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electricity for 5–6 h during spring tides, and about 3 h BARRAGE
during neap tides, out of a tidal cycle lasting just less
than 12½ h. Thus a tidal barrage produces two blocks The principal components of a tidal barrage are:
of energy each day, the size and timing of which follow (1) Turbo-generators. Two types are favoured. The first
the lunar cycle. Figure 3.2 shows a typical output over is the ‘bulb’ turbine, so-called because the generator
a spring tide to neap tide cycle. is enclosed in a steel watertight bulb upstream of the
If the output of the tidal barrage is fed into a well- runner which is normally of four-bladed axial flow
developed grid system, then the power stations with type. For large units, say 20 MW or above, the runner
the highest avoidable running costs, such as gas turbines is directly coupled to the generator. For small units
or older coal-fired plant, can be either shut down or the option is becoming available of inserting a two-
throttled back in order to absorb the tidal power in a stage epicyclic gearbox to increase the speed of the
way that maximises its value. The predictability of the generator by about 10:1. This reduces access and
output from a tidal barrage means that this absorption cooling problems around the generator. The Rance
can be planned as far ahead as necessary. barrage3 has 24 turbines with 5·4 m diameter runners
If the grid system is not sufficiently developed to be and 10 MW direct-coupled generators. The second
able to absorb this predictable but intermittent energy, is the ‘rim-generator’ or ‘Straflo’ turbine which is
then two-way generation, which produces two smaller marketed by Sulzer-Escher Wyss of Zurich. This type
blocks of energy per tide at around 10 to 15% greater has the generator rotor mounted on the rim of the
unit cost, may be preferable. This is discussed in more runner blades so that generator cooling and rotational
detail later in the section dealing with system effects. inertia are improved at the expense of difficult sealing
Wave Energy
4.1 INTRODUCTION consent) as Appendix 4.1. The Report forms the basis
of much of this section.
The UK has a special position in wave energy. This
arises from the pioneering work of a number of 4.2 TECHNOLOGY
innovators in the early 1970s, which led to a
substantial programme lasting some 10 years, and on The DEn programme concentrated on the following
which, at its peak in about 1981, the Department of main areas. Where appropriate, we refer to other work
Energy’s expenditure was running at about £4 m per under the same heading.
annum. The programme’s objectives became clearly
defined, and when, in about 1982, the Department
4.2.1 Wave data
decided that they had substantially been achieved, the
decision to scale the programme down was quite This provides the basic design information. Because
logical. The objectives were: of the time scales of wave variability, it can take some
years to build up a good statistical model of wave
(a) to establish the technology for extracting energy amplitude and directionality for a particular site.
from ocean waves; However, the combination of wind statistics (which
(b) to estimate the cost of this energy, if used on a are much more complete) with the Meteorological
large scale to supply UK needs. Office wind-wave forecasting method has enabled
The qualifying phrase in objective (b) is important. good working models, including directionality, to be
The Department of Energy’s reason for sponsoring the developed for most areas of interest.
programme was the hope that wave energy could
economically provide a significant proportion of the 4.2.2 Conversion principles
country’s electricity needs. This influenced decisions
on the conduct of the research programme throughout.
Figure 4.1 (from Report R26, Fig. 4.1, p. 22) illustrates
Devices and techniques which were only likely to be
the main concepts considered in the DEn programme,
useful on the small or local scale were, in the main,
for conver ting the slow movement of water to a more
only worked on if the work could support the
easily used and transmitted form, normally electricity.
programme’s national-scale objectives. This, for
In interfacing with the waves, any converter must
instance, ruled out devices which could not even in
be constrained so that wave forces are resisted. This
principle be developed into a 2 GW power station.
gives rise to the concept of a ‘frame of reference’ against
Because certain devices of this kind show promise as
which the converter reacts (Report R26, p. 21).
power sources for diesel substitution in remote island
Frames of reference can be achieved in a number of
communities, work has continued (or begun) on them
ways, including
since the end of the main DEn programme, on a much
more limited financial scale. — using the sea-bed for fixing or mooring;
The DEn programme was reported in March 1985 — mounting several converters on a common frame or
in ETSU Report R26, Wave Energy—The Department spine so that relative motion is obtained between them;
of Energy’s R & D Programme 1974–1983. The — using the inertial force due to the gyroscopic action
summary of this Report is reproduced (with ETSU of a flywheel;
— relying on the mass and inertia of the device. through a turbine when needed. This principle was
proposed for Mauritius by A.N.Walton Bott, and it is
One conversion principle which has been explored currently being demonstrated in Norway in the
mostly outside the DEn programme is that of Tapchan system. In the latter system, wave fronts en-
‘overtopping’, where wave action causes water to flow ter a gently tapered channel, where their height be-
over a dam where it is stored, and allowed to run out comes much enhanced.
Fig. 4.3. The achievable resource (from Report R26, Fig. 3.8).
Programme Content
Wave power has not yet progressed to the stage In order to meet these objectives, a comprehensive programme of work was carried
where the institutional objections have been out in the following main areas:
formulated. However, a large offshore scheme might ⵧ Wave Data
meet opposition from shipping and fishing interests, Work on collecting and analysing wave data has advanced our knowledge of the
wave climate considerably. The variable nature of wave energy is now better
although the benefit of creating an inshore passage understood and the size of the resource is more firmly established
in relatively calm water should not be ⵧ Conversion Principles
underestimated. The most suitable form of energy to which wave energy can be converted s
electricity At present, the most cost-effective type of converter is likely to use
Fears are said to have been expressed that noise wave motion to generate an air flow to drive turbines
from mechanisms on large-scale wave energy schemes ⵧ Device Designs
Over three hundred ideas for capturing wave energy were examined. The most
could frustrate the detection of sub-marines. We do attractive concepts were tested at small scale in wave tanks, and three were
not know whether there is any truth in this. tested in sea conditions at one-tenth scale. Eight devices were taken to the stage
where reference designs for a 2GW power station located off NW Scotland were
produced and costed. This required the development of design codes for structures
and a study of materials and construction techniques, and a great deal is now
4.7 EXPORT POTENTIAL known about the sheer scale of the operations involved in building such stations.
ⵧ Mooring and Anchoring
Although mooring and anchoring technology has made advances in recent years,
certain unique requirements of mooring systems for wave energy converters
There would no doubt be some opportunity for exporting required special approaches. Significant progress was made on the design of
the specialised mechanisms of wave energy devices. These ‘compliant’ mooring systems.
might include air turbines, flexible bags, Duck gyros, ⵧ Power Conversion and Transmission
The particular problems of aggregating power from thousands of individual
electrical plant, mooring ropes, etc. Much of the capital generating sets and delivering it via a single transmission line to the Grid were
cost of any wave energy system, large or small, would be studied in depth and suitable systems were designed.
ⵧ Availability and Maintenance
in civil works construction, largely using local labour.
The economics of wave energy are heavily dependent upon the availability of
This would appeal to overseas governments. There would devices and the cost of maintaining them. Mainly through the development of
computer modelling techniques, the level and type of maintenance and repair
be opportunities for UK consulting engineers. resources required by wave power stations were determined.
Wind Energy
5.1 INTRODUCTION this comparison, one of the claims of the vertical axis
machine being that it can ultimately be developed to
Fresh interest in wind power developed in the mid- larger size due to the non-cyclic gravitational loads. It
1970s in the UK and in much of the Western World. is thought that large wind turbines will have the
This followed the oil price increases of 1973 and 1974 advantage offshore where foundations will be expensive,
but was assisted by the great advances in materials but these machines are still in the experimental stage.
and aerospace and computer technology. The On land more modest sizes could prove beneficial,
mathematics necessary to analyse thoroughly the perhaps somewhere between 250 kW and 2000 kW
dynamics, aerodynamics and aeroelastics of medium rated capacity, and appreciable experience is already
and large wind turbines (WTs) are highly complex. available at the lower end of this range.
Prior to this, development had been static for many
The modern development has followed two parallel
paths, horizontal axis and vertical axis. The former is
similar to the traditional windmill and is probably
more developed than the vertical axis wind turbine.
In theory both types can be similar in efficiency but
they are fundamentally different in mode of operation.
In the horizontal axis machine the blades rotate in a
vertical plane, thus resulting in sinusoidally varying
gravitational stresses, whilst the stresses due to the
wind remain constant for a given wind speed if we
neglect any variation of wind across the circular swept
area. On the other hand, the gravitational stresses are
constant for a vertical axis wind turbine but the
aerodynamic stresses vary sinusoidally, peaking as the
blades cross the wind upstream of the tower. Both types
operate on the principle of aerodynamic lift with the
velocity of the blades exceeding that of the wind. Figure
5.1 illustrates the mode of operation of the horizontal
axis wind turbine and Fig. 5.2 that of the vertical axis
machine. The other fundamental difference is that the
blades of the horizontal axis turbine must be turned
into the wind (the technical term is known as yawing)
whilst the vertical axis wind turbine is omnidirectional.
Advocates of both types claim advantages but the
proof will only be available when both are sufficiently
developed and tried to prove which has the best long
term economics. It could well be that size comes into Fig. 5.1. Velocity diagram for horizontal axis wind turbine.
Fig. 5.3. Californian wind farm (17 m diameter, 100 kW WT, US Windpower Inc.).
Fig. 5.4. 4 MW Darrieus WT, Project Eolé, Canada (photo by courtesy of National Research Council, Canada).
windspeeds of 8·4 m/s and above. The total exploitable 5.5 COMMERCIAL PROSPECTS
wind resource is hard to assess with any certainty.
The CEGB concluded that if £700/kW cost figures The economic appraisal in Section 5.4 indicates good
are achievable then on sites with mean annual wind commercial prospects but these must be tempered by
speeds of 8·4 m/s or more at 30 m height, about 1000 environmental acceptability and institutional and other
MW of capacity could be installed, producing electricity barriers, as is the case with any power generation
at a comparable cost to PWR nuclear, and that this scheme. These are examined in the following sections.
would have an equivalent firm capacity of 400 MW. Nevertheless markets do exist and will continue to
If capital costs fall to £600/kW then a further 2000 develop. These are of two types: the ‘wind farm’ and
MW of installed capacity on 8 m/s wind speed sites the ‘stand alone’ machine require different marketing
would be competitive with nuclear power. (This and servicing. The only significant wind farm market
analysis was based on the use of a 5% return on to have developed to date is that in California where
investment as then required for a public sector a combination of tax concessions, good purchase rates
organisation.) for electricity, and wind amplification due to geographic
factors in areas well serviced by HV transmission lines
(i.e. passes between deserts and valleys or valleys and
5.4 ECONOMIC APPRAISAL coastal areas) created a bonanza for wind power. Not
all projects succeeded but some proved themselves
Where wind turbines can be installed in substantial and their products, including two British and several
numbers in wind farms the cost of electricity Danish firms. It is a remarkable fact that despite the
generated may be comparable with that from nuclear diversity of machines and companies, and the
or coal-fired power stations, in the range of 2 to 4 unplanned, unstructured growth of the industry, within
pence/kWh at a 5% discount rate provided that 7 years a new source of electricity generation has been
targets for availability, lifetime and maintenance are tapped, with very rapid production evolution year by
met. The BWEA’s publication Wind Power for the year now resulting in high quality machines. In the
UK3 estimates 2·1 p/kWh on a 9·4 m/s mean wind Californian case all the factors were favourable. It is
site. It is estimated that 1000 MW of wind turbines doubtful whether we shall see this repeated elsewhere;
could be installed on sites with mean wind speed thus wind turbine manufacturers will wish to plan
greater than 8 m/s on the UK mainland. A summary their export on the basis of a sound home market. It
of the results of this calculation is appended at the should be noted also that even in the ‘windy’ passes
end of this section. of California, annual mean wind speeds are lower
The medium to long term economic prospects for than 8 m/s.
wind-generated electricity in the UK look The stand alone market is generally for small
encouraging. Department of Energy assessments machines (up to 100 kW) and is mostly in remote or
Estimated land areas and energy load factors with high average
It must be emphasised that this study was based on windspeeds
the total land area available in England and Wales;
the actual usable areas are likely to be considerably
less than this. Areas of high wind speed are mainly
found at high elevations and therefore tend to lie in
scenic regions including areas of outstanding natural
beauty and national parks. The practical land area
that could be used is uncertain. If 10% of the areas
given in the above table could be developed with a wind energy capacity of these regions would be about
typical planting density of 4 MW per sq km the total 3000 MW, with up to 1000 MW available at
Until April 1990, local taxation in the form of rates The Dutch wind turbine industry was given a major
was at a penal level on privately owned wind turbines boost in 1986 when the Ministry of Economic Affairs
and other private electricity generators (other than launched a 4-year programme worth over £38 m. A
those used only for agricultural purposes). This total of £20·75 m has been allocated to ‘market
however has now been rectified with the introduction stimulation’ whereby subsidies will be allocated on
of formula rating reasonably comparable to that for an installed kW basis to turbines which have been
the large utilities. The result was no wind farms and certified by the Dutch Test Station (ECN). A further
relatively few planning applications. £11·2 m has been allocated for grants to wind turbine
The payment for power generated is, at the time of manufacturers for industrial technology development.
printing, somewhat confused due to the process of The remaining sum, £6·4 m, has been allocated to basic
privatisation of the electricity supply industry. In some research activities in research institutes and universities
cases the operators of wind turbines may be able to and to support the continued operation of the ECN
benefit under the 1989 Electricity Act, from the Non- Test Station. The aim of this ambitious programme is
Fossil Fuel Obligation and the associated fossil fuel to develop the Dutch industry, thus enhancing its
levy, but possibly only until 1998. There-after sales ability to compete in the large wind turbine market
will have to be to the pool at the going rates for all both in the Netherlands and abroad.
generators. This may create considerable difficulties
in financing projects on the open market with the 5.8 EXPORT OPPORTUNITIES
requirement for high rates of return.
Fig. 5.9. British WTs, 250 kW (Wind Energy Group), in Altamont Pass, California.
Source: Ref. 3.
Power capacity estimated at 30% exceedance, which on most British rivers gives a 50% plant factor or thereabouts.
Includes Kielder scheme (under construction).
These values reflect the high utilisation factors of water supply schemes, which are typically 60%.