11 Simrc

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Hitachi Proprietary DKC810I

Rev.0 / Dec.2013 Copyright © 2013, Hitachi, Ltd.



Hitachi Proprietary DKC810I
Rev.0 / Dec.2013 Copyright © 2013, Hitachi, Ltd.


SIMRC01-10 1. Reference Code

SIMRC02-10 2. Reference Codes

SIMRC02-20 2.1 SIM Reference Codes Detected by the Processor
SIMRC02-480 2.2 SIM Reference Codes Detected by the SVP

SIMRC03-10 3. SIM Format

Hitachi Proprietary DKC810I
Rev.0 / Dec.2013 Copyright © 2013, Hitachi, Ltd.

1. Reference Code
A six-byte reference code (RC) is provided for a SIM (service information message) to identify an
error and error section. The following shows 32 SIM bytes and reference codes.

Byte 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31

SIM SSB 00 90 10 00 00 00 8F E0 44 10 00 04 00 80 04 0C 69 00 00 00 00 02 30 70 05 10 42 C0 F1 00 02 00

SSB22, 23
SIM type
Indicates SIM. RC = 307080 F1: DKC SIM

Notice for z/Linux :

If the host is z/OS, SIM-RC is displayed by 32 bytes on the console message, but if the host is
z/Linux, SIM-RC is displayed by 4 bytes as follows.

SIM-RC = wwxxyyzz
ww : Byte 22 on SIM SSB
xx : Byte 23 on SIM SSB
yy : Byte 11 on SIM SSB
zz : Byte 12 on SIM SSB

E.g.) : The SIM displayed on the console.

SIM-RC = 30700400
30 : Byte 22
70 : Byte 23
04 : Byte 11
00 : Byte 12

Therefore, on the z/Linux configuration, if the SIM-RC is displayed on the console message, refer
the first 2 bytes (Byte 22 and Byte 23) and confirm the SIM on SVP, then estimate the error site.

Hitachi Proprietary DKC810I
Rev.0 / Dec.2013 Copyright © 2013, Hitachi, Ltd.

2. Reference Codes
SIMs are roughly classified into two types: SIMs detected by the processor and SIMs detected by
the SVP.

SIM report specifications are shown below.

(1) Time in SIM Log is basically “at the time of generating the phenomenon concerned”.

(2) When satisfying the following conditions, SIM reports to the host.
• SIM which is defined as “Yes” in the “Host Report” column in Table 2.1 and 2.2
• SVP is in “View Mode”, and not in the “Complete” status.
• The condition is basically that one hour elapses after device IMPL and 16K I/O is received
after IMPL, but there is a SIM-RC which exceptionally reports regardless of IMPL time and
the number of I/O (the target SIM-RC is noted in Table 2.1 and 2.2).

(3) The access opportunities to perform the host report are as shown below:
• Device SIM (byte28 = x‘FE’) reports as statistic information basically at the time of
accessing the device of the RAID Group concerned.
• SIM other than the device SIM reports even if it accesses any device of the storage system.
• However, there is the one such as “DKC system (common) SIM” in the device SIM, and it
performs the host report even if it accesses any device of the storage system (the target SIM-
RC is noted in Table 2.1 and 2.2).

(4) You can refer to SIM LOG in the Information window of SVP from immediately after SIM is
created. Timing of the automatic report is performed at this time.

(5) When the automatic report is completed, a SIM to be automatically completed exists (The
target SIM-RC is noted in Table 2.1 and 2.2).

(6) If it does not become Complete status even after passing eight hours from the first host report,
a re-host repost (repeat host report) is performed. The re-host report is up to three times in

(7) SIM which is shown as “No” in the “Host Report” column is not reported to SNMP and not
displayed in Storage Navigator. The following SIMs are exceptions.
SIM-RC: 47FX, 4821, AC90
SIM which is shown as “Yes” in the “Host Report” column is reported to SNMP and displayed
in Storage Navigator if it is reported to SVP.

(8) SIM which is reported to SVP is reported to T.S.D.

Hitachi Proprietary DKC810I
Rev.0 / Dec.2013 Copyright © 2013, Hitachi, Ltd.

2.1 SIM Reference Codes Detected by the Processor

SIM Reference Codes Detected by the Processor (1/10)
Error REF CODE SIM Level of Host Remarks
22,23,13 28 error report
Port error Chanel port blocking 2120XX F1 Moderate Yes XX: Port# (*10)
AL_PA value conflict 2190XX F1 Service No XX: CHAPCB# +
Port# in PCB (*49)
Link failure1 (*36) 2193XX F1 Serious Yes XX: CHAPCB# +
Port# in PCB (*49)
Link failure2 (*35) 2194XX F1 Serious Yes XX: CHAPCB# +
Port# in PCB (*49)
HTP hard error 21BXYY F1 Moderate Yes X: MPB# (*3)
YY: Port Path# (*11)
HTP blocking 21A3XX F1 Moderate Yes XX: CHAPCB# +
Port# in PCB (*49)
Fibre Cable contact failure 21A4XY F1 Service No X: MPB# (*3)
YY: Port# in PCB (*49)
SFP wrong type 21A8XX F1 Moderate No XX: CHAPCB# +
Port# in PCB (*49)
SFP TxFault 21AAXX F1 Moderate No XX: CHAPCB# +
Port# in PCB (*49)
External storage system 21D0XX F1 Moderate Yes XX: CHAPCB# +
connection path blocking Port# in PCB (*49)
External storage system 21D1XX F1 Service No XX: CHAPCB# +
connection path restore (*34) Port# in PCB (*49)
Threshold over by external 21D2XX F1 Service Yes XX: CHAPCB# +
storage system connection Port# in PCB (*49)
path response time-out (*34)
Processor CHK1A threshold over 3070XY F1 Service No X: MPB# (*3)
error Y: MP# (0 ~ 7) in PCB
CHK1B threshold over 3071XY F1 Service No X: MPB# (*3)
Y: MP# (0 ~ 7) in PCB
CHK3 threshold over 3072XY F1 Service No X: MPB# (*3)
Y: MP# (0 ~ 7) in PCB
Processor blocking (*51) 3073XY F1 Moderate Yes X: MPB# (*3)
Y: MP# (0 ~ 7) in PCB

Hitachi Proprietary DKC810I
Rev.0 / Dec.2013 Copyright © 2013, Hitachi, Ltd.

SIM Reference Codes Detected by the Processor (2/10)

Error REF CODE SIM Level of Host Remarks
22,23,13 28 error report
Processor FM error 3075XY F1 Moderate Yes X: MPB# (*3)
error Y: MP# (0 ~ 7) in PCB
Incorrect SUM value of FM 3076XY F1 Service No X: MPB# (*3)
Y: MP# (0 ~ 7) in PCB
Processor memory temporary 3077XY F1 Service No X: MPB# (*3)
error (*a) Y: MP# (0 ~ 7) in PCB
PS OFF impossible 388F00 F1 Moderate No
PS OFF impossible (Device 389F00 F1 Moderate No
Undefined Package is 3990XY F1 Moderate No X: MPB# (*3)
mounted Y: MP# (0 ~ 7) in PCB
V-R or serial number is 3991XY F1 Moderate No X: MPB# (*3)
inconsistent Y: MP# (0 ~ 7) in PCB
Replace failed 3993XY F1 Moderate No X: MPB# (*3)
Y: MP# (0 ~ 7) in PCB
MP patrol check error 39B0XY F1 Service No X: MPB# (*3)
Y: MP# (0 ~ 7) in PCB
Backup/restore SM 6100XX F1 Moderate No XX = 00: Backup failed
Information failed (LAN error)
01: Backup failed
(Micro factor)
02: Recovery failed
(See TRBL03-35-10)
LDEV Blockade (Effect of 3A0XYY F1 Moderate Yes X: CU# (*16)
microcode error) YY: LDEV#

(*a) This SIM is automatically completed after automatic report completion.

Hitachi Proprietary DKC810I
Rev.0 / Dec.2013 Copyright © 2013, Hitachi, Ltd.

SIM Reference Codes Detected by the Processor (3/10)

Error REF CODE SIM Level of Host Remarks
22,23,13 28 error report
CHA/DKA CHA/DKA Type 3C9500 F1 Moderate No See TRBL03-27-10
error disagreement
CHA PCB exchange 3C96XX F1 Service No XX: CHA PCB# (*4)
CHA patrol check error 3CC0XX F1 Service No XX: CHA PCB# (*4)
CHA Memory Correctable 3CC1XX F1 Service No XX: CHA PCB# (*4)
DKA patrol check error 3DC0XX F1 Service No XX: DKA PCB# (*5)
DKA Memory Correctable 3DC1XX F1 Service No XX: DKA PCB# (*5)
SAS CTL blocking CF10XX F1 Moderate Yes XX: SAS CTL# (*12)
A SAS PORT, one of 2WL, CF11XX F1 Service No XX: SAS Port# (*12)
is partial blocked
SAS PORT blocked (*53) CF12XX F1 Moderate Yes XX: SAS Port# (*12)
Chassis connection error EFFEXX F1 Moderate Yes XX: SAS Port# (*12)
DRR temporary error CF80XX F1 Service No XX: DRR# (*9)
DRR blocking CF82XX F1 Moderate Yes XX: DRR# (*9)
DMA temporary error CF81XX F1 Service No XX: DMA# (*8)
DMA blocking CF83XX F1 Moderate Yes XX: DMA# (*8)
LR blocking CF88XX F1 Moderate Yes XX: LR# (*7)
All DMA blocking CF89XX F1 Moderate Yes XX: LR# (*7)
Logical DMA blocking CF6XYY F1 Moderate Yes X: MPB# (*3)
YY: DMA# (*8)
MFDMA blocking CFB0XX F1 Moderate Yes XX: LR# (*7)
Logical DRR blocking CFDXYY F1 Moderate No X: MPB# (*3)
YY: DRR# (*9)

Hitachi Proprietary DKC810I
Rev.0 / Dec.2013 Copyright © 2013, Hitachi, Ltd.

SIM Reference Codes Detected by the Processor (4/10)

Error REF CODE SIM Level of Host Remarks
22,23,13 28 error report
HSN error LR - CM 32XXYY F1 Moderate No XX: LR# (*45)
(*30) Logical path blockade YY: CM PCB# (*46)
Route CM PCB#
LR - MP 33XXYY F1 Moderate No XX: LR# (*45)
Logical path blockade YY: MPB# (*47)
Route CM PCB#
MP - CM 34XXYY F1 Moderate No XX: MPB# (*48)
Logical path blockade YY: CM PCB# (*46)
Route CM PCB#
MP - MP 35XXYY F1 Moderate No XX: MPB# (*48)
Logical path blockade YY: MPB# (*47)
Route CM PCB#

Hitachi Proprietary DKC810I
Rev.0 / Dec.2013 Copyright © 2013, Hitachi, Ltd.

SIM Reference Codes Detected by the Processor (5/10)

Error REF CODE SIM Level of Host Remarks
22,23,13 28 error report
Cache error Pinned slot FF4XYY F2 Moderate No X: CU# (*16)
MSW PLD warning FF9C0X F2 Moderate No X: CM PCB# (*6)
Cache Module Blockade FFC2YX F2 Service Yes X: CM PCB# (*6)
Processing end Y: CMG# (*14)
Cache Package Blockade FFC30X F2 Service Yes X: CM PCB# (*6)
Processing end
CM/CMA patrol check error FFCC0X F2 Service No X: CM PCB# (*6)
Area is volatilized FFCD0X F2 Service No X: Cluster# (*2)
Package is volatilized FFCE0X F2 Service No X: CM PCB# (*6)
Module group is volatilized FFCFYX F2 Service No X: CM PCB# (*6)
Y: CMG# (*14)
DIMM Correctable error FFF0YX F2 Service No X: CM PCB# (*6)
Y: CMG# (*14)
Cache temporary error FFF1YX F2 Service Yes X: CM PCB# (*6)
Y: CMG# (*14)
Module group blocking FFF2YX F2 Moderate Yes X: CM PCB# (*6)
Y: CMG# (*14)
Package blocking FFF30X F2 Moderate Yes X: CM PCB# (*6)
Area blocking FFF40X F2 Serious Yes X: Cluster# (*2)
Both area failed FFF50X F2 Moderate No X: CM PCB# (*6)
CMA Memory Correctable FFF80X F2 Service No X: CM PCB# (*6)
Replace failed FFF90X F2 Serious No X: 0 = Side A, 1 = Side B
Module group error in FFFDYX F2 Service No X: CM PCB# (*6)
On-demand area Y: CMG# (*14)
Cache battery is being FE0000 F2 Serious No
Cache is used for the Battery FE0100 F2 Service No
charge completion
Cache unused due to Battery FE0200 F2 Moderate No
charge amount shortage
Cache SSD mounting FE030X F2 Serious No X: CM PCB# (*6)
capacity shortage
Definition/Installation FFE800 F1 Acute No See TRBL03-18-10

Hitachi Proprietary DKC810I
Rev.0 / Dec.2013 Copyright © 2013, Hitachi, Ltd.

SIM Reference Codes Detected by the Processor (6/10)

Error REF CODE SIM Level of Host Remarks
22,23,13 28 error report
Shared SM area blocking FFE20X F1 Serious Yes X: Cluster# (*2)
memory WDCP loss of duplicated FFDEXX F1 Service No XX: Lost information type
error information (*28)
Replace failed FFE40X F1 Serious No X: CM PCB# (*6)
Configuration information FFE600 F1 Acute No
compare error
Rebooted with volatilization FFE700 F1 Serious Yes
after an instantaneous down
Recovery of area blocked FFEA0X F1 Service Yes X: Cluster# (*2)
temporarily was completed
Area temporary blocking FFEE0X F1 Service Yes X: Cluster# (*2)
Rebooted without FFEF00 F1 Service No
volatilization after an
instantaneous down

Hitachi Proprietary DKC810I
Rev.0 / Dec.2013 Copyright © 2013, Hitachi, Ltd.

SIM Reference Codes Detected by the Processor (7/10)

Error REF CODE SIM Level of Host Remarks
22,23,13 28 error report
Drive error Drive port temporary error DF6XXX FE Service No XXX:CDEV#/RDEV#(*13)
(normal (Drive path: Boundary 0) (*20)
R/W) Drive port temporary error DF7XXX FE Service No XXX:CDEV#/RDEV#(*13)
(Drive path: Boundary 1) (*20)
Drive temporary error EFAXXX FE Service No XXX:CDEV#/RDEV#(*13)
Drive media error 434XXX FF Service No XXX:CDEV#/RDEV#(*13)
Drive port blockade DF8XXX FE Moderate Yes XXX:CDEV#/RDEV#(*13)
(Drive path: Boundary 0) (*20) (*c)
Drive port blockade DF9XXX FE Moderate Yes XXX:CDEV#/RDEV#(*13)
(Drive path: Boundary 1) (*20) (*c)
LDEV blockade DFAXXX FE Serious Yes XXX:CDEV#/RDEV#(*13)
(Drive path: Boundary 0/ (*b)
Effect of Drive port (*c)
blockade) (*19)
LDEV blockade DFBXXX FE Serious Yes XXX:CDEV#/RDEV#(*13)
(Drive path: Boundary 1/ (*b)
Effect of Drive port (*c)
blockade) (*19)
Drive Link Rate Abnormality DFCXXX FE Service Yes XXX:CDEV#/RDEV#(*13)
(Drive path: Boundary 0) (*c)
Drive Link Rate Abnormality DFDXXX FE Service Yes XXX:CDEV#/RDEV#(*13)
(Drive path: Boundary 1) (*c)
Response late Drive DFFXXX FE Service No XXX:CDEV#/RDEV#(*13)

Drive blockade (drive) EF0XXX FE Serious Yes XXX:CDEV#/RDEV#(*13)

(with redundancy) (*c)
Drive blockade (drive) EF1XXX FE Serious Yes XXX:CDEV#/RDEV#(*13)
(without redundancy) (*c)
Drive blockade (Effect of EF2XXX FE Service Yes XXX:CDEV#/RDEV#(*13)
Dynamic sparing normal end) (*b)
LDEV blockade (Effect of EF9XXX FE Serious Yes XXX:CDEV#/RDEV#(*13)
drive blockade) (*19) (*b)
Correction access occurred EFCXXX FE Serious Yes XXX:CDEV#/RDEV#(*13)

(*b) This device SIM performs the host report at the opportunities to access the DKC system
(common) SIM and the optional device.
(*c) When the drive is 3880 emulation mode, the SIM is not reported to host.

Hitachi Proprietary DKC810I
Rev.0 / Dec.2013 Copyright © 2013, Hitachi, Ltd.

SIM Reference Codes Detected by the Processor (8/10)

Error REF CODE SIM Level of Host Remarks
22,23,13 28 error report
Drive error Drive blockade (media) 43BXXX FF Serious Yes XXX:CDEV#/RDEV#(*13)
(normal (with redundancy) (*c)
R/W) Drive blockade (media) 43CXXX FF Serious Yes XXX:CDEV#/RDEV#(*13)
(without redundancy) (*c)
Correction copy start 451XXX FE Service Yes XXX:CDEV#/RDEV#(*13)
(*24) (*b)
Correction copy normal end 452XXX FE Service Yes XXX:CDEV#/RDEV#(*13)
(*24) (*a) (Source side drive)
Correction copy abnormal 453XXX FE Serious Yes XXX:CDEV#/RDEV#(*13)
end (*24) (*b) (Source side drive)
Correction copy discontinued 454XXX FE Service No XXX:CDEV#/RDEV#(*13)
(*24) (Source side drive)
Correction copy warning 455XXX FE Service Yes XXX:CDEV#/RDEV#(*13)
end (*24) (*b) (Source side drive)
(With blockade LDEV or (*c)
some error)
Dynamic sparing start (*24) 461XXX FE Service Yes XXX:CDEV#/RDEV#(*13)
(Drive copy) (*c) (Source side drive)
Dynamic sparing normal end 462XXX FE Service Yes XXX:CDEV#/RDEV#(*13)
(Drive copy) (*24) (*a) (Source side drive)
Dynamic sparing abnormal 463XXX FE Moderate Yes XXX:CDEV#/RDEV#(*13)
end (Drive copy) (*24) (*c) (Source side drive)
Dynamic sparing 464XXX FE Service No XXX:CDEV#/RDEV#(*13)
discontinued (Source side drive)
(Drive copy) (*24)
Dynamic sparing warning 465XXX FE Service Yes XXX:CDEV#/RDEV#(*13)
end (With blockade LDEV or (*c) (Source side drive)
some error)
(Drive copy) (*24)
Pinned slot EF4XYY FE Moderate No X: CU# (*16)

(*a) This SIM is automatically completed after automatic report completion.

(*b) This device SIM performs the host report at the opportunities to access the DKC system
(common) SIM and the optional device.
(*c) When the drive is 3880 emulation mode, the SIM is not reported to host.

Hitachi Proprietary DKC810I
Rev.0 / Dec.2013 Copyright © 2013, Hitachi, Ltd.

SIM Reference Codes Detected by the Processor (9/10)

Error REF CODE SIM Level of Host Remarks
22,23,13 28 error report
Drive error Drive temporary error 501XXX FE Service No XXX:CDEV#/RDEV#(*13)
(ORM) (Source side drive)
Drive media error 502XXX FF Service No XXX:CDEV#/RDEV#(*13)
(Source side drive)
Flash drive Flash drive End of life (*59) 50BXXX FE Service Yes XXX:CDEV#/RDEV#(*13)
replacement (*c)
Flash Flash module drive End of 50CXXX FE Service Yes XXX:CDEV#/RDEV#(*13)
module life (*59) (*c)
Flash Flash module drive 505XXX FE Service No XXX:CDEV#/RDEV#(*13)
module battery error (ORM)
drive errorFlash module drive 508XXX FE Moderate No XXX:CDEV#/RDEV#(*13)
battery error
Flash module drive 50DXXX FE Service No XXX:CDEV#/RDEV#(*13)
battery warning (*60)
Flash module drive 50EXXX FE Moderate No XXX:CDEV#/RDEV#(*13)
battery capacity shortage(*58)
PDEV Erase PDEV Erase Start 4C1XXX FE Service No XXX:CDEV#/RDEV#(*13)
PDEV Erase Normal End 4C2XXX FE Service No XXX:CDEV#/RDEV#(*13)
PDEV Erase Abnormal End 4C3XXX FE Service No XXX:CDEV#/RDEV#(*13)
External External storage system EFD000 FE Serious Yes
device error connection device blockade
Abnormal end of Write EF5XYY FE Moderate No X: CU# (*16)
processing in External YY: LDEV#
storage system
Abnormal end of Read FF5XYY FE Moderate No X: CU# (*16)
processing in External YY: LDEV#
storage system
Cache Cache Write Pending ratio is 491000 F1 Service No (*18)
Condition over 65%

(*a) This SIM is automatically completed after automatic report completion.

(*c) When the drive is 3880 emulation mode, the SIM is not reported to host.

Hitachi Proprietary DKC810I
Rev.0 / Dec.2013 Copyright © 2013, Hitachi, Ltd.

SIM Reference Codes Detected by the Processor (10/10)

Error REF CODE SIM Level of Host Remarks
22,23,13 28 error report
Format Format complete 4100XX F1 Service No XX =
(*a) 00: Normal end (*41)
01: Abnormal end
02: Partial abnormal end
Quick Format finish 410100 F1 Service No
SVP Ethernet error for SVP 1400X0 F1 Moderate Yes X: MPB# (*3)
interface (*e)
error SIM transfer failure to SVP 1401X0 F1 Serious Yes X: MPB# (*3)
System Disk Audit Log lost 180000 F1 Moderate Yes
Audit Log not access 180100 F1 Moderate Yes
Power error HDU power off (CL1) (*60) AC52XX F1 Moderate Yes XX: HDU# (*59)

HDU power off (CL2) (*60) AC53XX F1 Moderate Yes XX: HDU# (*59)

HDU power recovered (CL1) AC54XX F1 Service Yes XX: HDU# (*59)
HDU power recovered (CL2) AC55XX F1 Service Yes XX: HDU# (*59)
DKC was set to power error AC6000 F1 Moderate No
DKC was released from AC6100 F1 Service No
power error mode
When DKC was set to power AC6200 F1 Service No
error mode, Urgent
Destaging start succeeded
When DKC was set to power AC6300 F1 Moderate No
error mode, Urgent
Destaging start failed.
Server error DB Validation error (*33) AC9000 F1 Serious No

(*a) This SIM is automatically completed after automatic report completion.

(*d) The Host report of this SIM is “No”, but reported to SNMP and displayed in Storage
(*e) This SIM is not reported to SVP.

Hitachi Proprietary DKC810I
Rev.0 / Dec.2013 Copyright © 2013, Hitachi, Ltd.

SIM Reference Codes Detected by the Processor for TrueCopy for Mainframe/
TrueCopy/HAM (1/2)
Error REF CODE SIM Level of Host SIM LOG Remarks
22,23,13 28 error report display (SVP)
Pair volume TC-MF/TC/HAM started D00XYY FE Service Yes No X: CU# (*16)
status error the initialcopy or out of (*29) YY: LDEV#
sync for this volume (*a)
TC-MF/TC/HAM D01XYY FE Service Yes No X: CU# (*16)
completed the initial copy (*29) YY: LDEV#
for this volume (*a)
TC-MF/TC/HAM for this D02XYY FE Service Yes No X: CU# (*16)
volume was deleted (*29) YY: LDEV#
(Operation from an (*a)
SVP/Web Console or a
host processor)
TC-MF completed the D06XYY FE Service Yes No X: CU# (*16)
Create pair (*29) YY: LDEV#
(No copy suspend)
Remote Copy pair status D1ZXYY FE Service Yes No X: CU# (*16)
change (MCU Command) (*29) YY: LDEV#
(*a) Z: (*26)

(*a) This SIM performs the host report even though it is less than one hour after IMPL or the
number of I/O is less than 16,000 I/O.
(*b) In the case of “Yes”, SIM LOG will be displayed in the SVP.
In the case of “No”, SIM LOG will not be displayed in the SVP and reported to T.S.D.
But, when SIM LOG failed in a host report, it will be displayed in the SVP and Storage
Navigator, reported to T.S.D. and SNMP.

Hitachi Proprietary DKC810I
Rev.0 / Dec.2013 Copyright © 2013, Hitachi, Ltd.

SIM Reference Codes Detected by the Processor for TrueCopy for Mainframe/
TrueCopy/HAM (2/2)
Error REF CODE SIM Level of Host SIM LOG Remarks
22,23,13 28 error report display (SVP)
Pair volume TC-MF/TC/HAM for this D40XYY FE Serious Yes Yes X: CU# (*16)
status error volume was suspended (*29) YY: LDEV#
(Due to an unrecoverable (*a)
failure on the remote copy
TC-MF/TC/HAM for this D41XYY FE Serious Yes Yes X: CU# (*16)
volume was suspended (*29) YY: LDEV#
(Due to an unrecoverable (*a)
failure on the M-VOL or
the remote
TC-MF/TC/HAM for this D42XYY FE Serious Yes Yes X: CU# (*16)
volume was suspended (*29) YY: LDEV#
(Due to an unrecoverable (*a)
failure on the R-VOL)
TC-MF for this volume D43XYY FE Serious Yes Yes X: CU# (*16)
was suspended (*29) YY: LDEV#
(Caused by DFW to the (*a)
R-VOL was prohibited)
TC-MF/TC/HAM for this D44XYY FE Serious Yes Yes X: CU# (*16)
volume was suspended (*29) YY: LDEV#
(Due to an internal error (*a)
condition detected by the
TC-MF/TC/HAM for this D45XYY FE Serious Yes Yes X: CU# (*16)
volume was suspended (*29) YY: LDEV#
(Caused by Delete pair (*a)
operation was issued to
the R-VOL)
The R-VOL has D46XYY FE Serious Yes Yes X: CU# (*16)
suspended. (*29) YY: LDEV#
(Due to an unrecoverable (*a)
failure on the remote copy
The R-VOL has D47XYY FE Serious Yes Yes X: CU# (*16)
suspended (Due to an (*29) YY: LDEV#
unrecoverable failure on (*a)
the R-VOL)
Status of the M-VOL was D4FXYY FE Serious Yes Yes X: CU# (*16)
not consistent with the (*29) YY: LDEV#
R-VOL (*a)

(*a) This SIM performs the host report even though it is less than one hour after IMPL or the
number of I/O is less than 16,000 I/O.
(*b) In the case of yes, SIM LOG will be displayed in the SVP.

Hitachi Proprietary DKC810I
Rev.0 / Dec.2013 Copyright © 2013, Hitachi, Ltd.

SIM Reference Codes Detected by the Processor for Business Continuity Manager
Error REF CODE SIM Level of Host SIM LOG Remarks
22,23,13 28 error report display (SVP)
Command Command device D57XYY FE Service No Yes X: CU# (*16)
device operation execution of YY: LDEV#
operation command device in state

(*b) In the case of yes, SIM LOG will be displayed in the SVP.

Hitachi Proprietary DKC810I
Rev.0 / Dec.2013 Copyright © 2013, Hitachi, Ltd.

SIM Reference Codes Detected by the Processor for TrueCopy for Mainframe/
Error REF CODE SIM Level of Host SIM LOG Remarks
22,23,13 28 error report display (SVP)
LCP/FCP Logical path(s) on the 2180XX F1 Moderate Yes Yes XX: CHAPCB# +
error remote copy (*39) Port# in PCB
(Remote connections was (*a) (*49)
Control logically blocked (Due
Port) to an error conditions)
The logical path has 2181XX F1 Service Yes No XX: CHAPCB# +
been (*39) Port# in PCB
recovered from blocked (*a) (*49)
condition on the remote
copy conditions

(*a) This SIM performs the host report even though it is less than one hour after IMPL or the
number of I/O is less than 16,000 I/O.
(*b) In the case of yes, SIM LOG will be displayed in the SVP.

Hitachi Proprietary DKC810I
Rev.0 / Dec.2013 Copyright © 2013, Hitachi, Ltd.

SIM Reference Codes Detected by the Processor for ShadowImage for Mainframe/
ShadowImage/FlashCopy (R) V2/FlashCopy (R) SE/Volume Migration/XRC/CoW/
TI (1/1)
Error REF CODE SIM Level of Host Remarks
22,23,13 28 error report
SI-MF error/ SI-MF/SI Copy 47DXYY FE Moderate Yes X: CU# (*16)
SI error/ abnormal end (*43) (*44) YY: LDEV#
FlashCopy (target volume)
(R) error FlashCopy (R) 4B2XYY FE Moderate Yes X: CU# (*16)
Option abnormal end YY: LDEV# (T-VOL)
FlashCopy (R) 4B4XYY FE Moderate Yes X: CU# (*16)
Hierarchical Memory Access YY: LDEV#
Error (VOL which access
error occurred)
All FlashCopy (R) 47E500 F1 Moderate Yes
Option abnormal end by SM
Forcible suspend by SM 47E700 FE Moderate Yes
volatile (SI-MF/SI)
Volume Volume Migration 47FXYY FE Moderate No X: CU# (*16)
Migration abnormal end (*b) YY: LDEV#
error (destination volume)
XRC error Sidefile ‘sleep wait’ 490XYY FE Service Yes X: CU# (*16)
threshold over (*a) YY: LDEV#
Generate SIM
Copy-on- Forcible suspend by SM 47EC00 F1 Moderate Yes
Write volatile
Snapshot/ Copy-on-Write Snapshot/ 4B3XYY FE Moderate Yes X: CU# (*16)
Thin Image Thin Image YY: LDEV#
error Option abnormal end
Thin Image Warning before depletion of 670000 FE Moderate Yes No service report
error cache management devices
Pair Failure SI-MF/SI (*43) 7FF102 F1 Service No No service report
SIM Reduce Copy-on-Write Snapshot/ 7FF104 F1 Service No No service report
Thin Image
FlashCopy (R) 7FF105 F1 Service No No service report
Volume Migration 7FF106 F1 Service No No service report

(*a) This SIM is not reported to SVP.

(*b) The Host report of this SIM is “No”, but reported to SNMP and displayed in Storage

Hitachi Proprietary DKC810I
Rev.0 / Dec.2013 Copyright © 2013, Hitachi, Ltd.

SIM Reference Codes Detected by the Processor for Copy-on-Write Snapshot/

Thin Image Pool (1/1)
Error REF CODE SIM Level of Host Corresponding to Remarks
22,23,13 28 error report complete from
Web Console
Copy-on- Pool utilization 601XXX F1 Moderate Yes Yes XXX: Pool#
Write threshold excess Due to expectation of
Snapshot/ user’s maintenance
Thin operation
Image • No LED light on
Pool error • No service report (*a)
Pool blocking 602XXX F1 Moderate Yes Yes XXX: Pool#
Pools blocking
by SM volatile
SM Space 603000 F1 Moderate Yes Yes Due to expectation of
Warning user’s maintenance
• No LED light on
• No service report (*a)
SM Full 624000 F1 Moderate Yes Yes For Thin Image

(*a) When System Option Mode 471 is set to turning on, there is service report.

Hitachi Proprietary DKC810I
Rev.0 / Dec.2013 Copyright © 2013, Hitachi, Ltd.

SIM Reference Code Detected by the Processor for Dynamic Provisioning (1/1)
Error REF CODE SIM Level of Host Corresponding to Remarks
22,23,13 28 error report complete from
Web Console
Dynamic The DP POOL 620XXX F1 Moderate Yes Yes XXX: Pool#
Provisioning Warning Due to expectation of
Pool error Threshold was user’s maintenance
exceeded operation
• No LED light on
• No service report
The DP POOL 622XXX F1 Moderate Yes Yes XXX: Pool#
FULL Due to expectation of
user’s maintenance
• No LED light on
• No service report
The DP POOL 623XXX F1 Moderate Yes No XXX: Pool#
error is XXX: FFE:
detected DP Pools
blocking by SM
SM Full 624000 F1 Moderate Yes Yes
DP pool 625000 F1 Moderate Yes Yes Due to expectation of
threshold user’s maintenance
continues to be operation
exceeded • No LED light on
• No service report (*a)
The DP POOL 626XXX F1 Moderate Yes Yes XXX: Pool#
Depletion Due to expectation of
threshold was user’s maintenance
exceeded operation
• No LED light on
• No service report
The DP POOL 627XXX F1 Moderate Yes No XXX: Pool#
DP Protect 628000 F1 Service Yes No
setting of Data

(*a) When System Option Mode 741 is set to turning on, there is service report.

Hitachi Proprietary DKC810I
Rev.0 / Dec.2013 Copyright © 2013, Hitachi, Ltd.

SIM Reference Codes Detected by the Processor for DCR (1/1)

Error REF CODE SIM Level of Host Remarks
22,23,13 28 error report
DCR PreStaging abnormal end 4821XX FE Service No XX: Reason code (*25)
Status (*a)

(*a) The Host report of this SIM is “No”, but reported to SNMP and displayed in Storage

SIM Reference Codes Detected by the Processor

for Mainframe Fibre Data Migration (1/1)
Error REF CODE SIM Level of Host Remarks
22,23,13 28 error report
Mainframe Blocking the Data 21D4XX F1 Moderate No XX: CHAPCB# +
Fibre Data Migration path Port# in PCB (*49)
Data Migration Path 21D5XX F1 Service No XX: CHAPCB# +
Recovery Port# in PCB (*49)
Blocking the Data EFD400 FE Moderate No (*42)
Migration source device

Hitachi Proprietary DKC810I
Rev.0 / Dec.2013 Copyright © 2013, Hitachi, Ltd.

List of Reference Codes of SIMs Detected by UR Processor (1/3)

Error REF CODE SIM Level of Host Remarks
22,23,13 28 error report
Pair volume A volume to be used by the D80XYY FE Service Yes X: CU# (*16)
failure UR was defined (*40) YY: LDEV#
The volume being used by D81XYY FE Service Yes X: CU# (*16)
the UR began a copying (*40) YY: LDEV#
The volume being used by D82XYY FE Service Yes X: CU# (*16)
the UR completed a copying (*40) YY: LDEV#
The volume being used by D83XYY FE Service Yes X: CU# (*16)
the UR received a request for (*40) YY: LDEV#
suspension (*a)
The volume being used by D84XYY FE Service Yes X: CU# (*16)
the UR completed a (*40) YY: LDEV#
suspension transaction (*a)
The volume being used by D85XYY FE Service Yes X: CU# (*16)
the UR received a request for (*40) YY: LDEV#
deletion (*a)
The volume being used by D86XYY FE Service Yes X: CU# (*16)
the UR completed the (*40) YY: LDEV#
deletion (*a)
The volume being used by D87XYY FE Service Yes X: CU# (*16)
the UR was defined (*40) YY: LDEV#
(placed in the PSUS status (*a)
A Delta volume to be used by D88XYY FE Service Yes X: CU# (*16)
the UR was defined (*40) YY: LDEV#
A Delta volume to be used by D89XYY FE Service Yes X: CU# (*16)
the UR was redefine (*40) YY: LDEV#
A change to an S-VOL was D9ZXYY FE Service Yes X: CU# (*16)
received from the MCU (*40) YY: LDEV#
(*a) Z: (*37)
A change to an S-VOL was DAZXYY FE Service No X: CU# (*16)
received from the RCU YY: LDEV#
Z: (*38)

(*a) This SIM performs the host report even though it is less than one hour after IMPL or the
number of I/O is less than 16,000 I/O.

Hitachi Proprietary DKC810I
Rev.0 / Dec.2013 Copyright © 2013, Hitachi, Ltd.

List of Reference Codes of SIMs Detected by UR Processor (2/3)

Error REF CODE SIM Level of Host Remarks
22,23,13 28 error report
Pair volume A volume being used by a DC0XYY FE Serious Yes X: CU# (*16)
failure P-VOL was suspended (*40) YY: LDEV#
(Path recovery was (*a)
A volume being used by a DC1XYY FE Serious Yes X: CU# (*16)
P-VOL was suspended (*40) YY: LDEV#
(A failure on the MCU side (*a)
was detected)
A volume being used by a DC2XYY FE Serious Yes X: CU# (*16)
P-VOL was suspended (*40) YY: LDEV#
(Suspension of an S-VOL (*a)
failure was detected)
A volume being used by a DC4XYY FE Serious Yes X: CU# (*16)
P-VOL was suspended (*40) YY: LDEV#
(Suspension of an S-VOL (*a)
was detected)
A volume being used by a DC5XYY FE Serious Yes X: CU# (*16)
P-VOL was suspended (*40) YY: LDEV#
(Deletion of an S-VOL pair (*a)
was detected)
A volume being used by an DC6XYY FE Serious Yes X: CU# (*16)
S-VOL was suspended (*40) YY: LDEV#
(Path recovery was (*a)
A volume being used by an DC7XYY FE Serious Yes X: CU# (*16)
S-VOL was suspended (*40) YY: LDEV#
(A failure on the RCU side (*a)
was detected)
A volume being used by an DC8XYY FE Service No X: CU# (*16)
S-VOL was suspended YY: LDEV#
(PS OFF on the MCU side
was detected)
A Delta volume being used DC9XYY FE Serious Yes X: CU# (*16)
by a P-VOL was suspended (*40) YY: LDEV#
Pair suspend DCAXYY FE Serious Yes X: CU# (*16)
(Spread by error (*40) YY: LDEV#
of another Affiliate) (*a)

(*a) This SIM performs the host report even though it is less than one hour after IMPL or the
number of I/O is less than 16,000 I/O.

Hitachi Proprietary DKC810I
Rev.0 / Dec.2013 Copyright © 2013, Hitachi, Ltd.

List of Reference Codes of SIMs Detected by UR Processor (3/3)

Error REF CODE SIM Level of Host Remarks
22,23,13 28 error report
Pair volume The UR Read JNL was DCF0XX FE Moderate No XX: JNLG#
failure interrupted for one minute
(A failure on the MCU side
was detected)
The UR Read JNL was DCF1XX FE Serious No XX: JNLG#
interrupted for five minutes
(A failure on the MCU side
was detected)
The UR Read JNL was DCF2XX FE Moderate No XX: JNLG#
interrupted for one minute
(A failure on the RCU side
was detected)
The UR Read JNL was DCF3XX FE Serious No XX: JNLG#
interrupted for five minutes
(A failure on the RCU side
was detected)
Journal UR M-JNL Meta overflow DCE0XX FE Moderate Yes XX: JNLG#
volume warning (*57)
UR M-JNL Data overflow DCE1XX FE Moderate Yes XX: JNLG#
warning (*57)
UR R-JNL Meta overflow DCE2XX FE Moderate Yes XX: JNLG#
warning (*57)
UR R-JNL Data overflow DCE3XX FE Moderate Yes XX: JNLG#
warning (*57)
UR M-JNL Meta overflow DCF4XX FE Moderate No XX: JNLG# (*56)
warning in URxUR Multi-
target configuration
UR M-JNL Data overflow DCF5XX FE Moderate No XX: JNLG# (*56)
warning in URxUR Multi-
target configuration

Hitachi Proprietary DKC810I
Rev.0 / Dec.2013 Copyright © 2013, Hitachi, Ltd.

List of Reference Codes of SIMs Detected by Environment monitor (1/1)

Error REF CODE SIM Level of Host Remarks
22,23,13 28 error report
Environment MPB Temperature 38C1X0 F1 Moderate No X: MPB# (*3)
al error abnormality warning
MP Temperature 3992X0 F1 Moderate No X: MPB# (*3)
abnormality warning
MPB Injustice DC voltage 399DX0 F1 Moderate No X: MPB# (*3)
Injustice CEMODE 399EX0 F1 Moderate No X: MPB# (*3)
Injustice CEDT 399FX0 F1 Moderate No X: MPB# (*3)
CHA Injustice DC voltage 3CCDXX F1 Moderate No XX: CHA PCB# (*4)
CHA Temperature 3CCEXX F1 Moderate No XX: CHA PCB# (*4)
abnormality warning
DKA Injustice DC voltage 3DCDXX F1 Moderate No XX: DKA PCB# (*5)
DKA Temperature 3DCEXX F1 Moderate No XX: DKA PCB# (*5)
abnormality warning
CM Injustice DC voltage FFF60X F2 Moderate No X: CM PCB# (*6)
Battery warning FFFA0X F2 Moderate No X: CM PCB# (*6)
CMBK warning FFFB0X F2 Moderate No X: CM PCB# (*6)
CM Temperature FFFC0X F2 Moderate No X: CM PCB# (*6)
abnormality warning
Warning for forcible volatile FFFE0X F2 Moderate No X: CM PCB# (*6)
Battery charge EMPTY AFD10X F2 Moderate No X: CM PCB# (*6)

CM Backup mounting AFD40X F2 Moderate No X: CM PCB# (*6)

DKUPS error AF50XX F1 Moderate No XX: HDU# (*59)
DKUPS AC inout error AF60XX F1 Moderate No XX: HDU# (*59)
SSW error AF80XX F1 Moderate No XX: HDU# (*59)
SSW data disagreement AFF0XX F1 Moderate No XX: HDU# (*59)

Hitachi Proprietary DKC810I
Rev.0 / Dec.2013 Copyright © 2013, Hitachi, Ltd.

(*1) Device Module#: See the table below.

Device Device Module# (HEX)

Basic Module x’0’
Option Module x’1’

(*2) Cluster#: See thetable below.

Device Cluster# (HEX)

Cluster-1 x’0’
Cluster-2 x’1’

(*3) MPB#: MPB consecutive numbers in the device. See the table below show relations
with the PCB Location.

Device Module Cluster MPB Location MPB# (HEX)

Basic Module Cluster-1 MPB-1MA x’0’
(Module#0) MPB-1MB x’1’
MPB-1PE x’2’
MPB-1PF x’3’
Cluster-2 MPB-2MA x’4’
MPB-2MB x’5’
MPB-2PE x’6’
MPB-2PF x’7’
Option Module Cluster-1 MPB-1MC x’8’
(Module#1) MPB-1MD x’9’
MPB-1PL x’A’
MPB-1PM x’B’
Cluster-2 MPB-2MC x’C’
MPB-2MD x’D’
MPB-2PL x’E’
MPB-2PM x’F’

Hitachi Proprietary DKC810I
Rev.0 / Dec.2013 Copyright © 2013, Hitachi, Ltd.

(*4) CHA PCB#: CHA PCB consecutive numbers in the device. See the table below show
relations with the PCB Location.

Device Module Cluster CHA PCB Location CHA PCB# (HEX)

Basic Module Cluster-1 CHA-1PC x’00’
CHA-1PD x’08’
CHA-1PE x’10’
CHA-1PF x’18’
CHA-1PA x’20’
CHA-1PB x’28’
Cluster-2 CHA-2PC x’40’
CHA-2PD x’48’
CHA-2PE x’50’
CHA-2PF x’58’
CHA-2PA x’60’
CHA-2PB x’68’
Option Module Cluster-1 CHA-1PJ x’80’
CHA-1PK x’88’
CHA-1PL x’90’
CHA-1PM x’98’
CHA-1PG x’A0’
CHA-1PH x’A8’
Cluster-2 CHA-2PJ x’C0’
CHA-2PK x’C8’
CHA-2PL x’D0’
CHA-2PM x’D8’
CHA-2PG x’E0’
CHA-2PH x’E8’

(*5) DKA PCB#: DKA PCB consecutive numbers in the device. See the table below show
relations with the PCB Location.

Device Module Cluster DKA PCB Location DKA PCB# (HEX)

Basic Module Cluster-1 DKA-1PA x’00’
DKA-1PB x’08’
Cluster-2 DKA-2PA x’10’
DKA-2PB x’18’
Option Module Cluster-1 DKA-1PG x’20’
DKA-1PH x’28’
Cluster-2 DKA-2PG x’30’
DKA-2PH x’38’

Hitachi Proprietary DKC810I
Rev.0 / Dec.2013 Copyright © 2013, Hitachi, Ltd.

(*6) CM PCB#: CM PCB consecutive numbers in the device. See the table below show
relations with the CACHE Location.

Device Module Cluster CACHE Location CM PCB# (HEX)

Basic Module Cluster-1 CACHE-1CA 0x00
CACHE-1CB 0x02
Cluster-2 CACHE-2CA 0x01
CACHE-2CB 0x03
Option Module Cluster-1 CACHE-1CC 0x04
CACHE-1CD 0x06
Cluster-2 CACHE-2CC 0x05
CACHE-2CD 0x07

Hitachi Proprietary DKC810I
Rev.0 / Dec.2013 Copyright © 2013, Hitachi, Ltd.

(*7) LR#: LR (MHUB) consecutive numbers in the device. One LR is installed for each
CHA/DKA. See the table below for the correlation with the PCB Location.

Device Module Cluster CHA/DKA Location LR# (HEX)

Basic Module Cluster-1 CHA-1PC x‘00’
CHA-1PD x‘01’
CHA-1PE x‘02’
CHA-1PF x‘03’
CHA-1PA x‘04’
DKA-1PA x‘04’
CHA-1PB x‘05’
DKA-1PB x‘05’
Cluster-2 CHA-2PC x‘08’
CHA-2PD x‘09’
CHA-2PE x‘0A’
CHA-2PF x‘0B’
CHA-2PA x‘0C’
DKA-2PA x‘0C’
CHA-2PB x‘0D’
DKA-2PB x‘0D’
Option Module Cluster-1 CHA-1PJ x‘10’
CHA-1PK x‘11’
CHA-1PL x‘12’
CHA-1PM x‘13’
CHA-1PG x‘14’
DKA-1PG x‘14’
CHA-1PH x‘15’
DKA-1PH x‘15’
Cluster-2 CHA-2PJ x‘18’
CHA-2PK x‘19’
CHA-2PL x‘1A’
CHA-2PM x‘1B’
CHA-2PG x‘1C’
DKA-2PG x‘1C’
CHA-2PH x‘1D’
DKA-2PH x‘1D’

Hitachi Proprietary DKC810I
Rev.0 / Dec.2013 Copyright © 2013, Hitachi, Ltd.

(*8) DMA#: DMA consecutive numbers in the device. Four DMA is loaded with CHA PCB, and
four DMA is loaded with DKA PCB. See the table below show relations with the
PCB Location.

Device Module Cluster CHA/DKA Location DMA# (HEX)

Basic Module Cluster-1 CHA-1PC x‘00’ ~ x‘03’
CHA-1PD x‘04’ ~ x‘07’
CHA-1PE x‘08’ ~ x‘0B’
CHA-1PF x‘0C’ ~ x‘0F’
CHA-1PA x‘10’ ~ x‘13’
DKA-1PA x‘10’ ~ x‘13’
CHA-1PB x‘14’ ~ x‘17’
DKA-1PB x‘14’ ~ x‘17’
Cluster-2 CHA-2PC x‘20’ ~ x‘23’
CHA-2PD x‘24’ ~ x‘27’
CHA-2PE x‘28’ ~ x‘2B’
CHA-2PF x‘2C’ ~ x‘2F’
CHA-2PA x‘30’ ~ x‘33’
DKA-2PA x‘30’ ~ x‘33’
CHA-2PB x‘34’ ~ x‘37’
DKA-2PB x‘34’ ~ x‘37’
Option Module Cluster-1 CHA-1PJ x‘40’ ~ x‘43’
CHA-1PK x‘44’ ~ x‘47’
CHA-1PL x‘48’ ~ x‘4B’
CHA-1PM x‘4C’ ~ x‘4F’
CHA-1PG x‘50’ ~ x‘53’
DKA-1PG x‘50’ ~ x‘53’
CHA-1PH x‘54’ ~ x‘57’
DKA-1PH x‘54’ ~ x‘57’
Cluster-2 CHA-2PJ x‘60’ ~ x‘63’
CHA-2PK x‘64’ ~ x‘67’
CHA-2PL x‘68’ ~ x‘6B’
CHA-2PM x‘6C’ ~ x‘6F’
CHA-2PG x‘70’ ~ x‘73’
DKA-2PG x‘70’ ~ x‘73’
CHA-2PH x‘74’ ~ x‘77’
DKA-2PH x‘74’ ~ x‘77’

Hitachi Proprietary DKC810I
Rev.0 / Dec.2013 Copyright © 2013, Hitachi, Ltd.

(*9) DRR#: DRR consecutive numbers in the device. Two DRR is loaded with CHA PCB, and
two DRR is loaded with DKA PCB. See the table below show relations with the PCB

Device Module Cluster CHA PCB Location DRR# (HEX)

Basic Module Cluster-1 CHA-1PC x‘00’ ~ x‘01’
CHA-1PD x‘02’ ~ x‘03’
CHA-1PE x‘04’ ~ x‘05’
CHA-1PF x‘06’ ~ x‘07’
CHA-1PA/DKA-1PA x‘08’ ~ x‘09’
CHA-1PB/DKA-1PB x‘0A’ ~ x‘0B’
Cluster-2 CHA-2PC x‘10’ ~ x‘11’
CHA-2PD x‘12’ ~ x‘13’
CHA-2PE x‘14’ ~ x‘15’
CHA-2PF x‘16’ ~ x‘17’
CHA-2PA/DKA-2PA x‘18’ ~ x‘19’
CHA-2PB/DKA-2PB x‘1A’ ~ x‘1B’
Option Module Cluster-1 CHA-1PJ x‘20’ ~ x‘21’
CHA-1PK x‘22’ ~ x‘23’
CHA-1PL x‘24’ ~ x‘25’
CHA-1PM x‘26’ ~ x‘27’
CHA-1PG/DKA-1PG x‘28’ ~ x‘29’
CHA-1PH/DKA-1PH x‘2A’ ~ x‘2B’
Cluster-2 CHA-2PJ x‘30’ ~ x‘31’
CHA-2PK x‘32’ ~ x‘33’
CHA-2PL x‘34’ ~ x‘35’
CHA-2PM x‘36’ ~ x‘37’
CHA-2PG/DKA-2PG x‘38’ ~ x‘39’
CHA-2PH/DKA-2PH x‘3A’ ~ x‘3B’

Hitachi Proprietary DKC810I
Rev.0 / Dec.2013 Copyright © 2013, Hitachi, Ltd.

(*10) Port#: Chanel port consecutive numbers in the device. Port of 8 at the maximum is
implemented in each CHA PCB. See the table below show relations with the PCB

Device Module Cluster CHA PCB Location Port# (HEX)

Basic Module Cluster-1 CHA-1PC x‘00’ ~ x‘07’
CHA-1PD x‘10’ ~ x‘17’
CHA-1PE x‘08’ ~ x‘0F’
CHA-1PF x‘18’ ~ x‘1F’
CHA-1PA x‘40’ ~ x‘47’
CHA-1PB x‘50’ ~ x‘57’
Cluster-2 CHA-2PC x‘80’ ~ x‘87’
CHA-2PD x‘90’ ~ x‘97’
CHA-2PE x‘88’ ~ x‘8F’
CHA-2PF x‘98’ ~ x‘9F’
CHA-2PA x‘C0’ ~ x‘C7’
CHA-2PB x‘D0’ ~ x‘D7’
Option Module Cluster-1 CHA-1PJ x‘20’ ~ x‘27’
CHA-1PK x‘30’ ~ x‘37’
CHA-1PL x‘28’ ~ x‘2F’
CHA-1PM x‘38’ ~ x‘3F’
CHA-1PG x‘60’ ~ x‘67’
CHA-1PH x‘70’ ~ x‘77’
Cluster-2 CHA-2PJ x‘A0’ ~ x‘A7’
CHA-2PK x‘B0’ ~ x‘B7’
CHA-2PL x‘A8’ ~ x‘AF’
CHA-2PM x‘B8’ ~ x‘BF’
CHA-2PG x‘E0’ ~ x‘E7’
CHA-2PH x‘F0’ ~ x‘F7’

Hitachi Proprietary DKC810I
Rev.0 / Dec.2013 Copyright © 2013, Hitachi, Ltd.

(*11) Port Path#: Chanel port consecutive numbers in the device. Port of 8 at the maximum is
implemented in each CHA PCB. See the table below show relations with the
PCB Location.

Port Port Path# Port Port Path# Port Port Path# Port Port Path#
CHA-1PC 1A/3A x‘00’/x‘01’ 5A/7A x‘02’/x‘03’ 1B/3B x‘04’/‘05’ 5B/7B x‘06’/‘07’
CHA-1PD 1C/3C x‘10’/x‘11’ 5C/7C x‘12’/x‘13’ 1D/3D x‘14’/x‘15’ 5D/7D x‘16’/x‘17’
CHA-1PE 1E/3E x‘08’/x‘09’ 5E/7E x‘0A’/x‘0B’ 1F/3F x‘0C’/x‘0D’ 5F/7F x‘0E’/x‘0F’
CHA-1PF 1G/3G x‘18’/x‘19’ 5G/7G x‘1A’/x‘1B’ 1H/3H x‘1C’/x‘1D’ 5H/7H x‘1E’/x‘1F’
CHA-1PJ 1J/3J x‘20’/x‘21’ 5J/7J x‘22’/x‘23’ 1K/3K x‘24’/x‘25’ 5K/7K x‘26’/x‘27’
CHA-1PK 1L/3L x‘30’/x‘31’ 5L/7L x‘32’/x‘33’ 1M/3M x‘34’/x‘35’ 5M/7M x‘36’/x‘37’
CHA-1PL 1N/3N x‘28’/x‘29’ 5N/7N x‘2A’/x‘2B’ 1P/3P x‘2C’/x‘2D’ 5P/7P x‘2E’/x‘2F’
CHA-1PM 1Q/3Q x‘38’/x‘39’ 5Q/7Q x‘3A’/x‘3B’ 1R/3R x‘3C’/x‘3D’ 5R/7R x‘3E’/x‘3F’
CHA-1PA 9A/BA x‘40’/x‘41’ DA/FA x‘42’/x‘43’ 9B/BB x‘44’/x‘45’ DB/FB x‘46’/x‘47’
CHA-1PB 9C/BC x‘50’/x‘51’ DC/FC x‘52’/x‘53’ 9D/BD x‘54’/x‘55’ DD/FD x‘56’/x‘57’
CHA-1PG 9J/BJ x‘60’/x‘61’ DJ/FJ x‘62’/x‘63’ 9K/BK x‘64’/x‘65’ DK/FK x‘66’/x‘67’
CHA-1PH 9L/BL x‘70’/x‘71’ DL/FL x‘72’/x‘73’ 9M/BM x‘74’/x‘75’ DM/FM x‘76’/x‘77’
CHA-2PC 2A/4A x‘80’/x‘81’ 6A/8A x‘82’/x‘83’ 2B/4B x‘84’/x‘85’ 6B/8B x‘86’/x‘87’
CHA-2PD 2C/4C x‘90’/x‘91’ 6C/8C x‘92’/x‘93’ 2D/4D x‘94’/x‘95’ 6D/8D x‘96’/x‘97’
CHA-2PE 2E/4E x‘88’/x‘89’ 6E/8E x‘8A’/x‘8B’ 2F/4F x‘8C’/x‘8D’ 6F/8F x‘8E’/x‘8F’
CHA-2PF 2G/4G x‘98’/x‘99’ 6G/8G x‘9A’/x‘9B’ 2H/4H x‘9C’/x‘9D’ 6H/8H x‘9E’/x‘9F’
CHA-2PJ 2J/4J x‘A0’/x‘A1’ 6J/8J x‘A2’/x‘A3’ 2K/4K x‘A4’/x‘A5’ 6K/8K x‘A6’/x‘A7’
CHA-2PK 2L/4L x‘B0’/x‘B1’ 6L/8L x‘B2’/x‘B3’ 2M/4M x‘B4’/x‘B5’ 6M/8M x‘B6’/x‘B7’
CHA-2PL 2N/4N x‘A8’/x‘A9’ 6N/8N x‘AA’/x‘AB’ 2P/4P x‘AC’/x‘AD’ 6P/8P x‘AE’/x‘AF’
CHA-2PM 2Q/4Q x‘B8’/x‘B9’ 6Q/8Q x‘BA’/x‘BC’ 2R/4R x‘BC’/x‘BD’ 6R/8R x‘BE’/x‘BF’
CHA-2PA AA/CA x‘C0’/x‘C1’ EA/GA x‘C2’/x‘C3’ AB/CB x‘C4’/x‘C5’ EB/GB x‘C6’/x‘C7’
CHA-2PB AC/CC x‘D0’/x‘D1’ EC/GC x‘D2’/x‘D3’ AD/CD x‘D4’/x‘D5’ ED/GD x‘D6’/x‘D7’
CHA-2PG AJ/CJ x‘E0’/x‘E1’ EJ/GJ x‘E2’/x‘E3’ AK/CK x‘E4’/x‘E5’ EK/GK x‘E6’/x‘E7’
CHA-2PH AL/CL x‘F0’/x‘F1’ EL/GL x‘F2’/x‘F3’ AM/CM x‘F4’/x‘F5’ EM/GM x‘F6’/x‘F7’

Hitachi Proprietary DKC810I
Rev.0 / Dec.2013 Copyright © 2013, Hitachi, Ltd.

(*12) SASCLT#: SAS-CTL consecutive numbers.

SAS Port#: SAS Port consecutive numbers.
CDEV#: CDEV Port consecutive numbers.
See the table below show relations with the DKA PCB Location.
Device Module Cluster DKA PCB SASCTL# SAS Port#
Location (HEX) (HEX)
Basic Module Cluster-1 DKA-1PA 0x‘00’ 0x‘00’ / 0x‘01’ / 0x‘20’ / 0x‘21’
(Module#0) 0x‘01’ 0x‘02’ / 0x‘03’ / 0x‘22’ / 0x‘23’
DKA-1PB 0x‘02’ 0x‘04’ / 0x‘05’ / 0x‘24’ / 0x‘25’
0x‘03’ 0x‘06’ / 0x‘07’ / 0x‘26’ / 0x‘27’
Cluster-2 DKA-2PA 0x‘04’ 0x‘08’ / 0x‘09’ / 0x‘28’ / 0x‘29’
0x‘05’ 0x‘0A’ / 0x‘0B’ / 0x‘2A’ / 0x‘2B’
DKA-2PB 0x‘06’ 0x‘0C’ / 0x‘0D’ / 0x‘2C’ / 0x‘2D’
0x‘07’ 0x‘0E’ / 0x‘0F’ / 0x‘2E’ / 0x‘2F’
Option Module Cluster-1 DKA-1PG 0x‘08’ 0x‘10’ / 0x‘11’ / 0x‘30’ / 0x‘31’
(Module#1) 0x‘09’ 0x‘12’ / 0x‘13’ / 0x‘32’ / 0x‘33’
DKA-1PH 0x‘0A’ 0x‘14’ / 0x‘15’ / 0x‘34’ / 0x‘35’
0x‘0B’ 0x‘16’ / 0x‘17’ / 0x‘36’ / 0x‘37’
Cluster-2 DKA-2PG 0x‘0C’ 0x‘18’ / 0x‘19’ / 0x‘38’ / 0x‘39’
0x‘0D’ 0x‘1A’ / 0x‘1B’ / 0x‘3A’ / 0x‘3B’
DKA-2PH 0x‘0E’ 0x‘1C’ / 0x‘1D’ / 0x‘3C’ / 0x‘3D’
0x‘0F’ 0x‘1E’ / 0x‘1F’ / 0x‘3E’ / 0x‘3F’

(*13) CDEV#/RDEV# See the table below.

Byte 23 (8bit) Byte 13 (8bit)

CDEV# (7bit) RDEV# (5bit)

In addition, about “CDEV#/RDEV# (C#/R#)” and “Disk Drive Number”, it is referred to

“Physical-Logical Device Matrixes” of 2.5 INCH DRIVE BOX (THEORY-B-10), 3.5 INCH

(*14) CMG#: MG numbers in the CM PCB. One CMMG consists of two pieces of DIMM. See the
table below show relations with the DIMM Location.
DIMM Location CMG# (HEX)
CM0 x‘0’
CM1 x‘1’
CM2 x‘2’
CM3 x‘3’
CM4 x‘4’
CM5 x‘5’
CM6 x‘6’
CM7 x‘7’

Hitachi Proprietary DKC810I
Rev.0 / Dec.2013 Copyright © 2013, Hitachi, Ltd.

(*15) (reserved)

(*16) CU# is detected only lower figure in SIM-RC. (CU#0x0 ~ 0xF)

Look at the SVP information - Content SIM - Error Location.

(*17) When SIM to show as follows was reported at the same time, have priority overthis SIM.
If “Maintenance” status return to “normal” after those recovery action, complete this SIM

SIM-RC= 3073-XX

(*18) Contact T.S.D. with dump collected by Auto Dump in type “Detail”.

(*19) Recover LDEVs according to the procedure shown in TRBL03-20-10.

(*20) In the case that there are no redundancy of drive the level of error is “Serious”.

(*21) This temporary blocking is to recover the logical table on SM and be automatically recovered.

Hitachi Proprietary DKC810I
Rev.0 / Dec.2013 Copyright © 2013, Hitachi, Ltd.

(*22) The LDEV is blocked because of an error (inconsistency between data on the A and B sides)
of configuration information stored in the SM. Recover the error following the instruction of
the Technical Support Division.

(*23) (reserved)

(*24) Recover the error according to the procedure shown in TRBL03-41-10.

Hitachi Proprietary DKC810I
Rev.0 / Dec.2013 Copyright © 2013, Hitachi, Ltd.

(*25) Reason Code

x‘E1’, x‘10’: No DCR P.P.
x‘E2’, x‘20’: Storage system busy
x‘E4’, x‘40’: Staging time over
x‘E5’, x‘50’: Cache or SM blockade
x‘E6’, x‘60’: LDEV Warning
x‘E7’, x‘70’: Staging failure
x‘E8’, x‘80’: PS OFF
x‘E9’ x‘90’: PreStaging canceled
x‘EA’, x‘a0’: Cache over loaded
x‘EB’, x‘b0’: Some MP’s blockade

(*26) Numbers of pair status changes

x‘0’: From Simplex to Duplex Pending
x‘1’: From Simplex to Duplex
x‘2’: From Duplex Pending to Duplex
x‘3’: From Duplex Pending to Suspend
x‘4’: From Duplex to Suspend
x‘5’: From Duplex to Simplex
x‘6’: From Duplex Pending to Simplex
x‘7’: From Suspend to Simplex
x‘8’: From Suspend to Duplex Pending
x‘9’: From Duplex Pending to Suspend(continue)
x‘A’: From Duplex Pending to Suspend(complete)
x‘B’: From Suspend (continue) to Suspend

(*27) Numbers of pair status changes

x‘0’: A request for suspension was received.
x‘1’: An instruction to delete a pair was received in the Suspend status.
x‘2’: An instruction to delete a pair was received in the Duplex status.
x‘3’: An instruction to delete a pair was received in the Duplex Pending status.
x‘4’: A suspension transaction was completed.
x‘5’: A pair deletion was completed.

(*28) Type of the lost information is reported according to the bit position. (There may be the case
that two or more bits are set.)

Hitachi Proprietary DKC810I
Rev.0 / Dec.2013 Copyright © 2013, Hitachi, Ltd.

(*29) You can suppress reporting the TrueCopy for Mainframe Service SIM to the HOST by RCU
Option operation (PPRC support by HOST and Service SIM of TC-MF).

• Service level SIM

PPRC support Service SIM or Level of error TC-MF
Report DKC_SIM Host Report
Yes DEV_SIM Not Host Report
Not Report DKC_SIM Not Host Report
DEV_SIM Not Host Report
Report DKC_SIM Host Report
No DEV_SIM Host Report
Not Report DKC_SIM Not Host Report
DEV_SIM Not Host Report

• Moderate or Serious level SIM

PPRC support
Level of error TC-MF
Yes DKC_SIM Host Report
DEV_SIM Not Host Report
No DKC_SIM Host Report
DEV_SIM Host Report

(*30) When SIM-RC = 3073XX, CF88XX, FFF3XX were reported at the same time, give priority
to ACC of these SIM.

(*31) In case of TrueCopy for Mainframe, SIMs reported from RCU are reported to the host by
Severity Level RC of reported SIM for TC-MF
Acute or Serious No modification
Moderate No modification
Service (Not TC-MF SIM) No modification
Service (TC-MF SIM) Not reported

(*32) In the fibre channel connection of the TrueCopy, this SIM may be issued on the MCU side
when the microprogram of the RCU is replaced.

Hitachi Proprietary DKC810I
Rev.0 / Dec.2013 Copyright © 2013, Hitachi, Ltd.

(*33) The following information of SIM = AC90 is valid.

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
byte40 Port number
byte41 (Eg. CL1-A=0, CL3-A=1)
byte42 HDEV number
byte 43
byte 44
byte 45
byte 46 LDEV number of executing command processing
byte 47
byte 48
byte 49
byte 50 Starting LBA address in CDB
byte 51
byte 52
byte 53
byte 54
byte 55
byte 56
byte 57
byte 58 Transfer Length in CDB
byte 59
byte 60
byte 61
byte 62 World Wide Name (WWN) of the host which issued the write request
byte 63
byte 64
byte 65
byte 66
byte 67
byte 68
byte 69
byte 70 Detected error item(s). Bit-OR of the left items.
Check kind:
0x01: Check-F1
0x02: Check-L
0x04: Check-F2
0x08: Check-F3
byte 71
~ Not used
byte 7F

Hitachi Proprietary DKC810I
Rev.0 / Dec.2013 Copyright © 2013, Hitachi, Ltd.

(*34) The following information of SIM = 21D0, 21D1, 21D2, EFD0 is valid.

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
byte 0x40 Port number
byte 0x41 (ex. CL1-A=0, CL1-B=1)
byte 0x42
LDEV number(lower 2 bytes)
byte 0x43
byte 0x44
~ VDEV number
byte 0x47
byte 0x48
~ Forehand WWN of External Storage connection
byte 0x4F
byte 0x50
~ Product Number of External Storage
byte 0x59
byte 0x5A
~ Vendor Name
byte 0x61
byte 0x62
~ Model name of External Storage
byte 0x71
byte 0x72
byte 0x73 External LUN#
byte 0x74 Binary/ Not used
byte 0x75
~ LDEV number
byte 0x78
byte 0x79
~ Not used
byte 0x7F

Hitachi Proprietary DKC810I
Rev.0 / Dec.2013 Copyright © 2013, Hitachi, Ltd.

byte 0x74 bit0: Bit determining whether the information identifying Binary/ASCII for the
connected storage system serial number is valid
Bit Description
ON (1b) Information identifying whether the connected storage system serial number is in the
Binary/ASCII format is “Valid”.
OFF (0b) Information identifying whether the connected storage system serial number is in the
Binary/ASCII format is “Invalid”.

byte 0x74 bit1: Information identifying Binary/ASCII for the connected storage system serial
Bit Description
ON (1b) The serial number of the connected storage system is in the Binary format.
OFF (0b) The serial number of the connected storage system is in the ASCII format.

Serial number is not acquired from external storage, NULL (0) is set in the Serial number of the
connected storage system.
Moreover, Serial number of the connected storage system is stored by left justify in the case of
Binary and stored by right justify in the case of ASCII.

When external storage in the following matrix becomes the target of SIM, information of Model
name of External Storage in the SIM is different from that of actual product name. When the
external storage in the following matrix is connected and SIM is reported, check Model name of
External Storage in the SIM against the actual product name to identify target external storage of
the SIM.

SIM/ASSIST Actual product

Vendor Model Name of Product Number of Vendor Product Name Display in console
Name External External Storage
Storage (NOTE)
HITACHI 9500V D600xxxx HITACHI 9570V 9500V
HITACHI 9500V D60Jxxxx HITACHI 9530V 9500V
HITACHI 9500V D60Hxxxx HITACHI 9580V/9585V 9500V
HITACHI 9500V 77xxxxxx HITACHI AMS1000 AMS

NOTE: “xxxx” at Product Number of External Storage means arbitrary number or character.
When target product is 9500V series, “xxxx” means the last 4 digits of the serial

As for external storage other than those above, information of Model name of External Storage in
SIM and that of actual product name is the same. Refer to FRS for detail.
Hitachi Proprietary DKC810I
Rev.0 / Dec.2013 Copyright © 2013, Hitachi, Ltd.

(*35) SIM RC= 2194 is valid

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
byte40 0x0000B6AF (Related SSB Code)
byte 43
byte 44
SIM type + Port#
byte 47
byte 48
byte 4B Starting supervise at time
byte 4C Starting supervise at MIC_H timer
byte 4F
byte 50
SSB reported count (Comprehensive value)
byte 53
byte 54
byte 57 Link Failure supervised timer SVP timer
byte 58 Link Failure supervised timer (0.96μsec/count)
byte 5B
byte 5C
SSB: B65A reported count
byte 5F
byte 60
byte 63 SSB: B65C reported count
byte 64 SSB: B65D reported count
byte 67
byte 68
SSB: B65E reported count
byte 6B
byte 6C
byte 6F SSB: B660 reported count
byte 70 SSB: B661 reported count
byte 73
byte 74
SSB: B668 reported count
byte 77
byte 78
byte 7B SSB: B66A reported count
byte 7C SSB: DDA1 reported count
byte 7F

Hitachi Proprietary DKC810I
Rev.0 / Dec.2013 Copyright © 2013, Hitachi, Ltd.

(*36) SIM RC= 2193 is valid

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
byte 40 0x0000B6AF (Related SSB Code)
byte 43
byte 44
SIM type + Port#
byte 47
byte 48
byte 4B Loss of Signal Counter (Cumulative value for 30 min to before the reporting SIM)
byte 4C Bad Received Character Counter (Cumulative value for 30 min to before the reporting SIM)
byte 4F
byte 50
Loss of Sync Counter (Cumulative value for 30 min to before the reporting SIM)
byte 53
byte 54
byte 57 Link Failure Counter (Cumulative value for 30 min to before the reporting SIM)
byte 58 Discarded Frame Counter (Cumulative value for 30 min to before the reporting SIM)
byte 5B
byte 5C
Received _EOFa Counter (Cumulative value for 30 min to before the reporting SIM)
byte 5F
byte 60
byte 63 BAD_CRC Counter (Cumulative value for 30 min to before the reporting SIM)
byte 64 OLS/NOS Received Counter (Cumulative value for 30 min to before the reporting SIM)
byte 67
byte 68
LIPf Received Counter (Cumulative value for 30 min to before the reporting SIM)
byte 6B
byte 6C
byte 6F Bad_ALPA Counter (Cumulative value for 30 min to before the reporting SIM)
byte 70 Link Down detected Counter (Cumulative value for 30 min to before the reporting SIM)
byte 73
byte 74
byte 77
byte 78
byte 7B none
byte 7C none
byte 7F

Hitachi Proprietary DKC810I
Rev.0 / Dec.2013 Copyright © 2013, Hitachi, Ltd.

(*37) Numbers of pair status changes

x‘0’: From Simplex to Duplex Pending
x‘1’: From Simplex to Duplex
x‘2’: From Duplex Pending to Duplex
x‘3’: From Duplex Pending to Suspend
x‘4’: From Duplex to Suspend
x‘5’: From Duplex to Simplex
x‘6’: From Duplex Pending to Simplex
x‘7’: From Suspend to Simplex
x‘8’: From Suspend to Duplex Pending
x‘9’: From Hold to Duplex
x‘A’: From Hold to Duplex Pending
x‘B’: From Hold to Simplex
x‘C’: From Simplex to Suspend
x‘D’: From Simplex to Hold
x‘E’: From Suspend to Hold
x‘F’: From Duplex to Duplex Pending

(*38) Numbers of pair status changes

x‘0’: A request for suspension was received.
x‘1’: A suspension transaction was completed.
x‘2’: An instruction to delete a pair was received in the Suspend status.
x‘3’: An instruction to delete a pair was received in the Duplex Pending status.
x‘4’: An instruction to delete a pair was received in the Duplex status.
x‘5’: A pair deletion was completed.
x‘6’: An instruction to delete a pair was received in the Hold status.

(*39) The DKC emulation type determines whether the SIM will be reported to the host, as
explained below;
 DKC emulation type is 2105 or 2107
You can select the SIM report to the HOST by SYSTEM OPTION.
MODE308 = OFF ( Default) : Not Report to the HOST
MODE308 = ON : Report to the HOST
(However, ‘*30’ is higher priority than ‘*40’)
 Others
It is decided by setting ‘*30’.

(*40) You can suppress reporting the SIM to the optional operation. Default is “not report”
(When it is chosen optional operation once, it is not changed till the setting sets it again).

(*41) Refer to TRBL03-03-10 except a normal end.

Hitachi Proprietary DKC810I
Rev.0 / Dec.2013 Copyright © 2013, Hitachi, Ltd.

(*42) The following information of SIM RC= 21D4, 21D5, EFD4 is valid.

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
byte 0x40 Port number
byte 0x41 (ex. CL1-A=0, CL1-B=1)
byte 0x42
LDEV number(lower 2 bytes)
byte 0x43
byte 0x44
~ VDEV number
byte 0x47
byte 0x48
~ Forehand WWN of External Storage connection
byte 0x4F
byte 0x50
~ Product Number of External Storage
byte 0x5B
byte 0x5C
~ Vendor Name
byte 0x5E
byte 0x5F Not used
byte 0x60
~ Path number on the management of VDEV
byte 0x63
byte 0x64 Not used
byte 0x65
~ LINK ADR (Tool input value)
byte 0x67
byte 0x68
~ LDEV number
byte 0x6B
byte 0x70
~ Not used
byte 0x7F

(*43) Mainframe Fibre DM is contained

(*44) In the case of Mainframe Fibre DM, host report is not performed.

Hitachi Proprietary DKC810I
Rev.0 / Dec.2013 Copyright © 2013, Hitachi, Ltd.

(*45) XX shows the LR# (*7). But when the paths to multiple LRs are blocked at the same time, the
value of 0xFF is taken.

(*46) The upper 4 bits indicate the CM PCB# (*6). However, when paths to multiple CM PCBs are
blocked at the same time, the value of upper 4 bits results in 0xF.
The lower 3 bits indicate the route CM PCB# (*6). When there is no route CM PCB (do not
pass through any other CM PCB,) the value of lower 3 bits becomes the same as the upper

(*47) High 4 Bit of YY indicates the MPB# (*3). But when the paths to multiple MPBs are blocked
at the same time, high 4 bit takes the value of 0xF and bit3 takes the value of 1.
The lower 3 bits indicate the route CM PCB# (*6).
Bit# 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

MPB# Route CM PCB#

Multiple path block bit

(*48) X shows the MPB# (*3). When the paths to multiple MPBs are blocked at the same time, the
value of 0xFF is taken.

Hitachi Proprietary DKC810I
Rev.0 / Dec.2013 Copyright © 2013, Hitachi, Ltd.

(*49) High 5 Bit of YY indicates the CHA PCB#. Low 3 Bit of YY indicates the Port# in PCB. See
the table below show relations with the PCB Location.
Bit# 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

CHA PCB# Port# in PCB

Device Module Cluster CHA PCB Location CHA PCB# + Port# (HEX)
Basic Module Cluster-1 CHA-1PC x‘00’ ~ x‘07’
(Module#0) CHA-1PD x‘08’ ~ x‘0F’
CHA-1PE x‘10’ ~ x‘17’
CHA-1PF x‘18’ ~ x‘1F’
CHA-1PA x‘20’ ~ x‘27’
CHA-1PB x‘28’ ~ x‘2F’
Cluster-2 CHA-2PC x‘40’ ~ x‘47’
CHA-2PD x‘48’ ~ x‘4F’
CHA-2PE x‘50’ ~ x‘57’
CHA-2PF x‘58’ ~ x‘5F’
CHA-2PA x‘60’ ~ x‘67’
CHA-2PB x‘68’ ~ x‘6F’
Option Module Cluster-1 CHA-1PJ x‘80’ ~ x‘87’
(Module#1) CHA-1PK x‘88’ ~ x‘8F’
CHA-1PL x‘90’ ~ x‘97’
CHA-1PM x‘98’ ~ x‘9F’
CHA-1PG x‘A0’ ~ x‘A7’
CHA-1PH x‘A8’ ~ x‘AF’
Cluster-2 CHA-2PJ x‘C0’ ~ x‘C7’
CHA-2PK x‘C8’ ~ x‘CF’
CHA-2PL x‘D0’ ~ x‘D7’
CHA-2PM x‘D8’ ~ x‘DF’
CHA-2PG x‘E0’ ~ x‘E7’
CHA-2PH x‘E8’ ~ x‘EF’

Hitachi Proprietary DKC810I
Rev.0 / Dec.2013 Copyright © 2013, Hitachi, Ltd.

(*50) CMBK warning is also appeared when the battery controller on the CMPCB is failed.
In that case, the possible exchange parts is CMPCB.

(*51) When the MP LM DIMM is reported as an Action Code, replace the MP LM DIMM first.

(*52) After SIM is reported, the DKC recovers from DKU BOX that the number is small to order
turn. Time of the recovery for each DKU BOX is about 2 minutes. It takes about 12 minutes
by the recovery at 6 DKU BOX configuration.

(*53) Please replace latter located SSW one by one, when two or more the SSW ACC exists.

(*54) If SSB code “BCCE” was detected with the same serial number as the blocked channel port
around the same time, remove the failure according to the procedure described in TRBL05-

(*55) If SSB code “BD1D” was detected with the same port number as the blockaded channel port
around the same time, please collect the dump by Auto Dump in type “Normal” and make
contact with T.S.D.

(*56) This SIM is output in the URxUR Multi-target configuration when two or more mirrors in the
primary site are Active, and the metadata utilization and the journal data utilization are 60%
to 79%.

(*57) You can select the SIM report to the HOST by SYSTEM OPTION.
MODE598 = OFF (Default) : Not Report to the HOST
MODE598 = ON : Report to the HOST

(*58) For Flash Module Drive battery capacity shortage, refer to TRBL03-11-10.

Hitachi Proprietary DKC810I
Rev.0 / Dec.2013 Copyright © 2013, Hitachi, Ltd.

(*59) HDU#: HDU consecutive numbers in the device. See the table below show relations with the
PCB Location.

HDU# Location HDU# Location HDU# Location HDU# Location

HDU-000 x‘00’ HDU-030 x‘18’ HDU-100 x‘30’ HDU-130 x‘48’
HDU-001 x‘01’ HDU-031 x‘19’ HDU-101 x‘31’ HDU-131 x‘49’
HDU-002 x‘02’ HDU-032 x‘1A’ HDU-102 x‘32’ HDU-132 x‘4A’
HDU-003 x‘03’ HDU-033 x‘1B’ HDU-103 x‘33’ HDU-133 x‘4B’
HDU-004 x‘04’ HDU-034 x‘1C’ HDU-104 x‘34’ HDU-134 x‘4C’
HDU-005 x‘05’ HDU-035 x‘1D’ HDU-105 x‘35’ HDU-135 x‘4D’
HDU-006 x‘06’ HDU-036 x‘1E’ HDU-106 x‘36’ HDU-136 x‘4E’
HDU-007 x‘07’ HDU-037 x‘1F’ HDU-107 x‘37’ HDU-137 x‘4F’
HDU-010 x‘08’ HDU-040 x‘20’ HDU-110 x‘38’ HDU-140 x‘50’
HDU-011 x‘09’ HDU-041 x‘21’ HDU-111 x‘39’ HDU-141 x‘51’
HDU-012 x‘0A’ HDU-042 x‘22’ HDU-112 x‘3A’ HDU-142 x‘52’
HDU-013 x‘0B’ HDU-043 x‘23’ HDU-113 x‘3B’ HDU-143 x‘53’
HDU-014 x‘0C’ HDU-044 x‘24’ HDU-114 x‘3C’ HDU-144 x‘54’
HDU-015 x‘0D’ HDU-045 x‘25’ HDU-115 x‘3D’ HDU-145 x‘55’
HDU-016 x‘0E’ HDU-046 x‘26’ HDU-116 x‘3E’ HDU-146 x‘56’
HDU-017 x‘0F’ HDU-047 x‘27’ HDU-117 x‘3F’ HDU-147 x‘57’
HDU-020 x‘10’ HDU-050 x‘28’ HDU-120 x‘40’ HDU-150 x‘58’
HDU-021 x‘11’ HDU-051 x‘29’ HDU-121 x‘41’ HDU-151 x‘59’
HDU-022 x‘12’ HDU-052 x‘2A’ HDU-122 x‘42’ HDU-152 x‘5A’
HDU-023 x‘13’ HDU-053 x‘2B’ HDU-123 x‘43’ HDU-153 x‘5B’
HDU-024 x‘14’ HDU-054 x‘2C’ HDU-124 x‘44’ HDU-154 x‘5C’
HDU-025 x‘15’ HDU-055 x‘2D’ HDU-125 x‘45’ HDU-155 x‘5D’
HDU-026 x‘16’ HDU-056 x‘2E’ HDU-126 x‘46’ HDU-156 x‘5E’
HDU-027 x‘17’ HDU-057 x‘2F’ HDU-127 x‘47’ HDU-157 x‘5F’

(*60) For HDU power recovery, refer to TRBL03-06-10.

(*61) There is the case that plural PDEV(s) on the SAS port concerned blockade when this SIM
occurs at the time of a boot, but PDEV(s) blockade recovers in a procedure of TRBL03-45-

Hitachi Proprietary DKC810I
Rev.0 / Dec.2013 Copyright © 2013, Hitachi, Ltd.

2.2 SIM Reference Codes Detected by the SVP

Error REF code SIM Level of Host Remarks

22,23,13 28 error report
Environmental External DKC-0 BF1010 F1 Moderate Yes
error temperature alarm CL 1
DKC-0 BF1011 F1 Moderate Yes
CL 2
DKC-1 BF1012 F1 Moderate Yes
CL 1
DKC-1 BF1013 F1 Moderate Yes
CL 2
External high DKC-0 BF1110 F1 Moderate Yes
temperature CL 1
warning DKC-0 BF1111 F1 Moderate Yes
CL 2
DKC-1 BF1112 F1 Moderate Yes
CL 1
DKC-1 BF1113 F1 Moderate Yes
CL 2
External low DKC-0 BF1210 F1 Moderate Yes
temperature CL 1
warning DKC-0 BF1211 F1 Moderate Yes
CL 2
DKC-1 BF1212 F1 Moderate Yes
CL 1
DKC-1 BF1213 F1 Moderate Yes
CL 2
Internal DKC-0 BF1310 F1 Moderate Yes
temperature alarm CL 1
DKC-0 BF1311 F1 Moderate Yes
CL 2
DKC-1 BF1312 F1 Moderate Yes
CL 1
DKC-1 BF1313 F1 Moderate Yes
CL 2
Internal high DKC-0 BF1410 F1 Moderate Yes
temperature CL 1
warning 2 DKC-0 BF1411 F1 Moderate Yes
CL 2
DKC-1 BF1412 F1 Moderate Yes
CL 1
DKC-1 BF1413 F1 Moderate Yes
CL 2
Internal low DKC-0 BF1510 F1 Moderate Yes
temperature CL 1
warning 1 DKC-0 BF1511 F1 Moderate Yes
CL 2
DKC-1 BF1512 F1 Moderate Yes
CL 1
DKC-1 BF1513 F1 Moderate Yes
CL 2

Hitachi Proprietary DKC810I
Rev.0 / Dec.2013 Copyright © 2013, Hitachi, Ltd.

Error REF code SIM Level of Host Remarks

22,23,13 28 error report
Environmental Logic PS voltage DKC-0 BF2010 F1 Moderate Yes
error alarm CL 1
DKC-0 BF2011 F1 Moderate Yes
CL 2
DKC-1 BF2012 F1 Moderate Yes
CL 1
DKC-1 BF2013 F1 Moderate Yes
CL 2
SSVP voltage DKC-0 BF2210 F1 Moderate Yes
warning CL 1
(PS_SUB) DKC-0 BF2211 F1 Moderate Yes
CL 2
DKC-1 BF2212 F1 Moderate Yes
CL 1
DKC-1 BF2213 F1 Moderate Yes
CL 2
SSVP voltage DKC-0 BF2310 F1 Moderate Yes
(SVP supply) DKC-1 BF2312 F1 Moderate Yes

DKCPS warning DKCPS-00 BF4010 F1 Moderate Yes

DKCPS-10 BF4012 F1 Moderate Yes
DKCPS-01 BF4110 F1 Moderate Yes
DKCPS-11 BF4112 F1 Moderate Yes
DKCPS-02 BF4210 F1 Moderate Yes
DKCPS-12 BF4212 F1 Moderate Yes
DKCPS-03 BF4310 F1 Moderate Yes
DKCPS-13 BF4312 F1 Moderate Yes
DKCPS (HVDC) DKCPS-00 BF4410 F1 Moderate Yes
warning DKCPS-10 BF4412 F1 Moderate Yes
DKCPS-01 BF4510 F1 Moderate Yes
DKCPS-11 BF4512 F1 Moderate Yes
DKCPS-02 BF4610 F1 Moderate Yes
DKCPS-12 BF4612 F1 Moderate Yes
DKCPS-03 BF4710 F1 Moderate Yes
DKCPS-13 BF4712 F1 Moderate Yes

Hitachi Proprietary DKC810I
Rev.0 / Dec.2013 Copyright © 2013, Hitachi, Ltd.

Error REF code SIM Level of Host Remarks

22,23,13 28 error report
Environmental DKCPS I2C DKCPS-00 BF4C10 F1 Moderate Yes
error Communication DKCPS-10 BF4C12 F1 Moderate Yes
error DKCPS-01 BF4D10 F1 Moderate Yes
DKCPS-11 BF4D12 F1 Moderate Yes
DKCPS-02 BF4E10 F1 Moderate Yes
DKCPS-12 BF4E12 F1 Moderate Yes
DKCPS-03 BF4F10 F1 Moderate Yes
DKCPS-13 BF4F12 F1 Moderate Yes
DKCPS DKCPS-00 BF6010 F1 Moderate Yes
input voltage DKCPS-10 BF6012 F1 Moderate Yes
abnormality DKCPS-01 BF6110 F1 Moderate Yes
DKCPS-11 BF6112 F1 Moderate Yes
DKCPS-02 BF6210 F1 Moderate Yes
DKCPS-12 BF6212 F1 Moderate Yes
DKCPS-03 BF6310 F1 Moderate Yes
DKCPS-13 BF6312 F1 Moderate Yes

Hitachi Proprietary DKC810I
Rev.0 / Dec.2013 Copyright © 2013, Hitachi, Ltd.

Error REF code SIM Level of Host Remarks

22,23,13 28 error report
Environmental DKCFAN DKCFAN-00 BF7010 F1 Moderate Yes
error warning DKCFAN-10 BF7012 F1 Moderate Yes
DKCFAN-01 BF7110 F1 Moderate Yes
DKCFAN-11 BF7112 F1 Moderate Yes
DKCFAN-02 BF7210 F1 Moderate Yes
DKCFAN-12 BF7212 F1 Moderate Yes
DKCFAN-03 BF7310 F1 Moderate Yes
DKCFAN-13 BF7312 F1 Moderate Yes
DKCFAN-04 BF7410 F1 Moderate Yes
DKCFAN-14 BF7412 F1 Moderate Yes
DKCFAN-05 BF7511 F1 Moderate Yes
DKCFAN-15 BF7513 F1 Moderate Yes
DKCFAN-06 BF7611 F1 Moderate Yes
DKCFAN-16 BF7613 F1 Moderate Yes
DKCFAN-07 BF7711 F1 Moderate Yes
DKCFAN-17 BF7713 F1 Moderate Yes
DKCFAN-08 BF7811 F1 Moderate Yes
DKCFAN-18 BF7813 F1 Moderate Yes
DKCFAN-09 BF7911 F1 Moderate Yes
DKCFAN-19 BF7913 F1 Moderate Yes

Hitachi Proprietary DKC810I
Rev.0 / Dec.2013 Copyright © 2013, Hitachi, Ltd.

Error REF code SIM Level of Host Remarks

22,23,13 28 error report
SVP RAS SVP-BASIC BF85A3 F1 Moderate Yes
Switch#1 remains
Switch#1 remains
Communication DKC-0 BF90A0 F1 Moderate No
Error between MN1 detect
SSVP and MN DKC-0 BF90A1 F1 Moderate No
MN2 detect
MN Access error MN1 BF9AA0 F1 Moderate No
MN2 BF9AA1 F1 Moderate No
MN version DKC-0 BF9BA0 F1 Moderate No
disagreement DKC-1 BF9BA4 F1 Moderate No

Hitachi Proprietary DKC810I
Rev.0 / Dec.2013 Copyright © 2013, Hitachi, Ltd.

Error REF code SIM Level of Host Remarks

22,23,13 28 error report
Environmental Logic PS voltage DKC-0 BFA0A0 F1 Moderate No
error alarm CL 1
disagreement DKC-0 BFA0A1 F1 Moderate No
CL 2
DKC-1 BFA0A4 F1 Moderate No
CL 1
DKC-1 BFA0A5 F1 Moderate No
CL 2
Extrenal DKC-0 BFA2A0 F1 Moderate No
disagreement DKC-1 BFA2A4 F1 Moderate No

Internal DKC-0 BFA3A0 F1 Moderate No

temperature alarm CL 1
disagreement DKC-0 BFA3A1 F1 Moderate No
CL 2
DKC-1 BFA3A4 F1 Moderate No
CL 1
DKC-1 BFA3A5 F1 Moderate No
CL 2
Internal DKC-0 BFA4A0 F1 Moderate No
temperature CL 1
warning DKC-0 BFA4A1 F1 Moderate No
disagreement CL 2
DKC-1 BFA4A4 F1 Moderate No
CL 1
DKC-1 BFA4A5 F1 Moderate No
CL 2

Hitachi Proprietary DKC810I
Rev.0 / Dec.2013 Copyright © 2013, Hitachi, Ltd.

Error REF code SIM Level of Host Remarks

22,23,13 28 error report
Environmental PSOFFREQ I/F DKC-0 BFA5A0 F1 Moderate No
error disagreement PSOFFREQ1
DKC-0 BFA5A1 F1 Moderate No
DKC-1 BFA5A4 F1 Moderate No
DKC-1 BFA5A5 F1 Moderate No
PSOFFOK I/F DKC-0 BFA6A0 F1 Moderate No
disagreement CL 1
DKC-0 BFA6A1 F1 Moderate No
CL 2
DKC-1 BFA6A4 F1 Moderate No
CL 1
DKC-1 BFA6A5 F1 Moderate No
CL 2
SYSON I/F DKC-0 BFA7A0 F1 Moderate No
disagreement CL 1
DKC-0 BFA7A1 F1 Moderate No
CL 2
DKC-1 BFA7A4 F1 Moderate No
CL 1
DKC-1 BFA7A5 F1 Moderate No
CL 2
DKCPS I/F DKCPS-00 BFA8A0 F1 Moderate No
disagreement DKCPS-10 BFA8A4 F1 Moderate No
DKCPS-01 BFA9A0 F1 Moderate No
DKCPS-11 BFA9A4 F1 Moderate No
DKCPS-02 BFAAA0 F1 Moderate No
DKCPS-12 BFAAA4 F1 Moderate No
DKCPS-03 BFABA0 F1 Moderate No
DKCPS-13 BFABA4 F1 Moderate No

Hitachi Proprietary DKC810I
Rev.0 / Dec.2013 Copyright © 2013, Hitachi, Ltd.

Error REF code SIM Level of Host Remarks

22,23,13 28 error report
Environmental Communication DKC-0 MN1 BFACA0 F1 Moderate No
error Error between detect
MN and MN DKC-0 MN2 BFACA1 F1 Moderate No
DKC-1 MN1 BFACA4 F1 Moderate No
DKC-1 MN2 BFACA5 F1 Moderate No
Cable connection DKC-0 DKCPNL BFADA3 F1 Moderate No
error connection error
DKC-1 DKCPNL BFADA4 F1 Moderate No
connection error
connection error
PCTL/PNL DKC-0 MN BFAFA0 F1 Moderate No (*10)
abnormaly detect
DKC-1 MN BFAFA4 F1 Moderate No (*10)
DKC-0 MN BFB0A0 F1 Moderate No
DKC-1 MN BFB0A4 F1 Moderate No
DKC-0 MN BFB1A0 F1 Moderate No
error in SSVP
DKC-1 MN BFB1A4 F1 Moderate No
error in SSVP
DKC-0 BFB2A0 F1 Moderate No
PS status
DKC-1 BFB2A4 F1 Moderate No
PS status

Hitachi Proprietary DKC810I
Rev.0 / Dec.2013 Copyright © 2013, Hitachi, Ltd.

Error REF code SIM Level of Host Remarks

22,23,13 28 error report
Environmental PCTL/PNL DKC-0 EPO BFB4A0 F1 Moderate No
error abnormaly disagreement
DKC-1 EPO BFB4A4 F1 Moderate No
MODCON cable BFB5A4 F1 Moderate No
MODCON BFB6A0 F1 Moderate No
MODCON BFB6A4 F1 Moderate No
MODCON BFB7A0 F1 Moderate No
MODCON BFB7A4 F1 Moderate No
DKC ALARM LED light on BFC010 F1 Serious Yes
Duplex SVP Setup fail BFE3A2 F1 Moderate Yes
SVP FAN1 Error BFE400 F1 Moderate No
SVP FAN2 Error BFE401 F1 Moderate No
EXTENDER Hardware error BFE406 F1 Moderate No
USB interface error BFE407 F1 Moderate No
SVP receiving voltage error (CL1) BFE408 F1 Moderate No
SVP receiving voltage error (CL2) BFE409 F1 Moderate No

Hitachi Proprietary DKC810I
Rev.0 / Dec.2013 Copyright © 2013, Hitachi, Ltd.

Error REF code SIM Level of Host Remarks

22,23,13 28 error report
SVP failure Logical inconsistency 70XX00 F1 Moderate No (*1)
HEAP error 71XX00 F1 Moderate No (*1)
File error 72XX00 F1 Moderate No (*1)
LAN error 73XX00 F1 Moderate No (*1)
SSVP error 74XXXX F1 Moderate Yes (*2)
Windows error 75XX00 F1 Moderate No (*1)
CUDG3 detected CHA/DKA 760000 F1 Moderate No
error CACHE 760400 F1 Moderate No
LCDG3 detected error 761000 F1 Moderate No
Processor boot BOOT detected error 7900XY F1 Moderate No (*3), (*5)
SVP failure ISDN Router failure 7B0003 F1 Moderate Yes
Invalid SIM data detection 7C0500 F1 Service No
Reboot Stop SVP reboot is impossible 7C0000 F1 Moderate No
(Removable media inserted)
Battery Check Battery life is over 7C010X F1 Service No (*9)
Audit Log Host instruction configuration change 7C0200 F1 Moderate No
output failure
Audit Log Audit Log FTP Transfer failed 7C0300 F1 Moderate Yes
Dump Tool Dump Tool failed 7C0400 F1 Service Yes

Hitachi Proprietary DKC810I
Rev.0 / Dec.2013 Copyright © 2013, Hitachi, Ltd.

Error REF code SIM Level of Host Remarks

22,23,13 28 error report
MONITORING MP Operating MP 7E12XY F1 Moderate No (*3)
INFOR Ratio Error (*a)
-MATION Loss Of Signal Count (Fibre) Excess 7E20XY F1 Moderate No (*4)
Bad Received Character Count (Fibre) 7E21XY F1 Moderate No (*4)
Loss Of Synchronization Count (Fibre) 7E22XY F1 Moderate No (*4)
Link Failure Count (Fibre) Excess 7E23XY F1 Moderate No (*4)
Received EOFa Count (Fibre) Excess 7E24XY F1 Moderate No (*4)
Discarded Frame Count (Fibre) Excess 7E25XY F1 Moderate No (*4)
Bad CRC Count (Fibre) Excess 7E26XY F1 Moderate No (*4)
Protocol Error Count (Fibre) Excess 7E27XY F1 Moderate No (*4)
Expired Frame Count (Fibre) Excess 7E28XY F1 Moderate No (*4)
HTP/FNP multiplicity excess 7E29XY F1 Moderate No (*4)
HTP/FNP read data transfer ratio error 7E2CXY F1 Moderate No (*4)
HTP/FNP write data transfer ratio error 7E2DXY F1 Moderate No (*4)
HTP/FNP operating ratio error 7E2EXY F1 Moderate No (*4)
Read Hit Ratio Excess 7E3000 FE Moderate No
Cache Use Ratio Error 7EAXYY F2 Moderate No (*11)
Cache Write Pending Ratio Error 7EBXYY F2 Moderate No (*11)
Cache MCU Side File Use Ratio Error 7ECXYY F2 Moderate No (*11)

(*a) When System Option Mode 967 is set to turning on, there is host report.

Hitachi Proprietary DKC810I
Rev.0 / Dec.2013 Copyright © 2013, Hitachi, Ltd.

Error REF code SIM Level of Host Remarks

22,23,13 28 error report
Pair Failure TC-MF/TC 7FF100 F1 Service No
SIM Reduce SI-MF/SI 7FF102 F1 Service No
UR 7FF103 F1 Service No
TI 7FF104 F1 Service No
FlashCopy (R) 7FF105 F1 Service No
Dual SVP Standby SVP fail 7FF2XX F1 Moderate No (*7)
SVP fail over 7FF3XX F1 Moderate No (*7)
SVP failure The term of validity is over 7FF7XX F1 Serious Yes (*6)
License key The capacity of validity is over 7FF8XX F1 Serious Yes (*6)
The PP is invalid by assumption PP 7FF9XX F1 Serious Yes (*6)
Synchronization Synchronization time failure 7FFA00 F1 Service Yes
Dump received WCHK1 dump 3080XY F1 Moderate No (*3), (*8)
Processor error DKC Blockade 30A100 F1 Acute Yes

Hitachi Proprietary DKC810I
Rev.0 / Dec.2013 Copyright © 2013, Hitachi, Ltd.

(*1) Contents of byte 23 when a logical error, a HEEP error, a file error, a LAN error or Windows
error occurred
Byte 23 Content
0x00 Dump task
0x01 DKU inline
0x02 Microprogram change (online)
0x03 Information
0x05 PATH inline
0x06 Back Ground
0x07 DIAG
0x08 Install
0x09 Online
0x0A Microprogram change (offline)
0x0B Special PCB maintenance
0x0C Common communication function
0xFF Other AP

Hitachi Proprietary DKC810I
Rev.0 / Dec.2013 Copyright © 2013, Hitachi, Ltd.

(*2) Contents of byte 23 and byte 13 when a SSVP logical error occurred
Byte23 Byte13 Content
00 01 SSVP ROM SUM Check error (Recovered)
00 02 SSVP RAM RD/WR Error (Recovered)
00 50 Software error (Parameter Error)
10 60 Recovering SVP Communication
10 FF SSVP Failure detected by SVP
50 01 Environment Monitor Register RD/WR error

Hitachi Proprietary DKC810I
Rev.0 / Dec.2013 Copyright © 2013, Hitachi, Ltd.

(*3) Contents of Byte 13 when an MP error occurred

X : MPB# : MPB consecutive numbers in the device. See the table below show relations with
the PCB Location.

Device Module Cluster MPB Location
Basic Module Cluster-1 MPB-1MA x‘00’ ~ x‘07’
(Module#0) MPB-1MB x‘10’ ~ x‘17’
MPB-1PE x‘20’ ~ x‘27’
MPB-1PF x‘30’ ~ x‘37’
Cluster-2 MPB-2MA x‘40’ ~ x‘47’
MPB-2MB x‘50’ ~ x‘57’
MPB-2PE x‘60’ ~ x‘67’
MPB-2PF x‘70’ ~ x‘77’
Option Module Cluster-1 MPB-1MC x‘80’ ~ x‘87’
(Module#1) MPB-1MD x‘90’ ~ x‘97’
MPB-1PL x‘a0’ ~ x‘a7’
MPB-1PM x‘b0’ ~ x‘b7’
Cluster-2 MPB-2MC x‘c0’ ~ x‘c7’
MPB-2MD x‘d0’ ~ x‘d7’
MPB-2PL x‘e0’ ~ x‘e7’
MPB-2PM x‘f0’ ~ x‘f7’

Hitachi Proprietary DKC810I
Rev.0 / Dec.2013 Copyright © 2013, Hitachi, Ltd.

(*4) Contents of Byte 13 when a Port error occurred

High 5 Bit of YY indicates the CHA PCB#. Low 3 Bit of YY indicates the Port# in PCB. See
the table below show relations with the PCB Location.
Bit# 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

CHA PCB# Port# in PCB

Device Module Cluster CHA PCB Location
CHA PCB# + Port# (HEX)
Basic Module Cluster-1 CHA-1PC x‘00’ ~ x‘07’
(Module#0) CHA-1PD x‘08’ ~ x‘0F’
CHA-1PE x‘10’ ~ x‘17’
CHA-1PF x‘18’ ~ x‘1F’
CHA-1PA x‘20’ ~ x‘27’
CHA-1PB x‘28’ ~ x‘2F’
Cluster-2 CHA-2PC x‘40’ ~ x‘47’
CHA-2PD x‘48’ ~ x‘4F’
CHA-2PE x‘50’ ~ x‘57’
CHA-2PF x‘58’ ~ x‘5F’
CHA-2PA x‘60’ ~ x‘67’
CHA-2PB x‘68’ ~ x‘6F’
Option Module Cluster-1 CHA-1PJ x‘80’ ~ x‘87’
(Module#1) CHA-1PK x‘88’ ~ x‘8F’
CHA-1PL x‘90’ ~ x‘97’
CHA-1PM x‘98’ ~ x‘9F’
CHA-1PG x‘A0’ ~ x‘A7’
CHA-1PH x‘A8’ ~ x‘AF’
Cluster-2 CHA-2PJ x‘C0’ ~ x‘C7’
CHA-2PK x‘C8’ ~ x‘CF’
CHA-2PL x‘D0’ ~ x‘D7’
CHA-2PM x‘D8’ ~ x‘DF’
CHA-2PG x‘E0’ ~ x‘E7’
CHA-2PH x‘E8’ ~ x‘EF’

Hitachi Proprietary DKC810I
Rev.0 / Dec.2013 Copyright © 2013, Hitachi, Ltd.

(*5) Execute the following procedures according to the error code of initialization function which
is shown in 5C-5F byte of the SSB with error code 3309. Also, the SSB is the relative log of
SIM with the reference code 7900xx or 7901xx.
Code (4-bytes) Procedures Note
21000041 PCB Replace Replace the package with another new one.
31000041 MP-Install Execute it when the PS OFF is executed with
Maintenance Jumper to install the micro-programs.
 PS OFF Execute them when you have forgotten to pull out
 Pull out the Maintenance Maintenance Jumper in the normal PS ON.
42000041  MP-Install Use the same package in .
 PCB Replace
48000041 (NOTE1)
55000041 PCB Replace Replace the package with another new one.
56000041  SVP Replace Use the same package in .
 MP-Install
 PCB Replace
others  MP-Install Use the same package in .
 PCB Replace
Never fail to make sure the installed micro program version and the each processor’s status by
displaying the status (Status display) after the above procedures is finished.
Then, for the micro program version, “Major Version” and “MP Each Version” must be confirmed.

Reference address are as follows.

PCB Replace REP01-300 ~ 310
SVP Replace REP01-320 (Work ID : RTC6)
MP-Install MICRO05-10
SSB with the error code 3309 SSBLOG05-2090

NOTE1:  Confirm the PCB name of the package that is set now.
 • In the case that the package is the same as the type of the package which you
specified in the define configuration:
(a) MP-Install
(b) PCB Replace (Use the same package)
• In the case that the package is not same as the type of the package that you
specified in the define configuration information:
(a) MP-Install
NOTE2: If this error has occurred in PS ON process of DKC in the condition that is described
below, execute not PCB Replace but PS OFF and ON after MP Install.
• Instantaneous down without PS OFF immediately after Non Stop SCSI Host micro-
program exchange and SM is volatile.
• DKC in not Ready.
• Power Event Log (PWE) is not reported from any MP.
• SIM 7900 is reported from all CHF PCBs.
Hitachi Proprietary DKC810I
Rev.0 / Dec.2013 Copyright © 2013, Hitachi, Ltd.

(*6) Contents of Byte13 of an SVP failure license key refer to the following lists.
Confirm the Program Product Installation status (Capacity, a period) at the [License Key]
screen of Storage Navigator.

Byte13 P.P. name (HDS) P.P. name (HP)

0x00 TrueCopy for z/OS (R) Continuous Access Synchronous for Mainframe
0x02 Compatible XRC Compatible XRC
0x03 TrueCopy Continuous Access Synchronous
0x05 ShadowImage for z/OS (R) Business Copy for Mainframe
0x07 Compatible FlashCopy (R) V2 Compatible FlashCopy (R) V2
0x08 ShadowImage Business Copy
0x09 Universal Replicator for z/OS (R) Continuous Access Journal for Mainframe
0x0A Universal Replicator Continuous Access Journal
0x0B Universal Volume Manager External Storage
0x0D Virtual LVI 
0x0E Open Volume Management System Array Management
0x11 Volume Retention Manager 
0x12 Data Retention Utility 
0x13 LUN Manager Open Array Management
0x14 Cache Residency Manager for z/OS (R) 
0x15 Cache Residency Manager 
0x16 Performance Monitor Performance Monitor
0x17 Volume Migration Auto LUN
0x18 Server Priority Manager Peformance Control
0x19 PAV Parallel Access Volumes
0x1B Storage Navigator Remote Web Console
0x1C SNMP Agent SNMP Agent
0x20 Configuration File Loader 
0x21 Virtual Partition Manager 
0x22 Volume Shredder 
0x23 Volume Migration V2 Auto LUN V2
0x26 Dynamic Provisioning Thin Provisioning
0x27 Disaster Recovery Extended Cont Access Journal 3DC & 4x4 Open MF
0x28 Compatible Hyper PAV Hyper Parallel Access Volumes
0x29 FICON (R) Data Migration FICON (R) Data Migration
0x2D Compatible High Performance Connectivity for Compatible High Performance FICON (R)
FICON (R) Connectivity
0x2E Dynamic Tiering Smart Tiers
0x2F SMI-S Provider SMI-S
(To be continued)

Hitachi Proprietary DKC810I
Rev.0 / Dec.2013 Copyright © 2013, Hitachi, Ltd.

(Continued from the preceding page)

Byte13 P.P. name (HDS) P.P. name (HP)
0x30 Dynamic Provisioning for Mainframe Thin Provisioning for Mainframe
0x31 Resource Partition Manager Resource Partition
0x32 Compatible Software for IBM (R) Compatible FlashCopy SE
FlashCopy (R) SE
0x33 Dynamic Tiering for Mainframe Smart Tiers for Mainframe
0x35 Thin Image Fast Snap

(*7) REF CODE 13XX


Hitachi Proprietary DKC810I
Rev.0 / Dec.2013 Copyright © 2013, Hitachi, Ltd.

(*8) When the DKC is Twin DKC configuration, there is a possibility of the power outage or the
WCHK1 failure by the power failure in the equipment. Therefore, refer to “3.37 Receiving
WCHK1 Dump” (TRBL03-37-10).

(*9) Contents of Byte 13 when a BKM error occurred

Byte 13 BKM Location
00 BKM-1BA
01 BKM-2BA
02 BKM-1BB
03 BKM-2BB
04 BKM-1BC
05 BKM-2BC
06 BKM-1BD
07 BKM-2BD

(*10) This SIM REF code may be created when REF code BF4XXX (PS system warning failure) is
created. (Refer to TRBL03-23-10.)

X : MPB Location
X MPB Location

Hitachi Proprietary DKC810I
Rev.0 / Dec.2013 Copyright © 2013, Hitachi, Ltd.

3. SIM Format
SIM Format (DKC SIM SSB28 = x‘F1’)

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
0 x‘00’
1 Permanent ‘0’ ‘1’ x‘0’
2 ‘0’ ‘1’ x‘0’
3 x‘0000’
5 Device Type (ORB CODE)
6 Serial # Device Track ‘0’ Format (x‘F’)
valid address address
valid valid
7 SIM sense record ID (x‘E0’)
8 Range subject to the error (*1) Range affected by repair (*2)
9 Level of error (*3) Number of Number of Number of Number of Status (*8) 0
faulty SPs SPs in faulty affected
(*4) SSID (*5) SSIDs (*6) SSIDs (*7)
10 Resend (‘0000000’)
SIM (*9)
11 Hardware level (*10)
12 Hardware level (*10)
13 Isolation code (*11)
14 SSB ID SIM sequence number (SIM log record #) SVP ID
(*12) (*13)
17 DKC serial number
18 (x‘0D05’+DKC sequence number)
20 SSID of self storage system
22 Symptom code (*14)
24 Logging and Message Control (*15)
25 Program action code (x‘10’)
26 Dual Frame EDCC ‘00’ Asynchro- Serial Report ‘0’
Mode nous channel output (1)
27 ‘0’ ‘0000’ Extension Fenced
path storage path
28 x‘F1’
29 Affected SSID
31 x‘00’

Hitachi Proprietary DKC810I
Rev.0 / Dec.2013 Copyright © 2013, Hitachi, Ltd.

SIM Format (CACHE SIM SSB28 = x‘F2’)

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
0 x‘00’
1 Permanent ‘0’ ‘1’ x‘0’
2 ‘0’ ‘1’ x‘0’
3 x‘0000’
5 Device Type (ORB CODE)
6 Serial # Device Track ‘0’ Format (x‘F’)
valid address address
valid valid
7 SIM sense record ID (x‘E0’)
8 Range subject to the error (*1) Range affected by repair (*2)
9 Level of error (*3) Number of Number of Number of Number of Status (*8) 0
faulty SPs SPs in faulty affected
(*4) SSID (*5) SSIDs (*6) SSIDs (*7)
10 Resend (‘0000000’)
SIM (*9)
11 Hardware level (*10)
12 Hardware level (*10)
13 Isolation code (*11)
14 SSB ID SIM sequence number (SIM log record #) SVP ID
(*12) (*13)
17 DKC serial number
18 (x‘0D05’+DKC sequence number)
20 SSID of self storage system
22 Symptom code (*14)
24 Logging and Message Control (*15)
25 Program action code (x‘10’)
26 Dual Frame EDCC ‘00’ Asynchro- Serial Report ‘0’
Mode nous channel output
27 ‘0’ ‘0000’ Extension Fenced storage path
28 x‘F2’
29 Affected SSID
31 x‘00’

Hitachi Proprietary DKC810I
Rev.0 / Dec.2013 Copyright © 2013, Hitachi, Ltd.

SIM Format (DEVICE SIM SSB28 = x‘FE’)

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
0 x‘0000’
2 Storage Control Type (x‘06’)
3 x‘00’
4 Affected SP Device Address
5 Device Type
6 Serial # Device Track ‘0’ Format (x‘F’)
valid address address
valid valid
(*12) (*13)
8 Device Exception (x‘1’) Service Message (*16)
9 Level of error (*3) ‘000000’
10 Resend (‘0000000’)
SIM (*9)
11 Exception Class Fru List Code (x‘80’)
12 Hardware and Microcode Corequisite Indicator (x‘01’)
13 Device Address (See reference code)
14 Action Flag (x‘05’)
17 Drive serial number
18 (x‘0D05’+DKU sequence number)
20 SSID of self storage system
22 Symptom code (*14)
24 Logging & Message Control (*15)
25 Program Action Code (x‘10’)
26 Dual Frame EDCC x‘0’ x‘0’ Asynchro- Serial ‘1’ ‘0’
Mode nous Channel
27 x‘0’ x‘0’ Extension Storage path
28 x‘FE’
30 x‘000000’

Hitachi Proprietary DKC810I
Rev.0 / Dec.2013 Copyright © 2013, Hitachi, Ltd.

SIM Format (MEDIA SIM SSB28 = x‘FF’)

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
0 x‘0000’
2 Storage Control Type (x‘06’)
3 x‘00’
4 Affected SP Device Address
5 Device Type
6 Serial # Device Track ‘0’ Format (x‘F’)
valid address address
valid valid
(*12) (*13)
8 Device Exception (x‘1’) Service Message (x‘1’)
9 Level of error (*3) Media Maintenance Procedure Number
(correctable: x‘07’, uncorrectable: x‘05’)
10 Resend (‘0000000’)
SIM (*9)
11 Exception Class Fru List Code (x‘80’)
12 Hardware and Microcode Corequisite Indicator (x‘01’)
13 Device Address (See reference code)
14 Correctable: x‘87’, uncorrectable: x‘85’
17 Drive serial number
18 (x‘0D05’+DKU sequence number)
20 SSID of self storage system
22 Symptom code (*14)
24 Logging & Message Control (*15)
25 Program Action Code (x‘10’)
26 Dual Frame EDCC x‘0’ x‘0’ Asynchro- Serial ‘1’ ‘0’
Mode nous Channel
27 x‘0’ x‘0’ Extension Storage path
28 x‘FF’
29 Cylinder Address High
30 Cylinder Address Low
31 Head Address

Hitachi Proprietary DKC810I
Rev.0 / Dec.2013 Copyright © 2013, Hitachi, Ltd.

(*1) Range subject to the error

 When byte 28 is x‘F1’ (DKC SIM)  When byte 28 is x‘F2’ (CACHE SIM)
x‘0’: Not used x‘0’: Not used
x‘1’: Error range not known x‘1’: Error range not known
x‘2’: SP error x‘2’: Error between SP and CACHE
x‘3’: CHL-I error x‘3’: CACHE error
x‘4’: Not affect performance x‘4’: DC/FW error
x‘5’ to x‘F’: Not used x‘5’: FW error
x‘6’ to x‘F’: Not used

(*2) Range affected by repair

 When byte 28 is x‘F1’(DKC SIM)  When byte 28 is x‘F2’ (CACHE SIM)
x‘0’: Not used x‘0’: Not used
x‘1’: Repair range not known x‘1’: Repair range not known
x‘2’: Repair does not affect performance x‘2’: Repair does not affect performance
x‘3’: SP disabled during repair x‘3’: CACHE error
x‘4’: SSID disabled during repair x‘4’: DC/FW error
x‘5’ to x‘F’: Not used x‘5’: FW error
x‘6’ to x‘F’: Not used

(*3) Level of error

B‘00’: Service SIM
B‘01’: Moderate SIM
B‘10’: Serious SIM
B‘11’: Acute SIM

(*4) Number of faulty SPs

B‘0’: 1 SP
B‘1’: 2 SPs

(*5) Number of SPs in SSID

B‘0’: 2 SPs
B‘1’: 4 SPs

(*6) Number of faulty SSIDs

B‘0’: 1
B‘1’: 2

(*7) Number of affected SSIDs

B‘0’: 1
B‘1’: 2

Hitachi Proprietary DKC810I
Rev.0 / Dec.2013 Copyright © 2013, Hitachi, Ltd.

(*8) Status
B‘0’: Degeneration
B‘1’: Stop

(*9) Resend SIM

B‘0’: Not resent SIM
B‘1’: Resent SIM

(*10) Hardware level

Bit 0: ESCON hardware level

[When bit 0 is 0] [When bit 0 is 1]

Bit 1: Not used Bit 1: Not used
Bits 2-3: Report storage path Bits 2-3: Error storage path
Bits 4-5: Number of channels per Bits 4-7: Number of channels per
cluster cluster
B‘00’ = 4 0000: Metal = 4, ESCON = 0
B‘01’ = 8 0001: Metal = 8, ESCON = 0
B‘10’ = Not used 0010: Metal = 4, ESCON = 2
B‘11’ = Not used 0100: Metal = 4, ESCON = 4
Bit 6: NVS 0110: Metal = 0, ESCON = 2
B‘0’ = No NVS 1000: Metal = 0, ESCON = 4
B‘1’ = NVS provided 1010: Metal = 0, ESCON = 8
Bit 7: Not used 1100: Metal = 0, ESCON = 6
Bits 8-10: Cache size Bit 8: Dual frame
000: Non cache 0: Dual frame
001: 256MB 1: Modular power
010: 512MB Bits 9-11: Cache size
011: 768MB 000: Non cache
100: 1024MB 001: 256MB
101: 1280MB 010: 512MB
110: 1536MB 011: 768MB
111: Over 1536MB 100: 1024MB
Bits 11-13: Cluster hardware level 101: 1280MB
Bits 14-15: Cache/NVS hardware level 110: 1536MB
111: Over 1536MB
Bits 12-13: Cluster hardware level
Bits 14-15: Cache/NVS hardware level

(*11) Isolation code

Byte 13  X‘00’ Bytes 22 and 23 are a symptom code.
Byte 13 = X‘00’ Bytes 22 and 23 are an isolation code. This byte is byte 2 of the
association code.

Hitachi Proprietary DKC810I
Rev.0 / Dec.2013 Copyright © 2013, Hitachi, Ltd.

(*12) SSB ID
B‘0’ = SVP
B‘1’ = SP

(*13) SVP ID
B‘0’ = SVP1
B‘1’ = SVP2

(*14) Symptom code

See bytes 22 and 23 of the reference codes listed in Sections 2.1 and 2.2.

(*15) Logging and Message control

Bit 0 - 3: Not used
Bit 4 - 5: Logging
B‘00’: Do not log
B‘01’: Unconditional log
B‘10’: Log only once
B‘11’: Log only if persistent
Bit 6 - 7: Operator message
B‘00’: No message
B‘01’: Unconditional message
B‘10’: Send only once
B‘11’: Send only if persistent

(*16) Service Message

x‘1’: Action
x‘C’: No action


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