E Book Tokenization
E Book Tokenization
E Book Tokenization
MeaWallet is a Norwegian company that was established MeaWallet serves mainly banks and other card issuers,
in 2013. MeaWallet is the centre of excellence within through a proprietary platform-independent product
mobile and digital payments and mobile wallets, suite, focusing 100% on tokenization technologies,
providing state of the art certified technology in 18 supporting both global and local schemes without any
countries. As one of Europe’s leading companies within geographical limitations.
mobile payments, we provide banks with a short time to
market with high-quality products.
Page: 2 About MeaWallet
Page: 3 Introduction
Copyright MeaWallet 2019 [email protected] | www.meawallet.com
Recent years have shown an increasing shift from tradi- A significant benefit of tokenization is the fact that a
tional card payments to digital payments. A continually token is only valid in a specific context. This may be a
growing number of people use mobile phones, wearables, mobile device, a smartwatch or a particular merchant.
online and in-app payments daily to pay for goods and Outside the specific area, the token is useless and cannot
services. With the huge growth in digital payments, it is be misused. In practice, this means that a card account
essential to have a secure and seamless user experience can have multiple tokens used for different purposes e.g
across device channel and solutions. At the same time, one token for your mobile wallet, one token used in your
new opportunities for consumers, banks and merchants smartwatch and one token for streaming service or travel
are introduced and new business models and capabilities ticket app.
Token 1 Token 4
Token 2
Token 3 Token 5
The payment schemes have indicated that all cards shall be eligible for tokenization by 2020.
Copyright MeaWallet 2019 [email protected] | www.meawallet.com
Evolution of Tokenization
Tokenization has become a standardized technology to Internet of Things has become a reality and there has been
secure mobile payments. Many consumers are already a growth in connected devices and IoT payments. IoT
using tokenized payments daily through mobile wallets payments are not only transforming the way we perform
and wearables. The purpose with tokenization has been to payments but also creating new business models and
protect consumers, merchants, and financial institutions payment capabilities when a car or a fridge initiates the
from fraud by replacing sensitive card information with payment. For IoT, payment security is one of the funda-
a token on payment transactions initiated from a token ments for success, and tokenization as a prerequisite holds
requestor like a mobile device or wearable. the same high security as other payment situations.
Tokenization 2.0
Securing eCommerce
EMVCo has published a new standard (SRC) for eCommerce transaction. Mastercard and Visa have both adopted it
into their digital commerce program and the goal is to finalize and implement it in 2019.
Copyright MeaWallet 2019 [email protected] | www.meawallet.com
How does Tokenization work?
Participating actors
Check out
Invisible Payments
Tokenization 3.0
IoT devices with dedicated tokens allowing them to
perform invisible payments for services on behalf of the
Tokenization is the key to enable all these new ways of paying and it is the core of the new digital era for mobile and
digital payments. Mea Token Platform provides this through a single interface for all major payment schemes.
Copyright MeaWallet 2019 [email protected] | www.meawallet.com
Increased Consumer Control
The shift to digital payments changes how we pay. 9"41 Push Provisioning
Consumers will end up having multiple tokens stored in to Wallet
Card details
several different digital wallets, apps and wearables due By pushing the wallet
to tokenization being used in ever more payment Private card button or swipe to activate
situations. How can consumers and issuers keep control of the card, the customer
this jungle of tokens? This issue introduces Token Connected Token
easily can start using the
Management. Token Management consists of services Wallets Services Subscriptions
digital wallet.
consumers and issuers can use to control and manage Apple Pay - iPhone X
tokens through consumers banking solution or issuers
Token Management gives the consumer new oppor- Fitbit Pay - Fitbit Ionic >
tunities, to not only push digitized cards to different
merchants (and token requestors) but to customize and Issuer Wallet - Google Pixel 2 >
Wallets Services
Push Token
SRC SRC Wallet - Wallet >
Push Token
Wallets Services
Copyright MeaWallet 2019 [email protected] | www.meawallet.com
Increased Consumer Control
- €12
€ 2582 € 2582
€ 2311 € 2311
Time 11:09
Delete token
Copyright MeaWallet 2019 [email protected] | www.meawallet.com
To learn more about tokenization and Token Management, visit us at
www.meawallet.com or get in touch with us at [email protected]