Haywire Outbreak Alpha1.3.4 Rules-1

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Version Alpha 1.3.4 Demo video link: https://youtu.be/_Rfo7Or9QFQ

Written by Martin Krasemann aka The solo wargamer.
Special thanks to Hornblende for all the brainstorm sessions and the first alpha team!

HAYWIRE OUTBREAK is a solo, fast paced, action-packed, extraction game where the players
control a group of survivors during a zombie outbreak. Their goal is to survive the hordes of
infected and reach the evacuation zone. OUTBREAK is a standalone expansion to HAYWIRE
the solo, modern skirmish game.

OUTBREAK can be played both in a campaign mode but also just for a simple game.
In the campaign mode, players participate in multiple missions and navigate on the campaign
map from one point of interest to the other in order to reach the extraction. While doing so
they can gather resources to craft useful items or loot weapons to better fight the infected. In
the simple game mode, the survivors just need to reach the extract on the opposite side of the
board where the F.E.M.A. (Federal Emergency Management Agency) have set up an evacuation

The idea behind the HAYWIRE series is to have a super simple set of rules that play fast. These
games always come with a set of cards that are used to fluidify the rules and move players away
from always flicking through a rulebook.

OUTBREAK is best played on a 3’x3’ board (90x90cm) with a group of 4 survivors but by
adjusting the number of threat tokens, a larger board or a larger group of survivors can be used.
Game content
OUTBREAK features more than 250 cards. Some are important if you want to keep track easily
of the stats of your survivors and their weapons but some could be skipped especially if you
don’t want to play a campaign.

Here is the list of deck of cards to play the game.

1. The Survivors deck. This deck represents all the survivors available in the game. It lists
each survivor stats and starting weapon.
2. The Starting weapons deck. These are all the weapons carried by the survivors. All
those cards have a flag icon in the top right corner
3. The Weapons deck. These are all the weapons that can be looted during a game.
4. The Reward weapon deck. These are high end weapons that can be obtained by
completing some missions in the campaign mode. All those cards have a crown icon in
the top right corner
5. The Upgraded weapons deck. These are a collection of weapons that have been
upgraded with some resources during the campaign. All those cards have a wrench icon
in the top right corner
6. The Craftable deck. These are items that can be crafted with resources in the campaign
but can also be found in the simple game mode. All those cards have a duct tape icon in
the top right corner and players should have at least 2 of each item available.
7. The Recipe deck. These are recipes that allow players to craft different craftable items
during the campaign.
8. The Event deck. This deck is mixed in the weapon deck and adds random events that
happen when a survivor tries to loot a weapon.
9. The Infected deck. These cards detail the infected stats and special rules.
10. The Threat level deck. These cards defines the number of infected that spawn on the
board and their type
During the summer of 2025, an outbreak of a highly contagious pathogen which causes
extreme aggression, mutation to the body cells and loss of higher brain functions appears in the
county of Charlestown. The government set up a full confinement and sent the national guard
alongside the FEMA to help the local police force and make sure everybody were staying at
home. The objective was to lock people in their home while the infected were dispatched
without causing a global panic. Unfortunately it quickly spread out of control. While they were
the most defended, hospitals were the first places to fall due to the number of infected that
were inside. Soon after the first glimpse of this outbreak, the whole area was put under
quarantine. Walls were established on the perimeter of the quarantine zone to make sure that
the infection will not spread to the whole region. Only a few checkpoints were established
allowing a passage from the quarantine zone back to safety. Most people did not follow the
confinement, they tried to reach those checkpoints early on, alerting the masses of infected
toward them.

The game happens a few weeks after the start of the pandemic. We follow some survivors.
Some people that were left in the quarantine zone. They managed to survive with the supplies
they had before the start of the chaos or by scavenging their neighborhood but now the
supplies starts to run low. The sound of the masses of people trying to evacuate has faded away
a long time ago and only the infected roam the streets. Some survivors found each other while
scavenging their surroundings forming small groups. We follow a group of 4 of them. Coming
from various horizons, they find each other and their only goal now is to exit their safehouse,
reach one of those checkpoints and exit the quarantine zone.

Units & measures

OUTBREAK units are calculated in inches ("). A scatter dice, a set of d20 and some d6 dice will
be necessary to play the game. Measures are calculated from base to base and a 20mm or
25mm base is recommended for the models.

In OUTBREAK, models have a 180° view angle. Anything located within this angle is
considered as in its Line Of Sight (LOS).

Turn & activation

In Outbreak there are 3 phases per turn. The player phase, the infected phase and the spawn
phase. During the player phase, players activate all their models one after the other using their
3 Action Points (AP) to do actions on the board. Once all players' models have been activated,
the infected phase starts. Each infected is activated starting by the closest to a survivor, then all
threat tokens are activated. If some noise has been made during the turn, additional infected
will spawn on the board during the spawn phase. After the spawn phase, the turn ends and a
new one begins.
OUTBREAK uses a survivor system. Each survivor comes with its own card. On each card you
will find the survivor's name, its combat stats and its starting weapon.

Combat stats:
Each survivor has only 3 stats. The 3 of them are used when doing a combat action and it shows
the target roll you need to score to successfully hit the targeted infected. This represents how
easy it is to use the weapon that the survivor is using. The first stat is Easy, the second is
Medium and the third one is Hard.

In OUTBREAK, each survivor starts the game with 3 health points granting them 3 Action
Points (AP). The total health of a survivor defines the number of AP he can use each turn. If its
health reaches 0, he is downed and can only be put back up with a defibrillator.
Example: If a survivor is injured by an infected having a strength of 1 like this walker, he will lose 1
health point and will start its next turn with only 2 Actions Points (AP).
In OUTBREAK each survivor starts with its own weapon but new ones can be found while
looting the environment. Each weapon comes with 4 important attributes. The combat stat
used when using the weapon, the number of dice rolled when using that weapon, the damage of
the weapon and some special rules like the max range or some accessories.

Weapon combat stat:

Each weapon is more or less easy to use. When using a weapon, use the combat stat of the
survivor as defined on the weapon he is using
Example: Earl is equipped with this Glock 17. This weapon uses the Medium combat stat of the
survivor which is the second stat. In this case a 11+ will be required to hit an infected.
Dice rolled:
When doing a combat action, roll a number of dice equal to the number mentioned on the
weapon card. Each combat action targets a specific infected, at least 1 successful roll is needed
to hit the targeted infected. If multiple dice are used for a combat and multiple are successful,
only deal once the damage to the infected.
Example: Here Francis is targeting an infected with this TEC-9 SMG. He rolls 3 dice and needs to score
a 15+ (hard combat stat) to hit the infected. 2 dices are above 15 meaning this combat action is a
success and 1 point of damage is affected to the infected.

Weapon damage:
Each weapon deals more or less damage. Most pistol and SMG will deal 1 point of damage while
rifle or shotgun deal 2 points of damage. Some infected can sustain multiple shots so pay
attention to which infected is targeted by which survivor.
Example: This armored infected has a resistance of 3. If a survivor does a successful combat action
using that m16 rifle, he will deal only 2 points of damage to that infected. A further combat action will
be required to remove this infected from the game.

When an infected is injured but not killed immediately, mark its remaining resistance point
with a D6 next to its base.
Survivor actions
OUTBREAK uses an action points system. Each survivor starts its turn with 3 Actions Points
(AP). Once activated, a model may do any of the following actions. The same action can be
done multiple times by the same model and all actions cost 1AP. Once a model has used all his
AP, this model counts as activated and can't be activated anymore this turn.

List of actions:
Models may move up to 6". It can be in a straight line, on stairs, through doors, moving up and
down ladders and ropes or even moving up or down an obstacle like a wall up to 3” high. When
moving up or down an object, subtract the height of the object from the total length of the
movement. When jumping over an obstacle like a wall, only count the length once.
Example: A model is in base contact with a 2" wall. He can use 2 of his 6" movement to jump above
the wall and then move 4" on the other side.

A move action can be heard up to 6”. When using 2AP or more in a row to move in the same
turn, it is considered as running and it can be heard up to 12”. The sound can be heard along the
whole path the model followed.
Designer note: A survivor may do a move, sneak and another move. This way it is not considered as
running and still allows a survivor to move a long distance.

Survivors engaged in melee combat with an infected are not able to move until the infected has
been killed.

Models may use the sneak action to move up to 3”. It follows the same rules as the move action
but it doesn’t make any noise. Survivors doing the sneak action are also harder to detect
visually. Sneaking can only be seen on a 15+. See the “Alert & detection” section.

The combat action is used for both melee combat and ranged combat. For a survivor to do a
combat action using a melee weapon, the infected must be within 1”.
To do a combat action, look first at the weapon the survivor is using. It indicates which combat
stats should be used when using that weapon. It also indicates the number of dice that should
be rolled for this attack. Roll that number of D20 and compare the result to the survivor stats. If
at least 1 dice is above the combat stat mentioned on the weapon card, that attack is successful
and the infected is hit.
Once an infected is hit, compare the damage that weapon deals to the resistance stat of the
targeted infected, if it’s equal or higher, that infected is removed from the game. If the weapon
deals less damage than the infected resistance stat, use a D6 next to the infected to indicate his
remaining resistance points.

A survivor may target any infected in its LOS as long as a clear line can be identified between
the survivor and the infected. If the infected is hidden behind another infected, that first
infected should be killed first. Before doing a combat action, a model may turn in any direction.
Any survivor may heal other injured survivors or himself. To do the heal action, a bandage, first
aid kit or defibrillator must be used and discarded. When the heal action is used, the injured
survivor receives back health points as defined on the card of the item used.

There are multiple types of throwable items that can be crafted or found like molotov cocktails
or pipe bombs. A throwable item may be thrown at a point on the board in LOS or behind cover.
The max range for throwing an item is 12”.
When throwing an item at a point in direct LOS use the easy combat stats.
When throwing an item at a point not in direct LOS use the medium combat stat.

If the roll misses. Roll a scatter dice to define the direction the throwable will scatter from the
targeted location and roll a D6 to define the length of the scatter.

A model may be placed in overwatch to be able to fire during the infected movement. When a
model is in overwatch, he is aiming with his weapon and is ready to fire. If an infected enters his
LOS a Combat action may be made instantly for no further action point. Before entering
overwatch, a model may turn in any direction. The overwatch action ends this model's
activation, meaning no other action can be attended after.

The overwatch action may also be used by a model equipped with a melee weapon. The
overwatch action can be triggered when an infected moves within 1” of the survivor.

The interact action may be used to loot or reorganize a survivor inventory. A model may use the
interact action when he is in base contact with a lootable spot. No roll is needed when doing
this action. When doing this action on a weapon spot, draw a card from the weapon deck and
place that card on your survivor. The card can be equipped and needs to be visible on the
survivor or it can be placed in the survivor inventory by hiding it behind other cards.
The same action is used when looting a resource spot in the campaign mode. Survivors
equipped with a flashlight grab 2 resources instead of 1.
Example: Here Francis is equipped with a Glock 17 and a Crowbar but the molotov cocktail is not
equipped. It is in his inventory hidden behind the crowbar.

The interact action can also be used to reorganize a survivor inventory or exchange any number
of cards with another survivor.
The infected
There are multiple types of infected in OUTBREAK, from the basic walker who is slow and can
be outrunned quite easily to the spitter that attacks from a distance or the juggernaut who
takes some heavy firepower to be killed. Each infected type comes with its own card detailing
its strength, resistance, distance it can move and roll needed to score a hit on a survivor. Some
infected also come with a special behavior dictated on their card.

Most infected have a strength of 1, meaning when a successful hit is achieved by that infected,
it will score 1 point of damage on a survivor.

Its resistance represents the amount of damage it can sustain before being removed from the
board. A basic walker has a resistance of 1 and can be killed by any weapon in a single attack
action but a juggernaut who is way tougher will be harder to kill. 7 points of damage should be
dealt in order to remove that infected from the table. A D6 placed next to the injured infected
can be used to track the remaining resistance point.

The distance represents the max distance that the infected can move during the infected turn
when he is alerted.

Roll to hit
Finally the last stat defines the roll needed for the infected to hit the survivor. The basic walker
is slow and scores a hit half the time with his 11+ but some others are more deadly.

Each infected has 2 Action Points. They will always use the first one to move and if a survivor is
within attack range, they will use the second AP only to attack. If no survivor is within attack
range, a new infected is activated. The Grappler and the Spitter are 2 infected that don't need
to be in base contact to attack a survivor. If they start their turn within attack range, they don’t
move and attack immediately. When moving, infected can go up vertical surfaces up to 1” high
otherwise they need to navigate around obstacles always moving toward the closest survivor.
When a survivor moves within 1” of an infected, the infected automatically moves in base
contact and is engaged in melee. This doesn’t apply if the infected ends its movement 1” away
from a survivor. A survivor can’t move away from the infected he is in base to base contact with.
The infected need to be killed before being able to move.

Infected placement:
OUTBREAK uses a threat system. It’s detailed later in the “how to play” section but token are
placed on the board to mark the position of the infected but the number of them or their type is
only revealed when a survivor gain LOS on the token. When getting LOS on a threat token, a roll
is made on a current threat level card and it will define how many infected will spawn and their

Here is the list of infected that can be encountered in OUTBREAK.

The walker is the most basic infected that can be encountered, all others are referred to as the
Special infected.

Name Strength Resistance Distance Roll to hit

Walker 1 1 6 11+

Bloater 1 2 6 -

Armored 1 3 6 11+

Runner 1 1 12 11+

Spitter 1 2 6 11+

Grappler 1 2 6 11+

Screamer 2 2 8 9+

Jumper 1 2 - 9+

Juggernaut 2 7 8 7+
Walkers are the most common infected encountered. They are slow and can be easily killed
with any weapon. While they are not much of a threat by themselves, they pose a great danger
when in groups.

The bloater mutation has caused them to produce immense quantities of bile making their skin
extremely unstable and subject to explosion.
When a bloater dies or when he moves within 3” of a survivor, it explodes and inflicts 1 point of
damage in a 3” radius around him. It can affect both survivors and others infected. The
explosion will alert the closest token or group of unalert infected within 18”.

Armored infected used to be first responders to the epidemic like the national guard or some
riot control officers. They are still equipped with some of their gear and thus far are harder to
kill. Only a sniper rifle or a rifle equipped with armor piercing rounds will be able to take them
down in one shot. Otherwise multiple hits should be done to stop them.

Runners' behavior is similar to that of a walker, except they are able to run at increasingly faster
rates. They can move up to 12” in the same turn making them a real threat no matter how far
they appear to a survivor.

The spitter mutations enable her to spit out a ball of mutated stomach acid and is the only
infected that can hit from a distance a survivor.
The spitter spills acid out of her mouth up to 6”. At the end of its movement, she will target the
closest survivor within range. If the spitter starts its turn within attack range, she doesn't move
and attacks immediately.
The grappler owns an incredibly long and strong tongue allowing him to grab survivors from
afar, bring them back toward him and then attack them in melee.
If the grappler ends its movement within 6" and in LOS of a survivor, he automatically grabs
him, moves that survivor in base contact with him and enters melee combat. If the grappler
starts its turn within attack range, it doesn't move and attack immediately.

A Screamer's lungs have mutated to be far spongier than normal human lungs and produce a
plasma-induced stream of sonic shockwaves in the form of a loud scream.
A screamer is emitting a very loud cry at the start of each turn. The cry will alert the closest
token or group of unalert infected within 18”.

The jumper is an Infected whose mutation has granted him incredible agility.
The jumper jumps up to 12” in a straight line toward the closest survivor avoiding obstacles.
When a survivor is in melee combat with a jumper, he can’t be activated until the jumper is
killed by another survivor.

Toughest of the infected to kill, Juggernauts take a considerable amount of firepower to
dispose of. While they are very lethal in melee and possess an incredible resistance, their
behavior follows the one of the simple walkers.
How to play the game
HAYWIRE OUTBREAK is a solo or coop game in which players need to bring their group of
survivors to the extraction. This section will detail how to play a simple game. The campaign
mode is detailed in the campaign section.

The survivors
The first step is to gather a group of survivors. When setting up a game, take the survivors deck
and draw 4 survivors and gather their starting weapons. Take also 4 craftable items randomly
selected. To do that, gather 1 of each craftable item (12 total) except the flashlight and the
fireworks that are relevant only in the campaign mode and draw 4 cards from this deck.
Place these cards on the side of the board as a quick reference. Some survivors can start with
firearms, others will start with melee weapons. Both are useful as melee weapons don't make
noise but you need to be close to the infected while firearms allow survivors to kill infected
from a distance but will make a lot of noise increasing the threat level and adding more
dangerous infected in the area.

While starting with multiple firearms might sound great, it also increases the threat level right
at the start of the game. The number of firearms defines which threat level the game will start.
Each suppressor also increases by 1 the threat level. This is detailed in the threat level section

If you don’t have an actual model for all the survivors, feel free to remove some survivors from
the deck or select directly the survivors you want. The random selection is used to spice things
up but is not mandatory.

When playing in coop, each player can draw an equal number of survivors. Larger group of
survivors can be used to make sure all players have the same amounts of survivors.
Example: Here Earl starts with his glock 17 and a molotov cocktail while Francis starts only with a
Survivor placement & extract
OUTBREAK takes place in the early weeks of the infected outbreak. The government is still
present and the F.E.M.A. (Federal Emergency Management Agency) has set up evacuation
zones all around the area that all the survivors should try to reach to be extracted.
At the start of the game, randomly select on which board edge the survivors will be deployed.
The scatter dice might be used for that. Once deployed, mark on the opposite side the extract.
When all the remaining survivors end their turn within 3” of the extract, the game ends and the
survivors extract from the area.

Note: This chapter covers the looting in the simple game mode. For the campaign, the rules are
slightly different, see the campaign chapter.

While the main goal of the survivors is to stay alive and reach the extract on the opposite side
of the board they can also loot their environment to try to find better weapons and items.
When setting up the game, place 6 weapons spots evenly throughout the board. It can be a
colored dice, a piece of scenery, or anything to mark where the survivors need to go to find
something. To be able to loot that object, a survivor needs to be in base contact and needs to
use the “Interact” action, costing him 1 AP to grab the loot. Place next to the board the weapons
deck and add into it all the event cards.

Survivors can carry a maximum of 4 cards and can only be equipped with 2 cards at the same
time. They can’t equip 2 weapons at the same time except if one of them is a melee weapon or a
pistol. To switch cards while not looting a weapon spot, the interact action must also be used.
Only equipped cards give its benefits to its survivors and can be used immediately.
Example: A survivor is equipped with a pistol and a melee weapon but he also has in its inventory a
molotov cocktail. To be able to use the molotov cocktail, the interact action must be used first to equip
it then he will be able to use the throw action to throw the molotov cocktail.

When an item is used and removed from the inventory of a survivor like a molotov cocktail, a
new one can be equipped immediately without the need of using the interact action.
Threat tokens
Infected models are not placed on the board before the start of the mission to represent the
fact that the player doesn't know their number or their type. Instead you will need some threat
tokens, some silhouette looking at a specific direction. If you don’t have some, you could find
them on the desk-ops website or you could just use any kind of token that has a way to identify
a direction.
Designer note: A piece of paper with an arrow for the direction it is facing is also perfect.

When starting a new game, take a number of threat tokens equal to the number of 12”x12”
(30x30cm) squares of your board.
Example: For a 3’x3’ (90cmx90cm) board, you will use 9 tokens .

The tokens should be placed evenly throughout the board with a minimum of 6” from the
survivors initial position. Orient each token in a random direction. The game has been designed
to be played on a 3’x3’ (90x90cm) board.

Threat level deck

The threat level deck defines the number of infected to place on the board and their type. It is
used when getting LOS on a threat token but also to spawn additional infected when noise is
made. The higher the threat level is, the higher the chances are to encounter more and tougher
At the start of the game look at the number of firearms of your survivors, this number defines
which threat level to start with. Each suppressor adds also 1 threat level.
If the survivors are only equipped with melee weapons, the threat level 0 is used to start the mission.
If the survivors have a total of 2 firearms, the threat level 2 is used.
If 4 survivors are equipped with rifles each with suppressors, the threat level 8 is used which is the
highest difficulty level.

During each game the threat level will increase if some noise is made. There are 4 types of
noise that can increase the threat level. One or multiple survivors used an unsuppressed
firearm, a craftable item exploded, a bloater exploded or a screamer emitted a cry. If any of
these sounds is made, this will increase by one the threat level for the next turn. The threat
level can only go up 1 level at the end of a turn no matter how many noises are made. Switching
the threat level is done at the start of the next turn.
Examples: A group of survivors has 2 firearms and thus far start the game with the threat level 2.
During the first turn, both survivors equipped with firearms fire their weapons. At the start of the
following turn, the threat will increase one level and the threat level 3 card will be used.

Revealing a threat token

When a survivor establishes LOS on a threat token or when a threat token becomes alerted, a
D20 roll is immediately done on the current threat level card. It will define the number of
infected that will replace the threat token and their type.
If the player doesn’t have a model to represent a special infected that has been rolled, use 3
walkers instead.
Example: A survivor moves and gain LOS on a threat token. A D20 is immediately rolled. It’s early in
the game and we are still at the threat level 2. The D20 indicates 18 meaning 3x Walkers + 1x Bloater
are placed where the threat token was located.
When replacing the threat token by the infected, always place the special infected, if there is
one, exactly where the threat token was located and place the walkers surrounding him. They
should all face the direction defined by the threat token.

If a threat token becomes alerted but is not in direct LOS of a survivor, it is also revealed and
the infected are placed on the board. That might be the case when a threat token hears a
gunshot behind another building for example.

Unalert movement
As long as they are not alerted, threat tokens and revealed infected moves randomly on the
board. During their activation, roll a D6 and a scatter dice and move them D6” in the direction
defined by the arrow icon on the scatter dice. If the aim icon is obtained, don’t move the threat
token or infected, instead orient them in that direction.

Always activate the revealed infected first, then the threat tokens and activate them from the
closest to your survivors to the farthest. All the infected that were revealed on the same token
stay together and follow the same direction.

When a token becomes alerted during the infected phase, the token is replaced by the infected
and they will move immediately toward the closest survivor even if the token becomes alerted
toward the end of its random movement.
Example: It’s turn 1 and no token has been revealed yet. During the infected phase, the token closest
to the group of survivors is activated and a random movement makes it move 6” toward the closest
survivor gaining LOS him. When the survivor gain LOS on the threat token, it is automatically revealed
and the infected are placed on the board. In this example, 3 infected are placed. 3 detection roll are
immediately done for every survivor in LOS of the infected (see alert & detection section). 1 roll is
above 11+ meaning the group of infected becomes alerted and can be activated.

Infected that are revealed but not alerted also move using a D6 + a scatter dice even though
they can have a longer movement based on their card.
Alerted infected movement
During the infected phase, alerted infected are always activated first and starting with the
closest to a survivor to the farthest. They are activated one at a time.
Alerted infected will always move toward the closest survivor even if they don’t have LOS on
him. They will always use the shortest path to reach the survivor. If 2 roughly equal paths could
be used, select randomly which one will be used using a D6.

Infected can move over obstacles up to 1” high like small walls or barricades but they can’t
move on top of vehicles except for the jumper.

Alert & detection

If a survivor is or moves within the LOS of an infected model or threat token, a roll is
immediately done to check if the survivor has been seen. The roll is done for every infected
model that has LOS.

If the survivor is in the open with no cover, the infected will detect him on an 11+.
If the survivor is behind some cover or if he did a sneak, the infected will detect him on a 15+.
If a survivor moves within 6” and in LOS of an infected, he is automatically detected, even if he
used the sneak action.
Once an infected becomes alerted, he stops moving randomly on the board. This infected
knows all the survivors location and will move toward the closest survivor and try to attack.

When an alerted infected moves within 3” of an unalerted infected or threat token, the alert
will spread to the unalerted infected or threat token.

In addition to the visual detection, infected and threat tokens can also become alerted when
hearing noises. The following sounds will alert the closest threat token or unalert infected
within the defined range.

● A survivor doing a move action or a Suppressed gunshot can be heard up to 6” away.

● A survivor running (2 move actions in a row or more in the same turn) can be heard up
to 12” away.

● An unsuppressed gunshot, a bloater or a craftable item that explodes and a screamer

that emits a cry can be heard up to 18” away.

Example: A survivor uses 2AP to do 2 combat actions and fire his rifle 2 times during the same turn. 3
threat tokens are within 18” but only the 2 closest ones will be alerted since he did 2 combat actions.
A survivor is targeting a bloater who is in the middle of the board. 5 threat tokens are within 18” of the
bloater but only the closest one will become alerted upon explosion of the bloater.
Spawn phase
The spawn phase is the last phase of a game turn, it starts once all the infected and all the
threat tokens present on the board have been activated.

Spawn points
The spawn points are locations where new infecteds can arrive on the board when noise is
made during a turn. When setting up a game, define 6 spawn points. They can be placed on a
board edge or the door of a building. It can even be a tree line, a vehicle or a sewer, any piece of
scenery that could hide where they were before entering the board. The 6 of them should be
spread evenly throughout the board and there shouldn’t be any spawn points within 6” of the
extract. Mark each spawn point with a D6 from 1 to 6.

Spawning new infected

When some noises are made, this will attract new infected on the board in addition to raising
the threat level.

Same as the threat level increases, there are 4 types of noise that can spawn new infected on a
spawn point. One or multiple survivors used an unsuppressed firearm, a craftable exploded, a
bloater exploded or a screamer emitted a cry. When any of these sounds are heard in a turn,
roll a D20 on the current threat level card and spawn these new infected on a spawn point. To
define on which spawn point, use a D6.
Example: We are at the threat level 5. Some gunshots were heard this turn and a bloater exploded. The
D20 roll indicates that 1x walker + 1x armored infected enters the board . The D6 roll indicates 3
meaning the 2 infected arrive on the spawn point number 3.

The infected that arrive are alerted, they know the survivors location and will move toward the
closest survivor.

At the end of a turn, after the spawn phase, if the sum of infected + threat tokens on the board
is equal or lower than the current threat level, spawn 2 additional groups of infected on the
board on 2 random spawn points using the current threat level card. Those infected enter the
board alerted and know the position of the survivors.
Example: We are at the threat level 7 and it is late in the game, most threat tokens have been revealed.
Only 2 are left but 7 infected are present on the board. 7 infected + 2 threat tokens equal 9 which is
higher than the current threat level of 7. No additional group spawn.
The next turn, the survivors managed to take out 5 infected with a molotov cocktail without making
any noise, only 2 infected are still standing. 2 infected + 2 threat tokens equal 4 which is lower than
the threat level 7. 2 additional groups will spawn at the end of this turn.
Threat inside buildings
Infected might be present inside buildings in addition to the ones present on the threat tokens.
When entering a room, roll a d20 and refer to the chart below. A further scatter roll defines the
direction the infected models will be facing.
- 1- 14, nothing is inside
- 15-17, 1 infected is inside
- 18-19, 2 infected are inside
- 20, 3 infected are inside

Custom survivor
While OUTBREAK comes already with a selection of survivors, a photoshop template is
available for anyone to create their own survivor. (the template is not available for the alpha test)

A general guidelines for the combat stats is as follows.

Civilian and survivor without firearm experience
Police, national guard, …
Special forces, SWAT teams, ...
While OUTBREAK can be played as quick standalone missions, it can also be played in a
campaign mode, where players keep their group of survivors for a few missions to reach their
final destination. In the campaign, the survivors start in a safehouse that is pretty far from the
extraction checkpoint. They will need to go through the city of Charlestown moving from one
area of interest to the next.

Campaign map
The campaign map has been hand drawn by the group of survivors. It indicates all the locations
in Charlestown that's worth checking on their way out. The blue marking represents the
shortest path to the checkpoint but doesn't offer as many rewards as side paths. Each game in
OUTBREAK is referred to as a mission and players are free to choose the path they want.

In each of their missions, the goal of the survivors is to reach the opposite side of the board,
exactly like the simple game mode. There are no objectives on the board except the goal of
escaping the infected and reaching their next destination. When a mission has been completed,
the location of the mission has been reached. Each named location on the map will grant a
different reward when reaching it. Some locations don't offer any rewards but they offer the
closest path to the extract.

Designer note: The actual location doesn't need to be present on the board. Locations are
reached once the survivors reach the opposite side of the board on each of their missions and
the reward is automatically gained. Each mission represents the journey to get to the location.
This way any player can attend the mission even if they don't have a building or piece of scenery
to represent the various locations. Not everybody has a hospital or a police station for example.

When the group of survivors reaches the opposite side of the board on the last mission, the
campaign ends and the last paragraph of the campaign chapter can be read.
Named locations
Each named location on the map offers a different reward. Players can plan their path toward
the extract according to what they need and what they think will help them the most.

Reward weapons:
Some locations offer reward weapons upon completion. Reward weapons are marked with a
crown icon in the top right corner. They should be separated from the regular weapons at the
start of the game as these can only be received as a mission reward. They can't be looted

In the campaign mode 2 elements can be looted. Weapons and resources. There are 6 different
types of resources. Alcohol, rag, can, scrap, chemical and binding. When setting up your board,
mark 6 locations where players can interact to retrieve a weapon like in the simple game mode
and place another 6 locations where a resource can be found. Each spot can be marked with a
colored dice, a piece of scenery, or anything to mark the difference between the 2 types of
spots. All those lootable spots should be evenly spread throughout the board. Survivors need
to do the Interact action when they are in base contact with those spots in order to grab the

Weapons spots use a deck of cards like in the simple game mode. Only the event cards are
added to the weapon deck. When looting a weapon spot, simply draw one card. If it’s a weapon,
put it in your survivor inventory, if it’s an event, resolve the event without finding a new

Resources spots use a D6. When looting a resource point, roll a D6 and refer to this table:

Roll 1 2 3 4 5 6

Resource Alcohol Rag Can Scrap Chemical Binding

To keep track of your resources between missions, it is recommended to note that on a piece of
In the campaign, crafting takes an important role. Resources found in missions can then be used
to craft items that you found the recipe. Each item will require a different combination of

Crafting recipe
At the start of the campaign, the group of survivors know how to craft a bandage and a molotov
cocktail. As they progress on the map, they will learn new recipes that they can use to help
them during missions.

Recipes take the shape of a deck of 14 cards. At the end of each mission, draw one random
recipe your survivors will learn. There are more recipes than the closest path toward the
extract meaning players may not encounter all the recipes in a single campaign.

Weapons upgrades
Some melee weapons can be upgraded into a better version. These upgrades cost some
resources and it’s detailed on the card of the weapon that can be upgraded. Upgraded weapons
are marked with a wrench icon in the top right corner. Same as the reward weapons, they
should be separated from the regular weapons at the start of the game as these can only be
crafted from the base weapon. No recipes are needed to upgrade a weapon, it can be done at
any moment during the campaign.
When starting a campaign, it works in the same way as for a simple game. The first step is to
gather a group of 4 survivors and their starting weapons. Your group also starts with 1 bandage
and 1 molotov cocktail plus the recipe for both the bandage and the cocktail.

When starting any mission, the survivors will always be placed on a random table edge and
their goal is always to reach the exact opposite side.

Throughout the campaign, players will encounter new survivors that will join their group. The
max amount of survivors that can be present in your group is 6. A larger group will make too
much noise and will be easier to detect for the infected so the survivors decided to travel in
small groups instead.

At the end of each mission, the group of survivors is resting in a safe place. During this time,
players can use their resources to craft items and use them or keep them for a later mission.
Players can also reorganize their survivors inventory leaving weapons or other cards behind if

If a survivor loses all his 3 health points in a mission, he is put in a downed state. In this state,
only a defibrillator can put him back up and give him back 1 health point. If the survivors don't
have any defibrillator, the injured survivor is considered dead. When a survivor dies, all his
weapons and items stay on him and can be looted by the other survivors.
When a survivor is in a downed state, he is ignored by the infected.
This section details each location present on the map and the reward received once the mission
has been completed.

Name Reward
Hardware store 6 resources
FEMA camp Defibrillator + 1 special weapon

St, Clair Clinic 3 bandages

Fairfield civic arena 1 new survivor + 4 resources
Police station 1 new survivor + 1 special weapon + shield
Theater settlement Allow to exchange any resources against any other resources
Warehouse 8 resources
Distress call 2 new survivors
Convoy 2 special weapons

Crash site 1 new survivor + 1 special weapon

McBride's Guns 1 special weapon + armor piercing rounds + improvised silencer
Garage 1 new survivor
Hospital 2 first aid kits
Holly hill mall 8 resources
Survivor camp 2 new survivors
Prescott Farm 2 tripwire mines + 2 pipe bombs

Each location can be only attended once.

Campaign end
Read the following paragraph only when reaching the end of the campaign, when reaching the
extraction checkpoint.

When reaching the military checkpoint on the edge of the containment zone, you don’t see
anybody guarding it. Slowly approaching the large metallic doors, your group of survivors
noticed that the door has been disemboweled leaving enough space for your group to sneak
through. After passing the doors, chock and fear spread among the group. Dead bodies of
soldiers litter the ground. The only ones standing are the infected. The lockdown didn’t manage
to avoid the spread of the epidemic. Now what will our survivors do in this OUTBREAK?

Thanks for reading through the HAYWIRE OUTBREAK rules! I hope you will enjoy it as I really
enjoy creating these rules. My original idea was really to create a fast paced, action packed
game. Far from the other survival games where sneaking and making the less sounds is always
the best. In OUTBREAK, if you like to go guns blazing, this will be perfect for you.

If you would like to join the HAYWIRE community and discuss with me about the rules, I
created a discord server, here is the link: https://discord.gg/kjG2KtCkra

Where to find infected and survivors models.
Physical: Zombicide, hasslefree miniatures, crooked dice miniatures, Walking dead all out war,
hayland terrain, spectre miniatures, …

Stl: Vaultz, Flytrap Factory, TurnBase miniatures, Albino raven, Skull forge studio, …
Cheat sheet
Place 1 threat tokens for every 30x30xm tile on your board.
Place 6 spawn points marked with a D6 from 1 to 6.
Place 6 weapons spots
Place 6 ressource spots (only in campaign)
Draw 4 random survivors + their starting weapons + 4 random craftable items (only in simple
game mode).
Select randomly the starting point. The extract will be on the opposite side.
The starting threat level is equal to the number of firearms + suppressor you have.

Survivor phase
Players activate all their survivors one after the other and use their 3AP to do action on the
List of actions: Move (6”), sneak(3”), combat, throw, overwatch, heal, interact.

Each survivor starts the game with 3 health points granting them 3AP. The total health of a
survivor defines the number of AP he can use each turn

Infected phase
Survivors in LOS of a threat token or infected are detected on a 11+. If the survivor is behind
cover or did a sneak, he is detected on a 15+.
Alerted infected are activated starting from the closest to a survivor. They move toward the
closest survivor and attack if they are within range. Then unalert infected and threat tokens
move randomly using a D6 + scatter dice.
Alert factors: unsuppressed gunshots or explosions are heard within 18”, running is heard
within 12”, suppressed gunshots or moves are heard within 6”.

Only the closest unalert infected or threat token can become alerted when hearing a noise.

Spawn phase
If some noise has been made during this turn (gunshots, bloater explosion, screamer cry,
craftable explosion) new infected spawn on the board on a random spawn point. A D20 roll on
the current threat level indicates how many infected spawn plus their type. Use a D6 to define
on which spawn point.

At the end of the turn, if some noise has been made during this turn, increase the threat level by

At the end of a turn, after the spawn phase, if the sum of infected + threat tokens on the board
is equal or lower than the current threat level, spawn 2 additional groups of infected.

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