cybersickness during the VR
experience, as written: “Stance. Bending my knees send to help my body think it is on a
platform when my avatar moves.” Other respondent answered the same question that
the players should gradually adapt to the VR games movements. For example, he wrote
the following order: “Touch Demo > Robo Recall > Elite Dangerous > Project
Cars > Sprint Vector > Skyrim.”
Cybersickness Among Gamers: An Online Survey 199
Table 2. Suggestions on how to reduce cybersickness by the online survey respondents split
into three categories: user, software, and hardware related.
User-related Software related Hardware related
Closing eyes High framerate Comfortable HMD
Adaptation Reduce vection Motion cues feedback
Mint tablets Roll cages Higher resolution
Stop Teleport movements Wider FOV
Stance Simple graphics
Take a break Locked framerate
Short sessions Frames of references
This paper reported the results of an online survey conducted through an online forum
regarding the occurrence and severity of cybersickness among gamers. The results
showed a positive correlation between cybersickness and physical activity and no
correlation between cybersickness and motion sickness history. Furthermore, the cor-
relation between the vision correction and cybersickness did not show statistical sig-
nificance. This do not support the previous research where the correlation was
significant [22]. An explanation for that might come from the different distribution
between the users with corrected vision and those with normal vision in the two
studies. Surprisingly, there was a statistically significant positive correlation between
physical activity and cybersickness. It was assumed that gamers who might have a less
active lifestyle are less susceptible to cybersickness. The results supported that
assumption. Further research is needed to investigate this relationship. Opposite to
previous research [24], there was no correlation between motion sickness susceptibility
and cybersickness. This could be due to the lower score on the MSSQ-short, which
represent a lower susceptibility level, and few respondents never experienced motion
The results showed that 79% of the video gamers who play VR games experienced
cybersickness to some extent. Some of the most experienced symptoms are general
discomfort, fatigue, and eyestrain aligned with previous research [6] on cybersickness
as most experienced symptoms. Regarding the mitigation techniques suggested by the
respondents, some of them are described in the literature such as adaptation [31],
independent visual background [32], point-and-teleport locomotion [33], and adding
motion cues [34].
This work clearly has some limitations. First, the sampling was limited to one
online platform which constrained the variety of video game users. Second, the absence
of an interviewer, who can inquire and clarify the questions in person, can lead to less
valid data. Nevertheless, the paper showed that cybersickness is widespread among
gamers and an appropriate solution has not been found yet. The results from this study
can be used as valuable insights to create a more accessible, user-friendly and enjoyable
VR environment for everyone. This paper could be a starting point for more extended
research which could investigate the effect of different mitigation techniques such as
200 S. Rangelova et al.
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Gamifying the Rice Industry: The ‘Riceville’
1 Introduction
Many farmers around the world are still using outdated traditional agricultural prac-
tices. Despite, a large amount of resources from global charities, governmental and
commercial agricultural organisations allocated to educating the farmers, the resistance
occurs when trying to convince them of the effectiveness of novel technologies. The
scarcity mindset within farmers in one of the driving factors contributing to low rates of
adoptions, ultimately stunting the growth of industries, especially ones typically
characterised with low levels of education. Mainstream platform technologies such as
smartphones are now able to successfully penetrate rural farming communities such as
the case of high smartphone adoption of farmers in Myanmar.
This platform presents an exciting opportunity to catalyse the education of farmers.
One such means is through gamification that rewards best farming practices, most
effective technologies and even proven agronomy. This paper suggests a farming game
that targets rural rice farmers, enabling them to simulate farming and get rewarded for
using the most route to grow their farm. In addition, to raise competition and stickiness,
the incorporation of a ranking system can be a further form to gamify the platform. It
may accelerate the adoption of best practices and technologies whilst providing a great
platform to change the entire mindset of whole rural village communities that are pre-
dominantly farming focused.
The term “serious game” has been used since the decade of 1960, long before the
introduction of computer and electronic devices into entertainment [5]. It was used to
define gamified processes without the use of technology as a scenarios-based model
operating metaphorically as a game of strategy with probabilities, possibilities and
skills on handling information, conditions, decisions and results.
Many references define serious games or applied games as games designed for a
primary purpose other than pure entertainment. The “serious” adjective is generally
prepended to refer to products used by industries like defence, education, scientific
exploration, health care, emergency management, city planning, engineering, and
politics [6]. This, kind of biased, characterizations can be unfair to the entertainment
games that do have serious scenarios, technology, graphics, sound, animation, effects
and other elements that can turn entertainment games into unique experiences. Serious
games are successful only if they are designed based on entertainment games design
204 E. Markopoulos et al.
Fig. 1. Screenshot (with the GUI disabled) of an example coal-fired power plant built inside the
IndustrySim prototype.
IndustrySim, Plantville and Quest for Oil are indicative examples of serious games
that made an impact in the adaptation of games in production and operations man-
agement, challenging more industries to follow this path.
Agriculture management in our modern day requires much planning, allocating proper
resources, dealing with unorthodox weather patterns and financial constraints. It also
requires managing a good deal of risk as profits are more often than not tied to a good
crop. Furthermore, globally agriculture is being disrupted by new smart farming
machinery, precision agriculture and digitization. Managing an already complex pro-
cess while integrating new potential challenges can make agriculture management
difficult especially for small holder farmers who still produce majority of the world’s
food supply.
Serious games offer a way to make the managing this complex process easier.
Balancing resources, integration of new events and planning environments are a
common part of many famous game plays. For example, sim city which teaches basic
urban planning would be a concept easily transplantable onto a farm environment. It
would offer a way to quickly learn and pick up basic farm agronomics. Furthermore, it
Gamifying the Rice Industry: The ‘Riceville’ Paradigm 207
offers a quick way to learn and pick up the dynamic nature of the changes affecting
agriculture that perhaps older farmers had never seen before due to climate change and
urbanisation. Agricultural games designed with education in mind have long been
available. An example of this is AgVenture, a computer game designed to educate
farmers and students on basic farming strategy [17].
In recent years, there have also been agricultural streams that have a greater reach
inciting interest from a more mainstream player base. The farming simulator series of
games is a prime example of this. Released in 2012, the video game has sold over four
million copies combined just two years after it’s release. The players in this multiplayer
game are involved with planting crops, mowing wheat, hiring manual labour, and other
activities [18] (Fig. 4).
There is a clear demand for such a game from younger generations evident from the
main player demographic for this series being young children and farmers. Further-
more, the agricultural niche is becoming ever more mainstream demonstrated through
electronic sport (e-sport) competitions that are starting to appear including the Farming
Simulator Championship with a total of 250.000€ in prizes (a 150.000€ increase since
the competition’s first year, one year ago) [19]. This opportunity has not gone unno-
ticed as several research institutions have already begun to recognise its potential and
begun developing serious games targeted at the agriculture sector [20, 21]. In fact, in a
study done on serious games as a tool for sustainable development, agriculture was
recognised as a sector for focus [22].
Rice is one of the 3 main crops in the world but the most important one for majority of
middle- and low-income countries. Over 500 million tons of rice are produced and
consumed each year. Its importance cannot be understated not just because it’s a staple
of over half the world but because any disruption to the industry would cause massive
208 E. Markopoulos et al.
repercussions for food security and global income. For example, in 2008 when the
price of rice tripled, the world bank estimates 100 million people went below the
poverty line as a result [23].
Over 70% of the world’s rice is produced by smallholder farmers living in low to
middle income countries. Their farm sizes are typically no larger than 2 acres. These
farmers face a variety of issues due a lack of education, climate change and rapid
urbanisation. They normally use traditional and improper agricultural practices that
result in low yields and low income as a result. Penetration of new technologies
including machinery and best practices such as proper usage of pesticides are slow
because they are rarely understood by the farmers [24]. However, when a new practice
or technology is adopted, it has the potential to spread quickly but farmers typically
implement it without proper understanding which is risky as it might result in ruined
crops. With low incomes, a lack of understanding of best practices, this puts the
world’s food security of rice at risk.
However, penetration of smart devices is surprisingly high in most smallholder
populations. Despite gaps in their understanding of these devices, items like smart-
phones have become a daily tool that farmers use for a variety of tasks. Hence this
offers a touchpoint for serious games to be able to deliver educational content to rice
farmers in particular. A serious game has the potential to provide a method to teach
farmers best practices in the industry as well as allow them to practice managing
scenarios that they otherwise would not risk in real life. This could potentially allow
them to make better decisions and implement best practices for their actual crops.
Finally, such a game would also serve as a platform for agricultural companies who
have historically found it hard to market to rural smallholder farmers to engage with
The rice industry in Asia, in particular the rice farmers of Asia which number a
population of more than 200 million [25], would be particularly suited for a serious
game. Most of the worlds rice production takes place in the Asia Pacific region (Fig. 5)
[26] which is also the region with the most games as more than 900 million were
recorder in 2016 (Fig. 6) [27].
Furthermore, serious games set in the agriculture content have been shown to
attract farmers not just regular players. Farming simulator, a serious game for agri-
culture which has over a million users that is targeted to western countries like the
United States and the United Kingdom, reported that over a quarter of their users have a
background in farming with up to 10% full time professional farmers. Interviews with
these farmers demonstrate that professional farmers use these serious games to learn
more about machinery that they don’t have access to in real life. To test out various
scenarios on their crops and simulate their real-life processes or even just for the
satisfaction of being able to try something new without real life risk [28]. It demon-
strates that professional farmers are already utilizing serious games to increase their
own sense of knowledge and fulfill creative desires that would be too risky to
implement in real life.
Gamifying the Rice Industry: The ‘Riceville’ Paradigm 209
This provides an exciting opportunity for serious games in the rice industry because
majority of rice farmers are located in the Asian Pacific Region, while majority of
gamers also reside in the same location demonstrating a large overlap of potential
demand. Furthermore, a serious game in agriculture from another region has shown to
be able to attract significant interest from the farming population and been successfully
leveraged for its benefits. The same could happen in Asia as well for the small holder
rice farmers.
210 E. Markopoulos et al.
A key issue mentioned above regarding the rice industry is the need to accelerate
adoption of new agriculture technologies and practices in the farmer demographics.
Additionally, there is an exceptional rate of smartphone adoption within the same
populations of low economically developed countries including Myanmar. This pre-
sents an exciting opportunity to leverage new technology adoptions to simulate a
variety of basic agricultural farming tasks to promote farmer education. This can be
done by gamifying and rewarding behaviours which reflect real life best farming
practices. Examples of which best farming practices can be modelled after could
include IRRI’s Best Management Practices for differing land and weather conditions.
In addition to Best Management Practices, the game could also be a platform to
simulate and educate basic agronomics as well [29].
It would be a basic simulation game that simulates relevant factors that are involved
in farming conditions. Factors including cost of farming inputs, growth rates, weather
conditions, soil conditions, fertilizer effectiveness and etc. can all be simulated. Ulti-
mately with proper simulation of real-life farming scenarios for the farmers, this may be
a form of education, through gamification, can accelerate their learning.
9 Riceville Operations
The foundations of the game are simple and follow a traditional city-builder/resource
management strategy game such as Cities Skyline or the Farming Simulator series of
games respectively to begin with [30]. The player takes the role of a farmer who has the
objective of making more profit for his farm. A variety of mechanisms are available for
this to occur that would reflect real life opportunities so that the farmer playing the
game would be able to learn and implement learnings to real life.
The game begins with access to a basic plot of land. Additionally, with some
starting resources, that are initially limited, which may include: money, experience,
influence, reputation and other. They can use these starting resources to purchase seeds,
fertilizer amongst other farming inputs. All these can be used to progress through a
three-part cycle: Planting and sowing, crop maintenance and crop selling. Each part
designed with the intention to allude to and promote the use of agricultural techniques
and technologies reflective of real-life best practices. The planting and sowing cycle
would include processes such as choosing the best types of seeds for the best soil types,
choosing which day to plant the seeds to avoid bad weather conditions or which
machines to use to decrease the amount of time required for planting. Crop mainte-
nance would involve selecting the best pest control substances and techniques to use
within the game. Finally, the crop selling stage would involve the process of selling
different varieties of crops during the best time to maximize return on investment of
initial resources.
During the different stages, different resources could be rewarded for various
actions done within game. An obvious example would be a reward of money during the
crop selling stage. Another example is experience that can be gained in the planting and
crop maintenance stage. This will be a pivotal part in the progression of the game for
Gamifying the Rice Industry: The ‘Riceville’ Paradigm 211
the player through the upgrade mechanism for different assets in the farm. The
resources gained can be used to purchase/add value to existing farming inputs or
enhance existing processes/assets used by the player. Enhancements and the usage of
different assets/technologies within the game will all have an influence on the final crop
that is to be sold and increase efficiencies of other processes. This creates a platform in
which farmers have a safe environment to test out/simulate new technologies on a
virtual farm. By seeing the positive effects, it may also encourage them to upgrade their
real-life existing processes/technologies.
To facilitate the engagement, the gamification element of a ranking system is
incorporated to boost competitiveness between players. A ranking system based on
score given to combined achievements or experiences the player has. This also creates
a platform to highlight model farmers/farms. An interface has been designed where
players can visit other players’ farms to see ideal farm practices that will be positively
reinforced. Furthermore, the implementation of daily rewards from consecutive playing
of the app would also be appropriate to increase the stickiness of the game.
To once again boost farmer engagement, the ranking system selects players who
could be awarded rewards in real life for example via partnerships with
companies/governments/NGOs to further emphasise that despite the simulation being a
game, there are real life benefits through both implementing the structure and also
possible materialistic rewards. An example is a partnership with an agricultural com-
pany where top ranking farmers can get subsidized rates for that company’s fertilizer.
Non-agriculture related organisations may also be appropriate such as a partnership
with telecom companies for telecommunication benefits.
One of the most important partnerships would be with a knowledge partner such as
a rice research organisation which constantly updates and refines a ‘best practices’ set
of guidelines to instruct farmers. Obtaining this input can turn the game into an
engaging, yet highly educational resource for farmers to have fun whilst they learn the
best agricultural practices in the world. Even with the possibility of gaining real life
Benefits to the farmer are obvious, education on modern agriculture practices will
greatly increase the productivity of the farmers. This will also raise the overall pro-
ductivity of the rice industry in tandem since the farmers are at the beginning of the
supply chain, directly increasing the volume of production. This also provides an
exciting opportunity to influence the decision of which rice variety types a farmer
should plant that is desired by a nation’s rice industry.
Disaster scenarios such as a drought is predicted can be prepped against by setting
those weather conditions for the players and farmers to play through. Successful
players who heed in game warnings will be rewarded by having more produce to sell at
the end of a game cycle. On an individual farmer level, this educates them on what to
do to prepare for certain conditions whereas on an industry level, overall rice output
could be maximized given whatever weather conditions take place.
212 E. Markopoulos et al.
Further research on the gamification of the articular sector will be extended to the
design of Riceville under Virtual and Augmented Reality (VAR) technology in order to
achieve more immersion and provide more effective results and benefits to the players
who could be the actual or the potential rice farmers. VAR can enable virtual
manipulation and provide exposure to new technologies - by being able to visualise and
handle virtually, it can boost learning of how new machinery can work. VAR can also
help train farmers to recognise negative signs regarding their crops: e.g. to spot certain
plant diseases. A VAR version of Riceville could offer exciting opportunities for
farmers such as enabling the virtual manipulation to tools or technology that they
haven’t bought yet or it not available in their region. Alternatively, it could also provide
them training for new machinery that they do not fully know how to use without the
risk of damaging their crops.
Other areas to move into would be using serious games to not just teach farmers
best practices of rice but for other crops as well. They would be able to experiment with
different harvest seasons and simulate in advance what would be the best type of
agriculture expansion for investment. For example, a rice farmer would be able to
decide if he should invest in purchasing a cow or perhaps try planting maize as well as
rice for the next harvest. It doesn’t have to just stop at farming either, educational
content of relevance to small holder farmers could be taught as well for example, home
economics or simulations of other business industries.
12 Conclusions
The adaptation of serious games is a growing challenge and opportunity for all sectors
to primarily achieve employee engagement and operations efficiently. However, there
are sectors like the agriculture that present a decline of the people involved in it, and
especially the farmers, require any possible help from technology in order to restructure
its workforce in size, skills and commitment. Riceville is not only a serious game
attempted to gamify the agricultural industry but a shared value social innovation
technology aiming to improve the lives of hundreds of thousands rice farmers and
revitalize international the rice farming community. The proposed technology
emphasizes more on the social contribution to the rice farmers and the rice industry,
than the operations efficiency and profitably by the optimization of the farming process.
Gamifying the Rice Industry: The ‘Riceville’ Paradigm 213
Riceville is a game that can prove that gamification can be aligned with the UN
sustainable goals, improve the lives of the people, reduce hunger and poverty, and
assure decent work and economic growth.
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Cultural Playing: A Videogame Case Study
of Never Alone and the Teaching of Culture
Abstract. The present article proposes to study the game design as an effective
instrument of teaching and propagation of culture. It has also been taken in
consideration the aspects that are established as necessary for a game to be an
effective educational game and how they are present in our object of study. For
such study, we analysed the video game “Never Alone”, produced by the North
American company Upper Games and how it relates to and transmits the
folkloric and cultural elements of the Inñupiaq people through its own unique
game design, taking in consideration its content, playability and visual, or
textual information. In addition, we have also discussed the importance of the
propagation of unknown culture in new popular media while being respectful
and accurate to its source and people. All data was collected via playing the
game whilst observing its contents under the scope of the analysis.
1 Introduction
It is no news that, in our contemporary society, videogames acquired their place in the
daily lives and leisure hours of the younger generation, after all, its capacity of
maintaining the player’s concentration in one single task for hours is one of its main
characteristics. Its due to this specific aspect that the pedagogical area of knowledge has
taken interest in studying the possibility of inserting this new media in the process of
Another important aspect to be taken in consideration is the growing power of this
sector in the media and entertainment industry. In Brazil, it is notable the strength of
this industry, as we can verify in the following extract of Sav’is article:
“Approximately 23% of Brazilian population are assiduous or casual players,
which correspond to around 45 million players” [13]. With such reach and concen-
tration power, it is natural that an interest surges in applying these characteristics in the
teaching process. “Therefore, there today areas dedicated to the application of games in
the learning process called Digital Game-Based Learning – DGBL.” [16] apud [13, 21].
(Author’s free translation).
By the means of a fast analysis of data collected during the using of the videogame,
the present article seeks to expose a few possibilities of its utilization in the teaching
2 Methodology
To write this essay it was elected to use an experimental and empiric methodology via
case study of the mentioned videogame, which was played by the author so that the
same could comprehend its functioning, meet its characters and plot. For 30 days,
during the month of May of 2018, the videogame was played, and observations made e
registered regarding the functioning of the game, as well as the conceptual and stylistic
elements and its playability so that it was possible do assess the way culture is being
transmitted to the player or user. Bibliographic fonts and the informative material
supplied by the developers of the game, via internet, was also used in the making of
this essay.
world. Many universities and schools promote the use of digital educational games in
the classroom as an alternative method of teaching. We can confirm this assumption if
we that the following excerpt from Savi into consideration, [16]:
Now, in institutions, instead of closing their doors to games there is an increasing
interest between researchers and professors in discovering in which ways digital games
can be used as a resource to support the learning process and which are its benefits. [16]
pud [9].
If there is indeed a knowledge and research production in this area, what are the
results of such studies? Which are the characteristics of a videogame that makes it
desirable by the pedagogical area? Which characteristics must a game possess to be
considered an educational game?
Digital games provide “attractive and inovative educational practices, in which the
student has the opportunity to learn in a most active, dynamic and motivational way”
[16]. For the game to be effectively applied in the pedagogical area it is necessary for
the game designer to have in mind the following five principles formulated by [12]:
Learnability: the game must be of easy learning. Icons and symbols must be of
great clarity and easy understanding. Efficiency: the game must be efficient, in such
way that the user, after having learned to play it, may obtain a high level of produc-
tivity. Memorability: the game must be easy to remember, in a way that the casual user
can return to the game, after some time not using it, without having to learn everything
once more. Errors: the must have a low error rate, so that the user, when committing
errors can easily solve them [12].
Once aware of Nielsen’s principles, another challenge emerges: how to develop
educative games that do not lose its dynamic modern character in favor of its didactic.
According to Savi, [16]:
This is the current problem of companies that develop such games: because, many
times, when giving emphasis in the didactic of the game we end up losing the leisure
provided by the game, a fundamental characteristic of this educational tool. “Digital
game must attend to pedagogical requirements, but it is also necessary to be careful not
to make the game into a didactic product, making it loose is pleasurable and sponta-
neous character [16] apud [5]”.
Continuing on this theme, Savi concludes, [16]:
Therefore, we conclude that having leisure components inserted in the study pro-
cess is important because “when the student is relaxed, usually there is a grander
reception and disposition for the learning process”. [16] apud [7, 15].
the individual’s perspective about the world occurs, making the student capable of
producing more based and elaborate knowledge. Aside from this, culture, in the
educative process is foreseen in Brazilian legislation. The article 26 of Law number
12796/2013, altering the Directive’s Law and the Basis of National Education (LDB,
9394/96), foresees culture as necessary and obligatory in the educative process.
In the article “Culture in The Process Of Teaching And Learning In Children’s
Education”, Geraldo (2010) [6], brings us the following conclusion:
Analysing what the many authors have to say we can perceive how fundamental the
cultural elements to children’s education are. We can even say that they are the center
of their education. These elements make possible the acceptance of the most diverse
ways of thinking, of questioning and of acting in the modern world, where knowledge
is increasingly superfluous, the consequence of this is a provisory society. [6].
Knowing that culture is an essential part of the process of teaching, in which way
are videogames a part of it? By being a type of media that, usually, is linked to a form
of culture, be it by the teachings present in it, or, simply by being an artistic production
of members of a specific society. Digital games are cultural tools of a people:
According to Pierre Levy, an intellectual technology, in most cases, exteriorizes,
objectivises and virtualizes a cognitive function, a mental activity. In this line of
thought, we understand digital games as a cultural tool, comprehending it as an
exteriorization, objectivation and virtualization of a cultural expression [2].
Continuing on this theme:
The relation between digital games and cultural artifacts has been studied for some
years. De Paula points that if we do not treat this cultural artifact (digital games) as an
unique language and give emphasis to its possibilities, we shall continue to see them
only as transmissions of the northern American way of thinking [2].
Therefore, we can deduct that the pedagogical area of knowledge utilizes digital
games as an alternative way of teaching and that the aforementioned area produces and
consumes studies aimed at the perfecting of this teaching method. The media called
videogame is a cultural representation of a people. The present case study now has as
an object of analysis the real application of the theories before mentioned, as well as the
characteristics of educative games present in the game Never Alone, to this we elected
to use the empiric methodology.
By the means of a fast analysis of data collected during the using of the videogame,
the present article seeks to expose a few possibilities of its utilization in the teaching
By the means of a fast analysis of data collected during the using of the videogame,
the present article seeks to expose a few possibilities of its utilization in the teaching
4 The Game
The idea of the game was to produce a platform that promotes both leisure and
education, as well as propagation of the Native American culture of the people of
Alaska, known as the Iñupiat. Developed in 2015, by Upper One Games, the game
Cultural Playing: A Videogame Case Study of Never Alone 219
Never Alone, or Kisima Innitchuna, was produced to many diverse platforms such as
the following: Steam, App Store, Mac App Store, GOG and Google Play. Upper
Games is the first North American company to belong to Alaskan native people.
According to its original idea, the developers, when elaborating the art and the
game’s story, interviewed forty elders of the Iñupiat community, as well as artists,
story-tellers and other members of the local group so that the same could contribute to
the making and elaboration of the concepts. The result was a unique game, with a
faithful representation of that people’s culture, both because of the art used and because
of its adapted story.
people’s traditional artistic production, examples being paintings, ivory carved objects,
clothing, drawings and sculptures (Fig. 1).
This reference reflects itself not only in the character’s design, but as well as in the
ambience design of the game, be it through the clothing used by the main characters, be
it in the way that the mythological creatures present in the game were drawn or even in
symbols present (Fig. 2).
During the cut scenes its notable, in a clearer way, the reference of the scrimshaw
art, defined by Silveira (2016) [2] as the word used to designate the art of the carving of
ivory and sperm whale jaw bones and it an intrinsic part of the Iñupiat culture, making
this one of the main forms of folkloric story-telling (Figs. 3 and 4).
Cultural Playing: A Videogame Case Study of Never Alone 221
The videogame is very well made both in the plot, in the gameplay and also in the
graphic part, making it not only an educative game, but interactive and dynamic, which
is necessary in the area of educational games.
5 Conclusion
The area of educative game design is a growing presence in the academic world; its
main challenge is to develop good quality games that promotes good leisure time as
well as education. In what concerns the teaching through culture and its relation to
digital games, Never Alone is a modern example of an educative game that, when seen
as a design case study, serves to the purpose of showing what are basic qualities that a
game must have so that it its considered educational and what are the characteristics of
a functional digital game, that propagates culture of a remote community in a
respectful, educative and dynamic way.
Therefore, we believe this game to be one good example as to how this media can
be explored and used to educative means and to the transmission of information so
subtle and so important to the preservation of the memory of different people, such as
culture. In this sense, after the perspective here exposed, we believe that game design
has a lot to contribute to a positive insertion of videogames in the academic and
educational area.
1. Filho, A.C.M., Oliveira, M.P.: Folclore E Videogame: Jogando, Aprendendo E Valorizando
A Cultura Popular. Curitiba: Intercom - Sociedade Brasileira De Estudos Interdisciplinares
Da Comunicação 40º Congresso Brasileiro De Ciências Da Comunicação (2017)
2. Silveira, G.C.: Jogos Digitais Como Ferramenta Cultural: Uma Proposta Interdisciplinar. In:
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4. Dalla, M.I.H.Z.: Planejamento: Análises Menos Convencionais. Porto Alegre (2000)
Cultural Playing: A Videogame Case Study of Never Alone 223
5. Fortuna, T.R.: Sala De Aula É Lugar De Brincar? Porto Alegre. Cadernos De Educação
Básica 6, 147–164 (2000)
6. Geraldo, A.F., Carneiro, N.P.: A Cultura No Processo Do Ensino E Aprendizagem Da
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7. Hsiao, H.C.: A brief review of digital games and learning. In: The First IEEE International
Workshop On Digital Game And Intelligent Toy Enhanced Learning, Los Alamitos, CA,
USA, DIGITEL 2007, pp 124—129. IEEE Computer Society (2007) http://doi.
8. Dias, T.J., et al.: Estudo Sobre Os Diversos Gêneros De Jogos E Sua Aplicabilidade No
Ensino. Vila Jacuí (2014).
9. Kirriemuir, J., Mcfarlane, A.: Literature Review In Games And Learning. Futurelab, Bristol
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14. Oliveira, M.P.; Filho, A.C.M.: Folk-Game: Como A Cultura Popular Pode Ser Adaptada
Para Os Jogos Eletrônicos De Computador - O Caso De Never Alone. Ponta Grossa: RIF
Artigos/Ensaios, pp. 87–103 (2017)
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The Design of a WebGL-Based 3D Virtual
Roaming System for the “Batu Hitam”
1 Introduction
Cultural heritage is the masterpieces of human beings with outstanding value. How-
ever, due to natural degradation and man-made destruction, most cultural heritage is
isolated from the general public in terms of time, space, and cultural sensitivity [1].
Thus, we need to provide accessible cultural heritages and introduce them to laymen in
an easy-to-use way [2].
Fortunately, the development of modern photogrammetric modeling techniques has
opened up many possibilities for the preservation, research, and reconstruction of these
damaged or even lost cultural relics without causing further damage to them [3]. Virtual
reality technique enables people to move and navigate in a virtual environment related
to cultural heritage, creating a platform for people to learn and develop their under-
standings about the heritage [4]. The development of WebGL provides easy access to
cultural heritage from anywhere in the world without the need for plug-ins [5].
Recently, the digitization of cultural heritage has mainly focused on modeling or
scanning reconstruction. Many historical items and sites have been given new digital
existence. The utilization of virtual reality technique can also make it possible to
examine in depth, perceive details, and even interact with these reconstructed historical
items and sites [6, 7]. Although some projects have already started to integrate sto-
rytelling into the digitization of cultural heritage [8], there are still no systematic
approaches to designing for the storytelling of cultural heritage digitization. In addition,
3D reconstructions of ships for historical purposes are quite rare, with most being
static, such as the reconstruction of Pepper Wreck [9].
The vacancy of similar works motivated us to initiate this project. We reconstructed
the “Batu Hitam” shipwreck, including the people and items it carried. Then, we
designed a WebGL-based 3D virtual roaming system focusing on the interactivity,
fluency, and immersion aspects of storytelling. Our purpose is to convey the historical
information about the “Batu Hitam” shipwreck to the users so as to provide them with
an understanding of the life on board. The benefits of this system lie in its accessibility
to large audiences and the appealing quality of the diffusion of cultural heritage.
2 Historical Context
The “Batu Hitam” is a Tang Dynasty Shipwreck found in the waters off Belitung
Island, Indonesia in 1998. Based on the timber species, construction methods, and the
hull form of the excavated wreckage, experts speculated that the ship was an Arab
The shipwreck is approximately 21 feet (6.4 m) wide and 58 feet (18 m) long. It
carried a commercial quantity of Tang dynasty ceramics as well as rare items of
imperial quality. They are more than 67,000 pieces of ceramics from different kilns,
including the Changsha kiln, Yue kiln, Xing kiln, and Gongxian kiln. There are also
some gold and silver wares and bronze mirrors [10]. These cargoes are large in number
and well preserved and are of great research value. From the Changsha kiln ceramics
with Arabian-inspired patterns and the rare items of imperial quality, it can be inferred
that the original mission of the ship was to transport Chinese goods from Southeast
Asia to West Asia and North Africa for trade or diplomacy; unfortunately, it struck
against the rocks and sank.
The discovery of the “Batu Hitam” shipwreck is an empirical study of direct maritime
commerce between China in the Tang Dynasty and West Asia (covering Turkey, Arabia,
and other Gulf regions). The reconstruction of the “Batu Hitam” and its cultural items
will enable both professionals and non-professionals to gain a deeper understanding of
shipbuilding and handcraft techniques from the Tang dynasty, as well as the cultural
exchange between the Western and Eastern world through the Maritime Silk Road.
3 3D Modeling
3.1 Survey and Modelling
According to the interpretative and reconstructive hypotheses supported by critical
study of the shipwreck site, bibliographic and iconography references, and typological
comparisons with similar Arab dhows of the same period [11], we used 3D Studio Max
226 G. Bian and B. Wang
to reconstruct the hull and the internal structure of the shipwreck directly at 1:1 scale.
The ship space was laid out reasonably, which can help realize the needs for boarding
and roaming.
To show more details, some representative life appliances and precious cultural
items have also been modeled, including typical Changsha kiln ceramics, precious gold
and silverware, and bronze mirrors. Considering that we need more accurate and
realistic models, these cultural items were modeled by photogrammetry. The original
cultural items were supplied by a local collector.
All of the selected cultural items (more than 40) were captured with a Nikon D90
camera. Because of the short camera-object distances, we used small apertures (f20) to
maintain a proper focal length. To ensure that the adjacent photographs have an
overlapping area of 70%, the modelling of each cultural item required over 60 pho-
tographs taken at four angles (15°, 45°, 75°, 90°) from eight cardinal directions. In case
of insufficient light, we used three professional illuminators to maintain a homogeneous
light and texture of the object, avoiding shadows and reflections (Fig. 1). The pho-
tographs of the selected cultural items were processed by a community called Altizure
for realistic 3D modeling.
3.2 Simplification
Because memory is a constraint on the complexity of the content that a system can run,
the simplification of these models requires a trade-off between resolution and rendering
speed. Considering the number of vertices that is acceptable to ensure a good rendering
speed, we decided to use a multiresolution scheme for different presentation needs of
the models to allocate memory reasonably. The reconstructed “Batu Hitam” wreck, for
example, has a complex internal structure consisting of 1,260,000 vertices, the invisible
part of which can be simplified to the greatest extent. Therefore, the final shipwreck
model that was imported into the virtual roaming system has only 180,000 vertices.
However, since cultural items require a detailed presentation they are still maintained at
a high resolution. All of the high-resolution models obtained through manual and
photogrammetric modeling were simplified by Blender, an open source software.
The Design of a WebGL-Based 3D Virtual Roaming System 227
4 System Design
4.1 Introduction
The primary task of this project is to provide easy access to the “Batu Hitam” ship-
wreck from anywhere in the world. Therefore, we designed a virtual roaming system
based on WebGL, which makes it possible to run the system on the localhost or on web
browsers (Mozilla Firefox 4+, Google Chrome 9+, Safari 5.1+, Opera Next and
Internet Explorer9+) without needing plug-ins. The virtual roaming system was
developed by Unity 3D, a multi-platform integrated game development tool. Its
WebGL build option allows us to publish Unity content on a web browser using the
WebGL rendering API.
In the virtual roaming system, the ship is floating on the ocean and has a certain
depth of draught. Ambient lighting comes from the natural light of the sun and the sky
is clear. The “Batu Hitam” ship has two floors, the deck and the cabin. The hatch is
located in the middle of the deck. It provides convenient access to cabin areas by stairs.
The cabin is used to hold cargos and provide living space. The definition of space and
all its components is determined by their functionality.
There are four buttons in the upper-left corner of the interface: Help, Panorama
Mode, Roaming Mode, and Exploded View. In the panorama mode, users can view the
model of the “Batu Hitam” in the simulated ocean environment. In the roaming mode,
they can board the ship and walk around from a first-person view. The two mode
buttons provide free switching between the panoramic mode and roaming mode; the
228 G. Bian and B. Wang
Help button provides the system operation instructions that can be viewed at any time
through a 2D pop-up panel; the Exploded View button can clearly show the structure of
the ship (Fig. 2).
4.2 Storytelling
Stories provide a framework for understanding events and conveying cultural values
[12]. Information conveyed by storytelling can be more easily absorbed by users [13].
The “Batu Hitam” shipwreck contains a wealth of information. To spread this infor-
mation in a more attractive and innovative way and to bridge cultural, time and space
divides, our design focused on the interactivity, fluency, and immersion aspects of
Interactions. Interactions run through the whole storytelling process. In panorama
mode, users can learn the details of the “Batu Hitam” ship through the mouse.
Specifically, they can use the scroll wheel to zoom in and out or drag the mouse to
visualize the 3D model from a different point of view. They can also click the Exploded
View button to separate the interior from its hull and observe the structure of the
ship. Through these interactions, users can gain a whole image of the ship. Considering
the complexity of the ship and its surroundings, we chose to fix all of the objects in the
center of the view. Then, we set up a free look camera that can move freely and
controlled the rotation angle of the camera to achieve the free rotation of the objects.
Zooming in/out of the objects can also be achieved in this way.
In the roaming mode, visitors can board the ship and walk around. This helps them
establish a sense of space. The roaming mode is achieved by a first-person controller,
which allows users to control the view and navigation. The interactions are completed
through the arrow keys. Visitors can use the up and down arrow keys to move forward
or backward, or the left and right arrow keys to turn left or right.
Fluency. Any story is inseparable from the characters and a coherent plot. Because the
space in the “Batu Hitam” ship is very complex and articulated, to convey the historical
information completely, we designed nine virtual scenarios of life on the ship, such as
making food, drinking tea, the sailors playing dice for entertainment, and so on. Virtual
characters are core elements of every scenario, including Arab sailors, merchants, and a
Chinese man who might be a merchant or diplomat. They wear costumes of that period.
With clues of people’s life on board, all of the reconstructed cultural items were
reasonably distributed in the nine scenarios. Through these scenarios, we initially
established the character image and the plot.
The purpose of the storytelling is to make space lively, as the virtual reconstruction
that is rendered by static objects can only provide a limited user experience [14]. To
solve this problem, we introduced animation into this system to provide simulations of
the daily activities of virtual characters. We created an invisible, bone-like structure
(skeleton) inside the characters and linked it to the external mesh (skin) using the open-
source software Blender. The animation of the skeleton can thus induce the corre-
sponding deformation of the skin. This allows the virtual characters to not only present
a realistic appearance but also have a vivid figure. Their body language can convey
The Design of a WebGL-Based 3D Virtual Roaming System 229
more information to users and facilitate the development of the plot. These actions
include giving directions, moving, and using tools, and so on.
For example, one of the Arab sailors is rolling a roller on a grindstone to make food
on the deck. A variety of other stone utensils are scattered on the table, including a
greater in the form of a fish, a mortar, and a pestle. There is also a wooden rolling pin.
In the cabin, two sailors are checking the cargos (Fig. 3). Users who experience this
method of storytelling in different scenarios can better understand the shapes and usage
of various items.
In the specific context of the virtual roaming system, the mobility of the users
challenges the fluency of storytelling. As we have mentioned, the space in the ship is
very complex and articulated. More importantly, the nine virtual scenarios are laid out
230 G. Bian and B. Wang
across the whole space of the ship. To ensure the integrity of the plot, we decided to
guide the visitors along an ideal path. In this way, the plot is synchronized with the
visitor’s path, which will form a consistent overall storytelling. We placed an eye-
catching red hotspot in each scenario and numbered them. Combined with the arrow-
shaped landmarks attached to the ground, visitors can easily conduct a complete visit
(Fig. 4). There is also an Arab sailor standing beside the hatch to show users the
direction of the stairs, which provide access to the cabin areas. It should be noted that
we needed to set the appropriate motion speed to ensure a smooth experience and the
coherence of the plot.
Another factor that limits the fluency of storytelling is the performance of the
system. To solve this problem, we need to optimize the memory and performance in
terms of design and technology. From the perspective of design, on the basis of
ensuring the integrity of the plot, reasonable selection and allocation of characters and
items in each scenario as well as the reduction of unnecessary items can save memory
to a large extent. From the perspective of technology, in addition to model optimiza-
tion, another effective way to reduce the memory footprint is texture compression and
optimization. We can use 16-bit compressed textures instead of 32-bit textures to
release most of the memory bandwidth. Generating mipmaps for textures used in a
virtual environment can also be useful. It enables the smaller triangles to get a lower
resolution texture. This step is fundamental to speed up loading time, reduce memory
footprint, and significantly improve rendering performance. As for lighting perfor-
mance, we chose bake lighting instead of dynamic lighting, which is a simple trick to
reduce the memory footprint.
Immersion. On the basis of boarding the ship and walking around, in order to enhance
the immersion aspect of storytelling, we utilized multimedia to create experience.
An important manifestation is the simulation of the marine environment. The
infinite ocean plane is realized with a projected grid. There are enough details in the
mesh for small scale waves. Then, we used the open source ocean shader to achieve the
animation effect of the waves. We also provided a seamless transition from above to
below the water with an underwater fog effect. The purpose of this work is to ensure
that the ocean surface looks as realistic as possible. There are sounds of waves and
seagulls. All of these sounds are binaural sounds and the time interval between each
sound file is random. These sounds are naturally incorporated into the animation of the
waves, drastically enhancing the immersive feeling of the users.
5 Conclusions
In this paper, we have presented the approaches to designing for the storytelling of a
WebGL-based 3D virtual roaming system, highlighting the three aspects of story-
telling: interactivity, fluency, and immersion. Interactivity runs through the process of
storytelling to establish a meaningful relationship between users and the system. It is
manifested in many aspects, such as the interactive model display (rotation, zooming,
and exploded view), the virtual roaming from a first-person view, and the exploded
view. The fluency of storytelling depends on design and technology. Depending on the
historical information to be conveyed, different design choices are to be made at the
fluency stage of storytelling. In a virtual reality system for free exploration, the design
and reasonable layout of scenarios contribute to initially establishing the characters and
the plot. But the mobility of users challenges the fluency of storytelling. The best
solution is to synchronize the storytelling with the visitor’s path. As for the design of
scenarios, appropriate animation elements are conducive to creating vivid characters
and facilitating the development of the plot. For example, we can convey more
information to users by simulating characters’ daily activities. From the view of
technology, we have underlined the most significant challenge to the fluency of sto-
rytelling—memory and performance optimization. Here are some useful suggestions
based on the work we have done. Firstly, a multiresolution scheme can be used to
simplify complex 3D meshes or point clouds according to different display require-
ments of different models. Secondly, texture compression and optimization is an
effective way to reduce memory footprint. 16-bit textures over 32-bit textures can be
used, as well as always enabling mipmaps for textures used in a virtual environment.
Finally, we can use bake lighting instead of dynamic lighting to reduce load time. The
immersion of storytelling depends on the combination of text, image, audio, video, and
other media. This multimedia information can bring a multi-sensorial and immersive
experience. For example, the animation effect of the waves combined with the sound of
waves and seagulls can make the marine environment more real and give users a
feeling of immersion. All in all, this work has provided a new paradigm for applying
open source technologies to the diffusion of cultural heritage on the web.
There are still some deficiencies in our work, such as that the existing interactive
mode can only allow users to observe but not participate in the activities. In the future,
our work will focus on more flexible ways of interaction, such as steering the ship,
pouring water, carrying goods, and so on.
232 G. Bian and B. Wang
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Designing Experiences: A Virtual Reality
Video Game to Enhance Immersion
Grupo Avatar PUCP, Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, Lima, Peru
mjespinosa}, [email protected],
[email protected]
1 Introduction
The use of technological tools (e.g., ICT or e-learning) has become a relatively com-
mon and important initiative in recent years [1, 2]. This interest in the use of new
technologies originates from the benefits that its use causes, and that can influence the
development of social and cognitive skills.
In line with the above, one of the technological developments that have attracted
the most attention in recent years is video games. These have become a common
product for people and society, which has led to video game companies looking for
developers who can create better video games and thus be able to increase the audience
of players for their latest releases [2].
The development of cognitive and social skills are benefits of video games that
have caught the attention of researchers, which are key concepts that help explain the
popularity of video games [3, 4]. Also, some studies report that an important element of
a successful video game is the ability to involve the player with the elements and
contents of the video game [5]. When that happens, video game players report to
experience a sense of involvement or an experience of “being in the game”, where they
do not realize the things around them, such as the amount of time that has passed or if
someone is talking to them [2, 5, 6]. This experience of complete concentration in the
game environment and a distraction-free self-absorption is known as immersion [5–7].
Therefore, immersion is an important aspect of the gaming experience [2], and it is
necessary to understand its characteristics if you want to obtain insights on how to
increase this experience in desirable contexts, such as in educational games, or how to
inhibit it in dangerous contexts, as in cases of video game addiction [6].
Contrary to what would be desired, however, immersion is a complex term whose
definition can vary depending on the author, which implies that various characteristics
can be taken into account or not. However, the definition used in this study understand
immersion as a state of cognitive, emotional and motivational involvement of the
player with the elements of the video game [6, 9]. In this line, since the interaction with
the video game generates an immersive experience, this can influence the cognitive
processes of the player, which can affect the attention and perception of the player’s
reality [6, 9].
As for the possible degrees of immersion, a study by Brown and Cairns [5] indi-
cates that there are different levels. The first is the Engagement, where there is a
minimum immersion state, enough for the player to devote his time to playing a video
game, although he does not necessarily enjoy it. The next level of immersion is the
Engrossment, where there is an interest of the player to continue playing, but there is an
emotional connection with the game and its elements (characters, narrative, history).
The maximum level is Total Immersion, where there is a strong connection with the
game, and the player “feels in the game.” At this point, the attentional and perceptual
processes are strongly altered and guided towards the elements of the video game.
Jennet et al. [6] identify five areas that would make up the immersion experience.
The areas are the following: Cognitive Involvement, Emotional Involvement, Real
World Dissociation, Control, and Challenge.
The first area, Cognitive Involvement, refers to the attention to the stimuli that are
presented in the video game. Second, Emotional Involvement, is understood as the
player’s interest in continuing to play, as well as its relationship to the events that occur
within the game. Real world Dissociation is understood as the alteration of the per-
ception of time and space, a phenomenon that occurs when the player thinks he has
played a short time but, in fact, it has happened much more time than it calculated.
Fourth, Control is understood as the facility perceived in controls; that is if the controls
are simple to use. Finally, Challenge refers to the perception of the difficulty of the
video game; if the game is quite easy or difficult, it is likely that a fully immersive
experience will not be given.
This immersion structure, proposed by Jennet et al. [6], allows to understand the
state of immersion and allows to identify characteristics that can be applied to game
design since it identifies essential aspects of immersion that can be materialized in the
design of video games. For example, the feeling of Challenge that the player experi-
ences must have a balance. If the player feels that the game is not challenging or too
difficult, it may not generate a state of immersion. Likewise, if the reward obtained after
passing a situation in the game does not go according to the difficulty, then the feeling
of immersion can also be affected. It is here that the link between immersion theory and
game design becomes a field of study.
Designing Experiences: A Virtual Reality Video Game 235
There are several approaches to the game design that provide a procedural
framework to develop entertaining and gameful experiences [10, 11]. These approaches
present work methodologies aimed at enjoyment, immersion and the satisfaction of
particular needs of the player (e.g., competence, autonomy, gregariousness) [3], which
is essential in the development of video games.
In that line, it is important to delve into the characteristics of the elements of a video
game that influence the player’s immersion. While the classification varies depending
on the author consulted, it can be found four essential characteristics that should be
taken into account when designing a video game [10, 11]: narrative, game mechanics,
art and rules.
The narrative is understood as the story in which the video game will be immersed
[10]. The narrative should not be understood as solely textual; on the contrary, the
narrative can be developed from the art of the video game, the mechanics and the
sections in which a story can be explicitly presented in a visual, oral or both.
On the other hand, the mechanics refer to the actions that the player can perform
within the game [10]. That is if the character can jump, swim, or fly, if he has powers or
uses weapons, what kind of weapons he uses. Likewise, the mechanics refer to all
possible actions that the player can perform within the game. This element is one of the
most important aspects of Game Design in general, so its role in the development of an
educational video game is crucial. The mechanics of the video game, like all the
mentioned aspects, must contribute to the learning objective [11], although not nec-
essarily directly. For example, Navarro et al. [11] used the classic mechanics of a
platform video game; however, they adapted them to promote specific objectives for
their research (oriented to learning). Thus, a classic mechanics such as picking up an
object on the road became significant for the design of the video game, giving it a
different meaning but one that responded to the needs of the studio. It is important to
highlight that the mechanics must be designed to achieve the game’s objectives (what I
want the player to be able to do within the game).
Art is a visual component that provides visual information. These must disclose
essential aspects for the player, such as the theme of the game, the relevance of some
aspects within the game to the player, or “feel” that they want to generate in the player.
The rules make up the universe of the video game and delimit the actions of the
player. Some authors refer that the rules delimit the mechanics that a player can
perform within the game, and in the way that the game has been programmed. For
example, the player can jump within the game but cannot fly and can only jump in a
certain way and a certain height. Thus, rules can be understood as the structure of the
video game.
Currently, game developers have studies focused on understanding the character-
istics of mechanics [12], narrative [13], art [14] and the structures and rules of games
[10]. These studies work as an important conceptual framework that allows improving
playful experiences (such as immersion). However, we still need to delve into the
relationship that specific designs have in the player’s experience (particularly in
Since immersion is an experience that involves both cognitive, emotional and
motivational activation with the content of the video game [6, 11], there are factors
associated with autonomy and competence that generate a level of greater involvement
236 R. Navarro et al.
[3, 15]. In that sense, it must be understood how such involvement can be generated
from the elements of the video game and how it is based on the degree of autonomy
and competence experienced by the player. Although there are studies that approach
this type of phenomena with video games [13, 16], there are still no studies focused on
virtual reality video games. This is extremely important because it is an emerging
technology that is becoming increasingly common. Its long-term sustenance will
require the creation of the most optimal experiences possible, with mechanics, controls,
narrative and clear objectives that can be understood by the player and, in turn, gen-
erate immersion.
Therefore, the objective of this study is to identify the sensation of immersion
experienced when using a virtual reality video game. To do this, a video game was
designed in virtual reality, taking into account that the movements made by the player
are as intuitive as possible.
2 Method
2.1 Participants
The participants were four university students whose ages ranged between 20 and 23
years. Of them, two were men and two women.
None of the participants had used a virtual reality video game nor was familiar with
the hardware used in the study. This is important since the perception of this type of
situations responds to a phenomenological methodology of the experience. Also, the
participants had little experience with video games.
2.2 Materials
Video game “The Submarine”: A video game was designed and developed in virtual
reality to identify the immersion in the participants. Within the development before the
creation of the project, a study of similar experiences within the field was carried out:
experiences such as “Job Simulator,” “Expect you to Die,” among others, were
explored. Interviews were conducted with individuals who tried such video games
in situ to gather their reactions and opinions. Based on this information, the elements of
interest for the user were defined. Due to the limitations of the resources, a basic
experience was proposed that responds to the objectives of the study. In the initial
interviews, the participants indicated that they were interested in exploring unknown
places. This is how the idea of exploring with a submarine originates (the theme of the
submarine was also identified in the initial interviews). Thanks to the definition of the
main idea, an initial physical prototype was developed, whose use was focused on
testing the proposed mechanics. In this way, the prototype was validated through
continuous iteration and meticulous analysis of the feedback obtained. The video game
takes place in the cockpit of a small submarine, where the player receives relevant
information about the game’s objectives through the voice of an NPC. The player must
search and photograph fish from the bottom of the sea, and his partner (the voice that
gives the information) is talking about personal aspects of the player and their
Designing Experiences: A Virtual Reality Video Game 237
objectives. There are two basic mechanics: move the submarine and take pictures. The
first mechanics required that the player moved a lever that was in front of him. The
second mechanism was performed by pressing a button on a camera inside the cab. The
experience lasts 5 min and ends when a giant fish devours the player.
– Semi-structured interview. An interview was designed that allowed to deepen on the
participant’s perception of the video game. Because we wanted to delve into the
effectiveness of some aspects of it, the interview had the following areas:
– Immersion: the questions asked addressed the participant’s perception of immer-
sion. In that sense, the questions revolved around the impression of the time the
participant had played (which differed over the actual playing time), the feeling of
being in the game, and the identification of elements (striking and non-striking)
within the game.
– Rules: for this area questions were asked about what the player believed were the
basic rules of the game and particularly if he had understood the objective of the
– Mechanics: this area referred to the actions that the participant could perform within
the game. Thus, he delved into the movements that the player could make and the
elements within the game with which he could interact.
– Narrative: Questions concerning the narrative of the video game were asked to the
participants. The purpose of these questions was to identify if the video game
allowed the player to understand the history of the game, as well as the characters
who appeared in it.
– Art: Questions concerning the art of the video game were asked, and if it supported
the objective and mechanics of the game; also, if it was articulated with the other
elements of the video game.
2.3 Procedure
We proceeded to separate a suitable environment to install a computer with the video
game in virtual reality, as well as the HTC Vive components. Thus, a space of 3 5 m
was used, where a chair was placed at a prudent distance so that the sensors could
identify the controls of the HTC Vive and the movements of the player. The position
where the chair was placed was marked so that participants are in the same space in all
An open call was made to university students, indicating the place and time where
they should attend to participate in the study. At the beginning of the intervention, the
participant was helped to place the HTC Vive viewer. They were given necessary
information on how to use the controls and where to position themselves. Finally, they
were seated in a chair and told to follow the goal that the game would point to at the
beginning. The application lasted 5–7 min. Afterward, a semi-structured interview was
conducted about what happened in the video game.
In the following section, the results obtained are presented and discussed.
238 R. Navarro et al.
The results of the interviews with the participants are presented below. The first
analysis that is carried out in this section is the one concerning the participants’
sensation of immersion. Thus, first we will delve into the details perceived by the
participants about the game and how they relate to immersion; then, it will delve into
the game elements that could generate immersion in the participants. Finally, the
limitations of the game that could have an adverse effect on the feeling of Total
Immersion are mentioned.
3.1 Immersion
The participants were able to identify the details of the game (music, art, narration)
from the beginning. Likewise, signs of the first and second level of immersion were
identified in the responses of the participants. This implies that specific characteristics
of the game allowed to submerge the participant in the world that was presented to him;
however, there was no evidence of a deep level of immersion, or Total Immersion,
although it was reported that the game generated some similarity with the real world
(which could be a determining factor of immersion). This can be seen in the following
quotes from the interviews:
“I felt that I was turning to the left and there was sea, to the right and there was sea, up and
there was the submarine’s hull, there were also sounds, those little bubbles that make you feel
(…) The narrator’s voice was very clear, maybe with more noise in between.” (participant 1,
female, 22 years)
“The environment, the depth, the sea, the bubbles, the seabed, inside the submarine was the
radar, almost everything conditioned as if it were like that. (…) The sound also (…) the
atmosphere, the music, it felt real.” (participant 2, male, 21 years)
“The sound, the realistic images helped you feel under the sea (…) Elements of the submarine
not particularly (…) When you are under the water it feels like an echo, and it looked very well
reproduced by the game.” (participant 3, male, 23 years)
Thus, the unexpected appearance of a threatening stimulus within the game, and the
player’s inability to do anything generated a particular emotional response, in this case,
fear. This could be because levels of emotional and cognitive involvement were high,
which generated a stronger sense of immersion and, consequently, the generation of
strong emotional responses [2, 6].
Designing Experiences: A Virtual Reality Video Game 239
Based on the previous evidence, it is essential to analyze these results from the
perspective of game design: how mechanics and narrative could have influenced the
generation of immersion, and what characteristics of these game elements were most
beneficial to achieve this.
Even the rules were understood easily: although one of the participants did not pay
attention to the narration - where the objective of the game was indicated - he was able
to understand what he should do.
“I did not pay attention to what I said, but to drive, pay attention not to crash and keep the ship
(…) I felt comfortable, I expected some things to appear that would help the environment more
or be a guide.” (participant 2, male, 21 years)
This information could indicate that the game was intuitive enough for players to
understand the objectives and, if necessary, deduct them at the time of play, which
could be due to factors related to art and narrative.
“The game started with the submarine descending and I had to take a picture, then they told me
there was a massive object, and that it was coming to me.” (participant 1, female, 22 years)
“Two friends were investigating, one was out of the water, they were talking about their life and
that (…) It was not a big story, but it was interesting.” (participant 3, male, 23 years)
“The little information I had was that I was in a submarine, with a person who was in a plant, I
might be a biologist or something, looking for a species.” (participant 4, female, 20 years)
“The controls were very slow (…) I felt that I was going very slowly, maybe a little faster, to
improve the experience.” (participant 2, male, 21 years)
“It was difficult to get used to controlling the submarine, but once you had it you could play.”
(participant 3, male, 23 years)
“There was little difficult to handle the lever to move. Despite moving the lever forward and
wanting to go forward, I could not.” (participant 4, female, 20 years)
The participants report negative emotions and ignorance in two aspects: the first
was not being able to handle the main controls adequately, that is, the lever and the
second was not to identify the other controls because they did not see them.
In the case of not being able to control the ship, the participants report that it is
because they are not used to the controls of the VR game and the environment. For
example, the players had to look around to see other screens and not just to the front, or
to be able to direct the main lever with the VR controls. Due to the lack of time for
exploration, or the absence of clear indications about game handling of the controls and
the mechanics, participants often considered some controls to be part of the environ-
ment and not something they could use.
Fig. 1. Framework of game design for immersion, positive emotions and enjoyment
This framework would allow to understand the elements of the game that can
influence the player’s immersion in a virtual reality game. Further studies should be
made to prove the validity of this framework and its relationship with enjoyment.
Also, this framework takes into account the importance of motivation in the
experience of immersion and the game elements.
4 Conclusions
From the analysis, it is possible to point out that the video game has allowed participants
to feel “immersed” in the game experience. Also, this sensation of immersion had led to
experience strong emotions, such as fear. The participants reported having a slight
degree of fear before the abrupt end of the video game. This can be explained by the
existence of various graphics and audio features that favored the feeling of immersion
mentioned by players, such as bubbles, screens, sound effects, among others.
The main drawback in the gaming experience and, therefore, in the immersion
experience were related to the mechanics. The mechanics were well defined; however,
the actions within the game presented some flaws that made handle the submarine a
difficult task and, consequently, affected the participants’ gaming experience.
In summary, the video game seems to positively influence the immersion of the
players; however, the difficulties of handling some mechanics is a factor that reduces
immersion. These characteristics should be considered when developing future VR
games, because if it is taking into account in the development, it is possible to achieve
higher levels of immersion. Finally, it is pertinent to include a tutorial or detailed guide
that allow players to fully exploit the potential of this type of video game, especially if
the gameplay time is limited.
242 R. Navarro et al.
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Logic Evaluation Through Game-Based
1 Introduction
wealth of information can be used to design real-time feedback that could change the
gameplay. The idea is to use each individual interaction data to maximize learning in a
much more personalized and flexible way. Therefore, this approach helps to collect
data as input to formative assessments and gain understanding and insight on whether
students are learning. More importantly, teachers can develop personalized plans
aiming to develop students´ skills. Finally, these processes can help students take
control and become self-regulated learners [7] rather than having a reactive role
regarding evaluations and learning.
2 Methods
Fig. 1. Screenshot of the game. The environment is dark and illuminated by torch light.
Logic Evaluation Through Game-Based Assessment 245
movement of the player a two-dimensional map was located at the left-bottom of the
screen (see Fig. 3). This gameplay belonged to a family of motion planning problems
with movable obstacles that is PSPACE-complete and it has been proved that the
associated decision problem is NP-hard [8].
Fig. 2. Screenshot of the game visualizing the place where to put the objects.
Fig. 3. Screenshot of the game showing the associated two-dimensional map that guided the
To be able to compare the game results with more traditional evaluations, two
different paper-based tests were prepared. Both traditional tests were actual tests
designed for the undergraduate course Formal Logic. One of the paper-based evalua-
tions tested syllogism and the other abstract reasoning by association. Some examples
of the paper-based evaluation are shown in Fig. 4 for syllogism and Fig. 5 for abstract
No wagon is popular.
Fig. 4. Example of syllogism. Students had to answer if the conclusion was true or false
depending on the statements above.
Fig. 5. Examples of the abstract reasoning questions on the paper-based evaluation. The student
answered by selecting one option between a, b or c options.
complete the task; was the task easy or demanding? Simple or complex? Physical
demand is the perception of the amount of physical activity required; was the task
physically demanding? Temporal demand is the perception of time during the task; was
the pace slow or time pressure was felt when doing the task? Performance refers to the
overall perception of success when performing the task; how satisfied were the user
with their performance? Effort is described as the perception of vigorous attempt
necessary to achieve their level of performance; how hard did they have to work
(mentally and physically) to achieve the task? Finally, frustration refers to the per-
ception of stress, irritation and annoy that the user felt during the task.
In addition to the NASA-TLX, for each paper-based test all answers were recorded
with the associated grade. On the other hand, for the game application, all the players’
movements with their associated response time were recorded for analysis. Therefore,
each time a player moved the character using one of the arrows, the associated direction
of movement and time was recorded.
3 Results
Experimental results showed that the puzzle game scores were not significantly dif-
ferent from the grades obtained with the paper-based test scores. The score of the game
was set as the maximum level that the player cleared which is similar to the way the
paper-based tests were scored. Moreover, Fig. 6 shows the results of the NASA-TLX
for the three experimental conditions. Black bars show the results for the game-based
assessment. Grey bars show the results for the abstract reasoning test and white bars for
the syllogism test. Results show that on average there was not a significant difference
between the three tasks in the six dimensions of the NASA-TLX. These results may
indicate that the game-based interface was an adequate activity similar to the other two
paper-based evaluations but without any significant advantage or disadvantage in terms
of cognitive load. The only clear advantage may be that in the game-based interface the
movements and response time of students are recorded. The data can be used to alert
the instructor if the student need additional support or to design more specific tasks to
reinforce learning or focus on specific levels.
However, after careful analysis, two different groups of students were clearly
identified depending on their perceived frustration with the game interface. Figure 7
shows the results of the students that found the paper-based tests more frustrating than
the game-based test. Figure 8 shows the results of the students that considered the
game as more frustrating than the paper-based test. The group frustrated with the paper-
based test where the largest with over 60% of the total number of students. Their
frustration was particularly high for the abstract reasoning paper test (mean = 5.8,
SD = 1.6). This frustration score was significantly different (t (6) = −2.93, p < 0,05)
from the frustration perception of the game-based interaction(mean = 3.8, SD = 1.6).
Moreover, for this group of students, all other five dimensions of the NASA-TLX and
their grades for the three tests were not significantly different. This may indicate that,
for this group, there was an advantage to use the game-based testing. Lower perceived
frustration in this group may indicate increase user engagement which may include
lower sensibility to anxiety during the interaction. Intriguingly, this group perceived the
248 C. Arce-Lopera and A. Perea
Mental Physical Temporal Performance Effort Frustration
Fig. 6. Overall results for the NASA-TLX. Error bars denote the standard deviation of the
results. No significant differences were found for the six dimensions.
test of abstract reasoning as highly frustrating which may indicate that they were not
accustomed or not feel comfortable when doing the abstract reasoning type of evalu-
ation. Further research is needed to understand the reason why this group reported more
frustration when solving the abstract reasoning test than the syllogism test.
On the other hand, the group of students that considered that the game-based test
was more frustrating (Mean = 7, SD = 2.16) rated both paper-based tests as signifi-
cantly less frustrating than the game-based test (p < 0.05). Specifically, this group
found the abstract reasoning test as the least frustrating (Mean = 1.6, SD = 1.29) with
Mental Physical Temporal Performance Effort Frustration
Fig. 7. Results for the NASA-TLX of students that found paper-based test frustrating. Error bars
denote the standard deviation of the results.
Logic Evaluation Through Game-Based Assessment 249
significantly lower mental demand (t(3) = 7.83, p < 0,05) in comparison with the game
interface. Also, this group rated significantly lower (t(3) = 2.48, p < 0.1) the effort
necessary to complete the abstract reasoning task (Mean = 5.5, SD = 0.57) in com-
parison with the game-based test (Mean = 8.3, SD = 1.7). Interestingly, no significant
differences were found on perceived performance or the real performance, i.e. the
grades of the three types of test. These results showed that this smaller group of
students may be reluctant to game-based interfaces by considering them frustrating and
requiring more effort demanding more mental resources.
Mental Physical Temporal Performance Effort Frustration
Fig. 8. Results for the NASA-TLX of students that found the game as frustrating. Error bars
denote the standard deviation of the results.
initial status of the game interface may provide the opportunity for students to develop
different types of resolution strategies, such as try and error or even brute force. Further
research is needed to clarify how this type of strategies can be related and associated to
logic evaluation and learning.
4 Conclusion
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review of empirical evidence on computer games and serious games. Comput. Educ. 59, 661–
686 (2012)
2. Mavridis, A., Tsiatsos, T.: Game-based assessment: investigating the impact on test anxiety
and exam performance. J. Comput. Assist. Learn. 33, 137–150 (2017)
3. Kiili, K., Ketamo, H.: Evaluating cognitive and affective outcomes of a digital game-based
math test. IEEE Trans. Learn. Technol. 11, 255–263 (2018)
4. Hancock, D.R.: Effects of test anxiety and evaluative threat on students’ achievement and
motivation. J. Educ. Res. 94, 284–290 (2001)
5. Kolagari, S., Modanloo, M., Rahmati, R., Sabzi, Z., Ataee, A.J.: The effect of computer-based
tests on nursing students’ test anxiety: a quasi-experimental study. Acta Inform. Medica. 26,
115–118 (2018)
6. Eseryel, D., Law, V., Ifenthaler, D., Ge1, X., Miller, R.: An investigation of the
interrelationships between motivation, engagement, and complex problem solving in game-
based learning. J. Educ. Technol. Soc. 17, 42–53 (2014)
7. Nicol, D.J., Macfarlane-Dick, D.: Formative assessment and self-regulated learning: a model
and seven principles of good feedback practice. Stud. High. Educ. 31, 199–218 (2006)
8. Dor, D., Zwick, U.: SOKOBAN and other motion planning problems. Comput. Geom. 13,
215–228 (1999)
9. Hart, S.G.: Nasa-Task load index (NASA-TLX); 20 years later. In: Proceedings of the human
factors and Ergonomics Society Annual Meeting, vol. 50, pp. 904–908 (2006)
Design of Virtual Public Resilience Spaces
of Traditional Cultures
Since the 1990s the Chinese people’s living patterns and social methods have under-
gone tremendous changes and people have been increasingly individualized and
alienated. With the development of information network technology and the
improvement of people’s living standards “loose flexible and temporary social net-
works are gradually replacing our original communities which has led to an increas-
ingly fragile social system. In the face of existing crises and contradictions the
complexity of society is constantly increasing and contemporary society is fragile”
Davies [1]. Zolli [2]. Taleb [3] “mainly because of the lack of cohesion within society
or the low level of social resilience” Keck [4]. Therefore the “Cultural Resilience”
(CoR) project of the University of the Arts of London (2014.01–2016.07) and the
“Design for Resilience City” project (2015) of the School of Design and Creativity
Tongji University Shanghai China all attempted to introduce the concept of “Resi-
lience” into the construction of community culture. The project uses a variety of
Project Source: “Speculation and Evidence: Theory and Teaching Mode of Intelligent Design for
Product Combined with Augmented Reality” (No.: C19100, Shanghai University). Education
Research Project, Shanghai Municipal Education Commission, 2019.
Digital culture is a new art form in which people use digital technology for cultural
innovation. It is an open virtual space composed of digitalized cultural information.
Like a black hole, it constantly absorbs the cultural information created by history.
Meanwhile, It also constitutes a new virtual world of digital art information. Its vertical
is covered with historical imprint and horizontal link to modern science and technol-
ogy, in the form of digital code in the virtual space. In the mobile Internet, this organic
network will spread and exchange cultural information with people in the virtual space
in a more advanced, richer, more convenient and more active way. People who enter
the virtual space are also more likely to get closer to culture, appreciate and evaluate
culture and participate in cultural creation. Based on a virtual space of a network-like
Design of Virtual Public Resilience Spaces 253
digital culture that combines multiple cultural information data and multiple terminal
nodes, it seems to mimic the divergent thinking of the human brain. With its rich
information resources and technology, it promotes the creation of more new cultural
forms. “If the net of the spider knot is flat, then the net of the virtual space is three-
dimensional, diversified, and self-propagating” He [8].
After the digital culture transforms form and meaning into codes consisting of 0 and 1 in
the virtual world, the form and meaning appearing in the codes are an anarchic digital
stream or manipulated false imaginary? Although the designers of the program are still
making money on them, the digital tools that rely on the program are designed to break
away from the designer and immediately set new rules for the digital world. First of all,
this new rule is not controlled by the designer or some individuals, because the program
is not unique, can create a variety of rules for the digital world, and even contradictory
rules, the digital world will open up isolation space for these contradictions (just a piece
of code that can be run), rules are easily created or abolished, this is just a migration in
the digital world. Secondly, the designer of the rules must also rely on the digital world
to reflect the rules, that is to say, the designer is also the image under the rules. After the
rules are designed, they have achieved a position above the digital image, but this
position is not stable, may be abolished at any time. In addition, the image of the
individual in the digital world depends on the rules, and the abolition of the rules means
that the image is destroyed, but the elimination of one image is only a small excuse for
the creation of another image. From the perspective of the entire virtual world, the image
is not unique. The simulation image is inhabited under various rules.
Just as traditional culture is digitized, when a hand-painted work is created by an
artist and digitized, everything will be out of control. Because the work has been
mutated in the process of digital communication, and new code has been implanted,
forming a new art form (new rules). For example, the PS spoof of a work, or borrow a
part of the picture to form a new art work created by another designer, the same work
encounters different people with different fates (new rules), so constantly Loop, from
building rules, to being ruled, to abolishing rules. The original designer can’t form
effective control over the completed cultural works, and the work itself will mutate, just
like a digital living body that is constantly reproducing. Just as Brown Shaw pointed
out in the article “Literature Space”, this work is separated from the author after it is
completed. The meaning of work is only presented in the reading process of someone.
Similarly, rules (spaces) are only experienced by the user during use. The experience
after the rules are completed is completely unique and private. Even these experiences
exceed the rules themselves. Users may gain new insights from rules and images.
It can clearly be seen, the rules of cultural creation in the digital world are not
binding. These rules are only a relatively independent space in the digital system, in
which they exercise power, but the residents they rule are completely voluntary and
mobile. And they can abandon these rules at any time. In the virtual cultural space,
people can freely log in to different spaces through the network, participate in different
experiences, abide by their corresponding rules, or choose not to log in or leave.
254 J. He et al.
For the digital image that enters these spaces, from the beginning of the source, it
constitutes a split (subject and object). From Lacan’s Mirror Theory: infants can find
many images reflected from the mirror, and use a series of gestures to “experience the
relationship between mirror movement and the reflected environment, and experience
the relationship between actual mixture and its replicated reality” Wang [9]. In this
mirror game, the baby can recognize that the copied subject that controls the game is the
baby itself. This is different from the subject of self-thinking by the French philosopher
Descartes. The baby confirms the self-image from the unconscious mirror game. But
Descartes’ abstract self-thinking is the forgetting of the mirror game. It is abstracted from
the rational reality and ignores the dependence on the object, and it is an affirmation of
the existence of an individual by the degree of self-recognition of the subject. But in
Mirror Theory, the self can only be confirmed by the reflection (mirror) of the object.
In fact, mirror is not just a reflection of image. In the process of constant interaction
between subject and object, to some extent, this image is constructing the self (the
process of cognition). The replication and manufacturing capabilities of virtual reality
built by the digital world are much greater than the mechanical reflection capabilities of
ordinary mirror. The reflections obtained in the digital system have mutated during the
original planned reflection propagation process. As the director expressed in the film
“Source Code” and “Avatar”, the protagonist’s separated self (subject) and mirror
(object) experience different lives in two worlds, and the mirror (object) in the parallel
space has formed a whole new idea through a series of new world experiences, and
variation has taken place. Then, in the virtual cultural space, according to Lacan’s
mirror theory, the subject defines the environment of self-existence through experience,
and then, under the influence of the environment, gains recognition of self and culture,
just like the philosophical thought of Descartes ’s “Cogito ergo sum.”
Heidegger pointed out in “Existence and Time” that the essence of human being is that
“the existence of man always refers to the existence that is going to be” Zhang [10]. The
meaning of the world is manifested by the existence of human beings, the existence of
others, and the relationship between things. Digital technology enriches the possibilities
of human existence, and forms a variety of experiences in digital systems. The real-
ization of possibilities (virtual reality) is more and more convenient and simpler. Just
like the space created by the program (rules), it is the place to realize the possibilities.
Possibility comes from speculation, and “speculation comes from imagination, that
is, the ability of truly imagine more possibilities of the world and its alternative
choices” Dunne [7]. “There are many kinds of imagination, including social, profes-
sional, scientific, technical, artistic, and design imagination. Fictional literature may be
the most active creative laboratory in the world’s structural career” Dolezel [11]. “The
virtual world of literature is constructed by words and is realized by deriving the logical
relationship of language to the extreme, such as science fiction” Bal [12]. Porter Abbott
[13] or virtual environment narrative. But the traditional cultural virtual world, which is
Design of Virtual Public Resilience Spaces 255
integrated with digital technology, is composed of codes 0 and 1. The design imagi-
nation can virtually visualize all material or non-material objects including virtual
literature. This virtual world can be a fusion of imaginative design of game design,
digital media, visual effects and augmented reality. It is carried out through the frequent
interaction, collision and integration between real reality, imaginary reality, simulated
reality, occurring reality and fictional reality. We can immerse ourselves in thinking
about the relationship between the “Form” of virtual design and the real “Meaning”, as
well as cherishing and enjoying unrealistic needs.
In general, “public space is a social space that is open and accessible to people, is the
expression of regional cultural diversity and the foundation of its identity, is a place
where residents invest their emotions over time. It is through the creation of these
places that the physical, social, environmental and economic health of urban com-
munities can be nurtured” Charter of Public Space [14]. The virtual public space of
traditional culture is a digital place based on virtual reality technology, which is dif-
ferent from the traditional public space. The research content is not to explore or build
new spaces, but to reorganize and superimpose existing space, focusing on the activ-
ities and needs of people in space, emphasizing design and thinking while testing.
Intervene in the development of regional culture with a new and more active attitude,
and imagine the possibility of the future design of traditional culture through public
participation and virtual narrative story design.
“Social resilience requires the presence of a local community, a group of people who
interact in a physical environment. The proximity of the state and its relationship with
the local community enables the local community to organize and solve problems in a
crisis” Manzini [6]. Therefore, regional cultural development requires the existence of
resilience cultural space of local communities. And virtual reality technology has the
advantage of creating resilience cultural space. “The concept of resilience originated
from ecology, which was proposed by Canadian scholar Holling” [15]. Hall [16] and
then began to intervene in different disciplines, now extended to a four-dimensional
(ecological, technical, social and economic) perspective. Resilience in this paper refers
to the capacity of the social-ecological system of the virtual cultural space to “absorb or
withstand perturbation and other stressors such that the system remains the same
regime as the original one, essentially maintaining its structure and functions” Ni [5].
According to the existing literary works, historical records, videos, photos and
other archives, the author attempts to introduce resilience design ideas in the regional
cultural tourism development project “RuiJin Revolutionary Site Installation” (China,
2011.03), carry out the experiment of resilience design of virtual traditional culture, and
at the same time, think about how to use the form of virtual design to spread and
educate people about the true meaning of traditional culture. The project mainly uses
256 J. He et al.
AR technology, from daily and micro perspectives, based on the consideration of the
resilience design of regional tourism culture products, including individuality, sociality,
participation and initiative design, expansion and continuity.
6.1 Individuality
Individuality, refers to the self-satisfaction and self-realization of people entering the
virtual cultural world. According to specific scenes, the project creates virtual character
content, virtual interactive experience area, reproduces 3D dynamic historical scene
(Fig. 1). Also develops a mobile app (Fig. 2): The scanning function of the AR makes
the scene reappear. Including the reproduction of historical figures, historical videos and
live explanations. Camera function with special effects (Fig. 3): In the option interface
of special effects, visitors can take photos according to their preferences. Object analysis
(Fig. 4): In the interface of object analysis, the visitor can point the camera at the object
that you want to know, and the information about the object will appear.
6.2 Sociality
Sociality, refers to the orientation of mainstream value of social (the expression of
meaning) under the cultural environment created by the virtual world (the expression of
form). A series of follow-up activities such as online feedback, uploading new mate-
rials, participating in storytelling, “micro-intervention” Manzini [6]. And active design
through the operation of APP or virtual interface are the specific expressions of peo-
ple’s social cognition of regional culture. At the same time, the design team can easily
obtain test data about people’s needs through the pre-set function of data statistics of
virtual system, so as to test and think while designing.
6.3 Participating
Participating in design and active design, is an effective way for people to understand
regional cultural sociality, and it is also the effects of concrete manifestation of people’s
understanding of cultural. The micro-intervention here is a way of participating in
design and active design, which constitutes a series of follow-up activities, with the
essence of short-lived. It refers to endowing intangible (the cognitions of things that
short-lived, movable, and tiny) things to tangible. It also points to the design possi-
bilities of a new and open participation, and these possibilities are the supplement of
the real meaning of the content, make traditional culture contemporary, realize cultural
innovation and development. Anne Eggebert writes in relation to the short period in
which students can participate in the life of a local community: “In the current climate
of the mass movement of people, in a world city, 3–4 years might be understood as a
significant period of habitation.” Eggebert [17]. That means the population is in a state
of flow is a true portrayal of contemporary society. So the people involved in the design
can be permanent residents, students, immigrants or tourists. It can improve the
openness of the regional culture, and also a model for open communication and
exchange of differences, or the possibilities for making culture richer. Of course, these
possibilities are not cultural alternatives of which have been built on stable, long-lasting
regional societies, but different people’s understanding of regional culture and the
desire for modern life. It is a contemporary regional culture that meet the needs of
modern people through the micro-intervention approach, and create a new cultural
ideology with the characteristics of regional traditional culture and contemporary
culture. Participation or active design is the way of people to achieve individual sat-
isfaction and the behavior of social cognitive in the public space of virtual culture.
7 Conclusion
“The virtual world of digital cultural space is mainly realized by the digital simulation
of culture and the emerging of new forms of digital media culture, namely the com-
pletion of Baudrillard’s third sequence of simulation” He [8]. It has the following
characteristics: First, the network group composed of virtual world based on digital
copy has the ability of divergent thinking. Second, its operating rules determine that the
results presented by the virtual world are not necessarily the same as the facts; Third,
the virtual space will not be destroyed by the leaving of some individuals, nor does it
require any special commitment. Individual data has already been recorded; Fourth,
based on the above three characteristics, all the information entering the virtual space
system has the possibility of free combination, forming a rich understanding of culture
and promoting the formation of new ideology of culture; Fifth, at beginning, the
resilience virtual cultural space just presents to everyone a possible virtual cultural
narrative space that is more suitable for modern people to accept cultural information
than traditional methods. What the designer needs is not the audience’s approval of the
design, the audience may also be the designer. They can create more possibilities by
design and imagination through the options available in the virtual space and build their
own perceptions; Sixth, as a path for the protecting, spreading and developing of
regional culture, virtual cultural space can easily and realistically present a variety of
possible cultural spaces that people want. But the aim is not to create a cultural display
space that can be regarded as long-lasting and stable. On the contrary, it is necessary to
create an ecosystem that enables various social relationships to coexist. By creating
opportunities to participate in design, people brainstorm and solve problems, open up
new perspectives, and realize the expansion and continuation of regional cultural space.
The same model can be applied to more applications. In terms of regional cultural
education topics, this can be a new curriculum of art education. But unlike traditional
way, what we want to build is an intelligent teaching model that combines advanced
technologies such as virtual reality, the Internet, big data, IOT, or AI, etc. The design
inspiration is derived from traditional cultural materials, forms and patterns, combined
with knowledge of social sciences, to obtain information about user needs, and to carry
out the teaching model of design for the present world. Meanwhile, in the face of
Design of Virtual Public Resilience Spaces 259
market homogenization, we need to shift the focus of design to “design for the pos-
sibilities of the future world” Dunne [7]. Of course, the object of education is not
limited to students at school. According to the results of the author’s recent survey
report, people generally have a high degree of interest in digital display forms of
traditional culture. The influence factors such as age, education, and occupational are
low. But the familiarity with AR technology is not high, indicating the penetration rate
of related knowledge is low. At the same time, the general public generally expressed
their expectation for the virtual form of traditional culture, and it is expected to increase
their social experience and cultural quality. Therefore, the creation of virtual spaces of
regional cultural can also provide educational opportunities for the public.
From another perspective, the virtual spaces of regional cultural just as an inno-
vative digital product that meets the needs of the times. The design difficulties we face
are not only technical bottlenecks, but also need a benign combination of factors such
as environment, product service, social, economic, culture and government, etc. “We
need to cultivate on-going relationships with a number of organizations that would
understand both the limitations and benefits of what we can offer” Penty [20].
In addition, different people’s design and imagination of the possibility of tradi-
tional culture is a multi-angle understanding and interpretation of culture. The result
may be a modern expression that conforms to the spirit of traditional culture, or
misinterpretation. From the perspective of the existence and development of cultural
diversity, the correctness is not so important. From the perspective of the dissemination
and development of cultural connotations, it is meaningful to involve more people in
the process of design. Because traditional culture comes from human civilization, the
continued development under the cognition and inheritance of human beings is what
we need to pay more attention to.
1. Davies, J.: The Birth of the Anthropocene. University of California Press, Oakland (2016)
2. Zolli, A., Healy, A.M.: Resilience: Why Things Bounce Back. Simon & Schuster, New York
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7. Dunne, A., Raby, F.: Speculative Everything: Design, Fiction, and Social Dreaming.
The MIT Press, Cambridge (2013)
8. He, J.: Digital art space in the digital age. Art Des. (Theory) 286, 86–88 (2014)
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10. Zhang, R.: The 15th Lecture of Modern Western Philosophy, 286. Peking University Press
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11. Dolezel, L.: Heterocosmica: Fiction and Possible Worlds. John Hopkins University Press,
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12. Bal, M.: Narratology, Introduction to the Theory of Narrative. University of Toronto Press,
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13. Porter Abbott, H.: The Cambridge Introduction to Narrative. Cambridge University Press,
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18 May 2013.
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The Design of Card Game for Leukemia
Children Based on Narrative Design
Abstract. The mental health of leukemia children triggers more and more
attention. It is emergency for medical staff to help leukemia children to establish
a suitable perception of treatment so that children could have faith and build
trust to the doctors and nurses. This study aims to help leukemia children to
establish a suitable perception through a set of card game designed with nar-
rative method. Researchers designed the game with questionnaire method and
tested it by participant-observation. The result of the test showed the playability
of the game and verified the possibility of communicating the medical infor-
mation to the participants.
1 Instruction
bravely and be full of hope. Ample researches have been conducted on Play Therapy,
especially on the narrative methods. Franceschini (2013), Sandro discussed the benefit
of action video game to dyslexic children. They found that only playing action video
games improved children’s reading speed, without any cost in accuracy, and more than
or equal to highly demanding traditional reading treatments. The results showed that
this attention improvement can directly translate into better reading abilities, providing
a new, fast, fun remediation of dyslexia [8]. Tiffany Y. Tang (2017) designed an
educational protocol to evaluate the two selected applications and a commercially
available application, with the use of known tools and appropriate occupational therapy
interventions [7]. As for the researches on the narrative design, Miao-Hsien Chuang
(2015) adapted the product semantics model of Krippendorff into the cultural product
narrative communication model by integrating narrative elements with form and
meaning, as well as emphasizing the personal philosophies of designers and user
participation [2]. Connie Golsteijn and Serena Wright (2013) presented guidelines for
using narrative research and portraiture for design research, as well as discussing
opportunities and strengths, and limitations and risks [3]. Clive Baldwin (2015) dis-
cussed the narrative ethics for narrative care. He argued that people should to see their
actions as both narratively based and narratively contextual [6].
This paper proceeds as follows. The second Section describes how the designers
designed the card game. And the Sect. 3 showed process of the test of this card game
through observation method. The result of the observation will be presented in Sect. 4.
Section 5 provides the conclusion.
Fig. 1. How the card game help children to improve the perception
First, the most frequently occurring symptoms are designed as monster cards. These
cards would stop players from advancing and winning the game.
Medical cards are designed with the concepts of medical treatment and drugs,
which can help children to deal with the punishment from monster cards.
The third part is health card designed with the concept with the most frequently
occurring good living habits. These cards can help players to reach the goal and win the
game faster.
The main propose of this study is to explore the possibility that game can help
children to follow treatment actively and learn that good living habits can help them
recover from illness faster (Table 1). The cards will be designed with these symbols.
In order to attract children to accept and remember the relevant medical informa-
tion, the image should be anthropomorphic to improve the readability of cards. For
example, the monster card BLEED was designed as a red ball with two hands handing
table-knifes (Fig. 2). Designer should consider that the image must be accepted by
children, which means it’s better to design the image in cartoon style and make the
negative characters blurred. At the bottom of the card, a line manifested the character of
monster (the symptom) so that children will have a deep impression.
264 L. Ren et al.
3 Game Test
The main method of this study is participant observation. Researchers should play with
leukemia children, observing their reaction to the game to test the playability and the
communication effects.
3.1 Environment
The environment was a specific word in leukemia clinic with a relatively independent
large space, so that participants can play the game without disturbance and space
limitation. And it ensured that the medical assistant can reach there at any time (Fig. 3).
The Design of Card Game for Leukemia Children 265
3.2 Participants
There were three leukemia children randomly selected to participant this test, one was
girl (C1), two were boys (C2 and C3) (Fig. 3). Before the test, doctors and nurses will
check participants’ (the leukemia children in the clinic) physical condition to ensure
they have good enough condition in the process.
3.3 Process
There were three volunteers (designers) participant the test, two of them guided the
children how to play the game, and one of them recorded the process with a camera.
Designers will review the reaction of the children after the test.
Children acted enjoy in the whole process from their body language and mood.
Different child acted differently in the test. C1 followed volunteers guide obediently,
but showed strong desire to win at every round (Fig. 4). And C1 showed the medical
equipment (PICC tube) when she drew a PICC tube card.
C2 and C3 had richer body language, they would act more obviously when they
faced twists in the game. C3 danced frequently in the game and C1 would perform
really excited when draw a good card. However, they had little feedback to the medical
information in the cards.
266 L. Ren et al.
4 Result
The process of the game test showed the practicability of this design and some defi-
ciency of this game design.
Participants had a quick recognition when they met some cards such as PICC tube
and glucocorticoid, which means this plan could trigger the association with the
medical information. Secondly, participants showed great interest in the game, which
verified the playability of the game.
As for the deficiency, the participants can’t recognized all the medical information
from the game, which means some of the symbols is too abstract to recognize and it
need to be coded again. Second, designers ignored the competition of the game rules,
which will decrease the playability.
5 Conclusion
The aim of this study is to help leukemia children building the perception of treatment
and accepting the medical treatment with the help of card game based on narrative
Designers selected symbols which had high relevant of leukemia medical envi-
ronment with questionnaire and coded them in narrative way. And then researchers
tested the game with leukemia children in the leukemia clinic with. Through the test
The Design of Card Game for Leukemia Children 267
record, it was found that children recognized the medical information through the name
of the card in most cases. And the game has playability, because participants showed
great interest in the game.
Research needs to be further conducted to investigate how much the factor of
volunteers influence the participants’ interest. And it needs a further study to discuss
how to code the symbols from name, image and description of the cards. Finally, the
reproducibility should be considered in further research. More simples are needed in
further test.
1. Dickey, M.D.: Game design narrative for learning: appropriating adventure game design
narrative devices and techniques for the design of interactive learning environments. Educ.
Technol. Res. Develop. 54(3), 245–263 (2006)
2. Chuang, M.H., Ma, J.P.: Analysis of emotional design and cultural product narrative
communication model. In: International Conference on Cross-cultural Design Springer
International Publishing, Cham (2015)
3. Golsteijn, C., Wright, S.: Using narrative research and portraiture to inform design research.
In: IFIP Conference on Human-Computer Interaction. Springer, Heidelberg (2013)
4. Koenitz, H., et al.: What is a convention in interactive narrative design? In: International
Conference on Interactive Digital Storytelling (2017)
5. Marsh, T., et al.: Fun and learning: blending design and development dimensions in serious
games through narrative and characters. In: Serious Games and Edutainment Applications
6. Baldwin, C.: Narrative ethics for narrative care. J. Aging Stud. 34, 183–189 (2015)
7. Tang, T.Y., Falzarano, M., Morreale, P.A.: Assessment of the utility of gesture-based
applications for the engagement of Chinese children with autism. Universal Access in the
Information Society (2017)
8. Franceschini, S., et al.: Action video games make dyslexic children read better. Current Biol.
23(6), 462–466 (2013)
9. Chiou, S.S., et al.: Health-related quality of life and cognitive outcomes among child and
adolescent survivors of leukemia. Supportive Care Cancer 18(12), 1581–1587 (2010)
10. Vetsch, J., et al.: Health-related quality of life of survivors of childhood acute lymphoblastic
leukemia: a systematic review. Qual. Life Res. 27(2), 1–13 (2018)
Human Factors in Virtual Environments
Depth Sensor Based Detection of Obstacles
and Notification for Virtual Reality Systems
1 Introduction
After Virtual Reality (VR) had little success in the nineties, the technology is now
widely available. Systems such as the HTC Vive or Oculus Rift enable room-scale VR
applications with natural locomotion within virtual environments (VE). The user must
be aware that objects that remain within the specified interaction area or are added later
might become obstacles. While static objects (e.g. furniture) can be easily avoided, this
is not so easy with objects that dynamically change their position (e.g. dogs). In normal
living situations, full rooms are rather the rule than empty spaces. We present a pro-
totype VE system for the detection of stationary obstacles by means of an RGB-D
sensor and their signalling with four metaphors. In a later development stage, the
detection of moving targets is also to be made possible. A preliminary study allows us
to evaluate the benefits of the metaphors used and the efficiency of such an approach in
terms of precision, spatial understanding and sense of presence.
2 Related Work
3 Research Approach
4 Prototypic Implementation
For our preliminary study, we focused on the detection of stationary obstacles, but
kept the possibility open to expand the system later on to the possibility of detecting
moving obstacles. We decided on a camera-based approach using the Microsoft Kinect
2 depth-imaging sensor. This sensor can determine the distance in a range of 0.5 m and
8 m with a resolution of 512 424 pixels and a frame rate of 30 Hz.
The Kinect 2 sensor is based on the ToF principle. The scene in front of the camera
is illuminated by modulated infrared light and the runtime of the reflected light pulses is
determined. The precision of the depth data depends on a number of different factors.
Besides various possible sources of error, the degree of light reflection is one of the
most important factors for good measurement results. If only a small portion of the
infrared light pulse is reflected back, only a small amount of light can be detected. The
signal-to-noise ratio deteriorates and so does the depth measurement. The Kinect 2
sensor works reliably over a distance range of 1–4 m. Microsoft defines a distance of
1.0–2.5 m as the optimum distance. As the distance increases, the amount of light
reflected decreases in the square. Usually the deviation of the depth measurement is
between 1.0- and 3.5-mm. Bright surfaces provide better measurement results. For very
dark surfaces the deviation is less than 1 cm. Vignetting effects of the cameras and the
infrared illumination cause an additional radial drop in measurement accuracy. This
results in additional deviations of ±1 mm. It is recommended to place the relevant
parts of the image in the center of the imaging sensor. Furthermore, the Kinect 2 sensor
requires a warm-up phase of approx. 60 min until the measurement deviations remain
constant on average [26, 27]. The depth sensor’s field of view (FOV) is 70.6° hori-
zontally and 60° vertically. The depth image represents a distance measurement per
pixel and can be represented as a three-dimensional point cloud. Using the Point Cloud
Library (PCL) [28] we have applied the following processing scheme to the Kinect
depth sensor readings:
1. Capture Kinect depth image information and generate the point cloud
2. Reduce data volume. Filter the data by min. and max. distance and down sampling
(PCL VoxelGrid filter) [29]
3. Detection of floor by using RANSAC algorithm [30] to recognize the largest planar
area within the point cloud
4. Objects standing on the ground are separated by segmentation of related point
clusters located above the plane
5. Calculation of a bounding box per detected point cluster
6. Pass the bounding box information to Unity 3D
The position, size and alignment of each bounding box (BBOX) serve to enable the
functionality of the metaphors. A BBOX is only a simplified approximation to the
shape of the real object, but it is sufficient for our study. More important is a correct
positioning of the BBOX within the VE. We implemented a calibration procedure to
estimate the relative position and orientation of the Kinect camera within the Light-
house tracking space, which allows us to align both coordinate spaces. The calibration
only needs to be repeated when the camera poses or the tracking area has changed.
Depth Sensor Based Detection of Obstacles and Notification 275
5 Preliminary Study
With our prototypical implementation, we carried out a study in which the participants
should try out four different signalling metaphors. We hoped to understand which
metaphor is better or worse to identify obstacles for users while minimizing the per-
ceived disturbance of immersion.
20 participants (13 male, 7 female) aging from 21 to 57 (mean: 34.16, sd: 8.38)
took part in the study. Simulator sickness symptoms remained slight for all participants
before (mean value: 12.67; sd: 10.58) and after the experiment (mean value: 12.25, sd:
12.5). Hence, we kept all the experimental data collected from the 20 subjects.
The space for the experiment consisted of an empty area of 7.8 5.7 m (tracking
area 5 5 m). To use the room size effectively and due to the maximum cable length
of the HTC Vive of 5 m (headset) + 1 m (breakout box) the computer was positioned
relatively centrally (see Fig. 1). Part of the available space was thus allocated to the
computer desk, where the software was controlled, and the participants were able to
answer surveys on a separate notebook.
A Microsoft Kinect v2 was used to detect obstacles placed within a designated area.
To prevent the participant from being accidentally recognized as an obstacle, we let the
participants trigger the detection while they were not in front of the camera. For this
reason, too, a larger tracking area for the VR application was beneficial.
Fig. 2. The four used metaphors: placeholder (tree); arrow; rubber band; color indicator.
For the experiment, we defined four metaphors to signal the position and location
of real obstacles in the virtual world (see Fig. 2).
The Placeholder metaphor uses a stationary virtual object to visualize the position
and location of an obstacle. For our experiment, we wanted to increase the immersion
and chose a tree as a placeholder object. The size and shape of the tree trunk correspond
to those of the obstacles used, although the height is of course not the same.
The Arrow metaphor is based on the principle of the compass needle. The direction
in which the arrow points is the position of an obstacle in space. The same principle is
used in many computer games, to guide players to a certain position in the game. The
arrow metaphor is not always visible, but only appears when the participant has
reached a minimum distance of one arm length from the obstacle. The arrow floats
unobtrusively in the lower peripheral FOV of the HMD when a user normally looks
forward. If several obstacles are nearby, the direction of the nearer obstacle is indicated.
The Rubber Band metaphor is inspired by the work of Cirio et al. [15], but solely
serves as an obstacle indicator alone and does not allow navigation. The Rubber Band
floats constantly visible to the user around the virtual center of the body, in the lower
FOV and approximately one arm’s length away. Its appearance is based on a yellow-
black colored safety band. If a user moves close to the position of an obstacle, the band
deforms accordingly towards the user. The deformation of the band signals the position
and direction of obstacles in space relative to the user. Several obstacles can be
visualized simultaneously.
The Color Indicator metaphor visualizes the distance and direction to an obstacle
by means of a spatially placed color-coded fade-in. The metaphor floats invisible to the
user around the virtual center of the body, in the lower FOV and approximately one
arm’s length away. When approaching an obstacle, the area of the metaphor that comes
into contact with the obstacle is first colored green. As the distance decreases further,
the ribbon turns yellow, orange and finally red. Several obstacles can be visualized
An outdoor scene was chosen as the setting for our VE. An apple tree and an
elephant flank an empty central area. Further away trees, bushes and rocks can be seen
as decoration. Apple and elephant are the only interactive and thus essential elements
of the scene. A highlighted illumination emphasizes them, and simple text boards give
additional information. In addition, a recording of woods noises gives the static scenery
more liveliness.
Depth Sensor Based Detection of Obstacles and Notification 277
The task was to pick the apple from the tree with one of the two HTC Vive
controllers. To do this, the controller must be held against the apple. As soon as the
contours of the controller light up yellow, the trigger button at the back must be pressed
briefly. The user must carry the apple to the elephant and hold it to the tip of his trunk.
This attaches the apple to the elephant and completes the task.
6 Experiment
All study participants underwent the same procedure. The process was explained, and
possible dangers were pointed out. A few demographical details, their experience with
computers, video games and VR applications were recorded. In order to determine
possible effects of simulator sickness, the participants were asked to fill-in a Simulator
Sickness Questionnaire [31] before and after the experiments. Subsequently, the Vive
controllers were explained to the participants and the HMD was adapted. The task to
perform had been explained. All participants were given a few minutes to test (without
obstacles) everything and ask questions. As soon as all questions were answered, the
first metaphor was explained to the participant. The participant was led into the starting
area and the VR headset was put on. Two obstacles were positioned arbitrarily in the
detection zone and the test was started. While the task was being completed, attention
was paid to whether or not there was a collision with one of the obstacles in the way.
Directly after the task and before the glasses were taken off, we asked the participants
to indicate the suspected position of the two obstacles with a controller. The result was
evaluated by the 2 experimenters with a rating system of 0–3. Bad results were rated
with a 0. Low results (a wrong direction to the object was suspected, but the position
was still relatively close to the obstacle) were rated 1. With a 2, the result was rated
“good” if the direction was correct but the position was suspected to be too close or too
far away. Finally, the 3 corresponds to a high precision: the participant has determined
the direction exactly and also indicated the position very precisely (Fig. 3).
Fig. 3. Illustration of our evaluation scheme for the spatial understanding of the different
278 P. Wozniak et al.
The task was the same for each run. To avoid any ordering effect, we used a latin-
square distribution for the presentation order of the metaphors. The position of the
placed obstacles was determined randomly. After each metaphor, the participants were
asked to give their subjective assessment on the metaphor. We also evaluated potential
negative effect of the metaphor on presence. This was done through 3 questions
assessing the actual level of presence. The questions and methodology were taken from
Slater et al. [32]. It led to the calculation of a presence score that was calculated by
counting the number of answers equal to 6 and 7 for each participant, leading to a score
from 0 (very high negative effect on presence) to 3 (no effect on presence). To finish,
the participants were given the opportunity to add any comments they desired.
We performed a Friedman rank sum test to evaluate the influence of the metaphor on
spatial understanding. The results indicate a significant influence of the metaphor
(x2(3) = 39.88, p < 0.001). Pairwise comparisons show that Placeholder leads to a
better spatial understanding of the position and direction of the obstacles given by the
metaphor (median = 3) when compared to Color Indicator (median = 2, p < 0.001),
Rubber Band (median = 2, p < 0.001) and Arrow (median = 2, p < 0.001) (see
Fig. 4).
We performed a Friedman rank sum test to evaluate the influence of the metaphor
on the presence score we calculated (see Sect. 6). The result indicates a significant
influence of the metaphor on presence (x2(3) = 13.237, p = 0.0041). The pairwise
comparison show that Placeholder leads to a higher presence when compared to Color
Indicator (p = 0.011), Arrow (p = 0.022) and Rubber Band (p = 0.021).
Fig. 4. Distribution of the users spatial understanding with each technique (0 = bad, 1 = low,
2 = medium, 3 = high).
After the last run, the participants were asked to sort the metaphors from best to
worst. There is a significant influence of the metaphor (x2(3) = 29.28, p < 0.001) on
this ranking. Pairwise comparison show that the participants rated Placeholder
Depth Sensor Based Detection of Obstacles and Notification 279
significantly higher than Color Indicator (p = 0.043), Rubber Band (p = 0.009) and
Arrow (p = 0.0013) (see Fig. 5).
These results indicate that, in all extent, the Placeholder metaphor is the most
efficient leading to higher spatial comprehension of the information. Subjective eval-
uation also indicates a strong preference of the subjects for this metaphor. Not only was
it ranked as the preferred technique. It was also perceived as the most intuitive. It is not
surprising that it is the technique with the lowest impact on presence.
Informal debriefing confirms these results. The Placeholder metaphor has been
described by many as very easy to understand, as they are used to avoiding such
obstacles from the real world. For many, the placeholder trees fit into the scenery
“naturally”, “realistically” and without being disturbing. Surprisingly, no one com-
plained that the trees were standing in their way. Some participants regarded the
Rubber Band as a “feel-good zone” or safety zone and saw it as an advantage.
Although the Color Indicator metaphor is based on the same basic principles and differs
only in the visual representation of the information, some participants reported that the
Rubber Band metaphor was more intuitive than the Color Indicator metaphor (however
the comparison was not significant). In particular, the spatial relation of the deformation
made it easier for many to deduce the position and dimensions of the obstacles.
A striking number of participants were irritated by the Arrow metaphor. First of all,
some people remarked that the displayed arrow reminded them of route and navigation
systems. Many found it difficult to rethink and look at the arrow as an indication of the
position of an invisible target in space.
These results indicate that the participants strongly favour the dimension of pres-
ence over the capacity of the metaphor to ensure safety. Indeed, Placeholder was
strongly integrated in the VE, leading to lower impact on presence while the other
metaphors promoted the strategy of foresight and cautious advancement on the chosen
path. The participants had to devote part of their attention to the metaphors, which was
probably felt as disturbing for the accomplishment of the task. In general, most of the
participants found the not always visible metaphors less pleasant, and the “sudden”
appearance of the metaphors was often criticized.
280 P. Wozniak et al.
However, if the purpose of the metaphor is to alert the user of a possible danger in
its immediate surroundings, it is mandatory that it can capture the user’s attention. The
effectiveness of the alert metaphor should therefore not be assessed on the basis of the
ability to maintain presence and to cope with the task, but on the contrary on the basis
of the ability to draw the attention of the user and to inform them of a possible danger
in the real world. To that extent, the present study is incomplete, since it focuses on
subjective preferences of the users, and demonstrates that they strongly prefer the
feeling of presence in their evaluations.
We plan to complete this first experiment with a follow-up study that will include the
possibility of capturing moving objects in the environment and assessing the meta-
phor’s ability to attract the attention of users when needed. In this respect, the Rubber
Band, while it received lower rates from the participants in our study, could be a good
metaphor. Using non-visual metaphors, e.g. spatialized sound, will also be considered.
Finally, another important aspect we will evaluate in our upcoming study is the impact
of such alert metaphors on cybersickness, and the effects on the stress felt by the users
during and after immersion.
Acknowledgments. The authors would like to thank the participants of the study for their time
and precious feedback.
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Digital Cultural Strategies Within the Context
of Digital Humanities Economics
1 Introduction
The sustainability of the world’s cultural heritage is a major issue in national and
international level. The global financial crisis had also an impact on the available funds
museums and libraries operations and maintenance. The limited funds that can possibly
be gathered from various sources need to be spend effectively and efficiently. This
situation becomes worse as the global financial crisis affects the people’s ability to
travel for pleasure, and even more to spend on museum visits. At the same time the
operational costs of museums and libraries, of any kind, continuously increases due to
the cost of the exhibit’s maintenance and acquisition. This cost is inversely propor-
tional to the revenues that can be generated. The fact that the history and cultural
heritage of all nations is spread out in multiple museums around the world, reduces the
interest of various target groups to visit a specific museum or a library. On the other
hand, it is not possible to have dedicated and exclusive physical museums on specific
civilizations, on all chronological periods or themes which can cover the whole
spectrum of the existing exhibits globally. The Greek and the Egyptian history, for
example, has been spread to hundreds of museums around the world. This impacts the
Greek and Egyptian museums in terms of visitors and revenue as they operate with a
small fraction of their history. The same is applied to other museums that operate with
small bouquets of exbibits from different countries and civilizations, not enough to
provide value to the visitor.
Under these circumstances, museums and libraries have turned out to be cost
centres, living on the generosity of the donors, sponsors, corporate social responsibility
programs, national and international cultural funds, etc. Museums and libraries must
turn into profitable organizations not only for their sustainability but also for the
secured preservation of their exhibits that contribute to the cultural heritage of the
society and humanity. An inflection point on this cultural heritage preservation, dis-
semination and utilization equation can be achieved via the transformation of the
physical museums and libraries into digital ones that can be supported by state-of-the-
art technologies from other types of disciplines, industries and markets.
Virtual reality, avatar technologies, virtual worlds, holograms, gaming and gami-
fication are only a few of the many technologies that can offer creative interactivity and
unique experiences with low or no cost, to the global visitor. Based on our previous
experiences virtual and augmented reality offers new ways to experience cultural
context through the tools provided to create pre- and post-experiences to visitors in
museums and libraries. Augmented reality in turn can be used to increase cultural
experiences on-site. Even though there have been many museums already on digiti-
zation route, the actual digitization of their exhibits and artifacts is not enough. Digital
operations strategy and business operations modeling must be in place to drive a
museum into the digital era, and beyond.
Cultural heritage refers to the customs, practices, places, objects, artistic expressions
and values that are passed down from generation to generation. These values can be
both tangible or intangible and often refer to the way previous generations lived [1].
Ancient cultural heritage mainly manifests itself through civilizations, as they had the
tendency to record their history in written form revealing a greater heritage insight. The
first records of history mainly occurred in late human development period five thou-
sand years ago in ancient civilizations such the Sumerian the Greek and the Egyptian
[2]. Great civilizations are in fact difficult to track, size or value primarily due to the
unfortunate impact they had from during colonization period where most of such
heritage and artefacts ended up fragmented across the colonizers. The British Museum
for example, holds over one hundred thousand artefacts, while the Louvre holds more
than seventy thousand. Thus, it is hard to track and set a certain value around these
artefacts as they are associated with ambiguity when it comes to their volume, size and
Digital Cultural Strategies Within the Context of Digital Humanities Economics 285
presenter can click on an item and go to a new level of details. The technology is a
remarkably informative multi-media presentation of Egypt’s heritage over 5,000 years
of history up to modern times [11].
In the same context, cultural heritage projects are developed under Virtual Reality
and Augmented Reality in various ways to increase sensory and cognitive experiences
for tourism. The Medieval Gastro Box developed at the Turku Game Lab in Finland
(shown in Fig. 3) is such a case were virtual reality has been applied successfully [12].
The Turku Castle and Turku Exhibition Centre is another similar example that
implemented augmented reality gamified applications for visitors to enable rich content
production as a combination of digital and physical artifacts [13].
Predictions today indicate a rapid grow and rise on both virtual and augmented
reality market. Augmented reality has reached today the maturity needed to be prac-
tically applied in many sectors. The Pokemon Go case indicated players engagement,
immersion and experiences [14]. Even that Pokemon GO was presented a few of years
Digital Cultural Strategies Within the Context of Digital Humanities Economics 287
ago, the technology readiness level is appropriate for mass markets. However aug-
mented reality in frequent use on cultural context has not been recorded yet. Learning
from the Pokemon GO case, AR and VR can be applied similarly on archeological sites
and cultural heritage areas to create a sense of living in places and spaces people cant
walk or go.
Fig. 3. Enriching sensory and cognitive experiences for tourism and hospitality industry in
Medieval Gastro Box
Part of the cultural digitization process is the transition to digital museums and libraries
as the world moves towards a digitally focused environment. Being part of cultural
digitization, the digital museums and libraries can provide preservability and accessi-
bility of highly important artefacts and books of knowledge. Digitalization of artefacts
assures long term and secured preservation in the case artefacts get looted or damaged.
In 2003 The Iraq National Museum was looted, and 8,000 important artefacts are still
lost to this day. Therefore, digitization of museums also helps prevent and track objects
from such instances [15]. Digital museums can also be a contribution to experts to
study artefacts in a more accessible and interactive way provided that high-end tech-
nology is used to digitize them.
Utilizing the augmented reality megatrend, museums such as the Smithsonian
National Museum of Natural History decided to currently combine the digitized
information and the tangible artefacts, allowing viewers to use their phones to further
inspect the artefacts [16]. Connectivity and convergence can be considered as another
trend being utilized by digital museums and libraries. The British Museum allows now
users to view museum areas through virtual reality, creating a fully immersive and
digital experience without the need for the user to be there [17]. On the digital libraries
end, in 2016 Egypt launched the Egyptian Knowledge Bank, one of the world biggest
digital library hoping to increase productivity in research through better accessibility
[18]. The Egyptian Knowledge Bank will be further expanded through national effort
from Saudi Arabia, Egypt and the United Arab Emirates creating the Arab Digital
Union which will merge all existing digital libraries from these countries [19].
288 E. Markopoulos et al.
In order to create a cultural sustainable future, museums need to take care of their assets
making sure that their galleries remain valuable to future generations. Innovation has a
fundamental task in making cultural heritage information accessible to everyone.
However, it is the overall digital operations framework that needs to be defined first in
that will allow the development of a relationship with the audience.
Museums need to meet and exceed the visitors’ expectations by understanding their
interests and identify and offer their preferred channels to interact with. According to
the Museums Report by Axiell in 2016, there has been an increase of 50% of visitor
numbers due to museums’ websites and a significant increase of 82% in activity on
their social media platforms. Museums will have to constantly adapt to new changes in
order to engage with the visitors through online channels [20] and to do that they need
to do more than web-sites and on-line sales.
Today the term Digital Museums mostly refer to the development of a mobile
device which gives the visitors access to audio files and images throughout the tour.
Users can browse the entire list of the museum through the device in order to choose
the desired option; such as the number of the stop, location or artist name, brief
descriptions, etc. The primary reason in developing digital museums in this sense, was
to create a more sustainable and reliable approach on dealing with the entire galleries.
Such an approach was considered more efficient than developing online apps which are
more costly, take long time to be implemented and only a small percent of the visitors
downloads them; therefore, by having a platform which empowers associates in the
organisation to offer mobile tours is relatively low cost and quick, perusing a cost-
effective strategy. In such applications mobile devices create and improve experiences
by combining both digital and non-digital libraries.
It is essential to note that digitized collections can reach large populations and
increase the interest of the users in the long run leading to a physical visit. Despite the
fact that digitized collections can’t replace the genuine experience of visiting a
museum, their prime purpose is to make them accessible to everyone. The main
operations strategies for digital museums are presented in Table 1.
Table 1. (continued)
Digital museum Description
allow organizations to interact with clients and provide a real one to one
communication, giving them the freedom to share their opinions,
experiences or anything they want
On-line Museums using online monetisation of small services and micro-sales,
monetization in order to increase their profit
Protection Protection of valuable artefacts by having them digitized under various
Despite the opportunities digital museums can offer, the universal development of
digital museums solutions is still challenging due to the lack of standardized digital-
ization methods for museums. There is an uncertainty between big strategic visions and
daily operations in the transformation of museums and libraries [21]. Han et al. [22] have
stated that a quality model is needed to implement AR applications in Urban Heritage
applications based on their findings in Dublin AR project. An EU H2020 project called
ViMM (Virtual Multimodal Museum) has published a manifesto for all stakeholders
from industry to end-users who are interested in the cultural heritage sector. They have
emphasized audience participation, the use of harnessing technologies (e.g. artificial
intelligence, virtual reality and augmented reality), openness to partnerships, digital-
ization based on globally used standards, and sufficient contextual information [23].
Similar to digital museums, digital libraries refer to an affordable media-
management framework that allows the institutions to conserve their digital assets.
Users are able to see, download, and use the assets uploaded in the system. These
digital libraries give access to shared shelves, providing image collections from the
world’s driving exhibition halls, photograph documents, scholars, and artists in an
effective repository. They can be a very complete asset accessible for instructive and
academic use across disciplines with numerous rare and valuable accumulations that
cannot be seen somewhere else [24]. The digital libraries can also satisfy the qualified
majority of the users’ requirements for digital images. They can offer access to its
consistently developing collection and supply useful tools to enable users to organize
and present.
The main advantage of digital libraries is that provide an easy and quick access to
books, files and pictures of different types to everyone and everywhere. Digital libraries
reduce the library’s personnel costs and increase the potential to store much more data
than a physical library and have all that accessible around the clock.
past through virtual reality, using 3D headsets, tablets, and a projection of a dome
structure sufficiently expansive to fit groups of five to enter. Although older generations
find the VR confusing, younger audiences embrace it positively, encouraging visitors
to move from the reproduced past to the genuine objects. Recent studies have shown
that more than 60,000 young people have visited the museum due to the launch of
virtual reality; therefore, it has expanded the enthusiasm to visit the exhibition hall [25].
Virtual reality is just one of the several digital strategies that museums can adopt to
see the cultural world. The introduction of augmented reality allowed galleries to
overlay instructive or entertaining content without adjusting the physical space, since
real-world objects are augmented by PC produced perceptual data. It contains different
sensory modalities, including visual, sound-related, haptic, somatosensory, and olfac-
tory [26]. According to The New York Times, the Newseum has launched a new
project using VR and AR, attracting a diverse audience including gamers.
Artificial intelligence is progressively being utilized today by historical centres of
all sizes around the world, developing everything from robots, chatbots and sites, to
devices that help analyse guest information and their collections. In 2018 it has been
produced for the first-time humanoid robots to answer guests’ inquiries and recount
stories, utilizing voice, signals and an interactive touch screen. Also, they are able to
dance, play games and pose for pictures. Artificial intelligence has been introduced in
museums in order to engage the visitors by creating a playful and joyful experience
However the use of advanced interactive technologies in digital museums and
libraries open various research questions to be tackled in terms of cost-effectiveness
(digital new value creation), methodology (for pre-defined preferred digital content),
research methods (user centric design, rapid prototyping etc.), 3D modelling process
(e.g. interoperability issues for various software platforms), commercial viability, test
procedures, cultural differences, scalable business models (including business
Due to digitalization era, museums and libraries have already digital content for new
value creation through various types of applications. Gaming and gamification of
cultural heritage is a growing sector in the digital culture industry. Digital property can
be seen as a raw material for innovative gamified solutions which can be used in any
possible way. An example is the Turku Castle application which represents renaissance
era paintings in a form which can serve visitors who are interested in stories behind
paintings but also those who are more interested in gamified features. Both of tourist
and game-mode engage a physical visit to Turku Castle (shown in Fig. 4) [14].
Digital Cultural Strategies Within the Context of Digital Humanities Economics 291
Fig. 5. Mikael Agricola fair game designed for education in cultural heritage.
Fig. 6. VR Forum Marinum demonstration Finnish ships & airplanes from wartime.
Digital libraries and digital museums compose the key areas of applications of the
wider cultural heritage digitization strategies adapted by many nations globally over the
last decade at least. The European Commission Directorate General for Communica-
tions Networks, Content & Technology has conducted extensive policy, coordination
as well as funding actions to supplement Member States’ cultural policy in areas of
digitization and online access to cultural material and digital preservation.
Programs such as the Horizon 2020, the Interreg and others fund projects related to
accessing cultural heritage through digital infrastructures, emotive virtual cultural
experiences and other related initiatives [28].
On the same route the United Kingdom offers numerous funding opportunities as
well. The Joseph Rowntree Charitable Trust provides funding to support cultural
heritage digitization projects. The Heritage Lottery Fund (HLF) uses revenue generated
from The National Lottery to provide funding for a variety of UK heritage projects,
including digitization and digital archiving projects. The Wellcome Trust offers
funding for the digitization of UK based archive and library collections through its
Research Resources Award grant scheme. The Grant Fund supports the digitization of
collections relating to the history of medicine and health, the medical humanities or
social sciences. The Arts & Humanities Research Council (AHRC) offers a number of
funding streams that will support the creation of digital resources, with a variety of
projects funded, including their Standard Research Grants and Follow on funding
scheme [29].
Similar strategies can be found in Egypt, Mexico, China, and almost everywhere in
the world. The new economy that rises around the implementation of cultural heritage
projects primarily on digital museums and library, but also on managing and main-
taining such digital operations cannot be ignored. Digital humanities via the digitization
of the global cultural heritage reshapes the way art and knowledge is provided to the
new generations, by creating new economies and new societies.
Digital Cultural Strategies Within the Context of Digital Humanities Economics 293
The research conducted for this paper forms the base for a more techno-economic
analysis on the design, implementation, management and maintenance of digital
museums, libraries and other cultural heritage and digital humanities areas of appli-
cations. The effectiveness of a digital project, especially in culture and humanities, is
related to the usage it achieves and the community it creates around it. Techniques,
methods and practices such as gamification, immersive education via virtual reality,
augmented reality, artificial intelligences and other technologies plays a key role to the
success or such initiatives. If applied properly they also assure profitability which is
essential for their maintenance and continuous enhancements needed to keep on with
the user trends and needs. This work will be extended on studying, in depth, the cost-
benefit analysis, user engagement, return on investments, revenue streams and other
techno-economic elements in order to understand furthermore the cost, time, effort and
investment (in human and financial capital) needed towards making the transition from
the physical to the digital culture and humanities.
10 Conclusions
Digital cultural heritage and digital humanities, in a wide sense, is not anymore, a
future trend but a present need. It is part of national and international digitate strategies
designed and executed by nations and groups of nations over the last decade.
The increase of globalization creates the need to unify, share and experience the
global cultural heritage. This need becomes bigger in our days due to the global
financial crisis which makes access to arts, humanities and culture restricted for many.
Digitization seems to be a solution to these challenges, but the cost, time and effort
needed to move into a digital period must be studied against the world’s readiness and
willingness for such a transition.
The paper indicated with examples, operations and technologies the digitization
movement that takes place on museums and libraries. However, this movement is at an
early stage with low maturity on both technology adaptations, awareness and dis-
semination. Going digital on cultural heritage is certainly the way to proceed not only
for the preservation, usage and utilization of such a wealth but mostly for the evolution
of the society by understanding better and deeper that we are all connected in this
planet and we shall always be.
1. ICOMOS: International Cultural Tourism Charter. Principles and Guidelines for Managing
Tourism at Places of Cultural and Heritage Significance. ICOMOS International Cultural
Tourism Committee (2002)
2. Kramer, S.: History Begins at Sumer, Thirty-Nine Firsts in Man’s Recorded History. The
University of Pennysylvania, Philadelphia (1990)
294 E. Markopoulos et al.
1 Introduction
Technology is readily available and affordable for creating visual and interactive
simulated experiences across the spectrum from screen displays to fully immersive
experiences using head mounted displays. This simulation capability can be used to
create visual experiences that facilitate learning and understanding for engineering
students as they explore physics concepts, particularly 3D events, those with steep
gradients in the field response, and time dependent events. These simulations can help
students connect basic principles and event geometries to the mathematical represen-
tations that explain the phenomena being presented to them.
There are multiple platforms for which to create visual and interactive virtual
environments. For example, a mobile device can be used to create an augmented reality
(AR) experience based on a predefined target. The user can then change their
perspective by controlling the position of the device camera. Interactive features can be
controlled via touch screen capability. On the computer display this same interaction
can be accomplished with the use of a mouse or gesture-based system. Likewise,
interaction in the full Virtual Reality (VR) experience can be accomplished with
handheld wands or a gesture-based control system. The challenge for the educator is to
decide which to select for a given learning experience and the design of the overall
environment. It is a natural touch point between education and human factors.
Effective computer interface design has been a primary objective of human factors
and engineering professionals since the advent of digital displays and technologies
began to be widely available in the late 1970s and early 1980s. Beginning with simple
monochrome cathode ray tube (CRT) screens for a visual display and a keyboard for
user input, the computer interface has evolved to include many different aspects,
characteristics, qualities, and features that may or may not contribute to the function-
ality, goals, and objectives of the overall system. Enhanced keyboards, color displays,
split keyboards, mice, trackballs, joysticks, and other such devices all began to flood
the markets in search of the ideal ergonomically designed and user preferred config-
uration. Color, for example, can be used to the user’s advantage to help highlight
important information that will increase understanding, but it can also be used inef-
fectively and inconsistently in a way that will add little to the user experience or to
achieving the goals of the system in general. When colors are chosen at random for use
in similar applications, their effect can be one that promotes confusion and misinter-
pretation of information instead of enhancement of knowledge and understanding.
Meteorology is a good example of an application that has applied color in a consistent
and effective manner to make reporting of weather conditions clear and understandable
to almost any viewer. Colors are effectively applied to depict temperature and other
weather phenomena, and are used consistently to convey information in a way that
enhances understanding and situational awareness. And, the weather industry in gen-
eral has implemented the use of color and symbology in a consistent manner across
applications, so regardless of what weather report is being viewed, the information is
displayed in a consistent manner to convey understanding of weather conditions and
phenomena in a clear and concise manner.
In the same way, interfaces whose objective is to impart information about a
particular topic, in this case with the goal of producing enhanced learning and com-
prehension of physics and engineering based educational concepts, must be designed in
a specific and intentional manner to be able to exploit the capabilities available in
different interfaces and technologies in order to enhance understanding and information
transfer about those topics. All interfaces can impart some information just by virtue of
presenting the information for viewing to the user, but interfaces that are specifically
designed to exploit the capabilities of the technology being used may present certain
advantages that will enhance learning in a measurable way. These specific capabilities,
if desirable to the user, can then be incorporated and developed further to benefit the
State of the art technology began revolutionizing the Human-Machine Interface
with the movement away from legacy control devices such as joysticks and other
physical controls, toward more innovative interface technologies such as touchscreens,
virtual reality displays (VR), augmented reality displays (AR), and mixed reality
298 B. Sanders et al.
displays (MR). VR displays or VR-like displays are now affordable and commonplace,
and are regularly used as the display of choice when immersion into a 3D environment
is preferred [1]. Additionally, when used in combination with technologies such as
head tracking, the ability to “move around the environment” and to “become immersed
in the environment” is also possible, thereby affording the learner the opportunity to
view new perspectives that could only previously be presented in two dimensional (2D)
A major reason for using more advanced type of displays is to enhance the user’s
ability to learn the concepts being presented. Several encouraging examples of
applying virtual environments in the classroom have been documented (see for
examples, [2–4]). More recently studies based in the augmented reality technology
have emerged (see for examples, [5, 6]). These, and other, examples, show the promise
of using this technology but they point out that the technology is just that-technology.
For the educational environment the main focus is on learning, and the optimal
implementation of technology needs to be carefully considered. Otherwise the effec-
tiveness can quickly disappear after the initial excitement begins to fade. If the
application or the interface is one that is not preferred by the user and does not facilitate
learning beyond the level produced by 2D displays, then there would be little justifi-
cation for using that technology. The ultimate goal in this research is to better identify
the types of interactions and control capabilities a user prefers when exploring this type
of phenomena, and to determine if the use of different interactions and control capa-
bilities enhances learning and comprehension. The use of advanced display and control
technologies is trendy and state-of-the-art, but for our purposes, it still needs to
facilitate learning and enhance the learning experience for the user.
In summary, technology is available and documented results of its potential have
shown the promise of integrating the capability 3D simulation offers with innovative
instructional design. The challenge is beyond just developing a simulation though; that
is doable. The technology is just another tool in the toolbox. The challenge is identi-
fying those learning objectives, particularly those that are the best match of the given
technology, and the design of the overall learning environment to include basic
informational content, training, assessment components, and ease of navigating
through the environment; that is the long-term objective of this investigation. This
paper focuses on the design of the physics simulation itself and those desirable
interactive features.
on the use of the simulation otherwise the student can quickly get frustrated. The
overall goal of this research is the establishment of the complete learning environment
(Fig. 1).
2.2 Platforms
To get started with this investigation three different technology options were selected to
create the Exploration component of the learning environment shown in the figure
above. This will provide the future participant with different sets of capabilities for
exploring the learning environment. The first technology platform was a tablet-based
platform consisting of a Samsung Galaxy Tab 8 with a 10.1-inch color display and a
screen resolution of 1920 1200. The tablet platform is controlled using a touch
screen to manipulate the visuals and navigate around the environment. The second
technology platform was Screen Space utilizing an Alienware 19-inch laptop with a
screen resolution of 1920 1080. Actually, any computer screen would do, the point
is that it is a 3D representation in a 2D space. The Screen Space interaction was limited
to use of a typical mouse interface. The third technology platform was the Oculus Rift
which is an immersive VR headset with OLED color display and screen resolution of
2160 1200. The Oculus Rift platform can be used with either a Leap Motion
Controller (LMC) or the use of handheld wands provided by the manufacturer.
The model contains a magnetic source at the north-pole and a magnetic sink at the
south-pole. It is a low order model that sufficiently captures the basic physics principles
and visualizes field gradients and streamlines. The magnetic induction, B, at a point due
to a monopole is governed by the following equation:
l0 m
B¼ ð1Þ
µo: permeability of free space = 4p 107 Newtons
ampere ampere2
m: is the magnetization meter
d: a vector from monopole center to point of interest [meter]
The two-bar magnet is modeled as a source and sink combination or a dipole. The
resulting governing equation is shown in Eq. 2. The effect of a magnetic dipole on an
arbitrary point P(x, y) is shown in the schematic in Fig. 3 below. This model is easily
extended to 3D in the simulation.
l0 m 1 1
Bðx; yÞ ¼ þ! ð2Þ
4p !ds dn
Understanding User Interface Preferences for XR Environments 301
Figure 5 shows the visual display using the laptop and Fig. 6 shows the stream-
lines. The arrows provide good information on the strength and the streamlines provide
good information on the field gradient and flow direction. The latter feature is illus-
trated through the use of the moving red spheres. In this case the interaction is con-
trolled via the mouse, which typically has sub-millimeter accuracy. It controls the
orientation and position of the camera as well as the selection of display options. It is
interesting to note that the size of the interactive display selections can be small in this
case, which may reduce cognitive loading. The fully immersive VR environment is
similar to this one, but the user navigates around the visuals by physically moving their
head and body.
302 B. Sanders et al.
Fig. 6. Streamlines
The objective of this study is to identify what technologies would be better suited as an
educational medium that would facilitate enhanced learning and comprehension of
physics and engineering based educational concepts. Now that the environments are
setup we will proceed into the assessment phase. This assessment needs to be based on
(1) user preference for the technology being employed in a typical online learning
environment, and (2) assessment by the participant regarding the capabilities of the
specific technology being employed. These assessments will be based on observations
of the user as they navigate the event and manipulate and employ the various capa-
bilities available in each different technology platform. Post scenario discussions and
interviews with the user after exposure to the various technology platforms will also be
Understanding User Interface Preferences for XR Environments 303
utilized in this study. This information would then be used to determine the most
suitable platform for use in this application based on user preference and the platforms
ability to enhance learning and comprehension of physics and engineering based
educational concepts.
As a first step each participant will play in an environment that contains the same
physics-based model and concepts regarding visual illustration of a rectangular bar
magnet and the associated magnet field generated by that magnet. This allows par-
ticipants to become familiar with the user environment produced by a combination of
the model developed for the rectangular bar magnet and associated magnetic field
technology being employed. As stated previously, the magnetic field model was
visually represented by building the required models in Unity and then using that
model as the basis for the learning application presented in each of three different
technology platforms.
This free-flow approach of allowing the participant to examine and explore the
concepts to be learned, and allowing the participant to utilize the different capabilities
available in each different type of technology platform will provide some insight into
the future selection of the most efficient and desirable platform for these types of
educational opportunities. Data gathered in this study will include live observations of
the participant while using the different platforms, and time spent in the exploratory
environment. Posttest interviews will be used to collect structured data using Likert
type questions, and free-flow open ended interview questions at the conclusion of the
exploratory period for each platform. It is expected that all participants will be exposed
to each type of technology platform in a randomized order of presentation to minimize
learning effects produced by exposure to each platform in the same order every time.
4 Summary
1. Sanders, B., Vincenzi, D., Holley, S., Shen, Y.: Traditional vs gesture based UAV control. In:
Chen, J. (ed.) The Proceedings of the Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics Conference,
AHFE 2018, AISC 784, pp. 15–23 (2019).
2. Pan, Z., Cheok, A.D., Yang, H., Zhu, J., Shi, J.: Virtual reality and mixed reality for virtual
learning environments. Comput. Graph. 30, 20–28 (2006)
3. Hashemipour, M., Manesh, H.F., Bal, M.: A modular virtual reality system for engineering
laboratory education. Comput. Appl. Eng. Educ. 19, 305–314 (2011)
4. Ibanez, M.B., Rueda, J.J., Maroto, D., Kloss, C.D.: Collaborative learning in multi-user
environments. J. Netw. Comput. Appl. 36, 1566–1576 (2013)
5. Akçayır, G., Akçayır, M.: Advantages and challenges associated with augmented reality for
education: a systematic review of the literature. Educ. Res. Rev. 20, 1–11 (2017)
6. Akçayır, G., et al.: Augmented reality in science laboratories: the effects of augmented reality
on university students’ laboratory skills and attitudes toward science laboratories. Comput.
Hum. Behav. 57, 334–342 (2016)
7. Retrieved from
Appreciation of Proportion in Architecture:
A Comparison Between Facades Primed
in Virtual Reality and on Paper
Abstract. Virtual reality (VR) is a rapidly emerging tool in design and archi-
tecture. VR allows to define and evaluate design equations at full scale pro-
viding the user a sense of depth, volume and distances, as opposed to drawings,
plans and CAD designs displayed on screen. Currently, VR enables to provide
subjects with a preliminary experience of their own body and relative position
towards the virtually designed space. That real time virtual body experience is
expected to become more realistic the forthcoming decade, given the uprising of
motion tracking and posture generating algorithms, and the expected break-
through of augmented reality. These evolutions will make VR a tool that is
complementary to design and simulation of body near products with 3D
anthropometry and rapid prototyping such as 3D printing. Whereas the latter
allows simulation of interaction with artifacts at scale of the human body or
smaller, VR will enable to simulate and evaluate structures that surrounds the
human body: rooms, spaces, buildings and urban implants. In particular, eval-
uation of scale with relation to human proportion is expected to benefit from
VR. The present research is a first step in comparing classical drawing tech-
niques with VR. This paper is confined to evaluate the aesthetic preference of
subjects when exposed to facades in a virtual urban planning environment. The
preference for a certain proportion is evaluated by exposing subjects to the same
facades in both mediums. In this first pilot study, we isolated one variable: the
length to width ratio of windows in the facade of a house with a flat roof.
Subjects were primed with three length to width ratios: the square root of 2, the
golden (in approximation 1.618) section and a value that was intuitively
designed to be most pleasing, turned out to be 1.80. A total of n = 30 subjects
were enrolled in this study. Only descriptive statistics were used due to small
sample size. Results were interpreted as tendencies. There were no differences
found in preferences when exposed to drawings compared to when exposed to
the same models in VR. These results indicate that-restricted to our simple and
controlled setting- evaluation in VR coincides with regular evaluation tech-
niques, and thus could extend the latter, not only to relative proportion, but also
in relation to subject’s body dimensions as a sense of absolute scale. The test
setting presented in this pilot can be used to plan large scale-controlled studies to
further investigate this hypothesis.
1 Introduction
Virtual reality (VR) is a technique to emerge the user in a non-existing but highly
realistic looking world and/or intensive experience. Concepts and techniques for VR
emerged almost three decades ago, mainly driven by the uprising of computer graphics
and increasing computing power. VR immerses the user in an interactive simulated
environment in which virtual objects have spatial presence [1, 2]. Currently, VR is
commonly implemented by coupling a real time tracking system to a head-mounted
stereographic display, projecting images in function of the user’s orientation and
position, at >30 Hz. The immersive experience can even be enhanced by adding stereo
sound e.g. through headphone or earphone and by adding tactile feedback e.g. force-
exerting gloves. Traditionally, VR has been assigned many promising applications
including entertainment, education, tourism, art and design [3]. To date, a reliable VR
setting is available as a plug-and-play system, which makes it feasible for use in
research and education.
Highly immersive interactive VR environments are omnipresent in gaming,
entertainment and animations. Underlying data can be displayed and handled on a VR
platform, e.g. through Unity 3D [4]. These gaming/entertainment environments follow
a “what you see is what you get’’ (WYSIWYG) approach [5]. The sole purpose of
mimicking real world behavior of virtual objects is enhancing entertainment value. For
the development of WYSIWYG VR environment, a major requirement is balance
between ease of use and functionality that can be incorporated [6]. By no means, it is
ensured that resulting VR is an accurate, scientifically validated model of the real
world. This WYSIWYG approach limits interaction of end users in a VR objects to the
intended, pre-programmed use.
Computer aided design (CAD) takes a radically different approach to real world
modeling, compared to game development and entertainment. Shape and structures in
CAD files are pinpointed to represent real world functions with maximal accuracy,
allowing verification and optimization of physical properties in design, for example
thermal, structural, mechanical and kinematical characteristics. In architecture and
urbanism, CAD is mainly used for simulating and evaluating aesthetics and acceptance.
CAD models are complemented with physical representations for visualization and
decision-making. Virtual reality is a promising tool both in architecture and design to
complement existing design, prototyping, visualization and verification techniques,
since it works at different scales. Objects that are smaller than the human body are
experienced by the user as full 3D objects with fidelity and the user is embodied in
architectural objects: buildings, streets, rooms, as if there. The potential of VR in both
industrial design and architecture is huge, to improve the design process for workload
and efficiency, and to support the emerging practice of collaborative design and co-
creation in architectural design. A necessary step in the deployment of VR in design
Appreciation of Proportion in Architecture: A Comparison 307
A facade digital model was designed with one door and eight windows. Each window
had the same length-to-height ratio as the facade but scaled with a fixed factor 1/7, as
shown in Fig. 1.
The geometry and volume are as designed with the intention to be as simple as
possible without affecting the fidelity of the design. The design represents a facade of a
flat roof house in which all other elements that might contribute to aesthetic preference
were reduced to a minimum. Fractal features are needed to create ordered diversity in
many figurative levels of architecture, particularly in texture, colors, ornaments, light
and shade. This can lead to a composition that is meaningful and appealing. Conse-
quently, for a more realistic embedding in the environment, we added detail in the
facade finishes like: brick texture, window finishes, shadow, etc. The windows have
windowsills that follow the length of the windows with a fixed offset. Also, windows
308 S. Verwulgen et al.
and doors have a fixed offset inwards the house to simulate regular architectural
models. The setting was placed in a street with side-by-side constructed houses that all
exhibit the same fidelity as the facade model. Moreover all houses have the same
height. The entire model was thus parameterized with one single parameter: the length-
to-height ratio of the facade model and windows inside. As the height is fixed, the
model is tunable by a single real value; the length of the facade can be adjusted
according to the length-to-height ratio. In our tunable model, the ratio of facade-to-door
length is fixed by definition/construction. Consequently, the height of the door is the
same in each model, set to 1/3 of the height of the facade.
Three representations were generated from the parameterized design, by setting the
length-to-height ratio to the golden ratio (√5 + 1)/2 = 1.618…, the square root of two
√2 = 1.414… and a ratio that was constructed by master students without considering
particular numerical values or geometric relations, denoted ‘Random’ in Fig. 1. This
value turned out to be 1.80.
The values were chosen for their particular geometrical properties. The square root
of two is well known as a length-to-height ratio in rectangles, since it results in the
same proportions when the rectangle is halved: substituting length and height in the
original rectangle by height/2 and length for a new smaller ratio, yields the same ratio.
This halving can easily be achieved by folding, so the square root of two format is
default in a series of A1, A2, A3,… and B1, B2, B3,… paper formats, see Fig. 2. Since
it is encountered in daily professional practice and it exhibits a straightforward geo-
metrical property, it is considered worth to evaluate.
Fig. 2. Square root of two emerging in Ax paper formats not on scale [7].
The golden ratio is characterized by dividing a line in a small and a big part, such
that the ratio of big part to the small is the same as the ratio of the total length to the big
part. This leads to a second order polynomial equation with (√5 + 1)/2 as a positive
solution. The golden section has some fascinating and useful mathematical properties
and also occurs in good approximation in biology and physics [7]. It has been
hypothesized that the golden section forms a basis for universal aesthetics in art, design
and aesthetics and there is historical evidence that from 1850 and up, some artists and
designers incorporate the golden section deliberately in their work. However, there is
no evidence that the golden section automatically emerges as a ratio for natural beauty,
Appreciation of Proportion in Architecture: A Comparison 309
nor is this hypothesis falsified universally [7, 8]. Occurrence of the golden ratio in a
rectangle means that the rectangle can be reduced by taking of a square and then the
remaining small rectangle also exhibits the same length-to-height ratio, as shown in
Fig. 3.
Fig. 3. Characteristic property of a rectangle that is shaped along the golden ratio.
A total number of n = 30 subjects were enrolled in this study. The study was
conducted as an exercise in research for master students in architecture. Subjects were
master students too. They are expected to have developed a ‘solid’ opinion about
aesthetics in architecture. Eleven of them are female and nineteen are male. They are
all aged between twenty-one and twenty-six. Subjects were randomly assigned to
two groups of fifteen. One groups was exposed to the pair of facades on paper (group
P) and the other group to the same facades in VR (group V).
At the start of the experiment, each subjects completed a questionnaire for gender,
age and grade. The V group was asked to fill in an additional set of control questions,
called ITQ-Immersive tendency Questionnaire test meant, to account for tendencies in
individual VR experience [10]. Participant were assigned to non-overlapping time slots
to avoid mutual influencing aesthetic preferences. The VR environment was displayed
with Oculus Rift headset. Subjects were given the necessary time to get used to VR
experience and to the controls of the Oculus Rift system. In order to navigate around,
two controllers are handed over to the subject, as shown in Fig. 5.
Fig. 5. VR test setting: Oculus rift VR-goggles and controls (left) and VR test environment
Appreciation of Proportion in Architecture: A Comparison 311
Subjects were immersed in the six virtual streets, with only the facades altered. The
pairs are shown one by one to the subjects. After a few seconds are given to look and
examine the facade pair, subjects are asked to give their ‘aesthetic preference’ by
saying or pointing left or right. Subjects were asked to explain their choice. The P
group was exposed to the same pairs as in the VR, printed on A4 sized paper. Similar
to the experiment in VR, subjects were asked to give their aesthetic preference for each
pair. Each subject was asked to motivate the choice. In both groups, we categorized the
subjects’ arguments for their aesthetic preference in different options called: ratio,
mass, feeling, width, size doors and size windows.
3 Results
Results are summarized in Table 1, that lists the subjects’ aesthetic preference between
facade pairs. Choice frequencies are displayed for VR (V) and paper (P) groups. Each
comparison of ratios is represented in three columns, with the place also representing
the facade configuration.
Table 1. Frequency of selected preference when ratios in facades are shon in VR (V) and on
paper (P). In each entry, the denominator or maximal number is 15. The C symbol indicates the
consequence by which the preference is selected when the facade pair reverses order.
Golden section Golden section 1.8 vs. √2
(G) vs. √2 (G) vs. 1.8
G √2 √2 G C G 1.8 1.8 G C √2 1.8 1.8 √2 C
V 11 4 6 9 11 10 5 6 9 6 6 9 8 7 10
P 11 4 5 10 10 6 9 3 12 7 6 9 11 4 13
When the facade designed by the golden section is shown on the left side, this ratio
is chosen equally 73% (11/15) in the two different media, namely paper and VR. When
the same facade is shown on the right side the golden section is chosen 66% (10/15)
when paper acts as a medium and 60% (9/15) when represented in VR. Adding up the
results of the two media, the facade designed by the golden section is chosen 73%
(22/30) when it was shown on the left and 63% (19/30) when it was shown on the right.
The consistency of the answers of the subjects, when the facades were showed
a second time in a different order is 66% (10/15) on paper and 73% (11/15) when
shown in VR. Adding up the two media an average is found of 70% (21/30). In the
second main column the results of the subjects’ aesthetic preference between the
golden ratio and 1.80 ratio is listed. When the facade designed by the golden ratio is
shown on the left side, this ratio is chosen 40% (6/15) when paper acts as a medium and
66% (10/15) when represented in VR. When the same facade is shown on the right side
the golden section is chosen 80% (12/15) on paper and 60% (9/15) when represented in
VR. Adding up the results of the two media, the facade designed by the golden section
is chosen 53% (16/30) when it was shown on the left and 70% (21/30) when it was
312 S. Verwulgen et al.
shown on the right. The consistency of the answers of the subjects, when the facades
were showed a second time in a different order is 50% (7/15) on paper and 40% (6/15)
when shown in VR. Adding up the two media an average is found of 43% (13/30). In
the third main column, the results of the subjects’ aesthetic preference between 1.80
and square root of two, are listed. When the facade designed by √2 is shown on the left
side, this ratio is chosen 40% (6/15) when paper acts as a medium and 27% (4/15)
when shown in VR. When the same facade is shown on the right side √2 is chosen 40%
(6/15) on paper and 50% (7/15) when represented in VR. Adding up the results of the
two media, the facade designed by √2 is chosen 40% (12/30) when it was shown on the
left and 37% (11/30) when it was shown on the right. The consistency of the answers of
the subjects, when the facades were showed a second time in a different order is 87%
(13/15) on paper and 66% (10/15) when shown in VR. Adding up the two media an
average is found of 77% (23/30).
4 Discussion
In the results we can see an inconsistency in the answers of the subjects when the
facades were shown a second time but in a different order. One reason for this can be
that subjects often got more focused on the consistency of their choices, than on their
aesthetic preference, as some of them mentioned during the experiment. Another
reason can be that in the first part of each experiment, the subjects are more focused
than at the end, which causes fatigue and might also affects their choices. A third
explanation could be that the present ratios were not perceived as fully relevant for
aesthetics, or that the difference was not clear to subjects. This proposition is supported
by the tendencies that consistency increased when the difference in ratio increases.
The golden section is chosen more in comparison with √2, which is consistent with
studies like Fechner’s. The choice of the aesthetic preference is independent on
whether the golden section is shown on the left or on the right side. Results are of the
same magnitude when the facades are presented on paper and in VR.
The second comparison is the golden section against the proportion based on
intuitive design. The golden section is chosen more than the 1.80 design but only with a
small lead. We can also see that the subjects are less consistent in their choices. In this
comparison, it is notable that when the golden section is shown on the right side, it is
chosen more than when it is shown on the left side. The results are slightly different
when the facades are represented with the different media: paper and VR. We can see
that the subjects are less consistent in their choices when presented in VR.
The last comparison is √2 against the proportion based on intuitive design. The
proportion based on intuitive design is chosen more in this comparison. Here it is also
independent for the consistency of the choices whether √2 is shown on the left or on the
right side. The results are almost the same when the facades are represented with the
different media: paper and VR.
We stress that this paper only reports tendencies. These observations confirm that
behavior and decision making in virtual environments seems to be close to what people
do in the real world [11].
Appreciation of Proportion in Architecture: A Comparison 313
For fully significant interpretation, larger scale observations and inductive statistical
analysis are required.
5 Conclusion
The present research is a first step in comparing classical design and drawing tech-
niques with VR. This paper is confined to evaluate the aesthetic preference of subjects
when exposed to facades in a virtual urban planning environment. The preference for a
proportion in facades is evaluated by pinning proportion down to a single parameter. In
this first pilot study, we isolated one variable: the length to width ratio of windows in
the facade of a house with a flat roof. Then, subjects are exposed to facades with
different parameter values in different in both mediums: virtual reality and on paper.
Subjects were primed with three length to width ratios: the square root of 2, the golden
ratio and a value that was intuitively designed to be most pleasing, turned out to be
1.80. A total of n = 30 subjects were enrolled in this study. Only descriptive statistics
were used due to small sample size. Results were interpreted as tendencies. There were
no differences found in preferences when subjects were exposed to drawings compared
to when exposed to the same models in VR. These results indicate that-restricted to our
simple and controlled setting- evaluation in VR coincides with regular evaluation
techniques, and thus could extend the latter, not only to relative proportion, but also in
relation to subject’s body dimensions as a sense of absolute scale. The test setting
presented in this pilot can be used to plan large scale-controlled studies to further
investigate the hypotheses that arise from observed tendencies.
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Immersive Virtual Reality Beyond Available
Physical Space
Fort Hays State University, 600 Park Street, 67601 Hays, USA
1 Introduction
In the recent years, the increasing quality and efficiency of Virtual Reality (VR),
combined with the development of high-resolution Head-Mounted Displays (HMD),
resulted in novel paradigms such as Immersive Virtual Reality, which are pushing the
boundaries of VR experiences. Several studies demonstrated the importance of loco-
motion in VR [1] and suggested that actual movement results in better immersion and
realism than traditional screen-based or immersive VR [2]. Physically-Immersive
Virtual Reality (PIVR) enables individuals to walk on omnidirectional platforms and
treadmills [3]. Alternatively, higher levels of realism can be achieved using systems
that enable users to move in a contained physical space where a low-latency motion-
capture infrastructure acquires their position, orientation, and movement, and repre-
sents them in the simulated environment, in real-time. As a result, this type of wearable
technology for immersive virtual reality detaches the infrastructure from the user [4]
who can explore a sophisticated virtual world by walking in an empty room while
experiencing the VR scene using a headset; also, they can interact with the environment
thanks to specific controllers such as wands, wearable devices [5, 6], and objects
equipped with appropriate markers. Consequently, PIVR is especially suitable for
applications that require higher levels of engagement. For instance, previous studies
proposed its use for training law enforcement officers and emergency responders [7]
and for simulating of safety- or mission-critical tasks [4, 8]. Nevertheless, it can
enhance gameplay and experiences involving digital art.
Nevertheless, one of the main limitations of PIVR based on motion tracking is the
physical space in which users can move, which is constrained by the area of the
motion-capture infrastructure and by the size of the room where the system is installed:
although virtual environments are potentially infinite, boundaries are set in the VR
scene to prevent users from walking out of the motion-sensing area or into a wall.
Several devices (e.g., concave omnidirectional platforms that keep users walking on the
spot) attempt to address this discrepancy, though they reduce realism because they
introduce restraints that prevent free movement and physical interaction between
multiple players.
In this paper, we focus on the relationship between physical and virtual spaces in
PIVR. Specifically, we analyze the main challenges in the design of scalable VR
simulations that are congruent with the limitation of their fixed-size motion-capture
infrastructure. Furthermore, we study the human factors involved in the perception of
physical and virtual areas, and we detail several methods, such as, folding, layering,
and masking, that can be utilized for reducing the perceived size discrepancy. Finally,
we discuss the findings of an experiment in which we demonstrate how multiple
techniques and geometries can be combined to generate the illusion of a much larger
physical area that matches the size of the virtual scene. As a result, small-scale motion-
capture systems can support large PIVR simulations without affecting the user
2 Related Work
Unfortunately, one of the limitations of PIVR is that the size of the virtual scenario
is limited by the physical space where the simulation takes place. Although current
motion tracking technology enables covering larger areas, this type of infrastructure is
associated with high assembly, running, and maintenance costs. Conversely, more
affordable commercially-available technology supports tracking users over smaller
areas (typically 5 5 m). Ultimately, regardless of the potential size of a virtual world,
the VR scenario is limited by the infrastructure, which, in turn, defines the boundaries
of the physical simulation area. Traditional approaches based on virtual locomotion
have been studied in the context of PIVR and primarily consist in techniques for
enabling users to navigate large VR environments using controllers [14]. Although they
are especially useful when the physical space of the simulation is limited, they affect
realism and engagement. Potential solutions based on the use of GPS for tracking the
user over open spaces [15] are not suitable for real-time applications. Alternative
techniques confine users in the simulation space by creating virtual boundaries that they
are not supposed to cross. For example, they position players on a platform where they
can move and interact with elements located beyond edges. Appropriate skybox and
scenario design give the illusion of being in a larger space, though the walkable area is
Conversely, the aim of our research is to leverage the same physical space of the
simulation area in ways that support designing infinitely-large virtual scenarios that
conveniently reuse the same physical space without having the users realize it. By
doing this, a small simulation area can support a much larger virtual scenario. Different
strategies might be suitable for dynamically reconfiguring the virtual scenario in order
to reuse the same walkable physical space without the user realizing it, or without
affecting user experience. For instance, the virtual space could be organized over
multiple levels stacked vertically or horizontally and elements in the scenario (e.g.,
elevators, corridors, portals, and doors) or narrative components could be utilized to
transport the user from one level another.
3 Experimental Study
3.1 Participants
We recruited 21 participants (8 females and 13 males) to realize a preliminary study
and test our hypothesis. All participants were aged 18–24 and healthy, drawn from a
student population at a medium-sized university in the American Midwest. Most of
them were gamers but none had any significant experience with immersive headsets or
PIVR before the experiment, other than testing the device for a very short time at
exhibitions. Internal Review Board (IRB) approval was granted for this protocol.
Fig. 1. Configuration of the simulation area as defined by the two low-latency sensors (base
stations), head-mounted display, and DisplayLink wireless transmitter.
The mazes were the same size (approximately 4 4 m) and their structure was
similar, because they were built using the same type of components. We built three
reusable building blocks: each module consists of a square structure measuring 2 2 m
surrounded by walls and had two openings located on two adjacent sides. The inner
Immersive Virtual Reality Beyond Available Physical Space 319
Fig. 2. The building blocks of the experimental mazes. Two modules consist of perpendicular
walls, whereas a diagonal wall was introduced in block B to provide users with a visual clue for
recognizing it.
configuration of each module was different, in that it contained walls varying in shape
and position.
Each module was designed so that they could be attached next to one another by
appropriately rotating them and connecting their openings, creating the illusion of a
never-ending path. Four modules are utilized to create a walkable 4 4 maze enclosed
in walls. The height of all the walls, including those surrounding the maze, was the
same and it was set at 2.75 m so that subjects could not see over them. The VR scenario
was built using 1:1 scale and was placed in the middle of the simulation area. The two
mazes utilized in the experiment (see Fig. 3) were different: the static maze was
obtained by assembling four blocks that did not change during the experiment. The
dynamic maze was implemented by adding a software component that, upon certain
events, programmatically replaced the opposite module of the maze with a building
block selected at random and appropriately rotated to be consistent with the rest of the
structure of the maze. Each module is designed so that the participant cannot see the
“exit” opening while standing near the “entrance” opening. This allows for manipu-
lating two modules out of sight of the participant which makes it possible to dynam-
ically generate changes to the maze layout. Colliders (a particular type of trigger in the
Unity3D software) were placed in each of the openings: walking through an opening
resulted in intersecting a collider which, in turn, triggered the event for replacing the
module opposite to the position of the user. This was to prevent the user from wit-
nessing changes happening in the structure of the scenario. As a result, by dynamically
changing no more than two pieces at a time, the dynamic maze resulted in a never-
ending sequence of randomly-selected modules.
The experimental software was designed to track the subject in real time and collect
data from the simulation. Specifically, the position of the VR camera (representing the
location of the subject’s head) and its orientation (representing the rotation and line-of-
sight of the subject’s head) over three axes were recorded at 1 Hz interval, which was
enough for the purpose of the experiment. This, in turn, was utilized to calculate the
approximate distance travelled by the subject. Moreover, the simulation software
320 N. Caporusso et al.
Fig. 3. The static maze and an example configuration of the dynamic maze showing the location
of colliders.
recorded data associated to events (e.g., hitting a collider) when they occurred,
including time of the event, subject’s position, and configuration of the maze. In
addition to acquiring experimental data, a debriefing mode was developed to enable
importing the data points from the experiment and reviewing the path walked by the
subject, their orientation, and the events triggered during the test.
Task 1 - static maze. In this task, subjects were asked to keep walking in a direction
until they passed a total of six slanted walls (see Fig. 2, item B), which corresponded to
3 laps of the maze.
Task 2 - dynamic maze. This task involved a dynamically-generated maze and asked
subjects to walk past six slanted walls as in task 1. However, as the software was
programmed to change one module in the scenario and replace it with a random one,
the number of lapses was a factor of the dynamic configuration of the maze.
Tasks were divided into trials, each consisting in walking past two slanted walls.
After they completed a trial, subjects were interrupted, and they were asked to solve a
simple arithmetic problem (i.e., calculate a sum) before continuing. Then, they were
Immersive Virtual Reality Beyond Available Physical Space 321
asked to indicate the spot in which they started the task by pointing it with their finger
its direction. In the third trial, subjects were asked to close their eyes and they were
taken to a different location of the maze, before asking them to point the starting spot.
At the beginning of each tasks, subjects were placed in the same spot, located in an
inset between two walls, so they could not see the full width of the maze. At the end of
each task, subjects were asked to point (with their finger) to the spot in which they
started, and to estimate the distance that they walked. At the end of the experiment,
subjects were asked to estimate whether the physical space in which they moved was
larger or smaller than the virtual space, using a Likert scale, and to report the perceived
differences between the two mazes. The experiment had no time limit, but duration was
All the subjects were able to successfully complete the experiment and commented that
the experience was very realistic, despite the simple structure of the scenario. None of
them deviated from the path even if they did not receive any specific instructions, and
they avoided inner and outer walls. Table 1 shows a summary of the experimental
results. Regardless of individuals’ accuracy in the perception of space, 15 participants
(71%) reported that they walked further in the dynamic maze than in the static maze.
This is consistent with the structure of the dynamic maze, in which slanted walls were
further apart. As a result, participants walked a longer distance, as measured by the
experiment software.
Data show that subjects were able to preserve their spatial awareness in the static
maze, as the difference between the actual starting point and the area they indicated was
approximately 30°, on average. Conversely, changing the configuration of the maze
results in a shift of more than 60°, in the first trial. Indeed, subjects’ spatial awareness
degraded in the second trial, in which orientation dispersion increased. Nevertheless,
the static maze resulted in 10° increase, whereas the programmatically-generated
scenario had the most impact (50° increase). Both trial 1 and 2 show that the dynamic
maze is twice as effective in disorienting subjects compared to the static maze. Figure 4
shows the increase in orientation dispersion. Specifically, changing the virtual structure
322 N. Caporusso et al.
of the maze produced similar results to the effect obtained by physical disorientation
obtained by blindfolding subjects and physically moving them in a different location of
the maze.
Fig. 4. Average orientation diversion (measured in angle) in the task 1 (static maze) and task 2
(dynamic maze) in each of the three trials.
Figure 5 represents the angle distribution of orientation diversion. Data show that
static structure had minor impact on spatial awareness, whereas changing the config-
uration of the maze disoriented individuals. A one-way between-subjects ANOVA was
conducted to compare the differences between task 1 and task 2 (first two trials): results
show that changing the structure of the maze has a statistically significant effect at
p < 0.05 level [F (1,82) = 4.11, p = 0.046)].
Fig. 5. Comparison between orientation diversion in the static and dynamic mazes, in the first
(left) and in the second (right) trial. Data are projected as a cumulative distribution with respect of
the diversion angle.
Moreover, when they were asked if they noticed any difference between the first and
second maze, only 3 subjects (14%) were able to identify the difference between the two
mazes, whereas most of the subjects perceived the dynamic maze as larger. All partici-
pants associated the static maze to a square shape. In contrast, the dynamic maze was
perceived as having a polygonal shape with more than 4 sides by 23% of the subjects.
Immersive Virtual Reality Beyond Available Physical Space 323
PIVR provides incredible opportunities for improving the user experience of virtual
environments and opens new possibilities for designing innovative applications
studying interaction dynamics, despite the infrastructure constraints limit the available
physical space, which, in turns, prevents creating infinitely large, walkable virtual
In this paper, we introduced a new technique for overcoming some of the issues
that affect locomotion PIVR especially in small simulation areas. Specifically, we
explored the possibility of designing dynamic scenarios that programmatically recon-
figure the environment without the users realizing it, so that a new piece of the virtual
world unfolds as they walk over the same physical space. Although the small size of
the sample might limit the applicability of this study, our findings demonstrate the
feasibility of the proposed technique and suggest it as an interesting direction for
improving the design of immersive spaces. Our experiment showed that the proposed
method can be utilized to modify individuals’ spatial awareness and, consequently,
their ability to correctly perceive the dimensional relationship between physical and
virtual space without disrupting the user experience. This, in turn, enables to seam-
lessly generate the feeling of a much larger walkable physical space that matches the
size of the virtual world. Additionally, the technique described in this paper can be
combined with other methods to further modify users’ perception of the size of the
simulation area. In our future work, we will explore factors, such as, size and con-
figuration of the environment, lighting, visual and auditory cues, and cognitive aspects.
Furthermore, we will incorporate data from spatial ability tests (e.g., visuospatial
imagery, mental rotations test, topographical memory, etc.) to evaluate the relationship
between spatial ability in physical and in simulated worlds, to be able to compare our
data with previous research [16]. Finally, in a follow-up paper, we will report data
regarding to users’ orientation while exploring the maze: as suggested by previous
studies on immersive content [17], users might show similar navigation patterns,
which, in turn, can be leveraged to introduce changes in the environment that con-
tribute to modifying perception of space.
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10. Porter III, J., Boyer, M., Robb, A.: Guidelines on successfully porting non-immersive games
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11. Lenig, S., Caporusso, N.: Minecrafting virtual education. In: International Conference on
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16. Coxon, M., Kelly, N., Page, S.: Individual differences in virtual reality: Are spatial presence
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the relationship between content and interaction in the usability design of 360° videos. In:
International Conference on Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics, pp. 593–602, July
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Gazing Pattern While Using AR Route-
Navigation on Smartphone
1 Introduction
Ishikawa [2] examined the effect of different methods for presenting navigational
information on the wayfinding behavior and spatial memory of the users.
Goldiez [3] presented the experimental results of various AR effects regarding
display strategies on human performance in a simulation based analog of a “search and
rescue” navigation task, demonstrating the promising benefits of mobile AR usage in
specific navigation tasks.
In this research, the user’s gazing pattern while using the conventional smartphone
navigation and the AR navigation were compared and analyzed with an eye movement
tracking technology, for considering an efficient route guidance method that makes the
system comprehensible and safe.
2 Method
2.1 Participants
Ten college students (5 men and 5 women) participated in this experiment, with ages
from 22 to 24 years and a mean age of 22.9 years. They had previously used con-
ventional navigation applications, but not the AR navigation application. In addition,
they were unfamiliar with the routes we selected.
Fig. 1. Map of the study area in Chiba city, Japan. Two routes were selected from this area. In
route 1, the AR navigation application was used, and in route 2, the conventional navigation
application was used for guiding the subjects.
Fig. 2. Navigation tools. (a) AR navigation application (Yahoo map!/Yahoo), (b) conventional
navigation application (Google Map/Google)
328 A. Tanabe and Y. Yoshioka
the subject’s gaze position while walking on the route could be detected (Fig. 3).
Subject movement was video recorded.
Fig. 3. Experimental equipment. The subjects wore the 120 Hz eye tracking device (EMR-
9/NAC) so that the subject’s gaze position while walking on the route could be detected.
The experimenter described each tool and ensured that subject knew how to use
them. When they indicated that they were ready, subjects started walking toward the
first goal. When the subjects reached the first goal, they were told that they would have
to engage in the second route and started going towards the second goal using a
different application.
Subjects had to fill out the Sense of Direction Question paper, a simplified version
(SDQ - S), which is a method that evaluates according to 5 grades the efficiency of the
sense of direction using a score [4]. We used this scale to possibly corelate it with the
subjects’ wayfinding behavior, but there was no significant association.
The gazing at the smartphone screen duration and frequency of the subjects when using
the conventional navigation and the AR navigation were compared by analyzing the
gazing data detected by the eye tracking system. The movements were verified, and the
following results were obtained from this experiment.
(a) Traveling speed (Fig. 4a): For each subject, we computed the distance traveled
and the mean travel speed and examined the differences between the AR navi-
gation and the conventional navigation using a mixed analysis of variance, with
sex (male or female) as a between-subject variable. There were no significant
main and interaction effects in terms of the traveling speed.
(b) The percentage of gazing at the screen time relative to the walking time (Fig. 4b):
For each subject, we computed the walking time and the gazing at the screen
duration. In AR navigation, the percentage of gazing time relative to the walking
time was larger than that for conventional navigation.
(c) Average gazing at the screen duration in each condition (Fig. 4c): A multiple
comparison performed on the profiles revealed a significant main effect of the
application used (p < 0.01). In AR navigation, the average gazing at the screen
duration per trial was longer than that of conventional navigation.
Using conventional navigation, the subjects tended to look at the screen more
frequently around the starting point and the destination for checking the traveling
direction. The subjects tended to gaze at the smartphone screen before turning a corner
in order to check the next route.
When employing AR navigation, there was a tendency to look at the screen of the
smartphone before the subject turned the corner, or when they arrived at the corner.
Some subjects walked past the correct corner. The comparison between the gazing
patterns while using conventional navigation and that while using AR navigation
revealed that the percentage of the gazing at the smartphone screen duration relative to
the walking time was larger, and that the average gazing at the screen duration in each
condition was longer when using AR navigation. These results suggest that the users of
the AR route-navigation felt uneasy because it is difficult to understand and imagine the
whole route till the destination due to the lack of a bird’s eye view of the route.
In other words, it is suggested that the gazing at the screen duration is longer when
examining the entire route than that while checking for direction because the route
needs to be checked by superimposing the screen on the real streetscape when using
AR navigation.
330 A. Tanabe and Y. Yoshioka
Fig. 4. Comparison of wayfinding measure for different tools. (a) travel speed, (b) percentage of
gaze time to the screen relative to walking time, (c) average gaze duration to the screen in each
Gazing Pattern While Using AR Route-Navigation on Smartphone 331
Several significant findings emerged from the present study. According to a compar-
ison between the gazing patterns while using the conventional navigation and that
while using the AR navigation, it was found that both the percentage of the gazing at
the smartphone screen duration relative to the walking time and the gazing frequency
were larger when using AR navigation. In addition, the average gazing at the screen
duration in each condition was longer while using AR navigation.
These results suggest that the users of the AR route-navigation felt uneasy because
it is difficult to understand and imagine the whole route until the destination due to the
lack of a bird’s eye view of the route.
We are planning further experiments to verify the format of AR navigation that will
present navigation information in a way to help the users understand the whole route.
1. Fukukawa, H., Nakayama, Y.: A pedestrian navigation method for user’s safe and easy
wayfinding. In: Kurosu, M., (Eds.) Human-Computer Interaction. Users and Contexts of Use.
HCI 2013. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol. 8006. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg
2. Ishikawa, T., Takahashi, K..: Relationships between methods for presenting information on
navigation tools and users’ Wayfinding behavior. Cartogr. Perspect. 75 (2013)
3. Goldiez, B.F., Ahmad, A.M., Hancock, P.A..: Effects of augmented reality display setting on
human wayfinding performance. IEEE Trans. Syst. Man Cybern. Part C (Appl. Rev.) 37(5),
839–845 (2007)
4. Stark, A., Riebeck, M., Kawalek, J.: How to Design an Advanced Pedestrian Navigation
System: Field Trial Results (2007)
Global Virtual Teams Course at Arnhem
Business School
1 Introduction
Currently, the new generation claim for personalized learning is higher and universities
such as HAN must respond to this demand. The industry and employers have redefined
the educational results and this is obvious in the recent literature. Both industry and
employers request to the universities to train students in order to be prepared for the
flexibility that describes the societies of the 21st century. From employers perspective
this flexibility means to think creatively, to improve intercultural competence, to think
critically, to be able to work across systems, to come up with new ideas, to develop
new skills to support the “green” economy, to be able to adapt to changes and face new
circumstances and the prove “moral compass” [2–9].
According to the companies in the region of Arnhem we interviewed regarding the
advantages of virtual teams academic experiences intercultural and global in nature
offer to the students the opportunity to have a preview regarding the globally inter-
connected workplace that is nowadays part of the real world [10]. The need of inte-
grated and imbedded global virtual communication skills and competences in the
curriculum is then at most importance.
This study is framing the creation of a new course “Introduction to working in
Global Virtual Teams”, which is designed to teach students how to work better in a
global virtual team. The course can be taught in a joint project between Arnhem
Business School and another university or only done by ABS students alone (the
course is designed to be taught synchronously with team members who are not
physically in Arnhem to obtain the full value of instruction).
First, students are taught global team competencies to promote successful inter-
actions on a global virtual team. Second, students are taught and provided the
opportunity to use virtual communication skills to promote successful communication
on global virtual teams. Along with specific instruction in these areas, students are
provided the opportunity to improve their cross-cultural knowledge and experiment
with virtual communication technologies during the class instruction, assignments and
project tasks.
The authors suggest expanding the GVT literature by using a case study of the
Arnhem Business School students’ experiences with GVT regards the requirements and
opportunities that this kind of learning environment can be suitable in the curriculum of
higher education programmes. We look at the skills and competences that students
need to gain from taking part in GVT Module to be able to take proper advantage of
prospective job opportunities offered by the companies.
responses obtained through the surveys from undergraduate students prior to the X-
Culture project, during this project and after the implementation of it. These surveys
were applied to the instructors and students in the pre-project phase, every week during
the implementation phase and as post-project interviews, evaluations and surveys.
Different measures were adopted based on the individual and team results and
performance. These measures include the capacity to meet deadlines, peer assessments,
multi-dimensional evaluation of team report quality, satisfaction and also different
records useful for content and qualitative study.
Elementary descriptive coding and statistics were used in order to analyze and
present the data obtained through the X-Culture project surveys. This research relies on
two sources of data in order to assess the impact of participating in the X-Culture
international project: (i) Pre-, mid and post-project managed surveys and (ii) a study-
specific survey created locally at Arnhem Business School and operated as post-project
survey. This paper assesses the influence of Global Virtual Teams in Business Edu-
cation at ABS regarding the development and design of new curriculum modules based
on the experiential learning.
Research performed among alumni and various companies in the Netherlands has
shown that the profession-al field requires International Business graduates with a solid
grip of generic or so-called 21st century competences, like communication skills,
collaboration, critical thinking, intercultural sensitivity, innovative thinking, informa-
tion management, flexibility and personal and professional development [11].
Also Sent [12] concluded that job life cycles are becoming progressively shorter.
Students will therefore change jobs regularly throughout working career. For this
reason, International Business orientated students will need to be able to cope with a
flexible labor market, along with the concomitant requisite lifelong learning implied
(See Kan [13] as well as Knottnerus [14]. These documents emphasize the importance
of 21st century skills which are characterized by transferability from job context to job
context [15].
The professional field does not only advocate a strong focus on generic skills in
education, but due to the globalization of the workplace, employees are also expected
to perform successfully in an international context, stressing the importance of inter-
cultural communication and cultural sensitivity [11].
In their report ‘Culture at Work’, The British Council summarizes this as follows:
The workplace in modern society is more and more competitive and globalized.
Consequently, communicating all over the world and across international borders with
partners, colleagues and customers is a daily activity for numerous workers around the
globe. Accordingly, employers should find employees that are both technically com-
petent and culturally skillful in order to be able to provide efficiency in the international
workplace. This situation puts employers under a strong pressure to find the best
employees [16].
An in-depth analysis of the 21st century skills [17, 18], the generic skills [19] and
the transferable skills [20] resulted in the adoption of the KSAVE model. This model
Global Virtual Teams Course at Arnhem Business School 335
ensures the substance of the International Business Degree Programmes, the Dublin
descriptors and the HEO Standard [11] (Table 1).
Table 1. Relation between the 14 themes of the new IB Framework, HEO Standard and Dublin
Domains in KSAVE Themes in IB new framework HEO Dublin
model standard descriptors
Ways of Thinking Critical Thinking 2 3
Innovation & Creativity 3 2, 3
International Business Awareness 3 2, 3
Ways of Working International Business Communication 3 4
Collaboration 3 4
Management of information as digital 2 3
Living in the World Personal & Professional Development 4 3,5
Ethical & Social Responsibility 4 3,5
Intercultural Proficiency 4 3,5
Tools for Working Marketing & Sales 1 1,2
& Management Finance & Accounting 1 1,2
Operations & Supply chain management 1 1,2
Organization & People 1 1,2
Business Research 2 1,2,3
The KSAVE model defines generic 21st century skills in terms of knowledge,
skills, attitudes, values and ethics that are learned and acquired through core subjects.
These elements of KSAVE (knowledge, skills, attitude, values and ethics) are incor-
porated in the Programme Learning Outcomes (PLO’s). In the IB Framework these
elements are not elaborated any further as the framework assumes that institutes will
elaborate these for every PLO themselves; this then serves as what was formerly known
as the ‘Body of Knowledge and Skills (BOKS)’ [11].
The IB Framework for Arnhem Business School has been defined as follows
(Table 2):
Next to these workplace requirements, several standards are further outlined in
national and international higher educational degree expectations. The national
expectations are embedded in the Dutch Higher Economic Education Standard “HEO
Standard” and this new IB PLO framework reflects this national perspective. By this
means, the study programme ensures that IB graduates possess the following attributes:
336 F. Popescu and R. Warmenhoven
Table 2. (continued)
Ways of thinking
Finance & Accounting TWM18 Evaluate financial performance of the organization
from different stakeholders’ perspectives
TWM19 Recommend financing possibilities in a dynamic
international environment
Operations & Supply TWM20 Evaluate the operations processes within and
chain management between organizations
TWM21 Manage the operations processes within and
between organizations
Organization & People TWM22 Draft the strategic cycle of part(s) of the
organization (process and content)
TWM23 Assess the impact of change on the organization
Business Research TWM24 Analyze a complex business problem in an
international business setting with use of an
adequate research design, resulting in an evidence
based feasible solution
Based on the new IB development at ABS, a new set of Elective modules that meet the
IB requirements had to be designed. Matching with the new IB requirements and the IB
profile at ABS, the Global Virtual Teams Course (Module) has been designed taking
into account above mentioned IB profile, the IB Programme Learning Outcomes, the
Module Learning Outcomes and specific competencies and skills.
338 F. Popescu and R. Warmenhoven
Students are teamed with international partners to present the topic and relate it to their
global virtual team experience or the experience of classmates. A list of current
readings is provided where it will be continuously updated as needed to reflect the
current research and understanding of global virtual teams. It should be noted that this
type of instruction and interaction adds several levels of complexity to normal
instruction. Those teaching the course should become familiar with the types of virtual
communication technologies to be used in the course.
It is strongly recommended that advanced trial use of each technology be under-
taken with the technology to be used, in the location where it is to be used and at the
time it is to be used, prior to classroom use. This would ensure proper connectivity,
adequate bandwidth and troubleshooting of any unanticipated problems. If technical
support in each location is available, use it.
Students from all locations should have a procedure in place to receive local credit
for participating and successfully completing both this course and the project. Ideally,
there would be an instructor or assistant in each location to hand out, proctor exami-
nations and assist in instruction. If none is available, adjustments to instruction, dis-
semination, and collection of course materials need to be modified. Each student should
also have access to a computer with Internet access as interaction during and outside
lectures is planned and important to this course.
One person should be designated as the course instructor. This person should
maintain regular contact with all members. This will help to clarify and specify due
dates, assignment questions and promote interaction between the instructor and student.
Typically, messages should be sent out immediately after a lecture to specify due
assignments. This message may also be used to reinforce key principles, but it should
be kept brief.
A second message should be sent a day or so prior to the course giving class
presentation assignments and reminders. In between, the instructor should specify and
be available through virtual communication technologies.
While classrooms may vary, the following is a suggested arrangement as course
instruction. In this model, all students are taught by their own local university lecturer
(see Fig. 1). The lecturer has direct connections to the local students and, through
virtual technology to the two international universities. Students at these universities
must communicate to the class through the virtual technology media as represented
through the thick blue lines. However, as the students are asked to discuss or work
together in small groups, they would communicate directly with one another as indi-
cated by the red lines. Although this is not shown on the diagram students in
University A could pair up with students in University B.
Still, it is encouraged to have teammates pair up in discussions. This allows them to
increase contact with each other and practice using virtual communication technology.
Depending on the virtual communication technology used and class size, the teacher
may assign pairs within the communication technology or simply allow students to
connect directly.
This model allows for group presentation and discussion similar to a traditional
classroom. It also allows students to interact virtually with one another. If the inter-
action is limited to project group, it provides for the opportunity to build trust and a
working relationship to promote team unity while gaining greater understanding of
340 F. Popescu and R. Warmenhoven
Fig. 1. Model of Synchronous instruction for students at a local and international university
Source: Lecture Plan ME495r, Holt Zaugg, 2010 [21].
1. Popescu, F., Warmenhoven, R.: Use of technology and virtual communication via global
virtual teams at arnhem business school. In: Kantola, J., Nazir, S., Barath, T. (Eds.)
Advances in Human Factors, Business Management and Society. AHFE 2018. Advances in
Intelligent Systems and Computing, vol. 783. Springer, Cham (2019)
2. ACS: Mind the skills gap: The skills we need for sustainable communities. Academy for
Sustainable Communities.
08/Final_full.pdf (2015)
3. Barber, M., Donnelly, K., Rizvi, S.: An Avalanche is Coming: Higher Education and the
Revolution Ahead. Institute of Public Policy Research, London (2013)
4. BITC: Leadership skills for a sustainable economy. Business in the Community/EDF
Energy. pp. 1–24 (2010)
5. British Council: The Global Skills Gap: Preparing young people for the new global
economy. (2011)
6. IBM: People and Skills for a Sustainable Future: Report based on proceedings at IBM
Summit at Start. The Bathwick Group (2010)
7. IPPR: The Futures Green: Jobs and the UK low carbon transition. Institute of Public Policy
pdf (2009)
8. Ipsos-Mori: Skills for a Sustainable Economy: The Business Perspective. Ipsos-MORI
Reputation Centre.
able-economy-the-business-perspective_170610.pdf (2013)
9. SKY: The Sustainable Generation: The SKY Future Leaders Study. Isleworth, Middlesex
10. Warmenhoven, R., Popescu, F.: GVT challenges at arnhem business school. In: The
European Proceedings of Social & Behavioural Sciences EpSBS, ISSN: 2357-1330 (2018)
11. Sijben, G., Stoelinga, B., Molenaar, A., Ubachs, M.: Framework International Business.
international-business.framework.2018.pdf?1518520108 (2018)
12. Sent, E.M., et al.: Wendbaar in een Duurzame Economie. Vereniging Hogescholen, Den
Haag (2015)
13. Kan, A.R., et al.: Adviesrapport: Flexibel Hoger Onderwijs Voor Volwassenen (2014)
14. Knottnerus, J.A., et al.: Naar Een Lerende Economie. Amsterdam University Press,
Amsterdam (2013)
15. Gullik van, P., Sijben, G., Stoelinga, B.: Outcomes Validation Research (2015)
16. The British Council, “Culture at Work: The Value of Intercultural Skills in the Workplace.”. (2013)
17. Trilling, B., Fadel, C.: 21st Century skills: Learning for Life in Our Times. Wiley, San
Francisco (2009)
18. Voogt, J., Pareja, N.: 21st Century skills: Discussienota. Universiteit van Twente, Twente
19. Goldsworthy, A.: Developing Generic Skills: Examples of Best Practice. http://www.bhert.
com/documents/B-HERTNEWSNo.16_001.pdf (2003)
20. Andrews, J., Higson, H.: Graduate employability, ‘Soft Skills’ Versus ‘Hard’ business
knowledge: a european study. High. Educ. Eur. 33(8). Routlegde, UK (2008)
21. Lecture Plan ME495r, Holt Zaugg, (2010)
22. Van Vijfeijken, M., Van Der, N., Uerz, D., Kral, M.: iXperium/Centre of Expertise Leren
met ICT, Faculteit Educatie HAN Samen leren innoveren met ICT, Tijdschrift voor
Lerarenopleiders 36(4) (2015)
Research on Virtual Simulation Evaluation
System for Passenger Compartments Lighting
of Subway Trains in China
Jian Xu1, Ze-rui Xiang1,2(&), Jin-yi Zhi1,2, Xiao-fei Xu1,2, Si-jun He1,
Jin Wang1, Yang Du1, and Gang Xu3
School of Architecture and Design, Southwest Jiaotong University,
Chengdu 610031, China
[email protected]
Institute of Design and Research for Man-Machine-Environment Engineering
System, Southwest Jiaotong University, Chengdu, China
CRRC QingDao SiFang CO., LTD, Qingdao 266111, China
1 Introduction
Rail transit in China’s major cities has been developing rapidly with the urbanization of
the country. As of the end of 2017, urban rail transit in mainland China has included
subway, light rail, monorail, inner-city rapid rail transit, modern tram, maglev trans-
portation, and other systems. The subway system has a total mileage of 3,883.6 km,
accounting for 77.2% of the total [1]. It can be seen that subway has become a favored
means of transport in cities for most Chinese people. However, subways merely as a
traffic tool can no longer satisfy passengers, given that more emphasis on the riding
comfort is laid with the improving of Chinese people’s living standard and education
level. Lighting in the subway passenger compartments is one of the main factors
influencing such comfort.
All countries and certain international organizations have proposed their technical
regulations and guidelines for the passenger compartment lighting design of rail transit
trains (as shown in Table 1). According to the Railway Applications – Electrical
Lighting for Rolling Stock in Public Transport Systems (EN 13272-2012) [2], detailed
provisions are stipulated for the illuminance of passenger compartments for rolling
stock and the lighting requirements for passenger compartments of other trains are
specified as follows: The average illuminance of the passenger compartment seat area
which is 800 mm away from the floor surface shall be 150 lx, and that of the standing
area and aisle which are 800 mm way from the floor shall be 50 lx. According to the
Illuminance for Railway Rolling Stock – Recommended Levels and Measuring Method
(JIS E 4016-2009) [3], the illuminance of passenger compartments for trail transit
rolling stock is specified as follows: The average illuminance of the area which is
850 mm above the floor surface within passenger compartments in the normal lighting
condition shall be more than 200 lx. According to the General Technical Specification
for Metro Vehicles (GB/T 7928-2003) [4], the average illuminance of the area which is
800 mm above the floor surface shall be not less than 200 lx, with the minimum value
not less than 150 lx. We can see from the standards that there is no united technical
standard for lighting designs. In addition, there remains such a problem that, in these
standards, the recommended illuminance values are determined by assuming pre-
dictability or technical feasibility of lighting instead of considering people’s responses,
especially the comfort of the lighting environment in subway passenger compartments.
One of the reasons is that comfort is difficult to quantify. At present, Chinese technical
standards for lighting designs are mainly based on various international standards. As
for the lighting design of subway passenger compartments, China has not worked out a
technical standard through its own independent basic research, let alone a standard
developed according to the characteristics of Chinese users themselves. This situation
leads to the lack of objective and reasonable bases for design in this respect.
The research of lighting evaluation system and design of subway passenger com-
partments in this project is divided into two parts. The first part mainly plans to design
the working process of the light environment evaluation system for subway passenger
compartments and study and sort out the Evaluation Standard Model for Light Envi-
ronments of subway passenger compartments according to the existing standards. The
second part mainly plans to modify the evaluation standard for light environments as
specified in the first part by using a research method of Chinese users’ preference for
lighting comfort. At the same time, the evaluation standard model for light environ-
ments will be expanded with a large number of example tests for application experi-
ments. The research of this paper is the first part. The research and design of lighting
evaluation system for subway passenger compartments aim to establish evaluation
standard and model for the design of light environments in this area with the charac-
teristics of Chinese users. By using the optical virtual simulation technology and
referring to the existing lighting standards in China, Lighting Evaluation System 1.0
(LES 1.0), a light environment evaluation system for subway passenger compartments,
is developed. In the process of visual simulation, the lighting scenes of subway pas-
senger compartments are simulated to obtain comfort evaluation index data for eval-
uating the comfort. On this basis, the evaluation process is constructed, including the
establishment of the evaluation standard model for light environments. The research is
helpful for designers and engineers to improve the design and evaluation of lighting
environments in subway passenger compartments in China.
illumination, color temperature, color rendering, and glare as the evaluation index of
subway passenger compartments lighting.
2.1 Illuminance
Illuminance is a physical quantity that indicates the extent to which a certain area is
exposure to light, and is expressed by the area density of the luminous flux at the
illuminated site in lux (lx). The illuminance (E) at one point on the surface is defined as
the ratio of the incident luminous flux dU to the unit area dA: E = dU/dA. Illuminance
is a direct index to determine the brightness of an object. In a certain range, visual
ability can be improved by increasing illuminance. When the illumination is within the
appropriate range, it is beneficial to protect people’s vision. If the illumination is
excessive or insufficient, it will damage human health and cause visual fatigue.
Passengers’ behaviors in subway passenger compartments include walking within
cars, looking for seats, reading, playing with mobile phones and checking road maps.
There is a low requirement for vision as to such behaviors as walking within cars and
looking for seats, so illuminance has a trivial effect on this kind of visual task. Visual
behaviors such as reading, playing with mobile phones and checking road maps have
high requirements for vision. The illuminance value, if insufficient, will affect pas-
sengers’ vision, cause visual fatigue and undermine visual comfort. Therefore, the
illuminance of the illuminated surface of the subway passenger compartment facilities
(e.g. display system) is the main aspect of the lighting quality of passenger
2.4 Glare
Glare can be defined as “the sensation produced by luminance within the visual field
that is sufficiently greater than the luminance to which the eyes are adapted to cause
annoyance, discomfort or loss in visual performance and visibility” [8]. Generally,
glare can be divided into disability glare and discomfort glare. Disability glare, which
weakens the vision, mainly occurs in the indoor and outdoor lighting. For lighting in
subway passenger compartments, the main problem is discomfort glare, and the
effective control of such glare can help avoid disability glare.
The simulation and data of lighting scenes for subway passenger compartments are
mainly calculated with Dialux, professional software for lighting design and calculation
developed by German DIAL GmbH. It can be added with parameter plug-ins of various
lamp manufacturers, that is, the directories of electronic lamps. The software has been
widely recognized and applied in the world. With strong functions, Dialux software can
be widely used for lighting design and calculation in various scenes and types of
indoor, outdoor and road lighting [9, 10]. Basically, the mainstream lamp manufac-
turers in the world have cooperated with Dialux to release the lamp database plug-ins,
including Philips, OSRAM, BEGA and iGuzzini. The lamp manufacturers in China
include NVC, Shanghai Yaming Lighting, Pak and Zhejiang Haixing Lighting. As
Dialux uses an accurate photometric database and an advanced and professional
algorithm, its calculation results are very close to the real measurement results after the
construction. Dialux does very well in the output of computed results, and can provide
348 J. Xu et al.
complete written reports (including spot illuminance, lamp data and other information),
as well as 3D simulated diagrams, and isophot diagrams. Dialux software can import
the dimension information of subway car space model by loading DWG or DXF files,
and interact with AutoCAD and other software in terms of design parameters, so as to
avoid the repeated process of manually setting up subway car models and inputting
parameters, as shown in Fig. 1. On this basis, designers and engineers can work out a
unified glare rating, which is combined with illuminance, Ra and other parameters to
evaluate the visual comfort of light environments in subway passenger compartments.
Fig. 1. Model for visual simulation scenes inside subway passenger compartments in DIAlux.
The core of the light environment evaluation system for subway passenger compart-
ments is to establish evaluation standards, the model accuracy of which will affect the
entire evaluation results. Such accuracy is related to specific groups. Some special
trains serve specific groups of people. The Disney-themed Trains in Hong Kong, China
(see Fig. 2), for instance, are of specially designed passenger compartments for chil-
dren. In addition, China will face a severely aging population in the future, so it is
necessary to provide trains customized for the elderly. We have taken children and the
elderly into consideration and regarded subway cars as mobile buildings. On this basis,
in the study of the evaluation standard model for light environments in subway pas-
senger compartments, we have sorted out a series of convenient and feasible evaluation
standards, namely “a evaluation standard model for light environments” with the ref-
erence to the international and Chinese national standards, such as Lighting of Indoor
Work Places (CIE S 008/E-2001) [11] of Commission International de L’Eclairage,
Standard for Lighting Design of Buildings (GB 50034-2013) [12] and other related
standards and in combination with the requirements of different age groups of users for
lighting and the glare value calculation methods.
After the above said model is established, the lighting data of any plane and any
point in the space of a lighting design plan can be calculated according to the lighting
Research on Virtual Simulation Evaluation System 349
design and the design software Dialux. These data can be used as the input parameters
for calculating a unified glare rating, and compared with the standard data in the
evaluation model to obtain a comfort evaluation report for the lighting design plan, as
shown in Fig. 3.
Among the four evaluation indexes, i.e. illuminance, color rendering, color tem-
perature and glare, the former three are derived from the intrinsic parameters of the
selected lamps, and the last is the later response after the subway passenger compartments
350 J. Xu et al.
lighting system is set up. Therefore, the first three parameters are relatively easy to
quantify and evaluate, while the glare control is just on the contrary. To this end, LES1.0
is developed based on the simulation scenes provided by Dialux to design the evaluation
methods that can quantify the lighting glare of subway passenger compartments.
UGR is the Unified Glare Rating value;
Lb is the background brightness (cd/m2), excluding the contribution of the light
source, and its value is equal to dividing the direct illuminance on the observer’s
eye plane by p;
Ls is the brightness of the glare source (cd/m2);
x is the solid angle (ster) of the glare source at the observer’s eye;
p is the Guth position index of the glare source
From the literature [13], it can learn that Akashi conducted an evaluation test on the
relationship between subjective evaluation and UGR, and found that the correlation
coefficient between UGR value and subjective evaluation is as high as 0.89. so UGR is
up to now the best way to predict the indoor discomfort glare. However, the predicted
results of UGR are often too severe when the light source is small (< 0.005 m2) and too
loose when the light source is large (> 1.5 m2). Therefore, in case of a small or large
light source, a modified UGR formula [14] needs to be used.
Therefore, the UGR calculation formula of small light source is as follows [14]:
UGR ¼ 8Log10 ð0:25=Lb Þ ½200 I 2 =r 2 p2 : ð2Þ
Research on Virtual Simulation Evaluation System 351
r is the distance (m) from the glare source to the eye
GGR is the great source glare rating;
CC is the ceiling coverage;
Ed is the direct illuminance resulted from the light source at the eye;
Ei is the indirect illuminance at the eye
5 Conclusions
Based on the research on visual comfort in light environments, this paper presents an
evaluation standard of non-glare comfortable lighting in subway passenger compart-
ments and designs an evaluation model. Thanks to such an effort, LES1.0, a convenient
and applicable evaluation system for light environments in subway passenger com-
partment, is designed. The system is developed on the basis of Dialux software. It can
not only get high-fidelity simulation scenes, but also generate complete written reports
and analysis results of lighting environments in subway passenger compartments. It is
suitable for all kinds of designers and engineers.
The main target of this research is to introduce the workflow design of LES1.0 and
the study and arrangement of Evaluation Standard Model for Light Environments of
subway passenger compartments. Next research will focus on two aspects. On one
hand, we will modify the light environment evaluation standards by using a research
method of Chinese users’ preference for lighting comfort, so as to better combine the
users’ preference for comfort with lighting parameters. At the same time, the standard
model of evaluation system will be expanded with a large number of example tests for
application experiments. On the other hand, we will develop immersion scene expe-
rience with virtual reality headsets as carriers and an evaluation platform based on the
existing virtual simulation systems, in order to facilitate users’ evaluation.
Acknowledgments. The author would like to acknowledge the support from the National Key
Research and Development Programs of China (No. 2017YFB1201103-9/ 2017YFB1201103-
12) and the Humanities and Social Sciences Research Youth Foundation of Ministry of Edu-
cation of China (No. 17YJC7601021).
1. China Association of Metros: 2017 Statistics and Analysis Report in Urban Rail Transit.
J. Urban Rail Transit. 26, 8–27 (2018)
2. European Committee for Standardization: EN 13272. Railway Applications – Electrical
Lighting for Rolling Stock in Public Transport Systems (2012)
3. Japanese Industrial Standards Committee.: JIS E 4016. Illuminance for Railway Rolling
Stock – Recommended Levels and Measuring Method (1992)
4. Chinese Standard: GB/T 7928. General Technical Specification for Metro Vehicles (2003)
5. Iacomussi, P., Radis, M., Rossi, G., et al.: Visual comfort with LED lighting. J. Energy Proc.
78, 729–734 (2015)
Research on Virtual Simulation Evaluation System 353
6. Küller, R.: The impact of light and colour on psychological mood: a cross-cultural study of
indoor work environments. J. Ergon. 49, 1496–1507 (2006)
7. Commission Internationale de L’Eclairage: CIE 17.4. International lighting vocabulary,
Vienna, Austria (1987)
8. Illuminating Engineering Society of North America: IESNA. The Lighting Handbook, 9th
edn. New York (2000)
9. Gómez-Lorente, D., Rabaza, O., Espín Estrella, A., et al.: A new methodology for
calculating roadway lighting design based on a multi-objective evolutionary algorithm.
J. Expert Syst. Appl. 40, 2156–2164 (2013)
10. Huang, X.: Lighting design of factory building based on dialux simulation analysis. J. China
Illum. Eng. J. 24, 120–124 (2013)
11. International Standard.: CIE S 008/E. Lighting of Indoor Work Places (2001)
12. Chinese Standard.: GB 50034. Standard for Lighting Design of Buildings (2013)
13. Yang, G., Yang, X.: Discomfort glare and discomfort glare rating. J. China Illum. Eng. J. 17
(2), 11–15 (2006)
14. Yang, G., Yang, X.: Discomfort glare and discomfort glare rating. J. China Illum. Eng. 17
(3), 9–12 (2006)
A Usability and Workload Investigation:
Using Video Games to Compare Two Virtual
Reality Systems
1 Introduction
Virtual Reality (VR) involves the technological display of a simulated scenario, where
users may interact with the simulation, or virtual environment. Virtual environments lie
on the extreme end of a real-virtual continuum, the latter ranging from completely real
to virtual (i.e., synthetic) object display systems [1]. One method to achieve VR is via
Head-Mounted Displays (HMDs), which provide visual information through screen-
based displays that block out real-world visuals. A controller or interface allowing
interaction is also possible with HMDs. The appeal of HMD-VR is viewed in a myriad
of emerging applications; although not an exhaustive list, these applications include
experiential learning (i.e., learning-by-doing) [2], remote inspections of industrial
equipment [3], three-dimensional data visualization [4], rehabilitation [5], and video
games [6]. The present spawn in VR investigation is likely exacerbated by the com-
mercialization of accessible equipment, and the subsequent increase in consumer use.
Along with this shift towards different applications of VR, research has accumu-
lated for the human experience of VR systems. One route has been to test how HMD-
VR may differ from more traditional formats: for example, comparing humans’ sub-
jective reactions towards the same video game played through either the Microsoft
Xbox gaming console or an HTC Vive VR system [7]. Another avenue is under-
standing variations of the HMD-VR experience within a sole system: investigating
locomotion, or control, techniques [8–10], types of player perspectives (i.e., first-
person and third-person) [11] and various drivers of subjective user experience and
objective usability [12] illustrate this line of thinking.
Yet, it is unclear which VR systems (here an HMD and a controller), are suitable to
certain tasks. Specifically, a comparison between two different Commercial Off-The-
Shelf (COTS) HMD-VR systems, with respect to controller-based locomotion tasks, is
lacking. Some comparison research has appeared, yet with a focus on largely passive
tasks (i.e., watching immersive media) [13–15]. Further, a question is raised towards
how to determine the best method of evaluating VR, in terms of user experience (e.g.,
[16]). By examining how users perform in and react to a VR video game (i.e., a
research game), this paper (a) evaluates the usability and workload indicators of two
separate HMD-VR systems, and (b) evaluates the method of evaluation for the
emerging domain of HMD-VR systems. If VR is poised to replace or supplement
traditional formats, our goal is to determine the drawbacks and advantages of different
VR systems.
1.1 Usability
One definition of usability describes the product used in a timely manner to optimize
productivity [17]. Another definition describes usability as multidimensional, consist-
ing of five components: learnability, efficiency, memorability, errors, and satisfaction
[18]. This definition focuses on the user’s ability to complete a task without hindrance,
hesitation, or frustration. The present research adopted the International Organization
of Standardization (ISO) [19] definition of usability, which describes a user’s inter-
action with a product through effectiveness, efficiency, and satisfaction. Usability may
be divided into objective and subjective metrics. For example, usability may be
quantified objectively (e.g., via performance aspects of effectiveness and efficiency) or
subjectively (e.g., via satisfaction surveys). Past research conducted by [20] measured
efficiency through the NASA-TLX survey, a measure of workload [21]. Specifically,
mental workload was used to assess efficiency as it pertains to resource allocation.
1.2 Workload
Workload expends a user’s task-completion resources and arises from the nexus of task
and performer [22]. Workload is considered an emergent property, rather than an
inherit property, and may be determined subjectively, such as by asking a user about
the demands of the task itself, as well as the user’s response to a task [21]. Relevant to
workload is information-processing demands: in one model, the human is equated to a
computer, where perceptual, cognitive, and motor subsystems work together during
human-computer interaction [23]. Further, integral to information processing is atten-
tion and memory [24]; resources are also thought to have different pools [25]. Further,
356 C. S. Maraj and J. Hurter
learning deals with different types of load [26], suggesting the benefit of a VR system
in education and training might depend on the technology’s injection of load.
RQ1. Is there a statistically significant difference between the Vive and Rift for
completion rate, per-scenario effectiveness, per-scenario time duration, total-time
duration, and time-based efficiency for each of the three scenarios?
RQ2. Is there a statistically significant difference between the Vive and Rift for
workload subscales and global workload for each of the three scenarios?
RQ3. Is there a significant difference between the Vive and Rift for usability survey
subscales after all three scenarios?
RQ4. Is there a significant change in workload across all three scenarios for the Vive
RQ5. Is there a significant change in workload across all three scenarios for the Rift
2 Method
2.1 Participants
A sample of 40 participants were recruited through the University of Central Florida.
There were 26 males and 14 females, and the mean participant age was near 20 for both
males (M = 19.81; SD = 1.36) and females (M = 19.93, SD = 1.36). Several inclusion
criteria were mandated: U.S. citizenship, normal (or corrected-to-normal) vision, no
history of seizures, and no color-blindness. A maximum of $10 USD was given to each
participant as compensation.
Rift used a joystick (i.e., the Oculus Touch) to indicate direction. The Vive and Rift
allowed both rotational and positional tracking, with six degrees of freedom. Both Vive
and Rift HMDs presented the participant an egocentric (i.e., first-person) perspective of
the virtual environment in all conditions.
Per scenario, the goal was to collect all available objects within a time limit. The
first scenario included a flat, red-tiled floor, with thirty blue tiles appearing as the
desired objects. Only one blue tile would light up at a time; once collected, a new blue
tile would appear in a different location. The second scenario involved collecting thirty
blue spheres in an outdoor landscape. Again, one item would require collecting before
another appeared. Yet, unlike the first scenario, hills and other objects were introduced.
The final, third scenario involved a village: various buildings and other barriers were
introduced. Twenty collectable, blue spheres were shown simultaneously, peppered
around the village. In all cases, the user was required to use the controller to move
around the environment to complete the scenario.
2.3 Testbed
A desktop computer ran the scenarios, with the latter developed using the Unity game
engine. The desktop had a 64-bit Windows 10 operating system, an Intel Core i7-
7700 K CPU (at 4.20 GHz) processor, 32 GB of RAM, an Intel HD Graphics 630
graphics card, and an NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1080 Ti graphics card. Each HMD used
its own positional trackers. The software used were the Oculus application, Steam VR
application, and Unity application.
integrating both time and objects collected was calculated as time-based efficiency. To
create the time-based efficiency score, the completion code of each of the three sce-
narios was used (i.e., 1 for a completed scenario and 0 for an uncompleted scenario);
each code was divided by the time participants spent in the code’s respective scenario,
leading to three separate scores. These three separate scores were then summed, and the
sum divided by the total number of scenarios (i.e., three).
2.6 Procedure
The main procedure of the experiment is given in Table 1, below.
3 Results
The data set was analyzed using the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS)
software version 24. For performance and survey data, the analysis included running
descriptive statistics, as well as tests for assumptions of normality, homogeneity of
variance, and outliers for the Vive and Rift groups. The analysis revealed that the data
set violated the assumptions of normality, leading to non-parametric tests (i.e., Mann-
Whitney U Tests) to evaluate differences between the Vive and Rift conditions for RQs
1, 2, and 3.
In regard to RQ 1, the findings showed no statistically significant differences
between the Vive and Rift for completion rate, per-scenario effectiveness, per-scenario
time duration, total-time duration, and time-based efficiency for each of the three
scenarios. Similar results were also found for RQ 2: there were no statistically sig-
nificant differences between the Vive and Rift for workload subscales and global
workload, per each of the three scenarios. For RQ 3, there was no statistically sig-
nificant differences between the Vive and Rift for subjective usability, except for ease
of use. A Mann-Whitney U Test revealed a statistically significant difference between
the Vive and Rift HMD for ease of use with Vive (Md = 4, n = 19) and Rift (Md = 5,
n = 21), U = 129.5, z = −2.12, p = <0.05, r = 0.34.
RQs 4 and 5 showed statistically significant changes in workload across all three
scenarios using the Friedman Test. Tables 2 and 3 present the findings for the Vive and
Rift condition, respectively.
A Usability and Workload Investigation: Using Video Games 359
4 Discussion
ease is relevant. Nevertheless, it is unclear whether the ease of use derived from the
headset, the controller, or some mixture therein. Further inquiry may show if the Vive’s
joystick, which is common in many video games involving locomotion, is a major
factor (e.g., via learnability) in ease of use.
Although ease of use, or efficiency, was measured in objective and subjective
terms, only subjective ease of use differed; this disassociation highlights the need to
measure various forms of similar concepts, with the purpose of gaining insight into
both performance and reactions towards performance.
Table 4. Post-hoc tests. Empty cells indicate a nonsignificant difference between scenarios.
Device Workload subscale Scenario change Direction z score p value Effect size
Vive Performance 1 to 2 – – – –
Vive Performance 1 to 3 Decrease z = −3.14 <0.025 r = 0.52
Vive Effort 1 to 2 – – – –
Vive Effort 2 to 3 Increase z = −3.56 <0.025 r = 0.59
Vive Frustration 1 to 2 – – – –
Vive Frustration 2 to 3 Increase z = −3.48 <0.025 r = 0.58
Rift Performance 1 to 2 – – – –
Rift Performance 2 to 3 Decrease z = −3.83 <0.025 r = 0.59
Rift Effort 1 to 2 – – – –
Rift Effort 2 to 3 Increase z = −3.86 <0.025 r = 0.60
Rift Frustration 1 to 2 – – – –
Rift Frustration 2 to 3 Increase z = −3.49 <0.025 r = 0.54
4.3 Limitations
Although the controls and scenarios were simple, perception of the system may have
been influenced by a short time-period of testing. Giving more scenario time (e.g., to
build muscle memory with the controllers), could eliminate short-term effects. Since
future VR applications may be used for extended periods, the study should cater to
such a need. In terms of ease of use, pinpointing the causal element(s) of each device’s
ease is arduous. Introducing finer scales for ease of use (e.g., controller ease and visual
display ease) would allow pinpointing.
5 Conclusion
By examining the usability and workload of two different VR systems, both between
differences (in ease of use) and within differences (for workload) were found: higher
ease of use in the Oculus condition provides grounds for further use and research, while
scenario workload differences informs a need to manipulate scenarios (i.e., use scenario
1 as interface training and add a more difficult scenario after scenario 3) in future
research games. Overall, the present research elucidates valuable human-based con-
cepts underneath the technology of VR systems.
362 C. S. Maraj and J. Hurter
Acknowledgments. This research was sponsored by Gino Fragomeni of the U.S. Army
Research Laboratory Human Research Engineering Directorate Advanced Training and Simu-
lation Division (ARL HRED ATSD), under contract W911QX-13-C-0052. However, the views,
findings, and conclusions contained in this presentation are solely those of the author and should
not be interpreted as representing the official policies, either expressed or implied, of ARL HRED
ATSD or the U.S. Government. The U.S. Government is authorized to reproduce and distribute
reprints for Government.
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Virtual and Augmented Reality Gamification
Technology on Reinventing the F1 Sponsorship
Model not Purely Focused on the Team’s
and Car’s Performance
1 Introduction
The winner takes it idea applied in any business and Formula 1 could not be an
exception. The economics of this highly expensive sport are significantly related with
the investments made on the F1 cars based on their performance. The winners, either in
team or individual victories, have multidimensional benefits that can assure sustain-
ability, development, reputation and profitability to the manufacture and the sport.
© Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2020
T. Ahram (Ed.): AHFE 2019, AISC 973, pp. 364–376, 2020.
Virtual and Augmented Reality Gamification Technology 365
However, this is not the case for the teams that follow, which have also invested
tremendous amounts of funds to be part of Formula 1 and race at such level.
The fact that not everyone can be a winner generates a very big risk for F1 investors,
the teams and the F1 itself. This research work attempts to identify a new sponsorship
model for Formula 1 which is not based only on the car’s or team’s performance. The
suggested approach aims to achieve creative re-engagement of the F1 followers with the
sport and the manufacturers. This gamification approach is based on an innovative and
disruptive operations framework to contribute on gaining new customers (fans),
recapture essential markets and targets groups, but also establish the base for effective
strategy development. This approach is based on the development of a Virtual Reality
brand-exclusive Formula 1 game addressing two key concepts which are the players
experience on playing within an exclusive F1 manufacturer environment, and the uti-
lization of the data collected from the players performance and behavior, in order to
develop more effective sponsorship strategies through data analytics.
The proposed manufacturer brand exclusivity can be adjusted to any F1 manu-
facturer such as Ferrari, McLaren, Williams, Sauber, etc., and for any role of the F1
racing teams such as the driver, the mechanics, etc. The data collection can be used for
marketing purposes, sponsor engagement, fans engagement, and other initiatives that
can contribute to the financial and reputational development of the F1 manufacturer.
Data gathering and management can be based on brands, advertisements, colours
selection, preferences, logos, demographics, user behavior, and other options given to
the player to customize its paying environment, game elements and gameplay.
The proposed approach integrates the innovative concepts and technologies of
virtual and augmented reality and gamification with the data science. This technology
integration is based on user activities that can generate knowledge-oriented business
intelligence which can lead into strategy development for sponsors engagement.
The way VAR, cognitive science and data science are integrated in this approach
results into a multidisciplinary combination of systemic thinking that can effectively
create blue ocean strategy out of a very conservative market and industry, reducing on
the other hand, blue ocean risks via the multidimensionality of operations and multiple
revenue streams.
Virtual reality cannot actually be considered a new idea as it has its roots many decades
in the past. It is a concept imagined years ago, with many artists trying to envision what
such a concept could be like through sci-fi movies, books and other types of media.
However, in recent years, the advancements of technology together with the the
accessibility and affordability of VR reality headsets, makes it no longer thoughts of
fiction. Today there is a tremendous increase of the people fully interested in the future
of Virtual Reality either by observing the progress of this new technology eagerly or by
contributing in its development by investing and designing projects in virtual worlds.
According to the World Economic Forum with data from the Goldman Sachs,
virtual reality is a market of nearly 25 billion$ in 2018, expected to reach 100 billion$
in the next seven years (2025), driven by the creative sectors with games to be
366 E. Markopoulos et al.
dominant among them, at 27% of the creative sectors [1]. Figure 1 presents the growth
of VAR until 2025 indicating the share of the creative sector, while Fig. 2 indicates the
share of games in it [1].
Virtual reality starts to gain blue ocean characteristics as more people and orga-
nizations try to adapt their work and function in a virtual world, hoping to be the first
ones to do this successfully, efficiently and effectively.
Augmented reality, unlike Virtual Reality, takes place in the real world and sim-
ulates the addition of 3D computer-generated elements within reality. For that reason, it
is also referred to as Mixed Reality since it combines both worlds, digital and physical.
As of today, augmented reality applications are a much less interactive than Virtual
Reality since they cannot use any advanced sensory hardware. Due to that, most
Augmented Reality experiences are portable, affordable and very easily accessible by
using smartphones as their preferred platform. Two very successful AR experiences are
Pokemon Go and Ingress with significant contribution to the AR popularity.
Even that most of the success of Virtual and Augmented reality has been in the
entertainment industry, the application of these technologies can extend to any field. In
the medical field for example, Hermes Pardini Laboratories and Vaccination Centers
are using Virtual Reality to make the process of vaccination a pleasant experience for
the children partaking it. By immersing the children into a fictional environment, the
nurse can mask the needle injection as something much more fun and interesting such
as a fire fruit used for an energy shield [2]. In the field of education, Discovery VR is
trying to bring a new form of documentaries in the classroom. By needing only
smartphones and cardboard VR headsets, it aims for affordability and accessibility
while retaining the quality expected from an educational documentary experience [3].
The concept of Blue Ocean as defined by Kim & Mauborgne is premised on the quote
“help my ocean is turning red” where businesses find themselves in a highly competitive
market space, needing a new strategy to survive and grow [4]. This challenge of high
competitiveness is addressed by the blue ocean strategy which practically reflects to the
name itself as Blue Oceans are new markets while Red Oceans are the saturated ones [5].
The ideology behind blue ocean strategy is that industry player can restructure the
industry and the market in order to create new untapped markets. This can create new
endless opportunities that business can enjoy in form of profit maximization and risk
minimization. These restructures can also occur with the introduction or adaptation of
disruptive technologies like the VR which can open room for untapped markets and
give businesses competitive edges. Most of the blue ocean strategy emerges from
within red oceans by expanding existing industries [4]. The key characteristics of the
blue ocean can be summarized in Table 1.
The threats and opportunities on going blue can be considered quite similar in any
industry even in the most innovative and fast-growing ones such as the gaming.
The innovation of the VR technology and its areas of application can create
experiences with significant success, audiences and impact in the economy and the
society and form blue oceans generated. Today’s VR early stage, in corporate and
serious games, can impact existing markets and generate new ones. In existing markets,
VR can be a disruptive technology that puts existing companies in the famous Dis-
ruption Innovation Model, also known as the Innovator’s Dilemma [6]. The model
indicates (Fig. 3) when the enhancement of a product performance trajectory leaves
room at the lower spectrum, for smaller companies and disruptive technologies to enter
the market.
Overtime, VR being a disruptive technology through incremental improvements
can compete with existing (also known as incumbent) technologies available in the
market. Therefore, the incumbents would be forced to cater to a higher end of the
market and move up the product performance threshold.
Fig. 3. Product performance varies as the time period increases and the incumbents are forced to
move to a higher end of the market.
With VR being such a recent phenomenon and its adaptability to any field of work
or entertainment, it does generate blue oceans. Today more companies are racing to be
the first ones to set the pace for VR and take advantage of the minimum competition
due to the limitation of the created VR content. Taking also into consideration the
staggering growth of VR hardware, ideas that are impossible this year can be possible
the next. However, going blue on VR needs serious thought and strategy. It is wise to
take careful steps in a rapidly evolving field. The way a VR experience can survive the
test of time is to be made easy, be updatable and designed with the future as its target.
Overly ambitious projects can turn against the designers and be replicated better
and cheaper within the next years due to the staggering evolutionary pace of VR and
AR technologies. The goal for a company/project on going blue in VR is to set the VR
pace of its field, but if the pace can’t be kept, others will take the lead.
Virtual and Augmented Reality Gamification Technology 369
5 The F1 Economics
Formula One (F1) is probably the most impressive automotive sport today. It has its
roots in the early 1930 in Europe but not realized due to the second world war. In 1946
discussions for the idea started again and the first races began towards the establish-
ment of a drivers’ championship and on May 1950 the first world championship race
was held at Silverstone. The ‘formula’ in the name refers to a set of rules all partici-
pants and cars must comply. Prior Formula 1, the sport was originally known as
Formula A. Since then Formula One demonstrated amazing development, success and
Today the global sport of F1 is valued at $10 billion. It is the most watched annual
sporting series in the world with more that 425 million TV viewers. The revenue of F1
in the past 18 years reach $18 billion, even outstepping its closest rival, the FIFA
World Cup. On 2014 the revenue of F1 was $1.765 billion and the net profit $520
million. However, this is not the case for the F1 teams where most of them don’t make
any profit. A mid-range F1 team is expected to spend around $243 million per season
from which $55 million in operations, $63 in salaries, $61 in research and develop-
ment, and $60 in manufacturing. In 2014 Mercedes spend $375 million, McLaren
$334, Red Bull $317, Williams $318, Williams $208, Lotus $186, Toro Rosso $170,
Force India $133 and Manor $130 million. Ferrari and Sauber did not file public
accounts [7]. Figure 4 indicates the 2014 average cost of a formula one car which is
$9.765 million with the engine to costs cost $5.3million on average but can go up to $7
The main revenue stream of an F1 team, around 40% comes from sponsorship. The
total revenue that can be generated from sponsorships on a car can be $74 million on an
average (shown in Fig. 5), with the cost for a sponsor on the rear wing and the sidepod
370 E. Markopoulos et al.
rear to be at £25 million on each. This is 7.5 times the cost of the car, but it is not
enough to cover the overall operations of an F1 team [7].
In 2014 more than 300 brands sponsored F1, spending close to $1.5 billion
annually. The biggest sponsor was Marlboro ($2.023 million), Vodafone (692 million),
Petronas (690 million), Shell (564 million) and Mobil1 (496 million) [7].
The revenue of F1 teams is related to the wins they have each season but also to the
wins they had at the last four years. Ferrari finished 4th, in the championship of 2014
with net profit of $71.8 million ($12.4 million less than the 2014 champion, McLaren).
However, due to the premium (historic) payment of $92,2 million, the total profit
for Ferrari was 164 million, when the champions McLaren netted only 100.7 (4th place
in profit). F1 is a winner takes it all industry and sponsorships are heavily related with
the performance or the car, the team and the driver.
Based on the Formula One economics, the impressive Formula One industry needs
significant support to sustain its operations and continue to offer its innovation to the
automobile industry and the excitement to its fans. An increase on the sponsorship
revenue can contribute but this has to be with an increase of the F1 followers who seem
to be dropping every year (Fig. 5). The sport lost 40 million TV viewers in 2017
dropping down to 352 million viewers [8] (Fig. 6).
It is an imperative need for F1 to seek blue oceans in order to sustain and increase
the sponsors for all if its teams and not only for its winners, despite the decline of the
industry. Games through immersive technologies like VR can help on attracting new
age target groups to the F1 world creating new generations of fans.
Virtual and Augmented Reality Gamification Technology 371
F1 can find in the VR gaming business a Blue Ocean if consumers can receive
advanced services to enrich the F1 experience. VR as an immersive technology offers
special tools to increase the F1 end user experience. While players are into the game,
they can be able to feel the power and the speed of the car, they can measure their
driving skills against the driver of the physical car, and also measure their on-game
driving capabilities and senses such as perception, attention and strategy. The game
Lab of the Turku University of Applied Sciences in Finland developed the prototype of
the NeuroCar VR evaluation toolkit for driving inspection which is a step towards this
direction (Fig. 7).
Fig. 6. Number of TV viewers of F1 racing worldwide from 2008 to 2017 (in millions)
NeuroCar can be used to detect the right-side perceptual bias in aging in a labo-
ratory setting during a virtual driving task [9]. This toolkit combines cognitive neu-
roscience and game technology for efficient and objective screening of driving
performance and spatial perception, supporting medical professional’s estimations on
driving ability.
The proposed F1 VR game contains two main features which are the player mode and
the spectator mode. Each mode has the ability to provide marketing and advertisement
opportunities to sponsors and additional revenue to the F1 teams. The game also
provides revenues from tournament registrations, and from elements that can be
Virtual and Augmented Reality Gamification Technology 373
purchased during the game, such as car skins, boosters, extra time on the track, etc.,
that can be of high demand due to the desire gamers have for victories. Other mone-
tization practices that can increase the revenue of the F1 teams are the access modes
and the microrotations that can be applied before or during the preparation of the car,
before the competition or during the gameplay at the pit-stops for car improvements or
driver tips. Another revenue stream can be the pricing mode of the game which can
change from fermium to premium.
Dynamic and localized advertisement is also another source of income that can be
applied during the virtual game. Under this concept and according to the location of the
competition or the nationality of the gamer, the brands presented to the gamer’s eyes
can be either from the location of the competition or from the driver’s country. In the
first case sponsors from the tournament location can be advertised in the game pro-
moting their brand or their products to international gamers (drivers) and spectators. On
the other hand, the gamer (driver) can be viewing brands and products from his/her
country which are easy for him/her to get associated.
This dynamic advertisement can increase the number of sponsors not only in
volumes but in also in types. F1 advertisement have been a privilege for the very
established organizations due to the massive costs required for a spot on the physical
car. Therefore, companies operating at national or regional level without being
multinational organizations, had no chance to enter the F1 world. The proposed
approach provides the opportunity for any organization to be promoted by an F1 team
regardless their size, financial or international activity.
The success and sustainability of the proposed approach relies also on the data
collection during the game from the gamers and the spectators. Such data can be the
demographics related to the gamers from all over the world, but also the preferences
gamers have in the customization of their cars, selection of tracks and other activities
they do before or during the game. Colors specifically selected during a customization
activity can indicate the likeness of the gamers to pay attention to brands or products
with the colors they like. Clothing options and dress styles can provide similar infor-
mation. Such data, non-related with the game but with the psychology of the gamer, is
analyzed in the ranking of the sponsored brands or products to be viewed more.
The sustainability of the proposed approach, and not only, is based on understanding
the gamer in the first place, and not the industry needs. In order to achieve such a key
principle, a number of science disciples need to be integrated with the VR technology
and the F1 industry. Access modes, dynamic localization, and data management can
certainly support a successful monetization strategy, but more than that they can support
a successful sustainability strategy in order for the game to last for long.
Innovation can be considered as a gambling practices as no secure and safe path can be
predicted with certainly. However, it is a required gamble on the search for blue oceans
where development and prosperity can take place. A SWOT analysis has been per-
formed on the proposed approach in order to identify its sustainability characteristics.
374 E. Markopoulos et al.
Two key strengths the proposed approach possess are related with the popularity of the
industry and the technology. Formula 1 VR, as presented, provides physical and social
engagement to all type of gamers from any social status while at the same time can be
adjusted to various gaming platforms such as the X-box, PlayStation, and PCs. Due to
this flexibility, more game users can be attracted, hence, lucrative to sponsors.
Despite the technology being associated with these strengths, there are weaknesses
as well with the most important one to be the domination of the VR industry by models
that do not support head-mounted displays. Another weakness is the high cost of the
more advanced VR tools and equipment which impacts the game development and use.
The opportunities, on the other hand, provided in the proposed approach can be
summarised in four points. (1). Users can experience racing with Formula 1 tracks and
cars and enjoy the customisation features offered. (2) There is an increasing market
share for head-mounted displays (HMD) such as the Oculus Rift and the Sony
PlayStation VR which are more favourable for the Formula 1 VR at affordable prices.
(3). The data collection and analysis provided by the game can benefit sponsors is
various ways, with each way to be a new source of income for the F1 team. (4) The
social impact of the game can increase the number of gamers globally.
One of the key threats of the proposed approach is related with the perception of the
people on the VR technology as it still sounds expensive, remains a new concept for
many applications, and can be considered an investment risk.
Placing the characteristics presented in the SWOT analysis into a Boston Con-
sulting Group growth-share matrix, the proposed approach would be considered as a
Question mark. With a high market growth in the fast-growing VR market, but low
market share in the interest of F1 in VR, the proposed approach is capable for the best
which can be the fast adaptation, and the worse which is low adaptation. However, the
market does exist and the opportunities flow.
Virtual reality games allow gamers to immerse into the gaming world and control their
characters by moving their bodies in the real world. Scientific research indicates that
virtual reality can provide motivational physical activities [14] which can increases
enjoyment while decreasing tiredness [15]. When it comes to gaming in VR, the VR-
glasses are not enough to fully immerse the player in the virtual reality, as they also
need to feel and touch the objects the see. [16] This can be achieved with wearable
computing which becomes a trend in gaming and of course in VR gaming further more.
Wearable VR technology provides the opportunity to measure brain waves, heart
rate, eye movements etc. This paper will extend on the integration of wearable tech-
nology in F1 VR games. Even that this technology is not directly related with spon-
sorship, it is capable to bring the whole IT industry in F1 by offering a unique
experience on a target group that can utilized by the F1 sponsors. We believe that that
the IT companies behind F1 data analytics doesn’t reach visibility as much as they
could. VR games and wearable computing could open new possibilities to visualize car
performance, driver performance, and achieve significant engagement with a whole
new world of F1 fans.
Virtual and Augmented Reality Gamification Technology 375
11 Conclusions
The magnificent world of F1 can be by itself an attraction and source of inspiration for
a number of products and services from which F1 can benefit. However, despite the
many products and services already being developed under this thinking, F1 still
struggles to assure descent profitability to the teams that composed it. Event that the F1
brand name is capable to sell by itself, the reality indicates that this does not seem to the
case. The same thinking can also be applied on the VR technology. The impressive
experience that can be achieved with VR requires a normalization of the equipment
standards and costs for the technology to blossom.
Combining F1 and VR for the generation of innovative and immersive games that
can help F1 teams increase sponsorships is a challenge that goes beyond understanding
the technology or identifying the potential target groups. The challenge relies on the
way new target groups can be identified, continuously engage and grow exponentially.
In order to achieve such goals a deeper understanding of the games is required in a
wholistic scientific approach, not restricted to the technology and marketing sciences.
The proposed approach integrated data science, cognitive science, management
science and behavioural science in an attempt to better understand the needs and drives
of the massive user groups that can race within the VR F1 game around the clock
globally. This work attempted to create a chain of relations from the problem to the
solution. The increase of the F1 industry revenue is related with the increase of the
sponsors, which is related with the increase of the gamers, which is related with the
understanding the gamers phycology, needs and drives in order to generate incentives
to follow a sport not in their prime interest. F1 and VR, if applied within the context of
understanding the human first, can then create the momentum needed to identify blue
oceans and achieve the desired results. The paper presented the sponsorship challenge
of F1, the opportunity of VR, and their integration though a social shared-value ori-
ented game.
1. Augmented and virtual reality: The promise and peril of immersive technologies. https://
2. Ogilvy Brazil, VR Vaccine.
3. Discover Education. Virtual Reality in the classroom.
4. Kim, W.C., Mauborgne, R.: Blue Ocean Strategy, Expanded Edition How to Create
Uncontested Market Space and Make the Competition Irrelevant. Harvard Business Review
Press, Boston (2014)
5. Kim, W.C., Mauborgne, R.: Blue Ocean Shift: Beyond Competing – Proven Steps to Inspire
Confidence and Seize New Growth. New York (2017)
6. Harvard Business Review. What Is Disruptive Innovation?
7. Raconteur. The Business of Formula 1.
376 E. Markopoulos et al.
1 Introduction
Human beings interact with external objects or systems using a combination of their
core senses. Utilizing these senses, it is possible to interpolate the components of a
given system and develop the most efficient method of communicating with it. This
ability to learn and adapt, creates the basis of interaction that can be extended to similar
environments and systems. When an external system utilizes commonly used inter-
action techniques (i.e. door knob being rotated clockwise or anticlockwise to open a
door), the user of the system is easily able to transition into the particular interaction
paradigm, even if the environment or its surroundings vary considerably. This inter-
action metaphor was first put to the test in the designing and development of 2D virtual
environments. In fact, most 2D virtual environments (operating systems such as
Windows, MAC or Linux etc.) and the objects within them (i.e. files, folders, menus,
etc.) were created to extend the user’s understanding of similar interaction, in the
physical world. This is still the case today and it essentially means that, simple input
tools, such as a pointer (mouse) and a text entry device (keyboard), can be sufficient for
interacting with complex virtual environments. It was not until the introduction of
direct touch based input, that more sophisticated and multichannel interaction tools
were needed for effective system interaction.
Furthermore, before the advent of touchscreen based devices, most computing
systems, and their virtual environments, primarily engaged the users’ visual and
auditory senses [1]. This meant that in any environment system usability heavily
depended on the user’s ability to extrapolate methods of interaction, using only these
two modalities. These days, direct touch input complemented with tactile output have
become necessary components to support interaction that is more natural. In the last
decades, multimodal interaction was extended to include touch output (haptic feed-
back), however, the resolution and type of output is still very rudimentary. In fact,
haptic interaction is used as a form of “confirmation feedback” in most multimodal
interaction systems, rather than an active medium of interaction. This may be due to the
power and computational requirements of providing a comprehensive haptic-
information-channel. For this reason, most touchscreen devices use basic vibrational
signals to create rudimentary low-resolution event based feedback, which can only be
useful in the presence of other modalities (visual and auditory).
With virtual and augmented reality becoming a more popular approach in system
interaction, as well as social interaction, there is a need to redevelop the role of haptics
in virtual environments [2]. It may no longer be possible to focus solely on visual and
auditory interaction, ignoring the role of haptics. Complex virtual environments such as
Virtual Reality (VR) and Augmented Reality (AR) require more comprehensive tactile
input and output. For this reason, primitive tactile signals, used in previous systems,
need to give way to more precisely calibrated actuation, which is specifically designed
for various parts of the body. Furthermore, haptic feedback needs to be redeveloped to
create natural tactile actuation as compared to encoded haptic signals, for complex
multimodal VR environments. And most importantly, to ensure immersive interaction
in VR and AR system, there is a need to develop new interaction devices that can
continuously input and output real-time haptic information along with visual and
auditory information between the user and the VR system, with similar efficiency, as
was done by the mouse and keyboard for 2D virtual environments.
In our previous work, we have tried to overcome some of the limitations in creating and
providing effective haptic feedback, by introducing a new concept known as “Haptic
Mediation”. Haptic mediation is a process of effectively relaying the actuation signal
from the source (actuator) to the necessary point of contact (receptive fields of the
skin), mitigating environmental noise and other internal and external inefficiencies
within the system [2]. This is done by actively monitoring signal integrity and skin
sensitivity to the applied actuation signal, dynamically adjusting the actuation source to
ensure reliable perception of intended signal. Using this approach, we have illustrated
[3, 4] that it is possible to actively monitor user interaction, and relay sensible haptic
information, to the point of contact in the most efficient manner. Therefore, it is
possible to deliver precisely calibrated actuation signals (i.e. vibration, electrical,
Enhancing Multimodal Interaction for Virtual Reality 379
pneumatic or temperature based) with the help of (an active or passive) medium, which
is calibrated for such an information exchange. ln our research we have implemented
this concept into a number of 2D interaction devices to gauge the effectiveness of the
concept and the results have been quite positive [5, 6]. It is also possible and desirably
to incorporate this new technology of “haptic mediation” into VR/AR systems,
enhancing user interaction into a more natural and fluid experience.
Conventional techniques of tactile simulation provide direct or indirect actuation
signals to the skin, which may not always generate the immersive experience in VR/AR
environments. Contrary to how visual and auditory modalities are presented, haptic
feedback needs to be precisely calibrated and channeled to provide specific actuation
for specific points on the skin (points of contact with virtual objects/environments), to
induce the necessary sensory illusions. Haptic Mediation (HM) may be an ideal
mechanism to facilitate the exchange of actuation signals from an electro-mechanical
source to the bio-mechanical receptors in the skin. In fact, an active haptic medium can
calibrate the haptic signal with reference to environmental noise and skin sensitivity
requirements by creating a real-time feedback loop between the generated signal and
the signal received at the point of contact.
In our previous research [2], we demonstrated that not only can this approach be
used to generate tactile illusions [7], but also through haptic mediation it may be
possible to stimulate mechanical proprioceptive [8] feedback to the skin. By applying
actuation to the muscle tendons (e.g. elbow and shoulder) through haptic mediation, we
can induce illusory sensations of complex movements far more accurately than pre-
viously possible [9]. As demonstrated by Thyrion and Rolls, strategically applied
actuation to various joints and tendons can induce spatial and kinematic perception.
Furthermore, research by Rolls et al. [10], shows that it may even be possible to induce
virtual two-dimensional movement simulating the sense of straight lines, letters,
numbers, and geometrical figures in the horizontal plane. Moreover the authors using
direct vibrotactile actuation, through user testing, also achieved 3D figures resembling
spirals. We think that with precise and more calibrated actuation signals using haptic
mediation, these techniques and their application can be dramatically improved.
Similarly, other actuation techniques, such as funneling and saltation (or hopping
effect) [11] can also be improved considerable. By enhancing the simultaneous tactile
stimuli presented in two locations on the touch-surface or directly onto the human skin,
through haptic mediation, the funneling effect can be made more pronounced. More-
over, because the virtual location of the illusory tactile sensation (phantom object), is
somewhere between the pairs of actuators, it can easily be controlled by changing the
parameters (such as intensity, phase and duration) of actuation. Thus, dynamically
altering the virtually simulated object, which can be ideal for VR and AR interaction.
We postulate that by utilizing haptic mediation and existing techniques of generating
tactile illusions, it is possible to develop tools that can augment a wide range of haptic
illusion for VR/AR environments. In this research, we specifically focus on enhancing
funneling and saltation effects through a pair of customized prototype haptic gloves.
380 A. Farooq et al.
To enhance funneling and saltation effects we developed a pair of custom haptic gloves
with embedded actuation components. The gloves were used to provide localized
actuation as well simulated phase shifts and funneling effects between the fingers and
the thumb. One of the gloved was layered with a liquid medium to mediate the signals
provided by the actuation components while the other provided direct action to the
skin. This section elaborates the design and interaction with each of the gloves (Fig. 1).
Fig. 1. Various implementations of the Haptic Mediation Glove (HMG) and the Haptic Glove
channel D-class amplified and signal generator This meant that each actuator could be
used independently from the others, with a maximum four actuators running at the
same time.
Fig. 2. Internal design of the Liquid Mediation layer, Actuator placement and signal attenuation
for the two gloves.
Actuators within
Actuation within each fingertip media-
each fingertip tion-channel
No Haptic Haptic
Mediation Media-
Fig. 3. (Left) Glove without Liquid Mediation (HM-Glove), (Right) Glove with Liquid
Mediation (H-Glove).
4 User Study
4.1 Testing Methodology
In our internal pilot testing, we observed that some signal parameters affected the tactile
illusion of funneling and saltation more than others. These included frequency, delay
and the placement (traveling path of the signal) of actuation components. We narrowed
down out actuation path to the index finger, the palm and the thumb. This was required
due to two key reasons. Firstly, the limitation of having only a quad-channel amplifier
and signal generator made it quite challenging to accommodate all five-fingers and the
palm accurately at the same time. Secondly, if all five fingers were used in the study
alongside the three conditions of each of the three signal parameters (Freq, delay &
placement), the user test would become extremely long and difficult to complete.
Therefore, for the sake of collecting focused data we limited the user testing to the
index finger, the webbing between the thumb and the index finger (inside of the palm)
and the thumb itself (as seem in Fig. 3). This approach ensured we had three segments
or discrete points of the signal between the tip of the index finger and the tip of the
thumb (A, B & C).
For each of the signal parameters, we selected three subsequent values. With fre-
quency, we choose to have 50, 150 and 250 Hz signals as it represented low, mid and
high tactile signal thresholds most commonly applied to the fingertips. To vary the
delay between the different actuator signals we first ensured that the duration of one
segment (either A, B or C) of the signal remained close to 250 ms, irrespective of the
frequency of the signal (50, 150, 250 Hz). This meant that each actuator was switched-
Enhancing Multimodal Interaction for Virtual Reality 383
on for *250–260 ms. We then added delays of −50, 50 and 150 ms, where −50 ms
meant that the second segment (second actuator) was triggered 50 ms before the end of
the first actuation segment. Delays of 50 ms and 150 ms were when the second seg-
ment (second actuator) was turned-on after the 250 ms actuation created by the first
actuator. Additionally, the last parameter that was varied was the placement or
sequence of the segments being turned on. This meant that participants felt the signal
sequence as A-B-C (Index-Palm-Thumb), C-B-A (Thumb-Palm-Index) or B-C-A
The user study was conducted with 20 participants (17 male and 3 female) and they
were provided each feedback signal three (redundant) times after which they were
asked to rate the signal and its type in a questionnaire. The participants rated nature
(type) of the signal (discrete/continuous) between the three segments (A, B & C). They
also evaluated the perceived signal strength as well as the pleasantness of the feedback
signal. In total 27 different (unique) feedback signals were provided to each participant
for each glove. This was done in such a way that every parameter (Freq., Delay,
Sequence of combination) and its sub-value was presented to the user for each glove.
This meant that the participants were provided with different frequencies as a sub-
parameter (i.e. 50 Hz) within which they were provided the three delay sub-parameters
(i.e. −50, 50 & 150) and the further three sequence combinations (i.e. A-B-C, C-B-A,
B-C-A), with a total of 9 sub-conditions for each parameter value of Frequency. For all
three parameter values of Frequency, the total conditions were 27 (each repeated 3
times for redundancy making 81 feedback signals per glove). This approach was used
as it provided the most comprehensive method of delivering actuation signals within
related signal parameters (Freq., Delay, and Sequence).
A larger sample size would be able to validate this further. Essentially, at a fre-
quency of 100 Hz, the difference between the three signals became less distinct for
participants using the HM-Glove (HMG), as they started to perceive the discrete
feedback signals as one large signal, which was especially visible from the results for
signal applied at 100 Hz, at −50 ms (Fig. 4).
Discrete Continuous
Discrete Continuous
Ratings Ratings
Fig. 4. Subjective ratings of the applied signals averaged over 20 participants (Discrete VS
Continuous) over the three frequencies (50 Hz, 100 Hz, 150 Hz) with 100 ms (left) and 50 ms
(right) delay between each signal for both gloves.
However, once the signal was provided at 150 Hz the results show (Fig. 5), par-
ticipants using the HMG perceived the three signals as one continuous signal. How-
ever, this was not the case for the HG, where participants could identify the three
signals independently with reasonable accuracy. Using Pearson Chi-Square test, we
identified that there was a statistically significant difference between the results for the
two gloves (HMG and HG) for both −50 ms and 50 ms of delay at 150 Hz. Results
were not very clear for the 100 ms delay; however, we think this is because of the
smaller sample size (Fig. 5). Interestingly enough, during the interview, the participants
pointed out that the HMG felt more sensible throughout the entire hand as compared to
the HG, which created a perception of higher intensity and a non-locality of the signal
Looking at the number of errors in identifying the correct sequence of feedback
signals on either glove, we see a similar trend (Fig. 6). When the signal was provided at
100 ms delay, the users were able to identify the sequence quite accurately for both
HMG and HG. However, the error rate rose when the delay was reduced to 50 ms.
Although there was no statistically significant difference between the two gloves for
100 ms or 50 ms for all three frequencies, we did see a specific trend that HMG
increased the error rate enforcing the hypothesis that participants observed the applied
signals as one large distributed signals, compared to individual localized signals. This
result was more prominent at −50 ms of delay for all frequencies (Fig. 7), especially at
150 Hz, where there was a statistically significant difference between HMG and HG.
When questioning the participants regarding their selection, the overwhelming
response was that due to actuation signal in the HMG covering most of the hand; it was
difficult to isolate one signal from the other. Participant also mentioned that they
Enhancing Multimodal Interaction for Virtual Reality 385
Discrete Continuous
Fig. 5. Subjective ratings of the applied signals averaged over 20 participants (Discrete VS
Continuous) over the three frequencies (50 Hz, 100 Hz, 150 Hz) with −50 ms delay between
each signal for both gloves.
Errors Errors
Fig. 6. Error rates for the perceived Sequence of applied signals (number of errors) averaged
over 20 participants over the three frequencies (50 Hz, 100 Hz, 150 Hz) with 100 ms (left) and
50 ms (right) delay between each signal for both gloves.
Fig. 7. Error rates of the perceived Sequence of the applied signals (number of errors) averaged
over 20 participants over the three frequencies (50 Hz, 100 Hz, 150 Hz) with −50 ms delay
between each signal for both gloves.
386 A. Farooq et al.
perceived the same lower frequency signal (especially 50 Hz) as a higher intensity
signal on the HMG as compared to the HG, while this was completely opposite for the
higher intensity signal (150 Hz) especially when the delay was −50 ms.
Looking at how users rated the overall pleasantness of the various signals applied to
the two gloves (Fig. 8), we also see an interesting trend. As expected, no clear vari-
ations were seen between the different delay values; however, there were difference
with reference to the three frequency values. For signal 100 Hz and below, there were
only minor differences as participants rated the HMG higher than the HG. However, for
150 Hz frequency there was a clear deference between the two gloves, as users rated
HG to be less pleasant. This was over all the three-delay parameter (Fig. 8), which
meant that due to the higher frequency and its unpleasant application directly to the
skin, the users perceived this type of feedback as too strong and somewhat discon-
certing. Furthermore, the participant added in the interview that the acoustic noise of
the actuators, which was higher in the HG added to the unpleasantness during
Ratings Ratings
Fig. 8. Subjective ratings of pleasantness for the applied signals averaged over 20 participants
over the three frequencies and delay parameters for HM-Glove (left) and Haptic Glove (right).
However, in the HMG where the actuators were not connected to the skin directly,
the medium acted as a filter to the 150 Hz applied signal, integrating the signal to
remove the unpleasantness of the feedback. During the interview, most participants
were asked about the overall strength of the signal between the two gloves, and their
perception variations between them were quite low. Retrospectively, perceptual
strength of the signal could also have been measured (rated) in the main questionnaire
as higher frequency feedback signals could have been perceived at higher intensity
signals. Measuring the acoustic noise could have been another useful metric to dis-
tinguish the two gloves and their actuation signals, as in the post-test interview all the
participants mentioned the lack of acoustic noise on the HMG was one of the key
reasons for the higher pleasantness rating.
Enhancing Multimodal Interaction for Virtual Reality 387
In this paper, we presented a comparison of two types of haptic gloves for VR inter-
action: A conventional glove (H-Glove with embedded actuators that directly contact
the skin) and a glove layered with tactile mediation mechanism (HM-Glove with a liquid
mediation layer between the embedded actuators and the skin). Both the gloves were
embedded with identical actuation components and were provided similar electrical
signals to general compatible tactile feedback. As with previous results [2–6], the use of
haptic mediation enhanced the actuation signal over a larger area while dampening the
acoustic noise of the actuation components. This research also showed that an efficient
mediation mechanism can improve the overall haptic feedback experience.
The HM-Glove used in the research, provided increase area of actuation as compared
to H-Glove using identical actuation components. The glove also integrated multiple
actuation sources, creating complex tactile signals, which were perceived as far more
pleasant. Moreover, as the application of a haptic medium is able to integrate specific
actuation signals and frequencies, it is possible to create a far richer and more natural
feedback mechanism as compared to conventional direct skin actuation methods. This
opens up tactile simulation in a way that is not possible conventional techniques. This is
because an ideal medium cannot only amplify and localize certain actuation (lower
frequency) signals but also integrate other (higher frequency) signals to simulate com-
plex textures and object tactility without introducing unpleasant actuation frequencies.
Although further evaluation may be needed to ascertain an improved configuration
and technology (i.e. structure and chemical properties of the mediation material or gel-
structure), the results clearly, indicate the effectiveness of the proposed approach uti-
lizing haptic mediation in glove-based VR interaction. Furthermore, it may also be
possible to combine a number of actuation signals to provide a complex tactile feed-
back without limiting individual signal parameters due to inefficiency of transfer or
intensity variations within similar frequency bandwidths. In our future research, we
plan to explore how it may be possible to combine two or more signals within a
complex haptic stimuli yet keeping the signal perceptual integrity, thereby achieving
true form of complex haptification
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Mapping the Monetization Challenge
of Gaming in Various Domains
1 Introduction
The growth of the computer and digital games industry has turned out to be non-
predictable in market size and number of applications. At the same time the discipline
of games design and games development entered unmapped technoeconomic areas
where challenges and threats are can be as surprising as the opportunities. The wide
range of games (serious entertainment, simulations, etc.) and the limited lifespan they
have in terms of player engagement turns the development of computer games into
high-risk but also high-value investments.
Games development turned out to be complex technological projects and initiatives
that create masses of users, require serious investments, utilize tremendous computing
© Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2020
T. Ahram (Ed.): AHFE 2019, AISC 973, pp. 389–400, 2020.
390 E. Markopoulos et al.
resources, and demand continuous design and artistic perfection in order to remain
engaging. The cost of developing successful games for either entertainment or business
applications is a high-risk investment but mandatory as well due to the nature of the
sector. However, there are discrete and innovative techniques and practices to minimize
such investment risk and increase profitability.
Game monetization practices is a field in gaming economics that grows faster than
the games themselves. In entertainment games, monetization can be approached with
direct or indirect financial charges while on serious games monetization is measured by
the contribution of the game to effectiveness of the organization, the performance of the
employers, their training effectiveness and their overall positive contribution to the
operations of the organization.
Applying monetization techniques in any type of game involves socioeconomic and
psycho-economic elements as well. The psychology of the gamer plays a significant
role on the adaptation of a monetization technique. It must also be noted that mone-
tization the outside entertainment games environment must take into consideration
legal dimensions as well. When designing monetization models for serious games,
parameters such as labour rights, data protection rights, confidentiality performances
scores, etc., must be considered as well.
This paper attempts to define the major monetization elements in the gaming
industry. It also attempts to define the major gaming categories and subcategories and
associate on them the monetization elements and techniques and create a map for the
development of gamification monetization approaches per case that can contribute
towards effective gaming investments management.
The last 40 years games have tremendously changed due to the massive technological
advancements on the information technology sector and the rapid commercialization of
computers. Computer games play today a significant role in the life of people
regardless their age, sex or social or financial status. This phenomenon has been
analyzed over extensive research indicating the impact games have in modern society
[1]. Nearly 77% of the families in the United States own videogames, and nearly 46.6%
of the employees in Germany play games during working hours.
The computer games industry grows with exponential rates. The industry in the
United States had a value of 16.9 billion USD in 2016 and 17.6 billion in 2017 with 4.7
billion to be from consumers spending. The industry is expected to reach the value of
20.3 billion by 2020 in the US with the action shooting games to be the most popular.
An impressive increase is also recorded on the gamers as well. In 2016 there were
200 million gamers in North America and 912 million in Asia Pacific. Gender does not
seem to differentiate games. Women are quite active in games with significant presence
in some (69% play match 3 genre) and less presence in others (6% in racing games).
The is tremendous growth of the markets created new business success stories. On
2017, the Chinese entertainment company Tencent generated revenues of 18.1 billion
U.S. dollars. [2]
Mapping the Monetization Challenge of Gaming 391
4 Monetization Practices
The gaming industry evolution can be characterized by innovation which in most cases
require high budget with uncertain success. Game monetization refers to the strategy
and practices that assure return on investment in game development projects and
In monetization, there are fundamental revenue-generation approaches that can be
interlinked. One of them is the utilization of the advertising space. This tackles the way
a firm can utilize web spaces to sponsor advertisements that can generate revenue. This
kind of classic approach has been adopted by many industries with online presence.
Subscription is considered to be another base of revenue generation and it can manifest
itself in seven different ways based on the involvement of the user, the duration and
other options. The decision on which subscription a user should select is highly
depended on the needs of the user. Various types of subscriptions can be used together;
this is widely used in mobile applications such as Headspace.
Monetization practices and strategies can also be developed around the utilization
of the game’s data. Data driven monetization refers to the use, selling or access of
important data to generate revenue. This is one of the main monetization models used
in websites such as Facebook that allows data access to other firms [12].
While the data-oriented monetization utilizes the information of users the agency-
oriented monetization focuses on access to the platform and increase its popularity in
various marketplaces. Ebay is such an example which allows access only through a
More monetization practices and approaches are the agent oriented and lifestyle-
oriented ones. The Agency-based monetization is usually interlinked with subscription
and has been used effectively in human resources management and recruiting firms
[10]. The Lifestyle based monetization is not commonly used in gamified products as it
usually refers to the selling of merchandise or direct to consumer-based models.
However indirect marketing can be achieved in gamification through which life-
style products can be promoted as part of the game scenario. Table 1 presents these five
monetization orientations that can be utilized by a game from many dimensions such as
before, during and after game-play.
Mapping the Monetization Challenge of Gaming 393
The monetization practices in the context of the different game categories have also
different applications that can be either used as standalone practices or in various
combinations towards achieving unique pathways for revenue generation and
In serious games two subscription-based monetization approaches can be used
effectively. The first one is the freemium business model that can be used primarily on
the structural gamification applications. The term is composed from the words “free”
and “premium” indicating that a service is offered for free on the basic operations, but
for premium add-on services, functionalities or related services, a fee is charged [13].
Through the application of a freemium price model, serious games can monetize
various design elements that can provide basic operations such as employee training
and productivity enhancement. However, combinations of other operations and func-
tionality can be sold in form of a premium ‘add on’ allowing serious games to be agile
in use and cost, and therefore more applicable in different corporate departments. For
companies like ‘Tencent’ who invested in the freemium business model and generated
revenues over $18.1 billion in 2017 [14], monetization through the freemium model
turned out to be very attractive.
The second subscription base that can be used is ‘Pay Per User’, which works in
team-oriented products and services. Depending on the organisational size, the
potential for monetization exists where large number of employees need to be involved.
394 E. Markopoulos et al.
Therefore, implementation and adaptation of a ‘Pay Per User’ coupled with a freemium
subscription base would allow sustainable and affordable monetization opportunities.
These monetization practices can also be adapted in the entertainment games
domain which currently benefits from virtual goods with various microtransactions on
free games. A successful example is Fortnite, which generated revenues of $318
million in May 2018 [15]. The specific approach allows users to get premium add-ons
such as various game-skins and Experience Point (XP) boosts. These features, how-
ever, don’t give a competitive advantage but support a lower user churn rate and
product loyalty.
Education games on the other hand could benefit significantly from the ‘Pay Per
Device’ subscription approach which allows education institutions to be charged a fee
for each student who participates in the game. This subscription base could work well
on a tier-based system, according to the size of the education institution. Another
potential subscription base would be ‘Pay Per License’ where institutions would pay to
be receiving each gamified solution being offered by the provider.
The evolution of gamification and the monetization practices are aligned with the
evolution of the technology and the areas of applications games can contribute. The
rapid development of the gaming industry does not allow monetization models to be
settled down in the PC, console and mobile gaming regardless the type of game
(serious, entertainment, educational). This has caused challenges for startups who enter
in gaming business with new ideas. Reaching the visibility needed in heavily competed
market places is very demanding, thus the probability for success can be significantly
New market places are being born and dying every now and then even in the
gaming industry. A new promising market is the Virtual Reality games where mone-
tization faces various challenges primarily due to the cost of VR game operations. Early
adopters in VR have not yet been as successful as technology providers have been
expected. Even the new technologies have the same type of challenges Microsoft
Kinect motion detection sensor have had earlier. Both VR glasses and Kinect sensors
have been designed for consumer markets.
However, monetization models in non-consumer markets are totally different,
making traditional game companies face difficulties on apply other monetization
models. The prime reason for these difficulties is because they try to utilize game
technologies by being focused on projects rather than service innovations. Figure 1
presents an example of monetization model for exergaming [16].
Digital rehabilitation markets are fragmented with thousands of single solutions.
This led to the established of the DigiRehab consortium which unites the Finnish
digital rehabilitation industry into open business ecosystems. This monetization prac-
tice relies on joint digital physical therapy and gamified solutions for exercise, award,
IoT, user profile, and analytics management provided by various companies in a
business ecosystem. Currently, research is been executed in prevention and
Mapping the Monetization Challenge of Gaming 395
Fig. 1. Monetization model in digital physical therapy and gamified solutions for exercise.
This monetization model can be scaled from the healthcare sector to the technology
industry. It has been experienced that safety training solutions for example in VR,
require various expertise areas such as exercise (including health, safety, environment,
and quality), pedagogy, player profile, natural language understanding, and analytics
To manage such challenges, strategic multi-disciplinary partnerships need to be
created like the Finnish National Safety Training Consortium which has been estab-
lished by the Turku University of Applied Sciences and participated in various
applications (Fig. 2).
Besides the type of games and their area of application there are many other external
factors that impact monetization strategies and approaches. Socio-geographic and
socio-economic influences on how gamers, interact with each other and with the
games, influence the game monetization practices selected per case.
Aspects such as the financial status of the player’s income can affect the way
gamers spend. Surprisingly people who earn more than £90,000 per year are less likely
to spend on game microtransactions despite their financial ability [17]. On the other
hand, people with associate degrees or high school diplomas tend to spend most in-
game purchases. This difference in income and education highlights a very specific
demographic point and the psychological aspect of superiority. It is hypothesized that
people with medium income buy more in-game content as it provides them with a
feeling of superiority. This need can be correlated with the Maslow’s hierarchy of
needs as the main aspect people with medium income fail into [18].
Riot Games, the multibillion-dollar company behind “League of Legends” is
known to adjust the prices for its digital currency, known as Riot Points, on its online
store based on the average wealth of each geographic region and/or the GDP per
country [19]. In Europe for example, the smallest amount of money someone can spend
is 2.50€ (2.2£) for 400 Riot Points while the maximum is 50€ (43.75£) for 9.300 Riot
Points. In the USA however the company has different pricing limits where the min-
imum is 5$ (3.82£) for 650 Riot Points and the maximum is 100$ (76.4£) for 15.000
Riot Points. Similar to the European pricing limits is also Mexico despite the fact that it
is next to the USA. In Mexico, the minimum is amount a gamer can spend is 55 Mex$
(2.2£) for 555 Riot Points while the maximum is 1.320 Mex$ (52.8£) for 15.780 Riot
Points. Table 2 indicates the pricing differences under one currency, the Great Britain
Sterling, and also presents the cost per Riot Point in the minimum and the maximum
purchase limits.
Geo-economic factors can also be combined with geo-cultural factors not only in
direct game monetization of the game access costs but also on the game devices. In
Asia mobile gaming is very common. Asian players either through mobile games or
handheld consoles, enjoy playing video games while being outside, during public
transportation or in between work or school breaks [20]. The same cannot be said for
Mapping the Monetization Challenge of Gaming 397
the western market however. While mobile and handheld gaming still exists in the
west, it is not considered a legitimate method of gaming by many people. Game
developers must be very careful where and when they release their new projects in
order to predict its success more precisely.
A recent and interesting example of game release which did not go as expected is
the way Blizzard entertainment presented their newest mobile game, Diablo Immortal,
to the western audience.
Diablo has been a successful series that slowly gained a loyal PC fanbase. Blizzard
is a company which has all of its greatest games on PC, and recently on consoles.
However, the decision to release the newest Diablo game as a mobile exclusive had a
severe impact on Blizzard’s profits with its share-value to drop significantly, more than
30%, as indicated in Fig. 3 [21].
Fig. 3. Blizzard Activision stock after revealing on Nov. 2, 2018 the release day of Diablo
Immortal on mobile.
Selecting the best modernization approach in games of any kind is highly related to the
type of game itself and its players target group.
Microtransactions based game monetization is one of the most common method
used today by most game developers and the one with the most critical pre and post
conditions to apply. Microtransactions are highly related to the player’s culture,
financial ability to pay the game effectively, geographic locations, social status and
much more. They are applied to large target groups in an indirect and discrete way
trying not to disrupt the gameplay, the gaming ethics and the gamer’s communities.
However, microtransactions are not always quite innocent and there can be serious
ethical issues on the way they are used as game pre- and post-conditions.
398 E. Markopoulos et al.
A key requirement to identify the proper monetization strategy is the device games
are played on (gaming console, computer, mobile phone, etc.). Paywalls for mobile
games, subscriptions for PC games and loot-boxes for console games are the most
popular monetization practices with different pre-conditions and post conditions but all
under the microtransaction strategy.
The most common paywall is the patience paywall were the player is being stopped
from progressing further into the game by making the resources or time demanded to
progress extremely high or difficult. Players will either spend weeks trying to make it
past the absurd hurdles set before them or they can simply pay to get over them
instantly. Mobile developers deploy multiple paywalls within each game, each spaced
apart from the next, in order to profit from impatient players. What makes this method
ethical is that technically the game can certainly be finished without paying, but what is
“unethical” is that without paying the game can be time consuming and frustrating. For
the paywalls to work, the game must “shower” the player with rewards and then slowly
give them less until they finally face the wall, creating this way a form of addiction.
Once the player gets past the paywall this loop starts again providing the player with an
addicting feeling accomplishment.
Subscription is another method of monetization used in many games operating on
all devices, but it is mostly used by PC game developers. It is very similar to a paywall
but instead of having to pay once to get over it, the players need to pay monthly or
yearly in order to maintain their right to progress or even play. Some games offer
optional subscriptions that only provide benefits while others make them mandatory.
The pre-conditions for a successful subscription system are either stopping the player
from progressing until a subscription is bought or letting the player progress slowly but
keeping many of the useful and beautiful in-game features away, while constantly
promoting them. After the subscription is bought the player feels the need to maintain
what they obtained hence being pressured to keep their subscriptions active.
Outside of paywalls and subscriptions, there is another method commonly used in
the console gaming industry that rose to popularity in recent years. That method is the
loot-boxes and it was popularized recently as a way to make the purchase of game
cosmetics more fun and addicting for the players, while profitable for the developers by
integrating the sense on gambling. Loot-boxes contain numerous in-game cosmetics
that usually dont affect the gameplay. A loot-box always costs the same but the con-
tents within it are random. This is a very common trend when it comes to monetization
methods as it creates a form of addiction. One of the oldest forms of addiction is
gambling, and that is what loot boxes capitalize on. Gamer’s hopes that the next loot-
box they get will possibly have what they want is what keeps them purchasing more.
A precondition for loot-boxes to sell is to offer items worth the gamble. A simple way
of making somethings value inflate is by keeping them rare. Rare items are desired so
much that in some cases these items are sold in community markets between players for
incredible amounts of money [21].
Gaming monetization is a very serious part of any game development project. Game
ethics on the other hand are closely related to the monetization strategy and practices
adopted by the game designers. What is legal might not always be ethical, but since it is
legal it can be considered ethical and this is where monetization pre- and post-conditions
and shall be further developed with more attention to the game and the gamers.
Mapping the Monetization Challenge of Gaming 399
10 Conclusions
Gamification and monetization are two closely related concepts with a distant back-
ground. The creative dimension of gamification has to be aligned with the practical
dimension of monetization.
Creative arts and economics cannot be aligned effectivity all the times as the cost of
creativity might not be covered effectively with the monetization practices of the
gamified project. After all, art can be expensive. However, the growth of the games
industry and the high volumes of funds being involved, together with the tremendous
revenues generated, allows many monetization practices to be considered valid,
effective and ethical. On the other hand, the increase of the competition in the gaming
industry and the increase of the type of gamified applications will request more specific
and more ethical monetization strategies and methods in the very near future. This is
something this research has indicated and approached with the geographical, social,
technical, economical and other influence game factors that can determine the pre-
conditions and the post-conditions of the monetization practices to be selected.
The paper approached this mapping process and resented the base for under-
standing the monetization challenge in gamification per type of game and game device.
Further research will be conducted to extend this work on more advanced areas where
gamification monetization can be modelled under a structured methodology and
400 E. Markopoulos et al.
1. ESA: Essential Facts About the Computer and Video Game Industry. http://www.theesa.
2. Statista: Video Game Industry – Statistics & Facts.
3. The Association of UK interactive entertainment: The games industry in numbers. https://
4. Salen, K., Zimmerman, E.: Rules of Play: Game Design Fundamentals. MIT Press,
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5. Kiryakova, G., Angelova, A., Yordanova, L.: Gamification in Education. https://www.sun.
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7. Hays, R.T.: The effectiveness of instructional games: a literature review and discussion.
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8. Business Insider. “Gamification” Techniques Increase Your Employees’ Ability To Learn
By 40%. http://w
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12. Inverse. This is How Facebook Actually Makes All Its Money.
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of google play. J. Manag. Inf. Syst. 31(3), 326–354 (2014)
14. Newszoo. Top Public Video Game Companies | By Revenue .
15. Recode. Fortnite is generating more revenue than any other free game ever. https://www.
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Gaming for health across various areas of life. In: 9th IEEE International Conference on
Cognitive Info-communications CogInfoCom 2018, pp. 247–252 (2018)
17. Priceonomics: Gender, Income & Education: Who Plays Video Games? Priceonomics Data
18. Taormina, R.J., Gao, J.H.: Maslow and the motivation hierarchy: measuring satisfaction of
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19. The league of legends on line store: Mashable. A little
over half of the world’s mobile game revenue comes from Asia. Nov. 17, 2015. https://
21. Polygon.
Research on Location of Emergency Sign
Based on Virtual Reality and Eye Tracking
Sun Guilei(&)
Abstract. In order to analyze the attention to exit sign during the emergency
state, virtual reality technology (VR) was used to simulate escape scene and 3D
Max was used to design the scene. To obtain the number of gaze points and the
gaze duration of subjects, eye tracker was utilized to get data and spss 21.0 was
taken advantage of to analyze the data. Results show that the position of
emergency exit sign has significant influence on the recognition. And the exit
sign of the height of 1.0 m on the front of the observer’s line of sight is the most
beneficial to discovery and identification. Moreover, the height and the position
of exit sign have no significant influence on reading time.
1 Introduction
In emergency escape time, the correct choice of escape route is an important guarantee
to improve the chance of escape. Emergency exit sign is used as an important mark for
escape. The recognition of the exit sign is susceptible to environmental factors such as
smoke, high temperature and noise, which makes it impossible to quickly extract the
indication information.
At present, researches on safety signs mostly focus on the design, individual
characteristics and situational factors. Quantitative research focused on the identifica-
tion of traffic signs, such as Lai [1] studied on the effect of color schemes and message
lines on driver attention distribution based on virtual driving environment. Most
scholars studied through qualitative methods such as subjective evaluation and few
scholars researched on the identification of signs for escape. For example, Wang [2]
pointed out that sadness was not easy to identify safety signs, and fear can increase exit
signs; Yin [3] pointed out that the stimulus clues with auxiliary words have a regulating
effect on return inhibition; Tian [4] found that the psychological inertia, the location of
safety signs and auxiliary texts have significant effects on their effectiveness. Jiang [5]
pointed out that the safety signs should be placed on the same side of the mine entrance
and exit. In addition, Zhang [6] studied on visual attention characteristics of safety logo
frame shape and color. Cheng [7] applied the smart chip and wireless sensor network
technology to the research and development of the new intelligent fire emergency light
indicating system.
In China’s standard, “Fire Emergency Lighting Knowledge System” GB17945-
2010 [8], although the corresponding specifications are proposed for the emergency
sign, it does not indicate the setting height and the place in the fixed area clearly. In
order to accurately obtain the attention of the escape personnel to the different positions
and height in the emergency state and the response time of the extracted information,
virtual reality technology was used in this experiment to put the subjects into a realistic.
In the escape situation, the simulation of the emergency escape scene is realized, and
the escape sign is set. The eye movement data of the subject can be obtained by the eye
tracking equipment.
2 Experiment
2.2 Subjects
In order to study the influence of height and position to signs through the eye move-
ment parameters of the subjects, the target stimulation experiment was carried on.
35 subjects, 18–25 years old undergraduate university students, normal visual acuity,
no color blindness, participated the experiment. 5 failed to escape. Therefore 30 sub-
jects, 15 males and 15 females, with an average height of 1.70 ms, were effective.
Subjects had not had any relevant eye movement experiments before this experiment.
Research on Location of Emergency Sign 403
(c) at A, height is 0.5 m (d) at B and C, height is1.5 m (e) at D and E, height is 0.5 m
2.5 Procedure
Participants entered the experimental scene to identify the escape signs of different
orientations and heights and could be disturbed by smoke and noisy sound. For the
subjects, the right directions should be chosen to escape. A circular scene was used in
the experiment to identify three markers of the same height but at different positions.
After correct identification and action, the subject would find an emergency door finally
and escape from the scene. The specific experimental task steps are shown in Table 2.
3 Data Analysis
3.1 Number of Gaze Points at Different Heights and Positions
During the experiment, the subject watched the stimulating material and formed fix-
ation points. The more the number of fixation points, the more attractive the sign to the
subject or the more difficult the stimulating material to read [10]. In this experiment, the
exit sign was single-form and easy to recognize and all the subjects were familiar with
it. Therefore, the more gaze points, the more gaze content that attracts the attention of
the subject.
Figure 3 shows the average number of fixation points when reading exit signs at
different heights and positions. Since the exit signs used are consistent in the com-
plexity of the information, the reason for this difference should be the interest and
attention of the subjects to the different position signs. It can be seen from the three
positions, in front, lateral anterior and corner, the average number of gaze points of the
sign directly in front of the subject is 6.57, followed by 4.82 at the corner, and finally is
4.60 at the lateral anterior sign. It indicates that the sign in front receives the highest
attention of the subject because the front sign can be exposed in a short time. In
addition, the focus of eyes is mostly in front of the escape road, which is easy to read.
As shown in Fig. 3, the gaze point formed at the height of 1.0 m is the most, totaling
17.5. Therefore, the attention to the height of 1.0 m is also the most.
Research on Location of Emergency Sign 405
The data was processed with spss 21.0. The results are shown in Table 3. The F
value of the position factor is equal to 7.60, which is greater than the preset Fa value (a
is 0.05, Fa = 3.88), and the P value is equal to 0.02, which is less than the preset a
value. It indicates that there are significant differences between the average fixation
points and the different locations of emergency sign. The position of the sign has a
significant influence on the recognition efficiency of the subject to identify the escape
sign. Therefore, the escape sign placed the front of the intersection, which means at the
end of the corridor, can improve the chance of escape and enhance the possibility to
find the escape information.
The F value of the height factor is equal to 0.60, which is less than the preset Fa
value, and the P value is equal to 0.64, which is greater than the preset a value. It
indicates that the height of escape signal has no significant effect on the recognition
efficiency in a state of emergency. Although the data analysis does not support the
406 S. Guilei
height has a significant impact on the number of gaze points, the number of gaze points
at a height of 1.0 meter is the most as the previous analysis. In the process of escaping,
people’s vision will shrink, and the line of sight will move habitually. Therefore, when
the sign is placed in the height of about 1.0 meter, it can attract the attention and
interest of the participants, which helps to improve the identification to the information
of escape sign.
In the test of covariance equivalence, the significance level of the data test is greater
than 0.05, which means there is no significant difference. After two-way variance test,
as shown in Table 4, it is found that the F values affected by the position and height
factors are equal to 0.26 and 0.53, respectively. Both are smaller than the Fa value
(a = 0.05, Fa = 3.88), and the P values are equal to 0.76 and 0.67, respectively, which
are greater than the preset a value. It indicates that the positions and heights have no
significant difference to the gaze time.
Research on Location of Emergency Sign 407
In this experiment, the size of the sign is small, and the information is easy to be
recognized, therefore the gaze time is extremely short, and the deviation of the data has
a great influence on the result. It may be the reason why the height and position have no
significant influence on gaze duration. In the data analysis of Fig. 4, it is found that the
subject has the shortest gaze duration and the corresponding reading efficiency at
1.0 m, which is consistent with the conclusion that the placement position and height
are studied by the number of gaze points.
Eye tracking technology and VR technology were used in studying the attention to the
exit sign. Two stimulus variables, the position and the height of the exit mark, were
analyzed. The conclusions are as follows:
(1) The position of the exit sign has a significant influence on the number of gaze
points, but the height has no significant influence on the number of gaze points.
(2) The position of the exit sign and the height of the setting have no significant
influence on the gaze time of the subject.
(3) The subjects have a shorter gaze duration which means the highest reading
efficiency at the height of 1.0 m in the front, so the exit signs should be placed at a
position 1.0 m high at the end of aisle.
The shortcomings of this paper are that the effect of size and brightness of the exit
sign on reading efficiency has not studied and the subjects are all undergraduate stu-
dents. It will be further developed in the follow-up work.
Acknowledgements. The presented work has been supported by General project of China
University of Labor Relations (19YYJS003) and Teaching Reform Project (zyjs201804).
1. Lai, C.J.: Effects of color scheme and message lines of variable message signs on driver
performance. Accid. Anal. Prev. 42, 1003–1008 (2010)
2. Wang, C.X., Lv, S.R: Research on effect of emotions on recognition of safety sign. China
Saf. Sci. J. 26, 15–20 (2016)
3. Yin, Z.Y., Shi, F.Q., Li, N.W., Niu, L.X.: Effects of safety cues on inhibition of attention
return of miners different in degree of burnout. China Saf. Sci. J. 09, 37–42 (2017)
408 S. Guilei
4. Tian, S.C., Chen, Y., Zou, Y., Li, G.L.: Analysis of factors influencing effectiveness of mine
safety signs. China Saf. Sci. J. 26, 146–150 (2016)
5. Jiang, W., Shi, S.H., Liu, Y.N.: Studies on exit sign design of the mine entrances. Appl.
Mech. Mater. 543–547, 4626–4629 (2014)
6. Zhang, K.: Research on Visual Attention Characteristics of Safety Logo Frame Shape and
Color. Henan Polytechnic University, Jiaozuo (2014)
7. Cheng, K.W.: Research on Key Technologies of Intelligent Wireless Fire Emergency Light
Indicator System. Hangzhou University of Electronic Science and Technology, Hangzhou
8. GB 17945-2010. Fire emergency and evacuate indicating system
9. GB 2894-2008. Safety signs and guideline for the use
10. Sun, G.L., Li, Q., Fu, P.W., Ran, L.H.: Analysis and optimization of information coding for
automobile dashboard based on human factors engineering. China Saf. Sci. J. 28, 68–74
Healthcare Design Based on Virtual Reality
Technology: Enhance the User’s Engagement
in the Rehabilitation Process
1 Introduction
Virtual reality technology has become a tool for assisting the balance of exercise
learning and gait rehabilitation. The conventional rehabilitation training methods are
limited by the technical level of medical personnel. Single training methods, the boring
training process, lack of personalization and other problems need to be solved urgently.
According to human brain plasticity theory [1], mirror neuron theory [2] and contin-
uous passive training theory [3], a rich training environment can promote the process of
rehabilitation [4]. Studies have shown that the rehabilitation effect will be greatly
improved if we can provide various forms of information feedback from the course of
training, give patients’ subjective initiative into full play, and give hints or suggestions
in line with the patient’s state, etc. [5] In recent years, virtual reality technology has
been developed and perfected, so that traditional rehabilitation training has broken the
limitation of environment and space, which has made the process and the mode of
training more diversified and made it an important treatment tool to assist sports
© Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2020
T. Ahram (Ed.): AHFE 2019, AISC 973, pp. 409–415, 2020.
410 Y. Qiao and S. Yang
learning balance and gait rehabilitation. How to further verify and strengthen the virtual
reality technology in the field of medical rehabilitation is a major research hotspot at
Based on the analysis of the existing problems and simulation solutions to the
current methods of joint rehabilitation, this paper expounds the development, the trend,
the concept and new characteristics of virtual reality technology, and clarifies the
design methods of joint rehabilitation treatment equipment based on virtual reality
technology. In this paper, the possibility of making an equipment working prototype of
Arduino MCU and the processing programming language as the basic tools is put
In the comparative studies of MIT and Rutgers University, it was shown that the
virtual reality rehabilitation cases had better effect than the basic therapy when the
rehabilitation therapy of the game was added [6]. The patient’s main inner drive
allowed them to get very good feedback on the patient’s performance when repeating
the test.
2 Methods
The output equipment will be entertaining and visualized in the process of rehabili-
tation treatment, which gives users a positive, perceptible, quantifiable and interactive
experience in the process of rehabilitation treatment in an innovative way. At the same
time, the doctor can improve the patient’s rehabilitation treatment experience by
designing the remote data monitoring in the system, quantifying the rehabilitation effect
and the process, and providing relevant treatment suggestions tailored to the patient’s
need. In turn, the cost of outpatient rehabilitation treatment in terms of the personnel,
equipment and venues should be optimized; the rehabilitation medical experience
needs to be enhanced; scientific guidance of the rehabilitation process should be pro-
vided. Thus, the rehabilitation process could be accelerated to ease the tension between
doctors and patients.
2.1 Analysis
Based on the previous theory of research and analysis, in this part as the discovery link
to the design, the author summed up and organized its cocoon and analyzed 10 key
words on the needs of patients with joint diseases. From the angle of doctor-patient
relationship, the author adopted user interviews, brainstorming, user portraits and other
design methods. In terms of the priority, we divided them into 4 levels (Table 1).
Analysis on the shape and scale design of knee rehabilitation equipment: by col-
lecting information of 69 patients, according to the human engineering scale mea-
surement based on the knee joint and a series of shape design, we defined the shape
scale of the rehabilitation equipment as follows (Fig. 1).
Healthcare Design Based on Virtual Reality Technology 411
Table 1. Analysis of the needs from patients with knee joint disease
Priority Keywords
1 Safe, comfortable
Treatment quantification
Complete medical records
2 Professional guidance
Instrument autonomy
Remote data monitoring
3 Feedback
Remote data monitoring
4 Personalization
Gulihua, Choi Chang, Gao Song, Xu. Gait signal acquisition system based on MPU-6050 [J]. Journal
of Shenyang University of Technology, 2015, 37 (02): 176–182.
412 Y. Qiao and S. Yang
six-axis data and set it in a serial plotter to present it in the form of a line diagram
(Fig. 2).
Based on the working principle of the Arduino single chip microcomputer, an
MPU-6050 six-axis sensor, two HC06 Bluetooth sensors and a serial communication
module are needed. The four pins on the MPU-6050 sensor, GND, SCL and SDA are
connected to the 5 V, GND, A5 and A4 of the motherboard, respectively. And the
yellow indicator light of the MPU-6050 sensor is on after power on, that is, the module
can be used normally. At the same time, it is necessary to define two HC06 Bluetooth
modules, one of which is sent as Bluetooth through the “at” instruction. Four pins of
Rxd, TXD, VCC, and GND are connected with 11, 10, ICSP and GND of the
motherboard, respectively. And the blue indicator of the sensor remains lit after power
up, indicating that the module is running normally. Another piece is used to receive
Bluetooth, and the serial module is connected to the computer USB interface. Two
Bluetooth blue indicator lights are often lit, indicating that data can be sent and
received (Fig. 3).
3 Prototype
The Data Generation Test and Error of Knee Rehabilitation Equipment: Through
a number of experimental tests, we find that the MPU-6050 sensor has good durability
and anti-jamming, and the current known cause of error is poor contact.
When there is poor contact, the following conditions may occur (Fig. 6) because of
the inability to perform normal data detection and the graphics generated by the static
movement of single-axis data along the vertical axis of the maximum data within 90 s.
4 Conclusion
By visually processing the effect of data generation, immersive visual feedback based
on data generation results will be displayed in the virtual reality system when the
device is worn, and the rehabilitation exercise training is carried out. Combining with
the theoretical research and design analysis of knee rehabilitation training, knee joint
rehabilitation equipment in accordance with virtual reality technology is devised. The
device can gather the user’s knee gait data and generate more intuitive data graphics
through the cross processing of Arduino MCU and the processing programming lan-
guage, which is of great significance for the visualization of the rehabilitation process.
(a) Based on the theory of knee joint rehabilitation and the research and analysis of
patients with knee joint disease, auxiliary knee joint rehabilitation training equipment
was designed, and a working prototype was made to realize the data collection and
analysis of the knee joint gait when combined with the basic theories of rehabilitation
medicine and ergonomics.
(b) Data visualization processing is based on the process of programming software.
The gait data collected based on the working prototype is sent to the device via the
Bluetooth module for processing and data visualization.
Due to the limited time, there is still much to be done in depth and refinement:
(a) For the movement data of the knee joint, we should not only collect gait data,
but also take the knee joint rehabilitation training database as reference. Moreover, we
should take into account the reception and stiffness of rehabilitation equipment and
knee contact and introduce the relevant algorithm to carry out more in-depth data
Healthcare Design Based on Virtual Reality Technology 415
Acknowledgement. Thanks to the support from National Social Science Fund of Art Project,
Approval number 17CG214, 2017, the project I’m in charge of Research on medical product
design based on virtual reality technology
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An Investigation of Material Perception
in Virtual Environments
1 Introduction
Industrial design mainly solves the problems of product shape, color and material, and
the ultimate goal of the design is to meet the needs of consumers. When people
evaluate the design visualiser of industrial design, the evaluator can only perceive the
material on the surface of product design sketch through the eyes [1]. Because of the
manufacturing process and other reasons, there are great differences between the sur-
face material and the material displayed in the effect drawing of the actual product [2].
The process of product design has already changed from product-centered to user-
centered. Designers begin to attach importance to the users’ experience and feelings of
product design. Target users as the center of product design evaluation have been
adopted by more and more design industries. User experience has become an important
way to help product improvement. Vision is an important way for human beings to
understand the world. The objective material world acts on people’s eyes and forms
information through the brain, thus making people feel and understand. In our daily
life, people will face or contact various materials, such as plastic, metal, wood, marble,
water, jam, cotton and so on. These materials have different physical and optical
properties, which determine how we interact with them (or avoid interacting with them)
[3]. Material perception helps us to decide which interaction method is more appro-
priate before we contacting the objects. Ashby [4] stated that we recognize certain
materials to form cognitive perception by touching them, such as the temperature and
texture of the surface through contact [4]. Material perception is a kind of feeling and
impression of material based on the visual perception of material surface characteris-
tics, such as texture and smoothness. At the same time, material perception is also
produced by the brain’s comprehensively processing of the surface characteristics of
materials perceived through vision, such as texture and smoothness. In fact, realistic
image synthesis depends not only on illumination, but also on accurate simulation of
the virtual scene, and the challenging task is to assign appropriate material descriptions
to each object in the scene [5].
Vision is a channel for human beings to acquire information for cognition and
thinking. Every object in life is made of some kind of materials, and we usually know
what it is by observation. Nature provides us with a neural architecture that recognizes
the basic elements of certain materials in images even without training [6]. Early work
on visual perception focused on the physiological and neurological characteristics of
the human visual system, such as contrast and color. For example, in the study of
different aspects of color constancy, Brainard [7] found that the color and brightness of
objects remained distinctly unchanged under substantial changes in light [5, 7]. Obein
et al. [8] proved the similar invariance of perceived glossiness under varying illumi-
nation, that is, glossiness invariance [8]. Xiao and Brainard (2006) showed that the
appearance of color is indeed slightly affected by gloss [9]. Ngan et al. [10] proposed
that L2 metric on spherical images rendered with different BRDF under the light as an
alternative model for image gloss and sharpness perception. It can be proved from the
perceptual point of view that people perceive materials by observing objects made of
the materials, rather than consciously considering the psychological model of abstract
reflectance function [10]. Fleming et al. [11], for example, has found that humans can
recognize irregular transparent objects, such as ice, even though it is difficult to
measure with machines and formulas because of the varying refractive index. He chose
thick transparent objects as research subjects to explore how humans evaluate trans-
parent materials. He thought that human beings were evaluated by observing distorted
images of refracted materials. [11] Previous studies have been carried out in many
literatures. They believe that human vision depends on a series of images related to
material properties [12–16].
People’s visual system is very sensitive to the appearance of materials, and the
imperfect approximation cannot meet the user’s requirements [17]. Virtual reality
technology is a new cognitive tool which emphasizes perception ability on the basis of
human feeling. Recently, virtual reality technology has been applied more and more
widely, such as in psychological research. Because VR can create more ecologically
stimulus programs and reflection scheme than traditional experimental devices, and can
help experimenters better control the environment [18]. At the same time, the immersion
and visual fidelity provided by virtual reality can stimulate some psychological reactions
of the testers. Immersion is considered as an important performance measure of virtual
systems, and the reason for immersion is that users have a sense of existence or hal-
lucination similar to real objects in the virtual environment. Virtual objects are not only
similar to the real objects, but also more realistic than the real objects in order to achieve
418 M. Niu and C.-H. Lo
immersive effect [19]. Designers demand immersion because the higher fidelity of the
virtual world causes wider responses from participants. In fact, immersive environments
seem to be easier for participants to remember the surroundings [20].
One of the main features of VR system is the introduction of stereo depth, which
gives users an illusion that they can see objects in virtual space [21]. Virtual reality
provides near-real visual effects, which may be a good tool for material perception and
the experience of designing effect maps. Vangorp et al. [5] and Bonneel et al. [22] have
taken advantage of the changes in user’s perception of vision and auditory under
different conditions of rendering quality in virtual environments. The real and high-
quality rendering effect of these materials is the core element of the overall reality and
immersion provided by the virtual environments [5, 22]. Wilson and Alessandro [18]
have discussed the ability of human visual recognition and perception of space and
motion in an immersive virtual environment provided by virtual reality. And they
applied VR as a visual medium in psychological research, detecting the possibility of
complex participants’ reactions and behaviors in the virtual environment. It is found
that VR can present visual stimuli along 3D planes, which is more conducive to
stimulate participants’ behavior than traditional experimental schemes [17]. Although
there have been some explorations in the field of visual perception of VR, most of them
focus on the user’s virtual experience, and few studies focus on material perception in
the virtual environment.
In this paper, we present a comparative experimental study conducted to analyse
the visual effect of virtual reality compared to the feeling of 2D traditional display for
the material perception process of geometrical 3D models. It is hypothesized that the
two display modes would bring different viewing experiences to the users, henceforth
resulting different perceptions of the same materials. This paper is organized as follows:
Sect. 2 presents the object of our comparative experiment and the process of rendering
materials using computer-aided design and game engine. We illustrate the comparison
process and specific steps between VR and traditional 2D display mode. We also record
the experimental results of the two display modes based on participants’ feedback. The
resulting data set is analyzed using a wide range of statistical techniques in Sect. 3. We
summarize and propose future works in Sect. 4.
2 Methods
The purpose of this study is to test whether users feel differently when they use
different devices (computer and VR) to observe the object with the same materials.
Therefore, the experimental process is mainly to use software to render different
materials, recording the user’s feelings after using the devices to observe the materials
and parameters of the material contained in the relevant information [23]. Berzhan-
skaya et al. [24] have experimentally proved that the spatial distribution of surface
gloss perception is inconsistent, and it is affected by specular reflections [24]. For
translucent materials like ceramics, the information such as specular highlights, ren-
dering and background environment has a great influence on the estimation of
glossiness. Although BRDF tries to separate reflectivity and material-related infor-
mation, this technique does not take into account the influence factors of texture and
geometric shape. The same reflectivity properties can be observed on the surfaces of
different materials [25]. In addition, transparent materials cannot be generalized by a
single reflection function [26, 27]. Due to the complex optical properties of translucent
or transparent materials, we include only opaque materials in this study, and the tested
object in the experimental stage is a kettle that consists of stainless steel and plastic
materials. In order to ensure the objectivity and scientific rigor of the follow-up ren-
dering task, we carried out the following rendering and testing process according to a
picture of a kettle (as the Fig. 1 shown), so as to avoid the increase of rendering
difficulty and visual viewing error caused by the influence of illumination and envi-
ronment on the real objects.
material perception, and that the sphere was not necessarily the simplest shape to
distinguish, which depends mainly on the type of material or the shape similar to the
target [5]. Therefore, in order to avoid the influence of object shape on material
perception, we choose to create two geometries, cubes and spheres, to be the models to
test the effect of plane and surface on material perception.
3Ds max is used as the software for 2D display that builds basic geometric models
according to requirements, and then using light and camera to adjust the visual effects
of each perspective. For rendering images, we used the VRay plug-in to make the
materials of our 3D model objects become more real. Because VRay allows us to adjust
the lighting and materials properties on the models [28]. According to the picture of
kettle by the previous statement and was used to adjust the parameters of material
attributes in VRay in order to simulate the material appearances. Afterwards, the
adjusted materials were assigned to the cube and sphere, and 4 pictures were rendered
for participants as a test image of the computer (as shown in Fig. 2).
Fig. 2. The test image of 2D display: (a) cube made of stainless steel, (b) cube made of plastic,
(c) sphere made of stainless steel, (d) sphere made of plastic.
For the test image of the VR device, we use HTC VIVE as the VR display. Relying
on Unreal Engine4 (UE4) to create geometry and rendering tasks. UE4 contains ren-
dering code and design tools that can be used to build 3D models. The Unreal Engine’s
source code can help designers to simulate whole new scenes, whether indoors or
outdoors, and visualize 3D scenes by the perspective or stereo view of Unreal Engine
[29]. Like 3D max, we used UE4 to build 3D models of cubes and spheres, and use its
own renderer to adjust stainless steel and plastic materials depends on the picture of
kettle. In order to minimize the error of material presentation of two different renderers
in the contrast process, the material attributes and lighting positions in UE4 are the
same as the details of the VRay adjustment, and then four projects are generated
(shown in Fig. 3).
An Investigation of Material Perception in Virtual Environments 421
Fig. 3. The test image of Virtual Reality: (a) cube made of stainless steel, (b) cube made of
plastic, (c) sphere made of stainless steel, (d) sphere made of plastic.
Fig. 4. The testing process of the participant: (a) observe the material on the 2d display image,
(b) observe the material on the VR device.
3 Results
As we have pointed out, the main objective of this study is to explore whether users
will have different experiences in material perception by VR and 2D display. There-
fore, it is necessary to determine whether and to what extent the images presented by
the two devices are close to the actual material, and the analysis of the test objectives
also focuses on this. Factorial Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) is used to analyze the
test data of two kinds of equipment and materials. The factorial ANOVA determines
whether the individual and interaction of each factor have a statistically significant
impact on changing user perception of material [30]. The experimental data do not take
into account the gender impact.
3.1 Cube
Table 1 shows the results of participants’ material perception on the cube model. The
table heading of the rightmost column is the statistical significance, we used the P value
to represent it. If p < 0.05, significantly changes in the corresponding factor affects the
participants’ perception of material. So, as shown in Table 1, the P value of the device
is 0.000, which means that it had a significant impact on the participants’ material
Figure 5 displays the mean plots of the material perception on the cube model.
Device 1 represent VR display and Device 2 represents 2D display. And the Material 1
and 2 are stainless steel and plastic. It can be emphasized that participants feel the
content presented by VR is closer to the real material on the picture than that presented
by the traditional 2D display.
An Investigation of Material Perception in Virtual Environments 423
3.2 Sphere
In Table 2, it shows that the variations of the device significantly affect participants’
feeling of the material for sphere model, because the P value is 0.001.
The mean plots of the effect of material perception on sphere model is shown in
Fig. 6. It can be seen that the participants chose VR more than computers according to
content similarity. And according to the mean plots of the data, we can find that the
material performance of the sphere is more helpful than that of the cube in the process
of user identification.
4 Conclusion
Visual material perception is one of the main methods for people to understand the
objects, including physical and optical properties of the objects. Influenced by illu-
mination and shape, people also face some challenges in the process of identifying
materials, especially in the design of today’s 3D models, which is very common. Many
studies have confirmed that VR can enhance user experience and interaction in virtual
environments. As a tool of the immersive experience, VR has been widely used in the
field of design, making use of its virtual visual effect to create a realistic environment.
We studied the difference between material perception effect in the virtual environment
and the traditional 2D view. This paper attempts to explore whether VR can be used as
a tool for designers and users to perceive material by its immersion and stereo sense.
Based on the material of testing object picture, we used 3D Max and Unreal Engine to
manipulate and render the contents for computer and VR display respectively. In order
to ensure the rendering effect, the material parameters are treated the same. Participants
An Investigation of Material Perception in Virtual Environments 425
were invited to observe the material with two devices, compared with the previous
picture, and scored according to the similarity. The experiment found that the per-
ception of plastics and stainless steel in the material test of cube or sphere was more
obvious and direct than that in the 2D display. Some participants said that the material
texture observed in VR was clearer, which helped them to identify material types more
quickly. In future research, we will increase the number of participants and improve the
experimental data and methods. At the same time, the experiment will involve more
material comparison, such as rubber, paper, wood, leather, or the same type of material
comparison, such as copper, iron, alloy and so on, to explore whether VR has a better
visual effect on a certain type of material.
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Author Index
Hsiao, Chih-Yu, 34 N
Hurter, Jonathan, 354 Navarro, Ricardo, 233
Hussain, Iqram, 57, 93 Niu, Mutian, 416
Hwang, Jaejin, 63
I Oortwijn, Tije, 169
Integlia, Ryan, 49 Ortega-Chasi, Patricia, 111
Jachetta, Daniel, 3 Pan, Hongzhi, 122, 261
Javahiraly, Nicolas, 271 Park, Hongkyu, 93
Jiang, Lijun, 145 Park, Jangwoon, 43
Jiang, Shanxiao, 145 Park, Se Jin, 57, 93
Jones, Helen, 14 Patchin, Devon, 3
Jung, Myung-Chul, 63 Perea, Alan, 243
Perry, Daniel C., 14
K Pezzuoli, Francesco, 70
Kelly Jr., Troy, 49 Popescu, Florentin, 332
Khamnasak, Waranya, 43 Porskamp, Paul, 169
Kim, Damee, 57, 93
Kim, Jae Ho, 63 Q
Kim, Min Kyu, 57 Qiao, Yu, 409
Leo, Donato G., 14 Raisamo, Roope, 377
Li, Zhelin, 145 Rangelova, Stanislava, 192
Lidynia, Chantal, 20 Ren, Long, 261
Lin, Huan, 130 Romano, Chiara, 179, 283
Liu, Yi-An, 34 Romeiser, Spencer, 3
Liu, Zhongqi, 154
Liumila, Mika, 179, 283, 364, 389 S
Lo, Cheng-Hung, 416 Sanders, Brian, 296
Luo, Shijian, 130 Saqlain Aslam, M., 98
Seo, Young, 57, 93
M Shan, Ping, 130
Maeda, Setsuo, 82 Shaukat, Zeeshan, 98
Maraj, Crystal S., 354 Shen, Chengyi, 130
Markopoulos, Evangelos, 179, 202, 283, 364, Shen, Yuzhong, 296
389 Shi, Chengchuan, 145
Markopoulos, Panagiotis, 179, 283, 364, 389 Straeubig, Michael, 251
Martinez, Sergio, 233 Sun, Chenyue, 261
Mclaughlin, Jacqui, 82
Mehrubeoglu, Mehrube, 43 T
Ming, Lincoln Lee, 202 Tanabe, Asami, 325
Mo, Seung-Min, 63
Mo, Xiaohui, 145 V
Mottahed, Behzad, 49 Van Goethem, Sander, 305
Motus, Daniel, 192 Vaughn, Noah, 3
Author Index 429