Unit 34 Théo Gardey
Unit 34 Théo Gardey
Unit 34 Théo Gardey
Khae is cleaning her apartment because it’s very messy / dirty / untidy.
There are papers on the floor and clothes all over her flat. In the picture, Khae is holding a
mop and she is mopping the floor.
- To clean the floor, you can also use a broom to sweep the floor.
- You can use a vacuum cleaner to vacuum/hoover the floor.
Other chores?
- Washing/doing the dishes
- Doing the laundry
- Doing the ironing / ironing the laundry
- Folding the laundry / hanging up the laundry
- Phrasal verbs: to clean up / to tidy up / to straighten up / to put away
Non ironing fabric => use a steamer
-How often do your friends and family come over to your house?
-Not so often, say once a month.
-Are you more of a tidy person or a messy person?
Not at all
What is your favourite thing to do at home?
- I love lying on the sofa => couch potato.
- I like reading, watching TV with my parents and playing with my dogs outside.